Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Oct 1952, p. 9

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cash. Dispose of phoning TUrner A outing a classified R. D. M acN au ghton Jack Walkmgton GENERAL INSURANCE Lite, Fire, Automobile. Liability Hail, Accident and Stckness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Toronto HOLDEN, ROHMER & CORNER Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public Floyd E. Corner Richard H, Rohmer B.A., D EC. Thomas A. Holden B.A. Aurora Office: Ardill Block, Henge and Wellington Street: Telephone 406, Aurora Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public .8 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill EveIâ€"‘y Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone Adelaide 5877 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries . Mathews, Q.C. K. Stiver. B.A . E. Lyons, B.A. Jos. Vale. QC 100 Main St.. Newmarket. Ont. Phone 120 220 Bay St.. Toronto. Ont. Phone Wa. 2343â€"4 85 Centre W Barristers, Solicitors. etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh Toronto Office, 912 Federal Blddg., 85 Richmond Street West Plaza 8929 Richmond Hill. Thursday morning Maple. Thursday afternoon fiPROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY [ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Office Hours â€"â€" Daily 10 to 5 pm. Evenings by Appointment 42 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill THORNHILL 1A Colborne AVe1 General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing J. Rabinowitch, B.A. Turn thos: Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. J. Roy Herringtun NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Barrister, Solicitor 8: Nat-u: Publi' 95 Church qtreet South Richmond Hill, Ontario TUrner 4-1863 By appointment only ‘2 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1652 GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile. Farm, etc. Norman A. Todd Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal office phone TUmer 4-1261. W. SCHURMAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Stuart P. Parker Donald Gordon Plaxton Richmond Hill, Ont. Barrister. Solicitor, em. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Ofl'ico TU’HIer 4-2071 Thornhill Office AVonue 5-1800 25 Grandview Ave. 7'. C. Newman William Cook and Walsh Roy V. Bick INSURANCE Thornhill AVenIe 5-1379 TUmer 4-1551 Maple 71R4 TUrner 4-2084 LEGAL mwamed items into 9 of them hv *ele- AVenue 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 EM. 3-0311 61 and in Thom!!!“ The Thornhill School From the Toronto Conservatory at Music will accept a number of pup ill in PIANO ORGAN and THEORY 1 For information phone Mrs. Mylka Richmond Hill 108 Yonge St. TUrner 4-1238 Tl‘fner 4-1511 Thornhill Telephone Centre Street TUrmu' 4.1432 Richmond Hill PHONE B“ 1-8011 ;’ X-Ray. Ultra Short Wave Themp, OFFICE HOURS: Mom, Wed., Fri. â€"- -5, 6-8 Tues.. Thursday â€" 1-3, 6-8 Mornings by appointment. Doris Pollock TEACHER 0F BALLET LIMITED CLASSES I Grandview Ava Highlzuul Park AVenue 5.1318 Phone 82 Daytime: Monday to Friday, 10 am. - 12 noon; 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Evenings: Monday to Thursday, DR. H. E. PALMER DR. F. W. WALKER HOURS: 10 mm. - 11 mm. 2 p.m. - 4 pm. 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m. evenings Telephone AVenue 5-22" 22 Centre St. E MAPLE Dr. Jas. R. Langstafi Dr. Cameron Cowan BY APPOINTMENT 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON 78 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Open evenings TUrner 4-1462 Dr. M. J. Walker Dentist Anstey Building, Yonge Street 41 Yonge Street South . Richmond Hill Office hours 2-4 pm. daily except Wednesday: Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6-8 p.m. Other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 DR. RALPH P. JOHNS DR. R. F. K. UFFELMAN DR. B. F. L’ESPERANCE Dr. E- A. Crawford rner 4-1261. Marguerite Boyle Veterinary Clinic Dr. J. T. Sheppard VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street Dr. Wm. D. Howe Obstetrician & Gynecologist AVenue 5-1278 Arnold Avenue. Thornhill Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Department. Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" Office Hours 12 to 2 pm. and G to 8 p.m by appointment Above Harley’s Drug Store Dr. R. A. Bigford DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Aa‘elmo Melecci 0f Dancmg BALLET - TAP Under the instruction of LILLY AUSTEN Dr. W. J. Mason Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist Dr. J“ P. Wilson Dr. R. J. Steele an 5043 Yonge Street Stop 7. Willowdale Or by appointment VETERINARY OFFICE HOURS THORNHILL’ AVenue 5-2181 By appointment TUrner 4-1422 Thornhill TUrner 4-1631 MUSICAL MEDICAL DENTAL â€"ANDâ€" AVenue 5-1667 AVenue 5-1311 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Maple. Ont. PHONE 8 Gormley BOOKKEEPING, MONTHLY STATEMENTS. MANUSCRIPTS Letters taken over phone in even- ing or daytime. STEELE’S AVE. WEST TELEPHONE AVENUE 5-1300 After 6 pm. call BA. 1-0411 or KI. 7874 9 a.m.-9 p.111. MIMEOGRAPHING. ENVELOPES ADDRESSED. DIRECT MAILING. telephone 11 Maple, Ont Ernie Brock & Son For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge at. District 2518 YUNGE S1. (at St Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Sampson Lynet." J.F Lynn: THO RNHILL and UNIONVILLE W. J. SMITH & SON Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Fumiture, Real Estate Sales a specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big ' too small Richmond Hill 26 Years‘ Experience York County Uxbuage and Pickering Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sale: a Specialty Telephone Staufiviue 67312 Address: (iormley P.0. . Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for me Arthur G. Broad, D.C. It H. [sane REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, etc. \ INSURANCE Fire. Automobile. etc. TUrner 4-1671 Stenographic Service Drapes & (‘urlains Leave Maple Idenve Richmond Leave Maple Leave Richmond FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants. Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired If it’s sanitary work we do it. Out of town iay 0r night emergency service Maple 72r23 Dressmakir BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Paper Hanging Phone TUrner 4-1931 213 Oak Ave., Richvale GENERAL BUSINESS W. J. Aldridge Langdon’s . Coach Lines Ltd. Cogchea For All Occasion! Telephone King 56 Wright & Taylor General Insurance Interior and Exterior FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Km & Clarke ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FWWERS 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2062 By Appointment Ian D. Grant CARPENTER CABINET MAKER 5y Stouffville 66304 A. S. Farmer CHIROPRACTIC AUCTIUNEERS REAL ESTATE [1 Hill TUrner 4-1311 Branch Offices at SCHOOL Painting MADE DAYS 8.10 a.m. Hill 9.10 mm 3.00 pm. Hill\ 4.30 pm ions on Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass, etc Mrs. T. Darin. Director of Edu- cation for the Aurora and District Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. guest speaker of the af- ternoon was introduced by the Health convenor. Mrs. Burton Pal- mer.‘ Mrs. Dann reviewed the or- ganization's financing and objec-- tives and explained how the indi- vidual would benefit, Accepting assistance from the Society is hav- ing an urgent need filled which an individual could not possibly ac- complish for himself. Mrs. A. Miller of the Aurora and District High School staff by showing a I.ife (Confederation Life Associa- The Temperanceville W.I. met in the Sunday School room of Tem- peranceville United Church Wed- nesday, October 22. “How I made my head save my heels" brought forth many worthwhile suggestions in answer to the roll call. It is ex- pected that Temperanceville W. I. will be well represented at the Annual Convention to be held at the Royal York Hotel on Novem- ber 5, 6 and 7. Resolutions to be voted on at this time were given consideration at the meeting on Wednesday. 19 Centre St. W Whitchurch Planning Board sponsored a public meteting at Vandorf on Wednesday, October 22, which was attended by many representatives of neighboring municipalities. Dr. F. VanNos- trand.chairman of the board, was chairman and the guest speaker was Mr. A. L. S. Nash of the Com- munity Planning Branch of the Department of Planning and De- velopment of the Province of On- The scouters reported that $200. was collected on apple day. The Scouts collected $150.00 and the Cubs $50.00. Subject to the approval of the school board the group committee will supply the scouts with paint and brushes and the boys will give their club-room, the basement of Oak Ridges School, a “new look." Three representatives from the York Central