Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Oct 1952, p. 10

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Mink 5141'?” - Drive .S'I‘Iffly ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 10% DOWN LING-TILE SERVICE TELEVISION MOTORiSTS! DON’T RISK lOSING woman's LICENCE Over 17,000 licences were suspended in I951 FRlGlDAlRE DELUXE REFRIGERATOR and DELUXE FRlGlDAlRE RANGE Used at the Robin Hood Cooking School will be Sold at Reduced Prices RICHMOND Hlli'l. Paris .Auto Supply Ltd. Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o’clock noon, Thursday, October 23, 1952, for male help to work with assessor on office and field work. and salary expected. TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH Applicant'will state age, education, when available TUrner 4-1541 Frigidaire Sales .8: Service SPECIAL 'flFFER' GEO. H. DOUCETT - MINISTER ADMIRAL JOHN W. CRAWFORD, clerk, R. R. 1 Gormley, Ont. ONTARIO REFRIGERATORS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Case. who were married in July, and who have been living with Mrs. Case's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Wil- son while looking for an apart- ment, have moved to their new home. It is a duplex. situated on No. 11 Highway. south of Barrie. Mr. Case is to be congratulated on his recent promotion as ofiicial branch manager of the North Am- erican Life Assurance Co., which involves the offices of that firm from Aurora to Midland. including Owen Sound, Collingwood and Cr- illia, with main branch office at Barrie. There are over 25 agents in the district. Mrs. P. J. Lambert. Maple, ad- dressed the W.M.S. of Laskay Unit- ed Church, when the annual Thanksgiving meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon, October 1, at the home of Mrs. Robert Glass Mrs. Lambert is a popular speaker and a record attendance was pres- ent to enjoy her lecture. The sub- ject was “The Gift of Happiness", and her many happy thoughts were carried away. to be remembered by her hearers. Mrs. Roy Peelar read a poem by Edgar Guest. Misses Julia and Marjorie Jarvis have moved to the city for the fall and winter months, and will be at 25 St. Joseph St., Toronto. until Spring. Their home at Jarvacres will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gamble and their two children. while their home in Kingsview sub- division is being built. Mrs. Gam- ble and children are at present in England. but are expected to join Mr. Gamble at Jarvacres in the near future. “KMS Rev. C. Chambers St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church, Scarboro, was the preacher at both morning and evening services of St. An- drew‘s Church, Strange, on Sun- day, when the annual anniversary Thanksgiving was observed. The minister, Rev. David Wotherspoon, was present at the evening service. In the morning, the choir of King City United Church added to the praise of Thanksgiving. Mr. Floyd Davies, Willowdale, was the soloist at the evening service. The little ‘hurch was decorated for the Au- 'mn festival with fruits, vegetab- The W.I. of King City will meet at the home of Mrs. Austin Rumble on October 14. The program will be given by Historical Research and Current Events committee, whose convenor is Miss Lily An- derson. Miss Alice Ferguson will be the guest speaker when she will give a talk on the history of Ev- ersley. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker, Aurora, at New- market Hospital, on Saturday, Oc- tober 4. This little fellow is the ninth grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Walker, King City. Mrs. Louis McInnes, Owen Sound, spent a few days at the end of last week with her niece, Mrs. Smalley and Rev. W. E. Smalley. On Tuesday Rev. and Mrs. Small- ey accompanied their aunt on her return to Owen Sound, and they remained with her until Thursday. The Worldwide Communion of Christian Communities. which has been an annual observance for the past 13 years, was celebrated at King City United Church on Sun- day evening, October 5. This linkâ€" ed the local church with the thou- sands of large and small congrega- tions that are scattered over the globe, who observed this special service on Sunday. The minister, Rev. M. R. Jenkinson, preached a sermon on “Fellowship”, emphasâ€" izing the need of fellowship be- tween man and God, and fellow- ship between man and man. ‘ and bright foliage. Mixed with undies of grain used to decorate he pulpit were several stalks of wheat which were brought from the prairies by Mrs. Rhoda Farren. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bennet have returned from their wedding trip to Quebec and are making their home in Schomberg. Mr. Bennet is the popular New Scotland School, King Town- ship, where he is teaching for his fourth year. His bride is Betty Ida,’ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garry Wood, Saskatchewan. who were present at the ceremony. The groom, Wallace N. Bennet, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Bennet, A1- lanford, Ont. The wedding cere- mony was performed by Rev. Mr. French, at Kleinburg United Church on September 27, and the reception which followed was held at Martindale Lodge. Thanksgiving Service Brownies Mrs. Donald Gunn will be invit- ed to address the L. A. of the local Brownies sometime in November, to discuss with them the work of the Brownies and Girl Guides. At a meeting of the L.A. held at the home of the recently elected chairman, Mrs. Ewart Patton, on Monday evening, Mrs. Marion Laing was present to discuss the Brownies’ project for the coming year. At a meeting of the LA. last month, Mrs. Patton was elect- ed chairman, Mrs. John Risebrough was elected secretary and Mrs. F. Hare was elected treasurer. Teacher Married ‘ommunion CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING, ONT. 24 Months to Pay - Highest Trade-In Allowances 10 YONGE 81‘. SOUTH, RICHMOND HILL - TU. KING CITY NEWS Phone King 55R14 WASHING MACHINES & APPLIANCES WEATHER STRIPPING AND COMBINATION DOORS ALL SIZES RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded We Deliver We are sorry to hear that Mr. Rasmussen, Oak Ave., is ill with jaundice. A weiner roast was held recentâ€" ly to celebrate the 10th birthday of Anna Rasmussen, Oak Ave. The young guests who enjoyed the par- ty with Anna were Jo Ann Jay, Garry Jay. Margo Martin. Howie and Stephen Martin and Eddie Owen. Mrs. Harold Ince, Spruce Ave., flew to London last week to at- tend the London Dog Show, where her bull dog Thelwall Peter com- pleted his championship. Birthday greetings are extended to young Sheila and Fred Allen, Oak Ave., October 8; also to Mrs. M. Bradshaw, \Oak Ave., who cele- brated her birthday on October 7. Remember the 'get-together this coming Friday night at the home of Betty Smith for an evening of euchre. Scout and Cub apple day will be held on Saturday, October 18. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. K. Bradshaw, Edgar Ave., on the arrival of their new daughter, Elizabeth Elaine, born Monday, October 6, at the Private Patients Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital. The lst Richvale Guide Com- pany are having a bake sale on Oc- tober 18, at Richvale School, on Spruce Ave. at 230 pm The Local Association of the Guide and Brownie Mothers will hold their first monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Paul, 187 Spruce Ave., Thursday, October 9, at 8.30 p.m. All mothers of Guides and Brownies are cordially invited to attend. The annual Harvest Home Thanksgiving services will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 5th line of King, .at both 11 aim. and 7.30 p.m. on Sunday, October 12. There will not be a service in Beth- el Baptist Church on Sunday even- ing. Rev. W. E. Smalley will preach at the morning service, and in the evening Rev. Jerry Zeman of the Czecho-Slovak Baptist Church, Rhodes Ave., Toronto, will be the preacher. Mrs. Rhoda Farren has returned after a six weeks’ holiday which she spent with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Diceman, Teston. in visiting her sister, Mrs. Katie Diceman and her niece, Mrs. E. Parno, at York- ton, Sask. Her nephew, Mr. L. Agar and Mrs. C. Durston at Dau- phin, Man., and Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister at Big Valley, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Diceman and Mrs. Farren left King by motor in August, and on their outward journey they tra- velled through the USA. They returned via the Trans-Canada Highway which they found to be a wonderful experience at this time of year when the trees and rocks were more colorful than they had ever imagined. On the last morn- ing of their trip, they drove for three hours through snow flurries, in the district near Matheson, Nor- thern Ontario. Mrs. Farren will long remember the great fields of golden wheat, the Park Belt, the coal mines and the oil wells on the McAllister farm. There are 36 oil wells on this huge property. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Wilson en- joyed a motor trip to the Mari- times recently, making a journey of over 4,000 miles, to some of Canada’s most famous beauty spots. They were delighted with the wea- ther, and the scenery, and think that the trip on the Cabot Trail was the most spectacular of all they saw. When travelling on the St. Lawrence, east of Quebec City, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson saw one of the ships of the Northumberland Line in dock. As they know Capt. Ross Sinclair, Toronto, and Capt. Bud Armstrong, King, who are in the Lakes service, they decided to visit the ship. Imagine their sur- prise when Capt. Ross Sinclair was aboard, and he was delighted to have a visit with his old friends. He was loading pulpwood to be de- livered in Detroit. Capt. Sinclair is a brother of Mrs. T. L. Williams. Visit Maritimes Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell moved to Toronto last week to spend the winter in the city. Mrs. Mitchell’s father, Walter Kightley, who was injured in a motor acci- dent early in August, is still a pa- tient in the Toronto East General Hospital. One of the daily commuters to Toronto is Ruth Wilson, who has enrolled in Shaw's Business School, Bay and Charles Sts.. and is now taking a secretarial course. Correspondent: MRS. A. GOTTSCHALK Telephone: AVenue 5-2457 RICHVALE TU. 4-2101 Don Wright, layman, of the Church of England Sunday School of the Air, over CFRB Sunday mornings, will be the guest speak- er at St. Stephens Church, Sunday evening, October 12. Holy Com- munion will be celebrated at that service at 7 pm. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Christie and son. Bryan of Trenton were weekâ€" end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan. Maple W. 1. family night will be held in the Masonc Hall on Friday, October 17, at 8 p.m., with Rich- mond Hill W.I. and Edgeley W. I. as guests. Miss Melson of the University of Toronto will be the guest speaker and will show pictures of the Scan- dinavian countries. Rally flay Service was observed by the United Church Sunday School last Sunday with a good a1.- tendance. This community welcomes Dr. and Mrs. Campbell McKay, David and Clayton. who have moved to the village from King. Dr. Mc- Kay ls the veterinary with Maple Cattle Breeders Association. Sacred solos were rendered by Rickie Darling, Nora Lund and a duet by Misses Dorothy Jarrett and Marilyn Brown. Those taking part in the worship service with the as- sistant superintendent were Nor- man Lund, Patricia Lund, Gary Snider. Mrs. L. P. Arlett of London visâ€" ited last week with Mrs. Isaac Watson and Jackson Cook, and at- tended the re-opening of St. Steâ€" phens Anglican Church, Sunday, September 28. Mrs. L. P. Arlett of London and Mrs. Isaac Watson visited friends in Newmarket and Sharon last Thursday. ' ‘ ' ° Many ladies of Maple called o_n Miss Marion Watson at her home in Woodbridge to see her lovely gifts, last Friday evening. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Alex Forrest in the loss of her bro- ther, Dr. A. C. Greenaway, of R0â€" cky Mountain. Alberta, who passed away suddenly, Friday, October 3. CORREPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN Phone Maple 19R5 paid out to about one million owners. This represents an average return of approxi- mately $100. Some owners have earned more interest than thisâ€"some lessâ€"but all would agree that they have had a handsome return for an investment that is cashable at full face value at an instant’s notice. -interest payments totalling about ninety three and a half million dollars have been Since the first Canada Savings Bond was so” MAPLE NEWS SEE YOUR INVESTMENT DEALER OR BANK $93,494,4605-Z Plan to get your share get my; share of this buy through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work The address was given by Mrs. Hoover of Gormley and was great- ly appreciated by the children. Why not try my selections. No obligation. Write or phone for approval. HIGHLAC‘D SIAM? CO. NEWTONBROOK P. O. There was a large congregation present for the service of Holy Communion at last Sunday's ev- ening service at Maple United Church. A full choir under the direction of Mrs. Roy Clegg ren- dered the anthem with Kenneth Jarrett and William Oliver taking the solo parts. Five names were added to the roll of full member- ship. 0 O O c STAMPS FREE Beautiful South Africa, Van Rie Beck and Jamaica Scout Jamboree sets to approval buyers. Mr. Wright is a member of the Laymen’s Speakers Committee of the great Mission which the An- glican Diocese of Toronto is hold- ing for ten days commencing Oc- tober 26, in the Coliseum at the CNE when Canon Bryan Green, Rector of Birmingham, England, will be the preacher. He is an ac- tive member of St. Aidan’s church and one of a number of laymen who have been visiting all the An- glican churches in the Toronto Di- ocese. He will give the layman’s point of view and opinion of the Mission â€"â€" the need of it, what it is expected to do, and some interâ€" esting facts about Canon Bryan Mr. Don Wright, the well known radio commentator of Station CF RB and producer of the "Children’s Hour” program heard on Sundays at 9.30 a.m. will address the con- gregation of St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Maple, next Sunday even- ing at 7 pm. Green AVenue 5-2388 LINOLEUMS FURNITURE {\t is the easiest, most carefree Way to earn money that one can imagine. And now the new Seventh Series of Canada Savings Bonds offer a better return than ever! They pay an average of 3.44% per year if held for their full term of 10 years and 9 months. The Seventh Series bonds--I like earlier issuesâ€"are cashable at full face value plus interest at any time at any bank in Canada. SAND, GRAVE-L CRITSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL, CUSTOM GARDEN PLOUGHING & DISCIN G RICHMOND HILL MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Centre St. TU. 4-1131 - BRANCHES: TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNIA- - KITCHENER - WINDSOR - IETERBOROUGH ‘ CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS ” Richmond Hill Office 8 Yonge St. South Phone us and we will pick up your car for wash, Repairs on all cars Tires, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale FOR SAFE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING L. W. REID greasing or oil change Your AVenue 5-2211 SUBURBAN SPECIALIST . 4-1782 RUGS TILE Thomhill RE. 9354 TU. 4-0001

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