Phone TUrner 4-1313 CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED â€" MONTREAL bill you [mow ? EXPLOSION IN MINIATURE! It happens frequently these days in the Montreal plant where Sabre jets are made.Worker is using explosive rivets on a wing sectién. Develbped by the chemical industry'to speed up riveting operations, especially in hard-to-get-at places, they contein a tiny explosive charge which fastens the rivet when ï¬red. SUPER-SOFTNESS is a "must" in unwilling that touches baby's Md" skin. Pox bath-time. mothers ï¬nd [but C-I-L Cellu- lon Sponges are just the thing â€" wonderfully soft and absorb- om. Available in smart colours h- blue. gxeen, coral, ytllow and C-l-L products are making mighty con'ributions lo Canada’s air defence. In addition to explosive rivets for the F-86E Sabre, chemicals, nylon, "Cellophaneâ€, play a vital role. COLD WEATHER COMING! BOWDEN {UMBER CGMPANY Stop 23 Yonge St. Picture News from C-I-L No inflammable. vegetable or animal matter to be dumped. BY ORDER OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL HEADFORD DUMP Will be open to residents of MARKHAM TOWNSHIP OCTOBER 25, NOVEMBER 1 AND 8 INSUL/ BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE NO MONEY DOWN NOW IS THE TIME TO (Establish e" ‘ SWEETENING UP the air under sinks is done difl’erently today. The modem homemaker's helper la the anomIâ€"n new type of package that dispenses deodor- ants. fly-sprays. paints, shave- cream just by pressing a button. “Freon" is the chemical propel- lent that makes this handy method possible. fl) Year after year you’re faced with the same big decisionâ€"and only you can make it. This year, before you decide to buy any fuel get all the facts. Learn how ‘blue coal’. colored blue to guarantee the quality: assures you of better family health more fuel economy, steadier warmth day and night. Make the right decisionâ€"phone us today; TU. 4-1121 Deï¬a' 7â€" wuflow'†Richmonél Hill Thexe were 98 present at Cen- tral United Sunday School last Sunday. Dr. Kennedy's class was in charge of the school. Mr. Ben Gayam acted as superintendent and Mr. Turner as secretary. The church was well ï¬lled for The church was well ï¬lled for the Thanksgiving service which was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Butt. The sacrament of Baptism was ad- ministered to Kevin Arthur, Chris- topher Robert and Sharon Lee. the three children of Mr. and Mrs. Clair W. Ingram. New Elevators On Saturday afternoon last the official opening of the Lawrle Bro- thers new grain elevators situated on No. 7 Highway between Union- ville and Markham was held. For official ceremony representatives from many different companies were present. Mr. and Mrs. Gingerich and son spent the holiday week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Ra- Mr. and Mrs. spent the holida home of Mr. ar mer. Home & School Highlight of a very lively meet- ing Monday evening was an add- ress by Mrs. Marie Cringan Tay- lor of the East York Council. Her subject was Care and Guidance of the School Child. Mrs. Taylor co- vered every avenue of training for children reviewing the many phra- ses through which they pass while growing up. President Burgis reported brief- ly on the Leadershlp Training Workshop held at Charles Howltt School. Those attending the work- shop from Unionville were Mrs. A. Dutï¬eld, Mrs. M. Rai‘ney, Mr. Bur- gis and Mr. C. Ingram. Gleaner: The regular meeting of the Gleaners of St. Philip's Church was held at the home of the presi- dent Mrs. W. Bradley on October 15. Owing to a good attendance those present were able to discuss and plan many projects. Two were the Lions Club supper and the ba- zaar. Members were happy to have as a guest Mrs. F. Bournes, wife of the new rector and son David. Entertained On Thursday, October 18. the Girls of the Garden Brigade and their leader, Mrs. Forest Phillips were entertained by the North Toronto Kiwanis Club. After lun- cheon they were given a tour of the Museum. This year Miss Ruth Beynon of Temperanceville group and Miss Reta Keï¬'er of Victoria Square group were the honored members to receive the scholarâ€" ships offered by the Kiwanis Club. This entitles the girls to a ï¬ve-day course in Guelph between Christ- mas and New Year’s. Mr. Fred Bartlett has been laid up with his eye, having got a piece of lime in it while plastering. Mrs. W. E. Wilkes introduced the speaker and on behalf of the as- sociation Mrs. Austin thanked the speaker. Mr. H. Ogden and Mrs. M. Min- ton attended the plowing match It Carp last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minton and Mr. H. Ogden of Stouï¬ville and Mrs. M. Minton of Unionville spent Thanksgiving week-end at the home of