Wmmwmxmum\mmmmmumumummmmmuummuummuu\mmmuummmummmmNE mmmmmnï¬ium1\1n\\\11\nunnmmummmmmmuumnunmmtmummmmmmummmnuummummummmmummg E'AND, GEWEL,’ VCRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL, CUSTOM GARDEN PLOUGHING & DISCING MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE RICHMOND HILL Centre St. One-way Discs Goble Discs Tractor Plows Grain Grinders You can have your present furnace or boiler converted to an automatic hard coal burner by installing a HERCO Con- version UNIT. The conversion unit can be ï¬tted to most conventional boilers or fur- naces of equal rating. Coal feed and ash removal is completely automatic. Richmond Hill AUTOMATIC BURNER at Low Cost The " HERCO " Conversion UNIT Phone us and we will pick up your car for wash converts your present Furnace to an JONES COAL CO. Repairs on all cars Tires, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale (it horse-drawn greasing or oil change . W. REID AVenue 5-2211 TUrner 4-1851 Thornhill E, TU. 4-0001 The annual Harvest Home Ser- vice of St. Philips Anglican Church, Unionville, was held last Sunday morning. Their new Rector, Rev. .I‘razer Bournes, officiated at both morning and evening services. The church being ï¬lled to capacity. There was special music by the choir. Harvest Home On the Monday night following the harvest home service, a supper of welcome was given the new Rector, his wife and family, which was attended by members and fa- milies. After the supper a pan- try shower was given the honored guests. Miss June Couperthwaite enter- tained her many relatives and friends at a trousseau tea at the home of her parents last Saturday. Her two aunts, Mrs. Routclii‘fe and Mrs. Page of Toronto, poured tea. Her sisters, Helen Couperthwaite and Marian Richardson and Miss Beverly Bret of Toronto, sister of the groom-to-be showed the gifts. Mrs. R. J. Allen, who is ill, has gone to stay with her daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Isaacs of Markham. Trousseau Tea Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Maynard have returned home after having enjoyed a three month visit to England, Wales, Scotland and Ire- land. Baptism Larry Rainey, the baby son of Mr. Clair Rainey and the late Mrs. Rainey was baptized at the St. An- drew’s United Church, Markham, by the Rev. G. H, Thomas, last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Rainey and son, Teddy, attended. Mr. and Mrs. David MacKinlay and son, David. spent a few days the past week end with her mother here. PIPE CUT & THREADED SASH GLAZED PICKED UP 8; DELIVERED RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction puaranteed or Money refunded Watson-Graham Miss Barbara Ann Graham, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Graham, Unionville, became the bride of Robert Kenneth Watson. son of Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Watson. Unionville, in St. Philips Anglican Church. Unionville. on Saturday, September 20. Rev. Frazer Bournes officiated. The wedding music was played by Miss Ila Weighill. Mrs. James Russell-who was the soloist sang Our Father and Through the Years. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown of brocad- ed taffeta, with circular train. Her ï¬nger-tip veil fell from a pearl crown. She carried a bouquet of stephanotis with an orchid centre. Her attendants, Mrs. Jean Wat- son. matron of honor and brides- maids Eileen McKee, Marilyn Gra- ham and Judith Wilson were gown- ed alike, in bronze taffeta and carried nosegays of yellow glad- iolis with centre of button ’mums and roses. Jack Watson, brother of the groom was best man. The ushers were Edward Wilson and Charles Balfour. After the wedding a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents. Mrs. Graham re- ceived the guests in a gold taffeta gown with corsage of yellow roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother. Mrs. Kenneth Watson. who wore rose beige taffeta with corsage of pink roses. The bride and groom left for New York, trav- We Deliver Septic Tanks Pumped ' Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service As a ï¬rst step in the long-range rehabilitation of Korea’s food re- sources the United Nations Reconstruction Agency (UNKRA) and the Heifer Project, an interdenominational voluntary society, sent 210.000 hatching eggs by plane to that country. Above. Mr. Hobart Creighton, a hatching expert with the UN. Civil Assistance Com- mand in Korea, shows a. farmer how to handle the baby chicks. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LEN. RAINEY, UNIONVILLE Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Sanitary Contractor waiting U.N. Agency Helps Korean Farmers C. STUNDEN UhNIONVILLE NEWS Phone Unionville 112.! TU. 4-2101 elling in matching tan suits and left in a Chevrolet car which was the gift of the groom's parents. On their return the happy couple will reside in Unionville. Those who entertained for Miss Barbara Graham prior to her mar- riage were: Mrs. Beth Burrows and Eileen McKee. Unionville, Mrs. Irene Gibson, Toronto, Mrs. Bruce Wilkes, Unionville, the office staff of CIL. Toronto, the ladies of St. Philips’ Anglican Church, Union- ville, Mrs. Jean Watson, Toronto, and her aunt, Mrs. Edward Wilson and Mrs. Wm. Nesbitt, both of Tor- onto. Miss Joan McMullen of the Wes- tern Hospital Nursing staff spént the weekâ€"end at her home. We see a very familiar face in the Canadian Bank of Commerce these days. Mr. G. G. Maynard is acting as Bank Manager, while Mr. Leonard Watkins is enjoying his holidays. Mr. Bruce Curtis, who has been spending a number of the summer months in the western provinces has now returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuthbert- son left on Sunday for their holi- days. They expect to travel to North Bay and other points north. Mr. and Mrs. George Martin and daughters Misses Margaret and Shirley spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Lee of Baysville, also calling at Dorset. Mrs. John Snowball spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. A. Westland of Toronto. Miss Betty Ogden of the Nursing staff of Wellesley Hospital, Toron- to spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ogden. Rev. J. Totton, Richmond Hill, who is connected with the Lord‘s Day Alliance called on the homes of the village the past week. The two lovely bouquets of gladiolis which were in the United Church last Sunday morning were placed there in memory of Mr. Bert Dyke. by his family. Bert passed away one year ago. A large group of the friends of Miss Bonnie Alexandria met in the basement of Central United Church Monday night and presented Bon- nie with a miscellaneous shower. Bonnie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alexandria of Elgin Mills, formerly of Unionville. Her marriage will take place at Union- ville this week to Mr. Lester Wea- therill. Bonnie thanked her many friends for the gifts. Home & School A very large crowd gathered at the school last Monday night for the ï¬rst meeting of the fall for the Home and School Association. Mrs. Burgis. the president opened the meeting with a short session 'of business .discussion and reports. He called on the principal. Mr. Hill, to introduce the new teachers, Miss B. Gray, grades 2 and 3. and Miss Ruth Bailey, grade 1.. Both teach- ers stated that although it was ear- ly in the school season, they were pleased with their new surround- ings. Mrs. W. Bradley reported activity of the ï¬nance committee, announcing plans to run a variety show on Friday, October'17, in St. Andrew's Church Hall. Mr. Al. Harvey will be master of ceremon- ies, singer Helen Bruce, accordian- ist Dorothy Merrall. Rev. J. V. Mills gave an address on today's educational problems, stressing the necessity of sending children off to school in a Happy frame of mind. He traced the education of children today from grade 1 through the teachers the principal and the school trus- tees. Shower Those living on the east side of Main Street in the centre of the village appreciate the new side- walk which has been laid by con- tractor Hartwell Powers. Rev. Mills was introduced by Mr. S. C. Petit. There were many special guests attending. The fol- lowing spoke a few wortie express- ing their wishes for a successful season. Rev. E. R. Barley, Mr. H. B. Galpin, school