The Home and.Schooi Associa- tion held its ï¬rst open meeting on Thursday. September 25, in the Public School with Mr. Spence, president, in the chair. During the business meeting Mr., Spence re- minded the parents about the York- Simcoe Home,and School Council Work Shop to be held in the Chas. Howitt School on October 25. at 7.45 pm. Following the busineSs meeting Mr. Spence introduced the new principal of the school. Mr. Martin gave a brief but in- teresting talk on "How the Home and School should work together.†Mr. Martin then introduced his staff, Miss Wesley. Mrs. Boyde. Mrs. Mchn and Mr. McSporron. One of the highlights of the even- ing was the showing of the ï¬lm “Who will teach your child?" The meeting was then adjourned foll- owed by a very pleasant social per- iod and refreshments served by the ‘Grade 2 mothers. ‘ ~ Thirty-eight Brownies of the ,Thornhill Pack met at the Scout Tim on Saturday morning and star- ted out on their ï¬rst hike of the season to McCullagh flats. The girls practiced ï¬re lighting and :then enjoyed a session of hat ma~ king from wild flowers. Before a .large campï¬re the Brownies ate their lunch and toasted marshmall~ large cam their lune] ‘ows. Eve E Mr. and Mrs. W. C. L. Ball of Wonge Street enjoyed a few days Fvisitmg with Mr. Ball's brother “and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ball of St. Thomas, Ontario. Brownies Mrs. R. C. Byford of Arnold Ave. recently entertained he1 aunt, Miss N Byford of Pittsburg Penn†who has just returned from a visit to England. TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Scout Mothers’ Auxiliary The’regular meeting of the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held Tuesâ€" day evening, September 23, in the United Church Hall. The guest speakers for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Woodger. Scoutmaster and Akela for the Cubs, who gave -Miss Margaret Ellacott of Yonge St. is the envy of all sun~lovers in Thornhlll. Marg left last Mon- day to fly to Bermuda where she will vacation for te_n d_ay~s.. ‘ She United Church News It was Rally Day in the United Church last Sunday morning. There was a large attendance for both the congregation and Sunday School at this service. The child- ren of the Sunday School worship- ped with th congregation at this service based pen the order issued by the Board of Christian Educa‘ tion of the United Church on the theme “Let us now prepare to build? The choir numbers were in keeping with the occasion. and the sermon preached by the min- ister Rev. E. E. Kent was based on Romans 12:1 â€" "let us now! pre- pare to build" â€"- an altar of our lives. The children then retired to the Church Hall enjoying a story told by Mrs. M. Heron “A wish comes true" also the showing of a religious ï¬lm. .....,. .-..V-._ i e a short talk. Some very interest- ing slides were shown by Mr. Woodger, some on the District Church Parade held in Richmond Hill last June and others taken by Comm. Show on the Jamboree in Jamaica .vvnu Vuhuh-v- -v. is staying at the Surf Club and plans on lots of swimming, sun- bathing and sightâ€" â€"seeing. Mrs. Algeo Zinkax'x WHO has spent the summer in British Columbia has returned to Thornhill to take up residence in her new home on Colborne Street. This new cot- tage has been built on the proper- ty of Mrs. Zlnkan’s son and daugh- ter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Zlnkan. v- u -v-.° n.-- __, Next Sunday being World Com- munion ,Sunday, there will be the Sfcrament of the Lord’s Supper at am and reception of new mem- bers. It is hoped that every mem- ber will make an efl'ort to be pres- ent at this important service. There will be a brief Communion service at 10 o'clock for those unable to attend at 11 o’clock and for the teachers of the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Galbraith of Yonge Street attended the Ontario Association of Plumbing Inspec- tors and Affiliates held last week in London. w ere Mr. Galbraith represented arkham Township. Following the convention which lasted two days, Mr. and Mrs. Gai- braith motored to Detroit where they spent several days shopping and enjoying the sights. The'scholars of the Junior Sun- day School (12 and under for this Sunday, will go direct to the Church Hall. ‘ Scarlet Chapter Service The Scarlet Chapter of the Loyal Orange Lodges will hold a service oleivine Worship in the Thorn- hill United Church on Sunday. 