‘Chesterï¬eld suites expertly re- covered. All of our work carries the Department of Health label of approval. Twenty-three years of upholstering experience is your guarantee of quality. DYER’S FURNITURE CALL 1250 NEWMARKET [LIFETIME all metal Venetian ‘Blinds, aluminum 01 steel baked 1enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, iKirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, :free estimates and installations. ‘Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket. Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50, all with reverse stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrify your ma- chine for $26.50. Phone Reid's Cleaners, Richmond Hill TU. 4- 1881. tfc29 SOLID LIGHT OAK desk chair. bookcase; steel ï¬ling cabinet; new ~[workable typewriter. ice box. quan- tity of latex paint $3.50 gal. TU. 44976. c1w15 LIGHTING UNIT. suitable for summer cottage or trailer, comin- ental. gas driven 300 “att 12 volt system, nearly new AVenue 5- 1323. c1w15 TURKEYS Young, broad-breasted birds of top quality, Hens 12-15 Ibs.; Toms 20- 25155. Fresh killed any time‘ any quantity. Drawn and ready for your oven if desired. Bob Lanthier. AV. 5-2354. c1w15 DINING ROOM SUlTE, living room suite. bedroom suite. electric washing machine, liquid Propane Gas stove. AVenue 5-1749. cï¬v15 ELECTRIC Kelvinator Refrigera- tor, 60 cycle. 2% years left on the guarantee. like new $195. 51 Grandview Ave., Stop 13A Yonge St. . c1w15 PIANO; Army Officer's Greatcoat; kitchen chairs. 251 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. c1w15 LARGE solid walnut dresser and bed. rocking chair, in good condi- tion. 176 Lucas St., Richmond Hill. *1w15 JACKET HEATER, large iractically new. 4-2095. ____._____, A NUMBER OF new red brick, about 400. Reasonable. AV. 5â€"2345 or 57 John St., Thqrnhlll. c1w15 â€â€"1, TWIN BEDS, complete, metal, walnut ï¬nish. $25.00. 89 Birch Ave., Richvale. *1w15 APPLES, bring your own bushel, $1.00 to $3.00. Maple 110R13. ".1 K WALLPAPER â€" Canadian, Ameri- can, English and Imported. A. R011- WHITE ENAMEL coal and wood cook stove; 8" bench saw, small lathe. Apply 85 Yonge St. South. Richmond Hill. *1w15 BROODER HOUéE and wire chick- en pens. BA. 1-0802. c1w15 .FIREWOOD: hardwood cuttings $8 a load. TU. 4-1421. c2w1.’ __.____._â€"â€", LARGE STEEL CRIB. $6.00. Ap- ply 49 Edgar Ave., Richvale. *1w15 ________._f LARGE Oil Space Heater. cheap. or will swap for smaller size. AV. 6-1952. *1w15 ____._._â€" GIRL’S CLOTHING. winter coats. suits. etc., Size 10-12. Phone AV. 5-1695. c1w15 9 PIECE Dining Room Suite, al- most new, English oak, refectory table. Phone TUrner 4-1788: RCA VICTOR 12%" TV SET. Con- sole model. excellent condition, $175.00 cash. Phone King 130R2. c1w15 WASHING MACHINES for sale, rebuilt and guaranteed 3 to choose from. Fox Appliances. TU. 4- 1610. c1w15 Don’t Put Your Liberal Down Without A Look Here BOY'S Winter Ovrerrcoat for boy 14-15 years old. TU. 4-1671. c1w15 AMBER HONEY in 30 1b per 1b. ley, Ont COATS, lady's, one fall and one winter, size 18. in good condition. AVenue 5-1242. c2w15 ESSOTANE STOVE reasonable. Walter thurst St. UPRIGHT We§tinghouse X12". $15; also bevel Apply 22 Richmond St ,__._w COFFIELD Washing IV ood condition. new motor. 268. ,__.____ 1 WATER PRESSURE System, 250 gal. per hour, large tank, TU. 4- 1608 after 7 pm. ticls SOLID WALNU'f BUFFET, $17.00. Maple 70R11. c1w15 THERMO OIL HEATER size. TUrner 4-1403. insén, TU. 4-1791 CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 34: per word, min. charge Second and subsequent inscrtons if wording unchnnged, 3c per word, min. charge FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type lino lOc‘ min. charge CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, put insertion BIRTH NOTICE ................... . . . ..... . ........... élnneiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but nnt later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE UPHOLSTERING ..v....