sssfiii n 5:? z ii i r rt't-rrr’? if i . ' "tr-a y - traps:- 7*. ran-ester U is hope. ‘7 antâ€. .‘ .23» .\ 51*3/ ' ' Rate 2-50 er year; to the United States 3300; Se Single Copy sunscnptwn $Memlher Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH. M.P-', Publisher ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor Telephone TUrner 4-1261 W. S. COOK, Editor “Authorized as second class mail, mama mnmhmzammmmamxaannmammummmmmammmmammmshomelessness“. - 2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 18, 1952 . " vmmmmxmmmmummmmuxuumwzxxxwm all)»: liberal An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 0F IRCULATI Post Office Department. Ottawa†Christmas 1952 Christmas comes this year and ï¬nds the world in a troubled mood, yet we are glad to repeat that message .“Peace on earth, goodwill to menâ€. ï¬rst given to the shepherds in Judea nearly twenty centur- ies a o. _ git is a part of the joy of the Christ- mas season that, now especially, we listen to and believe the messages of truth that Were brought to earth by the Christ child. Here in Canada we live in a part of the world where the lamp of freedom still burns. In other parts of the world the lam of freedom has gone out. In these lan s behind the iron curtain tyrants rule by force and lies. There slavery or a con- centration camp awaits the man who dares to differ. Holly, mistletoe and decorated trees, gifts and parties â€"-'these are trimmings and traditions that have grown around the original Christmas message, until it has become only a legend and a time for indulgence. Many have forgotten the startling truth of these words: “Good Christian men rejoice because now there God has come among menâ€. All the power of the Creator of the world is available if men will turn to Him to solve their own and their nation's problems. With this burning in their hearts mcn changed the ancient pagan world. Step by step, through centuries punctuated by the blood of martyrs. men worked that the plan of God might prevail. They lived and died for freedom of conscience. freedom of speech, for the abolition of slavery and the sanctity of the home. _ Many millions in countries where the lamp of freedom has gone out are 'heart- broken and powerless. They are discour- aged, worn out by war, weakened by lack of food and spyâ€"ridden. . On the free world falls the responSI- bility of leadership. We who still enjoy freedom can be the architects of a new age. It can be done by God-directed men and women of courage and spirit, who can break through the tinsel and indulgence to the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas 1952 is a challenge to each of us to apply its message in our own lives, and then unite with .all men of goodwill to send that message of peace and hope radâ€" iating throughout an anxious and troubled ‘ world. Christmas Seals Christmas Seals have become a Can- adian tradition. They are part of our Christmas, along with the tree, the ' wreaths, the gifts and' the carols. Christmas is a pledge and a promise and so are TB ChristmasSeals. To all who suffer from tuberculosis «and to those who ‘ might someday suffer from‘ it, the Seal is a symbol of hope and courage. _ No'one is safe fromutuberculosis. It is no respecter of age and no respecter of persons. It is not inherited from one generation to another, as we believed for so‘msny years. Instead it is spread by ‘ germs, passed from one person to another, and that is why family members, living in OIOse contact. often give it to one another. Forward strides are constantly being made in medical and social research. The \ Christmas Cards Tho'Post Offices in Richmond Hill ’ . and in all other communities in the dis- tiet are flooded these days with Christ- mas" cards. Postal employees are weary as they empty bags heavy with envelopes of all shapes and sizes. Almost every en- "velope carries the same friendly message expressed in a thousand different ways. This flood which sweeps the postal system each year at this time began as a trickle less than 100 years ago. Like our gay Christmas tree, the Christmas card was a product of the Victorian revwal of Christmas festivities, once forbidden by tPuritAn laws. The ï¬rst Christmas card is ’ believed to have been designed early in the 1840’s, but not until 20 years later did the exohange of greeting cards catch the pop- ular fancy. A predecessor of the ï¬rst Christmas cards in England was the “Christmas iece†Written by school children in their nest handwriting and carried home to proud parents to prove that school fees were not being spent in vain. The paper was decorated arOund the edges with holly and robins, with space in the middle of the pages for the message. Another ancestor of the Christmas card was the garish Valentine, the fad dur- ing the crinolined 50’s. At the time the crinoline began to lose favour, people be- gan sending each other cards at Christmas as well as on Valentine’s Day. Designs were unoriginal â€" genial old gentlemen, enormous plum puddings, the simplest of humour â€" but people liked them. Many Christmas cards were sold by Valentine manufacturers who made no attempt to produce Christmas cards in keeping with the wintry season. A quite common de- sign consisted of a base of cut-out white paperwork in imitation of lace, with a scrap of flowers pasted on too. The scrap c0uld be lifted to reveal a Christmas mess- age. the only feature distinguishing it from a Valentine. new drugs, such as streptomycin, PAS, BCG and isoniazid, have worked wonders. Our hope lies not only in the cure of those already suffering, but in the prevention of the disease. The best treatment continues to be prevention. And here is the value of TB Christmas Seals. In this district, during the pat few years. the National Sanitar- ium Association has given thousands of free chest x-rays and clinic check-ups, and these have been the means of ï¬nding many cases of TB, previously unknown. By ï¬nding the disease early, and be- ginning treatment at onCe, TB can nearly always be cured. _ Buy Seals. Each is a weapon against disease. Each is a weapon to protect you and your family. 