“‘A‘ND’fGRA CRITSHED __ ' S LOAM & FILL. cusrom canton ‘l PLOL’GHING & DISCING C(iRRrsroxorn'r; L. wflï¬sin '-’â€" l Trousseau Tea M RS. ' 7-22ll _ - On Sunday afternoon, Septem- “ ‘ qt A‘ enue ) Thornh'†lhcr 14. .i trousseau tea was held l centre k . â€" v , - - v ~ - w“ l in honor of a bride-to-bc. Miss ’ ’ ~ i I V T J;..):..'.i Grunmn, iii the home of [35â€"4 llllll‘ he.‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold II. I i "l Illflflmllllllllllll Giaiam. . IIMlIl-UE Mrs. Graham and the grooms ' mother Mrs. Ii. \‘vatson wore wine HOI’CO Antomatlc and green tali‘eva gowns. “Bar- bara's grandmother. Mrs. Viilson Hard Coal Burner Automatic Ash Removal Bin Fed SAVES UP TO 50 P.C. 0N HEATING COST of Toronto and Mrs. llelcn Baggs of Thornhili, poured tea. Mrs. Beth Burrows and Miss Eileen Mc- Kee, Mrs. Jean Vi atson, Miss Mar- ilyn Graham showed the bride's gifts. Barbara‘s marriage to Rob- ert Watson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth \iatson. will take place at St. Phillips Anglican Church on Saturday. The young couple will be motoring to New York to spend their honeymoon. . O C I Miss Anne Hill who has under- gone an ear operation in Toronto Hospital is improving. O O U I » Fall Show , A splendid Fall Flower and Veg- ,etable show was recently held by Unionville Horticultural Society in the basement of Central United Church. J. Tifl'in who is the Dis- trict Director of No. 5, was the speaker and judge. The exhibits were exceptionally ï¬ne. Among those winning a number of prizes for flowers were: Mrs. Lyle Boadway, Mrs. E. Case- ley. Mrs. Don Allison. Mrs. J. A. Fleming. while the high winners .for vegetables were Mrs. George Barker and Mrs. E. Caseley. This was the ï¬rst year the Un- ionville branch had a Juvenile Sec- tion for boys and girls under 15. Charles Barker and his sister Eliz- abeth, were high winners. In the Name the Flower Contest. Miss Farr of Helen Ave., was the win- ner. Mr. Tiffin in his address spoke of his trip on horticultural busin- ess to Schumacher and other points north and advised his listeners to visit these towns to see their ï¬ne exhibits. JONES COAL 00. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw and fam- ily have moved to Newmarket. O O ' O Mothers Auxiliary A successful bazaar and tea was held by the Mothers Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Geo. Carey East Drive, Saturday afternoon. There was baking and sewing and white elephant tables as well as many other items which were almost completely sold. The two tea cup readers. Mrs. W. Bailey of Lang- staff and Mrs. Ormiston of Helen Ave., were one of the main attrac- tions. Financially the afternoon was very successful. 0 O O 0 On Monday night of last week at the home of Frank Wayne, Main St., about 30 members of the Elec- trical Contractors Association, Zone 37, held their monthly meet- ing. There was a display by Wes- tinghouse and a talk on fluorescent lighting. One of the guests of the evening was Wm. ‘Booth, who is secretary-manager of the Electric- al Contractors Association of Ont. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1851, NE-w & USED FARM EQUIPMENT FOREUUE I‘M V‘ NEW Tractors, various sizes and models Rubber-Tired Wagons (with or without Tires) Manure Spreaders â€" Power take-OE, tractor drawn or horse-drawn MARKHAM 2 Shows Nightly 7.30, 9.30 Sat" continuous from 7 Saturday Matinee 2 pm. Last Showing Tonight of: Ono-wa Disco Double Disco Goblo Dyiscs Packers Hong Kong Tractor Plowo Drills (In Technicolor) with Ronald Reagan Front End Loaders Rhonda Fleming Grain Grinders USED Fri., Sat., Sept. 26, 27 GIANT DOUBLE BILL _ Ford Tractor Sound Off 1.: International W30 Tractor (in color) Massey-Harris No. 81 with Mickey Rooney l Massey-Harris l3-hoe Drill Plus 1 International 15-disc Grain Drill with power an and tractor hitch 1 International l3-Disc Grain & Fertilizer Drill with tractorhitch ..... . l Massey-Harris Corn Binder Cockshutt Manure Spreader â€" horse-drawn on rubber Tractor Plows - 2 furrow and 3 furrow Goble Disc Disc Plows Grain Grinders Indian Uprising (in color) with George Montgomery Mon., Tues., Sept. 29, 30 I Dream of Jeannie (in color) Ray Middleton Bill Shirley Wed" Thurs., Oct: 1, 2 Lone Star starring Clark Gable Ava Gardner Broderick Crawford Don't Miss Singing in the Rain (in Technicolor) Mon. Tue. Wed. Oct. 6. 7. 8 Monday, September 29 shows change to 7 & 9 pm. _________ Harold W. Morison Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer YONGE ST. . RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1722 \\DI\\\U\\lllilllIllllllIIllllllililllllllllllllllllll‘llIllIIlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllll Lino 'l‘ile Service 10 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1782 . W UP TO $100 FOR YOUR OLD; \X/ASHER ADMIRAL TELEVISIDN& REFRIGERATORS - USED BEATTY WASHER $15 LINOLEUMS - MOORE PAINT . VENETIAN BLINDS il'llllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllll\lllIllIlllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllOlmmtlmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllilllllllilllllllllihll Whitmmmmmmumnmmn mm .