0c- tober 5, ‘at 7 p.m. The minister, Rev. E. E. Kent will conduct the service and preach. The Thornhlll United Church choir will provide music and Thornhil! Loyal Orange Lodge No. 91 members will act as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Billerman of John Sbspent a pleasant day last week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howard's cottage at 0x Narrows. Mr. and Mré. Wilf: Nottelman of Elgin Ave. have returned from a pleasant holiday in Florida. This service is open to the public and a special invitation is extend- ed to all Orangemen and Orange- women in the community and sur- rounding districts. The next meeting of the WA. will be held on October 9 at 2:45 pm. at the home of Mrs. Henry Harper, Johnson Ave. Final plans for the bazaar will be made, there- fore a full turnout is requested. Presbyterian ‘Church News “CA. Come and School Association Thornhi" And District News »ryone thoroughly enj oy- Two ï¬ne services of Thanksgiv- ing for the Harvest took place on Thursday. September 25, and on Sunday, September 28. For the occasion the Church had been beautifully decorated by the mem- bers of the Altar Guild. The pro- fusion of fruits, vegetables, flow- ers and grain bore ample testi- mony of our reason for gratitude to the “Giver of AH†at Harvest Home Services. To the Thursday service Canon J. E. Ward, Rector of St. Stephen's Church brought the personal ap- peal and sound teaching for which he has become so famous in his radio services. Many to whom he had been but a voice “On the Air†were happy to welcome him to Thornhill. ed themselves and they certainly picked a perfect day for their ï¬rst On Sunday. The Rector, Rev. 5. A. R. Wood was the preacher. The beautiful and beloved harvest hymns, as well as special music by the choir under the direction, of Mr. C. R. Devey made both services extremely happy ones. ’ The members of Trinity Church are most interested in the Dioces- an Mission to be conducted by Can- on Bryan Greer in the Coliseum from October 22 to November 4. Next Sunday, as part of the Parish Preparation for the Mission. those attending the 11 o’clock, service will have the privilege of hearing Mr. A. D. Cadman tell us about the Missioner. and what the. Mission is expected to accomplish. _ The bride, given in marriage by her father. wore a gown of white satin and lace fashioned on prin- cess lines. Her ï¬nger-tip veil was held by a Juliet cap trimmed with hand~crocheted leaves and she car- ried a bouquet of red roses and hike Brownies Patsy Macdonald and Gillian McTaggart-Cowan received their swimmers badge at last Tues- day's meeting, and the following girls who qualiï¬ed for this badge on September 10 will receive it when they have their Golden Bar: Lynn Edwards. Yvonne Robinson. Mary Walker, Dawn Wilson and Nora WOod. Thomhm Pnbllc School News The Canon Br'yin 'Gieer Mission Ness-Riggs The wedding took place in Carr- vllle United Church on Saturday. September 6, of Virginia May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Riggs of Toronto, to Edwin William Ness. son of Mr and Mrs. Howard Jackson Ness of Thornhill. Rev. E. E. Kent officiated at the ceremony. The Tweenies will continue to meet on Saturday mornings at 10 o‘clock at the Sco’ut Hut for a few more weeks. The pupils of the Thornhill School have successfully completed their 12-day magazine subscription campaign sponsored by the Mac- iean-Hunter Publishing Company. Thirty-six of the youngsters took subscriptions thereby gaining points for themselves and a proï¬t for their school. The total sales from this endeavour amounted to $436.35. and Miss Joan Weekes was top salesman with a total of $57.00 in sales. The proï¬t earned for the school by these children will be put to very good use. In addition to buying some current children's magazines for the school. the pro- ceeds will be used to supplement sports equipmhnt. Forty~seven prize awards were earned by the pupils through their sales. Trinity Church Notes Harvest Home Mr. Cadman is one of the out- standing Laymen of the Diocese of Toronto, and is Chairman of a Mission sub-committee known as the Lay Speakers Committee. We are fortunate to have a layman of his stature come to us next Sun- day. ’ There were 21 members present at the work meeting of the WA. held September 25. Teaahostesses were Mrs. F. Nicholson and Mrs. Roger Priestman. Plans are un- derway for. the Hallowe'en