Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1952, p. 4

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3THORNHILL é GARAGE M Mm We can service )our car COMPLETELY. One day IS all we require. Dont wait for the rush. Get prepared now for WINTER DRIVING; It pays to go to ONE PLACE. Now’s the time to WINTER- IZE your car, and have it checked for MECHANICAL DEFECTS. of Hart: Mountain Canary and «Budgie Supplies including Cages. REMEMBER . . . RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded We Deliver WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK A congregational meeting of the Thornhill Presbyterian Church has been called by the Toronto East Presbytery for Monday, October 20, at 8 pm. The meeting is to discuss all matters connected with the separation of the Thornhill Church from the Richmond Hill charge. Presbyterian Church News Thirteen neighbours of Mrs. Ed- ward Grigsby of Elgin Ave. met last week at the home of Mrs. A. H. Whyard to give their friend and neighbour a farewell party prior to her leaving for Vancouver. Mrs. Whyard and Mrs. A. Martin- dale. hostesses for the evening planned a very interesting party with many new and amusing games. and presented their very surprised guest of the evening with a cor- sage and a bottle of Chanel No. 5 on behalf of all her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby and two daugh- ters Lesley and Rosemary have lived in their home on Elgin Ave. for the past three years and Mrs. Grigsby and children will leave Wednesday to join her husband in Vancouver. The community ex- tends a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Harrison and family of John- son Ave. who have bought the Grigsby home. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair together with Mrs. Leusby and Mr. Ness also of Yonge Street spent a pleas- ant two days last week travelling through Northern Ontario. They reported that ihe whole countryside """" """"‘ ""“‘fi Ph‘nur run! that they thoroughly enjoyed the trip. . .J returning home the Sin- property Farewell Party {Television they thoroughly enjoyed the trip. the Sin- ; .4 returning home clalrs made a trip to 5th,... the long week-end visiting a sister and brother of Mrs. Sinclair. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. Sinclair of Yonge Street on the birth of their second grandson. The baby named Gregory Stewart was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Sin- clair of St. John NB. us. .Vvvng pm. and must not be removed be- fore 9.30. There will be a sale of plants at this show and anyone having a surplus of plants is asked to bring them to this meeting. The speakers of the evening will be Mr. J. P. Wain and son Mr. D. Wain. speaking on the latest var- ieties of “African Violets". A num- ber of these will be on display. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Francis, for- merly of Yonge St., have moved in- to their new home on Heintzman's Lane. Mrs; Francis reports that it is not yet decided as to what is to be done with the Yonge Street Horticultural Society The next meeting of the Thorn- hlll and District Horticultural Soc- iety will take place Tuesday, Octo- ber 21 ,at ,the United Church Hall at 8.15 pm. Juniors meet at 7.15 p.m. Exhibits for the show will be received between 7 pm. and 8 TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Ranges Telephone AV. 5-1535 BA. 1-1551 “Looking for me? es Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yonge sn O.M.L. Washers TU. 4-2101 on Radios The Slst semi-annual meeting of the Toronto Centre Presbytery W.A. of the United Church of Can- ada was held in the Thornhill Un- ited Church on Wednesday. Octo- ber 8. Mrs. C. Thompson, presi- dent of the Thornhill W.A. and Mrs. A. Read president of Carr- ville W.A. warmly welcomed the many guests. Mrs. C. J. Clode presided over both sessions in a very efficient manner and Mrs. D. Major now Col. McLaren’s 48th Highlanders would pass through on their way to the Colonel’s home in German Mills. What a show! The men would march out John Street with bag pipes skirling and drums heating to the great delight of Thornhill‘s small fry. On their return. while awaiting the radial back to the city. the company would march up and down in front of the old hotel making many a heart beat faster with the wild keening of the pipes and the bright splendor of their kilts. United Church News Remember When . H. Dunlop of Toronto to a .