Want Ads Are As Newsy As The Front Page - Read Them! SERGE HEATER. N1 size. TUrner 4-1498 AFRICAN VIOLETS Mrs. Butcher. AV. 5-1 TYPEWRITER, Remington condition. AV. 5â€"1349. ANNEX, white enamel TUrner 4-1818. $500 ï¬t a 2463 OAT STRAW in bales, 55c per bale. Phone TU. 4-2143. *1w18 yards BOY’S Winter 14-15 years old 1671. MANURE. well THERMO OIL STOVE and lady's grey fur coat. size 38. TU. 4-1403. c1w18 CHEMICAL TOILET Phone after (5 pm. AV GENUINE Pcrsian Lamb coat. size 13. sacriï¬ce. May be seen at Libâ€" eral Office. c2w17 'i‘YPEWRITER L 1; an-.-â€"__.. Smith-Corona portable. Approxim- ately half price. AV. 5-2196. c1w18 Mâ€"KNTS WINTER OVERCOAT. size 40. like new, “Alpacamaâ€. Phone Maple 72R2. *1w18 REMEMBER THIS When you furnish your home, you expect it to last, so buy the best. Come in and see our Kroehler Chesterï¬eld suites and Marshall mattresses. for lasting quality. Re- member too, we will meet compe- titive prices anywhere. Free deliv- ery. DYER’S FURNITURE Call 1250 Newmarket 1...! n SUMP PUMP, Essotane stove, in good condition Apply TUrner 4â€" 1284. c1w18 RANGETTE, Tudhope, condition, é UUUL‘ w-v .._ tires 750x20. Aï¬ply Stan White, 225 Mill St., Richmond Hill c1w18 ICE BOX “Ice King", wnu el, 50 lb. capacity. Phone L. Watters. AV. 5â€"1965. mSI-IING‘ MACHINE, perfect condition. Cabinet radio, good._ AV. 5-2330. - clw18 fl NEW WOODS Electric grain grind- er, 60 cycle. J. H. Elliott. Rich- mond Hill. TU. 4-2354. *2w18 6 CU. FT. Hostess ren'lgel‘uuu'. with reconditioned Delco motor. Mrs. Stan Taylor. Richmond Hill, phone King 11r14. *1w18 Dunn an. VAL-1;... .. _ chairs. wardrobe, .81? unpainted; dishes. a set of 30 pieces. App\y 19 Church St. 5.. after 6 pm. *1w18 1 APAIi’fm’T'Size antique ma- hogany buffet, in excellent condi- tion, $50. TU. 4-1358 after 6 p.m. *1w18 GIRL'S White Tube skates, size 1. doll house, all furnished. station wagon coat. never worn, size 14X, other articles. AV. 5-1548. c1w18 BEDROOM SUITE, walnut, 5 pcs.. almost new. Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Morgan Ave.. Langstaff. Stop 19. west side of No. 7 Highway. clwlf LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum 01 steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, M Ontario St., West. Newmarket. Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 SPACE HEATER. large. nearly new. also Quebec 3- -way heater. Maple 79R31. c1w18 ___________.i, CORNER CABENET. table and four mâ€"__:._L-A. 1 USED Blacksmith Forge. sacri- ï¬ce. $10.00; 1 Kelvinalor Refrigerâ€" ator, perfect condition, $110.00; 1 Easy Washei‘. reconditioned $79.50 Paris Auto Supply. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1541. c1w18 FACTORY DIRECT RUGS Over 50 different broadlooms dis- played in your home. Free estim- ates. Positively no obligation. 10% down. balance 1p to 2 years. Bar- gain prices 6'x9' $39.00; 9'x12’. $69. AC 1-5622 or write Partington. 3792 Bathurst St., Wilson Heights. Ont. *6w17 ARE YOU TIRED? Are you tired of high prices? Are you tired of high pressure sales? Areï¬ou tired of crowded stores? Are you tired of having no place to park ,while you shop? If you are tired of any of the ab- ove mentioned items. may we sug- gest that you drop in at our store and look around. You won't be annoyed by high prices. high pres- sure saies or parking problems. Come in and compare. Call 1250 Newmarket CASE RATES, ï¬rst insertiun 3c per word, min. charge Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged. 3: per word. min. charge FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type lint ‘-0c‘ min. charge CARDS 0F THANKS, 1N MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. put insertion BIRTH NOTICE ..................................... .. Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week __________..__ COOK STOVES and 2 truck A _ ‘lYI-‘il’n possible but BUNDLE of boys clgthing to 3 year old Phone TUrner 4â€" *1w18 DYER‘S FURNITURE Inn, v“... -v-.-_ or more. Phonev BA. 1-7232. ‘2w17 ELASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE Winter Ove_r_cgat. for boy FT. Hostess _re_frigerator, ,L__ K “Ice King",rwh1te_ 9mm- :éasoï¬ggie.nTU. 4-1644. *1w18 CLASSIFUSD ADVERTISING RATES OLETS. in bloom. AV. 5-1016. c3w18 vertisements should be in as early in the week as nnt Later than noon on Wedr :adays. rottéd, delivered 2 $5.130. TUrner 4- *2w17 Norge. medium 93 *1wl8 hardly like new 5-1643. for coal. clwlB in good Mrs. J. *1w18 good c1w18 c‘1w18 c1w18 used, RUGS: save up to 50%; new rug5 from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing'Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc42 BRAND NEW oil burner, with all controls. can Install. BAlawm 1- 3565. tfc38 USED REFRIGERfTORS. recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 ano up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- ‘ion King 26R5 tfc44 STOVES, apartment and table top, also refrigerator. will sacriï¬ce for immediate sale, BAldwin 1-3555. tfc38 GIRL‘S 3-piece outï¬t. wine with brown fur trim, size 6. $6.00. Ap- ply 28 Church St., Richmond Hill. *1w18 $50 FOR APARTMENT Size, Me- Lary 4-burner electric stove and 100 lb. ice refrigerator. AV. 5-2196. clw18 TWO SNOW TIRES, 16 - 6.50: al- so tubes. used last winter. Both in perfect condition. C. Green, Yonge- view Ave., Langstaï¬. *1w18 \u.", u an...» vuAvvu uuu x uuu “T’ ", 4 iron ~zalï¬ows, used, 2 iron unions. 76 Roseview Ave. or TU. 4-1838. c1w18 1 CONTINENTAL BED, 4’ 6†in excellent condition. Reasonable. 1 Monarch bicycle, balloon tires. in good condition. Phone Maple 28R4. *1w18 CHESTERFIELD and chair. Sun- beam mixâ€"master; also mahogany dresser and washstand, all in good condition. AV. 5-1617. c1w18 2 QUEBEC HEATERS, one ice box, 25 cycle record playing atï¬achment. 100 8 in. cement blocks, one 600x 16 used tire and tubes. Phone AV. 5-1710. *1w18 l. GOODYEAR TIRE, size 600x16 and also tube Both slightly used. Apply Clifford Cragg 11/2 mile off Yonge St. up the CFRB Sideroad. c1w18 ‘ CIRCULATIMG PUMP, 2-inch, new; 3 brass .valves and 4 iron $1.00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty-ï¬ve DeLuxe Personal . Requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agencyï¬ Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. c15w4 SAVE MONEY by using rough “umber 2x4’s - 51,“ ft. Boards at @50- $85. Saw sized floor and ceiling joists All standard sizés. Hard- wood and softwood. Taylor’s Saw- mill. TU. 4-1581 *1w18 THE FOLLOWING articles will be sold on or after the 12th day of November for storage charges un- paid: 1 welding machine, 1 auto engine, 1 steel box, 1 furnace. Sale to be held Kozak Building, Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill. c1w18 SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50. all with reverse stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrify your ma chine for $26.50. Phone Reid’s Cleaners. Richmond Hill TU. 4- 1881. tfc29 DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed or separate, good colors. 