; XMAS SPECIALS WW IE‘KHKEKGEKKWK’EK’R KEEH’S‘EH 534698 Kaflilflï¬lï¬m’ï¬ï¬‚ DE 5% meme Wilma!“ LING-TILE SERVICE - 10 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill - TUrner 4-178 W unnanxmmmmmmnmmummmanammmaamaammm 3a}. 3126332362361 2:312: 37 20. Richmond Hill, Ontario eration of Mortson Bus Line effective have been forced to discontinue the 0p- December 15, 1952. Helen Haldane Due to unforseen circumstances I Matinee, Thurs., Jan. Wed., Dec. 31 â€"â€" Wed. Dec. 31 Midnite â€" Thurs†Jan. NOTICE Telephone TUrner 4-1212 GORDON MORTSON, Prop. Richmond Hill color by Archie Murray Emma fabulous story of the beauty _» who fought ‘ . & continuous from 6.30 Speaking to the delegation Reeve Ian McLaughlin said “council had no jurisdiction. your request for an appeal must be made to the de- partment of education." It was pointed out to council that the school act says. the school inspec- tor is the one who decides wheth- er or not there were any irregular- ities in a school election; One rate- payer stated that Mr. O. M. Macâ€" A great many mist kes in the voters’ list were pointed out. Mrs. Eva Spence has been dead for ï¬ve years, another man six months or more, their names are on the list used at the school for this elec- tion. Mrs. K. Weston purchased the last of Mr. Kurt Laskila's pro- perty four years ago. Mr. taskilla's name is still on the list. Council has no authority By Mrs. C. L. Stephenson Six residents of S. S. 13 Lake Wilcox appeared before council at its statutory meeting held on Monday, December 15 enquiring into the way the election for school trustee was conducted at S. S. 13 on Wednesday, December 10. when Mr .Alfred Patchell. Lake Wilcox. defeated Mrs. E. Davidson by 20 votes. Mr. Wm. Hope. president of the Oak Ridges and Lake Wil- cox Ratepayers Association. Mr.‘ P. E. Demers. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mei-ran. property owners for 25 years. who came from Toronto to attend this meeting. Mrs. Mei-ran had been denied a vote at the el- ection for school trustee last week. Mrs. K. Weston. Mrs. Ernest Da- vidson. all members of the delâ€" egation spoke to council and presâ€" ented their points of dispute in a clear cut earnest manner. One question asked was how did two people. resident only 40 days. get their names on the voters' list? Clerk John Crawford said “the residence clause in this township is 60 days". “I have no know- ledge of how these names were put on the voters list“. To the question “where did the voters list used at the election come from" the reply from Mr. Craw- ford was, “it was made up in this office last week†“copied from the official list printed November 1, to which no names have been add- ed with my knowledge." Mr. Craw- ford stated further that there are 824 names on this voters' list for this school section. His staï¬ are not infallible. the onus is on each citizen to ï¬nd out after the voters’ list is issued if his name is on it and if it is not to apply at once to the clerk's office to have it put on. Mistakes 0n Voters’ List Whitchurch Council Has No Jurisdiction In Request For New Election In 3.5.13 Must Appeal T0 Dept. of Education Mr. Ernest Davis, road superinâ€" tendent stated that after the last meeting when the report that Mr. Frank Mitchell still was not satisâ€" ï¬ed with the ditches on the north Lake Wilcox Road was discussed, he and Mr. Bardwell the township engineer paid a visit to Mr. Mit- chell and explained to him what has been done and what'it is pro- posed to do. Mr. Mitchell appar- ently was satisï¬ed with the ex- planation given. Since that time further complaints have been re- ceived from Mr. Mitchelli Reeve Ivan McLaughlin stated that Mr. Mitchell had been worrying coun- cil for over two years about these ditches and that all further com- plaints from him were to be refer- red to the engineers. “They are being paid to settle these prob- lems." Couhbillor E. L. McCarron. out of town on business was not pres- ent at this meeting. To advise people of a special ev- ent at your church or school or club use 3 “Coming Events" notice Road bills presented. includuing salaries from December- 1-15 am- ounted to $3,353.63. Road