Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jan 1953, p. 7

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‘” “MEMO (Lalo Back) *RICHMOND HILL . . . Mrs. l‘. C. Knox of Toronto was the finest speaker at the supper meeting of the Presbytrian Even- ing Auxiliary held in the Sunday School room, January 7. Mrs. Knox, with her husband. is on furlough from the Bhll Mission Field in Central India. Illustrating her talk on life among the Bhils with dolls dressed in native costume and In- tive jeyollery, she held her aud- ience enthralled. , r Her two young daughters. Kath- erine and Winnlfred, assisted. dressed as a Hindo woman and as a village woman, and sang 1n the Hindu and Bhil languages. A high- light of the evening wu the pres- entation to Mrs. T. Moore of I Life Membership in the W.M.S. Two vocal ndmbers by Mrs. Duncan md Joan Rom-no. accom- panipd by My. S. W. Birth, were inuch enjoyed. Em 'Z’V'Dén’t’uufla' (mar die Exam ' Finer d Law 1 day longer Una you A clinic for immunization against Diphtheria. Whooping Cough. Tet- anus (lock-jaw) and Smallpox for preschool children (infancy to Ilchoolage) will be held at the Child Health Centre, Lions Community Hall, Centre Street East. Richmond Hill, starting February 2. between 1.80 and 4 pm. This is a free health service to all lponsored by the Women’s In- stitute in «to-operation with the York County Health Unit. huh Get TIR-C'. may. 65c. 31.35 at eountzn. ' 1-340 The Nut Club met at the home of Mrs. Logan Stewart, Markham Rd.. Wed. night Jan. 7. Prizes won were lst. Mrs. Genoe; 2nd. Mrs. Pearson; consolation. Mrs. L. Sheardown. Ev. Watling was the hostess. lmmunluflon for Preschoolers Family and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel F9x_ Mill St. to bid “hon voyage" to Mrs. J. J. McCabe of Richmond Hill. who 13 leaving on a trip to Calflornia and to wish Mr. Fox many happy returns on the occas- lon of his birthday. There's always a good show at The Richmond. this district‘s pop- ular entertainment centre. Two shows nightly at 7 and 9 pm. and a matinee every Saturday at 2 pm. The regular weekly bingo _spon- sored by the local L.O.L. will be held this evening (Thursday). Ev- eryone is invited to attend these Blngos which are popular weekly events. Mrs. Alma Davis will be hostess at the next meeting of the CWBA to‘ be held at the home of Mrs. Riley, Elgin St.. Thornhill. The December lucky winners at Lucy Dickie's Ladies Shop month- ly draw were Mrs. B. M. Mundy and Mrs. V. P. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. William Savage are visiting in Montreal this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Clubine of Markham Rd. are spending an ex- tended holiday in Florida. Miss Lucille Smith of London‘ Ont., has been the guest of Mrs David Hill and Mrs. S. A. Devitt In Lions’ Community Hall, Centre St. E. Wednesday I an. 21st Biidge 8: Euchre Admission 50c per person Progressive Bridge and Euchre Numerous valuable prizes Also Door Prizes Refreshment booth Proceeds for improvement of the Community Hall The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items {or this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations .women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desirable to have it in earlier if posslble to ensure its publi- cation. Richmond Hill Lions Club to be held on at 8 pm. ‘ In memoriams WEST â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother. Mary Ann West, who passed away January 17, 1952. In our heart: your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother, That not think of you. -â€"Lovlngly rememberéd, Alme- da, Mike and Larry Wilson. (31%!) WEST â€" In loving memory of I dear We. Mary Ann West, who passed away‘January 17, 1952. Some day we hope to meet again, Some day ,we know not when. To clasp her hand in a better land, Never to part again. McCULLOUGI-I -â€"- In loving mem- ory of Norman McCullough, who passed away Jan. 14, 1952. Loving and kind in all his ways. Upright and just to the end of his days Sincere and true in his heart and mind Beautiful manor!“ he left behind. --A1mnda-, Mike and Larry. » â€" Sadlf misseâ€"d by a loving hus- band and family. 7 c1w29 McCULLOUGK â€"- In loving memâ€" ory of a dear husband and father. NormanvD. McCullough, who passed away January 14. 