VILLAGE OF KING. $7900. on paved road, town water, 2 bed- room. bungalow, large living-room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, furnace, good garden. lawn and small fruit. Gor- don Orr, King 2107w c1w29 JANUARY CHICKS. From Bray Hatchery. Pullets, Cockerels. Some started. Get your order in for choice you prefer. Ask us for prices, particulars. Agent â€"-â€"- Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. ch29 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS. regâ€" istered. black and silver, 6 weelEs old. Apply W. Skidmore. R. R. 2, Woodbridge. Phone 52R32. *1w29 1 WHITE DRAKE for sale. Apply to Joe Bales. Elgin Mills Sideroad West. *1w29 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone°charges. tfc34 2 HOLSTEIN Heifers, due Jan. 15, vaccinated. negative. B. G. Jack- son, Teston Rd., Maple. c2w28 SET OF BREEDER GEESE. set of 4. Apply L. Robillard, Church St.. Langstaï¬â€˜. c1w29 SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE New machines from $89.50. all with reverse stitch. Guaranteed repairs to all makes. Electrify your "ma- chine for $26.50. Phone Reid’s Cleaners. Richmond Hill TU. 4- 1881. tfc29 SALE TWO WEEKS ONLY Clearance sale of reconditioned Singer electric drophead sewing machines. Singer Sewing Centre, ‘_102 Main St., Newmarket, phone 1075. c2w28 CHESTERFIELD Suites recovered like new. We specialize in custom uphostering. Free estimates, free pickup and delivery. DYER'S FURNITURE RED SETTER, pabers, male. $10 to good home. AV. 5-2244. *1w29 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 Ind up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tfcM TWO second-hand garden tractors; also one small International Cub, with implements. Cash or terms or will trade. Apply 112 Can-ville Rd. West. *2w29 1 McCORMICK-DEERING No. 5 hommer mill, 11â€, used; 2 Fair- banks-Morse hammer mills, 11", new. Perkins Farm and Home Equipment. Richmond Hill. c2w28 BUGS: save up to 50%; new rug“ from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc42 BUDGIES, ready for training. Beautiful colours. Excellent‘talk- mg strain. Hens $4.00, males $10. Phone Mrs. Sam Allen, Unionville 89J. c3w29 ADMIRAL 3 ft. theatre. AM-FM radio, 12%" TV, and 3-speed rec- ord changer. Reasonable. W. Wynn, Maple 281-4. *1w29 1 BEATTY Electric Washer; 1 girl’s winter coat, size 12: 1 ice refrigerator. Phone AVenue 5-2592. Apply 26 Glen Cameron Rd. c1w29 ROGERS-MAJESTIC} Console ra- STUDIO COUCH, Simmons. spring ï¬lled seat; back cushions of heavy green cotton rep, fair condition. Thornhill AV. 5-1719. c1w29 316, excellent condition, reason- able. Phone TUrner 4-1595. c1w29 BABY' CARRIAGE, Gendron, grey, good condition. AVenue 5- 1080. c1w29 éondit'fdn. thermostat $40. AV. 5- 2300. c1w29 EN FIREMAN stoker and con- trols, good condition. Phone Tur- ner 4-1077. c1w29 SAIR OF BOYS' SKATES, size 1. $2.75. Phone AVenue 5-0050. c1w29 ITEAT HOUSER for Case sc trac- tor. new, Maple 621-22. c1w29 EoBdltionvaeaisonable. TU. 4â€"1918. ' clw29 BABY CRIB, 27x51. excellent con- dition. Apply 95 Hunt Ave., Rich- mond Hill. *1w29 McLARY RANGETTE_ V Aexqgllegt COAL & WOOD Cropk Stove) good Iron Fireman Stoker, 5 Room Bungalow, For Sale This Week' Phone 1250 Newmarket REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word. min. charge 50c Second and subsequent insertionsif wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c min. charge. _50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion .. 