Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1952, p. 7

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Phone TUrner 4-1313 M IV 0 9r: , 056/: ’I WEDNESDAY, NW. 19th at 1.30 pm. This group includes Doneddy Northern Clover, first and only cow of the breed to ' make 1000 lbs. of fat on 2 tlmes a day. milking She has 4 Honor Roll records in three years (all 2X milkings) Honor Roll 4th 2 yr. old 11448M 680 fat Honor Roll lst 5 yr. old 16483 M 1000 fat Honor‘Roll 3rd 6 yr old 14608M 874 fat) 2 records in yr. Honor Roll 2nd 6 yr. old 13021M 762 fat) On test again and in 3 mos. over 4600M average test 5.4 She has one son, two daughters, 3 granddaughters in the sale The E. P. McQuarrie herd is a very productive herd of untested cows which in 1951 had the top selling heifer, and in 1952 top selling cow in the York-Simcoe Sale TO BE HELD Ist Farm Nth. of Oak Ridges School VACCINATED -- ACCREDITED â€"â€" BLOOD TESTED The complete dispersal of the select herd of GUERNSEY AUCTION BILL FULLER, OAlK RIDGES, ONT. with added consignments from herd of E. P. McQUARRIE, MAPLE PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers TU. 4-1131 Bulldozirig - Excayafiing - Graciing Ditching - Dragline Work under the ailspices of the Vellore Sr. Women‘s Institute So before you buy any fuel at all. find out how you can get steady winter heat at less cost with ‘blue coal‘! The world‘s finesbanthracite is colored blue for your protection. Phone us today; On what you decide now depends your entire winter’s heatingâ€"with all that it means in healthful comfort. less furnace attention and greater economy. TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNIA - KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH IN VELLORE COMMUNITY HALL ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, AT 3 PM. Sale of aprons. knitted goods, quills. miscellaneous articles,ktouch and take table. home baking. candy. Tea 25c ‘ CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS Richmond Hill Office 8 Yonge St. South SMITH B MILLABD TELEPHONE - KING 4 7 - \X/ For information and folders write Bill Fuller, Oak Ridges BAZAAR E3 TEA THE WORLD'SER‘ESLANTHRACITE 0N N0. 11 HIGHWAY. (YONGE ST.) 20 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO, ONT. SALE HELD INSIDE FOR SAFE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING I. D. RAMER & SON Your BRANCHES: SUBURBAN SPECIALIST BRUCE HODGINS RE. 9354 Pedigrees Richmond Hill Fire Mrs. L. Colquhoun and Miss Ina Morrison of Havelock spent the week-end with Misses Ila and Vera Weighill. .Hm; The Unlonville Fire Brigade was called out about 11 am. on Friday- to fight a rubbish fire which had 1slot out of control at the home of r. C. Hatch on the 5th con. The fire was extinguished and little dam- age was done. Mrs. Carl Wyndham'ot Oakville visited her mother, Mrs. Davison, on Friday. Mrs. Earl Sellars and family and Miss Viola Foster visited Thursday with Mrs. Connell and Keith at the Cream of Barley Camp. Bowman- mummmmumuumnmnnmmuunnmmmmmmummmmu Miss Maisie Whlde of Scotland is spending a week or two with Mr. and Mrs: Cilarke Young. , Mrs. Milner reports to us this week that an Easter Lily she has grown is now in full bloom. This is very unusual for this time of year. We are pleased to hav Mr. J. Smith and family who are oving to the house formerly owned by Mrs. Dukes. Mr. Smith is a local dealer in heating and tinsmithing. Mrs. Fred Reesor of Port Perry was a week-end visitor with her sister, Mrs. H. H. Powers. CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RIBE’S FLOWER SHOP Our sympathy is extended to the Denby family in the death of their mother. 74 year old Mrs. Ada Den- by, who passed away after several weeks illness, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ross Bord, on the 4th concession of Markham, Satur- day, October 25. She was the for- mer Ada Ground, widow of Robert Denby. ; mnmmmuuuummunmnmnmmmImm1n\liuutmummmmmmm Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baron of 0t- tawa and Mr. Bob Steel of Sarnia were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Butt over the week-end. Easter Lily Mrs. Spencer Roys and Mrs. R. O-' Grady from Mount Clemens. Mich., spent ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Milner. Mr. H. H. Powers and son Hart- well spent the week end at their cottage near Hall‘s Lake. The Unionville Junior Farmers are holding a special service in Central United Church at 7.30 p.m. Sunday. November 2. Rev. Hunter of Schomberg will be guest speak- er. Special music will be provided by Cedar Grove choir. Miss Lily Dyke of Aurora is vls- iting this week at the home of her nephew Mr. C. A Dyke and with Mrs. Hiltz Church Decorated The beautlfm mums which dec- orated Central United Church on Sunday were placed there by Mrs. W. Sellars in memory of her late husband who died a year ago. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Milnér and their cousins were visitors last week at Scugog and Millbrook. Tliev morning service at C. U. Church will still commence at 11.15 am. until furthen notice. Sunday morning at St. Philips Anglican Church there was a spec- ial children’s service. Rev. Bourne. the Rector was the speaker. Nearly Injured We are sorry to héar of the ill- ness of Mrs. W. Noble. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Clifford Cox narrowly es- caped very serious injury last Sat- urday while he was disconnecting the hose from the car of oil he had been unloading into Perkins’ oil Lruck. The train unexpectedly shunting slightly injured his shoul- ler and arm as he jumped to safe- Jr. Farmers CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LEN. RAINEY, UNIONVILLE All Hours TUmer 4-1812 44 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION The color guarantees the quality UNIONVILLE NEWS Phone Uniohville 112J A number of Unlonvllle farmers were guests at a banquet at the summer residence of Mr... George Kellough. mile and a quarter west of Elgin Mills on the 2nd of Vaugh- an. Four or five hundred were in attendance. Clare Rouse was the entertainer. _Short addresses were given by Mr. Burton, Thomhill and Mr. Lance Rumble. Everett Har- per of Unionville expressed the thanks of the guests for the very enjoyable evening. W “V“, . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster of Malvern and Mr .and Mrs. Jack Harper and Kaherine spent Sun- day afternoon with Mrs. C. Sellars. Congratulationg to litttle Chris- tine Sanderson who celebrated her first_ birthd_ay_1_ast Saturday. The W. A. of Central United Church held its meeting in the schoolroom on October 30 at 2.30 pm. Mrs. A. E. Milner. the pres- ident, presided. It was decided to have the November meeting in the evening and invite the ladies of the congregation and their hus- bands. Rev. W. Thornleo of Zephyr will give a talk and show pictures of his work in Newfoundland. The December meeting will be a joint meeting with the W.M.S. on Thursday Dcember 11. The nomin- ating committee is to consist of Mrs. Pollard. Mrs. W. Sellars and Mrs. E. Caseley. Mrs. Gordon Kent and son spent a few days last week in Toronto, visiting with her two aunts. Home From Alberta Mr. and Mrs. A. Toogood and Bobbie have returned after a two month visit to Alberta. While there they drove along the Alaska High- way to Fairbanks and Anchorage. They found the Alaska Highway a good gravel road which was very pleasant to travel on. The round trip from Edmonton was about 5,000 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Norton spent a few days this week with her mo- ther at Bobcaygeon. . OF FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS’ LIST Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 12 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Unionville. Ontario, on the 8th day of November, 1952, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that \such list remains there for inspection. A Very painful accident was suf- fered by Billie Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, who ac- cidentally jumped onto a fork causing the tines to go right through one leg into the other The wounds required a number of stit- ches He is progressing favorably. False Alarm The Unionville Fire Brigade was called out on a false alarm Hallow- e'en nightwhen the Flaska barns were thought to be ablaze. Banquet And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. the last day for appeal being the 22nd day of November. 1952. Dated at Unionville, Ontario this 5th day of November. 1952. CHAS. HOOVER. Clerk Township of Markham Mr. Milton Findlay, Mr. Wingall, Mr. Sheppard and Chuck Maynard are among the group who left for the deer hunting grounds Saturday night. Mr .and Mrs. Andy Morrison and family of Penetanguishense spent the week-end with her mo- ther, Mrs. Court, Victoria St. Injured Thursday. October 30, the third euchre of the W. A. Veterans was held in the Veterans' Hall. There were 12 tables present and prizes were won by the following-Ladies lst a set of bowls by Mrs. Malsie Allison with a score of 103. Score of 100 for second was won by Mrs. P. Smith a candy dish. Men’s lst was won by Mr. Ken Stiver who refused to accept it as he had won so many before with 97; 2nd with score of 96, a cribbage board by Mr. Joseph Todd of Milliken. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawrie 9n the birth of a daughter at Markham Nursing Home. Miss Nancy B. Rae. B. A.. Reg. N.. Unionville, who has spent the past seven months on duty in King Edward VII Memorial Hospital at Hamilton. Bermuda. arrived at Dorval Airport. Montreal. by TCA October 24. Miss Rae gives a most interesting account of her exper- iences having arrived in Bermuda in time for the Festival of the Lil- lies, which is one of the world's greatest spectacles. She also wit- nessed the International Yacht Races in which 58 racing vessels from different countries of the wolld took part. She reports the temperature as equable. never go- ng higher than 84 degrees although the humidity is often 90. Euchre Mrs. Wm. Sanderson returned home from the East General Hos- pital after a serious operation and is improving nicely. Mrs. H. G. Young spent Friday of last week with her mother. Mrs. G. A. M. Davison. Nurse Returns From Bermuda Mrs. Davison's daughfer, Mrs. H. G. Young and husband of Toronto are moving to Montreal this week. as Mr. Young’s business connec- tions call him there. Mrs. Russell-Bron“ has returned after a three month‘s voyage to England. She reports a very enjoy- able visit with her friends and says. that things are quite normal in England. Mary Ethel Grant. wife of Mr. Kilping Arthur Grant passed away at Briar Bush Hospital. Stoufiville on Tuesday. October 21. Congratulations to Mr. A. E. Milner who celebrated his 82nd birthday on October 29. Returns Congratulations to Mrs. E. Case- ley who had a birthday October 28 ville TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM CLERK‘S NOTICE on money By-laws, to a by-law of the Township of Markham author- iz‘mg the Issuing of debentures for the said purpose not exceeding the said sum of $75,000. repayable over a five year term. AVuu-A -v- --.-.._V. Sunday, November 9, Rev. Al- bert Stoll will be in charge of the service. Soloist will be Mr. Pike from Zion Hill Church. A cordial welcome is extended to all to attend these Thanksgiving services. a total Capital Expenditure not ex- ceeding the sum of $75,000. for the said purpose and for an order dis- pensing with the assent of the el- ectors. or those qualifieci to vote Vavv ~v...D..-, - . V , The Young Peoples Rally this Friday will be under the leader- ship of Rev. Norman Rowan and the young people from Stouffville Youth For Christ. _ AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE. that at the said time and place The Ontario Municipal Board will be asked ,by the Corporation of the Township of Markham to approVe .. ...- ,-__ DATED "at the Township of Markham this fourth day of Nov- ember, 1952. v- u“. yum.--“ Rev. D. A. Hacket was guest speaker on Wednesday while Rev. W. N. Charlton will take the ser- vice tonight, November 6 at 8 pm. LLlA BOARD . IN THE MATTER of Sections 66 and 67 of “The Municipal Board Act" (R.S.O. 1950 Chapter 262) and in the matter of an application by The Township of Markham for disâ€" pensation of a vote in regard to the proposed expenditure of $50,000. for the purpose of constructing 3 Municipal Office Building. -.-_..--.r__ v w , TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed THURSDAY, the 20th day of Nov- ember, 1952, at the hour of TEN o'clock in the forenoon, at the Vet- eran’s Hall. Unionville, in the Township of Markham, as thextlme and place for the continuation of the Hearing of the application of the Township of Markham herein, and for hearing all persons interes- ted in the support of or opposing the application of the Corporation of the Township of Markham made pursuant to sections 66 and 67 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act for an order dispensing with a vote of the ratepayers. and the approv- ing of the said Capital Expendi- ture Langstal‘f Baptist Church Thanks- giving services were well attended last Sunday morning and evening when Dr. Blandin was the guest speaker. Soloist was Miss Monica Bernard. This week is Anniver- sary Feasts of Thanksgiving and will feature song-fests and musical treats, drama festival, travelogues and fortune telling Act52:21 to cel- ebrate the founding and extension of the church. , Mrs. G. Tutt, Church St, enter- tained a group of ladies from Wes- ton, Thornhill and Richvale last week when she was hostess at a demonstration and received as her prize of the evening, an electric coffee maker. Church News J. D. LUCAS, Q. C. 1009 Lumsden Building. Toronto Solicitor for the Applicant. the Corporation of the Township of Markham The rummage sale being super- vised by Mrs. W. A. Curtis, 8 Mor- gan Drive, will he held at the Ar- my and Navy Hall at Steele's, ra- ther than at Lansing as