Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Oct 1952, p. 7

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RICHMOND HILL . . . RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE We Deliver Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded BRACE â€"â€" To Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brace (formerly Margaret Trench). on Sunday, September 28, 1952, at the Private Patients pavilion, Toronto General hospital, a dau- ghter. *1w14 .The Ladies Auxiliary of Rich- mond Hill Scouts and Cubs will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, October 9, in the Richmond Hill Presbyterian church Sunday School room at (3 pm. All members are urged to attend. MONKMAN â€"-â€" Mr. and Mrs. l. W. Monkman (nee Shirley May Bradley) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Bradley Ste- phen. on September 30, at Grace Hospital, Toronto. c1w14 Done In Your Own Home Mr. amd Mrs. E. A. Srigley left last Saturday ’for Bracebridge where they will make their home. Mr. Srlgley will be employed there by Sutcllfi'e Motors. The Child Health Clinic‘ will commence on Monday, October 6 m the Lions Community Hall at 1.30 pm. Volunteers from the Women‘s Institute will be Mrs. O. L. Wright and Mrs. N. Glass. ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Hilaby of Centre St. W. have returngd hom_e aftgr a motoring vacation through. Montreal, Quebec, Gaspe and Boston. CROWHU Km -â€" '10 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowhurst a son. Gordon, on September 22 at Mrs. Heel- ey's Nursing Home, Elgin Mills. c1w14 Lilznsed Hairdresser 164 Spruce Ave. Richvale Phone Turner 4-1966 Machineless Permanents BUY A POLICY FOR YOUR SON â€" IT WILL HELP TEACH HIM THRIFT. USE Caulking Guns Ppst Hole Diggers Blow Torch Extension Ladders to Solve Your Vexing Problems Economical " Quick . . Convenient I FOR RENT The Liberal is slimy: glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. Thu newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. W‘hile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, it in desirable to have it in earlier if. possible to ensure its publication. CLAIII FIED ADS TU. 4-2101 Everybody Reads the Classified Column I Calling all Brownies of lst Pack to the Lions Community Hall on Tuesday, October 7. at 4 pm. Un- der Brown Owl Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fettes of Richmond Street arevisiting Mr. Fettes' grandparents in Detroit, Michigan._ Mrs. Logan Stewart of Markham Rd.. gave a surprise party lgst Wednesday night for Ev. Watling, who is taking up residence with her. Ev. received a lot of beau- tiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orr, Maple, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Orphie Laurette to Keith Ray Easson,_only son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Easson of Kitchener, the marriage to take place in Hope United Church, Ma- ple. on October 18, 1952, at 3 o'clock. c1w14 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hunt announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Ruth Ann to William Henry. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lamb of Lansing. The marriage to take place in St. Mary's Anglican Church on Saturday, Ocâ€" tober 25, 1952, at 4.30 pm. CIRCUS â€" m loving memory of a dear son and brother, James Ernest Circus, who passed away September 28, 1939, in his 36th year. Our llps cannot tell how we miss him, - Our hearts cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how we miss him, In a home that is lonesome today. â€" Sadly missed by mother, sfs- ters and nephews. *1w14 DEDLOW â€"â€" In loving memory of John Dedlow, who passed away, September 30, 1951. Gone is the face. we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him who once was here, And who though absent is just as dear â€"Lovingly remembered by wife and family. , *1w14 LEATHERDALE â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and Granny who passed away at Ma- ple. Ont.. September 26, 1946. Sweet memories will linger for ever Time cannot change them it's true. Six years that have passed cannot sever Our lovlng remembrance of you -â€" Irene, Stan and children. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. RECONDITIDNED & GUARANTEED REFRIGERATORS Yonge St. 1 Frigidaire ....... 1 Beach ...... . .. 1 Westinghouse In memoriams «Engagements e St. Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-1541 $150.00 $135.00 $165.00 clw14‘ The Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce met last Monday even- ing to take some action on the ac- ute parking situation in the busin- ess section of the village. Chamber Of Comm. Hope Park Will Aid The Parking Problem A report was given on the meet- ing between member Ross Cox and George Elliott. owner of some va- cant property on Arnold St. Mr. Elliott was agreeable to renting the site for the sum of $200. a year providing taxes did np in- crease too much over the pr sent rate. He also included a 30-day sale clause in his offer. Members of the Chamber of Commerce felt that if their organization or the village council improved the land for parking the 30 day sale clause would be a great risk. however. no further negotiations were possible until the council had' been consult- ed. Rhem-Keffer Amid a setting of pink gladioli and white mums, Mildred Irene Keffer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Norman Keffer of Weston became the bride of Stuart Redford Rhem. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rhem of Burlington on Saturday. Sep- tember 20 in Zion Lutheran Church Maple. Rev. C. J. Fischer officâ€" iated at the double ring ceremony and soloists were Mr. and Mrs. E. Jones of Hespeler. The matron-of-honor, Mrs. Geo. Genova, wore a floor-length gown of rose taffeta, with bouflant skirt and Queen Elizabeth neckline. Her shoulderâ€"length veil was caught to a matching braided ’coronet which was trimmed with pearls. and she carried a cascade of pale pink glad- ioli and baby mums. Parking space at the Richmond Theatre and the Sunoco station have been offered to the village to help in the parking problem and of course the Park is available for additional parking' space. Member Len Rice pointed out that these three areas would meet the pres- ent needs and'all .were within two Given in marriage by her father the bride wore an original gown of white satin. with long pointed sleeves and nylon pointed yoke with lace trim and collar. Her short train ahd long embroidered veil, which belonged to her mo- ther.*were caught to a pearl cor- onet and she carried a cascade of small pink and white roses and iv- ory gladioli. The junior bridesmaid was Miss Anne Keffer, sister of the bride, who wore a gown of debutante blue taffeta styled similarly to the matron-of-honor's. She carried a cascade of wine and pink baby mums and pink gladioli. Miss Margaret Rhem. sister of the groom. was flower girl, and her long dress was of yellow taf- etta and she wore a matching cor- onet. She carried a basket of dainty flowers. The ring-bearer. David Reid, a cousin of the bride. wore a white satin Eton blouse with navy blue trousers. The groomsman was William Davidson of Hamilton and ushers were Orval Kefier. cousin of the Richmond Hill village council, which met at a joint meeting with the Planning Board Monday night, ruled that the village industry by- law which stipulates that a build- ing to be used for industrial pur- poses must be set back 100 feet from any highway, would not af- fect a proposed new HEPC devel- opment on the corner of Pugsley and Roseview Avenues in this vill- age area classed as industrial, since the Hydro would build offices, a store house and garage if it pur- chases the land. Miss Elizabeth Edgell of Ottawa is spending a few days with her grandfather, Mr. Frank Foster. Not Affected By Industry By- Law Discussion on the subject was started by E. C. Gordon. represen- tative of the Williams Estate which owns the property, and A. R. Will- iams who were present at the meeting to talk over certain res- The joint communion of St. Paul’s and St. Andrew’s Presbyter- ian Churches, will be held at 11 a. Mrs. James Lloyd and son Don- ald of Aurora. Mrs. W. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Harper Wells, Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wells on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. ton spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Earl ton. Hydro Considers Building On Pugsley And Roseview In Hi|| m. on Sunday, October 5. Owing to this there will be no Sunday School in either of these churches. Mr. W.VJ. Wells. Toronto. is spending some time with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wells. Fourteen members answered the roll call when the Busy Bees Miss- ion Band met at the Manse on Satâ€" urday, September 27. The story of the Good Samaritan was read res- ponsively. During the work per- iod the smallest children made sc1ap books, others wrote texts in old Christmas cards and made up books of Sunday School p'aper‘s. Articles were also added to the scrap bobk for British Guiana. The Christmas cards, which the band sells each year to raise money for missionary work, were given out and everyone enjoyed the lunch supplied by Mrs. Norman Lund. Mission Band Webbing CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS McNaugh- in Guelph McNaugh- Phone Maple 19R5 blocks of the whole shopping area. He contended that it would be a mistake to rent sites when land was at their finger-tips. All the members were of the opinion that parking facilities should be better publicized. Art Uren moved that a commit- tee be set up to study the parking situation and then request council to pass