Wishing For A Buyer Won’t Make A Sale -Try Our ant A63 E COUNTER showcases Reaman’s Variety Store. ELECTRIC STOVE. Westinghouse. side oven $40. AV. 5-1041. c1w17 DINETTE SUITE, Maple ï¬msh piece, TU. 4â€"1494. clv MAN'S OVERCOATS, 2, size 42. 1 Fall, 1 Winter, grey, good. Maple 103W. clwl'? SET OF FAUCET TAPS AVenue 5-1868. ACME cook stove, coal, reasonable. Mrs. G. Jones, Pemberton Road, Richvale. * 1 WI? MANURE, well rotted. delivered 2 yards or more. Phone BA. 1-7232. *2w17 QUEBEC HEATER. good condi- tion. $10.00. McArthur, Yongevicw Ave., Langstaff. *1w17 GIRLS' 3-piece_outf1t,A1-ed with . An mI'T FINDLAY cook stove, 6 lid with reservoir excellent condition. $50 or best offer. TU. 4-1200. c1w17 uunuu v r“--- V white fur trim, size" 3,3400. TU. 4-1628. *1w17 1â€")Iâ€"NIâ€"NGâ€"ROOM TABLE, walnut ï¬nish, 44â€, opens to 5'7", $10.00. Phone TUrner 4-1825. *1w17 OAT STRAW in bales. Absolutely dry. -Will deliver in vicinity of Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2143. c1w17 CHILD’S PLAY PEN; piano bench; single bedstead. brown; boys’ and girls clothing. AV. 5â€"1548. c1w17 GILSON Snowbird refrigerator, 9.4 cu. ft., one year old. TU. 4-1509. c1w17 BOY'S Winter Overcoat, for boy 14-15 years old, $15.00. TUrner 4- 1671. *2w17 NORGE iSpace Heater, medium size, also 50 gal. oil drum. TUrnm' 4-1498. c1w17 PIANO. Mason and Risch. good condition, reasonable. TUrner 4- 1174. *1w17 GENEINE Persian Lamb coat, size 13, sacriï¬ce. May be seen at Lib- ‘eral Office. c2w17 BABY PRAM. wine convertible walker; reasonable. AV. 5-2404. WATER Pressure Pump with au- tomatic pressure switch. TU. 4 4453. clw17 NEW STOVE, wood or coal. new Quebec Heater, $50 for quick sale, with oven. cooking top 32“. ï¬re pot 32‘ steel construction; ï¬re pot 16 deep. 11" diameter. with high she‘: for heating plates or utensils. Ther; are 752; inch cooking top holes. used only 1 year. W. Quantz. Essex Ave.. Langstaï¬. *1w17 â€" FACTORY Di'RECT RUGS HOW’S THlS FOR VALUE 9 pc. living room group $179.50 7 pc. bedroom group $159.50 Chrome kitchen suites complete with buffet $139.50 Wool frieze Chesterï¬eld suites $169.50‘ Continental beds $39.50 up Spring ï¬lled mattress $19.95 (limited number) All above items are brand new, and represent only a small por- tion of our everyday values. Come In and compare with Toronto pri ees. Freedeljvery. mum's FURNITURE .CALL 1250 NEWMARKET posts. Normar St., TU. 4-1443 GIBBARD Dinette Suite. 6 pieces; also motorola radio in excellent condition. 103 Morgan Ave. AV. 5- 1471. c1w17 f’ORTABLE TYPEWRITER. L. C Smith-Corona. excellent condition $60.00 cash. Phone AV. 5-24(_SZ_%. LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes. Kimh Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket. Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tf034 QUALITY FIRST Don't say “How much is it?†say “How good is it?" Compare our quality and price with anyone in the business. 2 JACKET HEATERS with tanks. good condition. AV. 5-1557. c1w17 LARGE SIZE Quebec heater, stove pipes, stove board and heater guard. TU. 4-1490. clwlT Over 50 different broadlooms dis- played in-your home. Free estim- ates. Positively no obligation. 10% down, balance 1p to 2 years. Bar- gain prices 6'x9’ 339,00; 9'x12', $69. AC 1-5622 or write Partington. 8793 Bathurst St., Wilson Heights. Ont. *6w17 PONY BUGGY and cutter, also oi‘; burning hot water heater with 100 gal. tank; Gurney jacket heater with pipes. Phone Maple 113R14. clw17 CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertiun 3c per word, min. charge Seennd and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type linc lOc‘ min. charge CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, pgc insertion BIRTH NOTICE .......................... . ...... . ..... Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but nnt later than noon on Wednesdays. DYERS’ FURNITURE CALL 1250 NEWMARKET CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS SNOW FENCE and steel Norman Bone. 30 Elizabeth ARTICLES FOR SALE well rotted, delivege_dfl2 CLASSIFEED ADVERTISING RATES coal, reasonablg Apply c1w17 new. c1w17 ï¬sh, 6 c1w17 c1w17 c1w17 *1w17 RUGS: save up to 50%; new rug;5 from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4- 1804. tfc42 BRAND NEW oil burner, with all controls, can install. BAlawm 1- 3555. tfc38 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 am up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 STOVES, apartment‘and table top, also refrigerator, will sacriï¬ce for immediate sale, BAldwin 1-3555. tfc38 GIRL'S Jumper dresses, winter coat with hood, black velvet gal- oshes, all ï¬t girl 8-10 years. AV. 5-2250. c1w17 FINDLAY STOVE, 6 lid, tank, ex- cellent condition. TUrner 4-1200 anytime after 5 p.m. except Friday and Saturday, on these days phone anytime» c1w16 $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty~ï¬ve DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. c15w4 COOK STOVE, Enterprise, 2 oil burners installed, also oil tank, must be sold, best offer. 72 Crest- wood Rd., Stop 13A Yonge St. MAN'S BLUE overcoat, size 38, like new. TU. 4-1443. c1w17 APPLES, fancy grade MacIntosh, Mariday Farm, Yonge St, just north of Elgin Mills. c1w17 chen chairs, 1 Chesterï¬eld chair, several small tables, 1 12†lawn mower, 1 16†lawn mower. Jack- son Cook, Keele St. S., Maple. DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed or separate, good colors. 3 doz. for $1.00 and up. N. J. Smellie Thornhill lst north of I.G.A. store AV. 5-1617 tfc 12 1 BED & DRESSER, 1 settee, kit- ANTIQUE dining suite, walnut Georgian buï¬et with hand carved drawer pulls, square tables, 6 chairs with uphostered slip seats. Cheap for quick sale. AV. 5-1365. c1w17 TURKEYS Young. broad-breasted birds of top quality, Hens 12-15 155.; Toms 20- 25TBS. Fresh killed any time, any quantity. Drawn and ready for your oven if desired. Bob Lanthier. AV. 5-2354. clw17 700 FT. undressed oak planks, 8, 10, 12 ft. long, 6, 8, 10 inches wide, 1% inches thick. Cut from logs 130 years old. would make wonderful pegged floor or furniture. AVenue 5-1365. c1w17 SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50, all with reverse‘stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrify your ma- chine for $26.50. Phone Reid's Cleaners, Richmond Hill TU. 4~ 1881. tfc29 SOLID WALNUT dining room suite, perfect condition, buffet, 22" x651,§ inches. table 44"x58†closed, extension, 6 dining room chairs, blue velour seats all for $75; also black horsehide leather coat, fur collar, hip length. size 38, excellâ€" ent condition $5. Phone TU. 4-2381. clw17 “Where prlces meet purses" - ‘n the classiï¬ed ad. section. Tel phone yours to TUrner 4-1261. TOO LATE ?? There is no use locking the barn AFTER the horse is stolen. Inves- tigate ,compare our prices against merchandise of equal quality any- where. If you buy without com- paring our prices, it may be too late then to change your mind. Come in and compare. Free deliv- ery. Complete bathroom ï¬xtures - BATH 492’ or 5') BASIN, CLOSET. Powder room sets - white or colox with chromed ï¬ttings. KITCHEN SINKS white or 'color chromed ï¬ttings and KITCHEN SINK CAB- INETS for porcelain enamel drain board tops or plastic tops. FUR- NACES - coal and oil gravity or airâ€"conditioning furnaces. FIT- TINGS and pipe in copper, - cast iron - black and galvanized steel. Laundry tubs - shower cabinets electric ranges, refrigerators, pres- sure systems, oil burners. FREE CATALOGUE. Write or visit our new modern showrooms. We deli- ver - you pay no freight. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPP- LIES, STREETSVILLE, ONT. For Sale(C0ntinued) FURNITURE FOR SALE: Double bed and dresser: 2 oak chairs; kit- :hen table and chairs; 1 walnut :ateleg table; 1 walnut hall or ï¬re- ‘)lace bench; 1 oak ï¬replace bench; occasional chair; 1 electric kit- ‘hen clock; pots and pans; 3 flower >lant stools; garden tools and stepâ€" adder; pictures 8: picture frames; ringer; rug; 3 wastepaper bas- ets; 1948 Austin car. Rectory. 110 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. c1wl7 FIXTURES - FURNACES - FILTERS - FITTINGS DYER’S FURNITURE CALL 1250 NEWMARKET 50c 25c 75c 50c c1w17 c1w17 c5w14 SAND, gravel, crushed stone, loam & ï¬ll. L. Brillinget, phone TUrner 4-1829. 7 “C43 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. Phone after 6 pm. AVenue 5â€"2462. tfc8 CUSTOM PLOWING. Maple 62r22. *1w17 CUSTOM farm ploughing, discing. cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooderâ€" ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing. BA. 1-3114. *23w48 stane, loam and ï¬ll‘ E. Charity Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and mncrete work, footings, basement 'floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 EXPERT WELL DIGGERS -â€" Septic tanks installed. Phone King 58r13. , tfc13 ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phone A. Rollinson, TU. 4-1791. tfc13 M. EINBODEN & SON, concrete contractors. septic tanks and drain repairs. Baldwin 1-0633 or Tur- ner 4-1090. cAp2/14 ORDERS taken for home baking, cakes, pies, cookies, biscuits. Mrs. H. Kingsley, phone TUrner 4-1749. c1w17 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice. Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, Telephone King 26r5. tfc38 SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc SAND AND GRAVEL, crushec ROTAVATING with large rotava- tor. also don’t forget your Fall plowing. Apply Harvey Mashinter. Phone 3R13 King. . tfch ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- I AM NOW equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted areas. For quick service and rea- sonable prices call Murray Baker, Newmarket 651. c18w52 cultivating. also excavating, back- ï¬lling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. ttc52 Ave., Thornhill. $1,400 or best of- fer. AV. 5-1634. c1w17 4VVROOM frame house with bath, CORNER LOT 100x150. Arnold oil furnace, on good size lot. TU; 4-1509. c1w17 THORNHILL: $14,500, 6 room stuc- 30 bungalow, extra large kitchen, dining and living rooms, 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece bath, rusco storms and screens, air conditioned with oil, garage. near school, $8,000 down. Call A. E. F. Wright. AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. clw17 MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM PVLOWING,’ Disking, 1936 PLYMOUTH, excellent con- dition. TUrner 4-1113. c1w17 1938 NASH SEDAN, sacriï¬ce, $125. Phone AVenue 5-1112. c1w17 1937 BUICK SEDAN, $125.00. Phone AV. 5-1986. *1w17 ‘34 PONTIAC, 2 door, good run- ning condition. Phone TU. 4-1014. '40 FORD COUPE, fair condition; newly painted, cash $250.00 or best offer. AV. 5-2543. *1w17 1937 WILLYS. good motor, 5 al- most new tires (2 mud grip), heat- er. Apply corher Elmwood and Essex Ave.. Richmond Hill. *1w17 40 BARRED ROCK roosters, 4 to 6 lbs. David Winger, Maple 31r5. *1w17 killed, 50¢ per pound, orders takeh now. Campbell’s Farm, TUrner 4-2420. c2w17 PULLETS, 40 Barred Rocks, start- ing to lay. 229 Oak Ave., Richvale. Phone TU. 4-1951. c1w17 Employment Wanted quxABLE woman will Dan; -.