INSTALLED - sow . SERVICED BLACKBURN'S Thomhall AVenue 5-1333 A Complete Building Supply Service BOWDEN LUMBER COMPANY (Established 1880) Stop 23 Yonge St. TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNIA . KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH ‘ CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS †Richmond Hill Oï¬ice 8 Yonge St. South ; TELEVISION * LUMBER - WALLBOARDS - INSULATION STORM SASH - COMBINATION DOORS FENCING - FLOORING - INTERIOR FINISH WEEPING TILE - SEWER PIPE The anasï¬an Bank or (301111319159 x-ll31 Md go WW The Canadian Bank of Commerce It’s a big decisionâ€"a lot depends on it: family health, constant warmth, fuel economy. Before you decide on any fuel. ï¬nd out about ‘blue coal’â€"ï¬nd out the advantages that make it the world‘s ï¬nest anthraciteâ€"its steady uni- form heat and clean, healthful operation that saves money and labor. Phone us today. FOR SANE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING I. D. RAMER & SON Your BRANCHES: SUBURBAN SPECIALIST TU. 4-1121 RE. 9354 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mear of Wes- ton spent Sunday evening with Mrs. L. Rainey. Conglatulauons to Ml. Thomas Myers of Station St. vho married Miss Dorothy Sandine, Toronto. on Saturday October 18 The Rev. Bournes. Markham, performed the ceremony. Central United The Central United Church was ï¬lled to capacity for both last Sun- day’s morning and evening anniv- ersary services. Rev. George Mc- Mullen of Emmanuel College was the guest speaker. Special music was rendered by the Unionville choir. Mr. Ernest Appleton Sr., of the 6th concession, north of Unionville, has purchased the home of Mr. Fred Williamson and expects to move to Markham in the near fu- ture Mrs. Albert Hockey and Mrs. Clinton..Bigelow of Tyrone spent a few days last week with Mrs. Bige- low's sister. Mrs. H. Findlay. VM}. and 'Mrs. Larry Disney vis- ited last Sunday afternoon at the home of her father. Leonard Mc- Mullen. AVAuAlv-A. Congratulations to Mrs. Kincaid who had a birthday the past week. Her daughter, Mrs. Ted Hum- phries and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Kincaid, both of Toronto, were present. - II 15,. _1 n»... r ........ Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis of Scarboro attended last Sunday‘s anniversary service at the United Church. ‘ , _ _ EEK-Henry Burnett of Lemon- ville called on Mrs. Tom Burnett for a short visit last Thursday af- ternoon. A _ The sacrament of Baptism was administered at Central United last Sunday- to Kevin Arthur, Christopher Robin and Sharon Lee. children of Mr. and Mrs. Clair W. Ingram. . __ -- .u u-1~A-__ -..°- ... Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Watson and Mrs. Jack Watson and family spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson's daughter, Mrs. C. Balfour. thawa. u...†_..-_- __ Mr .and Mrs. John Walker and daughter. Margaret, motored to Hamilton to visit relatives on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Fort Erie spent Sunday with Mrs. G. A. M. Davison, Mrs. Young re- maining for the week. ,, ,1 ‘n._ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden on the birth 01 a baby girl at Markham Nursing home. Lutheran: On Sunday night. October 19, the young people of the parish met in the basement of the Lutheran church. Devotions were conduct- ed by John Fischer. Neil Stiver presided for the business meeting. Part of the program was in the form of a debate. The affirmative CORRESPONDEï¬T was taken By , Nell Stiver and Grace Fischer, the negative by John Ash and Beta Keffer: On Tuesday night, October 23, the Lutheran congregation held its‘ annual congregational supper. A1- ter the supper movie pictures were shown. , ,, _ Rev. Mr. Mortson of Stouï¬ville. Noble Dunn of Mariposa and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Empringham of Markham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Noble on Sunday after- noon. Symmthy ExQenQed ‘ Our sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs. Hartwell Powers on the death of Mrs. Powers brother-in- law, Mr. ClairS. Powers, who pass- ed away at Sunnybrook Hospital unnummmmmnummmmmmmmm CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill All Hours TUmer 4-1812 mummumum1\\\\u\\\\\u\u\u\m\nunmumlmuumummmmnmm Richmond Hill FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION UNIONVILLE NEWS MRS. IEN. RALVEY. l'NlONVILLE Phone L' nmnville 112.! on Tuesday. October 21. The funâ€" eral service was held from the Og- den funeral liome. Agincourt, on Friday with interment at Ebenezer cemetery. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife. Mrs. Sadie Powâ€" ers. The late Mr. Powers was formerly of Ebenezer and Union- ville. Variety Show A variety show sponsored by Un- ionville Home and School Assoc. was held in St. Andrew’s United \Church Hall, Markham on Friday evening, October 17. Door prizes, donated by Ernie Appleton, Mark- ham, Perkins Hardware. Unionville nd Arnold Farms. Unionville, were won by Mrs. K. Williams, Kennedy Road, Sandra Austin, Unionville and Mrs. Wheeler. Markham. Mrs. W. Bradley, Mrs. A. E. Dutï¬eld and Mrs. F. Warne. Fall Fair a I... - .... A goodly sum was made when the ladies of Central United Church held their fall fair last Sat- urday. Aprons, miscellaneous ar- ticles. white elephants. home bak- ing. vegetables. jams, candy and plants, were on sale. The CGIT re- alized a nice sum at their table of home-made candy and fancy goods. Afternoon tea and Inch were ser- ved by the Merry Maids group. Congratulations to Mr. A. .E Milner who celebrates his 82nd birthday on October 29. Late M. E. Grant “luv“ n _. -_,,, Mary Ethel Grant, wife of Kip- ling Arthur Grant, passed away at Briar Bush Hospital, Stouï¬ville, on Tuesday, October 21. The funâ€" eral service was held on the Friday following and interment was made at Melville Church cemetery. Mrs. Earl Sellars and Miss Olive Foster visited on Thursday with Mrs. Cornell and Keith at Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville. Mr. Chester Wier, Mr. J. Mom- ent and Miss Margaret Rainey vis- ited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gough, Markham. Celebrates 91“ Birthday vv.v..__-'- Mrs. Jennie Brekon was honor- ed by the attendants of Brier Bush Hospital, Stouï¬ville, who present- ed her with a gaily decorated birthday cake, complete with can- dles on October 19 which was her Dist birthday. Late A. Gillham uaw n. gunâ€"u...- Mrs. Alberta Gillham, wife of the late David Gillham. who has been in failing health for some time passed away at the home of her son in Leaskdale on October 19. She was in her 75th year and was born on the 6th concession 0! Markham. 75th Birthday I V". y.- -â€"_..., On Saturday last Thomas Nell of Unionvilie, celebrated his 75th birthday. The occasion was mark- ed with a surprise party given him vu "u... _ -'â€"-r--'- . _ by his faintly who presented him with a mantel radio and Mrs. Neil with a bouquet of carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Neil came to Canada from Ireland over twenty years ago, with A;\,uu.u v.-- -.. -__ a family of ten éhlldren - all of whom are llving except 'one daugh- ter. Public Speaking A - - . "A, -L - nun-v u..-â€" There were 13 contestants at Markham school and 10 at Button- ville for the semi-ï¬nals Public Speaking contest of Markham Township. The winners at Mark- ham were let Paul Newell. second, Hugh Furneaux, both of Markham Public School and third Shirley Risebrough of Mount Joy School. The judges were Miss M. Cole. Rev. G. H. Thomas and Rev. C. E. Fockler. At Buttonvil‘le the win- ners were let Murray Coulter, of Headtord, 2nd Betty Huston, No. 6. Victoria Square and 3rd David Hull of Unlonville. The judges were Mrs. G. G. Maynard, Unionâ€" ville and Mr. Wm. Thomas, Milli- ken. The ï¬nals were held at Union- ville school when the six winners of the semi-ï¬nal round spoke again. The winner was Murray Coulter of the Headford School. He will compete at Aurora next week in the district competition. The judges were Mrs. G. G. May- nardd. Mr. O. R. Salter, Markham and Mr. Wm. Thomas. Mllllken. Prizes will be awarded the six con- testants for their effort in this competition. Mr. and Mrs. Syd. Brammer drove to Valcartier, Que.. a week ago last Sunday to visit their dau- ghter Wynne and son-inlaw, and enjoyed a beautiful autumn trip. Their daughter’s home is in the footâ€"hills of the Laurentians and on Tuesday the tail end of an earthquake shook the house. Mr. Brammer left to return