District and the On- tario Division of Boy Scouts were present at this meeting. Suffer Accidents . . . . .......... Edwin Foster, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Foster, Fairview Ave., playing with other children in a yard on Thursday had a table fall on his leg and frac- tured his thigh. He will be in York County Hospital for five weeks his doctor tells his parents. Planning Board Mr. Charlie Smith a resident of Moray Ave.. who is employed with the Answell Lumber Company had the misfortune to-drop a door on his foot last Tuesday and broke a bone. He was in York County Hospital overnight but is now at his home here. Mr. Sidney Sheldrake will be scoutmaster with Mr. Warren Broad assistant scoutmaster. Miss Strachan is Cub Mistress. A sub committee was formed to find a suitable young man to act as as- sistant for the cubs as there are too many cubs for one person to look after. After the Group Committee for the Oak Ridges Boy Scouts met in the School last Wednesday night. the chairman Mr. Jack Blyth is- sued the following statement; “The following members of the Lions Club and others in the community interested in Scouting will be members of the group committee. Mr. Alec Gallagher, Mr. Victor Piirto. Mr. Douglas Stephenson, Mr. Douglas Nash and Captain S. Snively. Mr. Geoffrey Beatty has been asked to become a member of this group committee. Mrs. C. E. Casssidy will be a voting mem- ber and will also represent the Mothers Auxiliary of which she is president Patrol Leader John Appleton has been appointed Troop Leader of the Oak Ridges Troop. Boy Scouts Mr. J. Young,’ who is employed by the Ontario Department of Ed- ucation to visit the schools in the province and give a demonstration of physical training, paid a visit to Lake Wilcox School last week and the pupils oggrade 7 and 8 and the men teachers enjoyed and profited from his display. He'is to return to put on his demonstration for the rest of the school. Public Speaking . Congratulations to Margaret Donnelly of Oak Ridges Public School who came third in the King Township Public Speaking Con- test held of Kettleby last week. Wearing her Guide uniform Marg- aret spoke on the subject “Why I am proud to be a Girl Guide.” distant relatives of each other. Happy to report that Mr. Carl Hall. the principal of the Lake Wilcox School has been“ fortunate in secuiing a home for himself and family. He and Mrs. Hall are moving into Mrs. Earl Fielding’s home “Bayview” on the South Road on the first of November. Physical Education Mrs. Wm. Heule, south road. has just returned from a five weeks visit with her two daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. F. Pearce in Timmins. Mrs. Houle was a resident of Timmins for 13 years and enjoyed renewing old friend- ships. The two sons- in- -law are distant relatives of each other. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAX’I‘ON, R. R. 1'. KING I‘l‘rner 4-1219 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L STEPHENSON TELEPHONE: KING 180333 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS lion) Richmond Hill Phone King 3Rll of the Medical Profession". Miss Margaret Beynon conducted the skit "The Gathering of the Nuts." Those taking part in the two act play “Wanted a Housekeeper" were Mrs. Fred Hare, Mrs. Nelson Thompson. Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Mrs. Charles Henshaw Jr. and Miss Donna Jennings, Mrs. Carl Steph- enson, Mrs. Clayton Beynon and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. This play was fully enjoyed by the audience. The W. I. held its annual fam- ily night at Temperanceville School which was filled to capacity with some 125 members of the commun- ity on Friday, October 24. Serious- ness was put aside by a program packed with good humor and good will. Music opened the program followed by “The Railway Skit" or "a display of extreme caution" in which Mrs. Don Chalk, Mrs. F. Bell, Mrs. Fred Boys. Miss Donna Jennings and Miss Joan Hare took part. Miss Ruth Beynon favoured the audience with a piano medley. A newspaper “The Town Gossip”, was read by Mrs. Don Chalk. The “Spic and Span Twins” were two stout ladies dancing with minia- ture feet. A reading was given by Mrs. Roy Bowen “The Funny Side Family Night Mrs. M. E. McClure provided lovely bouquets of flowers and af- ternoon tea while the lunch com: mittee Mrs. Everett Phillips, Mrs. Roy Bowen