Buï¬Ã©t Supper to be held October 30 from 5.30 until 8 pm. Admission is by ticket only in hopes to avoid dis- appointment. Tickets may be ob- tained from any member of the W.A. Ticket convenors are Mrs. G. R. Davie. AV. 5-2287. and _Miss Jane McLaren AV. 5-1083. There is still room for a few more girls in the Company. Would anyone interested between the ages of 12 and 16 phone Miss Joyce Healey AV. _5-1714. Trinity Church Caters The executive of this active or- ganization entertained the Caters at ‘& Coï¬ee Party held Tuesday morning. September 23, in the Church Hall. Mrs. S. A. R. Wood and Mrs. G. McLaren received the guests who then were given a steaming cup of coffee and dainty refreshments which were very much appreciated at that time of the day. Mrs. S. W. Kertland and Mrs. G. P. Howe poured and after everyone was assembled Mrs. Mcâ€" Laren gave a report of the organ- ization's activities forsthe past year and the treasurer Mrs. Littlejohn gave a ï¬nancial report. A very enjoyable hour was spent renew- ing acquaintances after the sum- mer months. The girls of the Thomhill Guide Company attended the Harvest Festival Service in Trinity Church last Thursday, and oï¬ered their thanks with the rest of the congre- gation for the blessings of a plen- tiful Harvest. Many of these girls have been‘ busy with gardens of their own during the summer and therefore have reason for their thanks. The next regular meeting of this organization will be held on Thurs- day, October‘ 9, in the Church Hall. Guide News Thornhill are: coanbï¬beq by its' readers. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thomhlll. Libenl is always pleased t9 publiï¬sh items_ of interest in the Webbing On Thursday afternoon, Mr. Martindale took his classes \on an interesting nature study hike through the late Mr. McCullagh's estate. The nature study was made more interesting by Mr. Er- nest Kohler, who conducted the classes, and pointed out things of rare beauty, not found in every garden, the catalpa and caster oil trees and the celosias (coxcombs). Mrs. Minerva Passim, matron-of- honor, wore a gown of rust taffeta of princess lines. and Juliet cap. Mrs. Rose Stephenson and Miss Marilyn Curtis were bridesmaids, and wore full-length gowns of rust taffeta with scalloped necklines and full skirts and matching Dutch hats. Miss Rosemary Curtis. gow- ned in yellow taffeta and wearing a wreath of yellow flowers as a headdress, and Miss Jacqueline Curtis,-wearing a gown of pale green taffeta and as a headdress a wreath of yellow flowers. also at- tended the bride. All attendants carried nosegays of bronze mums and yellow roses. Donald Reid was best man and the ushers were William Riggs. brother of the bride and Michael Marsbergen. The wedding reception was held at Cedar Crest Farm, the home of the groom. The bride's mother received in a navy crepe dress with lace trim and wore navy and pink accessories, and a corsage of pink roses and car-nations, The groom’s mother assisted her in a gown of airforce blue crepe and lace with matching accessories and a corâ€" sage of pink roses and ,carnations. LII-av v- r----- ---_v For travelling the brlde wore a wine gabardine suit with grey ac- ces'sories. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Ness will reside at the groom's farm at Thornhill. white carnations A demonstration of Christmas decorations was given by Mr. Koh- ler who showed them what can be made from stumps of. wood and plaster of paris. School News Happy birthday greetings to M. J. Johnson of John St., who re- cently celebrated his birthday Mr. Johnson who is well over the 80- year mark ,still does his bit ar- ound the garden. Thornlea Ratepayers Association will hold its ï¬rst meeting of the season, Tuesday night, October 7 at 8 pm. at the school. A welcome is extbnded to all in Thornlea to at~ tend to discuss things of local in- terest. There will also be the in~ auguration of the new officers for this term. Home & School Home and School meeting will be held Wednesday evening, Ocâ€" tober‘ 8 at 8 pm. at the school. The theme will be “Parent Educa- tion†and the speaker will be Mrs. Geo. Jackson. All who are interested in.the welfare of children at home and school, are especially invited to attend. An interesting monthly bulletin is edited each month by Mrs. Frazer, convenor. Ratepayers WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK of Hertz Mountain Canary and Budgie SuppliES including Cages. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE We Deliver Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frazer on 'the birth of their second son at Grace Hospital, on Tuesday, September 23. Baby’s name is Gordon Lang. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ness have moved from the farm on Green Lane to their new home at Lang- stafl West. Mr. and Mrs. M. Marsbergen and Michael have moved from Bayview Ave. to Toronto. f‘Mike" as he was called by all†who knew him, was one of the gardeners on the estate of the late George Mc- Cullagh. He was one of the ï¬rst employed on the estate being em- ployed there for 14 years. Mrs. J. Curtis was hostess to a Stanley party last. Wednesday ev- ening. An evening of games and demonstrations was in charge of Miss Audrey Liversedge. Mrs. Inglis. Bayview Ave. en- tertained at a birthday party for her daughter, Sylvia, who has rea- ched the age of six. Those who attended the party were Rosemary Curtis, Jacqueline Curtis, June Lahonen. Susan Ball, and sister Mary. Games were played and Jacqueline happened to the the lucky winner in one of the contests. Television Ranges [Myflmw THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent - : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone AV. 5-1463 es Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yonge St. Washers TU. 4-2101 Radios Highland Park Boys Club held its Junior Executive elections on SEpt. 25th. and the following off~ cars were elected by closed ballot with around 85% of club members present : president, Bob Petrie, 7 Crestwood Rd. vice-president, Dave Snyder. 50 Highland Park Blvd., treasurer, Doug Langdon 52 Steeles Ave. E., secretary, John Bird, 126 Steeles Ave. E. It is felt these junior officers can do much of their own administration work which all goes to making useful and good citizens. The chairman, C. H. DeCIerq. and committee members, E. Poll- ock, W. L. Sanders, R. Preistman, C. Stocking, held a preliminary meeting on Sept. 27 at 56 High- land Park. Blvd. to arrange the program for the winter season and decided on the new chairman and committee members. Condi- tions did not permit completion of plans and another meeting is to be held on October 8. when ï¬nal de- cisions will be made. Anyone in- terested in instructing the boys in elementary wood-carving or leath- en? work would be welcome. Boys meet each Thursday night. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Griffin, 11 Woodward Ave., on the birth of a 8 lb. 6 02. baby girl, Lynn Elizabeth, born on Sep- tember 24. Newcomers to the community, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carlin and chil- dren David and Wendy who arriv- ed from New Brunswick recently to live at 23 Woodward Ave. Mr. and Mrs. J. McPherson 80 Steeles Ave. E. are looking forward to a motor trip to Winnipeg in the near, future when they will at- tend their son's wedding on Octo- ber 8. FUR COATS REMODELLED LIKE NEW For The BEST MUSKRAT COAT Enquire at PRIMRUSE FURRIERS A baby brother for Andrea was born early last week to Mr. and Mrs. John Maxted, 86 Highland Park Blvd. 2539 Yonge St. HU. 9636 L. C. Harlanq, Vice-President and Director of Sales. left, and Walter Siegrist. right, managing director Fruehauf of Canada. in- Ipe_ct n‘ew glgminum grailer just‘being put Into prodyction. , Fruehauf Trailer Company of Canada, Ltd. is in production with Road-Star, its new smooth-panel aluminum van trailer which fea- tures exce tio’nal lightness for bigger pay oads without sacriï¬ce of strength; according to an an- nouncement just made by L. C. Harland, Vice-President and Director of Sales for Fruehauf of Canada. ' Many advances in design and construction proven to be sound in aircraft engineering have been adopted for this new road vehicle. Outstanding among these de- Belated wishes to Mr. and Mrs $14 You got home in one piece after that party Fruehuuf Announces Th9 Road-Slur Aluminum Van Trailer , 7, HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 - R. H. Greer, 19 Woodward Ave.. who celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary on September 27. Richard Butler. 