Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jan 1953, p. 4

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ornhill And District TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clapham of Centre St. on the arrival of their first grandchild. James Arthur, 7 lb. 131/2 oz. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moorley (nee Betty Clapham) of Richmond Hill was born December 19. at the Grace Hospital. Mrs. J. Clapham Sr. also of Centre St. is now the great-grandmother of 11 children. Her latest one.was a son born t_to Mr .and Mrs. Fred Pierce (nee Shir- ley Collinsi of Toronto. on Decâ€" ember 26 at the Womens College Hospital. A Studio Party was held on De- cember 14 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bentham of Yonge St. when the following pupils of _Mrs. Bent- ham performed for their parents: Jane Harris, Greg Harley. Lynda Mary Louise Harris. Nelâ€" son Edward, Lynn Edwards, Pen- ny Ann Stride. Martha MacNeil, Vivien Clements, Sandra Edwards, James Bentham. Bruce Barker. Catharine Carruthers, Gretchen L’Aventure and Linda L’Aventure. Following this concert. everyone participated in singing a group of Christmas Carols. Refreshments brought a very pleasant afternoon to a close. 0 O 0 0 Girl Guide News On Thursday. Thornhill Guide hostesses toga group from the 102nd Company of St. Clements Church. Toronto, With their leader Miss Joan Woodland. The next meeting of the Guides will be held on Thursday. January December 18. the Company were of Guides ‘ . United Church News Christmas Sunday A congregation which overflow- ed the‘Church and filled the Guild Hall was present Sunday morning for the annual Family Christmas service. Those in the Guild Hall enjoyed the service through the medium of a Public Address sysâ€" tem. The families were seated together with the exception of the nursery and beginner children who gathered in the Church Hall and there had their own special ser- vice. The entire serVice‘ in the Church was informal conSisting of carol singing. special numbers by the choirs and the sermon story by the minister Rev. E. E. Kent which was an adaptation of the "Christmas Carol" by Dickens. In the evening a very beautiful can- dle-lighting service by girls of the CGIT in uniform preceded the presentation of “Carols from many lands" by the choirs under the dir- ection of Mrs. W. Heath. 'The Candle-lighters were Betty Lilley- man, Hazel Legault. Ruth Bate- man, Sandra Gibson and Maude Parks. Prayers and reading in this beautiful service were by the lea- ders of the CGIT, Mrs. A. Martin- dale 'and Mrs. B. Barrow. The sol- oists in the carol service were: so- prano. Mrs. LeMasurier. baritone. D. Davidson, contralto Mrs. L. Burke and an intermediate duet by Marie Jones and Elaine Burke. t at Christmas Day A special service was held on Christmas morning at 10 am. Af- ter the opening carol, the congre- gation listened to the radio broad- cast of the Queen's message. There followed the special service dur- ing which the minister spoke on the “Miracle at Bethlehem”. Miss R. LeLasheur and Mrs. E. E. Kent sang a duet "The Bag-Pipers Car- ol” and Louis and Lee Davidson of the Junior Choir sang “Away in the Manger". O 0 0 0 Sunday School Christmas Parties These wonderful events were held on Tuesday last. In the after- noon about 150 beginners, nursery children and their parents were ‘ present for their party, which con- sisted of recitation: and songs by the various classes and two Christ- mas films â€" “The Littlest Angel" i \and the 1952 Santa Claus Parade. Following this the much looked- forward to visit from Eaton's own Santa Claus came. and the presen- tation of a gift to each child and Santa gave them each his Punkin- head book for the extra surprise. In the evening. the programme for the balance of the Sunday School was held. the Church Hall being \‘soufilled that for many parents and children it was standing room on- ly. A splendid programme con- sisting of plays. tableaus, tumb- ling. recitations and songs showed the variety of talent of the childâ€" ren. Rev. E. E. Kent was chair- man. R. Whatley, superintendent. spoke a word of welcome to all. and the entire programme arrang- ed by the teachers and under the direction of Mrs. R. H. Craig. showed a great deal of planning and practice on the part of all con- cerned. Santa Claus made anoth- er appearance and presented each child with either a