Supt. Reports Total bills passed amounted to $4,919.45. This included annual stipend paid to the Reeve and Councillors. the allowance to members of the planning board, which has been raised from $5.00 to $7.00 a meeting. The‘Reeve is paid $450.00 and the councillors $350.00 a year for their services to the municipality. Township sol- icitor Mr. J. D. Lucas was paid $533.28. Margison and Babcock, engineers, received $881.26. $20.00 was paid to Charles Der- nie for one sheep killed Novem- ber 13 by dogs. Year End Bills A letter sent to the Dept. of Highways requested permission to amend by-law No. 1369 to agree with expenditures as they occur- red during 1952. To credit culvert maintenance account by unrequir- ed $5000. To credit new mach- inery account by unrequired $5000. To debit road maintenance account by $10,000. Sheep Claims Mr. E. L. McCarron was the chairman and Mr. O. M. MacKillop was the inspector present. Another complaint was that Mr. Thos. Hill was stopped from entering the vot- ing booth with these words. “You have been behind that sheet three times now, how many votes do you think you have?" The explanation given was that he was voting for people who could not write English. No declaration to this effect had been made. Other Business Killop did not act the part of a disinterested spectator. Clerk Crawford said that a copy of the request for an appeal should be sent to the department of educa- tion. It was pointed out to council as well that. a ballot. that never should have left the hands of the returning officer was Mr. Fred fully preserved as evidence of these alleged irregularities. The returning ofl‘icer was Mrs. Fred Lynn. 3 member of the school board. Two members of the del- egation stated that to their own knowledge names were added to the list at the election complained of. Asked if they were willing to state this on an affidavit the reply was “we are." It was also brought out before council, that. the fact that these names were added would perhaps not have been disâ€" puted if the chairman and the in- spector had not refused to allow other property owners whose names were not on the list to be vouched for. RICHHOND HILL Your wife decided '0 change fhe sfer righi in fhe middle of consfrucfion!" ADMIRAL TV 17 Inch $289.95 $30.00 DOWN. BALANCE 24 MONTHS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Donations of money from indi- viduals have also been received in the past few days and these have ensured that all material necess- ary to complete the work will be available. so that Santa will be able to visit every good little boy and girl in this district on Christ- mas Eve, ' Constables Robbins and Farmer. who inaugurated the workshop are high in praise of the skilful work of the volunteers, both teenâ€"age and adult, who have made this project so successful. About 300 toys have already been repaired by the boys and girls who man the Richmond Hill branch of Santa's Workshop. These will be on display at the Open House on Friday night. December 19, to which all interested persons are invited. “Do you consider it sound bud- getingâ€, asked Deputy-Reeve Tom- lin, “to set aside $5,000 in the bud- get and not use it for what it is budgeted? It seems the board is not as economically minded as it should be to include such an am- ount in its budget in such a heavy tax year. Do you feel yourself, Santa’s Work - Shop To Hold Open House “From reading the write-up in the paper it would seem that the board was conducting its business in rather an off-hand manner.†said counéillor Rice. “There was an indication in the account of the meeting of a frivolous attitude to- wards the deï¬cit which would in- dicate a budget wasn't treated ser- iously." “A wing would accommodate only a few. and we chose Thorn- hill as a site because it was the centre of greatest population. We therefore would be cutting down on transportation costs,†she said. “I travelled to school on a street car. I paid my own transporta- tion," said councillor Rice. “Does the school board have to pay for all this transportation." ’ “We get a grant back, some 50% for transportation," Mrs. Hill re- plied. "Why not build a wing on the pi‘esent'school", asked