Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1952, p. 7

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., Thornhi" H And N District Newg AGINCOURT HAULED FOR DRY CISTERNS AND WELLS R. GIBSON The annual family Christmas service will be held at 11 a.m. this Sunday. The service will feature carol singing, special music by the choirs and a sermon story "Dick- ens Christmas Story." It has been suggested that families all sit to- gether and the nursery and be- ginner children will go direct to their classes. In the evening at 7, a‘ beautiful and inspiring ser vice will be held with the mem- bers of the CGIT performing the Candle-lighting ceremony and the choir singing special Christmas music including the carols from many lands. On December 25, there will be a special service held at 10 a.m. Y.P.U. On Saturday afternoon in the Thornhill Public School, the teachâ€" ing staff together with the Area music and art supervisors, the Public Health nurse. Dr. Dean. treasurer of the School Board and their‘families held a very enjoy- able Christmas Party. The after- noon .included games, movies and a Christmas Tree from which Dr. Dean distributed gifts. Everyone enjoyed a delightful lunch and ag- reed that thn entire event was very successful. Christmas Sunday The regular meeting of the W. I. held last Wednesday in the Un- ited Church Hall began in the us- ual way with the singing of the “Ode”, the repeating of the Creed. followed by the Lord‘s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Crowhurst, lst vice- president was in the chair for this Christmas meeting. Miss Baxter read “Shotgun Christmas", and Mrs.. Simpson read papers on “Home. Progress and Small Com- munities". An invitation was re- ceived to attend the Scarboro Jun- ction Birthday Party to be‘ held January 6 in the Silver Cross Rooms. 88 Prince Arthur Street, Toronto. A report of the meet- ing ottthe Thornhill Area Recrea- tion Committee Meeting held re- cently, was given by Mrs. Sin- clair .and Mrs. P. Bone was ap- pointed to represent the Institute m this board. Mrs. Heaslop pre- sented Mrs. F. Farr with a Life Membership. This presentation vas followed by a beautiful Christmas programme featuring a slit, solos, duets and a quiz. Mrs. S. Findlay played the role of San- ta Claus and handed out gifts to all. For this festive occasion the table was decorated on the Christ- mas theme. with two cakes in the form of pine trees. The special collection was sent to the Sick Children’s Hospital and there was a very good response from all the members of jams and jellies for the Cancer Clinic. Bob Martin and Carol Langman ot Thornhill Public School and Maria Anker, and Elaine Cozens of Langstaff Public School were pre- sented with prizes for their win- ning posters on the Fall Fair. A cheque for $5.00 was also sent to the Thornlea School to be used for First Aid, for their posters on the Clinic. _ Mrs. Heaslop was the winnerrof the dressed doll, donated to the W.I. by Mrs. Swaby, a past- presldent. The proceeds went to charity. To close a very memor- able meeting a delightful lunch was served. Public School News The pupils of grades 6, 7 and 8 have» completed the bicycle racks which are to be painted this week and the material of whirl] 11‘“: earned through the magazine sub- scription campaign. United Church News White Gift Sunday Correction \An n VIII-v.- The executive of the Uplands Community Association should read as follows, and not as print- ed in last week’s issue: Chairman, Mr. Jim Barr; vice-chairman, Mr. Jim Bennett; secretary, Mrs. Dun- combe Ball; treasurer, Mr. Jim Bridges; executive member, Mr. Walter Smook. Thornhill Baptist Church News Thursday, December 18. is the date for the presentation of Christ- mas music and Carol singing by the choir of the Thornhill Baptist Church. on Yonge Street. As many alterations and improvements have been made to this building since the church began here in Thornhill, this ‘will be an oppor- tunity to see these changes and to enjoy an evening of beautiful Christmas music. Everyone is wel- come. TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Women's Institute Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tutt of Yonge Street who re- cently heard of the birth of their grandson. The baby which arrived two months prematurely weighing 4 lb. 7 025. and named Bruce Har- old.