Gramophone, Boxer Puppies, $di While Dunn ï¬gure skates. size 4. Phone 'I‘Urncr 4â€"1170.c1w25 FIRE-DRESSED geese and capons 6-9 lbs. Will deiivcr. AV 5-1096. 1,,,n= dition. sacriï¬: TUrner 4-1834 PAIR OF GYRL'S ï¬gure skate? while, size 1. in good conditu'é' u M vrn 4.1997, c1w25 UPR‘IGHT PIANO a He Good condition. Phone 4-2195. WALNUT CNlar Q3953; gooduwn2 CHILD'S CC. 'l'Ul'nel' 4-2109 GIVE a ranch raised min}: piece this Christmas. 1 Fur Farm. King 27r15. QUANTITX OF OATS. $2.50 per cwt. or $50.00 per ton. Bags in e\'- change. TU. 4-2143. *?._\v25 _______7 CHRISTMAS TREES. Towns:ve Highway Na. 7 East. Langsg‘ . Phone AV. 5-1911. c2“ 4 p1'i\ra\t‘ev‘(:(;'llog;{6ï¬.l 2' for 250. An ply 31 Edgar Ave. Richvale. c1w25 GIRLS' W times, size Thornhill. 500 CORDS or WOOD, stove length. Apply Box 57 The Liberal. c1w25 1 PAIR SKI-BOOTS size 8. good as new, sell for half price. TU. 4- 1954. c1w25 1'66 GOOD pgpglar records GOOD QUALITY Graded Pota- toes; buy direct from the farm Eldon Folliott. 13x"- mi}§s was; of Shifhih‘g’e'éf’king" 13m. ('4'w24 HIGH CHAIR. good condition, and folding baby carriage, reasonable. AV. 5-1443. (‘1w25 'I'R-(‘YCLE AV. 5-2403 Two GO( x16. 6 ply GRAMOPHONE. suitablgroy; Eim'ï¬ci'é' ‘éï¬r'mma's gift. ‘ $5.00, with records. Mrs. Millard, AV. 5-2403. c1w25 5 GOOD TIRES and tubes. size 440::450x21". $35.00. Ken Hirtz. Richvale. AV. 5-1894 after 6 pm. ('1w25 CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Beside Hilltop Electric. Yonge Street and 63 Centre St. east. Richmond Hill. clw25 MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES. size 8. in good condition. reasonable: W. J. Barrow, Brookside Rd., Elgin Mills. clw25 PIANO & BENCH “Bellâ€, plain walnut case. perfect condition. $25000. Phone Stoufl'vllle 61605. *1\‘.'25 2 MEN‘S OVERCOATS. size 40‘ 44; also white treadle sewing ma‘ chine. Reasonable. King 84r32. GIRL'S WHITE tube lele-s. size 1: man's brown 2-(rouser suit. 34 waist. in good condition, reason- able. AVenue 5-1548. (-lw25 CHESTERFIELD MHAIR. rose. like new: studio much. other linmehold articles: blond m’iple dining room suite. TU. 4-15f‘0. writer Imd desk. $85.00: 1 ma any desk and matching Schair. $50.00; 1 Westinghouse omatic olech‘ic stove $50000. . Banks, R. R. 1, Richmond Hi1 CHRISTMAS TREES. $1 eac (ML SPACE HEATER. 2 New machines from 58950. all with reverse stitch. Guaranteed ranks to all makes Electrin your maâ€" chine for $26.50. Phone Reid‘s Cleaners, Richmond Hill TL‘. 4- WASHING !\1A( 1881 Day. 60 cycle. re $35.00. Hot \vate Air Temp. heat like new. 54mm CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3: per word, min. charge Second and subsequent insertons if wording unchanged, 3c per word, min. charge FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion nf .. COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type linc 10c‘ min. charge CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, pg: insertion BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the wee possible but nnt later than noon on Wedmldays TU. 4-1997 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS SEWING MACHINE SALES 8.: SERVK‘E ARTICLES FOR SALE OOD TIRES and “11798 600 Dly. TU. 4-1809. *1\\'25 LE. $10.00. good condition. 1"" chv25 cut down your own. 3 from. Mt W. Payne. 9.. Stop 20. Yongc St ‘ 5-1710. c WHITE SKATES. worn 6 me 9. Phone AV. 5-001fj “kimu'u 18-inch l EEK? Kiddie Car: s_z cle. recently ovorhaulm t water heater. (‘ltryslc . heats with stove oi 545110. J. R. Sumne ThornhiH. phcnr‘ A" 3 PIANO a Heinrtrziman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1' mahhine po:‘&ab‘.9< a n: Machine at Wm Bale‘s ‘arms. at any 1i farm ofl'ice. am. to 5 pm. ; Machine I market. Ont $25.00 HINE .x'ood ’I and tab‘ :lin k neck- was}. TUrner *c1w25 mahog swim Phone c1w25 “‘ 1 w25 clw‘35 EM' C1w25 chv25 house clw25 Phone .. 