and Mrs. James Gilham served a delicious repast. A number of guests were present for this worthwhile meeting. film proved that valuable time is often wasted when a serious prob- lem must be faced. As well as visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moynan spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Dur- ham. Donny Ash and his pony "Dolly" have been familiar to the children of the district for many years. How‘- ever the children grew and Dolly was no longer big enough to hold them so she has been replaced by a beautiful two-year-old Palomino who will be seen grazing in the same field and providing pleasure for the neighborhood boys. Interestin‘g visitors at Oak Rid- ges last week were Rev. Robert Moynan, B.A.. B. Th., and Mrs. Moynan. of Homestead, Pennsyl- vania. Rev. Moynan is pastor of a large Presbyterian church at Homestead which is just outside of Pittsburg. Rev. Moynan {is the son of Mr .and Mrs. Ed. Moynan of Oak Ridges and spent his boyhood here, attending Oak Ridges Public School’ Mrs. Moynan was born in China, the former Mary Goforth of a well-known Missionary fam- ily. They have five sons. all lo- cated at various places throughout the United States. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Wilkins are staying with their daughter, Mrs. Clark Archibald in King. Mrs. Wil- kins is progressing favorably after her recent operation in York Coun- ty Hospital. Mrs. Herbert Rooney of Atikokan, Ont. is also visiting with her sister Mrs. Archibald and her mother. Mrs. E. Davison. Lake Wilcox postmaster was operated on for ap- pendicitis in York County Hospital on Saturday. A near neighbor, Mrs. Ansan Hamilton was operated on for the same thing on Friday. in the same hospital. They are both progressing favorably and expect to return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash and little Carol Anne Boyd visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Gemmill In their new home north of Bradford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Neddery moved into their new home on Wellington Street, Aurora, last week. Mrs. Neddery was a resident of Oak Ridges for many years and her family attended Oak Ridges School. Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Association, regular meeting will be held Tuesday. No- vember 4, at 8.30 pm. A large at- tendance is\ requested. The following members of the Oak Ridges Ladies Auxiliary of the Boy Scouts attended the meeting for Auxiliary members Group committees and Scouters at,.Lan- sing United Church on Monday night. Mrs. C. B. Cassidy, Mrs. W. Musson, Mrs. W. Gerrard, Mrs. M Graham, .Mrs T Hill. Mrs. H. Marchalle, Mr. S. Sheldrak’e and others. The speakers were Mr. Len Johnston, executive Commis- sioner for Public Relations at Can- adian headquarters for Boy Scouts Association. Mr. Lothian. the principal at Oak Ridges Public School is busy de- veloping choral groups and expects to have an open house in the near future. that parents may see the work being accomplished at the school. Miss Mona Armstrong is the music supervisor. It is some years since a supervisor of music has been employed at Oak Ridges and those of us who know how much music means to a school and to the individual pupil who per- haps would never have a chance to study this subject are glad that the school board saw fit to employ Miss Armstrong and that Mr. Lothian ts carrying on this subject with chor- 31 groups. It is to be hoped that the development will reach the stage where Oak Ridges will be re- presented at the Kiwanis Music Festival next spring. Mr. Lothian announces that the open house will be held November 6. The choral groups will sing at the Home and School bazaar and concert on Nov- ember 15. tario. Films were shown of slums which are the outgrowth of poor planning, or none. and the modern community which results from proper planning. A question and answer period followed the film. Oak Ridges School Expert Piano Technician Phone or Write 186 Clonmore Dr. ' Toronto 13 Oxford 7477 Every week is bargain week in the classified ad. section. Use it for buying or selling by telephon- ing Turner 4-1261. CUB NEWS The following Cubs are to be congratulated on winning profic- iency badges: John Sims, toymak- er’s Badge; Allan Rufiman, toy- maker's badge; Bobby Rice, collec- tor’s badge; David Rice; first star. The programme consisted of games and movies