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES tfc20 GLASSES in case, Monday, Janu- ary 12. Mrs. I. Jones. Finder please leave at 144 Markham Rd.. Rich- mond Hill. reward. *1w29 LARGE GREY COLLIE, between Elgin Mills and Willowdale. An- swers to “Tedâ€. Reward. TU. 4- 2211. c1w29 WANTED 100 acre farm, must be within 20 miles of Toronto, close at highway with bus service. Good house required. Will pay all cash. Apply Box 10 The Liberal. c1w29 LOT WANTED by private party to build on, west of Yonge south of Wright Ave., in Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-1143 evenings. *1w29 SMALL black and white fox te? DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6?37 (collect). tfc44 rier. Answers to “Pat TU. 4-1403. 1936 FORD 2 ton platform truck; good shape. $150.00. Apply Jack Brillinger,‘ Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1512. ‘lw29 DAY NURSERY â€"â€" Temporary or permanent day care given to pre- school children between 8 and 5.30 Monday through Friday. Supervis- ed play, ideal for shopping or wor- king mothers. TU. 4â€"1271. tfc29 1938 DODGE, 17% ton pick-up_ me- chancially good. $80.00 cash, no trades. Phone AVenue 5-2293 or 37 Morgan Ave., Doncaster. c1w29 GOOD HOME for female dog Must be seen to be appreciated Good with children. TU. 4-1918‘ MORTGAGE money for desirable properties to bear 6 per cent in- terest. For particulars contact S. J. Carlisle. David McLean Ltd. AV. 5-1176. c1w29 CUSTOM PLOWI G, Disking, cultivating, also ex avating, back- ï¬lling, grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill. lst house east side of Bayview south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc52 DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Toronto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMITEi) WANTED TO BUY! rubber tired wheel barrow. Phone TU. 4-1851. clw29 Loam and Fill and Cusfom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, I‘elephone King 261-5. tfc38 pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and wncrete work, footlng'a, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. _ tfc43 SAND, GRAVEL, Crusjed Stone, ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. PLASTERING, new and old work. Reasonable prices with fast and efficient service. Free estimate. Sam Tomlinson. TU. 4-1797. tfc20 SNOW PLOUGHING lanes and driveways. Gooderham 3114. M. EINBODEN & SON, concrete contractors, septic tanks and drain repairs. Baldwin 1-0633 or Tur- ner 4-1090. cAp2/14 CARPENTRY â€" specialists in in- side trim, stairs, cupboards, kit- chens and recreation rooms. Joyce and Stanley. Turner 4-1968. c4w29 PUMP REPAIRING, well digging and well cleaning. Wm. Hilliard, Holland Landing. *4w29 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phbne A: Rollinsoï¬, TU. 4-1791. ifclS MISCELLANEOUS USED CARS AND TRUCKS RE AL ESTATE WANTED WANTED LOST Reward clw29 c51w27 *12w27 c1w29 tfc39 tfclz CAPONS, toasters and fowl, high- est prices paid. 'Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton_ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 911114. tfcl? YOUNG COUPLE (abstainers) with two children, one school age, re- quire a self-contained apartment or cottage for rent. Please phone The Liberal. TUrner 4-126‘1. HOUSE on farm in exchange for part time labour, or nominal rent. Phone after 3 pm. TU. 4-2408. WANTED: URGENTLY needed, 4 or 5 room house in Richvale or between Richmond Hill and Thornhill. Good tenants. Phone Maple 64-11 - *3w29 MURRAY ASSOCIATES' employ- ee (English speaking), wife and 2 school children wish reasonable accommodation. Write Mrs. W. J. Bontilier, 330 Brunswick Ave.. Toronto, phone MI. 0048. *1w29 AGGRESSIVE AGENTS to estab- lish a solid Jito Business in good vacant territories. Sell from door to door 225 Jito Products: Toilet- ries, Culinaries, Medicines, .Do- mestic Necessities, Tea, Coffee, etc. Substantial income assured. NO RISK. $18. needed. Details- JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. c4w.