0V2? The Years The range of material used by the Victorians is astounding, according to Dr. G. R. Lomer, former librarian at McGill University, who has made a study of cards of long ago. By the 70’s, Christmas cards had left Valentines far behind in popularity. Greetings had changed from a simple “compliments of the season†to wishes ranging from the sublime to the ridicul- ous. Until 1910, nearly all the cards sold in Canada were imported from Great Brit- ain and the United States. Now, about 15 major manufacturers in this country market thousands of designs each year. Since the lady of the household buys about 85 per cent of the family’s cards, manufacturers cater to her wishes rather than to male tastes. Just now, she dis- likes, geraniums on her greeting cards, but pansies and poinsettias are ï¬ne. (In Eng- land, poinsettias are absolutely “outâ€!) A few years ago. blue was the most popu- lar colour â€" blue with silver decorations. Now manufacturers feel that red is on the way to the top of greeting card fashion. Styles are constantly changing, just like women’s hats. Some of today‘s cards are certainly no improvement over the ones our bustled grandmothers bought for grandpa, but many others are beautifully and cleverly designed. Card manufacturing techniques have come a long way in the past 20 years and many of today’s cards are ï¬ne examples of printing craftsmanship. After another half century people will be smiling indulgently at the old-fash- ioned Christmas cards of 1952 and ï¬lling maiboxes with cards their generation con- siders beautiful and appropriate. The friendly custom will antinue to flourish, partly due to enterprising manufacturers, but more through our desire to retain traâ€" ditional Christmas customs as something unchanging in'a chaotic modern world. mamzamanxmaaamax Arranging Christmas Flowers Many people don't make the best of the cut flowers they get at Christmas time because they feel they are “no good at arranging flavors". While some are more adept at displaying flowers to best advantage. the experts point out that anybody can make a good showing if a few simple principles are followed and a little imagina~ tion is added for good measure. It is not necessary to have a great profusion of flowers to get striking effects, but always work for a triangular effect by cutting the stems to different lengths. If the flowers are to be seen from all angles, on the dining-rOOm table for instance. the arrangement should have "two faces". Single faced arrangements are more suited to the mantle or for a corner. Flower arrangements can often be improved by additional foliage. Pieces of the Christmas tree or small branches of cedar are nth-o invaluable. it the modern li'uugli type of vase is used, the length oi’ the trough or the diameter of a bowl should be about twoâ€"thirds 3’ the height of the tallest flower in the triangular arrangement. Striking effects can be gained in floral arrangements by keeping dark vivid coloured flowers low and in the centre of a triangular arrangement. This creates a cen- tre of interest which immediately strikes the eye. If flowers with particularly heavy stems are to be displayed in a large vase a small ball of chicken wire in the mouth of the vase will make an excellent support and prevent the display from collapsing. And don't overlook the possibil- ity of using an everyday ornament in conjunction with a floral ar- rangement: use lots of imagina- tion at this point. say experts. Naturally at Christmas time one thinks of candlesticks with red candles. ()fien something of this kind can be used cï¬â€˜eclively to balance a mantle display or one llml is in a coi'lii-i‘. and mm ll ll'olii luci‘cl) Iltl\\r‘l'\ Ill .i Misc mm a striking floral display N ‘mummxxg 5 One Day 5 I In Each Year 5 Charles Wells grammars-ium“ Men always have hopes of a bet- ter world when they see the mir- acle of Christmas. All the selï¬sh- ness. bitterness and hatreds pause. and for a day surrender in the sweet charm of a little Divine Prince wlio cast His spell over the earth two thousand years ago â€" a spell that has not been broken. a charm that has increased to be- come a spiritual dominion stretch- ing around the earth and from pole to pole. Thus we can always know that men could live with goodwill and understanding for each other. because one day in each year the little Divine Prince of Peace still compels them to do n. an Ontario leads all pi‘m'inces of Canada with the largest output of sugar and highest pr‘l rout sugar Ill lwrl< Ural \llyul Ulillllll llI lslï¬l was ilLiJIUUJIUU pounds. M‘ Prime Minister St. Laurent reâ€" lui'ncd lo the House this week ai- Ier attending the Commonwealth Conference in London. The Prime Minister is must hopeful that bone cï¬cial results will come from his meetings with Mr. Churchill andlprise. representatives of all parts of llic' Commonwealth. It is hoped that an increased flow of trade may re- sull from llic deliberations and this of courc will he liclpiul not only to Britain but to Canada as well. The