Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Oct 1952, p. 4

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The nominating meeting for the Trustees of the Police Village of Thornhill will take placein Vic- toria Hall on Wednesday evening, November 26 from 7.30 until 8.30 pm. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance for this im- portant meeting. 0 O U O Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garland of Arnold Avenue attended the RCAF Prisoner of War Reunion held in Toronto '0ver the last weekâ€"end. vauv Allvv-nv- .. . The regular meeting of the Thornhill Scout Mothers Auxiliary was held last Thursday in the Un- ited Church Hall. The guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Port Credit who showed movies on Florida. which were very much enjoyed by everyone present. This pleasant evening was brought to a close with the serving of refreshments. A..- Presbyterian Church News Fortnighters The annual meeting of the Fort- nighters Club will be held Monday evening, November 3. at the home of Miss Elizabeth Francis on John Street. The new officers for the coming year will be elected at this Bazaar - A large number of people enjoy- edd the Presbyterian bazaar held last Saturday afternoon in the. Church Hall. The various booths were surrounded at all times and of course threr popular bake table was soldxout almost immediately. Twenty-seven ladies enjoyed a pleasant evening on Friday when Mrs. J. Perry and Mrs. J. Huston were guests of honor at a party given by Mrs. P. H. Willcocks and Mrs. R. Gibson VofrArnold Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. Byford of Ar- nold Avenue attended the annual Purchasing Agents Conference at the Royal York Friday and Satur- day of last week. 3... Public Schéol News On Wednesday afternoon last all the pupils of the Thornhlll School gathered in one of the school rooms to hear a musical concert provided by the well-known group known as "The Davies of Canada." The group consisted of Mrs. Davies, pianist with her daughter and two sons as vocalists. The children thor- oughly enjoyed the entire program. luv-nu... .. _. -__., On October 20 the Thomhill Nursery School had a parent Edu- cation meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Kojola. Miss Winnifred Da- vies mm the Toronto Public Lib- rary (Children’s Branch) spoke to the mothers on "Family Reading" mentioning some of the types of books their”children should read to keep them interested in reading and also stretching their imagina- tion. Miss Davies also mentioned the importance of fairy tales in a child's life and how very popular they still are. ‘L..- Hobby Shop The Thornhill Area Recreation Committee is sponsoring an Adults Hobby Shop on Thursday evenings at the home of Mr. Frank Tucker of Colborne St. Anyone who would be interested in joining is asked to telephone AV. 5-1268. Friends and neighbours of Mr. Jas. Heaslop and Mr. Percy Bonc both of Yonge Street, are pleased to see that they are up and about again after their recent illnesses. Scout Mothgrs time Thornhul Nursery Sc_hool_ On Wednesday afternoon after school Mr. and Mrs. Martin enter- tained the staff with the music and art supervisors at a staff meeting and tea held at their home in Ma- p e. United Church Completes Centennial Celebrations An inspiring service brought to a close the centennial celebrations of the Thornhill United Church on Sunday. In the morning, Rev. George A. Trimble of Fairlawn Un- ited Church, Toronto. was guest speaker. He brought a challeng- ing sermon on “The Church I Would Like To See". In the even. ing, Rev. D. P. Rowland, of York Presbyterian Church brought a dynamic message on “The Necess- ity of Protestantism". The congre- gations were large, the congrega- tional singing good. and the music of the choirs under the direction of Mrs. W. Heath was excellent. Mr. D. Davidson, baritone, was soloist in the morning and in the evening. Mrs. L. Burke. and Mr. D. Davidson sang a duet. Congratulations were received from the Thornhill Lions and other organizations and indi viduals. The flowers placed in th( church were from Thornhill L.O.L. TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Television Ranges Hills Ice & Fuel F013, Dependable Fuels call Thornhi" And , District News es ’ Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yohge Sf. AV. 5-1745 Washers Radios Confirmation classes for the children of the Parish are held ev- ery Wednesday at 4:15 and Sat- urday morning at 9.30. Adult class- es are held following the Special Novena held every Wednesday ev- ening commencing at 7:45. Con- firmation will be administered by His Excellency Rt. Rev. Bishop B. A. Webster, Bishop of Toronto on Wednesday, November 5. On Saturday two interesting weddings took place at St. Luke's Church. At the 9 o'clock Mass. Miss Doreen Patricia Lougheed became the bride ofi Raymond Jef- frey Gerroir. The Mass was said for their intention by Father Mc- Alpine (C.S.B.) At 11 o'clock Miss Gloria Aida Minghella became the bride of Emilia Dal Sin. On Sunday afternoon Father Cirevello was celebrant. Master of Ceremonies was Ray Bilz and Ron- ald Smith. Cross bearer at. the Blessing of the Graves in the Cem- etery. A large group from many surrounding districts witnessed this impressive service. * Brownie News No 91 and Burning Bush R.B.T. O. P. No. 1202 to mark the memorable occasion Anniversary Supper Over 300 sat down to a Turkey Supper last Wednesday evening in the United Church Hall. The tab- les were tastefully decorated with Fall flowers and the delicious meal was provided by the W.A. assisted by the Ladies Guild. Following the supper, everyone enjoyed a pro- zram which included kodachrome :Iides of the Rockies and Great Britain shown by Rev. Fred Smith, minister of Oak United Church. Adding much to the program were musical numbers by Mrs. L. Burke and Mr. D. Davidson accompanied )y Mrs, D. Davidson at the organ. St. Luke’s Church The Brownie Pack of Thornhill has been divided into two groups. "A” group will meet on Tuesday afternoon at 4 pm. in the United Church Hall and “B" group meets Thursday afternoon at 4 pm. in the United Church Hall. A meeting is called for Saturday evening at 8.30 at St. Luke‘s Parish Hall to appoint a Separate School Board. “ * * *. Anne Jeffrey and Yvonne Robin- son received'Golden Bars at the last Brownie meeting: The Brown ies are using their Good Turn money to buy a parcel for one of Chelié- little friends. Brownie Jean Mc eice of Steele’s Avenue is re- cuperating in the Sick Children's Hospital from an operation and all her friends hope she will recover quickly. At the last meeting of the WA. a large bale of new and used clo- thing was packed to be sent to a mission field in Alberta. Nomina- tion of officers for 1953 will take place at the meeting on November 13. Mrs. P. Bone, who is a member \f the Dominion Board ,of the W. \. will open the Ladies Guild Ba- :aar on Saturday at 3 pm. This an- nual bazaar is becoming very pop- ular . Trinity Church Notes On Wednesday evening, Novem- ber 5, a very interesting meeting is planned for the men of the Parish. So many of the men of the Parish are unable to take an active part in the church’s life be- cause their evenings are taken up with the 'many and important jobs at home. Those who are in charge of this evening hope that as many men as possible will come to the Zhurch Hall on November 5. Ladies Guild Bazaar Large numbers of Parishioners are attending the Bryan Green Mission which is being held this week until November 4 at the Col- lseum. Baptisms Rev. S. A. R. Wood baptised the following children at a service in the church on Sunday last, which was witnessed by many friends and relatives: Frances Jane Bloss, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edward 31035 of Paul Street and Barbara Elizabeth Jefiery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffery of Arnold Ave. __ __.-, Centre Street, Thornhill. to Will- iam Henry Lamb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lamb, Duclos Point, formerly of Lansing on Saturday, October 25 at 4.30 pm. Rev. W. F. Wrixon officiated against a back- ground of yellow and bronze mums. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a gown of white satin with lace top and panels. The nylon net overskirt also covered the short train. Her three-quarter length tulle illusion veil fell from Mrs. Dick Overbury, formerly of Thornhill is spending a few days visiting with Rev. and Mrs. S. A: R. Wood. Mrs. Overbury is now ‘iving in North Bay. Lamb-Hunt St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, was the setting for the wedding of Ruth Ann. daugh- ter of 'Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt, Sister of the bride. MFE. Eliza- beth Hillaby was matron of honour, and Miss Kathleen Little of Rich- mond Hill and Miss Betty Mc- Grath of Galt were bridesmaids. They wore gowns of gold faille taffeta with toast coloured lace with matching jackets of lace with stand up collars. The matching mittens and shoes and the cascade bouquets of autumn flowers to match their ’dresses completed their ensembles. Mary-Gail Clapham, from Ajax, a headdress of lace with satin leaves and seeded pearls. She carried a cascade of bouvardia. “hite mums and pale pink rose buds. 'i‘hérghill ea 'contfibu-ted by itsrreuders. Ou: representative in Thornhill a Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thomhlll. The Liberal is always pteaseu t9 puoursh items or mLerest m we Webbing cousin of the bride was floWer-girl in turquoise taffeta and matching bandeau and carried a miniature cascade bouquet. The soloith Mrs. E. Hartfree, aunt of the groom. sang the “Lord's Prayer" and “0 Perfect Love" ac- companied by Mrs. Chas. Harding of Richmond Hill at the organ. At the reception held in the Ma- sonic Hall in Thornhill, the bride‘s mother wore a cocoa shade gown trimmed in velvet with hat of co- pen blue with brown and blue ac- cessories. Her corsage was of pink carnations and a blue gardenia. Mrs. Hunt was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a wine col- oured gown with black accessories and a corsage of pink Ophelia ros- es. The bride‘s grandmother. Mrs. J. Clapham of Thornhill. was also present wearing a plum col- oured ensemble with pink corsage. For a short trip to Buffalo the bride chose a teal-blue suit with white blouse, cherry red velvet hat and black accessories. Following this trip the happy couple will re- side in Kirkland Lake. Mr. Doug. Farr was groomsman and Mr. James Lamb. brother of the groom and Mr. Douglas Hilla- by were ushers. Due to the fact that the place previously used for the children’s Hallowe’en party is no longer large enough to accommodate the 1200 to 1300 youngsters of the district, the Thornhill Lions Club has de- cided to hold separate parties. The community welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman who have re- cently moved into their new home on Parkway Avenue in the Ball Subdivision. Thornhill Lions Will Hold Separate Halloweeh Parties These will be held in the follow- ing schools, Powell Road. Thorn- hill, Thornlea, Richvale, Langstafi and Chas. Howitt commencing at 7 o’clock in the evening until 9 o’clock. The programme for the schools will be under the direction of the principal and teachers of each school with the Lions provid- ing prizes and refreshments, and the members of the Home and School Associations assisting where necessary. The School Boards will provide the transportation where it is required. Boys’ Club Plans Wéiner Roast ..The Highland Park Boys Club will get under way with its first general meeting at the North York Veterans Hall tonight at 6.45 pm. The four new gentlemen who vol- unteered at the executive meeting on Octobbr 22 will be introduced and their activities in the club out lined. J. Field will instruct in model aircraft building. Since he is also a swimming instructor and interested in fly-tying, he hopes to work these into club activities. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell, 88 Woodward Ave., on the birth of twin daughters pn Ocv tober 10. Katherine Elizabeth and Carol Ann are gaining steadily and expect to be home next week. Nancy and Mrs. DeClerq are still, on the convalescent list but are! coming along nicely. R. C. Guyatt will be available peen Planned 101" for many items of interest, and V. 15 no charge other Jackson will train boys 14-16 years your membership and instruct on firearms, with par- Mr. Pollock a) ents’ approval. He is making ar- will have a good 1 rangements for suitable ranges. will be on hand dl Mr. Maxted is going to, work on meetings to show sports and is active with boys on as he did last year The Edgeley Fellowship Group met with the Maple Young People’s Union on Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 