Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jan 1953, p. 10

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EVery Day Is Discovery Day For The Libeial’s Want Ad Users SPACE HEATER and two 45 gal. oil drums. TU. 4-2076. c1w28 WC?) BOX, $5; 2 mattresses, twin size; galvanized laundry tubs on stand. Maple 145.; *1w23 fiGS: save up to 50%; new rug5 from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc42 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 Ind up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfc44 ONE UPRIGHT PIANO. good con- dition. Phone TU. 4-2063. c1w28 ESSOTANE STOVE, in good con- dition. will sell reasonably. Phone MEN’S SKATES, size 9. also skis and poles, 6 ft., cable harness. TU. 4-2140. *1w28 BOYS’ SKATES. size 4, nearly new $3.00. Phone Turner 4-2307. c1w28 NURSERY FURNITURE, pink, large size crib. bureau, table and chair. 106 Yonge St. north, TU. 4-2147. c1w28 finc'gmc DRAFT BOOSTER for ,, __.! -.....- ‘rnw‘nr‘ n" ‘uuv-.--v ~-.._._ __ 7 ace heater and somé framed oil paintings, prices reasonable. TU. 4-1825. *1w28 King 11r12 9 PIECE Mddérn walnut dining suite; shaded walnut combination wardrobe. both like new. Turner 4-1898. c1w28 ANTHRACITE STOVE and heater. dual ovens. slow combustion, Aga type, with fittings cost new $400., accept $100.00. Turner 4-1543. “.00 1 McCORMICK-DEERING No. 5 hommer mill, 11". used; 2 Fair- banks-Morse hammer mills. 11”, new. Perkins Farm and Home Equipment, Richmond Hill. c2w28 ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 burners, good condition $35, electric ran- gette $20.00, solid oak bufiet $25., double bed and springs $10., dress- er $5, ice box $5. Turner 4-1945. *1w28 SALE TWO WEEKS ONLY» Clearance sale of reconditioned Singer electric drophead sewing machines. Singer Sewing Centre. 102 Main St.. Newmarket, phone 1075. c2w2§ LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked enamel finish any colour of tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 CHESTERFIELD Suites recovered like new. We specialize in custom uphostering. Free estimates, free pickup and delivery. DYER’S FURNITURE SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50. all with reverse stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrlfy your ma- chine for $26.50. Phone Reid’s Cleaners, Richmond Hill TU. 4- BRAY CHICKS for 1953. Hatchery has pullets. Cockerels. Limited quantity started chicks. Delivery now, or when you want them. Ask us for particulars. Agent â€" Fred Wise. Richmond Hill. MODEL A FORD excellent run- ning condition, $100.00. TUrner 4‘ 1543. c1w28 PIGEONS, 16 high flying tipplers. club banded, 2 fantails, 4 bantams, $10 for the lot. AVenue 5~2280. c1w28 1881 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN. radio, heater, $425.00. Apply Mr. H. Bailey, 122 Hall St., Richmoqcl Hill 1939 DODGE SEDAN. clean con- dition, can be seen at Paget’s Au- to Service. Elgin Mills, Ont. Best offer over $200.00. ‘1w28 1936 CHEVROLET, good condition heater. Phone TUrner 4-2442. TRUCKS USED CARS AND DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up CAMPBELL MINK RANCH Agincourt Zone 2-701 CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word. min. charge .. .. 50c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 31: per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . . . 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c min. charge. .50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion . . 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Phone 1250 Newmarket CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM LIVESTOCK WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES clw28 c1w28 c1w28 *1w28 tfc20 tfc29 SNOW PLOUGHING PLASTERING, new and old work. Reasdhable prices With fast and efiic ent service. Free estimate. Sam To linson. TU. 4-1797. tfc20 ALL KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnel], 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and .concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 driveways. Gooderham. BA. 1- 3114. *12w27 FOR FIRST CLASS general car- penter work and lathing, phone Gerry VanBeers, TUrner 4-2384. *1w28 stone, loam and. fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. M. EINBODEN & SON, concrete contractors, septic tanks and drain repairs. Baldwin 1-0633 or Tur- ner 4-1090. cAp2/14 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, .Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, telephone King 261-5. tf038 SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid ANYTHING in painting. papering, decorating. Phone A. Rollinson, TU. 4-1791. ifc13 CUSTOM PLOWING, Disking, cultivating, also excavating, back- filling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, 151: house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc52 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Toronto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. SALESMAN for real estate office. Car essential. Commission basis. E. T. Stephens Ltd., Stop 22A Yonge St. c2w28 NURSES, Registered, for private duty only; Registry; Rest home at Thornhill. AV. 5-1766. Call 8.30 a. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED STENOGRAPHER. for local branch Bank of Nova Scotia. Apply TU. 4-1262. c1w28 m. to 10 am. only GENERAL HELP WANTED. Rest home on Yonge St., Thornhill, near Stop 15, full or part time. live in or out. AV. 5â€"1766. Call be- tween 6 and 7 pm. only. tfc25 CAPABLE GIRL or woman. fond of children, for general housekeep- ing duties in modern city home. Telephone collect, Toronto PR. 1560. . c1w28 HOUSEKEEPER to take over while mother in hospital and con- valescing, fond of children, in modern home with Bendix. etc., own room, references. Box 7 Lib- eral. _ c1w28 seats to A. V. Roe, Malton, from Stop 22A day shift. AV. 5-0089. 2 HOLSTEIN Heifers, due Jan. 15. vaccinated. negative. B. G. Jack- son, Teston Rd., Maple. c2w28 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. We have an opening for an energetic man with initiative and neat ap- pearance. Excelient working con- ditions. Late model car necess- ary. For appointment call S. J. Carlisle AV. 5-1176, sales manager David McLean Ltd., Toronto's lar- gest north suburban realtors. TRANSPORTATION wanted from Markham Rd., arriving College 8: Yonge area 8.30 a.m., returning 5 pm. TUrner 4-1522. c1w28 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 14A arriving vicinity Bay & College 8.15 a.m.. leaving 4.45 p. m. Phone AVenue 5-2543. c1w28 TRANSPORTATION available to Toronto, West End, Weston. or city limits, daily, leaving Windmill, Oak Ridges, about 6.45 a.m., ar riving back about 5.30 pm. Apply B. McKenzie, Aubrey Ave, Oak Ridges, 4th house. c1w28 TO GIVE AWAY 3 pups, part Fox TRANSPORTATION available 5 terrier, 6 weeks old: Phobia TU. 4- 1049. c1w28 TRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE lanes and c51w27 c1w28 c1w28 tfc42 tfc39 tfc25 MER’eid, Reid’s Cleaners, 78 Yénge St. ' tfc21 ROOM Apartment in new home. Phone TU. 4-1251. *1W28 ROOM. $8 a week, for girl or wo- man, vicinity Stop 24. Apply Box 8 The Liberal. *1w28 3 ROOMS and bath, suitable for young or elderly couple. Apply 53 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill. *1w28 ROOM TO LET and board. Gentle- man preferred. AV. 5-0016. c1w28 STORE in Richmond Hill. Apply HOUSE OR COTTAGE, couple, one child. Phone TUrner 4â€"2237. WANTED TO RENT 100 acres more or less farming land with or without buildings, vicinity Maple, King or Teston. TU. 4-1634. *1w28 HOUSE on farm in exchange for part time labour. or nominal rent. Phone after 3 pm. TU. 4-2408. H YOUNG COUPLE (abstainers) with two children, one school age, re- quire a self-contained apartment or cottage for rent. Please phone The Liberal. TUrner 4-1261. EXPERIENCED typist wishes work preferably in vicinity of Thornhill. Phone AVenue .5-2526. c1w28 2-3 BEDROOM HOUSE wanted by‘ couple with two young boys, will maintain property and will conâ€" sider option to buy if house suit- able. Write Box 5 The Liberal. *1w28 RELIABLE WOMAN will baby sit Employment Wanted in Thornhill district. AV. 5-1863. *1W28 EXPERIENCED stenographer will do typing at home. TU 4-1522. RELIABLE BABY SITTER, day or evening. Phone TUrner 4-1967. c1w28 HANDY-MAN, middle-aged, would like light work of any kind, all or part time. Apply to Box 6 The Liberal. *2w29 WASHING, ironing, mending, darning, knitting at home or away; also baby-sitting anytime, any- where. TU. 4-2160. *1w28 Demonstrator â€" driven only 1800 miles. Equipped with Overdrive, Weather Eye air conditioning, Directional signals, whitewalls, etc., in lovely shade of light ivory. New car guarantee and warranty. 1950 PONTIAC DeLUXE 4 DOOR. SEDAN a one owner car in lovely condition. 30 day 50-50 guarantee 1952 NASH RAMBLER 2 DOOR CLUB SEDAN Limited Richmond Hill TU4-I772 Bradshaw Motors Get extra miles to every gallon with I used Nash! Get extra riding smoothness in a used Nash with the coil spring ride, extra room for passengers and luggage! Get extra year ’round comfort in a used Nash with the Weather Eye System. Get extra beauty, with Nash Pennnlux ename} finish. Nash Sales & Service See our Extra-Wide choice of [OW-COST used cars NOW! look at this week's. Specials 1935 FORD 1 TON STAKE 1939 CHRYSLER SPORTS COUPE EXTRA! 