Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jan 1953, p. 6

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mew H. W. MORTSON ADMIRAL TELEVISION 8: REFRIGERATURS - FURNITURE, RUGS I Annual meeting of King City Cemetery Company will be held in the Masonic Hall. King City, on Saturday afternoon, January 17, 1953, at 2 p.m. for the purpose of transacting general business and the el- ection of officers. All plot holders are urged to attend. ‘ Laurence Scott, President Jack Walkingston. sec. 29 YONBE ST. 8., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1722 0 That's what thousands of Gehl owners lay . . . and this better chopping ability is inherited from Gehl Hay-Cutter Silo ~I'i‘illers, famous for more than 50 years. The Gehl aaves men, toil and sweat. With Hay Pickup Attachment, it sweeps up dry hay, straw. or grass for silage from the windrow, chops and blow: it into wagon at 1% to 3'acrea per hour. Available with own motor or pawn- take-off. QUICK CHANGE-OVER FOR 3-WAY HARVESTING ’In a few minutes you can attach the Hay Pickup, the new Mower Bar for low or tell- xrowing grass silage crops. sown broadcast, 91' the Row-Crop Attachment for Com, Cane. etc. pm nu-ur uown elevates to highest lilo of mo?! . . . blows hay horizontally as ’inuch as 100‘feet. You can own a Gehl Self- EIII-Wading Wagon Box, build your own, using Gehl Parts Kit and Free Plans, or {at Gehl Pam Kit 1nd Free Plans for muting your Want box self-unloading. WATCH FOR OUR LING - TILE SERVICE, 10 Yonge St. S. RICEMOND HILL WE? NOTHING BETTER THAN A 55"“. Come In and talk it over...NOW “01mmmammmmmmmmmuuumumum“mmummmumimmumuuumnmmuuuumuuumumuluIluuuumuunummumtg One of the most successful and brilliant events in many a year was the New Year Frolic in Edge- ley Community Hall on Monday evening, December 29. To the hall came over 180 persons, the ladies resplendent in beautiful dresses and evening gowns which lent an even more festive air to the occasion. New Year’s Frolic Held Edgeley Hall During Holiday Season There was dancing at its best to the music of Sally Lloyd and her Musical Mates. Those who did not care to dance participated in a lively autograph hunt and other contests under the direction of FORAGE HARVESTER Local annd neighboring merch- ants and individuals were most generous with their donations of merchandise and these were used as prizes and distributed in var- ious ways throughout the evening as follows: Lady's door prize, box of fruit donated by Miss Ella Whitâ€" more went to Mrs. Wright of Tor- onto. Paul Snider received the man's door prize, a silk tie, don- ated by Peter McLean. Woodbridge. Winners of the five lucky spot dances were: first Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lund. plastic. tray don- ated by McDougall’s, Woodbridge and a pail of clover honey given by Mrs. R. Stuart. Second, Miss Doreen Wright and Earl Law. 8 china cup and saucer and a silk tie donated by Clarence Graham and Stan Phillips, respectively. Mrs. Bruce Keffer. Master of ceremonies James Spencer and Percy Usher and Charlie Ash, floor managers. did a marvellous job of calling the square dances. Many Prize Winners Third Miss Lillian Bowes and Jas. Oliver. Fourth, Miss Irene Myers and Jas. Boyle and Fifth. Miss Glenda Clapham and Murray Brovm. All received aoples, the gift of Mr .Richard McLeary. A box of chocolates donated by Henderson’s Drug Store, was givâ€" en to Mrs. Louis Eberschlag of Downsview . as a birthday gift. Mrs. Eberschlag‘s birthday is Jan~ uary 5. Joe Keffer’s birthday was December 27, and he received fruit cake donated by Mrs. Wild. Mrs. Charles Agnew. president of the Edgeley W.I., presented a bouquet of flowers to Mr. and Mrs. Langley Ambrose oi Maplecrest Farms on the occasion of their com- ing wedding anniversary January Miss Lillian Bowes. winner of the ribbon contest, Alf Bagg, win- ner of the autograph hunt and Roy Snider, the guessing contest winner, each received some of Mr. McLeary’s fine apples. Mrs. R. Stuart, convener, on be- half of the Edgeley Women’s In- stitute. wishes to thank all these kind people for their many gen- erous gifts. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Sanitary Contractor C. STUNDEN GREAT EXPANSION SALE Edgeley United Church. Sunday, January 11. 