22. All enjoyed the slides shown by Mrs. Leslie Laver of her trip to Florida an dalso some of the beauty spots in Northern Ontario. A meeting of the Edgeley Wo- men‘s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Alf. Bagg on Thurs- day, November 13. Mrs. Lorne Bagg of Woodbridge has very kindly con- sented to give a demonstration on "Sugarcraft at this time. That Mrs. Bagg is very adept in the culinary art is proven by the fact that she invariably walks off with a large number of prizes whenever she ex- hibits her mouth-watering confec- tions in the home baking competi- itions at the C.N.E. Besides her baking successes. Mrs. Bagg has achieved an enviable reputation for her original ideas in cake decora- tions and with the Christmas sea- son fast approaching. this timely demonstration should be particu- larly interesting and helpful to the womenfolk of the community. EDGELEY FELLOWSHIP Starting next week Farm Forum meetings will again be a weekly event in this community. On Mon- day evening. October 27. the For- um was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty, Concord, to plan the programmes for the year. On Monday evening, November 3, the Forum topic will be “Farming as a Career." Service in Edgeley United Church will be at 2.30 pm. throu- ghout the fall and winter months. Sunday School will be at 1.30 pm. WJ. Farm Forum Don't forget the Hallowe'en par- ty in the Community Hall, Friday CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS EDGELEY NEWS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 Telephone Maple 110R3 Thornhill and District Horticul- tural Society held its October mee- ting and show at the United Church Hall on Tuesday, October 21. when the. guest speaker was Don Wain speaking on how to grow African Violets successfully. Although the care of these popular house plants has been the subject of previous meetings, Mr. Wain presented his subject in such a way that all members and visitors could not but gain Useful information and know- ledge on this topic. Mr. Wain, Sr.. mentioned some of ’the new varie- ties which were shown at the Chi- cago Convention , this summer. Thornhill & District Horticultural Society Holds Its October Show Seen above are Mr. and Mrs. George Peters of Thornhill who were married in Trinity Church, Th01 nhill, on September 27. The bride is the former Helen Gertrude Stunden of Thornhill. The hockey schedule will be drawn up by Mr. Biggs in the near future. The rink has been moved to the baseball field on the Gamble farm and assembly was started on Saturday morning last with Messrs. DeClerq, Stocking, Sanders, Harry, Field, Hutchinson, Thomson, Ruth- erford, along‘ with some senior boys taking part. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg enjoyed a 10'1er drive to Zephyr on Sun- day to visit Mrs. Lockie and were invited to remain for dinner and to attend church. Mr. and Mrs. Bagg met Mrs. Lockle on board ship last year on their way to Briâ€" tain and the Jersey Islands. They had not seen each other since then and so had a great “deal to talk over about their trips and Mrs. Lockie‘s visit with her twodaugh- ters in England. Please see “Coming Events" re- garding the special programme for theEdgeley Farmers' Club meet- ing next week. Saturday afternoon for soccer on Gamble property. The new chairman will be R. Hutchinson and a schedule has been set up whereby every committee mem- ber, including junior executive will have definite responsibilities. A weiner roast has been planned for the boys and parents for Nov- ember 1.‘ All boys are asked to bring membership fee to Thurs- day‘s meeting and speak to their parents about attending the Wein- er roast. A scavenger hunt has been planned for that night. There is no charge other than presenting your membership ticket. night. Everybody welcome Winners at the Edgeley Euchre Club euchre held on Tuesday, Oc- tober 21 were: Mrs. D. Cassey. Mrs. T. Reid, Agnes McCauIey; E. Lund, Lorne .Robb and H. Fierheller. Co-op News A number of Edgeley residents who are members of the Vaughan- York Farmers' Co-operative Ser- vices Ltd., attended their banquet and 9th annual meeting on Friday evening. October 24, in the Woodâ€" bridge Memorial Arena Hall and enjoyed a meal of choice turkey prepared by the ladies of Burwick Women’s Institute. Among those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Keffer, Frank Bagg. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Usher. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keffer and their daughter Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darlington, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart. Mr and Mrs. Norman Bagg, Doug and Ron Kefier, Mr. and Mrs. George Snider, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kefler and Mr. and Mrs. W. Maginnn and Miss Maginn. Mr. Pollock and Dave Snyder will have a good program. H. Bell will be on hand during the coming meetings to show some fine films, Many newer varieties were am- ongst those on display at the meet- ing. , The Misses Yeandell judged the preserves and baking show and some of these exhibits were for sale at the close‘ of the meeting. More than a dozen lucky people were recipients of potted plants or lily bulbs from the draw. Chili Sauce: Mrs. Pherrill, Mrs. W. H. Thomson, Mrs. Poulter. Mix- ed Mustard Pickle: Mrs. Gribble. Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Poulter. Green Pickle (sweet or sour): Mrs. Pher- rill, Mrs. Gribble, Mrs. Poulter. Relish: Mrs. Healey, Mrs. Pherrill, Miss M. Dean. ' Home Baking Prizewinners of the October show were; , . Cookies: Mary Harrison, Alvin Thompson, Audrey Thompson. Magic Baking Powder single frosted layer cake: Mrs. Pherrill, Mrs. Crutcher, Mrs. Harrison. Lemon Pie: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. W. H. Thompson, Mary ,Harrison. 12 Cookies: Mrs. Pherrill. Mrs. W. H. Thompson. Mrs. Harrison. But- ,er Tarts: Mrs. Crutcher, Mrs. ’herrill, Mrs. Gribble. Chocolate Cake (iced): Mrs. Crutcher, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Pherrill. Tea Biscuits: Alvin Thompson. Dagwood’ Sandwich: Alvin Thomp- son. Apple Pie: Alvin Thompson. Ernest Gribble. Juniors Candy: Gordon Crutcher, Alvin Thompson. Mary Harrison. Yeast Rolls: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Thorneycroft, Mrs. W. H. Thomp- son. Salad Plate: Mrs. Harrison. For Men Only Raspberry Jam: Mrs. G. Crutch- 2r. Mrs. W. H.4Thompson, Mrs. ’herrill. Strawberry Jam: Mrs. Pherrill, Mrs. Gribble, Mrs. W. H. Thompson. Conserve (A.O.V.): Mrs. Irribble. Mrs. Crutcher. Red Cur- ~ant Jelly: Mrs. F. Harrison, Mrs. Eribble. Mrs. Crutcher. Any other Telly: Mrs. Healey, Mrs. F. Har- 'ison, Mrs. Gribble. Canned Pea- :hes, Mrs. F. Harrison, Mrs. W., H. [‘hompson. 'Mrs. R. Poulter. Can~ ied Plums: Mrs. Poulter, Mrs. Irutcher. Canned Pears:\ Mrs. Jrutcher, Mrs. Thorneycroft, Mrs. Iarrison. Canned Cherries: Mrs. liley, Mrs. F. Harrison, Mrs. Poul- :r. A. O. V. not mentioned, specâ€" al Mrs. Riley; Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. jribble, Mrs. Pherrill. For best results from your cows this Fall and Winter balance your home grown grains with either of the following: GAINMAKER 24 9'0 DAIRY CONCENTRATE is designed for those who prefer to hand mix their meal ration for individual feeding.This palatable feed will give you top results, as it has for many other local dairymen. MASTER 32% DAIRY CONCENTRATE The Concord Home and School Association was treated to a very interesting and informative lecture on Monday evening, October 20, when Mr. R. E. Jones of the De- partment of Education. Toronto. spoke on "Mental Health and‘De- velopment in the Schools Today." Those present were pleased to learn that our own school staff fol- lows these developments very c105ely. A film was shown and questions answered by Mr. Jones. Home and School Several more Grade Mothers were appointed and a meeting for them will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Boron on Wednesday evening, October 29. There was a very good response to the cup and saucer shower and a sincere thank you is extended to all those who contributed them. Refreshments were served by the mothers of Grade I pupils. The next regular .meeting on Monday, November 10, will be de- voted to conservation. The speaker and a film will be presented by the kind consent of the Maple Research Station of the Department of Lands and Forests of Ontario, Duf- ferln St. Many happy returns of October 31 to Mrs. Victor Palmer. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Kefier on their first wedding anniversary, November 3. The Rev. W. Hincks of Scarboro Junction United Church was the guest speaker for both the morning and the evening service of Elia United Church. The special mus- ic at the mornin service was ren- dered by the hristian Business Girls Choir of Toronto. In the ev- ening the Teston United Church choir led the service of praise and rendered several anthems. Elia United Sherwood The October meeting of the Couples Club took the form‘of a very attractive and colorful Hall- owe‘en party at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Winters, Bathurst St. on Tuesday evening, October 21. The costumes were unusually good and showed a great deal of originality. Prizes for the best costume went to Mrs. Ron Percival in a~ gentle- man’s outfit and to Rev. E. J. Fis- cher, dressed as a lady. Mrs. Albert Foster discussed the topic “Being Christian at your Job." A number of games and contests followed which resulted in tly following people winning prizâ€" zs. Mrs. Roland Keffer, Mrs. Lawn, Vlrs. E. J. Fischer, Mr. Winters, Roy Keffer. Ross Percival and R0- .and Kefi‘er. The Rev. and Mrs Fischer will :ntertain the Couples group at the parsonage 1n Unionville on Tues- day evening, November 25. Just a few minutes spent with Mrs. Warren Bone are certain to reveal that her first love, after her family. is knitting and sewing. Mrs. Bone is quick to recognize the advantages of warm, flexible hand knitted garments and during the past year as she busily knit two, purled two on a sweater or sock she was vinaking, she often wondered if her work compared favorably with that of the other women in the district. To find out. Mrs. Bone hit upon the idea of entering her work in a competition and for the first time in her life she exhibited it recent- ly at a fair. The exhibits this year were all good at Woodbridge Fair and there was a large needle- work display. It was a surprise only to Mrs. Bone herself. when she was awarded three first prizes and two seconds for her knitted sweaters. socks and mittens and for her sewing in the children’s wear class, because anyone else who has seen _her work readin agrees that it has just about reached a stage of» perfection. Wins Prizes For Knitting CORRESPONDENT RITE. Raymond Stuart R. R. 1 Maple Telephone Maple 110 CONCORD 110r3 Mrs. Miers was hostess to a very successful party last week at the home of her sister-ln-law, Mrs. M. King on King's Lane. Serving re- freshments were Mrs. H. Linklater. Mrs. W. Burch and Miss D. Mor- rison. Prize winners at the Doncaster ladies euchre were: Ladiys. Mrs. Winters. Mrs. Millen; Men, Mr. Do- herty. Mr. Mlzen. Hostesses at the party were Mrs. Watts. Mrs. Coup- er and Mrs. Dwyer. Mr. Couper of Glencameron Ave. had a visit from his niece. Miss Rita Gunning from Scotland. She flew over last week to make her home with her parents at Willow- dale. Visitors at the Baker home on Clarke Ave. last week were Miss Brenda Kirby from Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Mulvenna and fam- ily from Mount Pleasant visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood~ ward. Clarke Ave., over the week- end. The next meeting of the Doncas- ter Ladies’ Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Watts, 72 Glen Cam- eron Ave., at 8 pm. Wayne Dale of Proctor Ave.. cel- ebrated his 11th birthday last Wed- nesday, with 11 children being in- vited to the party where a very happy time was spent. Mr. George Drake of Seccomoe Ave.. is in the hospital. He expects to be home in about two weeks. Tommy Westacott who lives on Henderson Ave.. had a birthday party with 15 guests to celebrate with him. Tommy was four on October 16. Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard of Sec- comoe celebrated their 13th wed- ding anniversary on Sunday, Oc- tober 26. St. Luke's Roman Catholic Church, Thornhill, was the scene of the marriage of Patricia Doreen, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Lough- ead and the late Edmond Loug- head, to Raymond Jeffrey Gerroir, on of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gerroir. Rev. Cirevello ofliciated at the cer- emouy. Visitors at Mrs. Goodchild’s over the weekâ€"end were her daughter Mrs. Towson and baby. Her only attendant, Miss Jean Gerroir wore a fullâ€"length gown of pink satin and silk and carried a bouquet of tea roses md yellow 'mums. John Gerroir was groomsman and the ushers were William Myers and Lee McCabe. At a reception the bride's moth- er receivod. wearing a navy blue and white gown with navy accen- ories and corsage of red roses. Little Jackeline Howard was home from school last week suf- fering from a throat infection. Given in marriage by her broth- er, the bride wore a gown of white satin styled with a high neckline and train. Her finger-tip veil owed from a utin cap trimmed with pearls. She curied a bou- quet of red roses and white ’mums. FOR THE Police Village of Thornhill ON WIENERS 35c SLICED BOLOGNA Yonge St. 1 FREE DELIVERY McFARLANE’S MEAT MARKET CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING 230 YORK BRAND YORK BRAND PUMPKIN 28 OZ.TIN 2 FOR 37c GERROImLouGHEAD Webbing ROUND SIRLOIN Our Specialty BABY B EE F THORNHILL VILLAGE SEMI-ANNUAL CORRESPONDENT: TUESDAY, NOV. 4th. BUNLLLDD ROUND STEAK ROAST 7'50 GARBAGE COLLECTION CHOICE LEGS LAMB 69c FRESH SAUSAGE 35c Trustees Police Village of Thornhill DONCASTER NEWS STEAKS 79c Phone: AVenne 5-1570 MAPLE LEAF BRAND Blackburn Block Ihornhill Phone - AVenue 5-1811 27 Seccomoe Au. SCHNEIDER’S BONELESS For the wedding trip to Nov: Scotla the bride chose a grey suit with pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Gerroir will live in Don- caster. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lak are holding open house to their friends and neighbors in their new home on John St.. Sunday, November 2. from three to six in the afternoon and seven to ten in the.evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lak. Jean and Gor- don have recently moved to their new home on John St. after living on Green Lane for a number of years. A cordial invitation is extended to all in Thornlea to attend the Thornlea Association meeting which will be held at the school on Tuesday night. November 4. Suggestions will be welcome. Help to boost your community. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frazer and family have moved into the farm house on Bayview. They have liv- ed on Highway No. 7 for a long time. We wish them luck in their new residence on the Lietchcrofl: Farms. The boys who wish to belong to the Thornlea “Black Cats” Hockey team are to meet at David Bar- bour’s home on Johnson St. next Monday night, November 3, to get organized into a club. A welcome to Thornlea goes to Squadron Leader and Mrs. James Davies and daughters Janet and Carolyn. They have taken up res- idence where the Marsbu'gen family used to live on Bayview Ave. 1 Mrs P Lahonen entertained six- teen of June's school friends, to a birthday and Hallowe' en party in honor of June's 12th birthday. Af- ter the birthday dinner. games were played and dancing was en- joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, Doncrest Rd, spent a few days at their sum- mer cottage at Lake St. Pew. This week Mrs. Barlow will be visiting her daughter Margaret. Mrs. Harold Newns at Burks Falls. Margaret who is well-known in Thornlea has had another opera- tion, and is expected to leave the Red Cross Outpost Hospital this week. Happy birthday to Ronnie R! h- an. Johnson St., who will be th as years old on Thursday. October 30. There are other birthdays too this week in our immediate neighborâ€" hood and best wishes go to_them also. Mr. John Baker of Maple and Mr. Donald Reid of Langstafi pres« ented a coffee table and end tables to the surprised couple. Mrs. Joe Robinson, Bayview. read the add- ress on behalf of the friends gathâ€" ered for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Ness thanked all in a few well chosen words, and invited them to; visit again. The rest of the even- ing was taken up with euchre and dancing to the bagpipes played by James Reid of Langstafl'. The 1&- dies served a wonderful lunch. The folks who recently charivan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ness, Green Lane. returned again on Friday evening, October 24 and this time gave them a real surprise party. _ THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble "Telephone AV. 5-1488 MRS. H. MIZEN PORTERHOUSE WING

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