Church hymn- ary or Bible. t a a a Junior Choir Party Mrs. W. Heath. organist and choir leader. assisted by Miss Ruth Le« Lasheur entertained the members of the Junior and Intermediate choirs at a Christmas party. Miss LeLasheur dressed two dolls in choir robes and those mounted on pedestals together with the gaily decorated table produced a very gay atmosphere. Following the re- freshments everyone retired to the Church where they sang a group of numbers which were recorded on a tape machine and then play- ed back for their enjoyment. Miss Clubine again donated oranges for this occasion in appreciation of the good work of the choirs. ..I Sunday School Teachers Meeting The Sunday School teachers are reminded of their training class on Tuesday eiening in the Guild Hall at 8 pm. sharp. I 0 O 0 _Many children of Arnold Ave Visited at the home of Mrs. F. Ri- chardson on Wednesday evening and enjoyed a period of curb! singing and lhvn refreshments be- fore this happy evening came to a close. The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its waders. Ou. representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, ThornhllL Y.P.U. . The members of this group held their Christmas party in the Guild Hall on Monday evening. The con- venors for this event were Mrs: D. Kemp. Betty Empringham. Miriam Kent and Ernest Kent. The next meeting will be held January 11 at 7.30. a t t t Needy Families Remembered A great many families in the surrounding districts were given a happier Christmas than they ex- pected through the efforts of such organizations as the Lions Club. United Church and the Toronto Daily Star. Fifteen hampers were packed by the United Church group and distributed in time for Christ- mas; Rev. E. E. Kent and his com- mittee distributed for the Daily Star 32 boxes containing clothing. a toy and candy for children 12 and under; the Lions Club also made a number of families happy on this occasion. Those of us who have travelled down John Street lately will agree that the sight there is one to re- member. Everyone on John and Paul Sreets have done their best to make this all possible. A number of Thornhill residents will remember Mrs. Tassey who spent a number of her ninety some odd ears here in Thornhill. and who ~' died recently at Mis" .‘.’hite's Nursing Home. Her firs ‘ome in Thornhill was on Elgi“ \ve., then moving to Yonge Strer just north of Stop 17A. She live there for a number of years with her sister Miss Tweedie who pre- deceased her by a few years. Mrs. Tassey was an active member and president of the Trinity Church WA. and several of the older members have visited her lately at the Nursing Home. Following the funeral service in the city. Mrs. Tassey was buried in the family plot at Nelson, Ontario. 0 O 0 0 Trinity Church Notes Tuesday. December 16, was the evening when the members of the Parish Guild held their Christmas party which was a wonderful suc- cess. Under the direction of Mrs. R. Byford and her committee the members participated in a number of games which tested their skill and knowledge, prizes being awar- ded to the lucky winners. Later on refreshments were served on a gaily decorated table following which Santa appeared and distrib- uted gifts to all. Everyone present agreed that this was a most pleas- ant evening. : win it t Candlelight Service The 12th annual Candelight Car- ol Service of Trinity Church Choir was held on Sunday, December 21. at 5 o‘clock. Under the direction of Mr. C. R. Devey, organist and choir master, and in the presence of the largest gathering in the his- tory of the service in Thornhill. the Choir presented an excellent programme of Carols in an inspir- ing and very beautiful service. Beginning with the ceremony of lighting the 300 candles through the church from the single light on the Altar and representing the spreading the Light from Christ who is the Light of the world, the whole service was one of reverence and joy The choir and the con- gregatioii alternated in singing Carols and Christmas hymns, while the Rector, the Rev. S. . R. Wood i-ead the two passages of Scrip- tures from Luke 11 and Matthew 11 telling the Christmas Story. All those who attended look forward to Christmas 1953 and another Candlelight Service. * O O O . Sunday School Party The Sunday School Christmas Party was held in the Church Hall on Saturday afternoon. December 27 with nearly 200 children attend- ing. An enjoyable entertainment made up of a presentation from each class. and movies, along with Carol singing was greatly enjoyed. After refreshments had been ser- ved each child received a Christâ€" mas gift and a-bag of Candy. I O O 0 Christmas Service A record number of members at- tended the three Christmas Day services at Trinity Church. All that was lacking was the tradition- al Christmas weather. The Church had been beautifully decorated by the Altar Guild. The magnificent Altar flowers in memory of Dr. F. F. Tisdale made the setting for the services extremely beautiful. 