10 phon (‘lv 1w25 . SCI- 00 to tfc (lio :lel 3.21 TRANSPORTATION from old rugs; woollens. discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc42 GIFT PARCELS, 4 Tbs. sweet (:10- ver honey. Greeting card. Home or overseas. Prepaid $2.75. Grim- shaw Apiaries, Patricia, Alberta. *5w21 RUGS: save up to 50%; new rugs CHRISTMAS TREES. Scotch pine. excellent choice. Fred Coon. Yonge Street. 1 mile north of Bond Lake. *3w23 USED REFRIGER’TORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed. $100.00 nnu up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 FENCE with cedar rails â€" rustic. ornamental, substantial. choice quality rails 15¢ ‘each F.O,B.. 20: each delivered. F. A. Morton. Morton Acres, Keswick, phone 197W. c4w24 BOYS‘ CCM BICYCLE, very gpod condition. 3 speed, generator and light, $30.00 or best offer. AVenuo 5-2403. clw25 CHESTERFIELD Suites recovered like new. We specialize in custom uphostm'ing. Free estimates, free pickup and delivery. LIFETIME all metal Venetian 31inds, aluminum 0) steel baked -namel ï¬nish any colour of tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, 'ree estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket, ’lnt. Please reverse phone charges.- tfc34 2 \VELL BRED PLAY PUPPIES Spaniel, 3 months old male and female. Female for $10.00. Phon'é TUrner 4-2461 *1w25 3 MONTH OLD MALE. baby budâ€: gie, sky blue; also new cage. Can. be seen at 31 Edgar Ave. AV. 55' 1580. c1w2‘5, 7 PIGS, 10 weeks old. Phone Mr. )eFerrari. Maple 54r12. *1w25 SPECIAL GIFT for Christmas â€""â€" Thoroughbred Cooke;fo Spanie! puppies} black: 'red'f'é‘rit! buï¬â€˜. 3 months old. Phone H. A. Deans. Brookside Rd., TUrner 4-2264. BOXER PUPPIES, Champior Itock, reasonable, male brindle Cemale fawn, will hold until Christ- \S OF FRIDAY. December 5, the North York Humane Society \vil‘ operate from their new shelter or Ross St.. Aurora. Phone Aurora 375W and solve your Christmas gift problem. Give a dog, puppy or kitten. c3w23 3 MONTH OLD PUP, female thild’s pet. Phone TUrner 4-1583 ' » ' £1w25 mas For Sale(Continued) TRANSPORTATION Richmond Hill to In arriving 8.15 am" p.m. Phone TU. 44 TRANSPORTATION available am. leaving 14.\ Yonge. arr. urst 8; College 8 a.m., remrn mm. ‘ c “I i nd can ube ska! .URSEF. uty only ‘hornhill :ENERAL HELP WANTED nme on Yongc St.. The ear Stop 15, In†or part ï¬ve in or out. AV. 5â€"1766‘ C‘ ween 6 and 7 pm. only. RANSPOR'I Igin Mills 8 nnort and 3' 11min}: at 5 OLD HORSES 515‘00 AT YOI'R FARM Ilso DEAD & CRIPI'LED STOCK ABY SITTER, reliable person 0 TRUCKS USED CARS AND Hourly Pickwup CAMPB’ZLL MINK RANCH n~ Agincourt che 4-.01 DYER‘S FURNITURE Phone 1250 Newmarket HELP WANTED 18 prefert‘ed vided. T17 to 10 Phone AVenue 5â€"1332. clw25 OID COACH LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WANTED Registered. for privait Regktry: Rest homa 3* AV. 5-1766. Call 8.3’) .1 am. only. tf?2: he \‘on 5 or $2.00. TL" ATION deroad in the week as Transport 4-1893‘ c ANTED. RM! Thornhill. rivin 45 a. an 11 60c 75c '3 50c c1w25 ‘1w25 tfc20 aiion FLOORS cleaned, waxed and pol- ished. TU. 4-1250. c3w24 BLOCK LAVING and cnncrete work, footings, basement floors. etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hiil. TLrne‘r 4-2311. ' ' tfc43 STORM SASH. combination doors. house sash. frames and screens. Kitchen cupboards made and in- stalled. TU. 41720. c4w23 PLASTERING. new and old work. Reasonable prices with fast and efficient service. Free estimate. Sam Tomlinson. TU. 4-1797. tfc20 REFRIGERATION Saks and Ser- nce, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. I Don Chalk. l‘elephone King 261-5. tfc38 SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid CUSTOM PLOWING. Disking. cultivating. also excavating, back: ï¬lling, grading. Lance Willis. Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc52 M. EINBODEN 8: SON, concrete contractors, septlc tanks and drain repairs. Baldwin 1-0633 or Tur- ner 4-1090. cAp2/l4 SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stane. loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. ANYTHING in painting, papering. decorating. Phone A. Rollinson. TU. 4-1791. :fc13 HOME OWNERS and buildersa Aluminum garage doors $73.75 and up. hardware included. Aluminum combinations, screens and storm windows and doors. Lowest prices. Phone Aurora 549M for free estima ates. c3w23 HOUSE wanted to rent by couplk with family. will take excelleni rare of property. Phone TUrner 1-1370. clw25 YOUNG COUPLE (abstainers) with two children, one school age. re- quire a selfâ€"contained apartment or cottage for rent. Please phone The Liberal. TUrner 4-1261. ALI. KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet worx. wood carving. Estimates given, N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Rwhmond Hill. tfc HOUSEWORK Wanted, in Rich- mond Hill, $5 a day. Apply Box 4 The Liberal. c1w25 RELIABLE WOMAN will baby sit in Thornhill district. AV. 5-1863. c1w25 LADIES‘ GOLD Wrist Watch, So- lar. on December 10. between Richmond Hill and Elgin Mills. Reward. TU. 4-1085. c1w25 Employment Wanted MISCELLANEOUS ‘APONS.’ masters and fowl. high st prices paid. ')on’t sell untn ‘ontacting W. S Appleton. Oak tidzes ‘Poultrv Grrding Staf‘n-‘I Phone King 91R14. Lfcl? VANTED â€"- 5 or 6 room house >_v Jan. 1 or Feb. 1. in or between Tichmond Hill and Thornhill. ’hone Maple 64-11. *4w23 'OUNG MOTHER will give day are to children over 2 years. Mon- Lay through Friday. TU. 4â€"1271. )EAD & Dead and (‘rippled Farm Animals Removed Promptly for Sanitary Dispmal 'l‘eleuhone (‘ollect \Vcod‘wridqe SI and anontn EM 3-3636 GORDON YOUNG Ltd. DEAD STOCK (collevt WANTED TO RENT S: CRIPPLED farm ani- for speedy pick-up p.‘.(r.a Rendering. Richmond Hill 44498 or Toronto LY. allent‘. tfc44 POULTRY WANTED WANTED LOST Liberal. Low in cost "nd 1110’1‘M'tention a lot of xtotice= 4 1261 'lub i vents tfc39 tfc42 tfc20 GARAGE, 86 Richmond St. Phone TUrn‘er 4-2057 after 12 noon. Mr. Reid, Reid‘s Cleaners, 78 Yongc St. (fc21 FURNISHED housekeeping room. Thornhill. AVenue 5-0016. c1w25 A NEW G-room ranch bungalow, oil. air conditioned. garage. Thorn- hill area. AV. 5-2301. c1w25 STORE in Richmond Hill. Apply SELF-CONTAINED 3 room apart- ment with bath. Adults only. Abstainers. Available soon. TU. 4-2090. c1\v25 Perkins farm & Home 0 Equipment 0 Thurs.. Fri.. Sat†Dec. 25, 26, 27 Stewart Granger Janet Leigh Eleanor Parker Mel Ferrer in ; ‘ee khem . . . price than . . . compm than Technicolor FRIDAY. DECEMBER 26 Special ALL CARTOON show Doors open at 1.45 Show starts at 2.00 Mon., Tues., December 29. 30 Ray Middleton Bill Shirley I Dream of Jeannie \‘.'ed.. Dec. 31 New Year's Eve .‘vlidnite Show Special Double Feature Attrac- Wed.. Thurs.. Dec. 31. Jan. 1 Dennis Morgan Gene Nelson Virginia Mayo S. 2. Sakai] in Duel at Silver Creel The Monster Walks Painting the Clouds with Sunshine Technicolor Matinee Thursday at 2 p.m. Happy Xmas and good fax-tune Fri.. Sat. Audie Murphy ‘he managemcnt and stan’ wns their many patrons A Very Spooks Run Wild Phone TUrner 4-1229 23 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL Scaramouche High Noon TO RENT Bowery Boys in Truwlor hnicolor Plus anuary 2. 3 Faith Domerque and staff wish c1w25 1952 NASH RAMBLER 2 DOOR CLUB SEDAN Demonstrator -â€" driven only 1800 miles. Equipped with Overdrive, Weather Eye air conditioning. Directional signals. whitewalls, etc,“ in lovely shade of light ivory. New car guarantee and warranty. 1950 PONTIAC DeLUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN a oï¬e owner car in lovely condition. 