mummuwmmuuummmumuuuuumummmImuumuuummmummuuuumumuuuuI\luluuuuuuuuumuuuuuuumuu: ï¬mmummmuunmuumnuuummumuuuummmlmmxmmnuum1nnnulnInuu1nlmun“mummuumuumuuunmnummmnmmnuu.j gum“!lllllllullllllllm\lllll\llllll\ll1l\\\l\llll\\l\lllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllmullul““ll“lll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmml“';' g RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Ndw is the TIME to replace that worn- out Roaster â€" the PLACE ENllMllllllllllllllll“\“lllllllmmlIll““l“lllllllllllll“lllllllllllm“lull““llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmulllfllfllullllllllllllllmlllllll\\\l\\llllll\ll',‘.' 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs. October 9, 195 CLEANERS AND DYERS MAPLE GROVE AND YONGE ST‘ 0 A K R I D G E s Thanks Also Thanks to Everyone A Reminder the Big Draw is still THANKSGIVING WEEK - END First Quality Blue - Gray ENAMEL ROASTERS These Roasters come in four sizes No.0 ............ $1.35 will hold 5-7 Ibo. No. 1 ............ $1.90 will hold 8-10 lbs. No. 2 .......... $2.59, will hold 15-20 lbs. No. 3 ...... $2.95, will hold 20-25 lb. roast Goods satisfactory or money refunded Compare our Prices We Have a SPECIAL For Sponsored by Oak Ridges Lions AT GLEN LONELY F ARM LAKE WILCOX SATURDAY, Oct. 18 TURKEY -SHOOT- AS A SERVICE TO THOSE COMMUTING OUR PLANT WILL BE OPEN DAILY FROM 6.30 A.M. TO 7.30 A.M. Home of Captain Schuyler Snmey "SA lAM’ For the \X/pnderFul Response on Our Grand Opening. We were glad to see both New and Old Customers. TEA BAGS REID’ ( SHOT GUNS AND 228 ) good until‘Friday. October 10 > the many Merchants who sent Flowers AT 1.30 P.M. Several from here attended the Rumney-Campbell wedding in St. Chad‘s Anglican Church, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols, Miss Vera Nichols and Mr. Wilfred An- derson spent Sunday with friends at Kitchener. The W.M.S. will not meet on the regular day but the Autumn Thank- oï¬ering meeting will be a Pot Luck luncheon at noon on Wed- nesday, October 29, in the Sunday School room. The guest speaker will be Mrs. L. H. Walker of Tor- onto. There will also be a shower of clothing for Europe to be brought at this time. All ladies of the congregation are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moorley of Rich- mond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Burton of Langstaff, visited Tues- day evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and fam- ily. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Tatton and fam- ily in the passing of a loving wife and mother. COMING SOON: ‘THE AFRICAN QUEEN’ Bogart-Hepburn ‘SON OF PALEFACE’ Hope-Rogers-Russell ‘LOVELY TO LOOK AT' Skelton-Grayson-Keel Wanda Hendrix The nghwayman Mr. and Mrs. Harris Harvie of Boston. Mass., USA. who were on their honeymoon spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and family. Mrs. Harvie is Mrs. Burton‘s ï¬rst cous- 1n. Thurs. Evening only. 0c. 16 Philip Friend Chas. Coburn Mrs. I. McIllmurray. Mrs. Hew- lit and Mrs. P. W. Willows attend- ed the funeral of their cousin. Mr. H. Van Luven in Toronto on Mon- day afternoon. Gene Kelly Donald O'Connor Debbie Reynolds Singing in the Rain Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rumney (nee Margaret Campbell of Toronto) who were married on Saturday. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band will be held Sat- urday afternoon. October 11. at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Fra- ser Gee. A hearty invitation is extended to all the children in the community to attend. After Sunday Midnight Show at 12.05 Thrilling! Chilling! All Horror Show Thrill N0. 1 Donald Woods I Was A Prisoner On Devil’s Island Mrs. H. Attwood of eridge, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ridley and fam- ily of Whitby and Mr. L. Johnson of Stouffville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows. ' )Ion. Miss Helen Boynton and Mr. Lloyd Canning had Sunday even- ing dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson and Shirley. Mr. Douglas McWhirter, Mr. Ronald Gee and Mr. David Boyn- ton spent the week end at a Young Peoples‘ Conference at Orillia. )Ionda\ Afternoon Special Matinee at; p.m.. Oct. 13 pralpng Cassidy Congratulations are extended to the young people in the commun- ity who won prizes at Markham Fair last week. A speedy recovery is wished for Mr. Ralph Perkins who is ill. also to Mr. Allan Orr, who had a nose operation recently. The Returï¬ of the Vampire Plus Cirtooï¬ and News Please Note: Extra Matinee on Friday at 2 p.m. Fri. &\Sat.