12 THE LIBERALtï¬iohmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 18, 1952 g RICHMOND HILL Tum 4.1221 g WOWOOOWWW: ‘ And ‘when the time comes to trade, the record shows that over the years Chevrolet trucks tra- ditionally bring a higher per- centage of their original cost than any other make! For your every trucking need, be sure to see your Chevrolet dealer â€" and save. INSIALLED - SOLD - SERVICED BLACKBUFN'S Thornhi“ AVenue 5-1333 EAVESTROUGHING the telephone in your home stands ready to serve you for Vet costs so little? What else in your daily living means so much But that’s only the beginning. :You save on the job â€" day in and day out â€" in fuel, maintenance.» and repairs. For Chevrolet trucks are the only trucks with all the 19 great features that add up to more rugged performance and more reliable operation at less cost. CH EVROIET IRIICKS a fraction of a cent an hour. 0 Your savings begin the minute you buy a Chevrolet truck. For most Chevrolet trucks list for less than any other make with com- parable speciï¬cations capable of handling the same payloads. m cm 2‘ éa/ a 5.9222» zï¬wé to money! very hour of every day * TELEVISION * EEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces ms nu. turnout couriAni “up. TINSMITH PAUL DUBOIS It’s a fact! For years Chevrolet trucks have been the choice of more users than any other make! Here’s long-term leadership built on solid value and quality at lower cost. ï¬rst choke of Canada's truck buyers ROOFING Over the years Up pretty early, leaving my wife not well in bed, and with my boy walked, it being a most brave cold and dry frosty morning. and had a pleasant walk to White Hall. where I intended to have received the Communion with the family. but I came a little too late. So I walked up into the house and spent my time looking over pic- tures, particularly the ships in King Henry VIII's Voyage to Bull- en; marking the great difference between their build then and now. By and by down to the chappell again where Bishopp Morley preached up on the song of the Angels. "Glory to God on high, on earth peace. and good will to- ward men." The sermon done. a good anthem with vialls. Dined by my wife's bed~side with a great content. having a mess of brave plum porridge and a roasted pullet for dinner, and I sent for a mince- pie abroad, my wife not being well to make any herself yet. HOW MB. FMS SPENT CHRISTMAS DAY IN 1662 FULL SIIE REA! AXLE INSPECTION PM“: Sue. time and trouble on inspections during :13qu mama. BLUE-NAME COMBUS‘IION: High eï¬deacy com- bustion chamber squeezes all aux"kae pom from fuel. SYNCHRO-MESH TIANSMISSION: Quick, quid. safe shifting â€" :liminate: “double-dumbing." DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH: One single'diu spring provide: positive engagement, reduces POWER-1E! CARIUIETION: Meters the flow of fuel to meet exact requitements of engine load and speed with 2-way controlled ignition. fUlL-lENGYH-JACKET WATER COOLING: Water iackeu completely surround each cylinde: for more complete cooling. NOBLE-MOUNTED PINION: Mï¬ntnim better gear alignment, better tooth contact on medium- nnd heavy-duty models. HYPOID ISA! AXlE: Lower: tooth (mus. mouse: tooth section give: extra dun ility. SINGLE-UNIT REAR AXLE HOUSING: No bolts. no oinu; tubular beam construction to withsrand envy loads. NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Rate- payers of U.S.S. No. 1 King and Whitchurch will be held on Mon- day evening, December 29, 1952, at 8 o’clock, at the School. Agenda will include discussion on the ov- ercrowded condition of the school. All Ratepayers of this Section are urged to attend. Signed: M. TROYER, With the aid of an alarm clock, which rings to notify the cashier “now is the time", the lucky shop- per then having his groceries tal- lied receives his prize for being Lucky shoppers from Oak Rid- ges, Richvale, Richmond Hill. El- gin Mills and Jefferson have been delightfully surprised to receive gigantic Christmas stockings, simply loaded with “loot†as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pridham at their Elgin Mills store. Gordon Dyke, Elgln Mills, will by collecting his share of birthday joy on December 21, when his 4th birthday is celebrated. Pre-Christmas Surprises Pridham’s IA.G.A. Store has been holding a novel on-the-spot surprise party during this Christ- 'mas season, which we feel is in- deed worthy of mention. Happy birthday wishes go to little Peggy Ratchford who will be two years old on Sunday, Decem- ber 21. This is a month for celebrating in the Don Hellings' home on Brookside Road. Baby Glen was one year old on Tuesday. Decem- ber 16, and his Dad was one year older on Thursday. December 11. Many happy returns. Just as a reminder of the annual Christmas party which will be held this Friday, December 19 at Jef~ ierson school. All parents and friends received this little poem: Please come to our party On Friday, at One. We've a tree, and a program Planned just for fun. Dear Santa, they ,tell us, Is really going to come! Birthday Greetings School Party Sec.