and refresh- ments of sandwiches and milk were served around a campfire. During the evening the cubs were privi- leged to hear an address on the duty of a “sixer” to his “six" given by District Commissioner Frank Worth. Congratulations to Bob Correa, Alf Stong, Bob Williams and Allan Ruffman who have been promoted to the Scouts as Tender-feet. Congratulations to Laurence Johnston on becoming a First Class Scout. Cubs welcomed four new chums: Keith Sayers, Robert Owen, Wayne Bettridge, Robert White. The annual District Sixers Con- ference was held at the Willowdale Community Hall last Saturday. Ton Sixers from the three Richmond Hill Packs and the Cub leaders at- tended and had a very busy after- noon particularly when it came time to pass sandwiches. The York Central District “Six- ers" Council held a meeting in the North York Memorial Hall at Will- owdale on Saturday, October 25. There were 114 cubs in attendance along with 33 leaders. The anniversary services on Sun- day drew large crowds. The out- standing speaker for the day was Rev“. Terry Hart of Kirkland Lake United Church. The music in the morning was supplied by the Vic- toria Square choir, with Wood- bridge United Church choir giving the evening music. Friends were present from as far as Lindsay, Keswick, Sutton and Woodbridge. Much credit is due to Percy Ben- nett for securing such an outstand- ing speaker. Now the anniversary services are over for another year, the Sunday School and church service will be at the regular time on Sunday. and Church service at 2.30 pm. Sunday School will be at 1 pm. Mrs. A. Frisby and Richard Frisby had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and family had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson of Weston. A speedy recovery is wished for little Bruce Mortson, who last week had the misfortune to fall off his bicycle, hitting his head on a ce- ment abutment, thus causing a slight concussion. Anniversary Services Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham entertained at a surprise birthday party on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Empringham's father. L. Knapp who was 70 years old. Dr. and Mrs. G. McClean, Wood- bridge, Rev. Terry Hart, Rev. and Mrs. A. Huston and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson, had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Harvey Collard. The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Collard. Mrs. R. Beatty gave the Lesson Thoughts and prayer. Mrs. Joyce sang two love- ly solos and the topic was given by Mrs. F. Baker of Buttonville. Mrs. Reid Brumwell conducted a United Nations Quiz. Following the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess and her group. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanderson of Hamilton are visiting with R. E. Sanderson and Mabel. BOY SCOUT NEWS W. A. Meets PIANO TUNING stands ready to serve you for the telephone in your home What else in your daily living means so much byet costs so little? a fraction of a cent an hour, Correspondent: Mrs. W. Saudle, ‘Victoria Square Telephone Stoufi‘ville 67509 REPAIRING HAROLD G. HEAP VICTORIA SQUARE rue Bill I'EIEPIIONI cOMPAnv‘agféz CANADA very hour of every day THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 30, 1952 9 YES, COAL PRICES ARE GOING UP AGAIN ! ! Take advantage of the opportunity to buy your winter’s supply of coal now, â€"â€" at present prices â€"â€"- before wage negotia- tions are completed! Bulldozing - Excavating - Grading Ditching - Dragline Work SMITH 8 HILLARD TELEPHONE - KING“ 4 7 . \X/ l. D". RAMER & SUN MAKE MONEY IN SPARE TIME Responsible man or woman with 5 to 8 hours a week spare time to service route of new type vending ma- chines. No selling. Income up to $300. monthly depending on number units you can service. Excell- ent possibilities of operating full time. Income increases accordineg as earnings are based on pro. tit sharing plan. Applicant must have car. $900.00 cash for inventory, references and a sincere desire to go into business for himself or herself. Please do not apply unless you qualify. Interview will be ar- ranged in your locality. Fully qualified applicants should write. stating qualifications. age and teleo phone number to P.O. Box 9'1. Station D. Toronto. 9. TURNER 4-1313 CAR OWNER RICHMOND HILL SA VE MONEY, BY CALLING

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