Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1952, p. 11

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'AFFLE IRON and Sand- wich Toaster Combination-â€" "MM in glooman chrome fluff. For qukk mocks, WWW.“ “‘0 “IAme â€" hob. an dosh owning. ELECTRIC ENGINE HEATH â€" Ens-ms worm mohr netting in zero unmet. Universal hoseflne modal. DE LUXE DASH GUARDâ€" onu‘~‘-i in fluorusceM "file- ghw‘ plastic with suction CHI‘S, .29 GHRISTMAS TREE LIGHT SETS 15.29 4.19 1.69 REVERSIBLE TOASTERâ€"I- slice dedric model In bright chrome. Long-lit: mica- bockod element. Exception- mm LAMPâ€"Plugs in“ door ighhr edict; 12-". “MALL” AUTO MAM Automatically Hon horn "FOUNTMN" A I! T O WASH MOP â€"- Wadi cw wiflvom wetting hands. Fm -â€" my. Affch to garden h o s 2. Improved model. 2'29 WANT DEMCTOR -â€" WM: and It"! nflodon bum-in bum. when thrown. pla’ing. 1.10 Standard Mow _ 1.08 "WIDE VIEW" ~â€"- Givu a broad, weeping View of followingAtgaific. Begum new design in trial. chrpng: plate. D! L U X E R O U N b MIRROR â€" Heavily :hvomcd, "non - glove" minor. Only KIDNEY" SHAH -â€" DOOR SPOTTER MIRRORS '9 .§§ ‘ 139 4.19 2.79 2.69 1.59 “CK-U? LAMPâ€"Do Lulu nod-l h hipk chroma p I a f o. Adhutoble by A CTC GIFT CERTIFICATE The smart. practical way to solve you: Giff Problem mounting 00km horn KLEENIX DISPENSERâ€"Fits undo: glove ‘compm-hnenl. Chrome-plated face; nod and attractive. 1W TRUMPET HORN .â€" Ekch‘v: Aiv Blue rhodole commanding, adimrpodud m 21‘1'1" "owl. WI! rayon addad be Oxfrc durability. Rich door colour combin- ations. Hand rolled fringe. Big size 54" x 64". Em vol“ m had and handle: nmkmlosad rank-Q. 30- h. sweep. A “carpoofer quality" tool. W001. MOTOR ROBEâ€"- RATCNET MAC! â€"â€" Bali- "GLAMOUR GIRL" WHEEL SPINNER â€" A novel and practical veering a i «1. Choice of attractive at MOTOR ROBES 3. 79 1.45 4.69 .98 X M Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Street on the birth of a baby girl “Loretta Kathleen“ at the Athlea Nursing Home, Mill Rd., on Saturday, December 6, a sister for Ellen. Mrs. Street, for- merly Doreen Andrews, was a Richmond Hill girl before taking up residence on Steeles Ave. Mr. Cooksley of Mill Rd. is pro- gressing favourably after his re- cent accident. Jack Conder observed his 20th birthday. Friday, December 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ainley of Yonge- hurst Road. spent last week-end with their son and family in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Keene and daugh- ter Patricia of Weston, visited with Mrs. M. Holmes and Mr. F. Sinclair on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. ~R-. Kennedy. Lin- da and Jean left for New York by air on Sunday. They will visit the WRESPONDENT â€" MRS. I. BLACKBURN. IOIIOIIIM H. PINE! WOOL RONâ€"Handyman Tonga Plead; thick brushed nap. IO-SPEED FOOD MIXERâ€" All - purpose "Hammon- Bocch" latest improud turning bowls, hie. ox- lndor, strainer and uh. BUG AND SNOW DIRECTOR ~50 luxe model in trip}. mo pIufic PENN! 60.955 Flame “P “on: I p a 9 night, gleam in sun- ahine. Glowing c l c I r knit. in“. [may in- mfled. End! STEERING WHEEL MUFF â€"- Worn, I)" mum‘s; Mk“ Hm unpleasant chill off flu steering wheel. Rh "ugly. .39 SMOOTH PLANE â€" 93/.