â€"October 10, 11 Dean Martin Jerry Lewis in Monday - Friday Doors open 6.45. lst show 7.00 Saturday ‘ Doors open 5.45. lst show 6.00. Sat. Matinee at 2.00 p.m. 3 Stooges and 3 Color Cartoons in a Thrilling Western plus Cinecolor Plus Comedy-Cartoon Jumping Jacks Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square Telephone Stouffville 87509 VICTORIA SQUARE Tue. Wed. 0c.13,14.15 AURORA Technicolor Thrill No. 2 Bela Lugosi Teleu'none 8 99/4 The principal. Mr. Hall and his staff of Lake Wilcox School re. ceived the parents of their pupils at the school on Wednesday. Octo- ber 1. A large number of the par- ents took advantage of this oppor- tunity to become acquainted with their child's teacher and see the work being done in the school. Members of the school board, In- spector MacKillop and Mrs Mac- Killop and our representative on Whitchurch Council, Mr. E. L. McCarron and Mrs. McCarron also paid a visit to the school on this occasion. Mr. Hall says that ap- proximately 235 children are en~ rolled to date and the attendance The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs A. Cooper in the loss of their daugh- ter born September 29, in York County Hospital. Lake Wilcox School A good representation of mem- bers of the Oak Ridges Home and School attended the “Work Shop" held by the York Simcoe Council, last Thursday night in the Charles Howitt School. The president, Mr. W. Musson, convenors Mrs. D. A. Anderson, program, and Mrs. Douglas Sherratt, music and arts, executive member Mrs. McLernen and Mrs. C. Harrison were among those who enjoyed group discussion in their various departments. Mrs. Robt. \Voolley. a member of York Simcoe Council also attended. The boys and girls who attend Aurora High School will have a hol- iday next Friday. This is the ex- tra holiday given them by Premier Frost to mark the opening of the new District High School. It was decided to add this holiday to the Thanksgiving week-end so that pu- pils' and teachers might enjoy the Thanksgiving week-end with their families. Mrs. C. B. Cassidy has been made a member of the executive board of the Boy Scout Ladies Auxiliary for York Central. Work Shop Oak Ridges Lions Club held its ï¬rst ladies’ night of the season on Monday night. Lion President Captain Edward Hawman presided. Mr. George Kaye, secretary-treas- urer of the Don Valley Conserva- tion Authority and ï¬eldman for the Humber Valley Authority was the guest speaker. Laddies‘ Night The children's chorus, led by Mrs. L. Harnden will sing at both services in the Community Church at Lake Wilcox next Sunday, 0c- tober 12. Extra Holiday Mrs. Bruce Mercer who has been a patient in Mount Sinai Hospital left 'the hospital on Sunday and will be at her mother's home in Toronto for a short time. Linda is also visiting her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murch. of Bond Avenue, have sold their home and purchased one on Glencairn Ave., Toronto. -Mr. Murch is on the staff at Bathurst Heights Col- legiate. Lawrence Ave. Rev. and Mrs. Hulse, returned missionaries from China, have purchased the property of Mr. and Mrs. Murch and will take possession some time in November. The Lake Wilcox Community Church Sunday School had its Rally Day service Sunday after- noon. A very ï¬ne program put on by the children of the different classes showed the excellence of their training. A rhythm band made up of the smaller children and trained by Mrs. L. Harnden was enjoyed by all. “Into a tent where a gypsy boy lay" sung by a group of boys and girls was very clear. The story was told by Mrs. Harnden. A boy soprano. Jack Mackenzie, who shows a great deal of promise sang a beautiful solo. A very appreciative audience ï¬lled the small church on Wildwood Avenue. Reverend Mr. Copeland had charge of the service. Miss Elsie Love and Mrs. Harnden ac- companied the children on their violins and Mr. Copeland played his piano accordian. Paul Harn- den read the bible lesson and Alan Taylor led the choruses. Miss Edith Blowing told the story, starting with the hand of God guiding the baby Moses to the Egyptian prin- cess, and explaining how God‘s hands lead us today. Mr. Dick Bull has returned