- “mm gilllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll\lmlllllullmmmllhlllllllllllmltmlm"‘1“-i " I “ UNIONVILLE NEWS IliN. l{_\l.\lii , l .\l0.\\'|I.LE l’hone L'nionville IIZJ E 4â€"â€" I Miss Augusta Caldwcll of Bai'rie‘ is having a holiday \vitn her sister. Mrs. E. Caseley. 3 0 O I Mr. and Mrs. John McClaren. of Kennedy Road, held open houw to their friends to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. 0 O U I Mrs. M. Minton of L'nionvilie and II. Ogden and daughter Dor- een and Derricit L'.i;....,.... .. Stouii‘ville recently attended the Maple Leafâ€"Montreal ball game in Toronto. They spent the e\ening with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald. Toronto. Mrs. H. 11. Powers, East Drive, received word last week that her nephew Charles Reesor and wife of Port Perry were the proud par- ents of a baby son. 0 O C U A number of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Bruce Coupcr- thwaitc to honor Miss June Coup- erthwaite at a miscellaneous show- er. June is to be married on Sep- tember 27 to William Brutt. O U U 0 Mrs; F. Frisby spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Powers who marked her 53rd anniversary on that day. 0". Mr. and Mrs. Bert Saunders of Elgiii Mills called recently at the home of Mrs. Rainey on their way to Baker Hill north of Ringwood. where they visited the Baker fam- ilies. O O t 0 Mr. and Mrs. Reid Bowes of Ag- incourt have now got settled in their new home on East Drive. 0 O O 0 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Mayâ€" nard have returned from their 31.2 months’ voyage, visiting many friends in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. a t t 1 Miss Vera Pearce who has been a dressmaker here for many years is moving to Toronto. She will be missed by her friends in this dis- trict. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Miss Viola Foster of Unionville and Ken Thompson of Markham visited her aunt Mrs. Connell of the Cream of Barley Camp, Bow- manville Wednesday evening. 0 O O O A group of friends and neigh- bors spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. E. McArthur on Helen Ave. when they presented gifts to Mrs. Geo. Marshall, at a miscellaneous shower. 0 O I C The Bethesda Lutheran Church of Unionville held Harvest Home services on Sunday, September 14. Professor L. Schaus of Waterloo College was the guest speaker. a a a: a . Mrs. L. Bailey of Langstaï¬ vls- ited friends in Unionville on Sat- urday evening . O O O 0 Congratulations to Mrs. Cather- ine Arthurs, Unionville, who was one of the lucky Bulova watch winners in the Starkman Chemists Match My Number contest. 0 O O 0 Miss McClaren of Toronto spent a day or two last week at the home of her brother, John Mc- Claren. ' O O O 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blundeil spent the week end at the home of their nephew, Connie Blundell, Barrie, Out. 0 o o 0 Mrs. Deitrich, who has been spending the summer months vis- iting her relatives in England, has now returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. R. James. '0'. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr on the birth of their son Brian at Markham Nursing Home on Tuesday. September 9. C O O 0 Mrs. Pilkington of Sabiston Dr., left on Tuesday night for England. She plans to make her home in England. ##tt W. L. Clarke is spending two weeks at Ottawa travelling among the farms in connection with the coming plowing match. ' O O I 0 Gordon Minton spent the week end at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Tim O‘Neil at Goodwood. O O O O ' Mrs. Edna Wake of Ottawa and Mrs. T. Findlay of Thornhili visit- edMonday evening with Mrs. Rainey at the Queen's Hotel. 0 O O 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas and son spent the week-end at Paris. 0 O O 0 Mrs. A. L. Brown spent a couple of days last week at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Beth Thornleo at Zephyr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weatherill spent the week-end visiting friends in London. I O O I Mr. and Mrs. Skerett left this week to return to England where they will make their home. U C U C Mrs. H. Brookï¬eld and Miss Marie Sydall visited Mrs. Brook- ï¬eld's daughter, Mrs. Leona N00- nan at Weston on Tuesday last. . O O I The District of Unionville was shocked to hear of the accidental death of Ralph Frisby of Toronto- Mr. Frisby who was hit by a car died suddenly. He was very well known in this district and leaves to mourn his widow. Annie Allen. one daughter Alma iMrs. H. Scott» and a sister. Mrs. Hattie Forster of Cashel. and a brother. Ernest Frisby. New Liskeard He was a brother of the late Frank Frisby of Unionville. Fun- eral service was held from York? Bros. Chapel. Toronto. on Friday" afternoon. with interment at Pine. Hills Cemetery 0 O 0 t Mrs. Graydon Willouby. Mrs J- F. Hambly of Ottawa and Miss MU- riel Haley of Cornwall and Ar- thur Haley of Trinidad are spend-l ing a few day - with (l. lianibiy l I I Miss Barbara Barraclough of Beavericn has nov. Joined ...c or.