- was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harper, nee Madeline Tutt, in Whitehorse. Prior to the closing of school on Friday of this week for the Christâ€" mas holidays. the various classes held parties throughout the week. There was a surprise visitor in the person of Mrs. McKean, a past president, who is moving from this district to Orillia. She was presented with a matching cup, saucer and plate. The members of this group met WATER PHONE 36 A most enjoyable Christmas Home and School meeting took place in the Thornhill School last Tuesday evening. December 9. Mr. Martin. Area music supervisor. with the helpful co-operation of This group held its Christmas service Tuesday in the Church hall which was decorated for the occas- ion with evergreens and candles. The theme of this service was “Christmas â€" the season of re- birth". Mrs. J. Michell was in charge of the meeting assisted by various members. Mrs. LeMasur- ier rendered a very clovely solo. The nominating committee presâ€" ented its report and the officers for 1953 are: President, Mrs. E. E. Kent; vice-president, Mrs. M. Bal- four; corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. Simpson; recording sec- retary, Mrs; M. Balfour; treasur- er, Mrs. C. P. Johns; community friendship, Mrs. E. N. Meuser; supply. Mrs. Wells; associate mem- bers, Miss F. Clubine; citizenship, Mrs. L. Hicks; Missionary Monthâ€" 1y. Miss A. Boyle; Literature. Mrs. N. L. Morton; pianist, Miss A. Boyle, assisted by Mrs. N. L. Mor- ton. Thomhill H&S Association The Cubs and Scouts were hosts to their mothers last Monday ev- ening when they held a Christmas Party in the Victoria Hall. This party was very successful and en- joyed by all. The boys' "Good Deed” for the Christmas season. was in making up hampers of food to be distributed amongst the needy of the district. Money used to purchase these articles was earned by the boys themselves. We are glad to hear that Mr. Tom Dean of Thornbank Road is on the road to recovery following his recent illness and we hope that he will be out again very shortly. Approximately 60 members of this organization were present for the recent meeting which took the form of a turkey supper. which was prepared by a committee of the, Guild. The executive sat at the head table, which -1ike the others was decorated for the oc- casion and the entire meal was eaten by candlelight. A program followed consisting of a number of songs by Dianna Hunter and Laura Weavers and recitations by June Ross. Mrs. McKean. who is leaving the district, was the guest speaker who reviewed the history of the Guild which had its begin- ning] as a Sunday School class. Its firs’t'president was Lilla Brillinger now Mrs. L. Short. The first major project of the organization was in 1931 when it joined with Mrs. Leusby’s class and produced a very successful play, the proceeds of which were used to purchase the pulpit and clock now used in the Church. In 1933 a bazaar was held and from this effort the Com- munion table was bought and pre- sented to the Church. Both the pulpit and communion table were made by Mr. Sinclair of Yonge St. From this small group it has grown to-be‘come one of the largest or- ganizations in the community. Mrs. L. Short presented, on behalf of the Guild, an ornament of Hager Ware to Mrs. MdKean as a part- ing gift. Mrs. George Kelson voiced 'the appreciation of the members to the entertainers who helped make the evening so en- joyable. Mrs. Heror. also gave a vote of thanks to the executive for their work in the past year. The election of officers then took place and are: President, Loura Giles; lst vice president. Lorrairi’e Den- by; 2nd viceâ€"president, Sylvia Kent; treasurer, Edith Leusby; recording secretary, Corinne Lad- el; corresponding sec., Lou Rog- ers; pianist, Helen Toby; sick com- mittee, Marion Lemon, Marion Craig and June Morgan; member- ship committee, Flora McMullen, Peggy McArthur, Marg. Jeffery, Helen Large and Lucile Dean; au- ditors, Sylvia Kent and Muriel Dean. These officers were install- ed in their new offices by the min- ister eRv. E. E. Kent. To complete a perfect evening the members were surprised with a visit from Santa's Helper Jaqk Bentham, who came all ,the way from his home north of the Church. The Christmas service