Deputy- Reeve Tomlin. "Is there any truth in the quote in the recent issue of the Liberal that $40,000 was offered for this land," asked Deputy-Reeve Tom- lin. “I couldn't say for sure," an- swered Mrs. Hill. “there is a difâ€" ferent amount given every time I hear it." Mrs. Hill replied “At our last meeting an offer was made for a ertain parcel of land in the l‘hornhill area. The Department recommended not buying less than 10 acres and not more than 13. Reeve Taylor, at this boint asked VIrs. Hill if he was in order to ask 'Ier the exact location of the new aroperty in Thornhill which the aoard was considering buying for a new school site. PHONE TURNER 4 1125-6 In the senior matriculation ex- ims last year out of 183 papers written there was a 78% overall pass. The provincial average was 82%. Mrs. Hill suggested that it might be a good idea to have a member of council sit in at the board's bud- get meeting to see the difficulties the board is up against. “We feel :eenly about all this expense and he money we have to ask council “I think it's $5. a term," an- swered Mrs. Hill. “It's peanuts", replied council- lor Middleton. Richmond Hill Approves (Continued from page 1) hem as well as those athletically nclined." Senlor Matric. Exams for but there are all these boys ;nd girls to be educated and the idults seem to be becoming more education conscious as is evident n the numbers attending night chool classes (140-150). “Don’t you charge those new Ianadians for their classes?" asked ouncillor Middleton. pre-ï¬t windows. insulatiom materials, rooï¬ng, Also an exclusive assort- ment of building materials If It's quality lumber you're looking {or â€" we have it! Including panels, wall boards, HERE’S SOME CD NSTRUCTIVE ADVICE ! TU. 4 1521 Richmond Hill mammmm Your Rexa†Store Fleischer’s Pharmacy TABLE LAMPS, STAND LAMPS COFFEE TABLES. END TABLES “The board has no objection to the press,†replied Mrs. Hill. “There are, however, some per- sonnel matters that I feel should not be discussed openly." Mrs. Hill then thanked council for giv- ing her the privilege of serving on the High School Board, stating she enjoyed the work and tried to do her best for the interests of ev- eryone concerned. “In regards to the press," said Reeve Taylor, “we feel the press has done a good job and it is their duty to report to the ratepayers what every public body is doing. We feel since it is the public's money we and other bodies are spending the press should sit at every meeting and be able to re- port the facts that go on at these meetings to keep the public in- formed on just what is going on. What was said at the recent meet- ing of the High School board sort of gives the press a black eye. and we would like to know the exact feelings of the board towards hav- ing the press at its meetings." CHESTERFIELDS, of yaur favorhe fashion fragrance; Faberge's bonnie little 56’! of purse colognes in a gold-and-whife gift box, 3.13 ï¬ne sef of four famous Faberge' scenfs "We're becoming a nation of handouts," said councillor Mid- dleton. WKKWEKXXK‘Kllï¬mm Mrs. Hill. that the board is apply- ing the rules of economy?" “I certainly do." replied Mrs. Hill. “We talk and talk about how we can cut down on our bud- get." pocket editions Don't let an accident spoil :33 holiday happiness for yourself or for others. M l appeal to Ontario citizgns these added hazards by greater care sense when walking or driving. As in the past it will also be m Increased dangers â€" more traffic, more darkness, slippery roads, and holiday l' impatience. Christmas and The season of festivity and YONGE STREET F. C. WILSON BARBER SHOP In the hearts 0/ our friends this day. Marley's RICHMOND HILL MINISTER As joyous songs of Christmas Night May all be calm and all be bright Ring out in their own sweet way AND WASHING MACHINES PICTURES, MIRRORSREFRIGERATO OCCASIONAL CHAIRS. CUSHIONS. New a Happy New Year to all. A Merry Christina and Jew Year again usher in good fellowship. Our sincerést good wishes that you may enjoy a Merry Christh and all the good fortune to make your New Year a Happy one. holiday haste and 2‘?“ to overcome care and common RH‘HMOND HILL marked by '8 hours of