‘29 FARM WANTED TO RENT with option to buy. Should be in good condition. White G. J. C. van Gou- doeven, R. R. 3 Woodbridge, Ont. clw29 TWO ADULTS and kindergarten aged child require 4 rooms in Richmond Hill with conveniences. March 1. Apply Box 12 The Lib- eral. *1w29 URGENT 5-6 room house or bun- galow, with option of buying. Robt. Downs, 734 Tate Ave†Ham- ilton, phone 40596 Hamilton col- lect. *1w29 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. We have an opening for an energetic man with initiative and neat ap- pearance. Excellent working con- ditions. Late model car necess- ary. For appointment call S. J. Carlisle AV. 5-1176, sales manager David McLean Ltd., Toronto’s lar- gest north suburban realtors. HOUSEHOLD HELP experienced with children for a small family, one child about one year old, pre- ferably to live in. Pleasant accom- modation in modern home near Richmond Hill, Apply stating pre- vious experience and references. Box 13 Liberal. clw29 SALESMAN for real estate office. Car essential. Commission basis. E. T. Stephens Ltd., Stop 22A Yonge St. c2w28 m. to 10 am. only GENERAL HELP WANTED. Rest home on Yonge St., Thornhfll, near Stop 15, full or part time, live in or out. AV. 5-1766. Call be- tween 6 and 7 pm. only. tfc25 NURSES, Registered, for, private duty only; Re'gistry; Rest home at Thornhill. AV. 5-1766. Call 8.30 a. RELIABLE MAN with a car to sell farm seeds in the local district.‘ Good opportunity for a retired farmer. Apply Otto Pick, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. Phone Turner 4-1602. clw29 YOUNG WOMAN for day work. reference required. Steele’s and Bayview district, phone BAldwin 1-1832. *1w29 Mr. Reid. Reid’s Cleaners, 78 Yéï¬ge St. th21 GORMLEY: self-contained upper duplex 4 rooms, kitchen and bathroom. Apply Box 11 The Lib- eral. c1w29 CARETAKER for Thornhill Pres- byterian Church. Phone AVenue 5-1729. c1w29 CAR SALESMAN wanted. Apply in person. Beker Sales 8: Service, Richvale. c1w29 $175 MONTHLY chauï¬eur- han- dyman to live out. Must be ex- perienced driver. BA. 1-0174. TWO ROOMS, unfurnished, un- heated, stove supplied. separate entrance, one or two children welâ€" come, no conveniences. King 581- 13. c1w29 ROOM TO RENT in Richmonu Hill. Phone TUrner 4-1453. *1w29 STORE in Richmond Hill. Apply ROOM & BOARD in Thornhill Gentleman preferred. Near stop. AV. 5-1198. c 2 BEDROOMS. suit gentleman, breakfast optional. AVenue 5-0016. c1w29 DEAD & CRIPPLED STOCK Hourly Pick-up CAMPBELL MINK RANCH Agincourt Zone 2-701 HELP WANTED OLD HORSES $15.00 AT YOUR FARM also LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED TO RENT POULTRY WANTED TO RENT *2w28 clw28 c1w29 r bua. c1w29 tfc25 Limited Richmond Hill TU 4-1772 1950 PONTIAC DeLUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN a one owner car in lovely condition. 30 day 50-50 guarantee 1947 NASH SEDAN air conditioning and custom radio radio and heater, low mileage, an exceptional small car, ideal for low cost transportation 30 day 50-50 guarantee WED, FEB. 4 â€" Extensive auction nale 45 Reg. Holsteins, fully ac- credited since 1938, Percheron horses, full line nearly new trac tor implements, including two tractors, threshing machine, ham- mer mill, spreader. side rack, hay loader, binder, poultry ,furniture, 2000 bus. mixed grain, hay, ensil- age ,etc., the property of E. A. Somerville and Son atâ€Lot 1415, Con. 10, Markham, ‘53, mile north of No. 7 Highway. NOTE: This is an extra good lot of tractor im- plements also this is a high test- ing herd. Roy Ormiston will be on pedigrees. Locust {lill W. A. will have a refreshment booth on the grounds. Clerks, Lloyd Turner and R. E. Faulkner. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold, owner mo ving away. Implement sale starts at 11 o'clock. Cattle sale at 2.30 p. m. Sellers & Atkinson, auctioneers and Sales Managers. HANDYâ€"MAN, middle-aged, would like light work of any kind, all or part time. Apply to Box 6 The Liberal. *2w29 SATURDAY, JAN. 31 â€" Import- ant Auction Sale of 22 Head of Holstein Cattle, fresh cows_ heif- ers and milkers, farm equipment, including rubber tired waggon, har- ness, gasoline engine, large quan- tity of household furniture. etc. Property of Ernest Beelby on Lot 30. Concession 6. Pickering Town- ship. 1 mile north of No. 7 High- way at Green River. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Owner quitting milk business. Ken and Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. Employment Wanted RELIABLE WOMAN wants work 9-4; Phorie King 11r14. *1w29 BABY SITTING, light work, by day or hour. TUrner 4-1967. c1w29 Bradshaw Motors Nash Sales & Service TRANSPORTATION available. eaving Thornhill 7.45 arriving at Eaton's 8.45. leaving 5.15. arriving I‘hornhill‘ 6.15. AVenue 5-1775. TRANSPORTATION Get extra riding smoothness in a used Nash with the coil spring ride, extra room for passengers and luggage! Get extra year ’round comfort in a used Nash with the Weather Eye System. Get extra beauty, with Nash Permalux enamel ï¬nish. See our Extra-Wide choice of [OW-COST used cars NOWI look at this week’s Specials Get extra miles to with a used Nash! SALE REGISTERS The Lake Marie and King Athletic Association will hold its 32nd Annual Meeting on Tuesday evening, January 20, at 8 o’clock. in its club room, King Memorial Hall. 1935 FORD 1 TON STAKE in fair condition 1939 CHRYSLER SPORTS COUPE radio and heater Annual Meeting EXTRA! 1936 FORD SEDAN in good running condition 1951 PREFECT SEDAN 30 day 50-50 guarantee $1,595.00 $1,050.00 $135.00 $175.00 $295.00 $825.00 every gallon clw29 Annual meeting of King City Cemetery Company will be held in the Masonic Hall, King City, on Saturday afternoon, January 17, 1953, at 2 pm. for the purpose of transacting general business and the el- ection of otficers. All plot holders are urged to attend. There were nine tables of play- :rs in attendance and to judge from enthusiasm everyone enjoy- edd a good evening. Prize winners were Mr. Russell Boyington, Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. Charles Hooper. Mrs. Russell Burr and Mr. E. Wal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Easton left by plane on Friday of last week for a two months’ vacation and buying trip in the British Isles and Eur- ope. Due to weather conditions they were held up for seven hours at Gander Airport, and then were forced to land in England instead of Prestwick as scheduled. We wish them a pleasant holi- day. The players voted against a freeze-out and the play ended at 11 pm. The next W. 1. sponsored euchre will be held on Wednesday, January 21. Davidson Mission Band The ï¬rst meeting of the David- son Mission Band will be held in the church on Saturday afternoon, January 17. Parents please note! Special Notes Mrs. K. C. Gray of Kirkland Lake spent last week end with her sister, Mrs. S. English at Braedoon farm. Following the business session the meeting ’was closed