will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, December 21, when Dr. J. S. Glen, principal of Knox College will be the guest speaker. recently in the Church hall and elected officers as follows: Immed- iate past president, Ernest Kent; president, Arthur Bone; vice-pres- ident, Betty Empringham; secret- ary-treasurer, Miriam Kent, stew- ardship convener, Phyllis What- ley: mission convener, Don Mc- Cabe; citizenship convener, Aud- rey Thompson; faith and evangel- ism convener, Linton Timbers; reâ€" creation convener, Billie Kemp. The next meeting will be in the form of a Christmas party to be held on December 22. Beginning with the meeting in January, the group will meet on the 2nd Sun- day evening of each month and will have a planned social on the 4th Monday. Afternoon Auxiliary (W.M.S.) Ladies' Guild We are pleased to report that Bob Grainger of Yonge St, is feelâ€" ing much better following the em- ergency removal of his appendix last Thursday. Bob was well enough to come home the followâ€" ing Monday. Presbyterian Church News A number of girls of the CGIT accompanied by Miss M. Slrrs and Mrs. A. Martindale recently at- tended a performance of the Christmas story in Little Trinity Anglican Church. Friends and neighbours send congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Perry of Arnold Avenue on the birth of their son, Satur- day, December 13. Scout News CGIT 'i‘iIâ€"ernhiliiiairea _contfibu-ted by itsiPeuders. Ou: representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, ThornhllL The Liberal is always pleased t9 publish items or interest in the grades 4 and 5 pupils, showed how a class is taught music. He then showed an excellent coloured film “The Littlest Angel". which was thoroughly enjoyed. Carols were sung by all present. led by Mr. Martin. Delightful Christmas re- freshments were served by Grade 5 mothers. A dinner party was held Satur- day. December 13, at the home of Mrs. F. H. Echlin of Centre St. to celebrate the birthday of her cou- sin, Mrs. Johnston Egan of King. Among those present were Miss Lizzie Egan, Mrs. Rhoda Farren. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCallum of King, Miss Olive Lloyd of Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Davies of Willowdale and Mrs. S. Davies, Mrs. J. A. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Echlin, Janice and Fred all of Thornhill. Trinity Church Notes The members of the W.A. met last Thursday in the Church hall for a very pleasant Christmas proâ€" gramme. Everyone joined in the singing of various carols accom- panied by Mrs. Howard at the pi- ano. Mrs. R. Priestman sang a beautiful solo and read a shorten- ed story of “Scrooge” prepared by Mr. Rostance. Mrs. Redman and Mrs. Lean were hostesses. At the last meeing of this re- creational and instructive organ- ization led by Mr. and Mrs. Elgie. the members elected two new of- ficers for 1953, Charles Sissons as president and Harold Garland as treasurer. A vote of thanks was given to Gai Zinkan and Harry lddon for their work in the past year. Mr. Zinkan on behalf of the club presented Rev. S. A. R. Wood, with the public address system and pop cooler, purchased by the club and which may be used by the organizations in the church. Mr. Wood thanked the club on behalf of the church and stated that al- though these articles were not ones used every day, when the need for them arose it was a great one. Trinity Hoe-Down Club A turkey shoot held under the auspices of the men of Trinity Church at the home of D. V. Rid- out, Bayview Ave., was a great suc- cess. From 2 p.m. until dark the constant sound of gun shoots boomed across the open fields through thecrisp sunny air. Some through the crisp sunny air. Some 250 shots were fired. in all, and 14 men went home with Christmas tunate winners were Geo. Rows- well, Doug Cullingham, D. Chall- oner, S. Spence, W. Burke, H. Jennings, D. Lindsay, Tom Gibson and Frank Harris. Sunday morning a large congre- gation at Trinity Church had the privilege of hearing the Rector of The Church of the Redeemer, Tor- onto, preach, while Mr. Wood preaâ€" ched at the Church of the Redeem- The next meeting of the club will be on December 30. Plans are being made for a Hard times party in January. , Turkey Shoot Canon H. R. Hunt Preaches Christmas Services The members enjoyed a