†manent siaii 2.1 the Bell Teiephori" ctiice here and i- murmur \~.. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith. I i I CARRVILLE NEWS Corr.: w .. . >.. 't \\t';‘..‘ A large congregation was pres- cut at Carrville United Church ‘zst Sunday. The junior choir mem- bers were present and assisted with the worship service and sang' "Sirnrling in the Market Place" v'ith Mary George singini a verse. Rev. IT. IS. Kent's sermon topic was on Hope. 3“. Home and School The Carrville Home and School Association executive met on Mon- day night and were informed by the president that there is to be a workshop at Charles Ilowitt school on 'l‘bursday. October 2 for the York-Simcoe Association. The regular iiiet~tingof Home and School will be held Thursday. October 9. and will take the form of a “Meet the Teachers“ night, as well as Membership Night. There will be further notice of this meeting. 0 0 0 ‘ Presentation For Newlyweds A very pleasant evening was spent by the Carrville neighbours of Mr .and Mrs. Stan Wood at their home on Thursday when the friends gathered to present their son and daughter-inâ€"law. Mr. and Mrs. George Wood. who were re- cently married. with a gift from the community. On behalf of the friends. Mrs. Bert Middleton expressed her pleasure at being asked to present the couple with two pair of flan- nelette blankets and a gift of mon- ey. George and his bride were very pleased to receive the gifts and expressed much appreciation of them. Several ladies assisted Mrs. Wood in serving lunch. O O 0 t Misses Ena and Mabel Lidstone and Mrs. Jack Lidstone and daugh- ter Elinor Lidstone of Victoria Harbour and Wm. Lidstone and Mrs. Lidstone. and baby Jane of Lansing. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Middleton and family. Dr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Walker and children Lois and MARKET No. 7_ Highway and Kennedy Road FRESH BOILING FRESH Round or Square End Coffee ' Macaroni a SMOKED SLICED SIDE BAOON PORK ROAST , STEER BEEF {Round Steak or Roast lb. 79 Rump Roast lb. 69 Cooked Ham Tea (Broken Orange Pekoe) llh. Bag 69 FRESHLY GROUND FOR ANY TYPE COFFEE MAKER Jelly Powders Lemon Pie Filling Cream StyleCor Monarch Flour 24-Ib. Bag Mrs. Sort Middleton Telephone Maple 130r3 ‘._._â€"â€"â€"-â€"Y may zlllllllllC \vziiker of lngcrsoll also called on Saturday. The Wal- kers were on their way to the Vet- erinary Convention at Fredericton, New Brunswick. . t n . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. 1)ru|nm of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton. *- m o t Mrs. Robinson of (.7 lverston, England. visited with Mr. Frank Lamb >e\'(‘l‘;il days last week and Mr. and Mrs. .Ios. Lamb and famâ€" ily of Toronto visited them Sun- day. Mrs. .105. Lamb had just re- turned from a trip to Ireland, visit- ing her brother and also the Wil- sons in England. Obituary Late Peter Donahue Peter Donahue of Pomanda Rd. Unionville. died at his home on Wednesday. September 17, in his 72an year. He had lived formerly in Mimi- co where he was an employee of the Acme Paint Company, Long Branch. He was closely associat- ted with Harold and Gertrude Hig- gins. and George and Lillian Welch of Mimico and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKee of Unionville. The funeral service was held on Saturday, September 20. from the Ogden Funeral Home. Agincourt, with interment in the Lutheran Cemetery, Unlqnville. Mr. Dona- hue. who was of a very kind and quiet nature will be greatly miss- ed in this community. â€"â€"_â€"_â€"___ h PIPE CUT & THREADED SASH GLAZED PICKED UP & DELIVERED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded We Deliver TU. 4-2101 LEG OR BUTT lb. THINLY SLICED BY MACHINE ALL FLAVORS CHOICE QUALITY 20 OZ. (Bulk) 3 NEW BRUNSWICK l ARNOLD. FARMS MARKET OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’OLOOK WHEN YOU SHOP WITH USâ€"YOU HAVE FULL MEASURE IN SHOP- PING PLEASURE AND A PLEASANT SURPRISE AS TO PRICE- 33 Fowng 3 23 3 for 25 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, Sept. 25, 1952 “7. FURNITURE 3 NEW AND USED - 'WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY“ CLIFFORD, 15 Seccomoe St. A: ONE MILE EAST AT STOP 14- A YONGE . F_‘l1¢- h) 34 solvmtum ll FARMS No. 7 Highway and 'Don Mills Road YOUNO TURKEYS s to 15 lbs. FRESH HOME FED LAMB FRONTS LOINS ' ' 35 â€l- 59 FRESH EGGS Grade “A†Large Pullets Medum sows NO. 1 WHITE HONEY NEW PACK 43 TIN 85 Per Ili. lb. 89 lb. 85 2 Tins 29 1.65 lbs. 1.5