Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jan 1953, p. 7

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A. Mrs. C. Thompson. secretary "and‘Mrs. Sinclair. president, have been invited to attend a luncheon celebrating the 40th anniversary the Women’s Institute in Rich- ‘n’i‘éfid Hill on Thursday of this 'Wéek.’ anen's Institute The next meeting of the Thorn- hill W. I. will be held as usual in the Masonic Hail on Thursday. January 15, at ‘2 0.111. BroWnle News _T_hga Thornhill Brownie Packs have begun the New Year with Tawny Owls Mrs. G. Gibson and Mrs, R. Jeffrey receiving their warrants, Girl Guidf‘ Margaret McArthur joining the lst Pack as ah assistant. and the 2nd Pack re- 'celving its official registration. Christmas Good Turn vThe lst Thornhill Pack sent a $3.00 donation to "Mary's Fund", Salvation Army, and the 2nd Pack sent $3.00 to the Sick Child- ren’s Hospital. TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 kept years. v..."â€" The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of new mem- bers. will take place next Sunday morning at 11 am. A brief com- munion service will take place at 10 am. for Sunday School teachers and those unable to attend at 11 The Brownies received a Christ- mas remembrance parcel from the 3rd Highgate Pack in London. England. with whom they have United Church News Firesldc The Fireside programme last Sunday evening centred around two films. The lst was one on Kenneth S encer. negro baritone. who sang wo English folk songs and two Negro splrltuals. The sec- ond was a religious film "The Shlnâ€" lug Highway", which told the story of a man who declded to talk to all those he met as re travelled along ; hlghway. and the philosophy of those he met as he travelled along than his falth in God and in his fellow man. The Senior members of the C. G.I.T. held a party at the home at their leader, Mrs. Ralph Hicks. of Weston, on Tuesday evening, De- cember 30. A Home and School group has been formed at Mrs. Crutcher’s Nursery Kindergarten, on John St. Tho second meeting was held on may. January 5, at 8 pm. in . Crutcher's home. It is plan- nod to hold further meetings. the first Monday of each month. CGIT J. Ellacott of Yonge St. 15 at resent at the Toronto General capital having undergone an op- eration last Friday. Mr. Ellacott is progressing favourably. ' "Mn, Charlqu'lloblnson 0! Will- We and Mrs. James Albin of Toronto spent New Year's at the home 0! Mr. and Mrs. B. Weldrlck. Thbmhill. On New Year's Day Miss Janice Echlin of Yonge St. celebrated her sixth birthday. Her relatives were present to wish her many happy returns of the day, and enjoyed a pleasant New Year's dinner. Garry Cooper stars in the out- standing feature attraction "High Noon"'showing at The RJchmond this Friday and Saturday. ‘ . . :Tolovmon Ranges M “09”” ifl'touch for the past two es Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yonge Sf. We have in stock the type of Bellets that will 'suit the individual needs of your laying flock. (1) MASTER LAYING PELLETS \‘ To stimulate Egg Production (\2) MASTER FLESHING PELLETS To maintain the flesh of your birds (3) MASTER GREEN PELLETS To provide extra green feed and vitamins WE KNOW YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH THE JOB THESE PELLETS D0. Washers . Radios Tuesday, December 30. Mrs. D. )avidson and Mrs. R. Whatley en- ;ertained the Explorers at a lun- ehe'on party at Mrs. Whatley‘s home on Elgin St. After lunch, the girls enjoyed a toboggan party and finished out the afternoon playing games. prizes being won by Linda Sibbick and Ann O‘Brien. Friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. J. Houston of Arnold Ave. send congratulations on the birth of a 7 lb. 9 oz. daughter. born De- cember 30 at Neivmarket Hospital. A baby sister for John. Presbyterian Church â€" The guest preacher at the 11 o‘- clock service next Sunday morn- ing will be Professor Donald D. “Vade' ‘ Q C O C Mrs. Clara Lowrey of “Locust Lawn" spent last. week with her son in St. Catharines. The next regular meeting of the Thornhill Home and School will take place on Thursday. January 15, at 8.15 pm. Mr. T. V. Dobson, assistant director of radio educa- tion will be the principal speaker. All parents are asked to make a special effort to attend as this top- ic is of great interest to all. An added feature will be a very short discussion by a St. John's Ambul- ance Man on Home Nursing and First Aid classes for adults. An