Mrs. Minton’s sister. Mrs. Coyte of Port Hope. Mrs. Everett Phillips and her Is- sistant Mrs. R. Macklin attended the course for leaders at Newmarâ€" ket on October 6 and will again meet on October 28 to ï¬nish the teaching given by Miss Clark to all group leaders. The project be- ing taken by the Homemaking Club at this time is “Sleeping Garments". Each girl will complete a nightgown or pair of pyjamas. A housecoat and pair of scuffs may also be made. Detail of trimming is an intricate part of this project. On Thursday,‘ October 16, the W. A. and W.M.S. met in the church Sunday school room. The ï¬nancial statement for the turkey supper showed approximately $225.00 cleared. An amount very gratify- WA. and W.M.S. CORRESPONDEST: MRS. I.EN.RA[NEY, L'NIONVILLE Congratulations_ to Mr. Alfred CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON,‘ R. R. 3, KING TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS UNIONVILLE NEWS Phone Unionville 112.! Phone King 3R11 ling Rush who has attended Markham Fair every year for 74 years, at- tending for the ï¬rst time at the age of 10 years. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dyke and daughter Caroiine were visitors at Niagara Falls on Tuesday. W. A. Veterans’ Euchre The second of a series of three euchres sponsored by the Veterans' W.A. Association was held on Oc- tober 16. Thirteen tables were in play. The prizes were won by: Ladies ï¬rst Mrs. Della Allen, a china cup and saucer donated by Heimler‘s store; 2nd a home Toni. donated by I.D.A. drug store. won by Mrs. Ellen Stiver; 3rd won by Mrs. W. Summer'felt, a box of bis- cuits donated by Arnold's store. Men‘s lst. Ken Stiver; 2nd Ross Middleton; 3rd Alfred Rush. Mr.‘and Mrs. David MacKinley and son David spent the holiday week-end with her mother. Lutheran Church 'We are glad to see Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wilson, who have been at Kenora for th esummer, home as- am. Mrs. M. McMullen ,of Toronto spent a. few days this week visiting her son. Mr. Leonard McMullen, Station St. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church here on October 26. The preacher will be Rev. George McMullen of Emman- uel College, Toronto. Services will be held at 11.15 am. and 7-8 pm. Variety Show The Variety Show sponsored by the Unionville Home and School Assoc. and held in St. Andrew's United Church Hall in Markham on Friday evening was a big suc- cess, judging from the almost continuous applause from the near capaclty audience. mg to those who worked so hard to make it a success. Mrs. Berton Palmer has been appointed facting secretary for the remainder of the year. The bazaar held by the WA. in the church basement will be on Friday. November 21. Mis- cellaneous articles and baking will be on sale. During the afternoon, Mrs. Moddle showed slides in the North York Camp at A'shunyong in which this parish is so interested. Another ï¬lm of great interest to the group was the wedding of Bet- ty Moddle. youngest child of Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Moddle. which too}: place recently. A very pleasant evening was spent at th eUnionville Lutheran Church on October 14, when Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Stiver showed col- ored slides they had taken during their travels last summer through England. Ireland and Scotland. Mr .Butt, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Montreal. visited at the home of his brother, the Rev. Butt, the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon of Guelph visited Mrs. T. Burnett on Sunday. Induction Service Messrs. Bill Harper and A. Bu- chanan attended the plowing match at Carp last week. .A number of the members of St. Philips Church attended the in- duction service for Rev. Bournes at Markham Tuesday evening. Rev. Bournes is rector of Markham. Stouffville and Unionville. The Lord Bishop of Toronto. Rt. Rev. A. R. Beverley, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boys attended Laskay church service on Sunday where their gr'andson Freddie Mc- Allister was christened bv the Rev. enkinson. Freddie is the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David McAli- ister. Mrs. Alvin Walker of Kirkland Lake visited her sister, Mrs. Fred Boys this past week. Mrs. Sarah Payne spent the week end with her daughter Mrs. Joseph Levison. Mr. and Mrs. Len Glass Were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boys this week. - Personals Mrs. D. Carr was a guest of Mrs. John Umehara this past week. Mrs. Carr attended the W.A. meeting and enjoyed visiting with her many friends. Mrs. Doris Davis is now a proud' grandptfrent. Her ï¬rst grandchild a boy. was born tq Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis, Aurora, on