Turâ€" key dinner Monday evening in the United Church Hall, the men-l be- ing prepared by the women of the United Church. Special guests for the evening were Thornhill Trust- ees Frank Harris and Wilf Dean. It has been reported that the Lions Club is making plans to assist those in need in the district at this time of year by giving financial aid and sending food hampers. Every member appreciates the co-operation received from the people of Thornhill and the sur- rounding area in helping to make the Bingos the success that they were. They are pleased to an- nounce that Mrs. Haberlack of Morgan Avenue was the lucky win- ner of the jackâ€"pot prize of $500. won on Wednesday, December 10. The Club realized an amount in excess of $1200 from this venture, which will be used for welfare and community betterment work. The Lions are in the midst of a peanut-selling campaign, the pro- ceeds of which will be used for welfare work. Any member will be glad to take your order up {until Christmas. er. The exchange of pulpits took place through a system of parish partnerships. whereby a large city Church is linked with a Church in the country or suburbs. The purpose of the scheme is to develop fellowship and under- standing among churches which serve their people under very dif- ferent conditions. Each has its own problems to face, and its own contribution to make to the well being of the church. It is hoped that in time further ways of de- veloping a better understanding of the life of the whole church will be found. It is hoped that the change will make it possible for more people to enjoy this happy occasion with- out having to come out at night. The hour has been set at 5 p.m. so that children may attend, and in order to avoid interference with Even Services in other Churches. All special services for the Christmas Season will be found listed under the Church column. The list is long because few people will receive a copy of the Liberal between this issue and New Year‘s Eve. Lions Club News The following new members were welcomed by the Thornhil] and District Lions Club this past month: George Mickleborough. Roy Bick, Ken Minor, Bob Fisher and Dr. M. Walker. Carols by Candlelight Each year for the last 11 years, the choir of Trinity Church has held a night of carol singing by Candlelight. This year a change is being made in the day and time, for the 12th Candlelight service is to be held on Sunday, December 21, at 5 p.m. Thursday night about 65 neigh- bors and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Porter. John St., to express their best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Duncan, formerly of John St., before they left for their new home in Cookstown. Af- ter a pleasant game of progressive euchre the surprised couple were presented with a red maple ex- tension table and two chairs to match. Mrs. Joe Robinson read the address and presented the gift. A delightful luncheon followed. Pat and Bruce will be missed by their many friends here as they were born in the district. Their house on John St. has been sold. Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone AV. 5-1468 Send-off Party Home and School Fathers put on a successful proâ€" gram Wednesday night at Thorn- lea Home and School Association. There was an excellent attendance of fathers. Mrs. Gage opened the meeting and read the purpose of Home and School. Mr. Richan took over as Master of Ceremon- ies. He extendedughis best wishes and words of encouragement to the 1952 class of graduates. and also to pupils of grade 8, as he presented the school pins. Grade 8 pupils received pins to commem- orate their school life at Thorn- lea school. as they are going to be transferred to the new Henderson Ave. school in the New Year. The graduates receiving pins were John Caesar, Neville Thomas, Er- nest Gribble and Bill Mitchell. The Grade 8 pupils were Mimi An- ker, Billy Gage, Carol Law, Dor~ othy Frazer, Myrna Higgs, Barbara Ridout, John Cole, Jim Morrison, Robert Cunningham, Rae Morrison and June Lahonen. Four pupils took part in an or- atorical contest. June Lahonen spoke on “A Fish Hatchery Story.” John Cole on “A Trip to Chalk River.” Richard Barbour on “A Scout Trip to Oshawa". Julie Par- ker won the prize with her speech on a visit “To St. Peters, Rome, Italy," giving a wonderful