-T{eas., U.s.s. No. 1 King and Whichurch ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS NOTICE CORRESPONDENT: M88. l. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Tchphm TUmer 4-2334 HEAVY-DUTY CHANNEL "Fl FRAME: . Dgep channel-Mon aide rail: give maximum ngidxty. IOOMY i-MAN COMFORT: Wide. deep Ind roomy, side to side. to to bottom, from w rm describes Chevrolet ca 5 built to accommodate 3 men with ease. Double dcck apdn; mu to: am comfort. has fatigue. "mucus-Amen" [lam-nun MAKES: Make full use of truck momentum for greater stopping power. iliivex' {idsu'ei IAfllESHIP CAB CONSYIUCTION: Each cub it I double walled. Ill-welded steel unit a! great “length. usxmoymn CAI: Minimizes vibration and 4A«,,A_ LhÂ¥, "YWIN-ACYION†HEAVY-DUTY nun “AK!!! Two cylinders in each brake for “let. more positive braking. IONDED BRAKE lINlNGh Rivals: lining! on light- and medium-duty models nearly double lining life. lAll-GEAI STEEllNO: Pm tolling steel ball: between worm and nut cm friction. lave wear. Ontario Dancing continued after supper and the evening closed with a sing- song of Christmas carols and sea- son’s greetings to all. Tasty sandwiches, cookies, cakes and soft drinks made a welcome buffet supper at the long table in the “senior†schoolroom, and the novelty Christmas tree centrepiece designed by Bill Hall, flanked with festive red candles caused much comment we hear. During the evening Albert Moses and Mrs. Jack Barry won prize in the spot dance and Mrs. Jack gall and Norman Burnett were the w n- ners in the Elimination Danceii Everyone was pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Jack Passmore joizglg in the fun as they have been L 5- ed this past season. “ Five “sets†of dancers were on hand for the festive fun and to see the presentation of a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whalen by the club president, Bill Hall. Mrs. R. Threlfall presented a Christmas gift also to Mr. and Mrs. Wrigglesâ€" worth and family. The young girls from the home, who have been working so enthusâ€" iastically at their Saturday morn- ing dancing classes under the dir- ection of Miss Barbara Lark, dan- ced for their ï¬rst audience and ev- eryone present was delighted with their graceful performance. A bountiful feast of refresh- ments supplied by the ladies of McKinley Lodge. brought the ev- ening to a happy close. J.S.C.C. Christmas Dance ‘ The Jefferson School Commun- ity Club held another successful “ï¬rst night†with the Christmas Dance held at the school Friday of las tweek. There was everything to make a wonderful Christmas party. En- tertainment was supplied bya jol- ly clown and Santa Claus dispen- sed gifts to all. Twelve car-loads of eager, hap- py children and the staff of the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home drove to Toronto last Saturday. with a police escort provided from Aurora. to be entertained royally by the McKinley Lodge. on-the~spot at the right moment Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pridham for a very novel idea in helping to spread Christmas cheer. Orange Home Party 7 W05?!†ovum/5 mm . cum Green Lane Bayview & If your dinner is on a small- er scale, we suggest a “Half Turkeyâ€. Yes, these are large turkeys split in two halves as small as 10 pounds. Ask as them. Do you like a BIG turkey, Are the familyâ€"or friendsâ€" coming to dinner, Then try one of our large size Broad- breasted turkeys. They’re a real buy and delicious â€" 20 to 24 pound birds. 55¢ per lb. â€" 24 pounds or over 50c. Bob Lanthier Thornhill We are glad to hear that the Rev. Morrison Sellers 0! Owen Sound is taking a much needed rest at present. Jim Gray of Montreal was a guest at Braedoon Farm last week- end. Mrs. Chas. Hoopel: and Ellen made a visit to New York by air this past week. Aileen Easton attended the Junior Farmers Convention re- cegfly hold in Chicago. An accident. involving several cars, occurred in heavy fog on the Don Mills Road below No. 7 High- way early Monday morning of last week. Injured were Mr. and Mrs. Blow of this community. Their new car with less than 1000 miles registered was also badly dam- aged. Socials The Christmas meeting of the Davidson Mission Band took place :n Saturday, ecember 13 in the rhurch. During a short business session, the slate of office was re- elected. Mrs. Stetfler conducted devotionals and Lynn Hasenpflug played a piano solo “Swans on the