Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Oct 1952, p. 11

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Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Office Hours â€" Daily 10 to 5 p.m ' Evenings by Appointment 42 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill Barristers. Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Blddg., 85 Richmond Street West Plaza 8929 Richmond Hill. Thursday morning Maple, Thursday afternoon Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public 93 Yonge Street._ Richmond H111 Ever Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries N. Mathews. QC. K. Stiver, B.A. B. E. Lyons. B.A. Jos. Vale. QC. 100 Main St.. Newmarket, Ont. Phone 120 220 Bay St.. Toronto. Ont. Phone Wa. 2343-4 'J. Rabinowitch. Turn those unwanted items into cash. Dispose of them by tele- phoning TUrner 4.1261 .nd in- urtinc a classified ad. HOLDEN, ROHMER & CORNER Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public Floyd E. Corner Richard H, Rohmer B.A., D.F.4 Thomas A. Holden B.A. Aurora Ofl'ice: Ardill Block, ‘ Yonge and Wellington Street: Telephone 406. Aurora GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability Hail. Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 8 Specialty King City Telephone 2E 85 Centre W Toronto R. D. MacNaughton THORNHILL 1A Colborne AVex Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. J. Roy H errington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE ( Firs, Automobile, Etc.) General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass. Hospitalization and Auto Financing 42 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone TUrneI 4-1652 Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 95 Church Street South Richmond Hill, Ontario TUrner 4-1863 By appointment only Rates for insertion in this ac tion are available at T e Liberal office phone TUrner 4-1261. Norman A. Todd GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Farm, etc. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Jack Walkington Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Stuart P. Parker BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL W. SCHURMAN Donald Gordon Plaxton Banister, Solicitor, etc. Richmond Hill, Ont. William Cook and Walsh 7'. C. Newman 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Ofi'ico TUrner 4-2071 Thornhill Office AVenue 5-1300 Roy V. Bick INSURANCE TUrner 4-2084 TUmer 4-1551 Maple 71R4 LEGAL AVenue 5-1477 TUmer 4-1543 EM. 3-0311 Public 28 MAPLE 22 Centre St. E Dr. Jas. R. Langstafi Dr. Cameron Cawan BY APPOINTMENT 108 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1631 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7, Willowdale PHONE Bu 1-8011 x-Ray. Ultra Short Wave Therm OFFICE HOURS: Mom, Wed., Fri. â€"â€" -5, 6-8 Tues., Thursday â€"â€" 1-3, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. Thornhill TUrner 4-1511 VETERIN ARY SURGEON Telephone Centre Street TUrner 4.1432 Richmond Hill Above Harley's~ Drug Store OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday, 10 am, - 12 noon; 1 pm. . 3 p.m. Evenings: Monday to Thursday, The Thornhill School Thomhill Phone 82 PIANO. OR'GAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks Richmond HI“ 108 Yonge St. TUmor 4-1238 From the Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept a number 0! Hpfiupifilp in» 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 pm. daily except Wednesdays Tuesday & Thursday evenings: 6â€"8 p.111. Other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 Dr. W. Allan Ripley DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE Dentist 78 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Open evenings TUmer 4- 1462 Doris Pollock TEACHER OF BALLET LIMITED CLASSES 9 Grandview Ave. Highland Park AVenue 5-1318 Classes for Pre-School Children AVENUE 5-1302 STOP 14 YONGE STREET Austey Dr. E- A. Crawford Office Hours 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m by appointment Dr. Wm. D. Howe Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. J. T. Sheppard VETERINARY SURGEON V Richmond Street Thornhill Veterinary Clinic Obstetrician & Gynecologist M arglgerite Boyle Dr. Currently Accepting Pupils Telephone AVenuo 5-2252 Dr. J. P. Wilson DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Department. Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL” AVenue 5-1278 Arnold Avenue. Thomhill Dr. W. J. Mason Dr. R. J. Steele Dr. J. M. Dryer Aa‘elmo Melecci Audrey Stinson TEACHER 0F PIANO Bernard Bifield of Dancing BALLET - TAP Under the instruction of DR. H. E. PALMER DR. F. W. WALKER VETERINARY Or by appointment By appointment TUrnet 4-1422 Phone TU. 4-1043 LILLY AUSTEN Dentist Building. Yonge Street THORNHILL AVenue 5-2181 M. J.'Walker MEDICAL â€"ANDâ€"- MUSICAL VIOLIN DENTAL AVenue 5-1311 AVenue 5-1667 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Maple. Ont. PHONE 3 Arthur G. Broad, D.C. 26 Years' Experience York County, Uxbnage and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sale- 3 Specialty Telephone Stoufiville 67312 Address: Gormley P.0. Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements. House- hn‘ld Furniture, Real Estate Sales 3 specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.0., ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.0., ph. Markham 346 -No sale too big - too small Farms, Supgytgag figpertiel, etc. Richmond Hill Licensed and Authorized for me THORNHILL and UNIONVILLE For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yong-e at. District 2518 YUNGE ST, (at St, Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Slmpson Lynein J.F Lynett W. J. SMITH & SON STEELE’S AVE. WEST TELEPHONE AVENUE 5-1300 After 6 pm. call BA. 1-0411 or KI. 7874 9 a.m.-9 p.m. MIMEOGRAPHING. ENVELOPES ADDRESSED, DIRECT MAILING. BOOKKEEPING, MONTHLY STATEMENTS. MANUSCRIPTS. Letters taken over phone in even- ing or daytime. Ernie Brock & Son Gormley Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. SCHOOL Leave Maple Leave Richmond Leave Maple Leave Richmond FUNERAL DERECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Stenographic Service W. J. Aldridge SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired Lt it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town iay or night emergency service Maple 72r23 GENERAL BUSINESS 213 Oak Ave., Richvale BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 Electrical Wiring & Repairs 24 Hour Service RICHARD HAYES Thornhill. phone AV. 5-1679 Ken & Clarke Interior and Exterior Paper Hanging General Insurance 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2062 INSURANCE Fire. Automobile. etc. TUrner 4-1671 A. S. Farmer. Phone TUrner 4-1931 CHIROPRACTIC ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS REAL ESTATE AUCTIUNEERS Ian D. Grant R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE CARPENTER CABINET MAKER :1 Hill TUrner 4-1311 Branch Offices at By Appointment Prentice A UCTIONEERS Painting Stouffville 66304 8.10 a.m. Hill 9.10 3.00 pm. Hill 4.30 DAYS Visiting with friends on Garden Ave.. last week. were Mr. and Mrs. J. Youdell of Kirkland Lake, for- merly of Langstafi. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little, Garden Ave., on the birth of a new grandson, born to their daughter Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Huntley, Richmond Hill. on September 28. Mrs. Findlay Ross, Langstafl'. was the lucky winner of a bag of groceries when she attended the Hostess Notes evening held at Trin- ity Anglican Church recently. Ruth and Arthur Loverock of Doncaster. who celebrated their first wedding anniversary Septem~ ber 29, visited with Art's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Loverock, Langâ€" staff. Mrs. I". Carter Sr. is visiting her son. F. Carter and Mrs. Carter, of Church St. Len Boyle, Church St., who has been on the sick list is well enough to return to work. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Col. G. B. Webster, Garden Ave., on the birth of their second son at the Toronto General Hospital. Pri- vate Patients Pavilion on Septem- ber 28. Congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. Marshal]. on the birth of a daughter, a sister for Ann. Playmates of Patricia Maclean, Garden Ave., will be sorry to hear she has once again returned to the hospital for further treatment. Mrs. Walter Tew, Yonge St., re‘ turned home Sunday by plane from London, England, where she has been visiting With relatives. Greetings and best wishes to Mrs. S. Worsdale on her birthday, October 12. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Campbell, No. 7 east. were cousins Mr. and Mrs. N. Filsinger, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fils- inger from Stratford. While here they attended the Markham Fair on Saturday. Church News Langstaff Baptist Missionary Women’s Fellowship meeting, Oc- tober 2. was held at the Church with a good attendance. After the devotional ‘period plans were discussed for the gathering of good used clothing â€" men's wo« men’s and children's to be sent to Rev. Gordon Rendle at Novar, Mus- koka. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. A. Duncan. Langstafi, and Mrs. P. Jordan of Richvale. Juniors meeting October 3. un- der the leadership of Mr. T. Wood- ward, got off'to a good start with an attendance of 85. Mr. G. Att- well of Christie St. Baptist church, Toronto, was the guest speaker. The Young Peoples group jourâ€" neyed to Queensville Baptist Church recently and was in charge of the meeting. Friday. October' 10, tile speaker will be Mr. David Smith. principal of Langstafi Public School. Mrs. H. P. Suter, Boyle Dr.. was hostess last Thursday evening, at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Doris Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell, Langstaff Showers Bride-to-be Doris, dressed in old jeans. had been invited to the Suter homc not suspecting the surprise, wherc some 29 friends welcomed her. ' Hosteés and co-hostesses were Mrs. H. P. Suter, Mrs. Glady. Smith, Mrs. Joyce Curtis and Mrs. Joan Suter. Other guests were: Misses Fran Boys, Kay McKinley. Margaret Chenery, Jacqueline Cooke, Phyllis Russell, Barbara Suter, Peggy Reid, .Margaret Clarke. Dorene Reainan, Dorothy Graibble, Shirley Thompson, Mes- dames Lois Smith, Mary Suter. E1- eanor Harris, Betty Pattison, Bet- ty Kirby, Gert Smith, Flossy Mar- tin, Kitty Elliott, Violet Bowen, Barbara Davis. Collene Jones. Kay Morris and Lynn Richardson. Mrs. Dorothy Campbell, No. 7. east, won five prizes at the Mark- ham Fair â€"â€" angle cake first; tatted centrepiece. first; chili sauce. sec- ond: begonia, third and a fern. third. Mark-Vaun W. I. held its reg- ular meeting, October 2, at the home of Mrs. D. Robeson, with the president, Mrs. A. T. Math- ews. presiding. Convener of Citizenship and Ed- ucation, Mrs. H. Glassey, introduc- ed the guest speaker, Dr. S. G. Chalk, medical superintendent of Langstafi Ontario Hospital, who gave an informative talk on the welfare and types of patients, as well as the treatment used at the Langstaff hospital. Mark-Vaun WJ. Mrs. A. T. Mathews expressed the appreciation of the group- to Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, etc Life (Confederation Life Associa- 18 Church St., Langsufi 19 Centre St. W. Richmond Hill Drapes & Curtains Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE MADE Dressmaking, Alterations on Ladies’ and Men’s Clothing Phone AVenue 5-1854 TUrner 4-1219 LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STO'I'TS tion) Dr. Chalk for giving his address. Standing conveners were asked for their reports. Mrs. Mathews was chosen as delegate to repre- sent the branch at the area con- vention. The family party in De- cember was discussed and cheques were sent out to the Mrs. Watt memorial fund. and to the A.C.W. hostesses fund. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chalk and Mrs. Hannah. The Central Ontario Area Fif- tieth Convention will be held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Nov- ember 5, 6 and 7. Theme "Wo- men as Ciuzens in a Changing World." On Sunday afternoon. October 5, following the Andrew Wilson - Doreen Stephenson wedding. a re- ception to friends and neighbours was held on the Stephenson lawn in Buttonville. The tent, erected for the wedding on Saturday, was used to hear the recording of the wedding ceremony held the prev- ious day, Saturday. September 27, in Brown's Corners United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- son received the guests. Lunch was served in the tent and on the spa- cious lawn. Mrs. Wilson, mother of the groom and Mrs. Muirhead of Kitchener, sister. and local friends assisted in serving. A rehearsal party for the WH- son-Stephenson wedding group was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard. Close friends and grandparents of the happy couple attended. Previous to the wedding several parties were held for Miss Doreen Stephenson. A community shower held in Buttonville Hall; Miss June Collard and Mrs. John Leaf also entertained; the staff of the Home Lovers Dept. at Simpsons present- ed Doreen with a lovely occasion- al chair. Keep Monday, October 27, open for a special treat. Elizabeth York from the T. Eaton Hostess Shop will give a lecture “Eating around Europe” of interest to men, wom- en and children.Prizes and stunts, muscial numbers and refreshments will be provided. We are sorry to hear of the ill- ness of Mrs. Denby, mother of Mrs. Ross Horde; Mrs. Fred Tenny- son is on the sick list. We wish them a speedy recovery. Wilson-Stephenson A wedding of interest was sol- emnized Saturday afternoon, Sep- tember 27, in Browns Corners Un- ited Church. when the Rev. E. A. Huston united in marriage Miss Muriel Doreen Stephenson. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Steph- enson, Buttonville, and Mr. Nor- man Andrew Wilson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Milli- ken . '11 Walk Beside You. The wed- ing music was played by Mrs. idney English. The bride, given in marriage by er father, wore an original gown of ivory satin and lace. The fitted bodice featured a Peter Pan collar of lace; the long pointed sleeves had insets of matching lace. The gathered and circular skirt swept into a train. Her full length veil was held by a Juliet cap of satin and lace. She carried a bouquet of red roses. The maid of honor. Miss Margaret Hood, the brides- maids, Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson. and Miss Joan Stephenson, and the soloist Miss Mary Gough, all wore boufiant gowns of nile green tulle over varied shades of champagne to brown. They featured wide courtship neckline with bertha of matching tulle. On their hair they wore braided coronets of green tulle, with matching feath- ers at the side. They carried cas- cades of coral gladioli. The Church was beautifully dec- orated with standards of colorful gladioli. As a prelude to the cer- emony, the soloist, Miss Mary Trough sang 0 Perfect Love and luring the signing of the register. This is sponsored by the mis- cellaneous Group of Brown’s Cor- ners Church Harmony Club in Buttonville Hall. After the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents in Buttonville. Mrs. Aub- rey Stephenson received her guests in a lovely gown of shrimp lace, with small velvet hat and wine accessories. She was assist- ed by Mrs. Thomas Wilson. moth- er of the groom. wearing a gown of royal blue with navy hat and shoes. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Galbraith and Miss Nettie Galbraith of Port Col- bourne, Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead of of Kitchener, and Mr. Guy Gal- braith of Toronto, who acted as Master of Ceremonies and propos- ed the toast to the bride. An in- teresting item was the toast to the two grandmothers, Mrs. Herbert, Stephenson and Mrs. A. E. Milner of Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son will reside on No. 7 Highway, The best man was William Wil- son, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Kenneth Stephenson and Allan Wilson. near Bayview Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Removed Promptly for Sanitary Dispoeal Telephone Collect Woodbridge 6] and Toronto EM. 3-3636 GORDON YOUNG Ltd. Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 35811 DEAD STUCK Webbing BUTTONVILLE AV. 5-2434 Holstein Cattle 1. Victoria Maple Hedge, 666889. born Sept. 12, 1945. bred June 9, 1952 2. Maple Hedge Pearl. 2nd. 704587. born 1946, bred Jan. 15, 1952 3. Maple Hedge Jo Ann Champion 2nd, 709322. born Aug. 23. 1946. bred June 10, 1952 4. Maple Hedge Ena 2nd. 714055. born Sept. 6, 1946, bred Feb. 22, 1952 5. Maple Hedge Buttercup 2nd. 714765 ,born September 10, 1946, bred April 25, 1952 6. Maple Hedge Iona 2nd, 714054, born Sept. 13, 1946, bred March 21, 1952 7. Maple Hedge Ada, 763669, born Oct. 17, 1947, in full flow 8. Maple Hedge Ollva Posch, 767- 835, born Nov. 12. 1947. bred March 23, 1952 9. Maple Hedge Wayne Fay A.. 780061. born Feb. 28, 1948, bred May 15, 1952 10. Maple Hedge Cookie 2nd, 788- 836, born April 11, 1948, bred April 11, 1952 11. Maple Hedge Jane Rag Apple. 824544, born Sept. 21, 1948, bred Jan. 9. 1952 12. Maple Hedge Myrle. 843391, born May 8, 1949, bred Dec. 27, , 1951 13. Maple Hedge Cookie 3rd, 838- 769, born March 24, 1949, bred June 9. 1952 14. Maple Hedge Jo Ann Champion C, 895019, born Feb. 26, 1950, bred Feb. 19, 1952 15. Betty B. Texall. 910035, born Sept. 10, 1950, bred April 24, 1952 16. Victoria Maple Hedge 2nd, 920- . 929, born Sept. 6, 1950, bred March 21, 1952 ‘17. Maple Hedge Jessie, 917533, We Deliver 1952 19. Maple Hedge Eva A., 927696, born Jan. 22, 1951. not bred 20. Maple Hedge Wayne Ann, 927- 695, born Jan. 12. 