evening ceremony in St. Andrew's chapel united in mar- riage Helen Claire Burlton, dauâ€" ghter of Mrs. Burlton and the late A. M. Burlton, and Henry Ron- ald Lowenberger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lowenberger, Raymore, Sask. Miss Helen Burlton was a former resident of this district and a former member of the Thornhill United Church. Rev. E. M. Nichols officiated. The church was decorated with standards of white 'mums. Given in marriage by her brother, Vincent Burlton, the bride wore a gown of tur- quoise blue and silver with a matching feather hat and her flowers were carnations. Margar- ,et Prang was bridesmaid gowned in bronze taffeta and yellow car- nations. Dave Slater was the best lman. The bride's mother re- ceived the guests in a dark green \crepe dress with a corsage of pink roses. Following a wedding trip to Kingston for which the bride chose a grey ensemble with ‘black accessories, Mr. and Mrs. Lowenberger will make their home in Raymore, Sask. Visittors at "Locust Lawn" for the Christmas season were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gordon and family of Bradford. and Mrs. W. Clubine and Ross also of Bradford Mrs. A. Flintofi of Newmarket and Mrs. Helen Kingsley and family of Rich- mond H111. Home and School Swimming Pool Staff Have (htistmas Party Following the last regular meet- ing of the trustees of the Police Village of Thomhill, the staff, of the Swimming Pool held a Christ- mas Party on Monday, December 29, at Victoria Hall. The hall was decorated for the occasion with white streame'rs and clusters of balloons by Frank Tucker assisted by Miss Sonya D. Zinkan and Miss Marilyn Wesley. W. R. Dean. Chairman of the Board of Trustees. kindly con- sented to remain after the trustee's meeting to present some of the staff members present with their Royal Life Saving Awards that had been earned the previous summer. Mr. Dean congratulated the boys and girls for the hard work that was done to receive these Bronze Medallions, paying special tribute to Miss Sonya Zinkan who also re- ceived the Award of Merit. He said it was very gratifying to know that such useful training was be- ing acquired from the swimming pool as well asenjoyment. Allan Sumner called the square dances which were thoroughly enâ€" joyed. Refreshments were provided by the stafi'. xplorers Tim-nhill aréa Eonthbdted ‘by itsr'eaders. 01;; remesentntive in Thomhil] in Mrs. Betty, Ball. 14 Helen Street. Thornh‘ll. The Liberal is always pleasea to publish items_ or interest in the Webbing Golden Wedding Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Riddell cele- brated their Golden Wedding anâ€" niversary at their home on Yonge Street 8.. Thornhill. on Wednesâ€" day. December 31. They were mar- ried at Fisherville on New Year‘s Eve in 1902. and have resided in Thornhill for 48 years. Many friends and relatives at- tended a reception at the Riddell home. including Miss Hazel Rid- dell. daughter, and George Watt of Thistletot‘vn. the son of Mrs, Riddell. Trusté’es of the Village of Thornhill were représented,by Mr’. and Mrs. Wilfred Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Among the many floral tributes. bouquets were received from the Village of Thornhill and from Doherty Road- house and Company of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Riddell were hon- oured with letters of congratulation from the Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laur- en and from Jack Smith. MP. for North York. The Provincial Sec- retary sent an official certificate of congratulation on behalf of the Province of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton. Mr. and Mrs..R. H. Neil and Mrs. C. P. Johns were among the numerous visitors who called to congratulate Mrs. Riddell. Tea assist- ants at the reception were Mrs. Jane Buchanan and Mrs. George Watt. Mr. and Mrs. Rosevear of Mont- real with their son John visited with Mr .and Mrs; J. Steele of Mor- gan Ave. over the holidays. The Rosevears were former residents of Morgan Ave and were on their way to their parents‘ home in Tor- onto. Mr. A Couper and family spent New Years in Toronto with friends. Miss 'J. Richardson is spending some time in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cole spent New Years day with their son and fam- ily, on Seccomoe Age. Mr. J. Walker of Chalk River is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. W. Cole. Mrs. J. H. Knott 0! Clarke Ave. has returned from the city where she has been staying with rela~ tions, but is still 'not very well. Between Christmas and New Years some boys broke one of the large windows of the neW'Hender- son road school. and did‘ some dam- age to other parts of the building. The school will be opened next month. ,. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker of Clarke Ave. spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Kirby and‘family at Maple. Mrs. C. Willcock 0! Clarke Ave" has been visiting her daughter in the city for a week. Mr. and Mrs. C‘ Russell Paul and Ann spent their New Year's holiday with relatives in Toro’nto. Mr. 'and Mrs. Peacock and Laurie were guests of Mrs. Peac0ck's sis- ter and family in Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. Vautler, Seccomoe Ave., .on the birth of their son, on Saturday. December 27, a brother for Ron- nie‘ The Doncaster Mission held a very enjoyable Christmas party. Many prizes were given for regg- lar attendance. Motion pictures were under the direction of Mr. Fielding. Refreshments were ser- ved by the teachers, about 50 chil- dren attended. Mrs. A. Couper with Mrs. E. Watts visited Mrs. A. Richardson at the hospital on Sunday and re- port that she is feeling much bet ter. Mr. and Mrs. Watts of Glen Cameron entertained their bridge club during the holidays. Mr. Westacott with Tommie and Mr. Miller drove Mr. and Mrs. W. Hobbs back to their home in Nap.- anee, after spending a very enjoyâ€" able holiday with their daughter, Mrs. Westacott and family. Little Bunnie Wenger was three years old last Saturday. Everyone had a good time at his party. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dale with their two daughters were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Dale. Proctor Ave on New Year’s day. Other guests were :heir brother and daughter from .he States. Mr .and Mrs. K. A. Shepherd. Proctor Ave. were visited by 11 relatives over the holidays. ' Joan and Judy Angle spent a few days with their cousins in Weston during the Christmas holidays. Mr. J. Adams of Clarke Ave., with his family, spent the holidays at Mountain View. Miss Hunt from Toronto has been staying with her cousin on Clarke Ave. for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien and fam. ily. Glen Cameron Ave. spent New Year's visiting friends at Leaside. Mrs. R. Waterson. Clarke Ave" with her son and daughter. also Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison and famâ€" ily visited her relatives in Oshawa. 0n the sick list this week is Mrs. Gain, Henderson Ave. Airfamily dinner party followed Correspondent: MRS. H. MIZEN 27 Seccomoe Ave. Phonrr AVenue 5-1570 Doncaster lThornhill Village Trustees Hold Their Final Meeting For 1952 The last meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Police Village of Thornhlll for the year 1952 was held at Victoria Hall on Monday. December 29. with trustees W. R. Dean. chairman. J. E. MacNeil. A. R. Sumner and Trustee-elect F. H. Harris present. Chairman W. R. Dean called the meeting to order and reviewed the \vork of the trustees for the past year acquainting Mr. Harris with the unfinished business which will arise in the coming year. Roads John St. culvert. east of Yonge. has caused considerable difficulty to some residents. A Buchanan. Markham Township Road Super- intendent, recommended gravel be put down on one driveway. and the ditch and culvert cleaned which has been done. To prevent a recurrence of the problem the following motion was carried â€" “That trustees request Markham Township's drainage engineer be called in to give his opinion as to action to take- to keep drainage and culvert clear". Ball Sub-division The Reeve of Vaughan Town- ship has an agreement with Mr. Ball for scraping and snow remov- al in the sub-division. It was suggested the trustees‘ take no action in this matter fitunm the Road Superintendent of Vaughan can give more comp1e1e infor- mation of these conditions. Trees. It was noted the Department of Highways is removing some of the dead trees and.limbs from Yonge St. A motion was carried to the effect that the “Secretary Home and School Thornlea Home and School Asâ€" sociation invite all who are inter- ested in driving a car, especially the teen-agers and those who are leamlng‘ to drive, to attend a spec- lal safety program. Movies will be shown, and it is hoped to have one After an evening of euchre and a contest on trees! Mr. And Mrs. McKean were presented with 