1936 FORD SEDAN in good running condition WANTED TO . RENT radio and heater TO RENT in fair condition $2,275.00 $1,595.00 $295.00 $175.00 $135.00 * 1w28 *2w28 c1w28 CAPONS, toasters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton_ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R14. tfcl'l DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 01' Toronto LY. 6?37 (collect). tfc44 BLACK 8: TAN police dog, male. in King district. answers to Tony. Harry Finch, King 4r3. cl‘w28 CHESTERFIELD CHAIR, green, on Yonge Street betweenMarkham Rd. and Langstaff. Reward for re- turn or information. Phone collect. MA. 5458. *1w28 TUES., JAN. 13 â€" Auction Sale of 8 pc. oak dining room suite, kit- chen cabinet. 3 round antique tab les. 6 mahogany chairs, bedroom suite, parlour table, Gen. Elec., el- ectrlc range, coal stove, rugs, large number odd chairs, odd china and glassware. antiques, many other articles too numerous to mention at the Peacock Grill, the property of Ross DesRosiers at Ringwood, 1%, miles west of Stouffville. Sale held under cover. Owner's lease has expired. Terms cash. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Sale 2 pm. Sellers 8; Atkinson, auctioneers. WED, JAN. 14 â€" Auction sale 15 acres of bush which has just had all the large timber cut out this fall. There remain the tops and limbs all ready cut down ready for trimming. Purchaser has until Ap- ril 1, 1954 to clear this wood. The lots, approximately 17% acre in size are at Lot 4, Con. 9 East Gwillim bury, the property of Howard Tay- lor. Note â€"â€" a real chance to get some real hard maple and beech already cut down. Terms cash. Sale at 2 p.m.' H. Pearson, clerk. Sellers & Atkinson, auctioneers. WED., FEB. 4 â€" Extensive auction sale 45 Reg. Holsteins, fully ac- credited since 1938, Percheron horses, full line nearly new trac tor implements, including two tractors. threshing machine, ham- mer mill, spreader, side rack, hay loader, binder, poultry ,furniture, 2000 bus. mixed grain, hay, ensil- age ,etc., the property of E. A. Somerville and Son at Lot 14 15, Con. 10, Markham, 9/4 mile north of No. 7 Highway. NOTE: This is an extra good lot of tractor im- plements also this is a high test- ing herd. Roy Ormiston will be on' pedigrees. Locust Hill W. A. will have a refreshment booth on the grounds. Clerks, Lloyd Turner and R. E. Faulkner. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold, owner mo ving away. Implement sale starts at 11 o’clock. Cattle sale at 2.30 p. m. Sellers 8: Atkinson, auctioneers and Sales Managers. Peggy Dunleavy and a group of Headford young people were at the Union Station on the evening of .New Year’s Day to bid bon voy- age to her brother, Tom Dunleavy, who was returning to Esquimalt, 8.0. after having enjoyed 32 days’ leave from the Navy. New Year's visitors at the Wal- ter Leuschner home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young. Mrs. Young is the former Isabel Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Acreman went to Fordwich on New Year’s day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wragge and family. The executive of Victoria Square W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Joyce on January 2 to plan the program for 1953. The January meeting on the 14th will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. McCague, and it will be an even- ing-meeting. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Lambert of Maple. Holiday time visitors at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Charles Homer were Mr. and Mrs. Ford King, for- merly of Kingsdale Dairy. The W.A. of Headford will meet on Tuesday evening, January 13, at the home of Mrs. Freeman Barâ€" ker. Elections will be held and of- ficers installed. This was followed by an open forum when the audience aired its views. We are very grateful to Mrs. Jackson for her help on this subject. Headtord Home and School As- sociation met on Tuesday evening for a very interesting and enlight- ening program of parent education, most ably conducted and present- ed by Mrs. G. E. Jackson who is convenor of Parent Education of the York-Simcoe Home and School Council. After an introduction which dealt with the building of a fam- ily, a skit was presented which portrayed a very common incident in many homes â€" trying to get an eight-year-old girl in the family to take a share in the household chores. The meeting then split in- to groups. each group discussing a different phase of the problems met by parents in bringing up children. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman entertained the Wellman family for New Year‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Golder were New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char- lie Homer. SALE REGISTERS HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. HfAcreman R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 CORRESPONDENT POULTRY WANTED WANTED LOST We welcome to our neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. W. Cross who reâ€" cently took up residence in the former home of the Huntley famâ€" ily, Yongehurst Rd. Billy Adams of Yongehurst Rd. is home from the Sick Children’s Hospital and enjoyed a good Christ- mas with his family despite his re- cent operation. Mrs. Ed. Haughton is coming along nicely now after her recent illness. Sugar and Spice Club held its thristmas Party at the home of Mrs. S. Styan, Yonge St. Winners of the court whist were Mrs. G. Fenwick. Mrs. F. Wilson and Mrs. T. Saul. M. Murphy and F. Schur- man won special carrying prizes. Chicken and all the trimmings were consumed by the girls and gifts exchanged. The Richvale school is very proud of the active Junior Red Cross branches. Last week the Busy Beavers sent a donation and up to the present time Grades 1, 2, B, and 4 have contributed the sum of $10.21. Congratulations for a splendid job. Mrs. E. P. Holmes left by plane on December 24 for Columbus, Ohio, where she spent Christmas with :vh‘er sister and family. Richvale School Wednesday afternoon was “Carâ€" ols” for the children led by Mr. Martin, some of the classes high- lighted the event by singing spec- ‘al songs. __ -vnom Christmas party and celebration was the order of the day Friday as each class had a wonderful party. After a hilarious hour of games they settled down to the serious and extremely difficult occupation of eating special Chrismas delights. Then, since Santa was busy, one of his Richvale agents aided him by giving out presents. . ~.r 0â€" ~ ku The day ended with a concert. Each class contributed by giving a performance of singing or play- acting. “fig staff wish to extend to all pupils and parents a Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. D. Trimble and children of Port Elgin, 0nt., spent two weeks during the Christmas season with Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomson. Yongehurst Rd. Mr. Fred Rose of Yongehurst Rd. left by plane, on December 29 for England where he will spend two months visiting relatives in Birmingham and Bromsbrove. Mrs. Corn: Mn. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130:3 The annual meeting of the rate- payers of S. S. No. 3 Vaughan was held on Tuesday evening lg the Carrville, School at 8.30 pm. There were only 20 ratepayers present, but there was much discussion of many things pertaining to the school. Chairman of the evening was Dr. Brock Walker. C. Chevis was the secretary. Business arising from minutes was that the secretary-treasurer be given travelling expenses as well as a small salary as he uses a lot of time and money in attending to school business. Brian Bailey, the secretary of the school board gave the various reports. The health report is satisfactory. The Inspec- tor’s report was very encouraging. Then the financial report was read and was discussed at great length. Mr. Bailey explained everything in detail. The trustee's report was also given by the secretary as the chairman of the school board was- unable to be present. The election of. a new trustee was next and as Brian Bailey did not wish to continue on the board, C. Chevis was appointed, so the trustees for Carrville Public School are Jack Barton, Reg. Mac- ey and C. Chevis for 1953. Mr. R. Kirk moved a vote of thanks to the school board for their fine work done during the past year and especially to Brian Bail- ey for his u‘ltiring efforts in the past year as secretary-treasurer. This was seconded by C. H. Nunn. The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Walker. We were pleased to hear that Mr. Tom Kemp who had been in Sunnybrook Hospital is able to re- turn home again feeling much better. Socials It’s much easier and cheaper to telephone TUrner 4-1261 and in- sert a notice in the “Coming Ev- ents” column than it is to address and stamp 21 lot of envelopes. Try it. The January meeting of the Carrville Home and School Assoc- iation will be held on January 16 at 8 pm. at the school. The guest speaker will be from the York County Health Unit. We would like to extend deep sympathy to Mr. \and Mrs. Lewis Morris on the very sudden death of Mrs. Morris’ father, Mr. Allen of Toronto. Little Miss Gretta Middleton spent several days with her cousin Miss Helen Marie Oliver of Wright St.. Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and David and John Barton and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson of Toronto spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. J.-Oliver of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Walker and family of Sharon visited on Sunday at the Bert Middleton home. _ Mrs. Mary Harrison and son Jim Harrison of Newton Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harrison and daughter Marie from Cookstown visited on New Year’s day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nicholls of Mill Road. NBBBSPONDENT -â€" HRS. M. BLACKBURN, Yellohult II. Telephone TU. 4-2238 ‘ We welcome to our neighborhood ter of Mr. Rose. along with her . and Mrs. W. Cross who re- two sisters, Mrs. w. May and Mrs. My t00k Up l'eSidence in the F. Thomson were among many to mer home of the Huntley fam- see their father leave on his trip. ‘Yongehurst Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grant of mly Adams of Yongehurst mi Bancroft, Ont.. have spent the lat home from the Sick Chndren's two weeks with their daughter and spital and enjoyed a good Christ- SOD-in-laW, Mr- and Mrs. G- Law- 5 with his family despite his re- son Jr. on Yongehurst Rd. Trierle of Port Elgin, daugh- ' NORTH RICHVALE NEWS. CARRVILLE Constance Robertson spent the Christmas holidays with her cou- sin, Bonnie Collins of Yongehurst Rd. ‘ Hockey The boys of North Richvale bat- tled their fathers in a rousing ho- ckey game Sunday afternoon at the Mill Pond. The men were the winners with a score of 15-6. Death . Our neighborhood was' deeply saddened to learn of the sudden death of Mr. S. Mackar of Yonge- hurst Rd. on January 3. The late Mr. Mackar was buried at Maple, on Monday afternoon. January 5. MANY MORE TO CHOICE FROM 168 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1116-7 EM. 6-3166 $925.00 1950 MERCURY 1/9 TON PICKUP MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. P.M. R.D. LITTLE & SON ltd. A1 USED TRUCKS $1,395.00 1950 FORD DeLUXE COACH low mileage, very clean $650.00 1950 PREFECT 4 DR. SEDAN 35 miles to the gallon! 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH air conditioning, spotless 1940 CHEVROLET COACH Hurry for this popular model. $695.00 1948 FORD 1/‘2 TON $825.00 1949 GMC 3/4 TON 1950 CHEVROLET DeLUXE 4 DR. SEDAN custom radio and heater another one owner car $195.00 1937 OLDSMOBILE COACH USED TRACTORS $1,595.00 1951 FORD DeLUxE 4 DR. FOR 25 YEARS YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER N0 REASONABLE REFUSED $895.00 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN exceptional car $850.00 1948 FORD 8N TRACTOR $650.00 1946 FORD 9N TRACTOR $550.00 1940 FORD 9N TRACTOR ALL ARE IN A1 SHAPE 16,000 original miles ready for work $1,475.00 $1,475.00 $395.00 PICKUP PICKUP OFFER 1951 HILLMAN SEDAN extras. radio, back-up lights, oil filter. gas filter. 1949 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE 1949 HILLMAN SEDAN 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1950 HILLMAN SEDAN 1949 FORD COACH 1950 PONTIAC COACH BAKER SALES &SERVICE Richvale PHONE TU. 4-1114 [WNW WM YOUR LOCAL MASSY - HARRIS DEALER Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1722 5lImlmlummmmnmuuuuuumnnmmnuuulumumumun“ummumununlulnuu1nnmuuumummnnumummnlnummummmmfi gap in soon and let us show you a" the advantages of owning the new Massey-Harris 33. We are ofiering the following new Firestone and Goodyear studded tires at a 20 per cent discount : - 6.50 - 15” - 4ply :- 6.00 - 16” - 4 ply : - 6.50 ' 16” - 4 ply :- 6.50 - 16” - 6 ply IS THE NEW MASSEY-HARRIS 33 Perkins Farm & Home Equipment 23 Markham Rd., Richmond Hill, Phone TU. 4-1229 HARLD W. MORTSUN In power, economy and comfort you get more with the Massey- Harris 33. The big 201-inch overhead valve engine handles your toughest 2-3 plow jobs easier . . . and it's economical on fuel and upkeep. Wide platform, comfortable Velvet-Ride seat and convenient finger-tip controls give you a smoother ride . . . less fatigue after a day in the field. You can order the 33 in Row Crop, Single Front Wheel, Standard or Hi-Arch design Buyers waiting for houses in all sizes and price ranges One of Toronto‘s oldest and largest offices. A reputation established through service. HQUSES WANTED ‘ David McLean Ltd. â€"with new Live P.T.O., for smoother. faster harvesting. Head Offices, Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 ‘ or BAldwin 1-1121

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