Mrs. E. Reynolds returned home Sunday from Warminster where she spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kent, Jimmy and the newly arrived baby son. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Leece and Mr .and Mrs. Garnet Diceman of Maple visited last week- end with Mr. and Mrs Russel Harris and their daughter Grace and son of Isllngton and with Mrs. T. O. Nix- on. All attended the golden wed- ding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of Toronto. 'The Reverend S. A. R. Wood. rector of Trinity Church, 'l‘hornhill, will be celebrant at early com- munion at 8 a.m.. the Reverend B. S. K. Seeley. Provost and Vice- Chancellor of Trinity College will speak at 11 am. and the Very Rev- erend C. E. Riley, Dean of Toronto and Rector of St. James‘ Cathed~ 1:1 will preach at the evening ser- v ce. Reeve W. J. Taylor and deputyâ€" reeve K. Tomlin are attending County Council sessions this week. The annual Warden's banquet will be held Friday \evening. This coming Sunday St. Mary's Anglican Church will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the congrega- tion' and the 80th of the building at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hooke and their son and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fissler were visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Harding and family over the week-end. Miss Ethel Chapman. well-known columnist for the “Farmer's Mag- azine†will address the Richmond Hill Women's Institute on Novem- ber 13. Mrs. G. E. Clubine visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ross and her niece. Mrs. Alan How- ie of St. Lambert, P.Q.. at Mrs. Ross’ home in Toronto. Convenors for the Presbyterian Church zaar which will be held on Satur y. November 15, in the Sunday School Room are: Pillow Cases and'Aprons, etc., Mrs. J. Beresford. Mrs. G. Yerex; Pantry Shelf. Mrs. H. H. MacKay. Mrs. D. Armstrong; Baking. Mrs. F. Schis- sler. Mrs. K. Blanchard; Touch and Take, Mrs. D. Lamb and Mrs. F. Correa; Plants. Mrs. Geo. Topper; Evening Auxiliary, Mrs H. Rigby; afternoon tea, Miss M. Dawson; homemade candy, Mary MacKay and Heather Craigie. A number of members of the 10- Ial Women's Institute are attend- ing the 50th Annual Area Conven- tion at the Royal York Hotel this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston, formerly of Toronto and Uxbrldge. have moved to Richmond Hill and taken up residence in an apart- ment in the Fisher building. Yonge St. S. Mrs. Johnston is the Right Worshipful Grand Mistress of On- tario West of the L.O.B.A. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt is spending a few days in Garson with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Carle and son. RICHMOND HILL . . . Any organizations or individuals wishing to lay wreaths on the memorial are advised to notify the Vill- age Clerk not later than 12 noon Saturday, November 8. gave their lives in the Wars by attending the Remem- brance Day Service to be held on Sunday, November 9, at 3 pm. at the War Memorial. RUSSELL BYNETT Village Clerk to those of Richmond Hill and the Allied Nations who Remembrame EBay @hsername Municipality of Richmond Hill All citizens are requested to join in paying tribute The Liberal la always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. Wlhile copy will be accepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. ELGIN MILLS CORRESPONDENT SUFFERS INJURIES c1w19 Mrs. H. G. Robertson suffered a serious fall this week. On Sunday she w'as carrying her two year old son John downstairs when she lost her footing and fell. John was un- hurt but Mrs. Robertson has un- determined injuries to the hip and pelvis. CARD 0F THANKS MINERVA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE : I would like to convey my thanks to all my customers for their past patronage. It has been a privilege for me to serve you. and at this time I .would like to recommend the new proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thompson (Eve & Ben) and hope you will continue to patron- ize Minerva's Beauty Shoppe. Joe Roberts, Huck Young, Nel- son Bone, Jim Moorley, Bill Neil J11, Dave Valance and Art Clap- ham‘are hunting this week in the Magnetawan River area. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jackson wish to thank their friends and neighbours who so generously came and did their fall ploughing and other work on the farm during Mr. Jackson’s illness. c1w19 Floyd Perkins and Don Gifl'en from Richmond Hill are on a hunt- ing trip with friends this week at Commanda near North Bay. Mrs. Perkins has had a letter from Floyd to say that so far they have shotâ€˜ï¬ deer and albear. HOPCRAFT â€" Mr. and Mrs. John Hopcrait. Elgin Mills, are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Monday, October 23, at Mrs. Stanford’s Nursing Home, Rich- mond Hill. *1w19 CUNNINGHAM â€" Audrey and Bing Cunningham are proud to announce the birth of their son. David Bruce, at Saugeen Mem- orial Hospital, Southampton. on October 19. 1952. clw18 GlLPIN â€"- Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilpin, nee Kathleen Butler, of Norval, are happy to announce the birth of their son. Daniel George. at the Women's College Hospital, on Tuesday. October 28, 1952. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, popular comedy team star in the feature attraction “Sailor Beware" at The Richmond next Monday and Tuesday. There will be a matinee Tuesday at 2 pm. The Lions Club is sponsoring 8 Peanut Sale to raise funds for their charity work. There will also be a movie in the Community Hall to help the project. †iBirtbg EIF -â€" Mr. and Mrs. Erik Eif. King, Ont. are very proud to announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, November 2. at Mrs. Stanford's Nursing Home, Richmond Hill. *1w19 Organizations and individuals wishing to place wreaths on the Cenotaph next Sunday are asked to contact Clerk Russell Lynett. W. J. TAYLOR Mrs. MinniéCround Reeve Police Chief Clarence Wideman of Markham township reports that Hallowe'en night throughout the township was comparatively quiet with the exception of the 8th and 9th concessions. On these two con- cessions three youths, all in their early 20's were apprehended by police after they had allegedly knocked down 12 mailboxes. As yet no charges have been laid, but it is expected they will be charged with malicious damage. Over in the neighbouring town- ship of Vaughan Police Chief Er- nest Bone reports that Hallowe'en night was very quiet with nothing more serious than a few minor pranks customary to the occasion being reported. Mr. Bone stated his department received no complaints from irate residents or reports of damage. Quiet Hallowe’en In Markham & Vaughan Heifer calves sold exceptionally well and a baby daughter from the $700 Wm. McGriskin heifer went at $300 to Pickard & Clark, Acme, Alta. The good average was achieved without any exceptionally high priâ€" ces to bolster it.‘ Top for the day was $700 paid by W. S. Hall, Oak- ville and J. E. Houck. Brampton to Wm. McGriskin, Jr., Agincourt. for Pluto Texal Beauty, 11 three year old daughter of Lonelm Texal Highcroft. The $700 ï¬gure was reached again when Fred Hutchin- son. Malton, paid $700 to Orville F. Watson, Burlington for a four- year-old daughter of Lonelm Texal Antony. The second annual sale‘of artiâ€" ï¬cially bred Holsteins conducted by the Maple Cattle Breeders’ As- sociation which operates an Arti- ï¬cial Breeding Unit at Maple, was a splendid success with 33 head bringing $16,562 for a general avq erage of $502. The sale was held October 28 at :he Hays Sales Arâ€" ena. Oakville. Sixteen milking fe- males averaged $533; 14 bred heif- ers $432; 2 heifer calves $328 and one open yearling $220. $700 Tops For The Day This sum is an increase of $170,- 850 over 1952 assessment. Holland Marsh will be taxed on an assess- ment of $492,000 which is an in- crease of $10,050 over the past year. 1000 More Population The assessment rolls for 1953 were conï¬rmed by Ed. Reddick, King Township assessor at $5,536.- 450, when the Reeve, Elton J. Arm- strong, 'and the King Township council held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 3. Increased Assessment In 1952 the population of King township is 7,148 and this is an in- crease of 1,000 since 1951. Even so, in the year 1880 the population of this township was larger than it is today. In those days there were numerous mills, lumber mills, Splendid Average Of $502 At Annual Maple Uuit Sale Lt. Col. Clarke. D50. and Bar, York Rangers unveiled the impresâ€" sive memorial to the seven young men Harold Rowley, Earle R. Hughes. Clelland Caldwell, Will- iam Case, Welington C. Monkman Arthur Cooper. and S. McMahon, from Richmond Hill, who paid the supreme sacriï¬ce in World War I, and the 89 Richmond Hill boys who went overseas. In his unveiling address Col. W. N. Ponton. Belle- The 127th Battalion Band. Tor- onto. participated in a parade led by two little girls from the Orange Home. The order of this parade being the two little girls, the band, Village Council. Board