- mornings, afternoons and evenings. 35c hourly. AV. 5-1580. c1w17 PULLETS LAYING, hybrid Bar- ‘ed Rock and Sussex. $2.00 each. ’hone Maple 28R3. Henry Winger. c1w16 WOMAN wants day work. TU 1281. c1V ROASTING CHICKENS, freshly NIDOW desires baby sitting "‘An‘mg. TU 41967 {UNGARIAN lady desires day t'ork, cleaning, cooking ,child care. Irs. Hegedus, Briggs Ave.. R. R . Richmond Hill. *lwl‘? USED CARS AND TRUCKS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE *1w17 c1w17 tfc42 tfc39 any MAN to drive tractor. Maple 621-22 after 6.30 pm. *1w17 LABOURER wanted. Mar-Vaun Co. AV. 5-1300. c1w17 YOUNG MAN for butcher shop. Mansbridge Meat Market, Richâ€" mond Hill, Ont. c1w17 JANITOR, between 40 and 50 years old. Apply H. Bradley TU. 4-1571. clwl'l GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework ,live in, must have some experience and be fond of child- ren. AV. 5-1563. c1w17 A LADY to assist in a Richmond Hill home 2 days each week. Duties would include housework and helping with two children. Phone TU. 4-1567. c1w17 ELDERLY COUPLE, total abstain- ers, accustomed farm life, wanted for caretaking property No. 7 Highway at Thornhill, comfortable dwelling, light duties. Write or telâ€" ephone City Properties Ltd., 90 Avenue Rd., Toronto, MIdway 3429. clw17 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We are still expanding and have an op- ening for an energetic man with initiative and neat appearance, complete training course for ac- cepted applicants, excellent work- ing conditions. For appointment call S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. Sales Manager. David McLean Ltd., Tor- onto’s largest north suburban real- tors. c1w17 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6‘237 (collect). tfc44 $2,000.00 FIRST MORTGAGE wanted on house in Langstaf’f dis- trict. Box 49 Liberal. *1w17 CHESTERFIELD, chest of drawers and girls two wheel bicycle for child 10, reasonably priced. TU. 4- 2192. HWY? CARPET FITTING â€" Wanted someone to recut carpets brought over from U.K., Thornhill district. AV. 5-1168. clw17 YOUNG COUPLE (abstainers) with two children, one school age, re- quire a self-contained apartment or cottage for rent. Please phone The Liberal. TUmer 4-1261. RESPONSIBLE tenants desire four to six room unfurnished house near school. Phone evenings, Mrs. Lang- ille, AV. 5â€"1483. *4w16 APARTMENT or 3 rooms, self- contained in Richmond Bill or Thornhill, required for approxim. ately 6 months. Queensville 22012. *1w16 4 OR 5 ROOM COTTAGE, furnish- ed or unfurnished, Richmond Hillâ€" Thornhill vicinity, young couple. school age daughter. Apply Box 47 The Liberal. *1w17 PRINCIPAL at Lake Wilcox Pub- lic School wants to rent unfurnish. ed house, ï¬ve to seven rooms, with bathroom. between Aurora and Richmond Hill, King 84r3, during the day or Mr. Styrmo’s residence, Oak Ridges. c1w17 TRANSPORTATION PASSENGERS wanted, leave Markham Rd. 7 am. arrive Univ- ersity and Adelaide 7.45, return 4.05. TU. 4-1908. tfc17 TRANSPORTATION wanted leav- ing Markham Road and Yonge to Adelaide and York, arriving at 8 am. No return. TU. 4-1840. c1w17 TRANSPORTATION wanted arriv- ing King and Bay district 8.15 am. leaving 4.30 pm. TU. 4-2154. c1w17 4 PASSENGERS wanted to the University of Toronto or Parliam- ent Buildings. leaving Richmond Hill at 7.30, new car. TU. 4-2252 after 7 p.m. c1w17 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 15 to Eglinton Ave., between Yonge and Bathurst, arriving 9 a. m, returning 5 pm. AV. 5-1624. TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 14 Yonge St. around 7.30 am. to Jarvis and Richmond Sts. or Vic- inity, leaving city around 5.15 pm. Mrs. Boyd, 49 Drury Ave., High- land Park. c1w17 LOST ladies Bulova gold wrist watch on north side of Richmond St., between Trench and Yonge Sts. in Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1820. *lw17 LOST new Shock Absorber (little black tube one foot long) for car, at Langstatf; reward. Phone 67 Markham, Ont. or write Dr. A. L. Hore. *1w17 ONE YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW and calf. J. S. McNair, Maple 49r3. c1w17 1 TRACTOR TIRE between B-A Station and Jones Coal Yard. Ap- ply Jones Coal Co. TU. 4-1851. 