Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1952, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL . . . Mr. Bill Neal is in Windsor this week attending the Annual Sales Convention of the Chrysler Corp- oration Mr .and Mrs. S. J. Carlisle and boys of Centre Street and Mrs. Lucy Carlisle visited ln Cleveland nnd Mansfield, Ohlo. over the hol- iday week-end_. A ‘4. L.A. of Richmond Hill Scouts held their monthly meeting in the Presbyterian church, on Thursaay evening. Mrs‘ F. Gardner conâ€" ducted the business meeting and Mrs. D. Fettes and Mrs. S. Tinker took charge of the program. Be- freshments were served. Next meet- ing, November 13, at 8 pm. A bingo sponsored by the 01'- ange Lodge of the village will be held October 22 at 8 pm. in the Masonic Hall. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kent and son, Jimmy of Warminstgr were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. E Reynolds. Among those giving showers for Miss Beverley Leech. brlde of last Saturday were Mr_s. Norman Cook, , ,_L- vuuu.u__, ..- 7 Miss Katharine Burton, Toronto, Mrs. B. Fowler, Mrs. Roy Plewman. Mrs. F. Leech. as well as fellow employees in the sales audit de- partment T. Eaton Co. Ltd.. Tor- onto, Mrs. Margaret Burr. and’the congregation of the Free Methodist Church. Newmarket. JARRETT â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother. Susan who passed away, October 14, 1948. We know that she is happy In our Saviours home above, Growing fairer as she lingers In the sunshine of His 1_.ove BRADLEY â€" In cherished and loving memory of our darling son and brother, Roger Laurence Bradley. who passed away Octo- ber 18, 1950, as the result of an accident, at the age of 8 years and 5 months. We do not forget him. we love him too dearly, For his memory to fade from our lives like a dream, Our lips need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely, For grief often dwells where it seldom is seen. -â€" Lovingly remembered and sadâ€" ly missed by Mother and Dad. and brothers. Colin, Brian and John. â€"A1wéys remembered by son Duke and Pearl granchildren Keri- neth and Dorothy. *1w16 V 12 Yonge St. N. Telephone TUrner 4-1761 g AMA/“3W In memoriams Bowden Lumber Stop 23 - Yonge St. TUrner 4-1121 STOP THUsE "uRAFIS $2.50 Per Set ESTABLISHED 1880 The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will. receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men's societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. The announcement of the Rev. W. F. Wrixon's resignation as Rec- tor of St. Mary‘s Church was read to a large congregation on Sunday morning last. Mr. Wrixon will re- tire from the active ministry at the end of the year. The Rev. Canon F. H. D. Woodcock M.A.. D.D., former Rector of Christ Church, Deer Park, has kindly offered to assist with the main services until a new appointment is made. Mr. Wrixon hopes to be able to take some part in the services and will answer emergency calls. The 8.30 am. and 7 pm. services are withdrawn until further notice. Mrs. Alice Bennett left last Fri- day for Vancouver B.C., for a three months visit, with her sister, Mrs. A. Woods. Reverend R. S. Mason. a well- known figure in the district for thirty years. has left the commun- ity recently. The Mason home just south of the village has been sold to a Toronto family and Rev. and Mrs. Mason and their daugh- ter Clara have moved to Port Do- ver. Markham Fair was again the site of the annual Central Ontario Gol- den Guernsey Championship Show held on October 3 and it again pro- ved to be the outstanding show ev- ent of the year when 20 exhibitors brought out 136 head of the top Guernseys from Halton, Peel, York, Simcoe and other Ontario coun- ties. Senior and Grand Champion Male was the aged bull Brooknill Romulus Onward shown by W. B. Hanna. Kleinburg. while the Jun- ior and Reserve Grand Champion was Fraserdale Archie also shown by W. B. Hanna. The Reserve Sen- ior Champion was the second prize aged bull Kingfield Comrade shown by Kingfield Farms. The Reserve Junior Champion was the first prize Junior Yearling Ben Tulloch J. Prediction shown by Maplewood Farms. Maple. Reverend Mason was an active member of the Sunshine Club which sent clothes to clergy. in the West and he was also instru- mental in the formation of a camp for Anglican clergy at Big Bay Point. He is also widely known in the philatelic field not only as a collector but as a writer on the subject. During the years that the Anglican pulpit here was vac- ant Rev. Mason cared for "the church affairs. Guernsey Show At Markham Their many friends in the com- Tminity wish them every success in their new home at Port Dover. The Grand Champion Female was the Senior Champion Boulder Bridge Thea shown by Kingfield and winner of the mature milking class. The Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Female was the first prize dry aged cow Mixter Dairymaid’s Ada shown by the new breeder Gordon Taylor of Schomberg. The Junior Cham- pion Female was Fanbrooks Handy Colleen, first prize Junior Yearling shown by Maplewood Farms while the Reserve Junior Championship went to Henry Borden. Tannery Hill Farm, King, on their Junior Calf Tannery Hill Supreme Mary. The Premier‘ Exhibitor's Award was won by Maplewood Farm. The Suttonplace Farms Trophy was won by W. B. Hanna, the Crossland Farms Trophy was won by King- field Farms. the Elhara Farms Tro- phy for the two best uddered fe- males went to M. T. McNabb & Sons, Georgetown while the Glen- orchy Farms Trophy was won by 'Joyce Bros., Milton. Exhibitors in addition to the above were: Allan ledson and Son, Sharon; L. B. Black. Schomberg; Wm. G. Booth, Milton: Margaret Brodie, King; J. M. Brownridge. Brampton, R. R. 2; John Brownridge. Brampton, R. R. 5; J. H, Crang, Glenville Farms. Newmarket: Ernest Crossland, Crossland Farms. Newmarket R. R. 2; Jack Fraser, Fraserdale Farms, Concord; Matt Heron. Cloverholm Farm. King; John M. Holton, Far Hills Farm. Aurora; D. G. S. Mac- Quarrie. Gilford; Ken Nevils, Shar- oh; and Ralph and Mina Parker, Woodring Farm. Whitby. Rev. R. S. Mason Leaves Community “Hands across the World" was the theme of the display arranged by the Edgeley W. I. and shown at Woodbridge Fair during Thanks- giving weekâ€"end. Twentythree dolls were dressed in authentic costumes of the A.C.W.W. coun- tries from which delegates will come to attend the triennial con- vention in Toronto next summer. The dolls were arranged in such a way as to show the different sta- ges of the voyage that the dele- gates will take, of their arrival in Canada and of them being welcom- ed by the national. provincial. dis- trict and branch presidents and other officials. The costumes of a number of the Canadian dolls were fashioned of the same mater- ial and styles as those worn by the members themselves at one time or another. Credit for the idea of this out- standing piece of work goes to the branch president, Mrs. Chas. Ag- new. and her able assistants, Mrs. Ed. Phillips, Mrs. N. Peelar. Mrs. E. Fierheller. Mrs. E. Stong and Mrs. Bruce Kefler who gave many hours of their time to create this display in order to familiarize ev- eryone with the first triennial tc be held in Canada, and only thc second on this side of the water They met in the United States in 1936. The coming meeting should be of special significance to Cana- dians. since the whole idea origin- ated here when the W.I. was foun- ded in 1896 at Stoney Creek by Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless. Miss Betty Berst of Woodstock spent the week-end with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Elliott. The International Plowing Match at Carp last week attracted a num- ber of local residents who took ad- vantage of sunny skies and crisp cool days to see the plowmen com- pete in the many classes and to look at the farm machinery dis- plays. Among those who attended from here were Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg. Jim'my Ash and Raymond Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Bagg accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Usher of Woodbridge on the journey to Carp. Many happy returns of the day to Johnny Spencer who will be 10 years old October 16. Plowing Match The Edgeley Euchre Club opem ed its season's activities in the Edgeley Community Hall on Tues- day evening, October '7, with ten tables playing. The winners were: Ladies. Miss Dorothy Foster, Mrs. Jim Fisher, Mrs. Denby; Men, Mr. Watt, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Denby and Mr. Smith, tied. Mr. Smith won by a cut of the cards. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton from Birkendale spent Saturday even- ing and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong and called on Mr. and Mrs. Syd Broadbelt and family. Euchre Club Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thompson and children Donna, Bruce and Allan and Mrs. Wm. Price and her sons Kenneth and Bobby of Mackville. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and their sons Wayneuand Bruce and wee baby sister of Vic~ toria Square were their guests. Her attendants, Mrs. T. Troyer of Woodbridge and Miss Gayle Leon- ard of Weston, niece of-the bride. were dressed alike in gowns of yellow taffeta fashioned with low scalloped necklines and short puff sleeves ' and their floor length skirts ended in short trains. They wore matching mitts and little yellow bonnets and carried har- monizing bouquets of Chrysanthe- mums. Newton-Bougourd Attended by many guests from out of town. the marriage took lace in Woodbrldge United Church of Barbara Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bougourd and Mr. Donald Frank Emberson Newton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thom- as Newton of Edgeley. Rev. J. A. H. Hodgson officiated. Standards of pink and white Chrysanthemums decorated the altar and Mrs. E. Kearney played the wedding mu5< 1c. A handsome gown of gardenia white lace over shimmering ice- blue satin was worn by the Bride whose father gave her in marriage. The fitted bodice was finished with a round neckline and long pointed sleeves and the full gathered skirt ended in a chapel train. A small bonnet held her lace veil which was made of the same material as her dress and she carried a nose- gay of white carnations and red roses. Mr. Raymond Castator was ”the groomsman and the ushers were Mr. Allan Leonard. Weston, the bride's brother-in-law. and Mr. El- mer Stong, Edgeley, brother-in- law of the groom. Mr. Matt Camp- bell of Humber Summit sang “The Lord's Prayer" and “Through the years." At the reception in the church hall. the bride's mother received in a blue crepe and lace dress with matching accessories and she wore a corsage of pink and white carna- tions. The groom‘s mother assist- ed wearing a London tan crepeand lace dress with matching accessor- ies and a corsage of yellow and bronze chrysanthemums Telegrams of bestxwishes and congratulations were received by the bride and groom and were read at the reception and they made the young couple very happy. They were from Sergeant William New- ton. the groom‘s cousin. serving with the United States Armed For- ces in Okinawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bougourd of the Isle of Guernsey. aunts and uncles of the bride, and their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duquem'm of Milwaukee. Wisconsin. For travelling the bride chose an autumn yellow wool suit, black hat CORRESPOEDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Webbing. EDGELEY NEWS Telephone Maple 110R3 and black accessories. Following a trip to Niagara Falls. eastern Un- ited States and Quebec, Mr.,and Mrs. Newton will reside in Edgely. Guests Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lehman and Mr. Walker Emberson of Hill- side; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton. Birkendale; Mrs. Wilfred Tipper, Etwell; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cast- le. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Willan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott of Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. A. Gard- house, Thistletown; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Asbury. Emery and Mr. and Mrs. William Kingdom and son William Jr. of Aurora. Miss Eulaline Newton arrived by plane from California on Thurs- day to attend the wedding of her brother. She returned again to California by plane on Monday. Fifty-four ladies attended the short course “Brighten your home with color." held in Edgeley Hall on Tuesday afternoon. October 7. Viiss Jean Armour, Home Econo- nist with the WI. Branch. Depart- nent of Agriculture was the dem- instrator. After listening to her ery informative hour long lec- ure on the fundamental things bout color, the ladies were divid- ed into groups of six and invited to decorate an imaginary room. using samples of drapery material. wallpaper and rugs that she had brought. So good were the results that Miss Armour in judging their work, found little could be done to improve their choice of color com- binations. A special invitation is extended to all to attend the 75th anniver- sary services of Edgeley United Church on Sunday, October 19. Mrs. W .Maginn and Miss Ma- ginn attended the Newton-Bou- gourd wedding in Woodbridge on Saturday. ' ' ’ ‘ Anniversary Service Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bagg on their first wedding anniversary, October 20. Rev. Robert Manning of High Park Presbyterian church who spent his Sunday school days in Edgeley will be the preacher