a by-law restricting Yonge St. parking to one hour and also. in order to assist parking facilities in the park, ban parking on Lorne Ave. The motion was seconded by Morley Hall and carried. The committee is made up of Stan Mc- Niece, George Fenwick and Alec Clarke .Bob Smith. Stan Tinker and Bob Craigie are to make up the commit- tee to draw up a series of by-laws to form a constitution. It was de- cided that president George Hill will be the official representative at the Chamber of Commerce con- ference in Toronto in October. The members resolved to meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month and the next meeting will be October 28. After 17 years of service to the community as rector‘of the Angli- can parish of Schomberg.‘Kettle- by and Nobleton, Rev. F. V. Ab- bott has retired. He will not leave the district, however. for he and Mrs. Abbott have purchased a home in Schomberg, where they have so many friends. Minister Retires After Seventeen Years Of Service ‘ A gift tea was held on Saturday, ‘September 27, at the home of Mrs. ‘Ernest Hemphill, in honor of Miss Marion Watson .prior to her com- ing marriage. The beautifully set table was centred with a bowl of' pink carnations, white mums and statice. Those pouring tea were ‘friends who had lived with her at some time during the past fifteen years, while Marion was living with Mrs. Hemphili. They were Mrs. Floyd Perkins. Richm nd Hill, Mrs. Harry Walker, Newm r- kett, Mrs. Arthur Vardon, Will- owdale. Miss Margaret Ball, Maple, and Mrs. Verna Fletcher, King. Friends who served were: Mrs. Cal. Miller. Mrs. Lorne Wells. Mrs.‘ Kenneth Walker. Mrs. George‘ Armstrong, Mrs. John Martin. Miss} Elizabeth Petrie, Miss Agnes Kin-1 nee. all of Maple, Mrs. Hugh Todd, Richvale, Mrs. Howard McKay. Toronto, Mrs. June Wells. King. Rev, W. R. Symons, M.A.. B.D.. has taken over the charge of the parish. and on Sunday. September 21. took his initial services in all three churches. Reverend Symons comes to this diocese from the Di- ocese of Niagara. About 150 guests from the com- munity called wishing Marion the very best and viewing the beauti- ful 100 piece set of Royal Worcest- ter China. Bacchanal pattern This china was a gift to Marion from the community. trictions on the Williams land in that area. The Hydro is negotia- ting with them for purchase of the said area and wants to find out definitely just what the ruling is in idts case if it decides to buy the lan . The lot which the Hydro is con- sidering buying is 125 feet deep and is L-shaped, on the east side of Pugsley and the north side of Roseview Avenues. “We wouldn't class this proposed development as industry", said councillor Rice who is also a mem- ber of the Planning Board. Clerk Lynett made it quite clear that the Hydro was not asking for the property for a power transmitting station. a Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund. Patricia. Nora and Nancy and Mrs. Jas. Pollock visited in Lindsay on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Padgett. ’ Rev. and Mrs. Symons have es- tablished themselves in the rec. tory at Schomberg with their famâ€" ily, Jocelyn. Dennis. Peter and Margaret. Mrs. Symons is the daughter of Mrs. C. Forsyth Rit- chie, R. B. 2 King. bride, and Robert Rhem, brother of the groom. For the reception which was held at the home'of the bride's parents, the bride’s mother wore a full-length gown of forget-me. not blue Chantilly lace over taf- etta, with navy accessories. Her corsage was of pink roses. She was assisted by the groom’s mother who wore a floor-length gown of Cinnamon crepe with Hunter green accessories, and a corsage of yell- ow roses. For the wedding trip to the eas- tern United States and northern Ontario, the bride donned a navy suit with matching accessories, and she wore a corsage of pink mums and carnations. Upon theirvreturn Mr. and Mrs. Rhem will reside at 40 Garfield Street in Hamilton. Guests were present at the wed- ding from Hespeler, Hamilton, Brantfordj Oakville. London and Ottawa and many other points. Gift Tea RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. A. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1952 10 am. â€" The Church School 11 am. â€"- Divine Worship ReVJC. G. Higginson. B.A.. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1952 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School 10 am. â€" Bible Class 11 am. â€"- World Wide Communion Service 2.45 pm. â€" Primary Promotion Service. 