Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1952, p. 6

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_ 6' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 16, 1952 SEE - In your Own Home Ist Place Won By Powell Road School School Area No.1 Markham - Streetsville Club Wins Hall Trophy Local bowlcrs' luck lapsed tem- nrc'rlsm it; THE AMAZINGLY NEW RADIANT HEATING With ELECTRICITY GLASSHEAT HEATS LIKE THE SUN Phone TU 4-1496 for your Home Demonstration 97 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Ist IZ-Man, Game 16-12 At Orillia They say that participation in extra-curricular activities is just as much a part of education in the schools as the academic work. Last Friday night in a fioodlight foot- ball game in Orillia. the Richmond Hill District High School Junior learn was being educated in the tricks of the 12-man game. The local boys were edged in the last quarter and the final score in the exhibition was 16-12 for Orillia. The Orillia Collegiate Juniors are at present running wild in the Georgian Bay District League trouncing all opposition by large scores. The green shirts from Richmond Hill were making their debut into the ‘big leagues' and every boy was playing the first game of 12-man football in his life. Previously they had been dabbling in the 6-man game. After the final whistle had soun- ded the Orillia coach who is in ‘the know’ with regards to the calibre of C.O.S.S.A. Junior football stated that the Hill team should have lit- tle trouble in knocking off any of the schools of the district. The of- ficials of the game also paid the team a few compliments on the smartness of its running attack. so it looks as if the local boys have made the big step with flying col- ors. Everyone admired the hard and clean performance that they put on last Friday night. Well enough of the story behind the team’s 'coming of age‘ â€" what happened in the game? In the first half. Lloyd Grainger opened the scoring with a beautiful 60 yard kick that soared above the lights and over the fence. It is ruâ€" moured that the ball landed in Lake Couchiching. Then Rich- mond Hill put on a terrific running Roy Plewman NOTICE TO CITIZENS 0F RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT Effective the first snowfall, the three-hour parking limit on any and all streets in the village of Richmond Hill will be stricty enforced. Any violators, besides paying parking violation, may be faced with a towing bill plus storage. RICHMOND HILL POLICE COLD WEATHER COMING! NOW IS THE TIME TO INSUâ€"LATE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE _ ' attack with quarterback Nell Rise- NO MONEY DOWN brough mixing his plays very well ’ to shake loose his speed merchants, IBOWDEN LUMBER COMPANY Red Hart. They ran the ends and (Established 1880) plunged quite effectively and finâ€" "Stop 23 Yonge St. ally on a reverse play Red Hart scampered 40 yards around the end with the entire Orillia squad in pursuit but Hart saw pay dirt in the distance and pulled away with ease to score. The convert by Rick Soderberg cut the uprights for the extra point making the score 7-0 for Richmond Hill. Then came Orillia’s turn. They dug down deep in their bag of surprises and pulled out the an- cient onside kick play. For those who have forgotten just what this play is, here is briefly what hap- pens. Any player standing be- hind the kicker when he kicks can run down the field and grab the ball without giving the opposition a chance to catch it. Orillia would send four men thundering down and the Hill backfielders, needless to say. were a little interested in their survival with the result that there were several fumbles. The Orillia squad picked up a touch- down via this method but were foiled in their convert attempt by Richmond Hill’s Bud Lahonen who knifed through to block the kick. In the second quarter. Orillia fumbled in their backfield and Ra- pid Robert Miner slipped through. picked up the pigskin and was away for an unmolested 50 yard excursion and 5 points. The con- vert failed and the half ended with the score reading 12-5 for the 10- cal juniors. There is a certain play which the Richmond Hill boys will never get caught on again (we hope.) TU. 4-1121 :lv-l"r31fi119‘9,aav .