3 doz. for $1.00 and up. N. J. Smellie Thornhill lst north of I.G.A. store†AV. 5-1617 tfc 12 For Sale (Continued) COME TO SEE our next-to-new clothing for children up to 14 vears. Also bring in their outgrown 'Zood snowsuits. coats, leggings‘ tkates and anything in good con- dition and we will sell them for vou. Junior Economy Shop. 4] Dunblain Ave. at Avenue Rd. c1w18 TURKEYS PLANNING a banquet or supper? Turkey is your most delicious and eonomical meat. Fresh killed ‘oadâ€"breasted tom birds, 25â€"30 35. available at all times. Quality uaranteed. Phone Bob Lanthier. \V. 5â€"2354. clw18 mew modern showrooms. We deli ver - you pay no freight. S. V JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPP LIES, STREETSVILLE. ONT. NE‘ OLD HORSES 515.00 AT YOUR FARM also DEAD & CRIPI’LED STOCK Hourly Pick-up Phone collect Agincourt 18112 (‘ “’IPRELL MINK LIVESTOCK WAD NTED no: 75c 50c c5w14 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. Phone after 6 pm. AVenue 5-2462. tics CUSTOM farm ploughing, discing. cultivating, tilling. W. H. Gooder- ham, 39 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, BA. 1-3114. *23w48 M. EINBODEN & SON, concrete contractors. septic tanks and drain repairs. Baldwin 1-0633 or Tur- ner 4-1090. cAp2/14 EXPERT WELL DIGGERS â€" Septic tanks installed. Phone King 58r13. t£c13 ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of.any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and cnncrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phone A. Rollinson. TU. 4-1791. :fcla QAND AND GRAVEL, crushed s’vne, loam and ï¬ll E. Chav‘h Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. REFRIGERATION Sales and Sex wee, Domestic and Commercial ‘Lpairs to all makes. Don Chalk 'elephone King 26r5 th38 SAND. GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet worx. wood carving. Estimates given N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave“ CUSTOM PLOWING. Disking, cultivating, also excavating, bach- ï¬lling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc52v I AM NOW equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted areas. For quick service and rea- sonable prices call Murray Baker‘ Newmarket 651. €18w52, Richmond Hill 1836. ' clw18 ’39 CHRYSLER ROYAL, also 2- wheel box trailer. TU. 4â€"1053 axle, good motor $350. TU. 4-1174. *1w18 1949 FORD 179 ton pickup, very small mileage. in excellent condi- tion. For a real buy, call Maple 171R4. *1w18 50 ROCK PULLETS; also 2 white Pekin drakes for breeding. 177 Yonge St. north, Richmond Hill. *2w18 PULLETS. '75 hybrid Barred Rock and New Hampshire, 4% months old, $1.60 each. Phone TU. 4-2125. *1w18 MISCELLANEOUS 1937 PONTIAC, new battery, good tires. 18 Arnold St., Richmond Hill. *1w18 $7,600: Richmond Hill. New 5 room frame bungalow. Large living room, modern kitchen. 3 bedrooms, 3 pc. both. $2,500 down. Call Mr. Wright at AV. 5-1176. $13,500: Thornhill district. 2 storey 3 room home near transportation. 5 rooms 8; 4 pc. both on lst floor, Oil heating. terms arranged. Call Mr. Wright at AV. 5-1176. DAVID McLEAN LTD., Realtors ‘39 DODGE, new motor. AV. 5- RICHMOND HILL â€" 6 roomed brick home on lot 45’x150’ attached Tarage with breezeway. also ideal vorkshop or play room. On Quiet treet. 3 minutes from school, shop- )ing and transportation. Immedi- ate possession. TU. 4-1628. *1w18 wacious bedrooms with large othes closets, 1400 block cellar ith laundry room equipped with lbs. Large room suitable for re-. .‘eation room. Furnace room eq- uipped with hot air conditioning heating by Esso oil furnace. High lot with 100 ft. frontage. Immediate possession. Jack Blyth. Realtor. Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-1901. . 47 FORD 3-ton truck with D.P $2500 DOWN .. 5 room masonry bungalow 4 miles north of Rich- mond Hill on a paved road. Plas- tered and insulated throughout. Extra large living room. Hardwood floors. Stone ï¬replace. Picture ivindow overlooking scenic bush. large kitchen. floor rubber tiled. Iuilt-in cupboards. Double sink. 3 .