- B. Kayeâ€"s: R. R. 1‘. Gorm- *2w15 CLASSIFXED ADVERTISING RATES WHItérâ€"‘ï¬owning. Ba- *1w15 'estinghduse radio 22" also bevelled mirror. ER, large size, all pipes. TUrner c1w15 year _old, s_e11 , medium c1w15 Machine pail, 15c AV. c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 c2w15 tfc13 Complete bathroom ï¬xtures - BATH 4%,] or 5’) BASIN. CLOSET, Powder room sets - white or color with chromed ï¬ttings. KITCHEN SINKS white or color chromed ï¬ttings and KITCHEN SINK CAB- INETS for porcelain enamel drain board tops or plastic tops. FUR- NACES - coal and oil gravity or air-conditioning furnaces. FIT- TINGS and pipe in copper. - cast iron - black and galvanized steel. Laundry tubs - shower cabinets electric ranges, refrigerators, pres- sure systems, oil burners. FREE CATALOGUE. Write or visit our new modern showrooms. We deli- ver - you pay no freight. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPP- LIES, STREETSVILLE, ONT. Outdoor Light Fixtures (wall bracket) $1.96 each, Dept. 610 $3.96; FINDLAY Cook Stove, 6 lid, with reservoir, excellent condition; also heater, good; daybed with new mattress and kitchen cabinet, good. TU. 4-1200 anytime after 5. c1w15 2 Pr. Wabasso Pillow Cases. pr. $1.00, Dept. 351 $2.00; 1 pr. Flan- nelette Blankets (rose or blue), Dept. 351, $4.99 pr.; Mrs. F. W. MacDonald. Carrville Rd. East. R. R. 2 Gormley. 2nd house west of 3rd concession. clw15 $100 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty-ï¬ve DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. c15w4 MODERN white enamel range. coal or wood. good condition; 1 3 h.p. Empire tractor cultivator and plow, good condition. reasonable, power takeâ€"off. 71 Edgar Ave., Richvale. *lw15 FRIGIDAIRE, 9 cu. ft. ‘Coldwall', year-old. excellent condition; own- er leaving district. Apply N. Mc- Carthy, Mel Baker's farm. Bayview Ave. North of Elgin Sideroad. SLIGHTLY USED Astral refriger- ator $75.00: Used Frigidaire (new unit) $145.00; Used and guaranteed Easy washer $69.50; Used and guaranteed Simplicity washer, $69.50; Rangettes, $15.00 and $20. Paris Auto Supply Ltd., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1541. c1w15 ELECTRIC RANGETTE, good con- dition, chrome top, utility drawer and oven $30, or trade with cash for oil space heater. Maple 73R4. c1w15 HOW ABOUT the school clothing? Have your children outgrown their tunics, Brownie outï¬ts, raincoats, snow suits, winter coat sets, boy's trench coats. suits and trousers. If so bring them to us. We can sell them for you. Then see our stock for replacement purposes. Junior Economy Shop, 41 ’Dunblain Ave.. (at Avenue Rd.) Mohawk 3447. RUGS: save up to 50%; new rugS from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc42 STOVES, apartment and table top, also refrigerator, will sacriï¬ce for immediate sale, BAldwin 1-3555. tfc38 PETROLANE STOVE, Norge, 4- burner, 2 yrs. old. will sell reason- ably; cot and mattress, reasonable. 7 Paul St., Thornhill. c1w15 STOVE, wood or coal. new Quebec Heater $51.95 with oven, cooking top 32", ï¬re pot 32" steel construc- tion; ï¬re pct 16" deep, 11†diam- eter, with high shelf for heating plates or utensils. There are 71/4; inch cooking top holes, used only 1 year Walter Quantz, Essex Ave Langstaff *lw15 BRAND NEW oil burner, with all controls, can install. BAlowm 1- 3555. tfc38 80TH ANNIVERSARY SALE: 2 WOOD FOR SALE: mixed at $18. softwood $16.00 per cord, cut in stove lengths. Phone King 11r2L Sam Mashinter. *2w14 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- ion King 26R5. tfc44 CHINESE ELMS for Hedges 12in. high, $6 per hundred. Doncaster Nursery, Thornhill, AV 5-1688 c4w12 .{ASPBERRY CANES, $10.00 per hundred. Mr. Robert Hamblyn. corner Fairview Ave. and Garden Ave.. Langstaff. AV. 5-2376. c3w14 1 LARGE SPACE HEATER and 1 45 gal. steel drum, heater "used one winter. 46 May Ave., Richmond Hill. clw15 LATHAM and Ever Bearing Indian Summer raspberry canes, reason- able. King 11R4 after 4.30 pm. DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed or separate. good colors. 