1952. Deep in our hearts lies a picture, 0! I loved one laid to rest, In memory's frame, we shall keep it Because he was one of the best. â€"â€" Ever remembered. Marion. Terry and Nancy. c1w29 DiAUN â€" In sweetest memory of Pop (James) who passed peacefully away one year ago to-day Jan. '15, 1952. With tears I watched you sinking I watched you fade away. I tended you with loving care. But could not make you stay. I sat beside your bedside. As the lonely hours passed, But no one will ever know How-my heart was broken. When I saw you breathe your last. Our friends just haven’t been the same Since you were taken home. I lost my truest and dearest friend When I lost you, dear Pop. â€"-Your memories I'll always cherish. Evelyn. I'IWZQ Congratulations to Mr. T. H. Trench, Lorne Ave., who celebrat- ed his 85th birthday last Friday. Mr. Trench isa native son of Rich- mond Hill and is an ex-reeve bi the municipality. The Evening Guild of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church held its annual meeting Tuesday. January 13. for the installation of the new officers. who are as follows: President, Mrs. W. S. Thomson: 1st vice pres, Mrs. D. Boyd; 2nd vice pres, Miss G. McLatchy; recording secretary. Mrs. Ran Shaw; corresponding sec- retary. Mrs. N. Holder; treasurer: Mrs‘ G. Harte; program convenor. Miss M. Carter; refreshment con- venor, Mrs. N. Bone; pianist. MiS' M. Scrivener: publicity_ Mrs. E Richmond Hill Volunteer Fire Brigade held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 13. in the Fire Hall. The main item of business was the laying of plans for the annual bridge and euchre to be 'held Monday, March 2 in the Lions Community Hall. blw29 JIM GRAINGER Mr. Powell and Mrs. E. David- son have been teaching at Lake Wilcox School during this past week. taking the place of three teachers who have been absent through illness. Mr.‘ Gorge McEwan. employed in the draughting department of the Ontario Hydro Electric since coming to Canada five years ago, resigned from that position at the end of the year. He is now em- ployed with the M. W. Barnes Company. Engineers and Contrac- tors, whose head ofiice is in Los Angeles, California. Mr. McEwan Their daughter, Mrs. R. Kennett and her husband with their child- ren Sharon and Barry came from Chicago for the happy event and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Threlfall Jr. of Jefferson. spent the day .at their parents' home. Visitor- Walter Bone and Miss Annie Bone of Can-ville and Miss Jennie Bone of Maple visited at the home of Mrs. G. Richards, Elgin Mills, last Sunday. Arrived Safely Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Seal, Lake Wilcox on the birth of their ,,thlrd daughter, early Friday morning, in York County Hospital, Newmarket. Socials. Friends from Canada and the States sent them messages, cards and gifts for the momentous occas- ion, and friends living within cal]- hg distance visited their home ali afternoon and evening of the 315:. Phone TU. 4-1529 86 Yonge St. .\'., Richmond Hill Harry Pridham's family arrived safely at their destination out west and although Mrs. Prldham’s £81 ther is still in a very serious con- dition all their friends are hoping there will be an improvement soon. Welcome Back If the road is impassable due to inclement weather the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fletcher Thompson, Lake Wilcox Road. 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Threlfall Sr., Toronto, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on New Years eve. The next club night will be held on January 23 at 8 pm. when there will be "crib", euchre and bridge. as well as dancing. St. Jahn’s W. A. S 1' AT E FA R M mu “roman: msuuucs co. The busy holiday season being over for another year many new and former members of the Jeffer- son School Community Club gath- ered at the school last Friday night for a very happy evening of danc- ing and cards. It was also nice to see so many square-dancers from Richmond Hill present when Carson Whalen called ofl‘. Many comments were made regarding the finished tech- nique of the Hill crowd for they certainly help to put a "swing" in- to the dances. Your correspondent was the lucky recipient of the door prize. It was especially nice to see those present who have been on the sick list. and who are now getting back into circulation again. Some of the Richmond Hill High School girls. residing in this district, also at tended and the club would like to see more of the high school crowd. Community Club The annual business meeting for St. John's W.A. will be held at the lame of Mrs. S. C. Snively, on .