- ovum", with 2" Sheffield No! stool anion Am unbreakable body. Other models 1.39 l- 2.49 Only NORTH RICHVALE NEWS 2.79 ----- 7.50 53.95 3.98 Telephone TU. 4-2238 Graham family,'£or1nerly of Rich- vale. and relatives in Detroit. School News The school has acquired a new slide and film strip projector. as well as a duplicating machine. Busy Beavers branch of the Junior Red Cross (Grades 5 and 6) donated $14.09 to help needy chil- dren. The children are looking forward to a day of festivities and exchanging gifts this coming Fri- day. The Brownies held their Christ- mas Concert last Tuesday. The programme featured a play under the direction of Mr. Kurita. Socials. Correspondent: Mr. Quintin Wight Phone TUrner 4-1965 The Liberal is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Quintin Wight as our Correspondent in the Rich- vaie District. In order that we may give your district complete news coverage, kind- ly phone any news or items of local interest to Mr. Wight. On December 2. Harriet Morn- ingstar, Mary Parker and Roberta Barren received their Brownie pins. Avril Forrest and Mareen Nolan received their pins on De- cember 9. The District Commis- sioner, Mrs. Paul, made the pres- entations. Mrs. Rene McKee of Oak Ave goes into hospital January for a nose operationh Mr. and Mrs. Davie, Mr. and Mrs. Jesson and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest and their families had a wonderful time on Saturday at the I.B.M. Christmas Party. Mr. Galpin. school inspector, was a guest at the Richvale Home and School meeting last Monday evening. Mr. Galpin gave an in- teresting talk on Christmas which was followed by a film telling the story of the Littlest Angel and shown by Mr. Brown of Richmond Hill. The evening concluded with refreshments. Pauline Paul won the household orderly badge and her collector‘s padge recently. Good work Paul- me. Mrsthite, Oak Ave. is on the sick list this week. At the A. V. Roe Co., Christmas party Mr and Mrs. Fuller and Willard had an enjoyable time. Home and School. The White Gift Service at Carr- ville United Church was well at- tended. John Barton and Ken- neth Baker collected the gifts from the congregation and Dor- othy Baker and Kenneth Green placed the gifts in the baskets. The Junior Choir sang and Helen Oliver, Mary George and Jim Green each singing solos. On Sunday, December 21. is the Christmas Service and is to be a family service. (ARRVILLE Corn: Mu 3e" Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 White Gift Service The Sunday School is to join with the congregation in this serb vice at 2.30 p.m. Announcement The ratepayers of 'Carrville S. S. No. 3 Vaughan will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, Dec- ember 30, at 8 pm. in the school when the annual reports and apâ€" pointment of trustee will tage place. so it is advisable that all ratepayers plan to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwen and Bobby McEwen and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. George and Carol and Mary George of Richmond Hill had sup- per Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. thn Baker and family. It was Dorothy Baker’s 11th birth- day. December 14. Chief Constable Ernest Bone and Mrs. Bone and Miss Evah Sheppard visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Vanderburgh at Lanâ€" sing one day recenth. A very Merry Christmas to all and many thanks to all who helped make this Carrville News possible. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wellman and Billy and Lynne Wellman of Queensville visited at the Bert Middleton’s on Sunday. A. 0. White Brltish American Service Station RICHVALE RICHMOND HILL TU. 4~0009 Mission Band The Christmas meeting of the Busy Bees Mission Band. was held at the home of Marilyn Brice on Saturday, December 13. The roll call “What I want for Christmas." was answered by eleven members and two visitors. There will be no meeting until January 1'7. A letter was read by Nancy Gudat. from the children in Europe, to whom mittens and toy animals were sent. The meeting