1953, Sunday School 1.30 pm. Church service 2.30 pm. Skating Party The Edgeley Fellowship Group held a very successful skating party at the Woodbridge Memor- ial Arena on Saturday evening last. after which they met at the Terrace Restaurant for lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Avery on Friday- evening, January 16. The congregational annual mee- ting will be held on Wednesday evening, January 14 at 8 pm. in Edgeley Community Hall. After the business, lunch will be served by the ladies. Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer and Lheir children, Helen, Louise and John, spent Christmas in Thorn- ton with Mr. Spencer’s sister, Mrs. Mel. Cunningham and Mr. Cun- ningham. i Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg and Mrs. Joe Kefier and Carol spent. Mon- day, December 29, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. Simmons and family of Port Hope. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong were the dinner guests on Sunday, December 28 of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Avery. On New Years, Mr. and Mrs. Stong spent the day with Mrs. Stong‘s brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mort- son and their family of Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. John Glynn and their son Peter of Georgetown and Major Lex McKenzie of Wood- bridge spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dalziel. Peter re- mained for a few days with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook and three children. Joanne and Dwight left for Mount Albert on Wednesday, December 31, to spend New Years with Mr. Cook’s sister, Mrs. Sam Harper. Mr. and Mrs. James Bagg enter- tained on Christmas Day at Yule- tide dinner and supper for rela- tives on both sides of the family. On New Years day, Mr. and Mrs. Bagg and family were the guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stevenson of Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunter were am- ong those celebrating New Years Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith. Woodbridge. Teddy Freeman spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. John Young and family and returned to Camp Borden Thursday night. The January meefing of the Edgeley W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Phillips, Wood- bridge. on Thursday afternoon of the 15th. Miss Sheila Hendry's birthday was December 23 and she cele- brated the occasion with a birthâ€" day party for her young friends on Saturday afternoon, December 20. Everyone had a lovely time and enjoyed the delicious supper and birthday cake served by Mrs. Hen- dry and big sister, Margaret. The guests included Betty Ann Bagg. Doreen Broadbelt, Dianne and Jane Fierheller, Linda Dament, Joanne Cook, Sharon and Valerie Baker and Margaret Van Etten. Mr. and Mrs. John Ash of Con- cord and Miss Marian Middleton of Carrville were dinher guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash and fam- ily on New Year’s day. Miss Marjorie Heise has return- ed to work after spending the Christmas vacation with her par- ents. Marjorie is employed at the Messiah Orphanage in Harrisburg. Penn. Misses Evelyn and Frances Stong spent the holiday season with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton of King, Ont. We wish a speedy recovery to Mr. J. T. Johnson who has not been well for several weeks. Mr .Walter Brillinger -took a carload of young people to the New Year's all-night program at Niagara Christian College, Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer have returned home after spending sev- eral weeks with relatives in Phila- delphia. ' Messrs. Bruce and Lloyd Steckâ€" ley spent a week of the Christmas vacation with friends in Strausburg Penn. (in New Year's Eve Miss Judy Wilcox held a party in her home for a number of her friends. Mrs. Melvin Baker spent Tues day visiting with Mrs; Willis Hun- king. Quebec has 150.000 farms from which the average income is $1.- 660 per farm. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker of Newmarket called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doner on Sunday. Misses Velma Brillinger and Miriam Heise who are engaged in Mission Work at Saxton. Pennsyl- vania, are home for a week's vac ation. Elect New Trustee Jas. Bagg was elected trus- tee at the Ratepayers‘ meet- ing at Edgeley school on Dec- ember 31. replacing Albert Mitchell, retiring trustee. The other trustees are Eldon Fier- heller and Chas. Agnew. Correspondent: Mrs. R. Stuart. R. R. 1‘ Maple Tel. Maple 110R3 Mrs. Allan Done: Correspondent: Phone Stoulfville 671M EDGELEY NEWS GORMLEY TURNER 4-1732 J LINDLEUM & TILE There was a capacity