formally, and refreshments were served by the hostesses. W. I. Euchre Held The ï¬rst euchre of the 1953 season was held in Buttonville Hall on chnesday, January 7. The committee in charge was Mrs. lussell Burr, Mrs. Russell Boying- on and Mrs. Fred Leaf. During the reading of the an- nual reports these facts stood our. With an allocation of $180.00, treasurer Mrs. D. Hood reported $257.00 was sent to headquarters. A further amount of $225.00 was sent to the United Church Train- ing School building fund. The Harmony Club earned $1,315 with $455 donated to the church build- ing fund. The Junior Harmony Club kept pace with their elders, selling $691.25 worth of Christ- mas cards, of which $194.30 was net proï¬t. The Brown’s Corners Church annual meeting on January 20 will be a supper meeting with a quilt- ing in the afternoon. The meeting was conducted as outlined in the Missionary Month~ ly. Portions were read from the study book describing conditions in Angola, Africa, where our missionaries are at work. At the conclusion Mrs. Russell led in a prayer for missionaries in the ï¬eld. Mrs. Giles contributed a reading on temperance and Mrs. A. Stephenson sang two ï¬ne solos. Much business came under dis- cussion. Delegates appointed to at- tend the Presbyterial which will he held in Fairlawn United Church, Toronto, on January 27, are Mrs. B. C. Sisler, Mrs. Ross Hard and Mrs. Steffler. The W.M.S. of Brown's Corners United Church met in the church parlors on Wednesday of last week. The convenor was Mrs. F. Baker and her committee was Mrs. George Cakes and Mrs. John.Wil- kins. W.M.S. Reports The girls of the Homemaking Club under the leadership of Mrs. Everett Phillips have completed their project in sleeping garments. The Achievement Day for this course will be held on Saturday, January 31 in Newmarket. A jun- ior member Miss Betty Beynon, joined the club this season. W. S. Hare and Mrs. J. Ulwneharéi president, Mrs. W. Jennings; vice- The W.I. president, Mrs. Clay- ton Beynon and secretary Mrs. Gordon Baldwin were guests of Richmond Hill Institute on their 40th annniversary last week. Both ladies were most enthusiastic ab- out the wonderful time they had. Homemaking Club The euchre held at Temperance- ville schoolhouse under the aus- pices of the W.I. on Tuesday, Jan- uary 6. resulted in the following winners: Mrs. Thomas Dibb, Mrs. Fred Hare, Mrs. Robert Ash, Fred Hare, Francis Powell, Wm. Ash. The next euchre will be held on Tuesday. January 20. Prizes for the January 6 euchre were don- ated by Mrs. Thomas Dibb, Mrs. Nelson Thompson and Wilbert Jennings. Those holding office in the W A. for the year 1953 are: Hon‘ pres_ide_r_1ts_ Mrs. J. Jennings, Mrs‘ The young peoples’ meetings to 'vhich all interested are welcome ‘5 'held'Friday evenings in the whurch basement. W. A. Executive Euchre Laurence Scott, President Jack Walkingston, sec. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R. 2‘, KING Phone King 3R11 Correspondent: Mrs. E. 3. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone Agincourt 335J2 BUTTONVILLE TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS FOR 25 YEARS YOUR FORD-\IONARCH DEALER 168 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1116-7 EM. 6-3166 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. P.M. R.D.L|TTLE 8. SUN Ltd. MANY MORE TO CHOICE FROM $925.00 1950 MERCURY 1/2 TON PICKUP president. Mrs. Fred Boyes; sec: treas.. Mrs. Ed Paxton; pianist. Mrs. A. Folliott; parsonage comâ€" mittee, Mrs. W. Jennings and Mrs. W. Hudson; visiting committee, Mrs. W. Hare. Mrs. M. E. McClure. Mrs. Norman Rumble. Mrs. C. Beynon. ‘ W.M.S. Officers Officers of the W.M.S. for 1953 are: Hon. Presidents. Mrs. F. Wilkins and Mrs. J. Paxton; pres- ident, Mrs. W. Hudson; vice-pres.l Mrs. M. E. McClure; sec.