0 C O O Watchnight Service The traditional Watchnight Ser- vice of Holy Communion will be eld in Trinity Church. Thornhill t 11.30 on New Year's Eve. All we welcome. It i i ii Trinity Church Footlights Club For the last two months a large number of members of Trinitv Church Footlights Club has been meeting in homes or in the Church Hall preparing for the presenta- tion of “Charlie's Aunt" earlv in February. ‘ O O I I l Choir Visits Ontario Hospital On Sunday evening the Choir of Trinity Church visited the Ontario Hospital at Langstafi. singing some of the Carols from the candelight service. and leading in the singing of Christmas Hymns and Carols. Delicious refreshments were ser- ved and a happy time was spent by the choir, the staff and the pa- tienis. 5‘â€" % Handy Sam. your man Wishes You a Prosperous .\'E\\‘ YEAR Be sure in ‘53 To have your garbage Picked up by me. V. A. Palmer CONCORD garbage BUTTONVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. F. Tl. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone Agincourt 335.12 Institute Meets. On Monday Dec. met at Buttonville Christmas meeting. A Christmas tree was surround~ ed with gifts donated by members to the Children's Aid Society and Cancer Society. Mrs. Driscoll received the gifts for the Child- ren's Aid with a gracious “Thank You" speech. Mrs. Gordon Purves took charge of the Cancer Society gifts. reporting that 31 night- gowns had been purchased with funds earned at the bridge anu euchre and enough money was still in hand to pur- chase wool for winter work.. Candy donations were also given for patients at 999 Queen St. W. A short carol service was led led by Mrs. A. Miller. Mrs. G. Purves and Mrs. A. Stephenson with Mrs. S. English at the piano. Mrs. Glen Ratcliff gave a short talk and showed movies of a Med- iterannean cruise and European tour taken last spring. The photographs and continuity were excellent. and the audience react- ‘n was most enthusiastic. Mrs. J. Robinson and Mrs. A. :af assisted by Mrs. G. Purves. .rs. A. Robinson and Mrs. E. Hill’ )rved refreshments. After which Lhe meeting was adjourned. N.B. During the business meetâ€" ing it was decided to hold the first euchre of the New Year on Wed. Jan. 7th. committee to be Mrs. Russell Burr. Mrs. Russell Boyington and Mrs. Fred Leaf. Admission will be 50c (prizes in money! with a freezeout left to the decision of the players. School Concert On Friday evening. December 19. parents and friends met at the Buttonville Hall to enjoy a very fine concert presented by the school children of this area. S. R. Patterson. secretary of the 15th. the WI. Hall for the Autumn - e; i W5 Christmas Eve in Thornhill Christmas eve was celebrated in an unusual manner in Thornhill when residents of the area gathered arâ€" ound a bonfire to sing carols. Seen above 64a this year HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 Sorry folks, with the change in Board was chairman and Bill Hood schedule of issuing paper for mm. and Walter Craig, board members days‘ I missed extending my best brought greetings from the board, wishes for Christmas. but I hope and congratulated Miss Frances everyone enjoyed a fine one and Baker on her fine work as teacher. the carriers and myself wish you, Master Bal‘l‘y KEdwell “’85 the one and all the very best for the caller-off grade 3. with “Dip and Dive” and “Red River Valley”. The children Werf‘ decked out in costumes made b Mrs. Shenfield and were traine by Miss Frances Baker and Mrs. S. English. . The junior grades sang a med- ley of nursery rhymes, and grade for a square dance by New They Stopped the Show express sincere thanks to all who Year. I would also like to remembered the children and my- elf during the Christmas season. at me have your holiday news arly after New Year's. O O 0 We are sorry to hear that Rich- ll‘Cl Butler. 