to Union- ville on Wednesday while Mrs. Brammer remained. Mrs. Russell-Brown thas return- ed after a three month‘s voyage to England. She reports a very en- joyable visit with her friends also says she found things quite normal in England. _.. .... n V, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Findlay of Thornhill, Mrs. Gordon Walker and daughter Gail of Highland Park visited Mrs. L. Rainey on Friday evening. Hospital spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. McGowan has moved into her new home. formerly owned by Rev. J. A. Anderson. We welcome her. Leave For India Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson and family left last week for the mission ï¬elds of India. They have been living in Uniom'iile on a year’s furlough. Our best wishes go with them. -. - J c’'Ciéhv:grratmlations to Mrs. Leonard Watkins who had a birthday this week. , The Unionville Fire Brigade was called out to the home of Mr. Carl Hatch on the 5th concession to a rubbish ï¬re which had got out of control. The ï¬re was soon emin- guished before much damage was done. Miss Maisie Walde of Scotland has been spending a week or two with Mr. and Mrs. Clarker‘x'oqu. Mrs. Carl Wynham of Oakville spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Davison. Mr. Matt Gerritz of Buffalo is having a visit .x‘ith Mr. and Mrs. Heimler. Bung Remit: Orange Home School Twelve members of the girls’ sorority of Lawrence Park Collegâ€" iate enjoyed a supper party with the teenagers at the Orange Home last Saturday. After playing games and dancing the group enjoyed a very sumptuous supper and the visitors left for Toronto at 6.30 Accompanied by the Matron Mrs. S Freethy and staff members of the L.T.B and Orange Home. the children attended the annual church service of the L.T.B. at the Church of the Redeemer. Toronto. on Sunday last. The Rev. Canon Hunt conducted a beautiful ser- vice of worship and the children of the Orange Home sang two num- bers. Jefferson School Community Club Owing to the fact that the anâ€" nual Hallowe' en party for the pu- pils of Jefferson School. their par- ents and brothers and sisters. falls on a Friday night the regular square dance of the Community Club will be held on Saturday. No- vember 1. The committee is planning a hard-times masquerade (don’t for- get your mask) as Well as bridge, euchre, canasta and square-danc- ing. Twelve ladies of the Elgin Mills- Jetferson district met at the home of Mrs. R. R. Threlfall, Wednesday night of last week and the bazaar convenor reports that a great deal of sewing for the bazaar has been completed. , CUIleeLCU. , Among those present were Mrs. Ed. Gamble, Mrs. D. Goulding. Mrs. Morley Moses. Mrs. Moses Sr., Mrs. Haviland, Mrs. Wm. Aus- tin, Mrs. E. Terry, Mrs. J. Cope- Com: Mn. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130r3 Junior Choir Party 7 U nun-v. y“--- .. ___V The Carrville United Church Junior Choir had a very pleasant party and lunch on Friday after- noon. Rev. E. E. Kent supervised the playing of a few games and Mrs. George, organist was in charge of the refreshments which all enjoyed. a... ...J v‘, __. Choir practise will be this Fri- day after school and the church service will be as usual, service at 2.30 pm. and Sunday School 3.20 "O [In The November meeting of the Camille Woman‘s Association will be held on Wednesday, November 5, at 8 pm. at the home of the president, Mrs. 0. Read. Miss Sheppard and Mrs. Lewis are de- votional conveners and Mrs. Read and Mrs. Middleton, social con- veners. Home and School The executive of th eCari-ville Home and School Association met on Monday evening at the school with 12 members present: There is ,,L£A__‘ V Mriand Mrs. J. Barton and Joan visited on Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson. ' Telemone 8 Monday - Friday Doors open 6.45. lst show 7.00 Saturday Doors open 5.45. lst show 6.00. Sat. Matinee at 2.00 p.m. Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Oct. 30, 31, Nov. 1 Double Feature Presentation Feature No. 1 Radios All Time Favourite Family Ozzie & Harriet David & Ricky Here Come The Nelsons Feature No. 2 Dan Clark Ben Johnson ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS Perry Como Mickey Roouey in Mon. .Tues.. Nov. 3 4 June Allyson' Judy Garland Gene Kelly Ann Southern His Kind of Woman (adult entertainment) Shï¬wing Monday and Tuesday. November 10; Words and Music Red“ Thurs. Nov. 5, 6 Robert Mitchum Jane Russell Fort Deï¬ance (ARRVILLE AURORA rince ct CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Tdephone TL'rner 4-2334 Technicolor (color) J. Barton and Joy}: land, Mrs. D. Miller. Mrs. Meikle and Miss Audrey Leary The children in Miss Leary's class at Jefferson are busy making stuffed animals and many dainty and useful items. Those in Mr. Greene's room are spending much time on beautiful, handâ€"woven belt and braces sets which will be on sale November 8 at the bazaar. Mrs. G. Neill. Pleasant View Farms. is recovering from a fall she had while visiting in Detroit recently. A. K. Ellison has now moved to Toronto from Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs. Chowan are the new res- idents at Mr. Ellison’s former home. Mr. and Mrs. George Browne, now residents of St. Thomas, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Browne‘s mother. Mrs. Darrell Goulding, Jefferson. last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gamble. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hall and Bill and Marg. Hall spent the weekend at their cottage near Fenelon Falls. We hear that some lucky per- son will take home a mantle radio. donated by the Art Gibsons of Summit Farms, at the close of the Jefferson School Community Club bazaar on November 8. Maybe you will be the lucky one. Mrs. John Passmore's many friends will be glad to hear she is steadily improving in health and is now able to be up and around for a while each day. Mr. Pass- more's aunt. Mrs. Mabel Allan. R. N., who has been attending Mrs. Passmore, has now left for her home again. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evison have another little girl in the family. A baby sister. Mary Lou, arrived for four-year-old Linda at Newmarltet Hospital on Tuesday of last week. Congratulations to all the family. Mr .and Mrs. Bob Taggart drove to Orino last week-end for a visit with their son, Dr. Robert Taggart and his family. Dr. Taggart. who was a well-known veterinarian in the west is now starting up; prac- tise in Orino. E Granulated Sugar NEW BRUNSWICK Turï¬ggm In 59 LARGE Canons BOlLlN b‘r Fowl Ib- YOUNG Duck Ib- SMOKED SLICED FRESH YOUNG BOILING ROUND STEAK OR PRIME RIB PRIME RIB PLATE BRISKET lb. LEAN STEWING All roads lead to ARNOLD FARMS, a sure place to keep up your quality standards, and yet cut down your living costs, So â€" shop and Save at Arnold Farms. BEEF No. 7 Highway and Kennedy Road OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK MARKET FINEST QUALITY WELL MATURED STEER BEEF Mrs. R POTATQEï¬i‘LJ" 2.69 Boneless 8; Rolled Chef style E'I‘HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 80, 1952 "Steady 80% Production withsuperGreens Pellets†MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE FULâ€"O-PEP Super Greens Pellels RICHMOND HILL say: Jalm Waltz, St. Mary’:, Ontario, wbo writes: Three or four unds of Super Greens Pellets per hun red birds have been fed each day to our flock all during the winter. Super Greene Pellets seem to have the extra somethln required to keep the birds in good heefth while laying heavily. They have been laying since last October and at a steady 80%. We used to wet mush our flock It noon but Super Greens Pellets are much hnndler Ind do a better job. Phone us and we will pick up your car for wash, RICHMOND HILL . D. RAMER 8: SON lb. Repairs on all cars hes, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale 69 69 45 greasmg or oil change . 1 White 8 Tb- pail SAUSIfGE 2 for 59 PURE PORK FRESH LEG YOUNG FRESH UUUUUUUUU PORK lb. 45 SMOKED WIENERS PORK RIBLETS 2Ibs. 19 HOME FED LAMB LEG [LOIN [FRONTS Whole Lambs for your locker 30 41 in an ". avenge THREE FRUIT MARMALADE McCORMICK’S ‘ Cherry Cream BlSOllll’S m. CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP 2 HALLOWE’EN KISSES m"? MASTER DOG FOOD 12 CHOICE PUMPKIN 28 100 Tb. bag to 40 m. avenge FARM STYLE - WHILE THEY LAST No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Road FARMS Large oz. Tin TURNER 4-1313 Tins AVOID LAYING SLUMPS 24 oz. Jar TU. 4-0001 2 for Tins 1-49 8-99 $1.45 lb. 33