of Educa- tion, Agricultural Society. local cadets. Oddfeilows. Orange Order, Knights of Columbus and the re- turned veterans from Richmond Hill. Unveiling and Dedication The local War Memorial in Rich- mond Hill situated directly in front of the Public School was dedicated with all the pomp and ceremony connected with such an historic event on the afternoon of Sunday. August 5, 1923. Parade King Township Population And Assessment Is On The Inaease Assessor’s Report Local War Memorial Dates Back To August Of 1923 NASTASI â€" In loving memory of our dear Norma who 'left us three years ago today. Please God forgive a silent tear, A silent wish that Norma was here: There are others, yes, we know. But she was ours and we loved her so. Three years ago we had to part With one we loved with all our heart. The wound‘s so deep it will not heal, Only those who have lost know how we feel. If we could speak with her today Laugh with her in the same old way And hear her voice and see her smile Then life indeed would be worth- while. â€"â€" Lovingly remembered by her mother ,sister Maxine and daugh- ter, Sharon. â€" Lovingly remembered by sis- ters and brothers. IRELAND â€"â€" In loving memory of our dear sister. Emma Victoria Weldrlck. who passed away on November 7, 1951. Her thoughts were all so full of us, She never could forget, And so we think that where she ls, She must be watching yet. Please. God. just let her know, That we down here do not forget, We love and miss her so. GARDINER â€" In loving memory of my dear husband, Wm. E. Gardiner. who passed away sud- denly two years ago, November 8. 1950. â€" Ever remembered by his wife Nettie and family. c1w19 4 Lovingly remémbered By Mo- ther and Dad. c1w19 COONEY â€" In loving memory of a dear son, Tom, who passed away November 6, 1949. Time may heal the broken-hearted Years may make the wound less sore But it cannot ï¬ll the longing For the loved one gone before Who shall say the grief is lessened Though the smile may hide the tears, Memories keep the wound still op- Despite the passing of the years ADAMS -â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father. Cpl. W. J. Adams, 6th C.R.T., who passed away November 3, 1950. Upright and just in all his ways, Faithful and true to the end of his days. In silence he suffered, in patience he bore, 'Til God called him home to suffer no more. â€" Ever remembered by his 10v- ing wife and ï¬ve sons. Highest price for a bred heifer was $550 paid by Allan Radley, Hemmingford, Que., to W. Thom- son, Homby, Ont, for a daughter of Lonelm Texal Antony. Another Antony daughter consigned by R. J. Darlington, Maple, brought the second highest price for a bred heifer of $540 going to Robt. C. Lanning, Waterford. Ont. Lan- ning also paid $520 to A. B. Snider, Brampton, Ont. for a three-year old daughter of Lonelm Texal Pickwick, saw mills, woollen mills, etc. where men were employed. When the railroad went through the villages, the young men left the district and travelled to Bruce and Grey coun-‘ ties and to the wheat farms of the prairies. Court of Revision A Court of Revision was sworn in by the township clerk. Harold Rose and only four small claims were received. The claim of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, Toronto. that their cottage. north of Temperance- ville was taxed $8 too high was re- jected. The claim of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fernier that their assess- ment of $450 included a trailer. which has now been removed, was allowed. Two claims from Oak Ridge Park were re-assessed back to C. J. MeadoWs. Bred Heifer Bings $550 The memorial. an elaborate one. is in the form of an octostyle col- onade, and is built of grey stone. Eight columns support the entab- leture which is semi-circular in shape. On slx panels on the base are cut the names of six of the men who paid the supreme sacri- ï¬ce. Several broad stone steps lead up to a small stone terrace at the base of the monument. Direct- ly in front of these steps is 3 Ger- man trench mortar on a stone base. At one end of the colonade stands a massive block of stone support- ing a flagpole. On the stone is in~ scribed the names of those who ser- ved in the War. The late J. A. Greene acted as Master of Ceremonies. Parents of four of the fallen men Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Monkman Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes and Mr and Mrs. C. Coo- per were present and laid wreaths on the newly dedicated memorial. Elaborate Mmorlal it was dedicated had exempliï¬ed the Empire's watchword ~ man- hood. They are the immortals, we are the transients". ville. declared “that those to whom In memoriam Stop 23 Yonge St. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Acts 4:12: - - - for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Meeting in Concord Schoo! Home Each Lord’s Day evening 3113 0-31. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am. Sunday School .......... 10 am. Worship . . . . . ........... 11 3.1m Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sundny, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1952 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer LANGSTA FF BAPTIST CHURCH CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1952 Church Service ........ 2.30 pm Sunday School ........ 3.20 pm TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1952 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1952 Hope Sunday School ........ 10 am. Church Service withdrawn Edgeley Sunday School ........ 1.30 pm. Church Service ...... 2.30 pm. Maple Sunday School .10. 30 a m. Church Seivice .......... '7 p. m You are cordially invited to these services. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D., Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1952 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 10 am. â€" Bible Class 11 a.m. â€"- ‘Remembrance Day 1952’ 7 pm. â€" ‘Everyday Heroes' REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1952 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Junior Sunday School and Nursery at' 11 am. 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Worship All'welcome (Convention of Ontario 3; Quebec) Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A., Minister Worship Service every Sunday morning at 11.00 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1952 Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1952 10 am. â€"- The Church School 11 am. â€" Remembrance Day Ser- vice The Minister Wed., NOV. 12 â€"â€" W.M.S. at the home of the Misses Cunningham, 39 Reaman St., 2.30 pm. THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A.. B.D.. minister PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 am. â€"- Divine Worship 11.15 am. â€" The Church School Come and worship. Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. St. James'. Cathedral The Rector and Canon Wood- cock wlll conduct the services, assisted by the Lay Readers, H. Hill and D. Little Provost and Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College. Toronto 7 pm. â€" Service of Praise and ’ Thénksgiving Preacher, Rev. C. E. Riley. D.D.. Dean of Toronto and Rector of 90th Anniversary 8 am. â€" Holy Communion Celebrant â€"'â€" Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector Trinity Church. Thornhill 11 am. â€" Service of Praise and Thanksgiving Preacher ,Rev. R. S. K. Seeley. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond HUI Rev. W. F. erxon. L. TIL. Rector SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1952 BDWDEN [UMBER COMPANY Visitors always welcome. BRETHREN EN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN D. D.. LL. D.. D. C. I... All are cordially invited CHURCH OF CHRBT and Sunda_y School THORNHILL (Established 1880) Mrs. Frank Purvis, Mrs. Fred Broom Jr. and Miss Mary Read visited on Thursday with Mrs. Clif- ford Anderson of Downsview. Mr. Gilbert, senior teacher of Carrville Public School, had a very successful party with his pupils on Friday evening. Many and varied were the costumes worn by the pu- pils and the evening was spent in games and ducking for apples. During the evening lunch was ser- ved. Miss Wilson, the junior teach- er, had a party with her pupils in the afternoon. Mrs. Florence Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evringham and children, all of Toronto had dinner Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evringham visited recently at the Wood home. I 11.: Mrs. am Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 The autumn tea ,bake sale and bazaar held on October 29 was very successful both ï¬nancially and so- cially. The church was nicely dec- orated with autumn leaves. The bake table had delicious cakes, pies, tarts, cookies. biscuits and fancy breads. also home-made can- dy for sale and numerous articles were offered at a bazaar table. It was very pleasant seeing friends from Richmond Hill, Rich- vale. Thornhill and Concord and surrounding district. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Middleton were Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte of Kes- wick for dinner and Mrs. Heming- way and daughter Kay of Steeles Corners for tea. Hallowe’en Party SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School is temporarily held in Richyale P. S. at 3 p.m. This Sunday will begin a series of Old Testament studies on “THE LIFE OF JOSEPHâ€. Parents are also urged to attend with their children and make this a family Bible hour. PB. -- Good news has come from the Vaughan Township Building Department that construction of the chapel may. be continued again. will be held in the home of Mr. ,Smart, 65 Madawaska Ave., Friday at 8 pm. A. Linder, Manheim, Pa. 1.30 pm. â€"- Special Anniversary Services Speakers E. J. Swalm, Duntroon, Ont.; Anniversary Sermon. H. A. Linder. 7 pm. â€"- Visit to the Holy Land Sunday 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m._â€"â€"7 :I‘opic - Angels - by H bx E. J. Swalm Man’s Need of Regeneration - H. A. Linder Monday, November 10 Services continuing all day, com‘ mencing at 10 am. Speakers E. J. Swalm and H. A. Ginder. (Noon Lunch provided) Come, spend these two days of in- spirational services with us. A we!- come awaits you. 7.30 pm. Wed. - Midweek Prayer Service NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East of Yongo On Madawaska Ave.. Stop 128 Pastor F. Vaughn 8. Th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1952 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School Movies of the Sunday School Parade will be shown 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Thursday 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting Frl., 2.30 pm. â€"â€" Ladies' Meet- _ ing in the Homes Frl.. 4.10 pm. -â€" Happy Hour 8 pm. -â€"- Intermediates A CONGREGATIONAL SOCIAL Gormley "HEISE HILL" Pastor, A. L. Winger Special Bible Conference and An- niversary Servic'e, November 9 and 10, 1952 nidnu-y Meeting. Fri" 8 pan. â€" Young t‘eoplen Soc. ‘7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pan. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting T121211, 2 p.m. â€" Women's Mil- BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH (under erection) CARRVILLE Richvale Chapel TU. 4-1121 ONT ARIO Municipality of the VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL County of York PUBLIC NOTICE 'is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Village of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber, Richmond Hill. on Monday, November 17. 1952, at 7 p.m., to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the Assess- {nent Roll of the Municipality of he Village of Richmond Hill for the year 1952. All parties interest- ed are requested to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Richmond Hill, Novem- ber 3, 1952. OAK RIDGES PHONES: TUrner 4-1701 Formerly of Gerrard Heintzmnn Work Guaranteed, Free Estimate: Phone Liberal Oï¬icu TUrner 4-1261 lllllllllllllllllll If the owner of a 1940 Oldsmo- blle serial No. 0351901184, license No. 7278Y51 does not pay storage and repair bill Within 21 days car will be sold for amount owing against same. NOTICE WIRING LINE WORK STUART PAXTON Electrician THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Nov. 6, 1952 ,8 DONE IN YOUR OWN HOME Licensed Hairdresser 164 Spruce Ave. Richvale Phone Turner 4-1966 James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating Court of Revision RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk, Village of Richmond Hill Sheet Metal Work Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer41872 REPRESENTING J. A. \X/ILLOUGHBY AND SONS. ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Machineless Permanents PIANO TUNING SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill - For Service at it’s Best - - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Phone TUrner 4-1016 ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE E. CHARITY and Repairing FRANK’S GARAGE Richvale. Ont. S. Hoffman HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 Richmond Hill King 111 Aurora 46-J 3!} HERE I NO. 1 WASHED Carrots Florida Oranges Tomato Soup SQUARE DEAL Peas 2‘? °' 29c NEW CROP Tomato Juice CAMPBELL’S MDRLEY’S Pork & Beans Dog Food Tea Bags Apples Shortening Orange Juice HORSEY‘S SWEETENEB. LIBBY’S GENTLE PRESS LIPTON’S ‘SPECIAL OFFER’ McINTOSH LIBBY’S DEEP BROWNED SOCIETY NEW DOMESTIC SPECIALS Self Serve RICHMOND HILL SIZE 250's 600D FOOD 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Pkgs. 30’s 20 01. Tina 20 oz. Thu 10 oz. Tins 48 on. Tin 23c 62c 29c 27c 30c 35c 37c 14c 29c 35c