‘Vednesday, Jan. 21. at 2.30 pm. H m In I cum! Mm m m min hr mummy. Int m many-mm Mal: tron Nearly two million members of State Farm understand this economical advantage pioneered by State Farm. Why? Because they pay the cost of a local agent's sales commission only onceâ€"after that they pay for insurance protenion only! Shoppers were glad to see Shel- OAK. RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L WHENSON TILIPIONII ma mun CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone TUrner 4-2334 Fred Hare of Temperanceville drew a 29 cribbage hand when he and Robt. Ash were playing crib- bage at Mr. Hare's home last week. Judith Ashby. 6 year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashby, who was visiting her aunt in Tor- onto .fell while skating and broke her leg. She was taken to the hos- pital to have it set. 29 Cribbage Hand Tuesday, January 27. is the reg- ular meeting of Oak Ridges Home and School. Mr. A. Ross and Miss Steward and two cadets from the St. John's Ambulance Corps will give a health demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. A. Swan. active members of the Salvation Army at Lake Wilcox moved to Toronto this week. The Henderson sisters of Gorm- ley. well known in Oak Ridges for their work at the Sunshine Sunday School and who have had a stand on the North Toronto Farmers Market, have, since the market was closed, opened a store on Av- enue Road north. Home and School Guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Da- vison this week are Mrs. Davison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolf of Buckingham, Que. Mr. Wolf re- tired in December after being employed with the McLaren Pulp and Paper Co. at Buckingham for 16 years. The next Lions euchre will be held at the Ridge Inn on Monday, December 12. Everybody welcome, good prizes and refreshments. Proceeds to cover the cost of hock- ey_practise on Saturday mornings. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hume spent New Years with Mrs. Hulm ’5 sisters, Miss Mary and Martha Walker. in Beeton. The Oak Ridges Cubs under cub- master Warren Broad enjoyed a hike on Saturday. They took along beans and bacon and enjoyed a meal around the camp fire. The Mothers Auxiliary of Scouts and Guides held its regular meet- ing on Tuesday, December 6, in Oak Ridges School. Eighteen mem- bers were present. Two street pa- trol mothers, Mrs. W. Gerrard and Mrs. P. Hadcock were absent due to inneés. is chief draughtaman in their Torâ€" onto office. While still not feeling up to hav- ing visitors, his co'ndition is quite satisfactory. , Many Happy Returns Friends of Arthur Gibson. Sum- mit Farms will be happy to hear Mr. Gibson is progressing favour- ably after his recent operation at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Birthday wishes go to Julie En- sor who held her 10th birthday on Saturday, January 10. Home Again P. W. Tomkins and his daugh- ter Mrs. R. B. Halpenny who have been visiting Mr. Tomkin’s daugh- ter, Mrs. D. Miller and her family, at Jefferson, left for Ottawa by 'plane on Wednesday. The sewing-room has also been re-decorated and refumlshed. 0n Sick List There Is always something going on at the Home. Just now the car- penters and painters are fixing up a recreation room for the children. When completed there will be built-in lockers for toys, books, etc. a ping-pong table and lots of games. don Lind back at work at Pridham's store last week. Although living in Toronto now with his wife and family, Mr. Lind enjoys working in our neighbourhood. Bereavement The staff of the LTB & Orange Home acknowledge with thanks the gift of side tables for the girls' dormitory. given by the members of the North York Kiwanis. The youngsters are all delighted with their new skating-rink and expect to have some hockey games with the boys from the YMCA this season. A service conducted by the min- ister of Carmen United Church was held in the chapel of the Earle Elliott funeral home, Toronto. on Sunday at 8.30 pm. Following which 15 ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star. of which Mrs. Austin had been a member held a service. Each lady spoke a few words of the Eastern Star’s ritual and placed a flower on the casket. Interment was at McPhaiI cem- etery (north of Wheeler) on Mon- day afternoon. Orange Home News Friends and neighbours of Mrs. Thomas Dick. Jefierson. were sor- ry to learn of the death of Mrs. Dick's mother. Mrs. Leeta Austin. in Toronto on Friday. January 9, after in lingering Illness. ~ Widow of Mowat Austin. Mrs. Austin is survived by two daugh‘ ters. Jean IMrs. Thos. Dibb‘. Jef- ferson. Mary (Mrs. Frank Sargent), Toronto and