des- cription of that famous building. Julie was presented with books on behalf of the Home and School by Mrs. Frazer. The three adjudiâ€" cators were Mr. O’Beirn, Mrs. Frazer and Mr. Martindale. An amusing game of 20 Ques- tions was given by Mr. Richan and a panel of six fathers. The ques- tions were both perplexing and amusing. The panel was composed of Mr .Frazer, Dr. D. Tanner, L. Hutchinson, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Ward and Mr. Martindale. The men dressed in chefs’ caps and aprons served donuts and coffee. Mr. Martindale's room received the monthly prize having the most parents represented. Next meeting will be January 14 and will be a program on Safe- ty. Coming in February is aspe- cial program and players from Toronto are presenting “Scattered Showers” to a combined Home and School meeting for Foundersf Day. Thornlea Home and School will carry on until June. A very successful euchre was held at the school Friday evening. Winners were Mrs. Lahonen, Mrs. Guy Frazer, Jack Curtis and Guy Frazer. Mrs. Frazer also won the door prize. The next euchre will be Friday January 16. Accommodation With the change coming in the school we find that Grades 1 to 4 with the exception of pupils liv- ing nearer to Henderson Ave. school, will continue at Thornlea School, as one room is going to be kept open for a while anyway. Only grades 5 to 8 are being transferred to Henderson Ave. school. Euchre Real estate exchanges have been made in our district. M. J. Johnson has sold his house on John St. and Mr. and Mrs. McKean have sold their house and acreage on John St. and Bayview. Mr. and Mrs. McKean are moving to Orillia. They have lived in Thornlea for the past 29 years. A surprise birthday party given by Audrey and Alvin Thompson, to celebrate the birthdays of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thom- pson. Their birthdays came a few days apart earlier this month. Relatives from Agincourt and Tor- onto and friends from Thornhill were present. They were Mr. 2nd Mrs. Irons, Mrs .Irons Sn. .‘Jr. and Mrs. Dowsett. Mr. and Mrs. Empringham and Betty, Mrs. Nuttall, Ralph and Jo-Ann, Mrs. Johnston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Beck and family. Birthday Party Citrus fruits and juices are Theq're tasty and nutritious too. Dept 0' National Health and WeIlare HERE'S HEALTH THORNLEA NEWS Ideal foods for gour child and gou‘ Tops in vitamin C bu far‘ Home and School The Powell Road Home and School association held its regu- lar monthly executive meeting on Tuesday. December 9, with R. Fish- er. president. in the chair. Mrs. D. O'Brien. vice-president, reported the Christmas meeting to be held Monday. December 22. for which nlans have been made to have the Rev. E. E. Kent, of Thornhill Un- ited Church bring us the Christ- mas message. Mrs. W. Burke will favour us with Christmas songs and there will be carol singing. Plans were discussed for the pur- chase of a trophy case for the dis- playing of the cups the school has won. It was also recommended that a bed for the nurses’ room be considered. These items will be brought before the general meet- ing for approval of the member- ship and we hope to make them available in the New Year. This should be a very enjoyable meet- ’ng and we know everyone will be nearly enough finished mm the Ihristmas preparations to be pre- sent and enjoy it. Several cases of measles are re- ported in the district, and we un- derstand that about a dozen grade 1 children the taking their Xmas vacations a little early. Hope they will all be well for Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michell. 29 Grandview Ave. have sold their home an dwill be moving to 34 Castlenook Rd. on January 15 when Mr. and Mrs. Richards will be joining our community. We wish them both every happiness in ’cheir new homes.‘ Christmas Party Mrs. T. King had a very success- ful demonstration at her home last week. Mrl Bail,‘ Proctor Ave., under- went an operation last week at the Western Hospital. His many 'friends will be glad to know he is coming along nicely. T. Westacott and son_Tom spent the week-end at Napanee. Mrs. Westacott’s parents returned with them to spend Christmas at their home. Miss Wakley, Clarke Ave.. had her sister, Mrs. Kite, visiting her from Toronto. Mrs. Haberlack of Morgan Ave. was the lucky winner of $500 at the Lions bingo last week. Mrs. L. Berta of Henderson Ave., spent a few days last week visiting friends in Toronto. Ladies Club The Doncaster Ladies' Club held its Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Mottershall on Clarke Ave. recently. After the carol singing and games. Mrs. Dwyer put on a hillbilly skit written by herself. Those taking part were Mrs. W. J-. Atkinson, Mrs. A. Couper. Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. A. O’Brien, Mrs. A. Watts, Mrs H. Mizen. Mrs. Dwyer acted as Santa Claus for the dis- tributing of the gifts The children of the sub-divis- ion betWeen th eages of 3 and 10 Mrs. W. J. Atkinson of Clarke Ave. won $50 worth of nursery stock as a door prize at the High- land Park Association‘s dance held in Leaside Memorial Hall recently. l\l\\\\ll1\ll\lllllllll|llllllllllll111lllllllllIll|1lllllll\l\l\l\l\\\\llll\l\l\\\l\lll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm\“lllmlllllmllllllllllllllllll\l\\l\l\\l\\l\\“\lmm M. A. WILSON KING ONT. ' PHONE 48 mnnunnnuII\nuIIn\mmmumuummmunmnmlmlmmumlmmmmmmummmmmumluummmmw\\uuluumumuuuuumumu INTERNATONM. HARVESTER 17 Seceomoe Ave. Phons: AVenue 5-1570 Correspondent: MRS. H. MIZEN Doncaster [he great new HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 are cordially invited to attend the HPA Christmas party on Monday morning. December 22. to be new in the North York Veterans Hall, Yonge St., between 10 and 12 a. m. There will be old Santa him- self, movies. treats and fun for all. Mrs. F. Jennings, 85 Grand- view Ave.. is convener of the par- ty and hopes to see all the kiddies present. Boys Club On Thursday. December 11. the Highland Park boys club held its meeting at which the coat hanger drive was brought to a conclusion. The results were very successful, with 1500 coat hangers being turn- ed in. The boys spent the even- ing tying them in bundles of 24 ready for disposal. Many thanks to all who supported the junior boys in their efforts. The boy with the most coat hangers collected will receive a pri7c at the next meeting and th ewinner was Jerry Pollock, 1.9 Grandview. who had 400. Several of the boys came close but some of theirs had to be eliminated because they were un- suitable for sale. The senior boys conducted their Doper drive on Saturday. Decem- ber 13, and received a wonderful response. They had over 5 tons of paper and even then some of the people were a little late get- ting theirs out and a second trip around was impossible. The boys worked very hard, both seniors and juniors turned out in goodly numbers and helped the committee men immensely. They are sorry if the early start caused some to be missed and thank all those who had their pa- pers ready for pick-up. Special thanks to Mr. H. Har- "is. 39 Woodward Ave., who enab- ‘ed them to get papers to their ‘nal destination by the use of his ‘ig truck. Thanks also to Mtessrs. ‘. Shifier, S. Appleby and B. San- .er sfor their generosity in loan- ng their smaller vehicles for the )ickup work to assist Mr. Harris. JIessrs. J. Field, D. Hutchinson and IV. Sanders of the committee worked with the boys during the day. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service Ranges Television C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 prices are down for Sanitary Contractor Our Refrigerator Beef Prices are our Christmas es Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yonge St. We deliver Washers down sale. Radios December 1. 1952 Mr. Reeve and Members of Coun- cil: The Markham Township Plan ning Board respecfully submits the following report on its activi- ties over a ten month period. 1. The Planning Board which was anoointed by Council in Jan- uary. 1952. consists of seven mem- bers. 2 of which are members of Council. The Board held its first meeting on February 7, 1952. at which time it elected a Chairman and Vice Chairman. Since that time 32 regular meetings have been held, as well as two meetings with Vaughan Township Planning Board; 3 with Whitchurch Plan- ning Board: 1 with the Toronto and York Planning Board; 1 with the Department'of Planning and Development; 2 with Thornhill Planning Board and numerous other meetings with School Boards, local associations, etc. 2. The Board wishes to express. its appreciation of the kindness and sincere co-operation of the Council of the Township of Mark- ham, the Township staff. School Boards, County Health Unit. Rail- ways, Department of Highawys, Dept. of Planning and Develop- ment. Toronto and York Planning Board and the Planning Boards of our adjacent townships. All of whom with many others have been most helpful to this Board. 