Christmas Message ev. S. W. lefllll, Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Once again ’tis Christmas, gladdest, men-jest day of a the year. An air of expec- ;a y ï¬lls th ehearst of young _ I'm old alike. Why all this ex- qgoltemeni. Why all these prep~ ‘arations for parties, feasting, ,getcf.’ What does Christmas -1‘eally mean? Is it just a Reason for the exchange of 'ngifts, of merrymaking? No. eople gave gifts and made ;merry long before Christmas '1 Was celebrated; for example, the old Roman Saturnalia, a Christmas is above all a re- ligious festival, a time when ,we try to take to ourselves (some of the goodness of the infant Jesus. which, as he lat- er showed men, resulted in happiness. ‘ What a pity it is that so my 'of us forget that the appiness is not possible withOut the goodness. ‘ Christmas is a time when we wish each other Happin- 5. My message to you his Christmas is a very sim- ple One â€" “Search for the oodness and you will surely nd the happiness.†So I wish you all the joy of his happy season, and pray that the Gracé of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and yours through the New Year. By Rev. S. A. R. Wood "Trinity Anglican Church, ‘ Thornhill When Jesus was born in lBethlehem of Judea in the ldays-of Herod the King an (Went took place which began the most tremendous move- ment in the history of civili- zation. Looking back two thousand years we cannot rheIï¬WOndering that the birth of one tiny child, among the thousands who must have been born that same night, should have been so signiï¬- cant; and this sense of won- der can only be satisï¬ed as one realizes that, in Jesus, God “became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory.’ As, later on ,people saw this small boy grow up, this glory showed in what you and I call “goodness.†L.» McCowans" â€"l".'G-.A. Christmas ,Jflessage MAPLE, ONT. pagan festival. Yet the giving of gifts and the receiving of gifts is a worthwhile part of Christmas, for at this season we celebrate with joyous ab- andon God’s Great Gift of Love to all -mankind in the Person of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. We give gifts to God, and to our fell- ow men, because God ï¬rst gave Himself to us. The very purpose of Christmas is seen in the message and song of the angels, â€" “A Saviour is born, which is Christ, the Lord,†and “Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.†Yes, Let us make merry. Let us rejoice. Let us give gifts ‘not only to each other. but to the poor, the unfortunate, etc. And above all let us give our lives, our all to Him, Who gave himself for us that we might not perish, but have et- Rev. Frederick McGinn, P.P. St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Richmond Hill Once again, as we prepare ourselves for Christmastide, our message and our h0pes for you must be substantially the same as in other years. It is this, that you continually strive for a greater under- standing and a deeper apprec- ciation 0f the true, spiritual signiï¬cance of this great Christian festival. This can be accomplished only by pray- er and thoughtful meditation. ern_al life. On Christmas Day we ob- serve the Birthday of Our Divine Lord and Saviour Jes- us Christ. the coming of the Son of God into this world to redeem and save us. On Christmas Day we commem- orate the great mystery of the Incarnation, the fact that G‘Ofl'became a man; that the Second Person of the Most gassed Trinity took on a hu- ' an nature and appeared in this world to attract us to Hii‘nself and to convince us of the certainty of Divine Love. Let us, for a moment, and in a. spirit of true faith, con- template this Infant lying in the manger. His eyes are closed, He sleeps, He does not outwardly manifest what He is. In appearance, He is only like all other infants, and yet. Christmas M essa ae being God, being the Eternal Word, He is, at this moment, judging the souls that appear before Him. “He lies upon straw, and yet, as God, He sustains the universe and reigns in Heavenâ€. This child, just beginning to grow, is the Eternal Whose Divine Nature knows no change. He Who is born in time is like- wise He W-ho is before all time; He Who manifests Him- self to the shepherds of Beth- lehem is He Who, out of no- thing, created the nations that “are before Him as if lthey had no. being at all.