was then turned over to Isabbella Luce who was in charge of the program. This consisted of “The Christmas Story", read by Nora Lund, Heather Jardinedanced the High- land Fling, : piano solo by Paâ€" tricia Lund, a story "The Little Lame Reindeer,” was read by Isabella Luce. The meeting then closed and a delicious lunch was served by Marilyn and Mrs. Brice. Masonic Lodge The following officers were in- stalled on December 9,, in Vaugh- an Lodge, A.F. & A.M., G.R.C. The installation was under the direction of Bro. M. J. Kinnee, assisted by PM. of Vaughan Lodge and visiting brethren. Welcome Home The family and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cooper held a party last week to welcome them home from England, where they have been holidaying tor the past three months. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper reported a very wet sea- son in England where it rained nearly every day while there. Bowling New: No. 54. W.M. Norman Lund; I.P.M. W. Bro. William Hallowell; S.W. Bro. William Bailey; J.W. Bro. C. H. Miller; Chaplain, W.1 Bro. C. H .Bowman; Treasurer. W. Bro. Hilliard Bryan; secretary W. Bro. William Noble; S.D. Bro. C. Reeds; J D. Bro. James Wither- spoon; D. of C. W. Bro. Douglas Crook; S.S. Bro. Norman Payne; J.S. Bro. George Bailey; Organist, Bro. John Sheppard; LG. Bro. K. Camden; Tyler W. Bro. A. E. Sni- der. There will be no bowling of Maple Ladies on Monday, Decem- ber 22, teams No. 1 vs. 8 -â€" 2 vs. 4 will bowl instead on Monday January 5. High lady for one game on Monday, December 8, was Ina Sheppard with a score of 230 and Marian Rach for three games with a score of 556. Women’s Institute The regular meeting of Maple Women’s Institute was held Wed-- nesday evening, December 10. at the home of Mrs. George Miller, with the president, Mrs. John Luce in the chair. The roll call was well responded to with gifts for the aged in the home at New- market. The program was under the direction of Mrs. A. E. Sni- der, who gave a talk on some authors of Christmas carols. As each author was described a carol composed by them was sung. The monthly meeting of St. Ste- phen's Women’s Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. H. Bryan, on Friday, December 12. Reports of the bazaar were given and the treasurer stated that the receipts totalled $273.80. The following of- ficers were elected for 1953: Presâ€" ident Mrs. H. Bryan, vice-presi- dent Mrs. James Martin, secret- ary Mrs. C. R. Reeds, treasurer Mrs. H. Taylor, Dorcas secretary Mrs. Isaac Watson, treasurer of flower fund Mrs. M. Boswell, vis- iting committee Mrs. C. R. Reeds, Mrs. 1. Watson and Mrs. James Martin. ' It was decided to send a remem- brance to past members, who have moved away, to the sick and shut- ins in the community at Christ- mas. The meeting adjourned and lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. St. Stephen’s W. A. The annual CGIT church ser- vice was well attended in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, on Sunday evening. DeCember 14. The service under the leadership of Isobel Bishép and Catherine Johnson was very inspiring. Those taking part were: Bible readings Shirley Coe, Grethe Dahl, Isabelle Leece, prayers Helen Calder, Mar- ion Bishop, offering and dedica- tion, Dorothy Robson, Marilyn Watson, Sonia Bodker and Donna Robson, candlelighters Catherine Johnson, Carol Downing, Peggy CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN D. W. Young MAPLE NEWS Phone Maple 19R5 The girls are to be commended on the excellence of their perform- ance and leadership. St. Stephen’s Church As in other years, St. Stephen’s Anglican Church. Maple, will