inspector for the area and Mrs. H. E. LeMasurier. president of York-Simcoe Home 8: School council. Turkey Supper October 8 is the date of the Tem- peranceville Turkey supper to be held in the church basement from 6 to 8 pm. Tickets are available from members and admission will be by ticket only. Films will be shown to those waiting for their meal. Come and enjoy a delicious feast. The W. 1. meeting ordinarily held on the second Wednesday of the month will be held later on in the month. Mrs. J. Gareau of Meldrum Bay, Manitoulin Islands is spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. W. Adams Sr., of Yongehurst Rd. ‘ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. D. Huntley of Yongehurst Road, on the birth of a son. Saturday. September 20, at Mrs. Heeley's Nursing Home. David Haughton had his foot badly burned with a ï¬re-cracker, but pleased to say he is convales- cing nicely. Your correspondent has been ill for the past week and was very pleased to have as her visitors, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynett and Mr. and Mrs. S. Pipher. An ,invitation was received from King by the Temperanceville W. Larry Fryer of Yongehurst Rd. observed his 14th birthday Wedâ€" nesday. September 24. Mesdames G. Kelly, G. Frank- land and W. MacArthur spent Wednesday visiting Mrs. M. Holm- es and Mr. F. Sinclair oi Yonge- hurst Rd. ' ' ° ' WRRESPONDENT â€"â€" MRS. I. BLACKBURN. Yellohlm RI. ROUND SIRLDIN or WING STEAKS lh. Meald Cottage Rolls lb. 53 Fresh Leg of Park lb. 49 z lbs-15 Pure Lard 113' 1.99 Smoked Wein‘ers lb. 35 REDPATH’S 10011:.3 sugar BAG 899 Tea I-Ib. Bag 65 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON. R. R. 1‘, KING Milka 5an ARNOLD FARMS CAFE DE Coffeem 35 FRESHLY GROUND BROKEN PEKOE TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS No. 7 Highway MARKET and Kennedy Road NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Telephone TU. 4-2238 Pkg. Phone King 3R11 A. to attend its thankoï¬ering .he Tem- ting on October 9. 1.59 MARKET OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 0’ CLOCK Richvale Sunday School will continue for the present to meet in Richvale School. Langdon’s bus will plck up children in this area at the corner of Yongehurst and Yonge Sts, at 10 minutes before 3 p.m. Congratulations to Rev. Maddie's youngest daughter. Betty on her recent marriage. This parish wish- es Betty every happiness. Arthur Adams of Yongehurst Rd., was very pleased when on Tuesday his champion beagl'e hound gave birth to two grand champion pups of Canada. Mr. Albert Folliott met with an accident while trying to remedy the situation of lack of water at his home this past week, which re- sulted in a broken elbow. Because of the swelling Mr. Folllott had several days of suffering before the bone could be set. It is hoped he will soon be feeling better. Mr. L. Wainwright left on Sat- urday for a business trip through Northern Ontario. Accident Mrs. R. Trudeau niece of Mrs. W. Adams .has had her son, Eddie, in the Sick Children’s Hospital. undergoing skin grafting opera- tions as a result of being severely burned. Eddie is recovering nice- iy now after many weeks of hospi- taiization. Glad to know that Bobby Skip- pon is out and around after his re- cent illness. Note this low Price for such Fine Duality 'ARNULD' FARMS STAFFORDS Pure Jam 2‘ $2“ 57 DACD no CTDA‘IJ Fronts of Home Fed L A M 3 lb. 39 BASP. 0R STRAW. uses LOINS srewme curs "1.71 "1.65 â€1.29 NO. 1 WHITE iiéwu g“§‘“‘;.b. m 69 Kleenex 19 Peacklutvé'smz for 35 NEW BRUNSWICK P at’toes 1 . 9 9 BROKEN PEKOE Tea Bags 391m 38 LYNN VALLEY REG. 0R JUMBO PKG. ‘75 20 OZ. TIN 50 lb. BAG mee 20 Yb. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thurs., October 2, 1952 5 F U R N | T U R E NEW AND USED - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY CLIFFORD, 15 Seccomoe St. ONE MILE EAST AI STOP 14-A YONGE vauuyu A A'LL'L‘J JUL†7 5 NEW PACK STEER BEEF ‘ ROLLED PRIME RIB FRESH . HUNG TURKEYS CHICKENS Ih. 39 FRESH ROASTING BACON b'- 33 DELICIOUS SMOKED SLICED BREAKFAST 8 to 15 lbs. Per lb. BEEF BOLOGNA In. 29 No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Road FARMS RIN D ON