7 pm. â€" Evening Worship SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1952 8.30 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10 am. -â€"’- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Holy Communion 4 7 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer In this film which is about the bulb flowering season in Holland. Queen Juliana and her daughters are seen walking through the gar. dens of Keukenhof admiring the bulb plantings and the carpet bed- ding made not of plants, but by cut flowers placed in the ground in various designs. There were parades of decorated vehicles with slow motion photography showing the opening of the tulip flowers and some shots gave ideas of ar- ranging this popular spring flower. Questions were answered by Mr. Cruickshank regarding the culture of various bulbs. This was most timely since gardeners will soon be planting their bulbs for next spring. All are Welcome. Tuesday,, October 7, 8 pm. â€" Ad- visory Council Meeting SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1952 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€" Holy Communion and Sunday School Special Preacher 11 am. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev.»E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1952 World Communion Sunday 2.30 pm. â€" Holy Communion 3.20 pm. â€"- Sunday School Thornhill and District Horticul- tural Society held its September meeting and show at the United Church Hall when members were privileged to hear C. A. Cruick- shank. specialist on bulbs. speak on tulips and show his film “Spring Charm.” Prize-winners of the September Show were as follows: Rose: R. Whatley. Mrs. A. Martindale, Mrs. R. Healey. Chrys- anthemum: Mrs. Martindale. Foliage arrangement for man- tel: Mrs. Martindale, Mrs. W. Banks, Mrs. J. Gribble. Flower arrangement for coffee table; Mrs. W. Banks, Mrs. G. Crutcher. Miss Shaw. Basket of Chrysanthemums: Mrs. Crutcner. RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. w. F. Wrixon. L. TIL, Rector E. Kohler, who kindly judged the show gave his comments on his judging and much may be learned by exhibitors and members from his helpful remarks. A success- ful sale of plants wes held and more than' seven lucky people went home with prizes fl-ol‘n the draw Prizes included vases, baskets of flowers and pears donated by Mr. Kohler. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH World Communion Sunday 10 a.m. â€"â€" Brief Communion Ser- ‘ vice 11 am. â€"â€" Communion and recep- tion of new members. " Sunday School . Nunery Dept. (2-3; 7 pm. -â€" Scarlet Chapters of Tor- o’nto Service All welcome. Table Cr'entre for Thanksgnma. Mrs. Martindale, Miss A. Boyle. Thornhill Horticulturists See Films Of Holland’s Flo'wers Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1952 Sunday School .. . . . . . . 1.30 p.) Sunday Service ....... 2.30 p.1 Rev. S. A. Hirtle, B.A.. Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1952‘ 11 am. â€"- Divine' Worship The Minister 11.15 am. â€" The Church School Come and worship. Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1952 “The Church on the Hill" . Finch Ave. E. at Don Mills Rd. Vesper Hour each Sunday at_3A pjm SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1952 Ladies Vocal Quartette of Toronto OCT. 12 â€"â€" Special Thanksgiving Services at 3 pm. and 7.30 pm. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 a.m. â€" Bible School , classes for all age: 7p.m. â€"â€" Gospel Setvwe. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€"â€" Women’s Mis- sidnary Meeting. Fri.. 8 p.m. â€"â€" Young ueoples Soc TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Gormley Pastor Rev. A. L. Winger SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5. L952 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ZION MEMORIAL CHURCH ‘. Kohler Judges SIM THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. A. D. Cadman See Trinity Church Notes BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Come and Worshib. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Usgal service's Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 am. Wonhip ................ 1! tin. Sunday School at Concord School Home It 10 an. RXCHVALE AREA ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Charles Hewitt School 10 am. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Rout Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 9.1!. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 g... Acts 4:12: - - - for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert. B.A., 3.1)., One Block East of Yonge On Madawaska Ava. Stop 123 Pastor F. Vaughn! B. Th. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1952 9.45 a.m.,~â€"- Sunday School Win an airplane ride. Come to Sunday School this Sunday and help us win world-wide Sunday School contest. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Rev. J. Russell secretary of the Edgeley Holy Communion Service 9. 0 mm Sunday School . . . . . . . 103 am Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 am Holy Communion . . . . . . 11 1.!!! Maple * Rally Day Service . . . . 10.30 am Holy Communion ........ 7 pm 1 Hubbard Squash: W. Burke. A. F. Martindale. L. Riley. 