30 day 50-50 guarantee Limited Richmond Hill TU4-l772 g’fl’lfllï¬iï¬ï¬‚lflixflï¬k W’fl3fl'ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ 'Q’S‘EE‘EKTEKW WW5“? Bradshaw Motors Get exlru riding smoothness In I used Nash whh the coil spring ride, extra room for passengers and luggage! Col extra miles In with I used Nash! Get extra year 'round comfort in a used Nash with the Weather Eye Sysiem. Gel extra benuty. will: Nash Permnlux enamel ï¬nish. hammmmmmmmmnmazmaammmwmmmmmw See our Extra-Wide choice of [OW-COST used cars NOWI look at this week's Specials Nash Sales & Service 1935 FORD 1 TON STAKE in fair condition NOW OWNED & OPERATED BY MAPLE VILLAGE Dancing from 9 pm. to 1 am. Music by Sally‘s Musical Mates Admission will be free and every person is cordially in- vited to attend to join with the village of Maple to cele- brate the beginning of the New Year and the operation of the hall under new management. NEW YEAR’S DANCE EXTRA! 1936 FORD SEDAN In good running condition With a song in our ‘ heart we extend to our “W. "a man} friends our wishes for a joyous Christmas and a New Year of bountiful success and good health. * ROBERT CRAIG‘E $1,595.00 $2,27 5.00 Men's and pr': “(0.... 24 Yonge St. \'., Richmond Hill $175.00 $135.00 THURSDAY JAN. 1 1953 MAPLE CONCERT HALL MAPLE VILLAGE TRUSTEES every gallon I'I'IEI‘ will be held IN THE m T‘ast Mistress Sister D. Turner presided at the election of ofl'icâ€" ers for Empire Lodge 894 L.O‘B.A. at the December meeting. She was assisted by P. M. Sister Hea- ton and P.M. Sister Curtis of Lady North York Lodge and PM. Sister Crilly and Worthy Mistress Sister Priddy of Maple Leaf Lodge. Officers elected were as follows: 1,P.M. Sister Jean Waters: W. M. Sister R. Ley; D. M.. Sister D. Bouvaird; J.D.M., Sister M. Cook; Chaplain. P.M. Sister M. Hunt; Secretary, P.M. Sister G. Lever; treasurer. P.M. \Sister M. Fen- wick; Fin. Sec., P.M. Sister 13. White; Guardian. P.M. Sister M. Ransom; D. of C., P.M. Sister D. Turner; Sr. Lect., Sister A. Simp- son; pianist, Sister M. Evans; 1. G., Sister B. Shields; 0. G., Bro. J. Leece. TU. 4-1116-7 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. RM. R.D.LITTLE & SON Ltd. FOR 25 YEARS YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER 168 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hi1! Lodge Notes L.0.B.A. No. 894 1950 PREFECT SEDAN A-l Condition $250.00 1938 FORD FORDOR Good transportation $695.00 EM. 6-3166 1951 HILLMAN SEDAN extras. radio. back-up lights, oil ï¬lter. gas ï¬lter. 1949 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE 1949 HILLMAN SEDAN 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1950 HILLMAN SEDAN 1949 FORD COACH 1950 PONTIAC COACH 61/09 a gem WWWme meVmeVmeVAVm‘mVN‘"‘5: WNW. § § XMAS TREES g5 M WW“ Wmmm Home Ofl’ice 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€" Eu. 8949 Fri.. Sat. Dec. 19, 20 A mighty epic of the sea thunders to the screen. Patric Knowles ln “MUTINY†(ln Technicolor) Plus Dane Clark ln "FORT DEFIANCE" (in Cinecolor) Mon., Tues" Wed. Dec. 22. 23. 24 ‘THE HIGHH'AYMAN" in color starring Chas. Cobum and Phillip Friend Plus “FLIGHT T0 MARS“ in co'or starring Marguerite Chapman .ne 1.01m e Laugh Hit of ’i‘he Season The last and biggest comedy hit of the year “MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST " plus “WISTFUL WIDOW 0F WAGON GAP" Martin & Lewis John Lund Marie Wilson with , 310 Abbott and Costello and'Marjorie Main .‘\'.. TI'EE‘.. WED" DEC. 29. 30. 31 42 Yonge Street S- Opposite the Bus Station WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FiT'I‘ED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS Prescriptions for Glasses Filled‘ F. L. LOWRIE, 3.0. ECUâ€"511$ WA N T E D We need houses immediate. ly. all sizes and price ranges. Genuine buyers waiting. A large. competent. exper- ienced staff enables us to of- fer an unparallelled service to both buyer and seller alike. Optometrist \VILL BE AT David McLean Ltd. Head Offices. Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 IT’S TERRIFIC! Adventure of your fa- vorite hero. written by your favorite writ- ter. Thurs.. Fri.. Sat. Dec. 25. 26, 27 Richmond Hill W. J. Taylor Reeve