-.: or ~‘ Kenn w Mata-Most" BRAKE FLUID '89 ZO-ox. A fasted, proven product; uacfly same formula as uud in your car origin- chp a can on Foot Operated TIRE PIMP 3.89 No backache, no bead~ his; use your weight Innud of your mmlcl ~00 pump up Nros, air mm. etc. Triple Chroma Plan Locking Gas Cap 1 .89 '1 17" lmprovod model with dust shutter. Sturdy lack prevent! go: stealing. To fit all pamngcr can. 2.1'raqfic-9'rv-rov AURORA Telemonc 8 Monday - Friday Doors open 6.45. lst show 7.00 Saturday Doors open 5.45. lst show 6.00. Sat. Matinee at 2.00 p.m. Universal 4-Way rim wmcu 54 .. ' 1-29 Iri ht rod reflector Extra hoav f in has level: indies" It light: rocket ”my, 0: r: all are on. Neat, offlcicnt. . Easily installed on any passenger cars and light trucks. Priced low! 0.0. ”’l""1?Â¥l Sponge rubberâ€"Uta If around an or home M soal out drain and rain: el,min:tos rattles. ti'OWQG'.‘ Fri. & Sat.. Oct. 17 & 18 Judy Canova in Oklahoma Annie in color George Montgomery "’flfl’hl.’ \- . Quick-Acting Weatherproof Gleaming Chrcmo Indian UprlSlI‘lg . Scissors Jack . Trouble Lamp 000R MIRROR in color 535 .75 1.19 . 15-". Mon.. Tues.. Wed. A Extra low starting height.- “ easy to place; car can't Io; Convenient s \v ire h In handle; heavy duty rub- Smartlv styled; Increase! visibility eliminate! October 20. 2l. 22 slip o". 3 ll b ; bcr cable,- protective n - n . , f. in..." "H: ,,_ £259. «Mum guard. ‘B"§?°fl°':5,ff';‘.':§'2 Its a must on your enter- Iafcly! SO-ft. size 5.29 mirror. I . tainment program! The GREAT Academy Award Picture Humphrey Bogart Katharine Hepburn The African Queen . W “911-051? INTERIOR WINDSHIELD nos: LINE ; a; ~ VISOH SPECIAL Technicolor . WASH MOP "-7 -. gafffir'u the blinding“ glare of VALUE '- " . c "9 sun or e dl' hf . ' . " a» Washi and rinse it”; .Restf'ifil gran "FIfoxibla°Pl;gsfic"’ FIFSI ShO“ at l p'm' o- ear n no on I: so -a came, one!!! to p- - « °|I'f°fion°; “"05: 49 per windshield surface. u .54 Second ShO“ at 9 p.m. ,. yarn mop; non- ‘- COMPLETE SET. Coming Thurs.. Oct. 23 r not handle. Dc Luxc Set ......... ,-_:_--.___, .IO Showing 2 Days . _ . . . 5 Bob Hope Roy Rogers ,7 Jane Russell r- Son of Paleface Technicolor COMING SOON: The Management is privil- eged to announce the pres- entation of the Motion Picture â€" The Prince of Peace Watch for Screening Date 25 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill Phone TUrnor 4-l561 High School Gridders Edged H. S. Football Once more R.H.D.H.S. reigns \ictorious. The might of Stoutfville subsided to a crushing defeat this week as the tide of the Richmond Hill team inundated them 44 to 21. The Richmond Hill scorers were as follows: Red Ilart top with 10 points: John Atkinson Friday Night Ilt is the ‘sleeper’ play, whereby a player hides at the “(13“ 0f ”‘0 second with 7, Dave I’ollet and field until the ball is put into play Rohhv Keith tied for third and then sneaks down the field to with ‘6 each. and Dave Grin- receive a nice long pass. Orillia tried this about five times and nev- er failed. The game being at night made it difficult for the Hill squad to get a clear picture of the culâ€" prits hiding by the sidelines and the opposition had our team jumpy on these sleeper plays. One of our backfielders at one time chased two Orillia lads over to the side- lines only to discover that they were going to the bench and not to hide. Oh well. live and learn. In the last half. Orillia added two touchdowns and a convert to finish ncll. Dick Soclerbcrg and Dave Boynton at fourth with 5 each. The passing of each team is to be highly commended. The best play of the game was made by Graham Frisby of Stoufi'ville who raced 75 yards along the sidelines to score. without being .touched once. porarily at Richmond Hill green on October 1 when the home “cup", the Walker Hall Memorial trophy. went to Streetsvillc. Mr. Pickett of the