Friday, October 10. Words cannot express the deep gratitude of this correspondent to all the many friends and relatives past two months. An especial thank you to those who did so much to make our thanksgiving day a more pleasant one. A number of members of the Wbmen’s Institute attended the cooking school classes h'eld last week in King City. Figure Skating Miss Joan Hare and Miss Shir- ley Dalton have joined the ï¬gure skating club in Aurora and will be commencing lessons at once. Mr. Wm. Ash who resides with his daughter, Mrs. Fred flare, is spending a week with his son Lorne of Foxboro. Miss Susanne Levison has begun her singing lessons with Mr. L. Harris of Aurora. Choir Party Keep in mind the choir Hallow- e'en party October 30 at Temper anceville Church. All must wear costume or be ï¬ned. Refreshments of sandwiches and pumpkin pie. Fun and prizes for all. the Turner 4-1261. Mr. and Mrs. William Orr had dinner Wednesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray. the occasion be- ing Mr. Bennett's birthday. On Friday evening of last week a number of neighbours and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rumï¬ey. to give a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rum- ney who we're recently married. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the couple. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton on the passing of Mr. Bur- ton's aunt, Mrs. M. Campbell at Woodville. Congratulations are extended to Mr .and Mrs. Jack Devins «nee Bertie Forster) on the birth of their second daughter, a sister for Faye. Work has commenced on R. Er Sanderson's new home on the lot which he bought from L. Stouten- burgh. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Burton of Langstaï¬ had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and Mrs .Stanley Boynton won sec- ond prize for her tea biscuits and third for her embroidered pillow cases at the community fair at Richmond Hill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mansell and Miss Shirley Bowes wood spent Sunday with Mrs. P. W. Willows. Mrs. Joe Royle and family of the Queensway spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Northcotte and daughters of Nobleton had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Sandle and Margaret. Minced Steak III. | Lean Stowing Bee! lb. 47 Roast Beef Roast Beef SWEET PICKLED Cottage Roll BLADE FRESH FOWL lb. 33 f PRIME RIB LARGE CAPONS lb. 49 :95 Cream Style Corn 2 YOUNG TURKEYS lb. 59 BACON FANCY RED Sockeye Salmon Flytox Kisses I‘fatches Kraft Dinner SMOKED SLICED SIDE MARKET UPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 D’CLUCK PURE PORK 2 lbs. 59 SAUSAGE CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square No. 7 Highway and Kennedy Road MARKET Farm Style VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS AND SPRAYER 84c VALUE BOTH Telephone Stoufl'ville 67509 3 Boxes HALLOWE’EN Webster of Oak- Mr. and TIN 20 OZ. TIN family Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and Johnny have moved to their new home at Gormley. Jack has taken over the garage business where Murray Bennett used to be. nmuummummmuununmuummummumuuuIuunmmuummmu Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Boynton of Epsom. Mr .and Mrs. Donald Boyn- ton of Port Colborne had Monday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and family. Mrs. Heber McCague held a get- together party at her home on Sat- urday of last week in honour of Mrs. Margaret McCague. See the Coming Events column about the Victoria Square United Church annniversary services on Sunday. October 26. Sunday School on October 26. will be held at 10 am. Please note the time! Pkgs. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson and family have moved to their new farm at Cannington. CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All Hours TUmer 4-1812 nuummm“mummunuumnmmummmnumm 'ARNBLD° "FARMS" BONELESS AND ROLLED N0 BETTER MEAT ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION 37 69 lb. RIND ON lb. 71 NO. 1 WHITE PURITY Rolled Oats 5 lb. Bag HONEY 49 51 $149 8 lb. PAIL !THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, Oct. 28, 1962 Feed less Mush, More Grain wi III ROAST lb- 53 REDUCE YOUR COST PER DOZEN EGGS! Pork Riblets 2 lbs. 19 SHORT RIB MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE RICHMOND HILL I. D. RAMEB 8: SON HOME FED RICHMOND HILL Phone us and we will pick up your car for wash. FUl-O-PEP Repairs on all cars Thes, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale greasing or oil change LEG FRONT LOIN S MAPLE LEAF LARD Zlbs.25 No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Road FARMS TURNER 4-1313 TU. 4-0001