Lake." Ann Davies told a beau~ tiful Chrisï¬nas story, after which light refreshments were served and the meeting was adjourned. Accident ‘ v Others who took part were Fra- zer Craig, Gail Steffler, Lynda Leaf and Beverley Burr. White Gift Service was held in Brown's Corners United Church East Sunday. The church was beau- ;ifully decorated for the occasion by the committee consisting of Mrs. W. Brumwell, Mrs. Ross Hord, and Mrs. Stefller. Rev. Dr. Wes- ley Hunnisett of Fred’ Victor Miss- ion was speaker and he brought with him a boy soprano, Master Johnnie Graves who sang “O Holy Night." Brown’s Corners United Church is arraging a Christmas tree for Monday evening. Come along and catch some Christmas spirit. Z'Jhite Gift Service The children of the Buttonville schol are preparing a Christmas concert which they will present in Buttonville Hall on Friday even- ing, December 19. As this is the one oppoxflunity we have of seeing the school children perform. A' good crowd is expected. Brown’s Corners United Many practical 162.00 cash were ission Band Others who have entertained for the brideto-be are Mrs. Lanthier and Miss June Collard. School Con-cert On Friday evening of last week a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Hood when many friends gathered to honor Betty Hamilton, whose mar- riage takes place in Brown’s Cor- ners United Church on December 20. Among th emany gifts wal; one from the church choir of which Betty is a member. During the evening carols were sung, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. J. D. Lanthier thanked the In- stitute and all those who had help- ed make the evening a success. Shower The lighter side of the enter- tainment was provided by Miss Marjorie Bretton, talented young comedienne who gave several very realistic impersonations. Following a singâ€"song and after dinner speeches, Ewart Stiver of Unionville showed pictures taken on a motor trip through European countries. grouup. George Padéetr. Peter Reesor. and Wm. Maxwell have passed away. Present at the head table were F. A. Lashley, superintendent for Agricultural and Horticultural Societies of Ontario, E. Graham of the Ontario Livestock Branch and Mr. Wm. McMullen of the Dom- inion Branch. Reception On Tuesday of last week the Women‘s Institute served a turkey dinner to approximately 125 mem- bers. their wives and friends. of the Markham Fair Board, at But- tonville Hall. Among the honor- ed guests were 11 past presidents, Jack Torrance, John Scott. Ken Deacon, Chas. Boynton, Robert Armstrong. Earl Graham, George Little, Wm. Clarke. 0. Heisey. J. Warriner and Walter Milne. This year. three were missing from the Satisfaction guaranteed YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY Correspondent: Mrs. F. 3. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone Aglncourt 335.12 BUTTONVILLE gifts, as Well as received. AV. 5-2354 AV. Phones gmunummuumummummmnInmuumumnumuimum1mnunmumnulmuuuuuummlmmnmumuummumuIlmuumlmumunumu: 5111mmmummmnumnnul1mm1unmuummlmmnmmmmmmmumunnmnmmumnmmmmmummmmumnmmmmmnmmï¬ We are open for your convenience the following hours: Wednesday, December 17 â€" 8.30 an. to 6 pm. , Thursday. December 18 â€" 8.30 am. to 9 p.111. Friday, December 19 â€" 8.30 am. to 9 p.m. _ Saturday, December 20 â€"- 8.30 am. to 9 pm. Monday, December 22 â€" 8.30 11.111. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, December 23 â€" 8.30 am. to 9 p.111. . Wednesday, December 24 -â€" 8.30 am. to 6 pm. The 24th being Christmas Eve we are closing at 6 p.111. 24 YONGE ST. S. Richmond Hill Hardware m .mmmmmmmmmmmm ANKARA» ,. TU. 4-113} Special Saie To [Hear Stock 17 EAGLE ST., NEWMARKET Christmas Shoppers Thornhi“. Ont. TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNIA . KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH Perkins Farm 8. Home Equipment 23 Markham Rd., Richmond Hill, Phone TU. 4-1229 x We are offering the following new Firestone and Goodyear studded tires. at a 20 per cent discount ‘- 6.50 - 15†- 4ply - 6.00 - 16†- 4 ply - 6.50 ' 16†- 4 ply - 6.50 - 16†- 6 ply ‘ CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS Richmond Hill Office 8* Yonge St. South ELECTROLUX ORDER NOW BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED FOR XMAS DELIVERY ,- SALES - SERVICE - SUPPLIES Herb Hill John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. ATTENTION Goods satisfactory or money refunded. Compare our prices. Yongc Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Stee'e's Corners) FOR SAFE-- CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING See [Ave For Lovely Lumber WE DELIVER Your BRANCHES: SUBURBAN SPECIALIST . m‘ I): n.“ mVAVAVmVA‘Q AV/é’oé‘a‘dé’k‘ W4 TURNER 4-2101 RE. 9354 AVenue 5-1143 PHONE 836