Streetsville club topped the day to win the coveted honour. Two members of the Balmy Beach Club were runners up. Mr. Hurst was second for three wins and Mr. Tay- lor made two wins. Mr. Niven of Withrow took fourth place. Alto- gether, fourteen teams participated in this sccond-to-last tournament of the season. WIN AT NEWMARKET Two Richmond Hill rinks were among the winners at Newmarket‘s mixed trebles bowling tournament held last Monday. High for two wins were Dr. and Mrs. C. Cowan and R. Casement. skip, and high for one win were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savage and W. Beresford. Vaughan Holds Field Day .School Area No. 1 held a very lively and exciting field day at Powell Road school on Thursday. October 9. Schools participating were Thornhill. Thornlea. Lang- stafi’. Charles Howitt, Richvale and Powell Rd. . New Record Set The running broad jump record of 12 ft. 7 in. from previous years was broken with a new record of 1.3 ft. 2 in. being set by Sandra Gibson. 24 Grandview Ave. who was representing Powell Road school. Final Results The final results were: Powell Road. lst with 67 points; Charles Howitt. 2nd with 32 points: and Langstafi' 3rd with 30 points. and other schools following for the other three positions. The champions of the day were Senior Girls Championship went to Sandra Gibson of Powell Rd. Junior Girls championship to Cor- nela 'Semenuks Powell Rd. school: 2nd in Boys Senior group was Al- Semenuk had a score of 12 points for the junior events to win first place. Cornela had one first, two seconds and a third. Senior boys championship was taken by Gordon Coghill of the Charles Howitt school and Boys Junior championship went to Don nie Anderson of Langstaff school. David DeClcrq came first in jun- ‘ ior running broad jump for Powell Rd. VELLORE NEWS Vellore Sr. Women's Institute met in Vellore Memorial Hall for the October meeting. It was Fam- ily Night and turkey dinner was provided for‘the members and their families. The attendance numbered 143. .- After dinner Mr. Agar showed pictures which were enjoyed by the young folk as well as the older the game on top with a 16-12 score. Lloyd Grainger, as usual. was outstanding in every department while Robbie' Keith was expert in the running-back kicks depart- ment. All the linesmen played re- markably well and they forced the Orillia team to take to the air be- cause they smothered their ground attack. Lineâ€"up: Grainger. Jones. Hart, Keith. Risebrough. Coutts, Soder- berg Flechner, Grinncll. Pollitt. Miner. Snider, Beirnes. Gardner. Collins Creelman. Pollard, Leus- chner. Zinkan. Lahonen, Wharton. RICHMOND HILL BADMINTON CLUB All players please note the Richmond Hill Badminton Club will be playing on Tuesday even- ing October let at 7.30 pm. at the High School. Tuesday night will be this year as in the past the regular playing night. ___\,â€"-â€" BUTTONVILLE ‘ Correspondent: Mrs. Walter Craig Phone Agincourt 358.11 What Your 50c Accomplished By Edna Purves, Hilda Kelly, Cancer Work Convenors The Buttonville Branch of the Women’s Institute held a bridge and euchre last October 1951. Peo- ple came, paid 50c admission. and we believe enjoyed the evening. Now we want everyone to know what we accomplished with the money. The proceeds from the evening’s entertainment (120 players) and from donations by non-players, etc., totalled $85.00. With this money flannelette and knitting wool'were purchased and we have contributed to the Toronto Branch of the Can- adian Cancer Society Gift Cup- board, the following articles: 8 Ladies knitted bed jackets. 