3. Early in the year there was an accumulation of requests per- taining to real estate that caused the Board to meet every week, and resulted in little if any planning. Therefore. the Board on July 10, formed two working committees, one to develop township planning, the other to consider requests con- cerning real estate. The Board meets as a whole and considers the findings of the sub committees. By this means the Board was able to reduce the number of meetings. However. gradually there has been a greater need for personal in- spection of properties and in our planning for the future develop- ment of the Township, it has been found that weekly meetings are becoming a necessity. At present the first Thursday in each month is an open meeting when delega- tions may appear before the Board. Such delegations must also present their request in writing. 4. As of December 1, 1952, the Board in 32 meetings has: (a) Considered 9 major sub- division developments, 7 of which were denied. Of the 2 approved, one was an application tentatively approved by Council in 1951, the other a smaller sub-division in a built-up area in which the school situation was not acute. Our pol- icy here has been that sub-divis- ions must be controlled in rela- tion to the existing industrial and commercial assessment and the availability of educational facili- ties. (b) Considered 160 applica- tions for more or less minor sub- divisions. (c) Considered 2 applications for service stations, one of which was approved. (dl Required, that all divisions of land within the township must abut on a provincial. county or township road and dedicate a 10- foot strip of such abutment for the future development of the road. (e) Required that when more than 2 lots are to be formed that the future intent of the owner be made in writing and that the lots be placed on a registered plan. (f) Required that sub-divisions grant to the township 5% of the property for township purposes. (g) Co-operated with areas in volved. considered and recom mended the following by-Iows: 11) Thomlea Restrictiw Land Use Byâ€"Law. (3) Amendment of Byâ€"law 1232 rcwneciing 1019 31-35, Con. 1. 13) By-Law in respect to Land Use By-Law. ’15) A Markham Township Restrictive Land Use By-Law. (hi Refused the develop- ment of Blocks B.C.D. in the High- land Park Subâ€"Division after per- sonal inspection and advice from the York County Health Unit. Motels (iJ Two developments with- in Thornhill Police Village have been recommended to the Board by the Thornhill Planning Board and Trustees. These are 1. High School, the proposed site was in- spected and approved by the Board. Any further action in this regard rests with the Area High School Board. 2. Proposed Far- mers’ Market. This seems to be a highly controversial plan,‘ con- siderable opposition by the resi- dents of E'gin Avenue has devel- oped and since the proposed Thornhill Restrictive Land Use By-Law has yet to receive approvâ€" al by the Municipal Board. Those for and against this building will have opportunity to declare them- selves before the Municipal Board at a date to be announced later. (j; (1‘) Recommended to Coun- cil that a By-Law be formed res- pecting subdivisions already ap- proved “That no further sub-divis- ions may be made of lots as shown on the plan without a new appli- cation to the Planning Board. 12> A By-Law restricting all residences in areas covered by registered Plan tosingle family occupancy and that whenever re- Report [If The Markham Township Planning Board Elgin Mills FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES Th firnhill Restrictive TURKEYS Maple 86J or BA. 1-5679 GEORGE WAIN quests are made for or use ls made of double or multiple dwellings whether in planned or unplanned areas, the Building Inspector of other Township official clear the: request or use through the Medi- cal Ofl'icer of Health. 