20 Grandview Ave, :ame down with the measles for 1 presented “10 Little StOCkings Christmas and hope he will soon Hanging by a Chimney-n A Play be feeling fine again. “The Coming of Ann" students was very well done. Also there were several recitations. The highlight of the evening was he coming of Santa Claus and We hear by 59mm” there are quite a number who kept him company with the same com- plaint. 0 O O 0 Mrs. C. H. DeCi’erq. 56 Highland 'hen he had distributed the gifts Park Blvd” was pleased to have the merry crowd dispersed. Christmas Tree at Brown's Cor. Monday. December 22. found members of the community gather- ed again at the Brown's Corners Church. The children of the Sunday School had a gay time entertainâ€" ing their elders with Christmas songs and recitations. Some of the younger fry were asleep when it came time for them to perform, and couldn’t be heard from. A most interesting number for members of the community was when Betty Huston sang a new Christmas carol, the words of which were written by 9-year old Gail Stef’fler and set to music com- posed by Mrs. S. English. Rev. A. C. Huston paid a fine compliment to the church. calling it a “family” church and saying that as long as it remained so it would be a strong power for good in the community. To complete the evening Santr Claus arrived with gifts for all. Special Notes Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid re- ceived unexpected visitors when Mr .and Mrs. Norman Stephenson and Jack called in on their way from Saskatchewan to points south. It is expected Jack will remain here for the winter. Many friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones on Christmas Sun- day and spent an enjoyable even- ing singing Christmas carols. Mr. Bruce Jones is spending the Thristmas holiday at home. Joe Easton and friends set out last week to hitch-hike to Florida for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crisp spent Christmas with their daughter and her family in Toronto. Holiday guests at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Norman May are Mrs. May's father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan of Englehart. and four sisters from Englehart. Montreal and Toronto. Mrs. S. English is spending the Christmas holiday with her bro- ily, the MacGreg- 11nd. i harity and son > cupine are vis- iting he and Mrs. Elmore v .. over the holiday iris the first time Mrs. ‘been home for Christin g * cars. We are gla ‘ ley Wal- len about aga ness. ’ Miss Mary R weekend in Owen sister. Mrs. Mo whose husband is We wish him a spee NOTIC NOTlCE hereby gi the Annual Meeting of th payers of [55. .\'o l Kiri Whitchurch will be held 0 day evening. December 29'. at 8 o'clock. at the School. a will include discussion on ercrowded condition of the All Ratepayers of 'his Set urged to attend, Simieri .\l 'l'Hin'iRh .. Sei~»'l‘i‘ca\.. L158 \o l ' anrl \Vi 3- ill- last her rs, is her brother. James Alexander of Trenton with her for Christmas. ('0 o o On Monday. December 22. those who attendedthe Powell Rd. Home and School Ass'n. regular monthly meeting were delighted with the special Christmas program. ar- ranged by Mrs. A. O’Brien. vice- president of the association who also took the chair for the meet- ing. The meeting opened with a reading from our Home and School magazine entitled “Is Santa Claus real?" Mr. W. Sanders read the article and it was worthy of hought. Carols were sung by the :udience. with Mrs. T. Barrow. 'eading and Mr. E. Gledhill at the 'iiano. Rev. E. E. Kent of Thorn- iill United Church brought us a brief resumelof several Christmas iories. adding much to the en- )yment of the real meaning of Tlii'istinas. A beautiful solo “Oh. .iight of Nights.” was sung by our >wn Mrs. W. Burke. with Mr. E. Pollock as pianist. Mrs. Semple thanked the guest speaker and Mrs. Sanders thanked the others taking part in the program. The prize for most parents attending went to Mrs. Miller’s class, grade 5. The refreshment table was tastefully decorated in keeping with the occasion and refreshments were provided by parents from grade 3, with Christmas cake and extras, provided from the collec- tion given during tea time. Every- one enjoyed the evening and felt much better for having attended. 