at the 11 o’clock service. The soloist will be Mrs. Wm. Kerr-Taylor. The baked goods that Mrs. Wm. Watson exhibited at Woodbridge Fair must have been very delicious indeed. for they were prize-win- ners. Mrs. Watson carried off first prize for her iced angel cake and light fruit cake. She received sec- ond prizes for her iced light layer cake, crumb cake, apple sauce cake and banana cake. She also took third prizes with her pumpkin pie, mufiins, apple pie and dark fruit cake. The second prize for corn pickle also went to Mrs. Watson. After a refreshing cup of tea, the ladies left feeling they had bene- fltted greatly from the experience. Winner For the evening service, the guest speaker will be Rev. E. C. Moddle of Aurora. assisted by the Welsh Male Choir of Santâ€"Devi United Church, Toronto. Draws were made this year by Deputy-Reeve Ken. Tomlin of Rich- mond Hill. and Major Lex MacKen- zie, M.P.P. for North York. Winner of the Admiral Television set was Thomas Cooney of Richvale, who purchased his ticket from Miss Mary Resentera also of Richvale who received the $100. prize for selling the winning ticket. The number of Mr. Cooney’ 5 ticket was B6422. Thos. Cooney Wins Admiral T. 'V. Set Sunday School will be cancelled for the day. On Saturday evening the Edge- ley Fellowship group enjoyed a visit to the‘David Dunlop Observ- atory at Richmond Hill. Mr. Percy Usher and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook and their two chil- dren, Joanne and Dwight, ‘had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. Elmore Evans and his daughter, Lorna. St. Mary's Annual Thanksgiving Carnival, held this year at the Lions Community Hall, Richmond Hill, on October 8, saw in attendâ€" ance over 500 interested spectators who enjoyed the games of chance, raffles and lucky draws. Second prize. a Thor Gladiron. was won by Miss Dianne Power of Don Head Farms. Richmond Hill. with ticket number B6168. Third prize, a Premier vacuum cleaner was won by Mrs. J. Rogerson of Richmond Hill with ticket number B2030 and fourth prize, a G.E. Floor Polisher by Margaret Moore. 24 Cheritan Ave., Toronto with ticket A1829. King Twp. Residents Attend Plowing Match The conveners of the carnival and the Holy Name Society would like to express their appreciation at this time to the many friends who assisted, either by their gen- erous help or by their patronage of the carnival. ' The International Plowing Match held at Carp, Ont., last week. at- tracted several from King Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ross, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Forâ€" ester, left for Carp on Wednesday and returned on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shropshire drove with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hunter and while the men were in- interested in the displays of farm machinery. the ladies attended the exhibition of freezers and home frozen products. Two younger at- tendants were Aubrey Marshall and Jim Leatherdale, who motored to the Match in Jim's car. They saw Eric Hadwin. Maple at the Match. Maple and Bafitism 7 pm. â€" Evening Service RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A., 3.1)., Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 10 am. â€"â€" Bible Class 11 am. -â€" Morning Service Rev. S. W. letle. B.A., Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 10 am. â€"â€" The Church School 11 am. â€" Divine Worship The Minister Rev. Canon F.H.D. Woodcock, DD. All are invited. Other services withdrawn for the time being. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 100th Anniversary of Worship at Present Site 11 am. â€" The Minister 7 pm. â€"- Rev. P. Buck, Thornhlll Baptist Church Assisting in service Rev. S. A. R. Wood, Rev. S. W.. Hirtle Special music Sunday School and Nursery 11 am. WED, OCT. 22 â€" Anniversary Supper and Program Supper from 6 pm. Program 8.15 pm. All welcome Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L. Th., Rector 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer 'and Sunday School LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sundny, 11 a.m. â€" Bible School classes for all age: 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. - Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mis- THORNHILL ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19 2.30 pm. -â€"â€" Worship Service 3.20 pm. â€" Sunday School sio’nary Meeting. Fri., 8 pm. -â€" Young 1 (mph: Soc THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Hope Sunday School .. . . .