22 Grandview Ave., arrived home from hospital last Friday. The Highland Park Bowlers got under way with three teams on Wednesday of last week. Everyone had fun and they are anxious to welcome any newcomers. Contact H. Bell. AV. 5-1830. velopments are the use of mono- coque construction and the employment of extruded alumi- num shapes of scientific section which give outstanding strength and rigidity at a minimum of weight. The stamp collectors meetings will be held every Thursday at 7 pm. at Mr. J. Knowles, 15 High- land Park Blvd. All boys are wel- come. Mrs. C .H. DeClerq, 56 Highland Park Blvd., is progressing slowly, after her recent operation. “From a practical standpoint, this light Wei ght aluminum van has every facility that trailer en- gineering has to offer for economical over- the- highway transportation. as every pound saved on vehicle weight means that much more payload, †Prue- hauf engineers point out. Susan Pollock, 19 Grandview Ave., suffered a painful sprain to her ankle this past week. Sockeye SALMON 1/2 lb. tins 360 Kraft Ready Dinner . . . 2 for 29c CARNATION MILK . . . - 2 for 29c QUICK QUAKER OATS 48 oz. 34c Clark’s Pnrk&Bean520 oz. 2for 29c FAB 2 Reg..Size Reg 766 for 690 GRAND OPENING SPEBIALS Gold Medal Monarch FLOUR . . 7lb. Bag 530 SUGAR 5le ..... 478 Aunt Jemima Silver Cake Gaines DOG FOOD 1502. Tin 3 for3Dc Food Saver WAX PAPER 10th 34c YONGE ST. McFarlanes Peanut Butter Pancake Flour Both for 370 BLACKBURN BLOCK TELEPHONE AVENUE The Rev. David and Mrs. Harris, Brian and Jo-Ann were visitors to Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker of Clarke Ave., last week. from Bath. Ont. Mrs. Harris is the daughter of the Bakers. Mr. and Mrs. Grubb with the help of Mrs. J. Mason put on a very successful euchre for the Don- caster Ladies Club last Friday. Winners were Mrs. A. Couper. Mrs. Westacott. Mr. Blackman and Mr. Grubb. . Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler left Proctor Ave. on Monday last to live with their son, George at Is- lington. They have lived in the district for the past eight years and have made many friends. The Fowlers have 10 children and 25 grandchildren. We wish them happiness in their new home. Paul Russell was six last Monday, September 29. He entertained nine boys to a birthday supper. All had a wonderful time. Mr.°and Mrs. W. Chambers from Weston were visitors over the week end at their daughters. Mrs. Carter of Morgan Ave. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Debeney of Henderson Ave.. on the birth of a son born on Satur- day, September 27, a brother for Sharon and Bobbie. To advise people of ‘. special ev- ent at your church or school or club use 3 “Coming Events" notice The regular m‘eeting of the Don- caster Ladies Club will be held at the home of Mrs. A. O’Brien, 22 Cameron Ave, Tuesday. October 7, at 8 o'clock. The Simminiuk family are mov- ing back into the district to occupy the home formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Fowleï¬ also where Mr. and Mrs. Simpson used to live, on Henderson Ave., is now owned by the Haberlac family. We welcome these new neighbours. DRESSMAKING CHILDREN'S CLOTHES Correspondent: MRS. H. MIZEN Phone: AVenue 5-157b 27 Seccomoe Ave. 82 Woodward Ave. AV. 5-1361 MRS. BELYEA Doncaster 16 oz. Ice Box Jar also 37c INSTALLED - SOLD . SERVICED BLACKBURN‘S Thomhill AVenue 5-1333 COLD WEATHER COMING! BDWDEN LUMBER COMPANY Tenderflake LARD . 2 lbs. for 230 (Established 1880) Stop 23 Yonge St. Fresh Linked SAUSAGE 35c First Grade CREAMERY BUTTER 596 Margene Brand MARGARINE . 330 Lean MINCED BEEF . . . . 45c Blade Roast 55c Short Rib Roast PORK LIVER . . 250 Lean PORK LOINS 55c Maple Leaf Maple Léaf Bath Size Choice Legs of LAMB 69c Round Sirloin Blade Out Prime Quality BEEP 23333 STEAKS * TELEVISION * For best results from your cows this _Fall and Winter balance your home grown grams With either of the following: GAINMAKER 24% DAIRY CONCENTRATE is designed for those who prefer to hand mix their meal ration for individual feeding.This palatable feed will give you top results, as it has for many other local dairymen. MASTER 32% DAIRY CONCENTRATE for those who have an abundance of home grown grain. This high protein concentrate will give very economical results if mixed as recommended. See us also for Beet Pulp, Linseed Oil Cake Meal, Bran and miscellaneous Dairy supplies. See Our Frozen Food Display For-A Complete Selection of Fruits - Vegetables - Fruit Juices INSULATE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE NO MONEY DOWN TOILET SDAPZ Bars for 190 SOAP FLAKES NOW IS THE TIME TO 5 -1811 Porterhouse Wing Giant Three Pound Pkg. THORNHILL TU. 4-1121 Fish 79c 89c