1 Squash A.O.V.: R. Whatley. . A. F. Martin- dale. W. Burke. 6 Spanish Onions: R. Whatley. Mrs. Mizen. 6 Onions A.O.V.: L. Riley, A. F. Martindale. Mrs. Crutcher. 6 Carrots: Mrs. Thorneycroft. Mrs. W. H. Thomp- son. R. Healey. 1 Pumpkin: L. Riley, Mrs. W. H. Thompson. Mrs. Wells. S.U.M. will preach. 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service Rev. John Russell will preach The film “Africa Suffers" will be shown Thursday 8 p.m. ~â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Fri., 2.30 p.m. -â€"- Ladies Meeting 4.10 p.m. â€" Happy Hour 8 p.m. -- Intermediates . All welcome. THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ontario & Quebec) Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A.. Minister Worship Service every Sunday morning at 11.00 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1952 Miss F. Clubine. Collection of Begonias: Mrs. W. Banks, R. What- ley. Arrangement of Fall flowers: Mrs. Martindale, Mrs. P. Bone. Mrs. W. Banks. Flower .arrange- ment for bedside table (sickroom): Mrs. Banks. Mrs. Healey, Mrs. Crutcher. Bushel Basket of Vegetables: Mrs.‘W. H. Thompson. R. ‘Whatley, Mrs. G. Crutcher. Three Apples: no entries. Three pears: I. Will- iams, Mrs. Wells. 6 Cobbler Po- tatoes: L. Riley. Mrs. G. Crutcher, Mrs. W. H. Thompson. 6 A.O.V. Potatoes: Mrs W. H. Thompson, A. F. Martindale. R. Whatley. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Ron Campbell wish to extend thanks to all friends and neighbours for their cards, flowers and generous assistance received during their great sor- row in the tragic loss of a loving daughter. *1wI4 CARD 0F THANKS The Evening W.A. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church wish to thank all those who’by their contributions and patronage made their annual Rummage Sale a great success. Juniors: Basket of flowers, ar- rangement to count: Audrey Thom- pson Mary Harrison Foliage ar- rangement: Alvin Thompson, Mary Harrison Vase of any flower: Audrey Thompson, Mary Harrison. The minister will speak on the Theme: An Altar on the Hilltop (Communion meditation) World Communion Sunday “This do in remembrance of Me” (Jesus) Attendance at the Communion Ser- vice should be one of the Musts for every follower of Jesus Christ. When were you there lest? SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is temporarily held in Richvale Public School each Sunday afternoon at the new time of 3 pm. Parents are requested to take note of this new time change and aid their children to leave home in good time each Sun- day. Sunday School Bus Schedule Leaving Oak Ridges 2.30 p.m.; Jefierson 2.35 p.m.; Elgin Mills, 2.40 pm; Richmond Hill, 2.45 p. m.; Yongehurst Rd., 2.50 p.m.: Richvale 3 pm. Langdon‘s will stop for any children waiting on‘ the west side of Yonge St. Children are urgea to come to Sunday School now rather than wait until completion of building. minutel- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1952 NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN Visitors 'always welcome. (under erection) Richvale Chapel c1w14 WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-1016 ' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., October 2. 1952: TUmer 4-1701 STUART PAXTON III-Illllllllllllii S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerrard Heinuman Work Guaranteed, Free Estimate-- Phone Liberal Office TUrner 4-1261 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OAK RIDGES PHONES: King 111 ONT ARIO Aurora 46-J James J. We" Plumbing - Heating PIANO TUNING and Repairing Sheet Metal Work SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Wtite or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond. Hill, TUmer 4-1872 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems Wed., Thurs.. October 8. 9 ALCATRAZ ISLAND (adult) H. Bogart News - Short - 2 Cartoons Cartoon News - For Service at it's Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Short Mom. ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE E. CHARITY Thurs., Oct. 2 I WAS A SHOPLIFTER _Scott Brady CONFESSIONS OF A ‘ MODEL Danielle Darieux J. A. \X/ILLOUGHBY AND SONS Electrician Fri., Sat. Oct. 3, 4 THE WELL Richard Rober HUDSON'S BAY Tues.. October 6, 'l BENNY THE DIP Dick Haymes - News - 2 Cartoons HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 Richmond Hill Cartoon News Evaporated Milk 2 33'- 29c FOR CAKES, Pastry. FRYIN G Crisco SPECIALS Mushroom Soup :1,"- 18c CARNATION Salmon HEINZ FANCY PINK New Lux ‘TOP OF THE MORNING’ Floor Wax J OHNSON’S Butler SPECIAL OFFER Potatoes NO. 1 FANCY RED McIntosh Apples 23:: 75c NO. 1 ONTARIO MOUNT ALBERT Waxed Turnips »- 5c P.E.I. N0. 1 Self Serve" RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Vz'l Tln Large Pkgs. 10 lb. Bag FRESH GROUND 89c 61c FIRST GRADE 23c PINK SEAL 99c 57c 57c 31c

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