10 pairs knitted bed sox 1 knitted hot water bottle cover 5 hand quilted knee throws (flan- nelette) 6 Flannelette baby jackets 15 Flanneletee night shirts, men's, size 40-44 15 Flannelette night shirts, men’s, size 36-40 9 Flannelette nightgowns, size 6-14 years 11 pairs boys fiannelette pyjamas, size 4 to 8 years Miscellaneous articles, jams, toys, etc. The gifts were beautifully wrap- ped in Christmas cellophane and delivered to the Cancer Society in Toronto, in time for delivery to patients in homes and hospitals, be- fore Christmas Day. The many acknowledgements of these gifts. from concer sufferers, which we have been privileged to read. assure our members the small effort we put forth with YOUR help. YOUR 500. brought much comfort and happiness. Truly the holiday season was brightened for the recipients. A great effort may be made in a moment of excitement BUT con- tinual little efforts can only be made on principle. May we count on you to help us again â€" this year. on October 20. O U 0 O girls, Mr. and Mrs. David Millen and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giles motorâ€" ed to Carp. Ont. for the Internaâ€" tional Plowing Match. Later they went on a bus sight-seeing tour of Ottawa. 0 O 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Francey and Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelly at- tended the International Plowing Match near Ottawa. O O O O A community shower was held in Buttonville Hall for Miss Bev- erley McQuay whose marriage takes place soon She was the re- cipient of many lovely and useful gifts. I O O 0 Anniversary services at Brown's Corners United Church will take place on Sunday. October 19. In the morning at 11 o'clock a former minister. Rev. H. J. MacKay will be in charge. At 2.30 pm. Rev. Gordon Porter. MA.. B.D.. of St. Paul's Avenue Road United Church will be the minister in charge. Special music by the choir in charge of Mrs. S. English. C O I Master Fraser and John Craig were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. L. Hamilton of ('olzan. . . x . Mrs. H. Patterson and Mrs. E. Walton haye returned home after spending a week with friends in London and Ridgeway . I C I All ladies of the congregation of Brown's Corners are invited to at- tend the Harmony Group meeting on Wednesday. October 22. at the home of Mrs. Elgin Sherman at 2 pm. O I C O Miss Margaret Hood was ;i holi- day Visitor \\llll Mr and .\lr~ Ro~ bcrl Hood and Deborah near Corn» wall. Highland Park Bowling Season In Full Swing Highland Park bowling teams are now carrying along in full swing with bowling at the Willow Bowling Alleys. located just be- low Sheppard Ave.. on Yonge St. They are bowling each Wednesday night and can still place a few bowlers if any care to contact Mr. H. Bell, AV. 5â€"1830. They are giving a small weekly prize to top scores and this week it. went to Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings who scored 715 and to Ivor Fran- cis with a 709. Top averages for ladies is Lesa Fleming 168, Flora McMullan 159. Averages for men. Ivor Francis 249 and Len Gazey 217. There are six teams with approp- riate names and their standing is: Francis Flyers. 12 points; Floyd's Flock. 12 points; Gazey's Groaner‘s 9 points: Bell‘s Beauties. 7 points; Minor's Midgets. 2 points; Ritchie‘s Roamers. 0 points. This is a lively and pleasant ev- ening's fun and we will report on further activities. The Sports Clinic An Official Department of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival The first thing that should be On Long Gains Give Blockers done at the start of a season is they staging of what is called “an eval- uator." This means a study of what you need as indicated by figuring out your needs through a careful check of the results and experience you had last season and how you stack up physically and mentally at the present time. For example. you ask yourself such questions as “How was my wind last year?" “Did I get many cramps and stitches?" Did my legs get tir- ed in any certain spot? ”Did I get a headache after a tough session?" “Just what part of my body seemed to give out first under pressure?" “Did I lack drive in my legs?" “Did I get a lot of colds and how did they bother me most?” “What particular skills were my weak points?” “Did I recover quickly after a hard session of play or did it knock me off for the whole game?” “Could I sleep well after a hard game?" When you have asked such ques- tions and listed the answers you will know what you need. Then you can use the