‘VILL GIVE day care to children 3 yrs. and over. TU. 4-2050. c1w18 HOMEWORK. typing or what have you, good references, dependable. AV. 5-1925. c1w18 90 HYBRID PULLETS, Light ‘ussex and New Hampshire, ready 0 lay. Maple 57r4. c1w18 Employment Wanted USED CARS AND TRUCKS :ELIABLE BABY SITTER avail- ble, occasional afternoons and ny evenings. Phone TU. 4-1967. *1w18 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE c1w18 c1w'18 tfc42 tfc39 tfc WOMAN or girl for general clean- ing one day a week. Phone TUrner 4-1494. c1w18 FREE EVENINGS â€"â€" Young man to help local business man distrib- ute specialty item. Transportation provided. AV. 5-0082. c2w18 EXPERIENCED truck driver, must have references, steady employ- ment. Hall’s Service Station, E1- gin Mills FILING CLERK, state age, educa- tion, status and salary. Reply in own handwriting. Box 249 Maple. c1w18 YOUNG MAN to assist herdsman of purebred Ayrshire herd. excell- ent working and living conditions. Leitchcroft Farm Gormiey, Ont, No. 7 Highway. c1w18 ’RESPONSIBLE tenants desire four to six room unfurnished house near school. Phone evenings, Mrs. Lang- ille, AV. 5-1483. *4w16 RELIABLE MAN to act as store clerk and learn refrigeration and vashing machine repairs. Paris \uto Supply, Richmond Hill, TU. f-1541. c1w18 JITO will start you in a remuner- ative business for only $18. Sell our 225 household necessities con- sisting of toilet articles, medical supplies, culinary needs, tea, cof- fee, etc. Complete assortment of REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We are still expanding and have an op- ening for an energetic man with initiative and neat appearance, complete training course for ac- cepted applicants, excellent work- ing conditions. For appointment call S. J. Carlisie, V. 5-1176. Sales Manager, David McLean Ltd., Tor- onto’s largest north suburban real- tors. c1w18 MAN TO WORK on turkey ranch, 10w, until Christmas full or part ime, experience not necessary. ’30b Lanthier. Bayview and Green Cane. Phone AV. 5â€"1907 or AV. 3-2354. c1w‘18 GIFT BOXES. Large discount. Your proï¬ts depend on your work. Good territories available. N0 RISK. Particulars: JITQ, 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. c 4w18 YOUNG COUPLE wish to rent 2- 3 rooms. unfurnished, in Biichmogg ELDERLY but active English wo- man requires furnished or unfur- nished room, with or without board, in or near Thornhill. Phone AV. 5-2381. . c1w18 \IALE HELP. The Ontario Hospi- .al. Langstaff. has a vacancy for a .hird )ok and also an attendant. Apply in person at the hospital. c1w18 Hill‘ YOUNG COUPLE’Fabstainex-s) with two children. one school age, re- quire a se1f~contained apartment or cottage for rent. Please phone The Liberal. TUrner 4-1261. PASSENGERS wanted, leave Markham Rd. 7 am. arrive Univ- ersity and Adelaide 7.45, return 4.05. TU. 4-1908. tfcl7 TRANSPORTATION available to University Ave., leaving Thornhill 7.45 a.m., returning at 5 pm. AV. 5-1775. c1w18 TRANSPORTATION wanted to Toronto. Must be at Bloor and Spa- dina Sts. by 8.50 am. Leave city at 5 p.m. Phone TU. 4-1320. c1w18 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 14 around 730 am. to Jarvis and Richmond Sts. or vicinity, lea- ving city around 5.15 pm. Phone AV. 5-1704. c1w18 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted from 14A Yonge St. around 7.30 am. to vicinity of Yonge and College Sts. Returning around 5 pm. AV. 5- 1246. c1w18 CEMENT MIXER, skilsaw, etc. AV. 5-1238 Thornhill. c4w17 4-ROOM COTTAGE at Maple. Ph. 62R11 Maple. c1w18 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 30 Church St. South, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2095. c1w18 FLAT. very clean, conveniences cooking and washing privileges 1arage included. AV. 5-1016. nished 6 room 2 storey house. Will lease to party with references for one year, $125 monthly. Children welcome. AV. 5-1495‘ clw15 JOHNSON OUTBOARD Motors at reduced rates. Bond Lake Gar- age, Oak