‘hanksgiving dinner on Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Ellacott of Yonge St. 1215 just returned from an enjoy- able trip through the northern States. While in New York, Mrs. Ellacott attended a TV show and was greatly impressed with the number of men and cameras re- quired to broadcast a show. For her going-away ensemble Mrs. McGhie chose a navy suit with a red wool coat with persian lamb trim. Following a plane trip to New York, the happy couple. will reside in Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. Ross Dean of John Street spent the holiday week-end at the Dean cottage at Kilarney Bay. . -Cuiiie-Taylc: _ A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday, October 11, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Tam- blyn of Elgin Ave. Against a back- ground of Autumn colouring, in a room beautifully decorated with flowers. Miss Elizabeth Taylor of Toronto became the bride of Mr. Gordon McGhie, brother of Mrs. Tamblyn. Rev. H. Marsh of St. Timothy‘s Anglican Church per- formed the ceremony. The bride chose a gown of white satin with nylon lace and her long train was held with a matching headdress. Her matron of honour .Mrs. Margaret Houston of Toronto wore a gown of green taffeta with green velvet bolero and matching cap. The bride's flowers were a cascade of white gardenias and white gladioli and her attendant's bouquet was of peach mums and peach glads. Mr. McGhie had his brother. Mr. Geo. McGhie of Chat- ham as groomsman. Thirty-five guests were present for the wedding ceremony and also for the reception which followed which was catered for by the Trin- ity Church Caterers. The Thornhill Scout Hut will be headquarters for a Cub Leaders Training Course to be held on Nov- ember 3 10 and 17. Field Commis- sioner Jack Atkinson will be in charge of this course for which there will be a registration fee of 250. As training is a very import- ant part of the Cub programme it is véry important thét this course be attended. A Sixers Council will be held on Saturday. October 25, at 2 pm. at the North York Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeil of Yonge Street have had a pleasant visit from Mr. MacNeil’s sister, Miss Nance MacNeil of New York. Mrs. Geo. Billerman of John St. ind her aunt Mrs. Thomas Hunter f Markham and her mother, Mrs. The following Cubs received their First Stars at a recent meet- ing: David Walker, Philip Howe and John Hanna. I A get-together is planned on Oc- tober 27 at the Lansing United Church for all leaders. group com- mittee men and members of the Ladies Auxiliaries. The special speaker for the evening will be Mr. Len Johnson who is Public Rela- tions Commissioner for Canadian Headquarters. Saturday is Apple Day! All the Scouts and Cubs will be out with their gaily decorated baskets fil!ed with ripe red app!es, covering the area from the south side of Lang- stafi to the north side of Steeles Avenue and from Bayview to Bath- urst. The money that these boys earn through this canvas, which is their only money-raising campaign through the year, goes to cover their expenses. Don’t forget to buy an apple from our Cubs and Scouts. ' ’ ' ‘ Several members of the Thorn- hill Guide Company are planning to spend the week-end of the 25th and 26th at Camp Samac near Osh- awa and the girls are hoping that this wonderful Fall weather keeps up until then. Last Thursday at the regular meeting Mrs. G. Crut- cher of John St. took a group of Guides for their Child Nurse Badge, and she also invited this group to visit her Day School Nur- sery the following Thursday even- ing to show them the equipment used for this,school. Last Thursday the Guides missed their leader, Miss Joyce Henley. who has been laid up with a bad throat infection. Scout Mothers Auxiliary Scouts and Cubs Mrs. Parker Locke and her two sons have returned to Morrisburg, Ont.. following a week's visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W. Lennox of Arnold Ave. The regular meeting of the Scout Mothers‘ Auxiliary will be held in the United Church Hall on Thurs- day. October 23, at 8 pm. Girl Guide Notes Thomhill area rconti'ibu'ted by its readers. Ou: representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thornhlll. '1ne Liberal is always pleaseu t9 publish items or interest. 