3 Lazy Susan by Alvin Thompon, on behalf of the school children and teachers of Thornlea School, as a tokqn of remembrance for the sear- vices of Mr .and Mrs, McKem as caretakers of 'I'hornlea School for 11 years. of the Ontario Provincial Police officers to give a talk on Safe Dri- ving. Do plan to attend Wednes- day night, January 14, at 8 pm. at Thomlea School, Bayview Ave. Presentation On Saturday evening. December 27, a farewell party was given to Mr .and Mrs. E. G. McKean, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson. John St. On Friday night, January 16, at 8.15 ,the monthly euchre will be held at the school on Bayview. On behalf of the neighbours. Tom Pherrili presented them with a floor lamp in Italian marble and chrome with a green shade, as well as a bathroom hamper. Mr. and Mrs. McKean thanked their friends in a lew chosen words, with a welcome to visit them in their new home in Orillia. ‘ Thornlea school children had a rare treat on their first day back at school when Ronald Dawkins brought two records to school re- ceived from his father in Japan. These records were of Japanese music. Henderson Ave. school was not quite’ ready for the transfer of pu- pils so the children will have to go to Thornlea for a few weeks Mr .and Mrs. Jim Curtis. Head- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Colwell from Toronto were New Year's day guests of Mr .and Mrs. J. Cur- tis, Green Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff and family, Bayview Ave.. spent some of the holiday season at Colboume with Mrs. Woodruff Sr. [ongen It was with interest we read in our Horticultural Mag zine, o! the ambitions of one of o r local res- idents, Ted Padfield of Doncrest Drive. in raising orchids, as a hob- by. Mr. Padfield’s orchids. seven white beauties were presented to Queen Elizabeth when she was in Toronto on the royal visit to Canada. Mrs. Gage had a family dinner on New Years day when mother. Mrs. Cox and four daughters and sons-in-law and families enjoyed a family re-union. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E.-G. McKean on the arrival of their New Year gift, another grand- daughter. who was born to Marg- garet and Stan Suter. formerly of Thornlea and Langstatf now living at Kapuskasing. The little girl was the first newcomer at Kapuskasing this year. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Kent, Bayview Ave., on the arrival of another little girl born near the end of 1952 at the Gram Hospital. Sincere sympathy of Thornlea goes to Mrs. W. A. Dean, John St, and the family in the loss of their husband and father, Wm. Dean. who passed away Sunday, January Canadian farmers’ cash income during 1951 reached a record peak of 9,819,400,000, a 26.8 gain over 1950. Canada's national income and the value of goods and services during 1951 totalled $21,2000,000.- 000, a record. 7 THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone AV. 5-1468 contact Markham and Vaughan Road Superintendents to see if they would be interested in rq- movlng the branches that are dead from trees in the Town- ships." A request was received by the trustees for approval to remove the tree in front of St. Luke‘s Church in the Village. A motion was carried to “Grant approval to Father Cirivello to re- move the tree on the road allow- ance in front of St. Luke‘s Church. requesting the Church ask per- mission to remove any other trees on the road allowance in future." Parking By-law: Approval was given the By-law submitted by Vaughan Township on the parking restrictions within the Police Village. Budget. The secretary was requested to write townhips of Markham and Vaughan asking for the assess- ment of the Police Village in or- der that the trustees may prepare the budget for the coming year as soon as ossible. Commun ty Activities. It was suggested the Trustees take a greater interest in the local Community and Recreation Committees this coming year as well as the local Park. Dr. Dean said he would call a joint meeting at the beginning of January of the present two committees and Trustees. Library. A motion was carried that the secretary write the Chairman of the present Library Board reâ€" questing two names of residents within the Village be submitted to the Library Board for the com- ing year. Congratulatlons to Susan Barrow. 