one son Gerald. De- trolt. The animal ran into the path of a car driven by John Murray of Wildwood Ave. The driver was unable to avoid hitting the animal which ran into a bush on the east side of the road. Murray contacted police who followed the deer tracks. When the animal was found. it was necessary to des- troy it because of severe in- juries. The venison was pre- sented to the York County Home for the Aged. Numer- ous deer tracks have been seen in this area recently and resi- dents suspect that there must be a herd in the nearby bush land. A deer darted onto the high way at Bond Lake. one even- ing last week causing consid- erable damage to an auto and death for itself. Deer Hit By Auto Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. James Pollock. who cele- brated her 7lst birthday on Sat- urday. January 10. Also performed that day at her home was the chris- tening of her grandson, Ronald James. infant son of Mnand Mrs. George Hi1], Toronto, Rev. C. Faulkner. Markham officiated. Miss Helen Izzar. Toronto. and Mr. Tom Pollock of Alderwood. visited on Saturday with Mrs. James Pollock. Hope Uniied Church The congregation of Hope Un- ited Church met for the annual meeting in the Sunday School on (age, Mrs. James McDonald and Mrs. V. Orr, sec.-treas.: home help- ers. Mrs. M .McDonald; program .:ommittee. Mrs. E. Magee, Mrs. W. Armitage. Mrs. James McDon- ald and the executive; pianists, Mrs. E. Wade. Mrs. W. Hodge; Mission Band. Mrs. Bowman, Miss Ann Lawrie. The ofilcers elected for 1953 are President, Mrs. C. H.‘Bowman: lst vice, Mrs. Geo. Matheson: 2nd vice Mrs. M. McDonald; sec. Mrs. Eric Brice; treas. Mrs. R. D. MacNau- ghton: supply Mrs. A. E. Snider, Mrs. C. Snider. Mrs. Witherspoon, Mrs. G. Snider: welcome and wel- fare. Mrs. E. Keffer. Mrs. Hodge. Mrs. T .Witherspoon. Mrs. Armi- Mrs. C. H. Bowman presided. The prayer was given by Mrs. R. D. MacNaughton and the scripture was read by all. The introduction to the study of Africa, “Contrasts and Conflicts". was given by Mrs. E. Brice, and the story of “A Good Samaritan Today” was read by Mrs. A. Snider. Plans were made to provide clothing and bedding for an 8-year old boy at “Old Sun”. Indian 'Res- idential School 'at Gleichen, Al- berta. Mrs. J. H. Hayes. who has visited the school spoke on the work being carried on there. Plans were also made for the annual Vestry meeting and supper to be held Wednesday, January 21, in the Masonic Hall. St. Andrew's Presbyterian W.M.S. Mrs. T. Witherspoon was hos- tess to St. Andrew’s W.M.S. when they met for the first meeting of the New Year on the afternoon of January 7. The monthly meeting of St. Ste- phen’s Women’s Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. M. Boswell on Friday evening, January .9. The president, Mrs. H. Bryan. opened the meeting with prayers. the scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Isaac Watson and a reading given by Mrs. Boswell. of God’s Word 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Wed.. 7.30 pm. â€"â€"- Mid-week Pray- SUNDAY, JANUARY 18. 1953 3 am. -- Holy Communion 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 18,1953 Gormley Pastor. A. L. Winger SUNDAY. JANUARY 18. 1953 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship and Ministry and Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer 8 pm. -â€" Confirmation Class Divine Worship . . . . . . 2.30 pm. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 3.20 p.111. Annual Meeting at Dr. Walker’s at 7.30 pm. ér Service. You are cordially invited to all services. SUNDAY. JANUARY 18, 1953 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Sunday School Nursery Department All welcome THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. JANUARY 18. 1953 11 am. â€" Morning Worship conducted by Prof. D. V. Wade of THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. A. R. Wood. B.A., Rector Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY. JANUARY 18. 1953 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 10 am. â€" Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Service Mr. Gordon ShewfeLt of the Tem- “The Friendly Church" Convention of Ontario & Quebec Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A., Minister Worship Service & Sunday School at 11 a.m. Knox College, Toronto 11.15 am. -â€"- Sunday School All are welcome Rev. S. W. letle. B.A.. Minister RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 18. 1953 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer All are welcome. perance Federation 7 pm. â€" Young People's Service and Fireside Hour SUNDAY, JANUARY 18. 