0 'l U C On Christmas Eve, some of you may have enjoyed a program on CBLT, television station. entitled “How to carve a turkey." We are proud to say that one of our youngsters in the sub-division, Paul Berry, 14 Grandview Ave., took part in this presentation. Paul has been studying dramatics and it is certainly a credit to him to have had an opportunity like~this at such a young age. Television is a big and wonderful new field and we hope Paul will have every suc- cess in any future assignments which may come his way. 0 C O 0 There haven't been any schedul- ed meetings for the Highland Park boys club during the holiday sea- son. but the change to cold weath- er certainly started work going on 'ie rink. The senior boys and W. 'anders worked well into the wee iours on Sunday morning and all day and evening following to get a base layer of ice ready. We all hope the cold weather holds and they can enjoy some skating. after their long hours of work. Special merit goes to Bob and Russ Petrie. Hugh Sirrs. Doug. Langdon and Harold Sanders who stuck right with it through the entire opera- tions. stopping to eat. Dave Snyd- er also worked hard the first night but unfortunately had earlier com- mittments for the day. Many thanks to the various people who loaned their hoses to the boys. and others who helped out where they could. (ARRVILLE NEWS Corn: In But Middleto- Telephone A Happy New 'iear To Am. The United Church Christmas service was well attended on De- cember 21. The choir led in the service of worship with Mary George. Dorothy Baker. Helen Ol- ini‘ol Ann George and Jim Green taking solo parts. Rev. E. E. Kent told the Christmas story of Dickens Chrismas Carol. Mr. Jack Oliver sang a Christmas num« her. One of the best Christmas con- certs was held at Carrville School on December 18. The main school was packed to capacity and most of the children taking part. There were several junior plays and sen- ior plays also several piano, solos and Mr. Howard Nicholl played his piano accordian and pleared the crowd very much. The tiachers. Mr. Gilbert and Miss Wilson were assisted with the concert by Mrs. _'ror _ ;~: aridhr: CALL AV. 54600- olevision Radios Washers ' es Vacuums mall Appliances #12:: r it" Yonge St. logic 180:. JU...._-. ..irs. rieldlng, Mrs. Fin- lay and Mrs. Miller with Judy Ni- choll of Grade 5 doing all the ac- companying on the piano for all the numbers. The Woman's Association will have the January meeting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Kirk on Jan- uary 7. at 2 pm. Devotions will be taken by Miss E. 'Sheppard. The social conveners are to be Mrs. Wynn and Mrs. Middleton. We express sympathy to the family of the late Wilbert Bone who passed away December 20. The late Mr. Bone and family liv- ed in Carrville for many years, moving to Richmond Hill 16 years ago. Social Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. .1. Barton and sons and John Barton returned to Toronto with the Wilson for a week’s holi- day. Mr .and Mrs. Lewis Morris and Lynn and Beverley had Christmas in Toronto with Mrs. Morris's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamb and children and Mr. Andrew Monro of Toronto visited with Mr. Frank Lamb on Christmas day Mr. Wm. Ness and Mrs. E. Leusâ€" b_\ of Thornhill had Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and chil- dren and Mrs. H. .\'es.s. llr. and Mrs. .lohn Wight oi Kes- nick spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs. Albert Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Read and sons of Sloufiville spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Read and grandsons. John and Bruce are staying nith iheir grandparents for ihe holidays. \lr. and .\ll' Manic} \l‘ood had 5all their family home for (‘hi‘isi- mas and ‘xli‘: ("comm and \li.. ,Grace Thompson of Richmond Hill are some of the carollers with the Salva- tion Army Band. ‘In the background may be seen some of the lights decorated trees along John street. l l 'of Mrs. Russell mas "Aw of the gaily THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone AV. 5-1468 The Season’s greetings to all, and may you enjoy a Prosperous New Year. The Gribble family had their Christmas day with their daugh- ter. Mrs. Wicksey and family in Toronto . A happy birthday to Donald Jackson who celebrated his second birthday on December 23. Thornlea Ratepayers will hold their meeting at the school on Bay- view Ave., Tuesday, January 6, at 8 pm. Mrs. Hooker from Saskatchew- an is staying with her daughter, Mrs. George Jackson, Bayview