Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1952, p. 5

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. 5;; ; mam LUMBER co. LTD. o a o .. a m n W W 7 . ' heal-is of you and your 6 a family today and ev- ery day. BRADSHAW MOTORS LTD. §K€K¢E5K1¢K°KE¢¢KKM’€MK3€" ' RICHMOND HlLL Phone TUrner 4-1772 All)!!! 35 ‘ , x 'IIKKKKKKKKKKRKKKKKKKmlfiflfifllmflmfllmlflfllfi RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-2091 the people of Richmond Hill and surrounding district, with a special wish and hearty welcome to the new cit- izens of the Village in the annexed area. HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS A Merry Christmas to All Monday, December 22 â€" 8.30 am. to 9.00 p.m. Tuesday, December 23 â€" 8.30 am. to 9.00 p.m. Wednesday, December 24 â€"â€" 8.30 am. to 6 p.m. Closed Thursday and Friday Monday, December 29 â€" 8.30 am. to 6 p.m. Tuesday. December 30 â€" 8.30 am. to 9.00 p.m. Wednesday. December 31 â€"â€" 8.30 am. to 6 p.m. DRIVE SAFELY AND SANELY DURING THE FESTIVE SEASON AND DON’T BRING GRIEF TO ANYONE GLASS MEAT MARKET HILLCREST MARKETERIA MANSBRIDGE MEAT MARKET DOMINION STORE DODGE & DeSOTO DEALER WM. NEAL Nash Sales & Service â€" FOR â€"- MORLEYS GROCETERIA MORLEY’S GROCETERIA " buseszmazezmmzzmzzzxuzmmmumxxg May the true spirit 0! the First Christmas. shine brightly in the hearts of you and your family today and ev- ery day. Richmond Hill The Christmas meeting of the Mission Band was held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry Burton, when 18 children and eight adults were present. Misses Kathaleen Burton and Ruby Houston, on behalf of the Mission The CGIT and Explorers will hold their annual Candle-Lighting service on Sunday evening, Dec. 21, at 7.3 0pm. at the church. Rev. A. C. Huston will give his reading on “The Lost Word". A hearty in- vitation is extended to everyone in the community and surrounding district to attend. Mission Band Meets S. S. 6 at Community Hall on Friday, Dec. 19., at 8 p.111. Sunday School Concert in the Community Hall Tuesday, Dec. 23 at 8 pm. Candle-Light Service gifts were received for those less fortunate than we are. Much cred- it is due Misses Carol Perkins and Helen Boynton for their beauti- ful setting illustrating the Christ~ mas Story. Christmas Concerts S. S. No. 7 at the School Thurs- day evening, Dec. 18 at 8 pm. S. S. No 12 at the school Friday December 19 at 7.45 pm. St. W. I. Meets The regular meeting of the Sen- ior Women’s Instiute was held at the home of Mrs. D. Parsons on Tuesday evening of last week. Ow- ing to the inclement weather the attendance was low and the speak- er Mrs. H. D. McCague, was un- able to be present. The meeting opened with the singing of the Ode, followed by the Lord’s Pray- er. Roll call “Characteristics of a good citizen” was well answer- ed. A number of Christmas car- ols were sung. A Christmas quiz avas conducted by Mrs. J. Valliere. Winners were Mrs. A. Frisby and Mrs. Reid Brumwell. The meeting closed with the benediction. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. D. Parsons, and the committee, Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. J. Snider. 25th Wedding Anniversary An impressive White vice was held during t] School period on Sunc gifts were received for fortunate than we are. 1 Mr .and Mrs. Harvey Collard were “At Home" to their neigh- bours an dfriends on Sunday af- ternoon, December 14 on the oc- casion of their 25th wedding an- friends cniversary. Nearly 100 of their friends called on them. Pouring tea were Mrs. A. Steph- enson, Mrs. S. Boynton and Mrs. were: N June Col] phenson. hours anc’ tended to this time. White The film “Whoever you are" showed the efforts of various groups working in co-operation with others in the fight to break down the color and racial barriers in all walks of life. 1 A very fine accordian solo by Andy Ezinanko was another treat. Mr. Ezinanko played waltzes, pol- kas and other selections of his native land, Czechoslovakia. We 11an them on hand in Swen Neilsen from Sweden de- monstrated that the hand is quick- 2r than the eye. When Swen came to the bottom of his bag of tricks, everyone agreed that this was a great contribution to the programme. ‘ A film “Peoples of Canada" showed people migrating to this country, where they settled. some ‘f their probiems and their con- 'butions to the country. The beautiful carol “O Come 11 Ye Faithful" was sung by Iartha Baker, Sharon Baker, La- rern Morrison, Patsy Knowles, Patsy Bisson and Nancy Hallawell of the senior room. All the child ren's singing was directed by Miss Wood, junior room teacher. Children of (he intermediata grades, Mary Ann Baker, Linda Watt. Linda Keifer, Dianne Mc- Ginnis, David