1951 21. Maple Hedge Cookie Bess, 940- 762, born Jan. 23, 1951 22. Maple Hedge Wayne 3rd, 940- 761, born Feb. 12, 1951 23. Maple Hedge Elizabeth 2nd, 940760, born March 10, 1951 24. Queen Victoria Ann, 953929. born May 24 1951 25. Maple Hedge Laura Bond Hav- en 993461, born Feb. 22, 1952 26. Faith Bond Haven Gandhi, 975959, born Oct. 9, 1951 27. Bona Lonelm MH. 975958, born’Nov. 14, 1951 28. Maple Hedge Victoria, 996495, born Nov. 15, 1951 29. Maple Hedge Iona RA, 996496, born Nov. 23, 1951 30. Maple Hedge Judy C, 985753, born Dec. 10, 1951 31. Maple Hedge Lena A, 985755, born Dec. 29, 1951 32. Maple Hedge Wayne A, 985756, born Feb. 2, 1952 33. Maple Hedge Cookie B, 985754, born 1952 PIPE CUT 8: THREADED SASH GLAZED PICKED UP a; DELIVERED RICHMOND BILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded borniOctoberfill. 1950; not bred 18. Maple Hedge Janet, 917532. born Oct. 11, 1950, bred May 12, on rubber, new 2 Sets 4-sec. Drag Harrow: Rubber-Tired Wagon Cockshutt Tractor Disc Plow, 3- furrows Set of Sloop Sleighs Gem Elec. Oat Roller Tractor Grain Grinder 12" Extens. Ladder Set of Team Harness M-H Horse Rake, 10 ft. Number of Sacks, Forks, Shovels, Hoes. etc. Quantity of Furniture Set of Weigh Scales 2-Wheel Trailer and Rack Many other articles Hay & Grain Approximately 10 tons of Hay Approximately 1,000 bus. of Mixed 34. Maple Hedge Wayne Fay 8, 1011454. born March 22, 1952 Above listed cattle are all of good size, fully accredited. and all are vaccinated and bred by the Maple Cattle Breeders’ Associa- tion. Pin 22 Chunks 8 Suckers Farm Machinery New Favorite Threshing Machine. 24”, complete with clover attach- ment, straw cutter, chaff blow- er. grain thrower, etc. This ma- chine is good and almost new. W6 International Tractor, new and Drill. power-lift, good Steel Land Roller Tandem Disc Harrow, IHC, good Flat Rack Power-lift IHC 10 It. Cultivator, complete Farmall A (IHC) Tractor, new IHC 3-furrow Tractor Plow, on rubber, new IHC 2-furrow Hydraulic Plow, new, has plowed only 1 acre [RC Power Take-off Mower, 7 it. cut, new IHC Power Take-off Manure Sprea- der, new IHC Grain Binder, 7 ft. cut, good Cockshutt 13-disc Fertilizer Grain iGrain Farm sold Sale at 12 noon sharp KEN 8: CLARKE PRENTICE; Auctioneers Lloyd Turner, Clerk Markham P.O., ph. Markham E Milliken k Expert Piano Technician Phone or Write 186 Clonmore Dr. Toronto 13 Oxford 7477 0f Herd of Registered. Fully Accredited HOLSTEINS Tractors, Threshing Machine Implements. Farm Stock, Hay, Grain .etc. Property belonging to WALTER BRIGNALL Lot 26. Con. 7 Markham Twp. THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 16 AUCTION SALE PIANO TUNING REPAIRING HAROLD a. HEAP IMPORTANT Terms cash Agincour No TU. 4-2101 reserve | 346 52w? THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., October 9, 1952., 11’ CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED â€" MONTEEAI,‘ I. D. RAMER 8: SON Did you know YOU NEVER KNOW where you’re next going to meet the modern plastic called polytheneâ€"as a flexible ice cube tray, a protective bag for fruit and vegetables or in a variety of other forms. Here it is as a handy "squeeze” bottle for deodorants. FOR THOUSANDS of Canadians nothing can match the thrill of duck hunting â€"- the wheeling flock of birds, the smell of pow- der in the brisk fall air and a “big one” plummeting down! Shot shell this man is reaching for is another product of the chemical industry. The opening of C-I-L’s new plant near Edmonton will mark the first time poly- thene plastic has been manufactured in Canada. The annual output from this plant would be sufficient to make a 1%” water main long enough to stretch from Halifax to Vancouver. RICHMOND HILL Picture News from C-I-L PROMOTES BALANCED GROWTH }ORMLEY, ONT. Fire safety, low upkeep and protection for your car are provided by this attractive CONCRETE BLOCK garage---u necessity, to protect your investment in today's high cost cars. A SINGLE-CAR GARAGE will safeguard your car! GDRMLEY BLOCK CO. MEEI'S All. II.S.T.M. SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE BLOCKS CINDER BLOCKS WEEPING TILE, LIME & CEMENT Phone Stoufl'ville 381W] Evgs. BAldwin 1-184S INCREASED AWARDS for the win- ners of the popular radio series “C-I-L Singing Stars of Tomor- row” is big news for hundreds of young Canadian singers. Over $4,000 in C-I-L musical awards will be the goal of talented com- petitors on the program. TURNER 4-1313

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