Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1952, p. 7

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Phone TUrner 4-1313 Mumummmmumumnmumummuuumum“munmmmnummunumummuuuuuummmmmnInmmuumnmnumnmmuummn? CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED â€" MONTREAL Did you know? Between 1945 and the end of 1951, the general wholesale prices index in Canada increased 82 per cent. Dur- ing the same period, the selling prices index of C-l-L manufactured products increased only 35 per cent. DAUGHTER’S SUITCASE is a junior edition of mother's in this happy holiday picture. “Fabrikoid” and “Fabrilite” are very popular for luggage. The chances are these versatile materials were used for the little girl's shoulder bag, mother's handbag and the car upholstery, too. These chemical materials are easy to clean. inex- pensive and resistant to scufiing. TEMPER SAVER is this new polythene plastic tray that releases ice cubes in a jiffy, all at once or one at a time. No more jabbing with : knife or holding under the tap. “Just flick the wrist", says this pretty miss. Polythene is odorless, tasteless. . . won't freeze in the refrigerator may compartment. Picture News from C-I-L finest anthraciteâ€"how it gives steadier winter heat. cleaner and more healthful operationâ€"how it saves money, saves labor. Phone us today. -,\ “blue coal” m I..D. RAMER & SON the color guarantees the quality! CAPTURING summer activities with your camera gets a lot of help from Du Pont “Varigam” projection paper now available in Canada. Provides ten contrast grades in a single paper, gives hi&h quality prints of the right contrast from every negativeâ€" thin, normal or dense. Ask your dealer about “Varigam” or write C‘I-L. PO. Box 10, Montreal. Richmond Hill On November 5 a number from here attended the parents' night Mrs. Audrey Chapman of Sault Ste. Marie is visiting her sisters, Mrs. H. Maynard and Mrs. C. May- nard. Inter-School Christian A very pleasant evening was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Maunder on Monday evening when the Un- ionville and Markham Business and Professional Women met. Mrs. Ab- rams. public health nurse, spoke to the ladies. Mr. Bill Shearn. Mr: Reg. Court and Mr. Ham Maynard are deer hunting this week. Mrs. D. Harrington and daugh- ter of Toronto called on friends in the village Sunday last. .Mrs. G. Walker and daughter Gail of Highland Park district vis- ited her aunt Mrs. L. Rainey on Sunday. 3 & P W. Assoc. Mr. Ovidlo Melo. Vice Consul in charge of the Brazilian Consulate for Ontario, and Mrs. Melo, attend- ed the Veterans Hallowe'en party at Unlonvllle as guests of Mrs. Ben Sugarman of Cashel Corners. Mr. Melo told about the great car- nival in Rio De Janiero each year. when all places of business close up for the week to enable everyone to enjoy the carnival. He told us how delighted both he and Mrs. Melo were to have the opportunity to attend a Canadian party. Mrs A. C. Kennedy, Mrs. Gordon Ogden and Mrs. M. H. Thompson of Unionville were guests of Mrs. G. Curtis on Monday at Birch Cliff. Mrs. Frank Warne has been on the sick list with flu the past week. Sorry to hear of theiillness of Mrs. J. A. Fleming, but glad to hear she is improving. Mr. Roy Foot is now living at the south restaurant. We extend him a warm welcome. The members of the WA. and Gleaners of St. Philips Anglican Church, Unionville. are very busy preparing for the Christmas bazaar which is to be held in the church basement, November 22. from 3 to 5 pm. Supper will be served at 5 pm. There will be tables of dolls' clothes, Touch and Take. Baâ€" king, Aprons and Miscellaneous. fruit and bran tubs for the child- ren.’ “ME _Hv.u.â€"I_e~nsen and Mr. H. H. Powers spent' a couple of days away hunting last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner spent the week-end visiting friends in Castletown. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Galbraith of Port Colborne are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mllner Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Brammer who have another grand- son the past week. Brazil Vice-Consul Mrs. S. Connell and son Keith of Bowmanvilie were visitors on Mon- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sellars. Bazaar ’Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marshall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. .H. Powers It was also the occasion of Mrs. Brown's birthday. On Saturday ev- ening their family surprised them by having a number of relatives and friends in for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were the recipients of many lovely gifts. We also welcome Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family who have moved into the Arnold apartments on No. 7 highway. Miss Mary Hiltz is spending a vacation in Florida. Mrs. Betty Harley of Mitchell, 0nt., spent the week end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Butt. Mrs. 'HenryvAilan has been on the sick list the past week. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Scott and family, also Mr. Scott's father of Toronto, have moved to the house formerly occupied by Miss Verna Pearce. Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. H. Stephenson, who is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. Baldwin at Aurora. Anniversary and Birthday Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown who celebrated their 23rd anniversary on Sunday. Mr. Ralph Morrow of Toronto and Miss Ruby Brown, Dianne and Murray Brown of Willowdale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brown. Mr. Alvin Brown of New- ark, N.J.. spent the week end with his mother and father. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LEN. RAINEY, UNIONVILLE UNIONVILLE NEWS Phone Unionville 1121 Don't forget the pancake supper sponsored by the Lions Club to be held at the Ridge Inn on Tuesday, November 18 from 5 to 8 pm. Pro- ceeds for the welfare"fund. The very popular euchres held every two weeks at the Ridge Inn started on Monday. November 10. Come along and enjoy the fun, proceeds The following Oak Ridges people attended the dinner meeting of York Central District Council of Boy Scouts held at Lansing last Friday. Scoutmaster Sidney Shel- drake. Assistant Scoutmaster War- ren Broad and Mrs. Broad. Cub- master Miss Strachan and Mrs. C. E. Cassidy. president of the Mo- thers‘ Auxiliary and member of the group committee. Chairman of the group committee, Mr. Jack Blyth arrived in time to hear the speaker. Regional Commissioner. Mr. Robert Johnson. Pancake Supper The principal and teachers of Oak Ridges School held open house on Wednesday night when the parents of the pupils had an opportunity to meet the teachers and View the work of their child- ren. Tea and cookies were served by the girls of grades 7 and 8. A collection taken for the school Red Cross Group brought in $4.00. Dinner Meeting Oak Ridges Ladies Auxiliary for Scouts and Guides met at the Oak Ridges School on Tuesday of last week. After the usual business session a social time was enjoyed enabling the mothers to get better acquainted. The president. Mrs. C. E. Cassidy was in the chair. Open House . A small fire at the farm of Mr. Harvey Mashinter, King sideroad, on Friday night caused $200 dam- age to a storage shed, and damage to 300 bags of potatoes. Caused by an overheated turnip waxer the loss was covered by insurance. Au- rora firemen kept the blaze from spreading to‘ a nearby barn. Auxiliary Mr. Crossfield, subbing for Mr. DeWitt showed three films, one on forest conservation. one on the training of firefighters and a car- toon called the Mouse Trapper. Mrs. Robert Rickward is a pat- ient in York County Hospital, New- market, and her neighbor Mrs. Robért Woolley is in the Toronto General Hospital. Small Fire Oak Ridges Lions Club held its first father and son or daughter night on November 3 at the Ridge Inn. After the usual bountiful dinnner the program which was planned for the children started off with a sing-song, which included several numbers in Norwegian sung by Lion Kjell Styrmo. Hakim. a Hindu Fakir and a slave girl were special guests and brought with them a gift of candy for each son or duaghter. A contest for new scholars has been conducted for several weeks. Prize winners for the contest were for the boys Kenneth Wright and for the girls Donna Munro Mrs. Wolgemuth also spoke at the evening service held at the school at 7 30 p. m. Euchre Club The following members of the Thursday Euchre Club enjoyed a visit to a show and a dinner in Tor- onto last Saturday. Mrs. K. Weston, Mrs. George Gourlay, Mrs. Nor- man Neal. Mrs. A. Giddings, Mrs. T. Leithead and her sister, Mrs. Potts, Mrs. Ernie Atcheson. Mrs. Ed. Clark and Mrs. A. Phillips. Father & Son Banquet Mrs. Howard Wolgemuth of Mount Joy, Penna.. was the guest speaker at the Sunshine Sunday School on Sunday morning. A spe- cialist in child evangelism the speaker held her audience spell- bound with “magic” tricks used to illustrate her Bible Truths. A very fine example of visual aids being used to fasten her lessons on the minds of the boys and girls. The Henderson sisters sang two numbers. 7 Miss Anne Stephenson has been invited to sing at a musical at St. Andrew‘s College Sunday, Novem~ ber 16. The executive of the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepayers Assoc- iation will meet on Tuesday Nov- ember 18. Mr. Gordon Rowe, Elm Grove Avenue suffered a heart attack last week and will be confined to his home for at least two weeks. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hope las tweek-end were Mr. and Mrs. H. Pigram and daughter Di- ane of Toronto and Mr. T. Clubine, Audrey and Douglas of King. Sunshine Sunday School Mr. Cosmo LoPatrielIo is 2 dirâ€" ector of the hobby show being held in the Aurora United Church on October 15. There was an exceptionally large crowd attended the Veterans' bin- go which was held in the town hall on Friday night. Many went home carrying very beautiful prizes al- together it proved to be a very successful evening. Mr. J. W. Perkins of Unionville is busy repairing his building at Stoufiville known as the Stouff- ville Motors which was damaged in a_ recent fire. of the Markham group of the Inter School Christian Fellowship. Dr. Paul Roberts recently returned from Ecuador where he assisted in the development of the medical branch of Radio Station HCJB, showed his film "Voice of the An- des". which was greatly enjoyed by parents and students. 'M'rs. F. Roberts and Mrs. H. H powers are both on mg sick list. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Watson spent Sunday at the home of their daugh- ter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Bagg, Thornhill. Mrs. VerE'Good of Oshawa visit- ed Mrs. H. Graham for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Watson visited their son and wife Mr. and Mrs‘ Robert Watson on Sunday. Euchre OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE: KING 180M! Due to increased help our hours will be from 9-6 Monday 9-9 Tuesdny 9-6 Wednesday 9-6 Thursday 9-9 Friday We would like all ladies to note our new business hours. The Elm Grove Association which covers property ‘owners on Wild- wood Ave., Willowdale Ave. and Rosemary Ave.. and whose presi- dent is Toni Dawson, held a meet- ing last week and decided to ap- proach the hydro to request that these streets have lights installed; cost to be borne by the above as- sociation. Open House Principal C. Lothian of Oak Rid~ ges School reports that nearly 200 parents attended the open house held last Wednesday night at the school. He hopes to hold another one in the spring when the work that has been accomplished over the year may be demonstrated to the parents. The following young ladies acted as ushers for the ev- ening Nancy Martin, Linda Muss- on. Virginia Sherratt and Jean Bahen. Several parents have com- mented on the fine work being done this year and how they appreciated the efforts of the principal and tea- chers in having this open house. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lancely Mills and their four sons and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mills and daughter all of Port Hope. Albert Hudson. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hudson is in the Tor- onto General Hospital. undergoing treatment for a serious injury to his hand, suffered when he came in contact with an electric saw at his place of employment last Tues- day. Elm Grove Ass‘n " Forty-five members of the Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Ratepay- ers Association attended the regu- lar meeting on Tuesday. November 4 in the Lake Wilcox School. The fiesident Mr. Wm. Hope was in the chair. Councillor E. L. Carron attended and told the ra epayers that the Dept. of Highways had been requested to make the roads around Lake Wilcox a 30 mile speed area; During a discussion on the problems of securing water Mr. McCarron stated that the idea of bringing water from Lake Simcoe had been revived and was being considered. This project has been considered by various governments since 1919. A great many wells in the Yonge St. section of Oak Rid- ges are dry at the present time, stated Mr. C. L. Stephenson. Sick Report O Mrs. Robert Woolley is home from the Toronto General Hospital. Doctors’ reports were very satis- factory. Mrs. R. Rickward who is in the York County Hospital is much better and will be home this week. We welcome to the district Mr. and Mrs. Leybourne and family who are occupying the former home of the Stewart Achesons on Yonge St. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cook on Sunday were Mr. Cook’s sister and her husband.'Mr. and Mrs. C. McQuoid of Picton and a nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fritz of Wellington and others of Toronto. Twenty relatives in all called during the _day. Mr. Cook is recovering nicely from his recent illness. Brian Mackintosh and his cou- sin Malcolm Slack of the Canadian Navy who were expected home on 30 days leave this week. have had their furlough put off till Novem- ber 20 so that they will be home for Christmas. from the euchres finance the hock- ey practise for the boys of the dis- trict at the Aurora arena every Saturday morning. Personals Mr. J. Sullivan who has been in York County Hospital since his in- jury some weeks ago, is now at his home here. 1‘? will be in a cast for two more onths. Mr. and Mrs. Max Martin are en- joying a fishing trip toinrth [Bay Mr. Grant McCachen left on Sun- day for six days hunting at Round Lake, north of Bancroft. He ex- pects to return next Saturday. Mrs. Bert Comfort and members of the family are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mackintosh until their new home is completed. Ratepayers Mrs. Joe Boyle and family of the Queensway spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton and family. A speedy recovery is wished for R. E. Sanderson who had the mis- fortune to