crowd at the free dance in Maple Concert Hall. New Year's. January 1 and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves dancing to the music of Sally’s Musical Mates. The hall is now under new manage- ment. E. George Andrews ofâ€"Bremner, Alta. returned home by plane De- cember 21 after visiting friends and relatives in Maple, Teston. and vicinty. He came to see the Grey Cup finals. It was 46 years since Mr. Andrews visited in this community. Owing to illness he was unable to make all the visits he had planned. Miss Eleanor Drury from Port Arthur spent the Christmas holi- days in Toronto with her sister, Miss Frances Drury. They called on Mrs. Gee and Mrs. L. McCon- aghy. both of Centre St., on Dec- ember 27. Personals The Forrests and Yakes enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Todd on Christmas eve with a turkey din- net at which time the kiddies enâ€" joyed Santa Claus. Mr. and Mrs. W. Yake, Mrs. A. Yake, Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. Archer, Toronto, and Mrs. C. Weir of Parry Sound were entertained by Mr .and Mrs. Blake Yake on New Year’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Forrest spent Sunday, December 28. with Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Forrest at Port Credit. S. S. No. 6 Vaughan At the Ratepayers meeting of S. S. 6 Vaughan. there was a good representation showing that the people are instructed in the wel- fare of the school and its pupils. It was noted how very clean and bright the school was. During the summer months the school had been redecorated. the floor scrap- ed and refinished. The caretakers are to be commended on clean- liness of the school. The secretary was requested to look into the matter of placing more insurance on the school building and con- tents. Mr. Wilfred Keffer acfed- as chairman for the meeting with Mr; William Noble as secretary. Mr. Saunderson thanked the la- dies of the Community and School Club for the projector presented to the school. This projector is a great help in the education of the pupils. He also extended thanks for the many other contributions during the year. The Club also presented games to both rooms at the annual Christmas concert. Mr. Alex Forre_st,_,the retiring rustee was replaced By Mr. G. M. Hamilton. The three trustees for 1953 are Dr. Phil McFarlane for one year, George Saunderson for two years and G. M. Hamilton for three years. After the election. the meeting adjourned with the singing of God Save the Queen. Lunch was then served by the la- dies of the Community and School Garry and Darlene Cooper of Toronto spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Bowes. Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver and three daughters of Lakefield and Mr. Frank Findlay of Thorn- hill were visitors at the Queen’s Hotel on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garey spent Christmas at the‘home of her par- ents in Toronto. Mrs. Clare Powers and Dannie spent the Christmas week at the home of her sister and husband Mr .and Mrs. Hartwell Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harper of Coady's Corner's spent Chrisfimas with her mother Mrs. C. Se ars. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Findley and son Bradley of Hyland Park called on their Aunt Mrs. Rainey on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sellars, Mau- reen and Paul and Miss Viola Foster enjoyed their Christmas Day with Mrs. S. Connell and Keith at their Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville. Junior Choir. The Junior Choir of Central United Church led the singing during our regular service of worship on Sunday morning and was enjoyed by all. We are looking forward to having them one Sunday each month. Annual Meeting. The Congregational Meeting of Central United Church is plan- ned for January 22, in the Basement of the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stonehouse of Noranda, Quebec and Miss Margaret Martin of Toronto spent the Christmas week at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Maple St. Miss Joan MCMullan and Mr. Bruce Curtis had their Christmas dinner at the home of her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Larry Disney, Pickering. Mr. Samuel Allen who has been spending the winter months in Northern Ontario is home again for a few weeks. W. I. The Unionville Branch of the Women‘s Institute held their annual Christmas Party at the home of Mrs. Gordon G. Maynard on Thursday. Some 35 members and several visitors shared in the good time.: Personal- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LEN.RAINEY, UNIONVILLE CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN Phone Maple 19R5 MAPLE NEWS UNIONVILLE NEWS Phone Unionville 1121 Friends of Lloyd Kerswill will be pleased to know he is progressing favourably after an operation re- cently in the General Hospital, Toronto. Personals Club Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker entertained at a New Year's Eve party at their new home in Will- owdale. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wells. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Morâ€" gan Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dew, Dr. and Mrs. Clem Reeds, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart. Miss Marilyn Higgins, Miss Mary Lou James. Mr. George Bailey and Mr. Kenneth Jarrett. Clinic Clinic for infants and pre-school children will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers on Thursday, Janu- ary 15. at 1.30 p.m. This will be the last immunization clinic. Garry Cooper stars in the out- standing feature attraction “High Noon" showing at The Richmond this Friday and Saturday. Annual Party The Maple CGIT and friends met for their annual holiday party in the United Church parsonage, Monday - evening. December 29. The committee in charge of the games was Catherine Johnson, Grethe Dahl and Helen Calder with Peggy Joslyn at the piano Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Roy Kefier and Orland Downey on the loss of their father, James Downey, who passed away in Brampton on Sunday. Friends of Miss J. Walkington will be pleased to learn that she is very much better and able to be up once again. ‘Miss Mary Walkington visited over the week-end with Miss J. Walking‘ton. Mapié Lions Club distributed baskets and remembrances to 32 people atVChristrriras. Mr. and Mrs. George Matheson motored to Harriston on January 2 to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ross An- derson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Brock on the birth of their son in Brantford on Christmas day. 7 7 ~ Mr. Frank Line, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clegg and Sharon spent New Year’s Day in Newmarket with Mr. and Mrs. George Metcalfe and fa- mily. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Rumble spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lloy. Toronto, who enterâ€" tained the family that day. W. 1. Meet January 14 The January meeting of Maple Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday evening. January 14‘ at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Wm‘ Noble. Ladies Bowling Maple ladieé teams bowling on Monday. January 12, are 1 vs. 4 and 2 vs. 3. Mr. George T. Hambly and his brother. Mr. M. C. F. Hambly and Miss Hilda Blundell left on Wed- nesday morning to spend the win- ter months in Florida. In the Veteran's Hall, Unionville on Janudry 6, at 8 pm. a meeting of the Markham Federation of Agri- culture was held with a very good attendance. This meeting was for the hearing of annual reports and the discussing of past and future policy. The election of the direc- tor for each school section was held. Mrs. Mildred Anderson of Torâ€" onto spent the holiday with her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Vague and Miss Flor- ence Anderson. Miss Millie Miller spent the ho]- iday at the home of her brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller of Toronto. Fed. of Agriculture The Federation of Agriculture has proved to be of great benefit to Farmers in preventing the farm taxes from going‘as high as they otherwise would have. also in es- tablishing of floor prices. A Gen- eral Electric tea kettle was given as a door prize. Mr. Oliver Anderson paid a vis- it to Mr. R. Campbell of Toronto one day last week. Mr. Campbell, who was a resident of Unionville for many years is now 96 years of age and anjoo's chatting of his many experiences in the past years. We are pleased to have Mrs. M. O. Stiver and her sister Mrs. E1- liott with us for the winter months. They are staying at the home of Mr. G. I. Hambly. Mrs. Edna LaMoria and Sharon and Mr. Leonard McMullen spent Christmas at the home of her sis- ter Mrs. Speck of Toronto. Mr. Newton of Toronto, former- ly of Unionville called on friends in the village on Tuesday. The many friends of Mrs. Newton will be pleased to hear she is gaining in health. Sympathy Extended We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards who received word last week of the death of Mr. Edward's brother in Vancou- ver. His late brother was here in the summer when Mr. and Mrs. Edwards had a £amin gathering. Mrs. Sharp of Toronto spent Monday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Evans and family. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone is the sincere wish of your correspondent. W. A. Meets The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held Tuesday even- ing of last -week in the Sunday School room. The scripture read‘ ing was taken by Mrs. Fraser Gee. Mrs. D. Rumney gave the Lesson Thoughts and prayer. Miss Coral Perkins sang two lovely solos. The topic for the evening was given by Rev. A. Huston. Death Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Avison. formerly of Victoria Square. now of Lansing. in the sudden passing of Mr. Avison's brother, Wilfred Avison; and to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFoe in the passing of Mr. DeFoe’s mo- ther, Mrs. Nellie DeFoe. W.M.S. Executive Meets The W.M.S. held its executive meeting on Friday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Joyce, Richmond Hill. Plans were made for 1953’s programme. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Lawrgnce and Donald had Satur- day evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Boynton of Toronto. Miss June Collard entertained a few of her friends at a luncheon on Saturday at her home. John quson, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Forson and family of Ring- wood. R. E. Sanderson and Miss Mabel Sanderson spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton. Art Buchanan is able to be home from the hospital. It is hoped that he will continue to regain his strength and that it won't be long before he will be able to be out among his friends once more. Miss Vera Nichols flew to Bet- muda for the Christmas and New Year’s vacation. She was return- ing by air also. Mr. L. Stoutenburgh spent New Year‘s day with friends at Rich- mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson had Satâ€" urday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Headford. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray spent Saturday with Mrs. Taylor and Shirley of Oakville. Mrs. F. Walker and Freddie spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs .Anthony Nigh and John of Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and Donald had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. L. Stoutenbergh, Mrs. F. Walker and Freddie. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Attwood, Miss Sharleen Ridley of Whitby; Mrs. H. Attwood of Uxbridge: Mrs. Hewitt of Toronto and Mrs. I. Mc- Illmurray, spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Walter Ridley who is ill in bed, and to all the others in the community who are ill with colds, chicken pox, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson spent New Year‘s day with Dr.‘ and Mrs. Hardy Hill of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Empringham. Master Robin Wood is visiting his cousins Billy, Ricky. Johnny and Mary Rose, at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Rose of Port Hope. Mrs. Charles Greenwood and Mrs. Jack Fawns left by plane on the morning of December 30, for Saskatchewan to attend the fun- eral of their mother, Mrs. John Fersch. Ernie Drurie’s Variety Store Christmas Club draw took place on December 29. Mr. Morris of Mor- ris' Esso Station drew the lucky number tickets. First prize. a 20- piece set of dishes went to Claude Kirst of Lake Wilcox P.O.. form- erly of Carrville road west. Mrs. Mary Post, box 153 Richvale, took second prize, a large panda bear. Third prize, a hostess tray, went to Jack Underhill of 167 Spruce Ave.