111 me Webbing This will make it possible for fifty-four people to be assured of a seat for one night of file mission. and they will be allotted as applied for. Each Parish is asked to make certain that officers of the Vestry and of the organizations attend. The Rector would therefore like to know as soon as possible who would like tickets. The rector will be at the Mission almost every night and will be glad to offer transportation. Others may be able to offer similar To advise people of '. special ev- ent at your church or school or club use 8 “Coming Events” notice assistance as the M.S.C.C. Originally the W. A. was the Woman's Auxiliary of this organization. and its chief in- terest is still the Church’s commis- sion to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel". Each year the M.S.C.C. publishes a beautiful picture calendar depicting the missionary understandings of the Church of England in Canada. It is the hope of this Church that every home in the Parish will possess one of these calendars. The price is only 40c and it may be obtained through any member of the WA. or the Rector. Th3 Bryan Green Mission Trinity Church has managed to obtain six reserved seats for each night of the Mission, (except for Friday, October 31). These seats will be kept until 7:45 and tickets may be obtained from the Rector. This is the Golden Jubilee year of the Missionary Society of the Canadian Church, generally known as the M.S.C.C. Originally the W. A. was the Woman's Auxiliary of The regular twice-monthly meet- ing of the Parish Guild was held last Tuesday ‘in the Church Hall. The members continued making articles for the bazaar and many be held on November 22 'and many beautiful pieces of work had been handed in. Following the business meeting through which the memâ€" bers continued their projects the Rector Rev. S. A. R. Wood closed the session with a short devotional service. Refreshments were then served by the committee. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, October 21, at 8.15 p.m. M.S.C.C. Golden Jubilee Trinity Church Notes Parish Guild Miss Helen Coleman of Elgin Ave, who is attending lectures at the Unijersity of Toronto will have Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Gordon oc- cupying her home during her ab- sence. Mr. Gordon who is the author of a new book entitled “The Sword and The Scalpel" will ap- pear on “Court of Opinions" short- ly, and his book will be given as a prize. There were 23 members present at the last meeting of the WA. held Thursday, October 9, which was a work meeting. Don‘t fnvget to get your tickets for the Hallow- e’en Buffet Supper. The next meet- ing of the WA. will be held in the Church Hall on October 23, at 1.30 Rev. E. E. Kent baptized two children at the morning service last Sunday, Katharyn Louise, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Blackett of Arnold Avenue and Edward Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Kent. Boyle Drive. The traditional christening gown worn by Edward Kent was the same one as worn by his grandfather Rev. Kent and his father Ernest Kent, and this baby is also the fourth living generation of E. E. Kents. Next Sunday begins a Century of worship in the Thornhill United Church. See the special write-up elsewhere in this issue. Baptisms Mr. and Mrs. Alan Whyard of Elgin Avenue spent the long wéek end travelling through many of the Northern States and hoped to visit as many places as possible during this holiday. Mr. Wm. Lyons of Yonge Street spent several months confined to bed at Sunnybrook Hospital and everyone is pleased to'see that he is back on his feet again. Over 75 ladies were present for the regular Guild meeting held in the Church Hall on Thursday last. The guest of the evening was Miss Betty Moore of Benjamin-Moore Paints who gave a delightful illus- trated talk on interior decorating and colour schemes. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. M. Heron and thanked by Miss Lillian Fran- cis. This pleasant evening was brought to a close with refresh- ments. During the afternoon session the guest speaker was Mrs. Morley Fleury. who in her own inimitable way, gave a delightful and amus- ing talk entitled “A Day at Dixon Hall." Benediction. Theme Song and Prayer brought this very im- pressive meeting to a close. Ladies Guild Condon and Mrs. W. L. Burke. The tables for the luncheon were dec- orated with beautiful Fall flowers and behind the head table the wall was tastefully decorated with gold and blue lettering “1852-1952 â€" 100th Anniversary". which was to commemorate the United Church Centennial. This part of the dec‘ orations‘were through the efforts of Mrs. Little of Lan'gstafi‘. and certainly added greatly to the oc- casion. During the luncheon. greetings were extended to all the visitors on behalf of the Church board and congregation by Rev. E. E. Kent, minister of the Church. The regular meeting of this or- ganization was held at the home of Mrs. A. Ecclestone of Thornbank Road. The programme was in charge of Mrs. D. Davidson who gave an introduction to the study book on Africa. Refreshments brought the meeting to a close. Davidson was organist and accom- panied the ’mo soloist_s Mrs __A. Evening Auxiliary (W.M.S.) Mrs. R. J. Darlington was hos- tess for the October meeting of the Elia W.A. held Thursday afternoon last. Fifteen ladies were present. Mrs. Floyd Heide read the Scrip- ture and Mrs. Percy Snider chose as her topic “The Prodigal Son." The next meeting will be held on November 4 at the home of Mrs. Percy Snider. Articles for the ba- zaar fish pond and miscellaneous table will be appreciated at this time. Elia United Church Harvest Home services will be held on Sun- day, October 26, at 11 am. Special music by the Christian Business Girls’ Choir of Toronto and at 7. 30 in the evening by Teston United Church choir. Rev. W. Hincks of Scarboro will be the speaker at both services. A cordial invitation is extended to you to worship with us. Blany happy returns of the day to Joe Boron, October 20, Alan Whaley. October 22, Linda Bailie, October 25 and Jeffery Boron, Oc- tober 28. Ricky Darling was six years old on Tuesday, October 7, and cele- brated his birthday on the follow- ing Saturday by inviting a number of his little friends in to enjoy the birthday cake and to watch tele- vision. Elia A cup and saucer shower will be held for the Home and School As- sociation at this meeting in order to get a supply of utensils for ser- ving lunch at future meetings. The cups and saucers need not be new ones but should be in good con- dition, free of cracks and chips. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lilley on their 37th wedding anniversary, October 20. Thte Concord Home and, School Association meeting will be held on Monday evening, October 20, at 8 o'clock in Concord School. The theme will be “Mental Health" and the speaker will be Mr. R. E. Jones of the Department of Edu- cation and the Toronto School Board. A film will be shown after which there will be a social half hour. A good attendance is re- quested. Mr. and Mrs. Angel of Clarke Ave. visited their relatives at Galt over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mizen took a week’s holiday calling on friends at St. Catherines Simcoe, Tillson- burg, Princeton and Gobles. They travelled over‘ the Blue Water route to Chesley Lake. the home of their son for the Thanksgiving week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele of Mor- gan Ave. visited their old home at Roseneath last week and attended the fair. Ian Watts was six vears old last Saturday. October 11, and there were ten little people to help him celebrate at his home, 72 Glen Ca- meron Ave. Home 85 School Mn and Mrs. Greenshields and Mr. and Mrs. Kindness flew to Ot‘ tawa over the Thanksgiving holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lefiler Jr. spent the Thanksgiving holiday at their cottage at Little Lake. Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Couper were hostesses at a very enjoyable social afternoon last Wednesday. Mrs. Johnson from Toronto gave a talk on aids to Beauty. About 20 ladies were present. Mrs. Johnson of Morgan 9ve., won first prize at the Doncaster Ratepayers turkey draw. Mrs. Cunningham from Toronto won the second prize. The next euchre will be held at the home of Mrs. Watts on Glen Cameron Ave. on October 31. The regular meeting of the Don- caster Ladies’ Club was held at the home of the president, Mrs. O'- Brien with 18 members present. The ladies decided to hold a ba- zaar in the Masonic Hall on Decem- ber 6. Members are asked to bring an apron to the next meet- ing also some knitting for the af- ghan. Mr. Lennie from Markham Twp. was the speaker and answered many questions about the club's property. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK National Health Week This is National Immuniza- tion Week. a time when par- ents should' thank the Health League of Canada who have worked. in collaboration with the Departments of Health throughout the country. for the safeguarding of children against Diphtheria. Whooping Cough, and Smallpox. It is the duty of us all to stress the im- portance of such work. On this annual occasion, I invite the close co-operation of parents whose assistance is es- sential in making it successful. I commend to them the Health League of Canada which has done so much for boys and girls in its effort to provide freedom from disease. CARL E. MILL. M.D.. M.D.H CONCORD CORRESPONDENT M15. Raymond Stuart R. R. 1 Maple Telephone Maple 110 Phone: AVenue 5-1570 27 Seccomoe Ave. Correspondent: MRS. H. MIZEN Doncaster 110r3 For The BEST MUSKRAT COAT Enquire at PRIMROSE F URRIERS 2359 .Yonge St. HU. 9636 FUR COATS REMODELLED LIKE NEW Dr. Tanner presented the new gavel to R. B. Boyter. the president for the 1952-53 term. Plans were made for a theatre night to be held at the Richmond Theatre on Dec- ember 2 and 3. The important business part of the meeting was the installation of officers for the new term. Dr. Tan- ner, past president of the Assoc- iation thanked all for support dur- ing the past year and stated he hoped everyone would support the new officers. It was moved and seconded that the name Thornlea Ratepayers As- sociation be changed to Thornlea Association, as it was felt this would be a step to create a better social aspect in the district. when problems could be discussed, and a social time could be held. November 4. The speaker was thanked by R. B. Boyter for his enlightening talk. ‘ , The officers installed were: presâ€" ident, R. B. Boyter; vice-president, Mr. McCallum; treasurer G. Elmes; secretary, C. N. Gage; executive. Mr. Shirriff, A. Blow, Mr. Dowey and Charles Clifford. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, The guest speaker was Norman Goodhead, president of Newton- brook East Ratepayers Association, and he was introduced by K. A. Gariaby also of Newtonbrook. The talk was on the recent increased fares by the TTC which affected all commuters on the bus line. Ratepayers’ Meeting The Fall meeting of Thornlea Ratepayers Association was held at the school Tuesday evening. Dr. Douglas Tanner opened the meet- ing which was well attended. An invitation is extended to all in Thornle‘a area to‘come to the Hallowe'en campfire on October 31. There is a good program arranged â€" fancy dress. games with prizes. The monthly euchres will take place at the school every third Fri- day of the month. The first of the series will be Friday night, Octo- ber 17. Mrs. O’Beirn's room received the monthly prize for the largest par- ent attendance at the Home and School meeting. Mrs. Taylor was in charge of refreshments. On Thursday, October 9, the sen- ior section of the Junior Stamp Club met at Mr. J. Knowles home. 15 Highland Park Blvd., and had a very interesting and informative night. Tonight, October 16, junior section of club will meet and be Home & School Thornlea Home and School held its monthly meeting Wednesday night at the school. Mrs. Gage presided over the meeting and also read the aims of Home and School. Mrs. George Jackson, parent edu- cation convenor, produced a very instructive and entertaining even- mg. A three group discussion took place. with one group discussing the child in the home, the second group discussing the parents, and the third group, citizens. Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mr. Ivor Francis, 40 Highland Park Blvd., on the recent loss of his father, Mr. Francis Sr., who passed away on Saturday. October 11, after a lengthy illness. We are sorry to learn that Dav- id Faye. 25 Drury Ave., has been sick in bed for the past week with a severe case of flu, but were pleas- ed to see him enjoying a little out- ing in the lovely Thanksgiving week-end weather. We are pleased to report Mrs. C. DeClerq, 56 Highland Park Blvd., is home again, and recover- ing nicely from her recent opera- tion, Mrs. DeClerq appreciated very much the lovely and kind thoughts sent to her during her illness. She received many