kind of preâ€"season training that will do you the most good â€" concentrating on improv- ing your general all-round ability by eliminating your “weak spots.” This is an evaluator â€" the most important phase of any scien- tifically organized pre-season training and conditioning program. This is your first move â€"â€" stage a personal evaluation tor if you are a coach, stage one for your play- ers) going into great detail and ac- tually listing you findings on pap- Spare no effort to make it 3 er. complete study. Do this right aw- ay. Wear That Afterâ€"Exercise Coat: The average young athlete does not pay enough attention to pro- tecting his health. For example when told to put on a sweater after exercise he is inclined to say “0. K” and then forget about it. This isn‘t smart because by not making sure his body is kept warm after exercise he is asking for trouble in the form of colds, stiff muscles and many other ills and injuries that occur when muscles cool off too quickly. Watch the “big lea- guers" and see how carefully they take care of themselves â€" they know it pays big dividends! ake Wilcox Bowling The bowling league sponsored by the Lake Wilcox Community As- sociation, which plays every Fri- day night at the Willowdale Alleys continues to be enjoyed by six teams. Score for last Friday as follows: Jackpots l7. Spitfires 12. Rovers 12. Wolves 11, High Flyers 7, Ramblers 4. High score for the men was Geo. Clyde with 645, for the ladies Sis Kyle with 614. Credit Whenever you carry the ball for a good gain â€"â€"â€" whenever you kick or pass a good one â€"â€" always be sure to give your blockers lots of credit. let them know you apprec- iate the important part they play- ed in making your play a success. Tell them right after the play, don't wait until the game is over. By doing this you help their mor- ale â€" they will feel that their ef- forts really mean something. This will mean better blocking. which in turn will mean bigger and bet- ter gains for you and more victor- ies for your team. 0 O O 0 Remember, membership in Sports College will help you do a bettter job for your school. club or district team -â€" it does not compete with such activities â€" it helps you with them. Make sure that every- one in your district realizes you join Sports College to help you with your other activities. To join merely send a letter to Sports College. Box 99. Toron- to 1, Ont.. and say you would like to join. FLATTERY WON'T HURT YOU A err AS LONG- AS YOUR our) HAT STILL. FITS. Copr. an “Ric-'14! I-ru- In 63. We still fit the best cars In town with the best fires ever . a a Dominion Royals of courscl EVERETT BAKER’S SERVICE STATIDN Friendly White Rose Dealer Richmond Hill Phone TU.4-0013 Ian Semenuk. Powell Rd. and Da- ones. Vid DeClerq, Powell Rd. tied for secondplace in junior boys events. _Jackie Smith came first in Junior girls high jump for Powell Rd. Sandra Gibson had a score of 16 pts. in senior events winning three firsts and one third place ribbons for the championship. Cornela Master Bruce Payne gave several readings. Keep in mind ladies the conven- tion at Royal York Hotel in Veil. ore Memorial Hall, November 15. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. O. Dicei man and the topic is Public Rela' tions and Community Activities. “5... PLANT NOW BIG FLDWERING TULIP BULBS $1.98 PER 100 and... ACT QUICKLY PHONE J. ANDERSEN TODAY TU. 4-2195\’ Bulldozing - Excavating - Grading'l “ Ditching '. Dragline Work," " SMITH 8 MlLLARD TELEPHONE KING 4 7 - \X/ MODEL 860 SPRAY-PAINTING OUTFIT As Illustrated. lst. in Sales! lst in Value! Priced at_$37.50 ’ . We stock Automotive’and Household Paints Thinners - Fender Paper Water Paper Sanding Discs - Masking Tape - Solder 15-85, 30-70 and Fender Solder. ’ Paris Auto Supply Ltd. RICHMOND HILL PHDNE- TUrner 4I54I stands ready to serve you for a fraction of a cent an MWhat else in your daily living means so much yet costs so little? a THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA

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