development Of tclcvision is a live topic of discussion here. For some time careful considera- tion has been given to the devel- opment of television broadcasting, and while our progress has not been rapid we hope in the long run to be justiï¬ed for making haste slowly. Television broadcasting is of necessity a monopoly in that a limited number of channels are available for broadcasting. For that reason it is desirable that it be controlled in the public interest and not just thrown open to priv- ate exploitation by those whose main object would be the making of proï¬ts. Television now enters many homes and soon will be going into many more. It surely is of nat- ional concern to make sure such a powerful medium will be operated in such a way as to raise not low- or our intellectual and cultural standard. The Government believes that television should be developed in Canada with the aim of beneï¬tting and enriching our national life and that it should feature Cana- dian programs and Canadian tal- ent. This we think is important because in days to come television will play a considerable role in influencing our national character. Television broadcasting is a very expensive business. It repre- sents a particular problem in a country so widespread and diversi- ï¬ed as Canada. Now that tele- vision service has started the gov- ernment believes that it should be extended as widely and as quickly as possible. CBC Stations are now operating in Toronto and oMntreal and will be established in Ottawa, Halifax, Winnipeg and Vancouver. For other centres the CBC will issue licenses to private stations which will carry in addition to local pro- BY... J.I. SMITH M.P. NORI’HYORK ‘ ' “‘t‘aï¬w C‘ . '3. 9.4; 4:391") v 'r r‘ as _ Mg); . > > 3 - rs?! Fir-£1333“ ‘K‘Q‘. grams and features the national programs. 'l‘lic ()l)_ll‘(‘ll\‘(“ is to mnkc nzilionzil television service available to as many Canadians as possible through co-opcrnlins be- twccn public and private color- This will take time and money. morc study and hard work. but we hope the people will be pa~ ticnt and co-opcmllve in this very sincere cilort to give Canada something better in television than is enjoyed either in Britain or the United States. In the pro- cess there will he mistakes and dis- appoinlm‘ents but the Canadian people can rest assured that the sole aim of government policy is to give Canadians the best poss- ible in radio and television. United Nations Hon. Lester B. Pearson return- ed to the House this week to give Parliament a very interesting re- view of world affairs. The Cana- dian Minister of Exicrnal Affairs has been devoting all his time to his duties as League President. He said that despite bitter divisions on grave issues the United Nations Organization is an indispensable piece of international machinery. It is working in the hope of spar- ing the world the ultimate tragedy of war. Every effort is being put forth he said to secure peace in Korea but it is hard to negotiate peace with people who do not want peace. In a review of world conditions Mr. Pearson made it clear Korea is not the only danger spot in Asâ€" ia. There is Indo-China, Malaya, Iran and in fact the whole Middle East where there are elements of discontent and disruption. The United Nations and the North Atlantic Trealy Organiza- tion while not in any sense per- fect are our best hopes for peace and must continue to have our support. Of NATO he said it is directed toward a peace which will mean more than absence of ï¬ghting, and to the bringing about of a secur- ity that can ultimately be based upon something stronger than force. Merry Christmas To all the people of North York my sincere wish for a Merry Christmas with the hope that the spirit of this blessed season, the spirit of peace and goodwill may make the world better in 1953. Cato ‘7 zaannacgz[[ndlhld .3512? Mm: i action Moron! “W’s some“! WOMAN «listen Girl ‘ â€" plus ammo Irvth ' 5f; CAMERON nncnru memo DEllHIHG '3“ Rhys Wllllm . ..V.+.,.,. I: )1 « sat-n.awesqumares»anmeuuom-pmmwwmmol / I Please Note: ldst complete Show .llomluy &* Tuesday, Dec. 32, 33 a! 8.30 1)."). he Richmond Hill, Telephone TUrnor 4-1213 Wednesday, Thursday'& Friday â€" D 1 ' ' i a , g . A - y s a / . .‘i . , ._ l v ' ' - ‘ 9.? Ontario n ge‘ï¬ï¬e‘r 23; 25, 25 ' it? lTHRILLS l 3‘ .,,-.. r3."‘"’flx'1Â¥ln,!\g.9w Rousing grim m the clash ofsreel m4 th.‘ mug of bows thigh. Ihcchsllengeohg‘um. few against the hon STORY OF L * iuHoo AN ALL-llVEACTION PICTURE Color by STAIIING RICHARD TODD w.mlllllll RICE ‘Produoed by PERCE PEARCE- Directed by KENNETH MIMI“! journals! hr LAWRENCE E. WATKIN ....... Please note Christmas Day Ist show at 7 p.m. Boxing Day Matinee 2 p.m., continuous from 6.30 p.m. Saturday, December 27 THEY CALLED HIM “me Ornament. A man who fought for the tallest treasure in the world â€" lhon risked it all for a temptation he couldn't resisll .3 'ï¬ I *er Dis ‘ -Nalure’s innermost secrets revegled.’ From the four corners of the globe ., they came-the rugged, the brave, the soldiers-of-fortune, the greed- merchants, - - tearing the whole far West apart'for the Sequoia ONLY Saturday Matinee, Dec. 20 ONLY MOHE‘aY & Tuesday :â€" DeceMber 29 & 3° Specml Holiday Matinees, Mon. .& Tues., Dec. 29 & 30 .‘ tier; trees that towered to the sky like stacks of red gold! .~.;.;EVE MILLER PATRICEWYMORE Here to thrill you! One of the all-time "greats". . . brimming with ever-new laughs, ever-new romance, ever-new songs... sparkled with ever- delightful antics of Dopey and his lovable pals! DISNEY presents A TRUE-LIFE ADVENTURE , \lVATERBIWS