†If He needs a little milk to nour- ish Him, it is still by His hand iEhgt the birds of heaven are e . May such thoughts, arising from your priceless possess- ion of true, Christian faith, ï¬ll your minds on Christmas Day. May your will be in complete tune with the Will of Christ. If this is so, then, you may be sure that the great blessings belonging to the proper observance of Our Lord’s Birthday will be grant- ed to you in rich abundance. KEELE ST. KEELE ST. Pridham’s I. G. A. Groceteria RICHMOND HILL Bill Drinkwater Motors King City Yake’s Dry Go Telephone 11 ALLEN’S MEAT MARI Morley Williams Ernie Brock & Son VILLAGE HARDWARE (Next door to Bank of Commerc Phone Maple 93 Chevrolet - Oldsmobile LOW PRICES EVERY DAY AT “We Deliver†Telephone Thornhill AV. 5-1744 SUNOCO SERVICE STATION To Our Friends And Customers We Extend Our Best Wishes For “g merry (ï¬bristmas gun g Jammy 3min 192m?†Chevrolet Trucks PHONE MAPLE 19R5 ELGIE AND SMITH ELGIN MILLS (Successors to J. Carl Saigeon) Once again we have come to the time of the year that is the best â€" Christmas, with its cheer, its gladness and its spirit of goodwill. It is a time dedicated to childhood and the home. The trees are gaily decorated and gifts, so carefully wrapped, are wait- ing to delight the recipients. Generosity marks the season as thoughts turn to others less fortunate, and efforts are made to assist to make their Christmas a happy one. W31;- shippers will gather in the Churches on Sunday and Christmas day and with thankful hearts lift their voi- ces in the singing of carols and quietly how their heads and praise Him who has giv- en us the greatest gift of a1] â€"- the Child of Bethlehem. Oh what unaccountable bless- Rev. E. E. K_ent Thornhill United Church General Insurance Christmas Message Phone 50 ings have stemmed frOm that little stable in Bethlehem! What influence was liberated to change the moral and spir- itual climate of the earth! What hopes dwell in the heart of the Christian from the an- gelic song that rang out so long ago, proclaiming “Peace on earth among men of good- will."! From Bethlehem’s star there shone a light that can never fail. The birth of a little child to Mary and Jos- eph has revealed the Spirit of God and the meaning of life, making mother and child for- ever sacred and softening the heart of the world. The man- ger, the mother, the babe, the shepherds, the angels â€" the sounds and experiences of that ï¬rst Christmas â€" must ever remain sacred to the hearts of Christians. Though this all happened so long ago amid the Judean Hills, yet the holy light lingers still with us to exalt and bless. Welcome, thou best season of the year â€"may thy spirit remain with us through the coming years. A Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all! Maple, Ontario TV and Refrigerators 10 YONGE ST. SOUTH Fast and thorough service for own'ers of all makes of English can DEALER IN STUDEBAKER ems & TRUCKS ADMIRAL BAKER’S RICHVALE TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1114 OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY Lino - Tile Service SALES 8 SEE; VICE SHELL SERVICE Turner 4-1782 Furniture By Rev. Charles G. Higginson Richmond Hill United Church We must be on our guard to see that Christmas is not smothered under a wrapping of legend and fiction. We cel- ebrate an historic event, the Birth of Jesus Christ. His coming into the world marked a new beginning for mankind. And if our hearts are open to the promptings of God, we shall hear the jubilant music of the angels and worship at the manger, offering to Him oyr best gifts of love and ser- Vice.- May God’s peace be yours this Christmas. The Gospel writers tell the story with restraint and ten- derness. They invite us to behold the fudï¬lment of God’s promises to men, to receive God’s answer to our deepest longings. God has visited and redeemed his people â€"â€" this is the glad news they bring to us. Washing Machines and Appliances Greetings At Christmas BEATTY RICHMOND HILL Richvale Motor Sales Yonge Street Authorized Kaiser and Henry J. Dealer Tires, Batteries and Accessories Wmmmxmmnammnmximnannufl Phone Richmond Hill TU; 80 YONGE ST. S. General Repairs RICHVALE TAXI LUCY DICKIE LINGERIE -â€" BLOUSES HOSIERY AND ACCESSORIES SPORTSWEAR â€" SWEATERS C.FYFE Telephone Maple 128 24 HOUR SERVICE ICE AND FUEL TUrner 4-2093 RICHVALE TUrner 4-2081‘ RICHMOND HILL‘