3 SOWS. due soon. $45.00 each: also 1 hog. Apply Melvin Baker. Bayview Ave.. TU. 4-2214. *1w17 HELP WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT WANTED LOST clw17 c1w17 5 ROOM FLAT. private entrance. TU. 4-1014. c1w17 ROOM TO LET with use of kit- chen. TU. 4-1284. c1w17 BARBER SHOP for rent in Rich- mond Hill. TUrner 4-1342. *1w17 CEMENT MIXER, skilsaw, etc. AV. 5-1238 Thornhill. c4w17 ROOM & BOARD or rooms privileges. TU. 4-1820. BASEMENT apartment space av- ailable to party willing to ï¬nish same. Phone TU. 4-1951. c1w17 UNFURNISHED 2-room apart- ment with 2-piece bath, in a new home, close to Yonge St. Newtonâ€" brook, BA 1-0300 after 6 pm. c1w17 TWO large unfurnished rooms, bath flat, garage, child welcome, $12.00 weekly. Steeles at Bathurst. AV. 5-2353. c1w17 JOHNSON OUTBOARD Motors at reduced rates. Bond Lake Gar- age, Oak Ridges, King 100. tfcll 3-ROOM basement apartment, school age child welcome. New school only 200 yards. TUrner 4- 1969. c1w16 CAPONS, toasters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R14. tfc17 TYPEWRITERS â€"â€" for rent by day. week, month or longer. Special students’ rates. Phone TU. 4-1745. *1w17 '3 lll\lll“lll\lll\ll11\\l\ll\\1l““MIMI!“ll“l“um\l“llll\ll\ll\“Ml“\l“ll“WWWl\mm“l“!l\l\l\l\\\\l\\!\\\l\m\m\““MIN““\“ulmlluw Akllull“\llll““\llllmlll1111111111ll\ll\\l\\\lll\\l\\\\\l\lllllllllllllllllllllll“l“\\\\\\\\l\\\\l\\\\\\\\\11\\\\lll\ll\\\lllll\1\11\11\\11\\111\ll1““u“l“l\\\l\\\\l\l\\\\\\\\"‘ ___ DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK: Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18.112 CAMPBELL MINK Radio - Washer 52 FORD VICTORIA, hard top, fully equipped, Radio, automatic transmission, whitewalls, etc. List price $3,370.00 . . . . . . . . $2,895.00 51 CHEVROLET COACH, heater, very clean Reg. $1,795.00 ......... .. . 3 50 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN, spotless, low mileage Reg. $1,695.00 ............ $1,595.00 50 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN, completely reconditioned ‘Rég. $795.00 ................ $650.00 47 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DeLUXE SEDAN. heater, Reg. $1,095.00 .............. $950.00 50 PREFECT SEDAN, new paint job economical transportation 46 CHEVROLET COACH, heater Reg. $995.00 . . . -,- . . . FOR 25 YEARS YOUR FORDâ€" MONARCH DEALER 168 YONGE ST. N. RICHD USED. CARS B TRUCKS VICTOR DRAPER A G E N C I E S OAK RIDGES TU. 4-1061 TELEVISION OLD HORSES 515.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK WANTED R. D. LITTLE 8: SUN, LTD. TO RENT POULTRY WANTED Guaranteed REPAIRS Reg. $1,295.00 ..... Reg-$1,095.00 . . Big Savings MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9.30 P.M. Ilso to let, c1w17 SAT.. OCT. 25 â€"â€" Auction Sale of New M-H Tractor, farm stock. im- plements ,hay, grain, furniture, etc. on lot 7, con. 2, Vaughan Twp. Property of Chas. Lilley. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers . SAT., OCT. 25 â€"- Auction sale of household furniture, walnut dining suite, new electric stove, electric water pump. dishes, cooking uten- sils in the Village of Unionville on corner of No. 7 Highway and 6th con. Markham, property of Mrs. Geo. Dukes. Terms cash, no reserve as leaving Unionville. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auction- eer, Gormley, Ont. nc3w15 TUES., OCT. 28 â€" Auction sale of 6 room bungalow on one acre of land and household furniture; el- ectric washing machine “Simplic- ity, near new; kitchen stove (wood); dishes, bedding. At lot 24, con. 3 Markham, 14 mile south of Elgin Mills road. The estate of the late Rev. Peter J. Wiebe. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. nc3w15 THURS., OCT. 30 â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements, hor- ses, Guernsey cattle, threshing ma- chine, Robt. Bell 28-32, Oliver trac- tor No. 88, new in '49, IHC cub tractor, new in ’47, with power equipment and full line of power implements, like new, hay and grain, at lot 25, con. 7, Markham Twp., the property of Geo. Hoov- er. No reserve as giving up farm- ing on account of health. Terms: cash: Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SAT., NOV. 1 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, garden tools, dishes, glassware, etc., on No. 7 highway, east of Main St. in Mark- ham Village, property of H. W. Scardiï¬eld. Terms cash, no reserve, property sold and owner moved to British Columbia. Sale at 2 p.m. Ken and Clark Prentice, auction- SAT" NOV. 1 â€" Auction sale of farm stock, and implements, Hol- stein cattle, hogs, poultry, Ford tractor and equipment hay and grain, household furniture, at lot 16 con. 6 King Twp" property of L'. R. Gilham. Sale at 1 pm No reserve, farm sold. .Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Gormley, auction- eer. c4w15 eer‘ SALE REGISTERS Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Removed Promptly for Sanitary Disposal Telephone Collect Woodbridge 6J and Toronto EM- 3-3636 GORDON YOUNG Ltd. DEAD STUCK RICHMOND HILL $950.00 . . . $1,195.00 . $1,650.00 . $850.00 Barrie Tent 8 Awning (0. Tel. 4314 Barrie 34 Bayï¬eld Aristocrat Canvas Awnings Airshade Aluminum Awnings Complete Service “Estimation to Installation" A request has been received by the District High School to estab- lish a night class in oil painnting. Before this can be done, an assur- ance of a suï¬iciently large class is necessary. All interested in such a class are therefore asked to reg- ister tentatively at the High School during any school day or at the night classes on Thursday, Octob- er 23. and Monday, October 27. If a sufficient number registers. ef- forts will be made to secure a tea- cher and classes will start as soon as possible. i EAVESTROUGHING W W W gt,"\’9‘\% V 3 Road Gr: 0 Complete NOTECE Re-Night Classes Phone AVenue 5-1300 BAldwin 1-3188 O Trenching and Septic Tank Beds _’ Excavating-and Grading 0 Water Mains and‘ Services O Gravel - Sand - Loam - Fill 0 Front End Loading 0 Road Grading 0 Complete Septic Tanks Eï¬'icient Workmanship AWNINGS GORMLEY, - ONT. ’ FAST SERVICE . No need to use costly, time- -consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS - too, you 'll find its lower maintenance returns substantial sov- ings through the years. CON CRETE BLOCKS, CINDER BLOCKS 6\ WEEPING TILE, Kc?» LIME & CEMENT STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! MAR-VAUN CO. LTD. TINSMITH GURMLEY BLOCK 00. ' Competitive Prices Owned and operated by RON FENN 6425 MEE' YONGE STREET ETS All A.S.T.M. spzcmcmous 50 Houses WANTED Buyers waiting for houses in all sizes and price ranges. One of Toronto’s oldest and largest offices. A reputation established through service. David McLean Ltd. Phone Stouï¬'ville 381WI Evgs. BAldwin 1-1843 Head Oï¬ices, Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 Eve.: Phone AVenue 5-1755 AVenue 5-1985 ROOFING