29 Drury Ave, who celebrated her 6th birthday on January 3. Rose Mary Cordingly,‘ 69 Drury Ave, had several guests for supper on January 4 when she entertained on the occasion of her 5th birth- day. Brother Donald was 11 years old on January 5 and had his pals to supper and fun on his night. Those sharing the fun with him were Billy McCallum. Jerry Pollock, Dennis Buckinghgm. Rob- On New Year}, in the early. ev- ening many of the young folks en- joyed skating to recorded music on the newly made rink. The sen- ior boys of the Highland Park Boys Club, and especially Hugh Sirrs. have put in many hours flooding the rink and it is grand (hat the bie Alien. Rosemary. Rink Schedule To Be Posted HIGHLAND PARK NEWS Harold Sinders and PHONE AV. 5-1388 AND PLACE YOUR ORDER BEFORE JAN. 31. YOU WILL GET THE FINEST COAL OBTAINABLE FOR $1.50 UN- DER THE CURRENT PRICE. YOU CAN’T LOSE. For here is the finest of all hard coals! Its dependability, efficiency, and ECON- OMY are unbeatable! In any weather, Old Company Lehigh burns completely, evenly, leavingless ash‘andwork for you... The recent selection of Old Company’s Lehigh for our customers has been the biggest forward step in our history! it’s OLD COMPANY’S LEHIGH fl.» MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 PREMIUM ANTHRACITE (IN ALL SIZES) Galbraith Boys Escape Injury Peter and David Galbraith es- caped serious injury last Saturday morning when a dual wheel from a passing truck came crashing through the porch of their Yonge St. home in Thornhill and splinter- ed the door. Furniture in the porch was smash- ed and the windows broken. The two boys were about to begin sort- ing their newspapers at $20 a.m. when the accident occurred. The truck minus one set of wheels skidded along the road and came to rest right side up. Neither the driver, I. Snaidman of Toronto, nor his passenger were injured. The other wheel sped on across the highway to come to rest in a field. I; was the second time withln three months a wheel running amok has struck the house. Mrs. Galbraith said. and this has nat- urally caused her much concern over the safety of her family. weather has held and allowed them to have some pleasure skating during holidays. Several moth‘flra and small fry have enjoyed it dur- ing school hours. A schedule for the rink for hockey and pleasure skating is being worked out and will be posted by the rink. On December 30, at Grace Hos- pital. Toronto. 3 baby brother ar- rived for Lauren and Johnny Haynes, 27 Grandview Ave. The new arrival will be Robert Gordon and mother and he are expected home soon. Highland Park Association will hold lbs. regular monthly meeting at Powell Road school on January 12 when the new officers will of- ficially start the new year. Liberal Classified Advertisements Bring Results Jingle Belles A child was once considered bright If she could gingerly recite A nursery rhyme, or introduce Her favorite aunt to Mother Goose, But now our offspring simply can't Compete unless they learn to chant In choruses, quartets or sing- gles The current advertising jing- les. CARL E. HILL. M.D.. M.D.H. TWP. OF NORTH YORK DEPT. OF HEALTH JANUARY SPECIAL HOLD EVERYTHING! YOU CAN NOW BUY THE WORLD’S FINEST, HARDEST. LUNGEST-BURNING COAL AT Your Local Coal Dealer RK‘HMON D HILL Clarke's Pharmacy Eddie's Variety Store Reaman‘s Variety Stou Fleircher's Pharmacy OAK RIDGES Campbell Serwce Station Connor's Grocery Davidson's Store Marshall's Garage Pallister’s Service Station Hawman's Store Stan Hart‘s Store YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: KING Armstrong‘s Store TEMPERANCEVILLE Fred Hare‘s Store ELGIN WllLLb E. Hall‘s Service Station Pridhamu’s Store Joe Weber‘s Grocery McCowan's Store Rach‘s General Store Perry’s Drug Store Hanna 5 - 1388 STOVE-8: NUT FOR $24.75 PER TON THORNHILI. COAL CD. For Your Convenience Why not give us a call today and ask for more details on this famous hard coal? Better yet, order a binfulâ€"because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll enjoy the extra benefits from the finest hard coal mined in America. giving you cleaner, steadier, healthier heat than you’ve ever had before! MAPLE W. Costoff E. Durie "winoF’s Store C. Turnbul] Dennis' Snack Bar LANGS'I‘AFF Cameron's Groceteria Hicks Survice Statmn DONCASTE‘R F. Richardson‘s Store _ PI. Westacott's Store HIGH LAN D PARK THORNHHJ Harley‘s Drug Store Thornhill Pharmacy CONCORD BUTTONVILLE J ones' Grocery Store Spence's Queen's Hotel [.D.A. Drug Store HoIlis’ Store’ Mrs. Lappiug's Store RICHVALE UNIONWLLE Hard ware

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