lovely cards and a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the boys of Highland Park Boys Club. Apologies to Mrs. E. Baxter, 81 Highland Park Blvd. and Mrs. A. O‘Brien, 22 Glen Cameron, for om- itting their names in last week's report on the Home and School workshop. Mrs. Baxter covered the group on corresponding and recording secretaries ,and will have some very informative news from that section for the executive of Powell Road Home and School. Mrs. O'Brien covered the Parent Education group. THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone AV. 5-1468 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDER‘i 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 DETROIT .......... $11.45 BUFFALO .......... 86.05 HAMILTON ......... $2.20 LONDON ........... $5.85 (Surcharge Included) Tickets and Informafion at Congratulations to Sandra Gib- son, 24 Grandview Ave. on win- ning the senior girls championship on school field day with a score of 16 points. Winning three firsts and one third prize ribbon, Sand- ra also set a new record for girls’ running broad jump by jumping 13 ft. 2 in. The former record was 12 ft. 2 in. Also congratulations to David DeClerq, 56 Highland Park Blvd., whon won firast prize ribbon in junior boys running broad jump with a jump of 11 ft. 21/, in. David also tied for second place in the junior events. On Tuesday. October 7, Mrs. Condon. 60 Grandview Ave., had a delightful tea for many of the local ladies who each donated a parcel for the pantry shelf. which went to make a Thanksgiving bas- ket for her church group. who in turn gave it. with their blessings to a very worthy family, who have had recent unfortunate happenings and we hope sincerely that this kind gesture lightened their load a little. ‘ ' ‘ ° assisted by the senior members in preparing for a stamp exhibition which is to take place next month. All boys and girls 7-12 are invited to attend at 7 pm. There will be entries in the stamp exhibit at the Richmond Hill Fair to be held this coming week-end for all those in- terested in this hobby. Also many other very interesting exhibits and a pleasant evening for all who at- tend On October 6 Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sanders. 23 Drury Ave.. cele- brated their 15th wedding anniv- ersary, and on Friday, October 10, their eldest son .Harold celebrated his 12th birthday. Mrs. Sanders enjoyed having her folks Mr and Mrs. H. J. Dill from Toronto for Thanksgiving dinner also. ROBERT’S RADIAL STN. “When I have to run into town for something, it is pretty handy just to go to the gate and jump on the bus. Farmers on or near the highways really appreciate this great convenience. The bus ser- vice comes in very handy too for longer trips and helps us wit to enjoy many «4+. ~15 ~ ‘ visits back "i " and forth with 5‘ our friends in the city." RICHMOND HILL FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP TURNER 4-1841 “EH m Toronto Fares (Suhiod b EhMfll’ YONGE STREET, THORNHILL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1952 Free Ice Cream for the children Opening Day Free All Day Motorized Delivery O 1 â€" Premier Electric Floor Polisher .2 â€" Electric Radiant Tea Kettle Q 3 â€" Toaster .4 â€" Electric Iron . 5 â€" Cocktail Set 0 6 â€"â€" Table Lamp 0 7 â€" Carving Set Come in and browse around, a purchase is not necessary to obtaln a ticket for the above prizes. A Lucky Draw for the following prizes will be held on Saturday, November 1 Watch for Grand Opening of Yonge St. I FREE DELIVERY Round Sirloin MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF BLADE ROAST "SIEfEEISIBREAKFAST BACON 17C TENDERFLAIKE LARD 2 ”18.256 1 LB. LEAN STEWING BEEF 1 LB. BEEF KIDNEY BOTH FOR McFARLANE’S MEAT MARKET MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES 89c Giant 3”]. BOX Graduate Pharmacists on duty at all times We Sell Only FRESH PORK SHOULDERS 6180 Yonge St. THORNHILL PHARMACY MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP 3 Bars 196 (Blade Out) LEAN PORK BUTTS PHONE AVENUE 5-2111 Morris Miller Ph. MB. NORTH YORK PHARMACY STEAKS 790 Our other store to serve you PHONE BALDWIN 1-1344 (SHANK OFF) Blackburn Block Thornhill ' Phone - AVenue 5-1811 (BONELESS) BABY BEEF 556 RIBSfiUSXST 1/, lb . Pkg. Porterhouse Wing Willowdale SHORT 41c 550 656

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