Baker and Tommy Clapp sang two lovely Christmas songs. Mr. Bert Witty introduced Mr. A. E. Atkinson of the Maplewood Church of Christ. who explained the meaning of Christmas. Mr. Atkinson denounced the present day trend toward commercializing Christmas and the custom of allâ€" owing festivity to take the place of the solemnity of the season. A new bridge of understanding and friendship with new citizens living in our community was built Monday evening, December 8, at the Concord Home and School meeting. Although we do not speak with the same tongue as these new Canadians. nevertheless over 110 persons present at the meeting listened with great en- joyment and understanding to the music and delighted in the spirit of their singing. For Mr. and Mrs. Neba. recent arrivals from Finland. this was their first taste of a Canadian Christmas. They delighted every- one present with their guitar and mandolin rendition of Christmas carols while Mrs. Neba sang them in her native tongue. President Mrs. R. M. McLean. presided for the special Christmas program which was opened with a lusty singâ€"song of Christmas carols ably directed by Mrs. Bruce Kef- fer. and which everyone enjoyed singing. How’s Your Supply 0f Counter Check Books? Home and School DeFoe impressive was held d1 01 period 0 CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart. 1!. R. 1, Maple JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Gift Service The Liberal oe. Assisting wit Mrs. Barry Col follard and Miss 1. The heartiest md friends on S to Mr. and Mrs. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie, Victoria Square VlCTORlA SQUARE NEWS mg the Sunday. CONCORD NEWS Telephone Stoulfville 67509 ith the tea >11ard, Miss ; Joan Ste- t congratu- Sunday af- . Collard at Telephone Maple 110R3 Gift rly 100 of on them. A. Steph- and Mrs. l the tea t ser- Sunday . Many ase less :h cred- ins and Elia United Church, Christmas Sunday, December 21, 1952. Pub- lic worship 9.45 am. Sunday school 110.50 a.m. Rev. Cyril Leach, minâ€" Band presented their leader, Mrs. Ralph Boynton with a copy of the New Revised Version of the Holy Bible. Mrs. Boynton replied in a few well chosen words. Refresh~ ments brought the meeting to a close. As the children were leav- ing for home each was presented with a Christmas gift from their leaders. Personals A speedy recoiery is wished for the Sunday School Superintendent, Mr. Rolph Boynton, who Is ill. The women of the 'congregation served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill spent the week-end with Mrs. Percy Williamson Huron, Mich., U.S.A., Mr. ' Philip. Mihoréan of Rich- mond Hill had dinner on Saturday wit_h Mr. Jim Boynton. on December 20. Among the gifts presented to the couple were loveâ€" ly chinaware, linens, canister sets, etc., from their friends and neigh- bors in the community. A miscellaneous shower was tendered Miss Joan Tonkin in the Sunday School room of Elia Un- ited Church Thursday evening, December 11. Miss. Tonkin will be- come the bride of Mr. J. Macklem ister. Shower Church services are held every Sunday at 2.30 pm. at Fisherville United Church. The minister is Rev. G. Kelly of Newtonbrook United Church. Everyone is wel- come. Young Peoples' meeting are held on Monday nights at Fisher- ville United Church. We would be very pleased to see more young people interested in our meetings. Everyone 14 years and over is we!- come. The meetings begin at 8 o‘clock. Come and bring your friends. Elia We are sorry to hear that Mr. George Good has taken very ill and is in Toronto General Hospi- tal. We all hope he has a speedy recovery and will be able to come home for Christmas. Fisherville United Church The December meeting of the Fisherville W.A. was held Tuesday evening December 9 at the home of Mrs. Holgate, Fraserdale Farms, with the president, Mrs. Clawson. presiding. Mrs. Conway read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Stock- ford led in prayer. The discussion part of the meeting had to do with making plans for the community Christmas supper and party to be held in the chuurch on Wednes- day evening, December 17. Personals At the close of this memorable evening mothers of grade 3 pupils were hostesses at a social hour. The next meeting will be held at the school on January 12. W. A. Meeting It is good to see these new Can- adians blend so nicely into the general scene and absorb the lan- guage and customs of this, their adopted country. It is equally good for us too, to make them feel at home here and to adopt some of their culture and folk ways and in so doing, enrich our way of life. Mr. Stan Kefl‘er was appointed Visual Aid director during the busâ€" iness part of the meeting. Johnson Mr. and of Port Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ’N. Peelar on their 14th wedding anniversary, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. Don Newton mov- ed to their new farm in King on Thursday, December 11. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton will join them later. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong called on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard of Victoria Square on Sun- day on the occasion of’their 25th Wedding anniversary. Farm Forum Owing to the fact that Edgeley forum is made up of members from rather a scattered area, they had a little difficulty in coming to a conclusion on the subject. How- ever, there is a community hall at Edgeley, where meetings, suppers, dances, etc., can be and are held. There is a swimming pool within five miles and an artificial ice rink four miles from here. So taking everything into consideration it is doubtful if an attempt to expand the facilities would be practicable at the present time. On the evening of December 8, Mr .and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh held the Farm Forum meeting at their home. “How important is a good community centre in provid- ing a satisfactory rural life" was the theme of the discussion. lighting service were Larry Burns, Willa Hawkesworth. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Avery. June Young and Gor- don Mitchell. Perssnals Deéember 21, 1952, Sunday School 1.30, Christmas service 2.30 pm. Rev. P. J. Lambert, minister Young Pesnie The joy of a soldier's return from war is depicted in this family picture taken at Windsor Station, Montreal, when Cpl. Lionel LeBlanc of 4423 Wellington St.. Vedun, P.Q. kiss- ed his two-year-old son Michael,'after he and other Montreal and Maritime members of the 1st Battalion of the Princess Pats steeped of? a CPR trans-continental train on their return from fighting with United Nations forces in Korea. Other members of the family greeting the soldier on his return from a year and one month’s service in Korea include his father Ralph LeBlanc, and his wife. In answer to the Question re- CORRESPOIDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart. R. R. 1. Maple Telephone Maple 110113 Edgeley United Church, Sunday. |garding the use of schools as t Vi EDGELEY NEWS Rev. P. J .Lambert occupied the chair for the election of officers but the same executive and com- mittees were returned to office to serve for another year. They are: President, Mrs. Arthur Avery; secretary, Mrs. James Bagg; treas- urer, Mrs. Garnet Keffer. Sewing committee, Mrs. George Bagg, Mrs. Allan Poole, Mrs. Geo. Poole, Mrs. Homer Whitmore and Mrs. Charles Peelar. Mrs. Eldon Fier- heller Is the missionary convener and treasurer and Mrs. Alf Bagg and Mrs. Allan Bagg are the pian- ists for the coming year. The annual meeting of the Edgeley Women’s Association was held Thursday, December 11, at the parsonage at Maple. garding the use of schools as com- munity centres, the groups were divided three ways in their an- swers. Group I answered “Yes,” Group 11 thought it would be ad- visable in some places but not in others. Group III thought there are no schools available which are suitable, also that the community centre should be apart from the school. The third series begins on Jan- uary 5 when the cost of marketing will be under discussion. WA. Annual Meeting W75. CHRISTMAS SEALS m can» [sigma-m ~mmm muotgmm in wishing Season. May this Christmas Season be bright and merry and may the Néw Year bring good health, happiness and prosperity. engineers, supplie women of labour tributed in great velopment of new “1; he Chairman, Commissioners and all of Hydro’s thousands of employees throughout the Province join with the Municipal Systems The Commission also takes to extend their best wishes: engineers, suppliers. technic THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Dec. 18, 1952 K5996:KllfllllllliflflflflfllllflfiflfihfiKfifififig’flfi‘fififlfilim WWKWKWKKKKKKKKKKKKKRKKWKKKU {MI/I FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS. PERKINS FARM &7H0ME EQUIPMENT you new power also takes this opportunity est wishes and thanks to the 31's. technicians and men and Whose co-operation has con- measure to the speedy de- the EDDY’S VARIETY STORE 55 YONGE ST. NORTH TURNER 4-1291 ' RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Floyd & Ruth Perkins compliments Richmond Hill, Ont. sources. To you and yours, this Christmas season. we extend our sincere wishes for happiness that will long outlast tho tinsel and the tree . . . and live on in' your hearts through all the dqys andl years to come. the

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