-treas., Mrs. Fred Boyes; temperance, Mrs. A. 'Folliott; Missionary Mon- thly, Mrs. Frank Bell; supply sec., Mrs. John Umehara; mite boxes, Mrs. Frank Bell: missionary sup- erintendent. Mrs. M. E. McClure, assisted by Mrs. Ed. Paxton. Mr .and Mrs. John Lloyd of Dix- ie called on Mr. and Mrs. EJPhil- lips on Sunday. A1 USED TRUCKS $650.00 1950 PREFECT 4 DR. SEDAN $825.00 1949 GMC 3,4 TON 1940 CHEVROLET COACH Hurry for this popular model. $695.00 1948 FORD 1/: TON $1,475.00 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH air conditioning, spotless USED TRACTORS $195.00 1937 OLDSMOBILE COACH N0 REASONABLE REFUSED $850.00 1948 FORD 8N TRACTUn $650.00 1946 FORD 9N TRACTOR $550.00 1940 FORD 9N TRACTOR 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN exceptional car ALL 35 miles to the gallon! ARE IN A1 SHAPE reaï¬y for work $395.00 $895.00 PICKUP PICKUP OFFER PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. RICHMOND HILL Yes, we’re having an inventory reduction sale! Now you can own this beautiful Frigidaire De Luxe Refrigerator at a big saving! And see how much more Frigidaire offers you for your money! Check the exclusive Frigidaire features . . . more conveniences than ever before! During this sale, we’re able to offer you Frigidaire quality for you. home at tremendous savings! Come in to-dayl uuuuuuumuluuuumumunm1mmummI1uulIIIImmunmumnmuutx\\uumuuummmmnull\tumIl\uuu\uuuuuumnuuuummum! andlookatthztwo llllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllll‘Ill\llllllllllll“lllll“111m“ll“lullllllllllllmllll““llllllllllll“lllllll\“111lllllllllaml“Mlll“ml111mm“llmlmlllllllllllllll ROLL-TO-YOU gmunmmmluuuumunlumunummm1mmumuummumuuumummuuumuumnuunnmuuuumnnuluiiilimuun“1111mmunummuu; 1949 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE 1949 HILLMAN SEDAN 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1950 HILLMAN SEDAN 1949 FORD COACH 1950 PONTIAC COACH BAKER SALES &SERVICE Richvale ' PHONE TU. 4-1114 1951 HILLMAN SEDAN extras. radio, back-up lights, oil ï¬lter. gas ï¬lter. i“111111111llllllllllllllllllï¬ll“1mmm“lull““llmum!“ll“lllllllll“lllll\lll\llll\lllllllllllllllllll\“llllll“llull“l\ll“\“ll\llllllllll\l“llllllfllllllllllllll‘lï¬ git/bye; 367750 .' .7 SUPER VAN/l"... ' SUPER SAVING! onlhwmumc FRIGIDAIRE Special Saï¬e To Cï¬ear Stock We are oï¬ering the following new Firestone and Goodyear studded tires at a 20 per cent discount v - 6.50 - 15†- 4ply - 6.00 - 16†- 4 ply - 6.50 ' 16†- 4 ply - 6.50 - 16†- 6 ply Perkins Farm .8. Home Equipment 23 Markham Rd., Richmond Hill, Phone TU. 4-1229 Home OlIice 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre .- Hu. 8949 Optometrist WILL BE AT 42 Yonge Street S- Opposite the Bus Station WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday ‘ of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12 NOON EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACED OPTICAL REPAIRS Prescriptions for Glasses Filled F. L. LOWRIE, 3.0 Buyers waiting for houses in all sizes and price ranges One of Toronto’s oldest and largest offices. A reputation established through service. David McLean Ltd. HflUSES WA N T E D Head Offices. Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 TUrner 4 - 154‘] DE LUXE REFRIGERATOR! 0 Beautiful new cabinet styling Exclusive Quickube Trays ‘ Twin, All-Porce- lain Hydrolors New Meier-Miser with 5-Year Protection Plan Full-Width Super- Freezer Chest