3 doz. for $1.00 and up. N. J. Smellie Thornhill lst north of I.G.A. store AV. 5-1617 tfc 12 For Sale(Continued) ‘ondition box 4‘x7’, good tires 5.00 .20 â€" $40. TU. 4 1408. *2wl4 ‘WO-WHEEL TRAILER, good FIXTURES - FURNACES - FILTERS - FITTINGS c5w14 c2w1 4 c1w15 50c 75c 25c 5% c3w13 CUSTOM PLOWING, Disking, cultivating, also excavating, back- ï¬lling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4- 2342. tfc52 1936 CHRYSLER Sedan, excellent body, new battery, good tires and spare. Runs good. King 130r13. c1w15 LOST AND FOUND I_4_OS_T» Blapk Puppy, strayed froxB 57 John St., Tfldrhhm. 'Re\Vaia: AV. 5-2345. ' c1w15 ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 44177. tfc40 3-FURROW Tractor Plow, exceil: ent condition, 4 section Spring tooth barrows. Maple 37R24. c1w15 CHILD’S Windbreaker. green and sand. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Apply at Libâ€" eral oflice. c1w14 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stzne. 10am and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tic mileage, good condition. TUrner 4â€"2140. *1w15 SWATHER, 12 feet wide, used on- ly 2 seasons. Excellent condition. Phone Empire 4- 1672 or after hours MOhawk 8058. cA3w14 SAND, gravel, cruShed stone, loam & ï¬ll. L. Brillinger, phone TUrner 4-1829. tfcds BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, I AM NOW equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted areas. For quick service and rea- sonable prices call Murray Baker, Newmarket 651. c18w52 1949 FORD PICK-UP, heater, mo- tor in good condition mileage 42, 000. A. Jensen, King R. R. 3 phone King 13r11. *1w15 HOUNDS for sale. No. 4 Yonge- hurst Rd., Stop 24 Yonge St. REGISTERED & Grade HolsteiH heifers, vaccinated, due October 1. B. G. Jackson, Teston Rd.. Maple. c2w14 LADY'S French Seal fur coat, size 44; royal blue jersey housecoat. size 40. AVenue 5-1720. c1w15 FINDLAY COOK STOVE.’ coal range, with enamel back and shelf. good as new; hot water heater, 121 Gurney.~small, price reasonable. Apply C. Evelyn, Elgin Mills Side- road. clw15 CUSTOM farm ploughing, discing. cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, BA. 1-3114. *23w48 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic . and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 1950 DODGE. 1/2 ton truck. low 2 REGISTERED YORKSHIRE Sows. due October 1. B. G. Jack- son, Maple (Teston Rd.) c2w14 PIGS FOR SALE, 2 litters of chunks. very thrifty lot. L. Chap- man, Langstaï¬, Stop 20 Yonge St. AV. 5-2278. c1w15 1939 FARGO PANEL good engine, tires and battery, body fair, $225.; 1929 Model A Ford fair condition. $75 00. AVenue 5- 1851 c2w14 4 MALE KITTENS, free to good home. TU. 4-1094. *1w15 FOR SALE (c0nt.) ‘ie Judges, Richvale. Phone Maple 641-2. tfcll CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. Phone after 6 pm. AVenue 5-2462. tfc8 ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phone A. Rollinson, TU. 4-1791. tfcla tor, also don’t f0 plowing. Apply H2 Phone 3R13 King EXPERT WELL DIGGERS â€" Septic tanks installed. Phone '{ing 58r13. tfc13 MALE GOAT for service. c/o Mrs. Gifford, 3rd house east of tracks an Crosby Ave. *2w14 1. EINBODEN 82 SON, concrete antractors, septic tanks and drain epairs. Baldwin 1-0633 or Tur- Axer 4-1090. cAp2/14 ROTAVATING MISCELLANEOUS USED CARS AND TRUCKS ‘LOUGHING & Cultivating. Char- IMPLEMEN TS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE with large rotava- forget your Fall Harvey Mashinter. ng. tfch *1w15 tfc39 tfc42 gMALL apartment or flat for e1- derly woman, in Richmond Hill. Box 45 The Liberal. *1w15 FIVE or 6 room house. furnished, for winter months. Thornhill, or Richmond Hill vicinity. Write Box 44 The Liberal. *2w14 YOUNG COUPLE (abstainers) with two children, one school age, re- quire a self-contained apartment or cottage for rent. Please phone The Liberal. TUrner 4-1261. ‘ PASSENGERS wanted to east end of city. Leave Richvale 7 a.m., leaving city 5 pm. TU. 4â€"2232. CAPABLE GIRL or woman for mother’s help in modern home near North Toronto. Excellent wages. Private room. Radio, television. BA. 1‘1836 collect. c1w15 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill leaving 7 a.m., re- turning from vicinity Adelaide & Bay shortly after 5. TU. 4-1530. 