Ridges, King 100. t1c11 SIXâ€"ROOM farm house on Yonge St.. Thornhill area. city conven- iences. hot water heating. about 2 acres of land, double garage. G. N. Grinnnell. c/o Ernest Ridout Real Estate, Richmond Hill. clw18 '2 FRESH COWS. Phone 1311.4- 1900. elwla FURNISHED 5vroom house (2 bed- *ooms) for 5 months. oil heating, ontinuous hot water. Phone TU. -1284. *1w18 N VHIVGVHLAND PARK. partly fur- HELP WANTED '13'hShe TUrner 4-1108. *1w18 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT TO RENT c1w18 c3w18 SAT., NOV. 1 â€"- Auction sale of farm stock, and implements, Hol- stein cattle, hogs. poultry, Ford tractor and equipment, hay and grain, household furniture, at lot 16, con. 6 King Twp., property of L. R. Gilham. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve, farm sold. .Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Gormley, auction- eer. c4w15 SAT., NOV. 1 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, garden tools. dishes, glassware, etc.. on No. 7 highway. east of Main St. in Mark- ham Village, property of H. W. Scardiï¬eld. Termswgash, no reserve, property sold and owner moved to British Columbia. Sale at 2 pm. Ken and Clark Prentice, auction- eer. SAT.‘ NOV. 8 â€"â€" Extensive impor- tant auction sale of Registered and Grade Holstein Cattle (40 Head) new. McCormick-Deering tractor, combine. plow. farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, furniture, etc., 'on lot 1 concession 4 East Gwillim- bury twp., property of Clark John- son. Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken and Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. SAT., NOV. 15, 1952 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, tools, electric equipment, etc. at Pren- tice‘s auction rooms, Franklin House. Markham Village, property belonging to estate of Mr. Kirk, Toronto, Mrs. T. Hunter, Markham, and others. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Anyone wishing to put any articles in this sale must have their list handed to the auctioneer before November 5. The terms are cash and everything sold without re- serve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heise of Upland, California, on the birth of a son. Mrs Mann and daughter, Mrs Millard, of Toronto were afternoon guests on Monday of Mrs Richard Wilcox. Mr. Arthur Heise who is engagâ€" ed in mission work in Northern Saskatchewan, is sponding several weeks with his parents and is also doing deputation work\ in this area. We extend our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones who were married last Saturday at Brown's Connors. Mr. and Mrs. Joneg will reside in Unionville. WE welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and son to our commun- ity. Jack is operating the Gorm- ley garage, formerly owned by Mr. Murray Bennett. To the many sick folk of our community we wish a rapid recov- ery, Mrs. Jos. Steckley, Mrs. F. Harvey, Mrs. S. Doner, Mrs. E. Hunt, Mrs. D. Hilts, Mrs. Jas. Ste- vens and Mr. Peter Brillinger. SALE REGISTERS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doner on the birth of a dau- ghter last Thursday. Miss Norma Sider has secured a position at the Stouffville Nursing Home operated by Mr. Austin. Mrs. Martha Edmonds, Mrs. Douglas Hisey and Francis of Bethesda were visitors on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Doner. Miss Annie Steckley arrived at Malton Airport from California on Monday afternoon after four months deputation work in the Un- ited States. Miss Seckley has re- turned home owing to her mother’s illness. $1,725 1950 CHEVROLET 4 D SEDAN heater and defroster â€" excellent transportation for only 1950 FORD 1 TON PICKUP complete with heater & defroster and 4 foot plywood box $1,295 1949 