to Guelph for his third year at the Ontario Agricultuaral College. Rally Day Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tolh and theirthree chfldren arein London attending the funeral of Mr. Toth’s father, who was fatally injured in an accident at Clarkson last \Ved- nesday. Mr. Grant Crowder is in Malton Convalescent Home. Injured some time ago Mr. Crowder has been un- able to work for the past 11 weeks and entered the hospital this week for further treatment. Sugar and Spice Club met at the home of Mrs. H. Patton Thurs- day evening with all members present. Officers elected for the coming year are: president. W. Cartier; secretary. M. Murphy; treasurer , J. Wainwright; bank funds, M. Blackburn. Winners of Bobby Skippon is recuperating at home after spending three weeks in the hospital in isolation. Up until time of writing Bob has not been receiving any visitors. Mr. and Mn. R. Howard will be moving shortly from Yongehurst Road to take up residence on Bath- urst St. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS mRRESPONDENT â€" MRS. M. BLACKBURN. Yongehum Rd. Telephone TU. 4-2238 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE: KING 1301122 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Standard and tourist sleeping cars. bedrooms. compartments, buffet lounge. dining car, modern coaches. Daily from TORONTO via MINAKI There will be a Harvest Thanks- giving Service at St. John’s Angli- can Church, Oak Ridges (Yonge St. at Jefferson) on Sunday next, October 12, at 11.15 a.m. when the Rev. G. S. Despard of-Toronto, a former rector will be the prea- cher. Mr. Despard was rector of St. John's some thirty years ago; and is remembered ith great affection by many of his former parishioners still in the district. Mr. Robert Woolley returned this week Vfrom two weeks spent in Chicago at the head office of his new company the Surge Farm Ma- chinery Company. Mrs. C. B. Cassidy president of the Mothers Auxiliary of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides and Brown- ies of Oak Ridges, was hostess on Wednesday afternoon at a silver tea in aid of the Auxiliary. The tea table in front of a picture window, was centred with a grace- fully arranged bouquet-of red and white asters, baby zinnias and silver candles. Mrs. Alec Gallagher and Mrs. V. Sheldrake ooured and the assistants were. Mrs. Warren Gerrard, Mrs. Walter Musson, Mrs. D. Gunn, 'Mrs.'C. L. Stephenson drew the lucky name. The very pleasant afternoon resul- ted in a substantial amount raised for the work of the organization Sorry to report that Mrs. Frank Wilkins entered hospital this week. Her many friends wish her a spee- dy recovery. Mrs. Edward Simmons of Lan- sing entertained at a miscellaneous shower for her sister-in-law, Miss Francis Payne, Wilcox Lake, beâ€" fore her recent marriage to Mr. Wilfred Warner. The couple, mar- ried on September 29 at York Mills Anglican CAhurch will live at Steeles Corners. Mothers Auxiliary Oak Ridges is glad to welcome Reid‘s cleaning and dyeing estab- lishment to the district and con- gratulates them on the ï¬ne build- ing they have erected on the cor- ner of Maple Grove and Yonge St. Visitors are welcome every day this ï¬rst week and are asked to sign a lucky draw slip for a daily prize and a grand prize at the end' of the week. The school board of S. S. No. 13 have called a ratepayers’ meeting at the school on October 20 to sanction the changing of the elec- tion date for the new board from December 31 which is New Year's Eve, to an earlier date in Decem- ber. Ml. Alfred Patchell elected two years ago ï¬nishes his term this year. Mr. Fred Lynn‘s term exâ€" pires next year and Mr. George Gourlay, elected last year, has two more years to serve. FVANCOUVER Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Patchell en- tertained after the open house at the Lake Wilcox School on Octo- ber 1. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. MacKillop. Mr. E. Hall, principal of the school, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stiver, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward. At an executive meeting of the Lake Wilcox Community Associa- tion held on Wednesday night, Oc- tober 1, permission was given to the Salvation Army to hold Sunday services in the Community Hall. Open House Election Date is good. Volley ball and dodge ball are two games being enjoyed by the boys and girls at present in preparation for the baseball to come when the ï¬eld is in shape. Mrs. Morton who has a class in Jefferson school brought her pu- pils' work to the main school to be viewed by the parents. A Home and School beneï¬t eu- chre was held at the home of Mrs. T. Einboden, Spruce Ave.. on Mon- day, September 29. The sum of $12.50 was raised part of which was used to buy ribbons and pins for Richvale School Field day. Winners of the evening were: Mrs. H. McDermott, Mrs. J. Allen, Mrs. R. Paul. The Duhamel family moved from Yongehurst Rd. on Wednes- day last and are now residing in Richmond Hill. euchre, W. Carilcr, R. Wilson, M. Styan. Hostesses of the evening were B. Baskeryillc. H. Mabley. WINNIPEG - SASKATOON EDMONTON - JASPER We Deliver Caulking Guns Post Hole Diggers Blow Torch Extension Ladders RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded Auctioneers Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346; Milliken P.O., ph. Agincourt 52w3 complete with racks, real‘good Duro Water Pump Set of Light Bob Sleighs 2 SOD-Chick Electric Brooders 12 Ft. Farm Steel Gate, new 2 Drive Belts Forks, Shovels Number of other articles Sale at 12.30 noon sharp Terms: cash. Proprietor quitting farming. No reserve. Jas. Smith, clerk KEN 8; CLARKE PRENTICE. Wheat Farm Implements & Machinery Case 6 ft. Combine new this year, complete with pickup, clover at- tachments, scour cleaner etc. New Holland Pickup. Automatic Hay 8; Straw Baler. new this year 77 Oliver Tractor standard model, on rubber, real good, near new M-H l5- -disc Grain & Fertilizel Drill, power lift, tractor hitch, new this year M- H Side Rake, new this year Mâ€" H 8 ft. Spring-tooth Cultivator, near new 1-H One way Disc, almost new Oliver 8 ft. Tandem Disc Harrow, near new , .flc-D 3â€"furrow Tractor Plow, Ace bottoms, near new Ekersol Grain Thrower with 30 ft. pipe, near new Qliver Stiff-tooth Cultivator, trac- tor hitch Set of 4-sec. Drag Harrows, 3 and 4-sec. eveners Ford Tractor, in good condition Ford Tractor Pulley Ford Tractor Cultivator, spring- tooth, good Ford Tractor, 7 it. cut Mower, rear cut, Dearborn make. new this year Ford Tractor Dearborn Cultipacker Set Ford Tractor Plow Weed Hook 2-Wheel Tractor Trailer Flat Rack, 16 ft., ï¬ts above trailer 1948 Model Ford Pickup Truck, 11 19. Shorthorn Calf. 20. Red Steer 21. Red Heifer Pigs Sow, bred Sept. 1 Sow, bred September 4 Sow, bred September 20 Sow, not bred 12 Weanling Pigs Hay & Grain Approx. 2.000 bales of TUESDAY. OCTOBER. 14 Cattle t Straw Approx. Approx. Approx. OF FARM MACHINERY. HERFORD 8.: SHORTHORN CATTLE FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Property belonging to R. 0. BURKHOLDER Lot 10, Con. 8, Markham Twp. First farm east of Markham Vill- age on No. '7 Highway Mixed Hay \pprox. 1,500 bales Red Clover Hay Approx. 1,000 bales AUCTION SALE Hereford-Shorthorn H bred Red & white Heifer, bred Red & White Heifer White Steer Red & White Steer Hereford Bull Calf Black 8; White Bull Calf Red & White Bull Calf Shorthorn Calf Red Steer Red Heifer Hereford Cow. bred April 19 Durham Cow. bred May 26 Shorthorn Cow, bred May 26 Shorthorn Cow, bred May 25 Jersey Cow. bred July 4 Shorthorn Heifer, bred March 14 Angus & Hereford Heifer, bred May 26 Hereford Heifer, bred Hereford-Shorthorn Heifer. bred Hereford-Shorthorn Heifer, bred 1.000 bus. Clinton Oats 500 bus. Erban Oats 300' bus. Cornell Fall FOR RENT IMPORTANT TU. 4-2101 Tam real real real Heifer, good good good Boar RICH â€v10 vD HILL Paris Am Suppiy Ltd. MODEL 860 SPRAY-PAINTING OUTFiT As Illustrated. Ist. In Sales! lst in Value! Priced at $37.50 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY â€" OCTOBER 15 & 16 Peter Lawford Janet Leigh in DON’T MISS: Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie In Technicolor THURS, FRI.. SAT. â€" OCTOBER 9, 10, 11 Three big fun-ï¬lled days of Top Entertainment with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in THEATRE MARKHAM GALA SUNDAY AFTER MIDNIGHT SHOW OCTOBER 13. 12:05 ALSO MONDAY, TUESDAY â€" OCTOBER 13, 14' The happiest musical ever with Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman ROXY with Walter Pidgeon, Audrey Tofler Last complete show 8.30 pm. “JUMPING JACKS†“JUST THIS ONCE†â€"â€"PLUSâ€"- “THE SELLOUT†“JUST FOR YOU†In Technicolor PHONE 357 PHONE- TUrner 4-1541 COMING SOON