‘ Church Service . . . . Maple Sunday School . Church Service with( Edgeley Anniversary Services 11 a.m. Rev. R‘ 7.30 pm. Rev. 1 SUNDAY, OCTOBER. 19 11 am. â€" Divine Worship 11.15 am. -â€" The Church School Come and worship. Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. NORTON-BRILLINGER A very pretty wedding took place at four o’clock on Saturday after- noon September 27, in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, when Shirley Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brillinger, New- market, was united in Holy Matrimony, by Reverend Hirtle, to Mr. Albert Keith Nort‘on, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Norton. Union- ville. The bride who was given in marriage by her father chose a gown of white satin with bustle back and long train and net top. Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion was arranged on a crown of white flowers. She carried a cascade of. red roses. Her attendants were. matron of honour, her sister, Mrs. Ted Clarke. who wore a gown of green net over taffeta with feather hat to match and carried pink gladioli. Her bridesmaids, Miss Ruby Norton, sister of the groom and Miss Margaret Rainey. both of Unionville, wore mauve corded taf- eta gowns, princess style with matching hats and both carried sheafs of yellow gladioli. MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., B.D., minister After the wedding a reception was held at the Graystones, Aurora. The bride’s mother received the guests wearing a dress of heaven- ly blue lace over tafieta. with matching accessories and wore a corsage of yellow gladioli. Mrs. Norton. the groom‘s mother, assistâ€" ed, wearing a dress of peacock green crepe. with accessories to match and wore a corsage of yell- ow gladioli. The best man was Mr. Ernest Norton. brother of the groom. The ushers were Mr. Gordon Norton, brother of the groom and Mr. Geo. Marshall, Helen Ave. The soloist, Miss Joan Bourne. sang during the signing of the register “Because" and “The Lord's Prayer.” The bride's travelling suit was of blue wool with grey accessories. The happy couple left on a honey- moon trip to Montreal. After their return they will reside in Lang- staff. Tall standards of white 'mums and gladioli before the altar were the setting in Richmond Hill Un- ited Church on Saturday, October 11. for the marriage of Beverley Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Leech of Rich- mond Hill, to James Harold Bull. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bull of Newmarket The grand- father ot the bride, Rev. Austin E. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .m. Rev. Rdbt. Manning pm. Rev. E. C. Moddle SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH Come and Worship. School ....,... Service withdrawn BULL-LEECH 10 am 11 am. webbings 10 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School Bring the whole family and help us win the international Sunday School contest. A movie this Sun- day “Ngonga and her people." 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Sermon Topic “A man whose wor- ship God did not hear" Mr. Carl Johansen will sing 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Sermon “The door into the abun- Messages Thursday Friday BRETHREN 1N CHRIST CHURCH, VAUGHAN Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. Sunday School .......... 10 am. Worship ................ 11 3.111. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19 Sunday School ........ 1.30 pm Sunday Service ........ 2.30 pm Meeting in Concord School Bouu Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 on). Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Acts 4:12: - - - for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ontario & Quebec) Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A., Minister Worship Service every Sunday morning at 11.00 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19 Visitors always welcome. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is temporarily held in Richvale Public School each Sunday afternoon at the new time of 3 pm. Parents are requested to take note of this new time change and aid their children to heave home in' good time each Sun- ay. ZION MEMORIAL CHURCH “The Church on the Hill” Finch Ave. E. at Don Mills Rd. Vesper Hour each Sunday at 3 p. m The bride, who was given in marriage by her father. wore a gown of ivory satin, fashioned with buttoned bodice, Peter Pan collar and long sleeves. The skirt was full, with drapes Edwardian in de- sign. Her fingertip veil of illusion tulle fell from a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried a cascade of red rosettes and white mum pet- als. NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East of Yongc On Madawaska Ave.. Stop 128 Pastor F. Vaughan B. Th. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19 The best man was Herbert Bull, brother of the groom. Mr. Adel- mo Melicci. assisted at the organ and Miss Margaret Dyer of New- market was soloist. Ushers were John Leech and Archie Bull. Sunday School Bus Schedule Leaving Oak Ridges 2.30 p.m.; Jefferson 2.35 p.m.; Elgin Mills, 2.40 p.m.; Richmond Hill, 2.45 p. m.; Yongehurst Rd., 2.50 p.m.; Richvale 3 pm. Langdon's will stop for any children waiting on the west side of Yonge St. Lunau of Toronto officiated at the marriage ceremony assisted by Rev. Earl Bull of Newmarket, bro- ther of the groom. Her bridesmaid Miss Marilyn Harmon of Gormley wore a long gown of blue swiss bengaline with hat to match and carried yellow Gloria roses. At the reception which was held at the bride’s home. 120 Richmond St.. the brides mother received in a navy crepe dress"with white ot- toman cord trim and corsage of red rosettes. She was assisted by the groom’s mother in navy red- ingote over a navy and white print dress and she wore a corsage of red rosettes. mummm11mmmmummmnumumnmnumumummmummmm Children ‘are urged to come to Sunday School now rather than wait until completion of building. For travelling to Muskoka and Northern Points the bride wore a rosyâ€"mauve wool tailored frock with black accessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs Bull will live in Richmond Hill. CU'l FLOWERS, " FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE'S FLOWER‘ SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All Hours TUrner 4- 1812 ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Services at 3 pm. and 7.30 pm Gormley Pastor Rev. A. L. Winger 4:10 pm. â€" Happy Hour 8 pm. â€"â€" Intermediates BRETHREN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 CHURCH OF CHRIST FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION dant life" as in song by Carl Johansen w 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting and choir practise. (under erection) Richvale Chapel Usual services REN IN ‘ CHURCH CHRIST Caulking Guns Post Hole Diggers Blow Torch Extension Ladders RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money refunded We Deliver THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 16, 1952 5 Machineless Permanents DONE IN YOUR OWN HOME Licensed Hairdresser 164 Spruce Ave. Richvale Phone Turner 4-1966 WIRING TUmer 4-1701 STUART PAXTON TUrner 4-1261 Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII OAK RIDGES PHONES: Formerly of Gerrlrd Heintzman Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates Phone Liberal Ofi'ico ONT ARIO PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Vaughan will be held in the Council Chambers, Maple, on Mon- day, October 27, 1952, at 2 pm. to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the Assess- ment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan for the year 1953. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Maple, October 9. 1952. James J. We" Plumbing - Heating Court of Revision Sheet Metal Work PIANO TUNING and Repairing SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUrner4-1872 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Phone TUrner 4-1016 Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE E. CHARITY - For Service at it’s Best - ; Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Clerk Township of Vaughan J. A. W|LLOUGHBY AND SONS we 4 MEI/F567 !VA-‘tW/Yé‘ away A Electrician S. Hofl’man MILK .. .5 & SANDWICHES County of York FOR RENT J. M. McDonald, HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. LINE WORK TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 Richmond Hill King 111 Aurora 46-J TU. 4-2101 FANCY RED Cohoe Salmon SPECIALS Evaporated Milk 2 :22 25c' LIBBY’S MAPLE LEAF Toilet Soap Pastry Flour 22;”- $1.55 Floor Wax Tomatoes AURORA BELLE Tomato Soup YORK CHOICE CAMPBELL’S VAN DUSEN’S Tomato Juice J OHNSON’S PASTE Sunkist Oranges Cabbage FIRM GREEN Cauliflower SNOW WHITE CALIFORNIA Self Serve RICHMOND Hlll M 0 RLEY’S 2-lb. 288’s Size FANCY QUALITY 28 oz. Tln 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Lge. Head 10 o Tins 20 oz. Tins Cakes Lge. Heads Tin Doz. 27c 23c 19c 23c 19c 25c 25c 33c 99c

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