‘ T. Steele of 114 Highland Park Blvd. won the fourth prize. a large Christmas stocking. and Mrs. D. Hopper of 165 Spruce Ave. re- Mr. Russell Peirce of Avenue Road is suffering from an attack of jaundice. Mr; Whit; of Spruce Ave. has been appointed caretaker at the Charles Howitt school. Mrs. Ellen Stanway .and Miss Edith Stanway spent Christmas at ;he home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- way of Yonge St. MrsTInce returned from hospi- tal in time for Christmas. Xmas Draw Winners CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie. Victoria Square VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: ~ To be held Shortly WASHERS & APPLIANCES RICHVALE NEWS Telephone Stouflville 67509 0NDENT: Mr. Quintin Wight Phone TUrner 4-1965 W.M.S. The W.M.S. will meet Wednes- day evening, January 14. at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. H. D. Mc- Cague. Richmond Hill. Rev. and Mrs. Lambert of Maple will bring the message in song and Mrs. Lambert will address the meeting. All the ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. Sr. W. I. The regular monthly meeting of the Senior Women's Institute will be held Tuesday evening. January 13, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Percy Bennett. Roll call “Gifts for the Children's Aid Society." Talk by the District President. Mrs. G. Francy. A speaker from the Stoufiville Horticultural Soc- iety will also address the meeting. Committee in charge. Mrs. S. Boynton. Mrs. J. Empringham and Mrs. P. Bennett. Young People Meet The Young People met Monday evening of last week at the home of Miss Lillian Nichols. The'elec- tion of officers was held: President Miss Coral Perkins, vice-president Douglas McWhirter. secretary- treasurer. Miss Lillian Nichols. Crokinole was then enjoyed, fol- lowed by refreshments. The next meeting will be held Sunday ev- ening in the Sunday School room. January 11 at 7.30, when all the young people. 15 years and over are invited to attend. Christening At the christening service held recently the following children were baptized by Rev. A. Huston: Muriel Eloise. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson; Albert George .son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tatton; and George Rudolph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uno Ounapuu. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pickering and family of Trafalgar, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins and Coral, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickering and family., Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Stong and Terry Elliott, Edgeley. Mrs. Olive Williams. Walter Bone. Camille. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyndall and Mardi, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mort. son of Richmond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson and Joy. Officers of the W.M.S. for ’1953 are: President Mrs. H. D. McCag- ue; vice-president Mrs. H. Acre- man, rec. sec Mrs. G. Joyce, press secretary Mrs. W. Sandle. treasur- er Mrs. R. F. Boynton, Christian stewardship Mrs. V. Westbrooke. temperance and Christian cltizenâ€" ship, Mrs. S._ Boynton and Mrs. Acreman, Missionary Monthly Mrs. F. McRoberts, community friend- ship and associate members Mrs. W. Orr and Mrs. H. Smith, Mission Band Mrs. R. F. Boynton, assistant Mrs. D. Gee, Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. S. Boynton. pianists Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. McCague, Baby Band Mrs. R. Beatty, assistant Mrs. Jones. supply Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. Mclllmurray, Mrs. L. Nichols, Mrs. McRoberts, Mrs. Glover, Mrs. Westbrooke, Mrs. Nicklln. Mrs. McKendry, Mrs. Brodie. Mrs. Orr. Mrs. Deverill. Mrs. McMurray. Mrs. C. Walker, auditors, Mrs. G. Mortson and Mrs. W. Sandle. ceived the set of eight decorated tumblers that made up the fifth prize. A meeting of the parents of the Scouts and Cubs, to meet the group committee is being called for January 18 at 8.15 p.m. at the Charles Howitt school. Scout and Guide News A large audience turned out to see a presentation of the play “In- asmuch” by the guides of the Rich- vale troop on December 17. The guides also distributed candy to the pre-school children. They also sang carols and guide songs by a campfire. 0n the 19th a party was held for the guides at the home of Mrs. Gottschalk of Edgar Ave. They brought tins of foodstuffsy etc., as a Christmas hamper grua needy family they adopte city. On the 20th the foo was giv- en to the family, th _e children, their mother, and thdir soldier fa- ther, who was very grateful. A special vote of thanks also goes to the fathers of the scouts and guides Who supplied the cars to transport some 60 Guides and Scouts to the Old Folks Home in Newmarket, where they sang car- ols. They presented remembranc- es to each of 87 house guests. Peter Kurita led the carol singing. Local association Girl Guides, Brownies and mothers will hold a meeting Thursday, January 8 at 8.30 at Mrs. Paul’s home.

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