Ave. Doncaster Correspondent: MRS. H. MIZEN Z7 Seccomoe Ave Phone: AVenue 5-1570 Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Goodchilds. Henderson Ave. for Christmas were 12 of their family. Mrs. L. Berta had her daughter. Mrs. Clark and family. also their daughter Zella to spend the holi- days with them. Mrs. Wakelev of Clarke Ave. has her friend. Mrs. Hazard staying with her for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tierney from Toronto spent Christmas with their sister, Mrs. C. Russell on Proctor Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Walker. and Mr. and Mrs. Laskev and family spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. O'Brien. Glen Cameron Ave. Guests at Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele's Morgan Ave. for Christmas were Leslie Steele and family from Torâ€" onto and Mr. and Mrs. Elkins of North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Tutt and family. Johnson Ave. and Mr. and Mrsl W. Berch of Toronto spent Christ- mas day with Mr. and Mrs. T. King on Seccomoe Ave. The Doncaster Ladies' Club will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, January 6. at the home on Proctor Ave. Mr. Timbers will be the guest speaker. Visitors to Dr. and Mrs. Steele last week were Mrs. Steeles par- ents from Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Seeley on Seccom- oe Ave. spent Christmas with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe of Toronto. Mr. Seeley. Jr.. and family are spending a few days with their parents. Norman Seeley is getting married this week in Halifax. Those spending Christmas away ‘rom home were Mr. and Mrs. Dale and family with their parents in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Angel and family spent the holiday with Mrs. Angel's relatives in Galt. Mr. W. Bail. Proctor Ave. is back from the hospital. His sister. Miss Freda. is not so well at pres- ent. Mary. Susan and Patsy Gains are spending their holidays with their aunt in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker of Clarke Ave. were visited by 14 of their family over the holidays. i RICHVALE Correspondent.- .‘Vlr. Quintin Wight ’ Phone Tl‘rner 4-1965 The Home and School Associa- tion of School Area No. 1. Mark- ham and Vaughan extends an in- vitation to all Associations Home and School in adjoining school sections to pariicipaic with ihcmi in a special meeting being arranzw ed for February 23 to commemor- ate Founder's Day. There will be further announcements. Mrs. Bigley and not Mr. Kurita. as was earlier reported was in charge of entertainment at the re- cent Brownie concert .\lr. Has guest of the E‘H‘illllfl. 3 Please forward your holidm so-j m? iiems lo ‘fllll' cori‘c‘pnnrlcnl in ime for next week's regular issue. i Kiiriia WN‘M‘VW N-vx m Women Yonge St. Thornhill your pride and joy! Jenny’s Dress Shop & Beauty Parlour 's and Misses Apparel AVenue 5-2171; Here comes the Stork with a brand New Year. May it grow up to be healthiest year of your life. 7' DONCASTER MEATS TU. 4-1541 . , erous. We thank you for the pleasant relations we have had with you and sincerely hope that they will continue in 1953. g. POULTRYME>N-a;i;.f'..;i§. yours is our sincerest wish â€" > If our wishes for you come true in 1953. you will enjoy the happiest, Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Richmond Hill v r . v‘ k _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- .név My ' We have in stock the type of pelletstlihtfiflll suit the individual needs of your (1) MASTER LAYING PELLE ._ 43}, gr,- s. «now To stimulate Egg (2) MASTER FLESHING PELLETS To maintain the flesh of your birds (3) MASTER GREEN PELLETS To provide extra green feed and vitamins WE KNOW YOU WILL BE SAT! SFIE‘D WITH THE JOB THESE PELLETS D0. .f' j" .. Thornhill, Ont. AVenue 3-1344 Here’s to the New Year! May you wel- come it joyously, live it happily, and look back upon it fondly as a year of progress and achievement . . . of good health en- joyed . . . of hopes realized . . . and dreams come true. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Yonge 81.. Highland (‘.l.l.. PAINTS Phone A Venue 5-1322 Pa rl and count our blessings. We trust yours haye bedn‘n . . . Spence‘s Hardware (Bert Richardson) DONCASTER ’ (‘W I. ,. 5W :5 i’ That the New Year may hold a Full measure of .1; _ happiness For you and (2 (2

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