CHEVROLET l/z TON PICKUP DeLuxe Cab, heater and defroster â€" Excellent value at $995 All cars & trucks completely winterized KING, ONT. Mrs. Allan Done! Correspondent: Phone Stouffville 67104 Lâ€? ah USED (ARV/‘4)†BILL DRINKWATER MOTORS .. CHEVROLET - OLDSJIOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS (Held from last week) GORMLEY $1,500 1949 CHEVROLET 2 D SEDAN Heater & Defroster â€" Excellent value 1948 CHEVROLET ~34 TON PICKUP body & tires â€"- excellent for only heater, defroster, block heater Excellent family car for only 1951 CHEVROLET 4 D SEDAN heater & defroster, real value $1,750 1951 PONTIAC 2D SEDAN $1,395 TRUCKS $995 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6?37 (collect). tfc44 FIRST MORTGAGE on 8 room house, $6,000 or $7,000, in Lansing: BAldwin 1-7751 PAIR of girl's ï¬gure skates in good Edï¬'diti'dnT'sizé (for 6%. AV. 5-1'355. c1w18 Save Now With These Values 1950 PREFECT SEDAN New paint job. See this one. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9.30 P.M. R.D.L|TTLE & SON Ltd. $950.00 1947 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. SEDAN very clean FOR 25 YEARS YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER 168 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill 1950 MERCURY 4 DR. SEDAN air conditioning and overdrive 30 day warranty In Al USED CARS Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Removed Promptly for Sanitary Disposal Telephone Collect Woodbridge 6.] and Toronto EM- 3-3636 GORDON YOUNG Ltd. 951.195.00 1949 FORD DeLUXE COACH $1,650.00 1951 CHEVROLET COACH heater & directional signals 30 day warranty 1950 FORD CUSTOM CLUB COUPE one owner, 23,000 miles ¢ 30 day warranty 1949 AUSTIN 4 DR. SEDAN completely reconditioned DEAD STUCK $350.00 1938 CHRYSLER SEDAN Exceptional car WANTED new car condition $1,550.00 $1,650.00 $650.00 $900.00 PHONE 50 c1w18 CAPONS. toasters and fowl, high~ est prices paid. l)cyn’t sell until contacting W. S Appleton. Oak Ridgqs Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R14. dcl'l TELEVISION SPECIAL Z RICHMOND HILL WWOOONWOOWOMOOO†WW WOW‘ W. A. POULTON MAPLE 37R24 OR TORONTO RE. 3278 EAVESTROUGHING Phone ~ Eve.: AVenue 5-1300 AV enue BAldwin 1-3188 AVenue 0 Trenching and Septic Tank Beds ’ Excavating and Grading 0 Water Mains and Services 0 Gravel - Sand - Loam - Fill 0 Front End floading 0 Road Grading 0 Complete Septic Tanks Efficient Workmanship FAST SERVICE . FOR GOOD SERVICE AND BEST PRICES ~ PHONE Homo Office 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€" Hu. 8949 URMLEY, ONT. POULTRY WANTED NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces Fire safety, low upkeep and protection for your car are provided by this attractive CONCRETE BLOCK garage---a necessity, to protect your investment in today's high cost cars. MAR-V .rgUN CO. LTD. A SINGLE-CAR GARAGE TINSMITH GURMLEY BLUUn GU. PAUL, DUBOIQ Competitive Prices Owned and operated by ION FINN 6425 will safeguard your car! IIEETS ALL A. S.T. M. SPECIFICATIONS Optometrist WILL BE AT 42 Yonge Street S- Opposite the BUS Station WEDNESDAY. NOV. 12 and tfle 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FiTTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS Prescriptions for Glasses Filled YONGE STREET F. L. LOWRIE, R0. CONCRETE BLOCKS, CINDER BLOCKS WEEPING TILE, LIME & CEMENT HOUSES ' WANTED We need houses immediate; 1y. all sizes and price ranges. Genuine buyers waiting. A large, competent. exper- ienced stalf enables us to of-. fer an unparallelled service to both buyer and seller alike. David McLean Ltd. Phone Stoufl’ville 381W] Evgs. BAldwin 1-184? Head Office“. Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 Even Phone AV enue 5-1755‘ AVenue 5-1985 TU mer 4-1221 ROOFING