50 PUREBRED New Hampshire pullets. laying. Arthur Rigg, Carrville Rd., Richvale. Maple 64 R31. c1w15 EXPERIENCED male Hoffman Presser. Apply Reid's Cleaners & Dyers Plant. Maple Grove and Yonge St., Oak Ridges. c1w15 CONSTRUCTION Laborers for Department of Lands and Forests at Maple. job to last through win- ter. Apply on job at the Depart- BARN FOR RENT, Woodbridge district, concrete stabling and steel stanchions, tie up 23 head plus box stalls; reasonable rent, hay avail- able. Phone EM. 4â€"5356 or write Henry H. Eckler, 229 Yonge St., Toronto. c1w15 PRINCIPAL at Lake \u. M. Public School wants to rent unfur~ nished house, ï¬ve to seven rooms, with bathroom, between Aurora and Richmond Hill. King 84R3 dur- ing the day or Mr. Styrmo’s resi- dence, Oak Ridges. c1w15 MAN TO drive tractor 62r22 ment. Maple EXPERIENCED girl or lady for silk ï¬nishing. Preferably one who knows spotting. Apply Reid‘s Cleaners and Dyers Plant, Maple Grove and Yonge St., Oak Ridges. c1w15 COTTAGE, 2 room, winterized on Yonge St., at Oak Ridges, King 58R14. c1w15 2 OFFICES above Savage’s Men‘s Wear Store, Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Phone TUrner 4-1800. c2w15 BUSINESS LADY, with Scotch Collie, requires 2. unfurnished rooms, near bus line â€"- conven- iences not essential. Mrs. Dorothy Arlow, Box 220 Markham, Ont. c3w14 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We are once again expanding and have an opening for an energetic man with initiative and neat appear- ance, excellent working conditions, late model car necessary. For ap- pointment call S. J. Carlisle, AV- enue 5-1176. sales manager David McLean Ltd., Toronto’s Largest North Suburban Realtors. c1w15 FLAT, furnishd, central, hot water, upper or ground floor. P. O. Box 235, Richmond Hill. *2w14 TYPEWRITERS â€" for rent 13y dgy: STOP 24 Yonge St, near to bus, 1 furnished cottage for rent to a reliable couple, young or middle aged, reasonable. E. Kinder. Ph. Maple 241124 from 4 to 7 pm. â€.1 z 4 ROOM BUNGALOVY, Ric_hmond 2 ROOMS and bathroom. hot and cold water, electricity, oil furnace heating, good location. Must have good references. Apply Harvey Mashinter, 1/2 mile west of Yonge St. at Oak Ridges, on paved High- way, 4 miles north of Richmond Hill. Phone 3R13 King. tfc12 JOHNSON OUTBOARD Motors at reduced rates. Bond Lake Gar- age, Oak Ridges, King 100. tfcll weekâ€", month or longer. Special students' rates. Phone TU. 4- 1745. *2w15 Hill, close to Yonge St.; 3 room apartment, Yonge St., Richmond Hill, reasonable. Call G. N. Grinâ€" nell Real Estate, c/o Ernest Rid- out, TU. 4-1131. *1w15 TRANSPORTATION WOMAN for baby sitting evenings. TU. 4-1540. c1w15 CEMENT MIXER, Compressor, Skill saw, AV 5- 1238 Thomhill c4w12 DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18J12 HELP WANTED OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK WANTED CAMPBELL MINK POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT TO RENT also Maple *2w15 cZwl 5 *1w15 c1w15 c1w15 SAT.. OCT. 11 â€" Auction Sale at the Stouï¬'ville Livestock Sales Arena, selling livestock our spec- ialty fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, stockers, sheep, calves, pigs, horses, ponies and poultry. For )ick-up and deli"ery service phone Stoufl'ville 368. Come early and bring something to sell. See the modern way to sell by public auc- tion. “You bring it. We’ll ll it." Make this your market where buyer and seller meet. Sale each Saturday at 1 pm. Sellers & Ab- kinson, auctioneers. TUES., OCT. 28 â€" Auction sale of 6 room bungalow on one acre of land and household furniture; e1- ectric washing machine “Simplic- ity, near new; kitchen stove (wood); dishes, bedding. At lot 24, con. 3 Markham. *4 mile south of Elgin Mills road. The estate of the late Rev. Peter J. Wiebe. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer. auctioneer. nc3w15 THURS, OCT. 23 â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, dairy cattle, pigs, poultry, furniture, etc., on Lot 5, Concess- ion 8, Markham Township, properâ€" ty belonging to Hilliard Walker. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ' c2w15 SAT., NOV. 1 â€"- Auction sale of farm stock, and implements, Hol- stein cattle, hogs, poultry, Ford tractor and equipment, hay and grain, household furniture. at lot 16, con. 6 King Twp., property of L. R. Gilham. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve, farm sold. .Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Gormley, auction- eer. c4w15 TUES.. OCT. 14 â€" Important Auc- tion Sale of farm machinery, Here- ford and Shorthorn Cattle, farm stock, implements, etc., property of R. 0. Burkholder, lot 10, con. 8, Markham Twp., ï¬rst farm east of Markham village on No. 7 Highway. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Terms cash, no reserve. Proprietor quit- ting farming. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers, Jas. Smith clerk. ‘ c1wl5 THURS, OCT. 16 â€" Extensive auction sale of herd of fully ac- credited registered Holstein cattle, pigs, poultry, threshing machine, new McD W6 Tractor and Farm- all A Tractor, Farm Stock, Imple- ments, new, Hay, Grain, Furniture, etc. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Terms cash, no reserve. Farm sold. Prop- erty of Walter Brignall, lot 25, con. 7, Markham Twp. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Clerk Lloyd Turner. *2w14 WED., OCT. 22 â€"â€" Auction Sale of 20 acres of good land, 7 room brick veneer house, good well, hydro, furnace, etc. Nicely situated, number of good shade trees. On Markham and Scarboro town line. Part of lot 3, Concession 5 Scar- boro Township. Property belonging to the estate of the late Jas. A. McCreight. Terms â€"â€" 10 per cent cash on day of sale, balance in 30 days thereafter. Sold subject to a reserve bid. E. G. Reesor, Exec- utor. Sale at 2.30 pm. sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. c2w15 THURS†OCT. 23 â€" Auction sale of farm stock; implements, cattle. horses, hogs, furniture, 10â€"20 IHC tractor on rubber. Property of R. Shipley & E. Judges. Lot 32 Con. 4, King Twp., 2 miles north of pavement. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. A. S. Farmer, auc- tioneer, E. Reddick, clerk. c2w15 SAT., OCT. 25 â€"- Auction sale of household furniture, walnut dining suite, new electric stove, electric water pump, dishes, cooking uten- sils in the Village of Unionville on corner of No. 7 Highway and 6th con. Markham. property of Mrs. Geo. Dukes. Terms cash, no reserve as leaving Unionville. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auction- eer, Gormley, Ont. nc3w15 FRI., OCT. 1'7 â€"â€" Auction sale of household furniture, dishes, glass- ware, cooking utensils, garden equipment, in the village of Beth- esda on the 5th con. Whitchurch, the property of the estate of the late Abram Shaffer. No reserve as property sold. Terms, cash. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. *2w15 Employment Wanted WOMAN wants day work. TUrner 4-1281. c1w15 BOOKKEEPING and typing. ev- enings or Saturdays. AV. 5-1240. c2w15 STENOGRAPHER - experienced, shorthand, typing, general office work. phone TU. 4-2323. *2w12 SAT., OCT. 11 â€"â€" Extensive auc- tion sale celebrating the Second Anniversary of the new Stouffville Livestock Sales Arena situated on No. 47 Highway, selling all types of livestock, this week specializing in Dairy Cattle, Horses, ponies, pigs and a special furniture and miscellaneous sale. 2 rings operat- ing at same time. Why not make this your weekly market where buyers and sellers meet. Sale ev- ery Saturday 1 pm. Sellers & At- kinson, auctioneers. c1w15 SALE REGISTERS Guaranteed TELEVISION Radio - Washer REPAIRS VICTOR DRAPER A G E N C I E S OAK RIDGES TU. 4-1061 mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering,'Richmond