fall downstairs in his home early last Thursday morn- ing. It required several stitches to close a cut in his forehead. Mr. and Mrs. William Orr attend- ed the anniversary services at Tes- ton United Church on Sunday. The hunters from our commun- ity have returned from their trip and report a fine time. They were successful in getting seven deer, a fox and a bear. Mrs. Clarence Stong and Mrs. Donald Elliott of Edgeley spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and fa- mily. Mrs. Celin of Toronto spent Sun- day wlth Mr. and Mrs. V. West- brook. ‘ Mrs. Herman Fawcett of Brant- ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson and Joy. The ladies of the W.M.S. held a quilting bee in the Sunday School room on Thursday of last week. MINERVA‘S BEAUTY SHOPPE Please call TL‘. 4â€"2113 NOTICE CORRESPONDENT: Mn. W. Sandie, Victoriu Squat. Telephone Stouffville 67509 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Municipality of the VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL County of York PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Village of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber, Richmond Hill, on Monday, November 17, 1952, at 7 p.m., to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the Assess- ment Roll of the Municipality of the Village of Richmond Hill for the year 1952. All parties interest- ed are requested to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Richmond Hill, Novem- ber 3, 1952. Miss Greta/Liefi‘ers spent Sun- day with friends at Port Perry. The W. A. catered to the Home Plowmen's Banquet on Monday. evening when 107 were present. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows spent Sunday with friends _at UN:- bridge. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band was held on Sat- urday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Arnold Mortson with 28 children present. The guest speaker was Mrs. Antliffe, from the Mission Band headquar- ters. Toronto. Mission Band Machineless Permanents DONE IN YOUR OWN HOME Licensed Hairdresser 164 Spruce Ave. Richvaie Phone Turner 4-1966 Court of Revision RUSSELL LYNETT. Clerk, Village of Richmond Hill FRESH EGGS Nabob Puddings or Jellies Marsh Seedless GRAPEFRUIT Whole Lambs for Your Locker 30 to 40 lb. av. lb. 4 3 FRESH 0X TAILS lb. 15 HOME FED LEG Agaln ARNOLD FARMS offer at this unusual low price Roast Beef Cuts from well matured Steer Beef. BLADE ROAST lb. 53 SHORT RIB ROAST lb. 55 ROLLED PRIME RIBIb. 73 SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL lb: FRESH OYSTERS Orders taken for half or whole Hogs for your locker, weight 150 to 160 lbs. Roast 63 More than ever before in the History of Food Markets today’s housewife looks for better Quality in the food she chooses for her daily needs. FOR THOSE WHOSE FOOD TASTES DEMAND THE FINEST SHOP AT ARNOLD FARMS. No. 7 Highway and Kennedy Road OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK MARKET LOIN Roast Ass’t Flavors 9 oz. Jar Cream Style Corn First Grade Creamery PURE 1.1““) “b 15 - A NEW SHIPMENT OF RAISINS, CURRANTS, MIXED FRUITS AND PEELS, CHERRIES, NUTS, ETC., IN FACT EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY BAKING AT ARNOLD FARMS LOW MONARCH FLOUR AUST. SULTANAS Wagstaii’s MIXED mun :0? 39 3,435.23 55 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Nov. 18, 1952 7| FRONT Q’TERS We carry a full line of BEATTY Pressure Systems, Water Bowls. Litter Carriers and Stabling. Should you need any of this equipment ye will be pleased to have a representative call and give you an estimate on price and installation. Massey Harris Sales And Service In addition to the various implements in the well- known MASSEY-HARRIS lineup, we would like to re- mind you that we also handle the famous COBEY Spreaders and Wagons; BEAR CAT Hammer Mills; DION Threshers and Ensilage Cutters; GRAHAM Plows; GEM Spray Type Milk Coolers and Home Free- zers; KELVINATOR Refrigerators. We also have several good used Machines in first class condition including â€" a Massey-Harris 6-foot Clip- per (‘ombine; Ford Tractor with Hydraulic Lift and Hitch. also some good used Massey-Harris Tractors Every second-hand machine is thoroughly checked in our own shop before delivery. If you are in need of any good second-hand equipment drop in to our shop when in Richmond Hill. Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1722 Bulldozing - Excavating - Grading Ditching - Dragline Work Harold W. Mortson SMITH 8 MILLARD TELEPHONE - KING 4 7 - W Butter Ib- 65 GRADE A PULLETS FRESHLY GROUND Fresh Leg SAUSAGE FRESH PORK BACON SQUARES lb. 19 Chickens "1- 47 FRESH YOUNG ROASTING Ducks In- 55 Fowl Ib- 37 PURE PORK BOILING YOUNG WHOLE 0R HALF LEG lb. PRICES. FARM STYLE Choice 20 oz. 14 oz. Cello Bag ANY TYPE COFFEE MAKER 20 lb. Pall 24 lb. Bag No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Road 96's FARMS Smoked Sliced 2 lbs Doz. 5 For 25 -59 Tins 1-59 1.79 25

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