previously reported. Mrs. C. Edney of Bradford is vis- iting with her daughter. Mrs. Mel Holt, for the next two weeks, while Mr. Edney is in Northern Ontario, on a hunting trip. Mrs. Karr of Cookstown, a sister of Mrs. Edney was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holt, No. 7 east for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan. Yonge St. ,spent Sunday of last week vis- iting relatives and friends at Barâ€" rie. The Jr. W. I. will hold its Nov- ember meeting at‘the home of Miss Fern Boyes. Garden Ave. Roll call will be Healthful Hints Ancient and Modern. Miss Dorothy Gribble was chosen to atttend the Area convention being held at the Royal York Hotel as delegate for the Branch. Kirby Brock, a local insurance agent, was in Pine Grove on Fri- Mrs. Lloyd Kerswill met with a painful accident last week when their car went into a ditch while they were returning home from their cottage at Brock's Beach. Mrs. Kerswill had her ankle broken and is now in a Toronto hospital. Her many friends hope she will soon be home and around again. Prevent Fire Jr. W. I. A speedy recovery is wished for Eileen Kyle who is recuperating at her home in Teston after a tonsil- ectomy. Accident Members of Vaughan Council and Maple Firemen met with the Markham Firemen last week to see a demonstration of their new fire equipment Personals Mrs. J. R. Jenner of Toronto vis- ited with Mrs. Isaac Watson on Thursday. October 28. Mrs. Claire Lake of Binghamp- ton. New York. is visiting with Mrs. G. W. Bailey. Meeting It’s much easier and cheaper to elephone TUrner 4-1261 and -in- Guests of Mrs. Isaac Watson last week were Mrs. Edward Lawry. Mrs. Gegis and son John of Tor- onto. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. STO'I'I‘S 18 Church St... Langstafl THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL Notice of Hearing LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN of envelopes. Try MAPLE NEWS omlr o addre Phone Maple 19R5 Mr. and Mrs. Garner and family of Fairview Ave., entertained a number of friends ,neighbors and relatives of Joe Greenfield on the occasion of a surprise birthday party for Joe last Saturday even. ing at their home. Guests came from Toronto, Markham, Langstaff and Richvale. Refreshments were served by the hostests. Good news has come from the Vaughan Township Building Dept. that construction on the Richvale Chapel may be continued. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lund on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. William Devins of Islington Mr. and Mrs. A1 West and son John of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lund and son John of Emery. Mr. George'Lund is progressing favourably after a heart attack re- cently. Mrs. John Hemphill of Cobourg visited with Mrs. Arthur Lawrie last week. At the regular service in St. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church on Sunday., November 9 at 11 am. the new organ will be dedicated. day. October 31. when he noticed a large hedge opposite the stgre of Mr. R. Hobson on fire. Only the quick action of Mrs. Hobson and Kirby with buckets of water pre- vented a serious fire. New Organ TOMATO SOUP 2 WHIP SUGAR MIRACLE .l- llleh Wu Hallo vv ‘1‘; ¢v;wyu u; -vvâ€"--_ ~-v_-- v- STEER BEEP ROAST “1- L5 DOG FOOD 12 1.45 CAMPBELL’S Finest Quality Well Matured BISCUITS HUNTS FRUIT COCKTAIL Whole Lambs for Your Locker 30 to 40 lb. av. lb.‘ 41 PUMPKIN GRANULATED HOME FED LEG Roast CHOICE CANNED MASTER MCCORMICK’S Lean Minced STEAK lb. 39 No. 7 Highway and Kennedy Road OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK MARKET LARGE 32 oz. JAR 100 1b. bag LOIN Roast AV. 5-2434 SHOP AT ARNOLD FARMS & SAVE LARGE 28 oz. Tin GOLD SEAL ARNOLI) FARMS 15 oz‘ Tins THE LIBERA‘L, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Nov. 6, 1952 Tins Feed less Mush, More Grain wiih FRONT Q’TERS REDUCE voun cosw PER DOZEH Eccsae I. D. RAMEB 8: SON MEL’S CITIES SERVICE GARAGE RICHMOND HILL 8.99 RICHMOND HILL Phone us and we. will pick up your car for FUl-O-PEP 23 35 Repairs on all cars fires, Batteries & Accessories Used Cars for Sale m POTATOES $1,:- 2.6 FRESH PORK SIDE RIBS lb. 37 PURE PORK SAUSAGE 223:; Fresh Leg Chickens 'b- 47 Fowl , m. 35 FRESH YOUNG ROASTING Ducks w. 59 YOUNG BOILING Turkeys 55 FRESH YOUNG WHOLE 0R HALF LEG PURE LARD NEW BRUNSWICK greasing or oil change 20 lb. PAIL Round Steak or smmm lb. â€"â€"- STEAKS 91 RUMP-Ih .‘ ROAST TENDER FLAVORFUL SQUARE 0R ROU No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Road FARMS Smoked Sliced HONEY 2 lbs PURE WHITE TURNER 4-1313 PAH '59 TU. 4-0001 '67 RD END

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