have a late Candlelight service on Christmas Eve, December 24, at 10.30 pm. There will be a cele- bration of the Holy Communion with the traditional carols and Christmas music. Members of all denominations are cordially invlt~ ed. Joslin, Carol Reid and Nancy Gu- dat. TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL claims against the Estate of Isabella Ellis Moodie, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Nurse. who died on or about the 30th day of April, 1952. are required to be filed in writing with the under- signed, before the 30th day of January, 1953, after which date the Estate will be distributed with- out regard to claims of which no notice has been received. Albert Henry Véfi'iderburgh and Wilfred Murray Vanderburgh, . - Executors By their Solicitor, M. R. WALTON, 990 Woodbine Avenue Toronto, Ontario. The music was under the direc- .ion of Sylvia Kerr and Joanne Johnson. At the flat twinge of 'rheumatic pain-- take Templeton'a T-R-C'a. Over a mil- lion T~R~C'a used every month. {a speedy relief from pain caused by rheuâ€" matism, arthritis, neuralgia, lumbago and sciatica. Why suffer needlessly? Keep T-R-C's on hand. and use them promptly. Only 65:. $1.35 at drug counten. ‘ Lu: I WHEN I’All STRIKES MILD CURED SMOKED Fresh Sausage TURKEYfi 10 to 15 lbs. 55 OverZOIbs. Freshly Chopped Fresh Leg APPAAP m z: GOOD BLABK TEA n. 59 mm JUICE Fancy Quality 2 3:2,: 25 Hum~ FRUII COCKTAILS :2: 23 APPLE CHOICE QUALITY PEAS ' z 12:” 37 VCPDER m 3P; PURIIY QUICK OMS “W” 45 ACME fARMERs Large 32 AMP-Jar . WAX PAPER 3; Ice Cream Bricks 9 FLAVORS MAPLE LEAF LARD z 31 . PAPER NAPKINS z ,7 «ch 29 OUR FRUIT & VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT IS CRAMMED FULL OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BROUGHT FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, AND OUR HOSTESS COUNTER IS A TREAT TO BEHOLD. FANCY GROC- ERIES FROM ENGLAND. FRANCE & HOLLAND. IMPORTED BISC‘U “5; AND CONDIMENTS. SHOP WITH US THIS WEEK-END AND MAKE YSUR CHRISTMAS A REAL HAPPY ONE. NOTE NEW SHOPPING HOURS THURSDAY, DEC. 18 - 9 a.m. till 6.30 P.M. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. till 9 RM. CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS, DEC. 25 AND DEC. 26. OPEN SATURDAY. DEC. 27 9 A.M. till 9 RM. NOTICE No. 7 Highway and Kennedy Road OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK MEAT ‘ lbs. 1 MARKET PORK lb. 45 soar lb. 23 IMPORTANT NOTICE Fresh Boiling Fresh Young Roasting Large CPICKENS Ib- 53 FOWL CAPDNS 3'32 59 Fresh Young YOUNG DUCKS lb. 53 Young GEESE HAM half 0 whole THE LIBERAL. Ricfimond Hm, fifirsflai', Deli. 18, 1m 1! nine~month course to qualify you as an important member of the nursmg group. Upon graduation you receive a Nursing Assistant Certificate and gain the opportunity for remunerative employment in the nursing field. 7/ v [ Now you can take a short; Schools are located in Toronto. Kingston and Fort Willlam, with next classes scheduled to be eéu-olled January 5, 1953. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS education; Good Health. FREE transportation from your place of residence to schooL FREE uniforms and laundry. $60.00 A MONTH training allowance is paid during the entire course. Avrg. 5 lbs BLADE ~ROAST lb- SHORT RIB ROAST "1- PRiME RIB ROAST lb- Boneless & Rolled Christmas Beef Apply by letter to Nursing Brunch lb. Arnold Farms lb. 3'] 37 Finer Quality half or ‘: Age 18 to 40 yearn; Grade VIII BECOME A NURSING ASSISTANT! No. 7 Highway and Don Mills Road FARMS Fresh PORK RIBLETS 2th 139 Fresh SMOKED PICNIC '3‘ SIDE RIBS lb. 19

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