1‘ (k) Agreeiclwt‘lig-t permissloni may be granted for the sale of one': lot or parcel of land only from any farm to a member of the owner's immediate family. which lot or parcel must conform to the Town-, ship By-Laws. Any further subâ€"l division application must be ac- companied by a registered plan. The only exception made to this: rule was made on bbehalf of a . elderly retired minister whosq': parishoners wished to provider him with a home and the land in question was donated by a public. spirited farmer. We felt that the circumstances justified waving of our own ruule in this instance. (l) Considered that whereas1 there are approximately 800 um occupied lots in registered sub<‘ divisions in the Township of Mar-1 kham the Planning Board recomfi mend that Council concur in the] strictions : ‘ (1) The Planning Board is pre pared to consider only applicat ions for residential sub-division from the owners of property l 0105 proximity to established built up areas, whether town, vilH age or hamlet. i con. 4 â€" lots 11-35 incl. with. .he exception of Buttonville,‘ Vic! Loria Square and Gormley. con. 3 â€" lots 11-35 incl; with the exception of Gormley, Heath ford and Buttonville. 1 con. 2 â€" lots 16-35 incl. H Not withstanding these restrldn tions, in the areas mentioned; those sections served by Provincial Highway, County Road or Railroad shall be considered as available,’ for satisfactory types of lndustria" or commercial enterprise. 2; tm) So far as the 1000 acres being acquired by Richmond Hill as of January 1, 1953, this Board at no time was called upon for. any decision in the matter because' the two Councils had come to aéq‘ reement and decision. However. since the Municipal Board handed‘ down its approval of the annexat-v, ion, this Board has co-operatetl fully with the Richmond Hill; Planning Board in so far as trans“ fers of properties within the 1000 acre area are concerned. » (2) That the following name concessions and lots shall remal strictly rural in character and tha no sub-division of these areas b permitted. ‘ "con. 11 â€" in its entirety. . con. 10 â€" lots 1-35 incl. with the exception of Cedar Grove} Locust Hill, Mongolia and Stouffi- ville. l the man (a) Following the development: of the Restrictive Land Use By'- Law, the Board feels the urgency of interim zoning of the townshl into industrial, commercial, res« dential, rural and recreational ar- eas. The township has the most beautiful land to be found any- :here, it is essentially rural in haracter and it is our feeling that Iarkham Township for many ears should be a green belt sum rounding the City of Toronto. In the future, its orderly development into an urban area will depend upon what our Board, Council and citizens plan today. con. 9 â€" the exception Stouffville. con. 8 â€" lots 1-35 incl. with the excepticn of Armadale. Mark’- ham, Ringwood and Stoufi‘vil!e.. - con. 7 â€" lots 1-35 incl. with the exception of Markham and. con. 7 â€" lots 1-35 incl. with the exception of Markham and. Ringwood. con. 6 â€" lots 1-35 incl. with the exception of Milliken. Hagei“ the man elia. (b) l. The Boai‘d is making a colour photographic record of de- velopmcnt in the Township. ' 3. The Board asks Council to seriously consider the acquisition of further land for Markham Township recreational purposes. 4. The Board requests Council to seek legislative measures {,0 control subâ€"divisions in the Township. , 2. The Board will présent a monthly report to Council during 1953. (e) The Board feels in order to satisfactorily develop zoning res- trictions. many meetings will be necessary. It therefore recom- mends to Council a budget of $2,- 500 be granted for 1953. ‘ (d) The Chairman wishes to ex- press his appreciation of the co. operation of all members of the Board who have worked hard, with great interest and in a harmonious manner. To Mr. R. C Q“ “'“1 who we regretfully lose from the Board at the end of tile )cui‘, >1.--- ial commendation is given for his untiring effort in development of the TownShip Land Use By-law. His enthusiasm, professional opin- ion and judgment will be greatly missed. submitted. Chairman , Unionville and Cashel. con. 5 â€" lots 1-35 incl. with exception of Milliken, Hagar- , Unionville, Cashel and Am- Secretary Members All of which is respectfully lots 1-35 incl. with of Box Grove and We Deliver â€" D. Ru Hoover Shorten Maynard nner Jmney

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