Hi1} TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6?37 (collect). tfc44 CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R14. tfc17 MOVING TO U.S.A. must sell 1,5 acre lot, insulated home. winter fuel in. Apply 62 Rumble Ave.. Richmond Hill. *1w15 TAKE NOTICE that any person intending to have by-law number not later than ten days after the 1379 of the Township of Markham, or any part thereof, quashed must ï¬nal passing thereof serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve and the Clerk of the Municipality of his intention to make application for that purpose to the Reeve during the six weeks next after the ï¬nal passing of the by-law. RICHVALE: 4 room bungalow, $5,- 700, $2,900 down. Apply Box 46 Liberal. *1w15 HOUSE in Newmarket. 8 rooms, Insul-stone. modem 3-pc. bath, hot water heating with oil double garage $2,500 down. Possession. Phone 1380 Newmarket. c2w15 $3,000 FIRST MORTGAGE want- ed on $7,500 house in Richmond Hill district. Phone Maple 128. DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- R.D. LITTLE & SUN Ltd. Ford & Monarch Showroom Open Evenings DATED at the Township of Markham this 8th day of Septem- ber, 1952. Gleaming black ï¬nish â€"- Equipped with air conditioning and overdrive â€"- an economical one owner car PIANO. must be in good condition. Maple 28R13. c1w15 SECONDHAND wooden or alum- inum wheelbarrow required. Map- le 54r23 or HU. 1793. c1w15 BAKER SALES &SERVICE IN THE MATTER OF THE MUN- ICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1950, CHAPTER 246, AND IN THE MATTER OF A BY~ LAW NUMBER 1379 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM BE- ING A BYâ€"LAW TO PROVIDE FOR DRAINAGE WORK IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM AND FOR BORROWING ON THE CREDIT OF THE MUNICIPAL- ITY THE SUM OF $15,345.00 FOR COMPLETING THE SAME. 1947 Plymouth Sedan 1950 Mercury Sports Sedan Township of Markham THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL $895.00 1948 DODGE with heater 1951 Hillman Estate 1950 Prefect 1950 Studebaker 1949 Plymouth NOTICE TO QUASH 1937 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. exceptionally nice REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1950 Austin A40 Sedan 'CHAS, HOOVER, Clerk 35 miles to the gallon cheap transportation Richvale PHONE TU. 4-1114 USED CARS 1937 CHEV. COACH splendid appearance RICHMOND HILL POULTRY WANTED WANTED TUrner 4-1116 $300.00 $250.00 *2w14 NEW YORKER in lovely shade of light green, chauffeur driven. 1 owner. Custom radio, air condition heater, fluid drive, directional signals. etc. 30 day 50-50 guarantee An outstanding used car. Quality Used Cars & Trucks 1935 FORD 1 TON STAKE TRUCK in good running condition Limited Richmond Hill TU 4-1772 Bradshaw Motors BEAUTIFUL 1947 CHRYSLER It’s a super-citculator to kee you warmer this yvinger. Equippedjvith O'Tripjg- Combustion bdrdei-s. Use ONE when'it's mild, TWO when it'l cold. This famous model has plenty of extra capacky for bitter cold weather. PRICIED non $81.50 VICTOR DRAPER AGENCIES OAK RIDGES Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home Office 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre -â€" Hu. 8949 . MORE HEAT! ' ' MORE comom GUARANTEED FUEL-SAVING! A MODEL FOR EVERY NEED! ACT NOW! SUPPLY LIMITED! $1,395.00 $175.00 INCREASES RADIA TING SURFACE ONLY W “5 THE "FUEL-SAVER†SAVES UP TO ll/3 ON FUEL COSTS 42 Yonge Street S- Opposite the Bus Station WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 22 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month LAY-A-WAY PLAN I FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12 NOON ! EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS F. L. LOWRIE, R.0. Optometrist WILL BE AT 50 Houses WANTED Buyers waiting for houses in all sizes and price ranges. One of Toronto’s oldest and largest offices. A reputation established through service. David McLean Ltd. Head Offices, Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 TUrner 4-1061 LIBERAL TRADE- IN ALLOWANCE! REDUCES CHIMNEY lOSS