1953 10 a.m. â€" The Church School 11 am. â€"- Preparatory Service The Minister Come and Worship RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A., B.D., Minister THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHVALE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1953 11 am. In Richvale Public School All ages and denominations Eotdially welcome. Rev. J. O. Totton in charge RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRETHREN IN camsr CHURCH CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN Phone Mlplo 19R5 MAPLE NEWS Mr. Downey was born in Albion Township, Peel County, 82 years ago. He married Hattie William- son. 55 years ago. They moved to- Vaughan in 1907 where they farm- ed. He attended Maple United Church and sang in the chair for a number of years. until they mov- ed to Brampton 22 years ago. He leaves to mourn. his wife. six children. \Irs. Roy Kefier (Vernal of Maple: Envood of Port Hope; Mrs. E. Kefl'er (Iva) of Unionville; Orland of Maple; Rev. Murray Downey of Regina, Sask.. and Mrs. Lawrence Folliott (Nellie) of Rich- mond Hill. 26 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Pallbearers were Ollie, Wilton and William Downey and Otto Hardwick of Bolton, Herbert Dow- ney, Brampton, and Dewitt Boyce. Woodbridge. Eight grandchildren were flower bearers. Rev. McDermid of St. Paul’s Un- ited Church, Brampton assisted by Rev. Douglas Davis, nephew of the deceased. of Stoufiville, were in charge of the service. Rev. Murray Downy, son of the deceased paid fitting tribute to his father. The funeral was held Wednes- day, January 7. from Brampton, with interment in Laurel Hill cem- etery, Bolton. The Late James Downey The death of Mr. James Dovmey, 56 Mill St. Brampton, took place. in Stouflville Nursing Home on Saturday. January 3, following a lengthy illness. Special thanks were given to Mr. William Thomas, for his work as treasurer of the church and to Mrs. Gordon Orr for her work with the Junior Choir. also to Mr. Laurence Clarke for his leader- ship in renovating the Sunday School. Gordon Orr expressed the sincere thanks of the congregation Rev. P. J. Lambert led the meet- ing in worship, after which the business meeting was held. All accounts were paid in full, leaving a credit balance in each organi- zation. to the minister and the various leaders for their kindness and able leadership of the congregation. Thursday January 8. Despite dif- ficult weather conditions the tab- les were well filled. for the partak- ing of the bountiful supper pro- vided by the ladies of the Woman’s Auxiliary. I @bituarp and reverend is his name. Concord Young People meet each Friday night at 8 o’clock in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Witty. NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East of You" On Madawaska Ave.. Stop 123 Pastor F. Vaughn B. Th. SUNDAY, JANUARY 18. 1953 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School , 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship 7 p.111. -â€" Evening Service Thursday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting The pastor has been requested to repeat the sermon, “Where are the Dead?" Come and hear a dis- cussion of this vital question. Spe- cial music by Sam Bell and his Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 In. Psalm 111:9 . . He sent redempa tlon unto His people. He hath com- manded His covenant forever, holy our guest speaker Fri., 2.30 pm. â€"- Lndies’ meeting F11, 4.10 p.m. -â€" Happy Hour 8 pm. â€" Intermediates Meeting in Concord School Kenn Each Lord’s Day evening It 7 on. xylophone. Thurs. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Rev. McRoberts, of Cooke's Pres- byterian Church. Toronto, will be SUNDAY SCHOOL Held in Richvale Public School, Spruce Ave. Parents and friends along with the children are most welcome to this open session of Bible Stories and hymn singing. sionnry Meeting. F11. 8 p.m. â€" Young geoplel Soel BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH. VAUGHAN Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 am. Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.31. Sunday School at Concord School House at 10 am (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY. JANUARY 18, 1953 Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 10 am Church Service . . . . . . . . . . 11 am MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert, B.A., 3.0.. minister SUNDAY. JANUARY 18, 1953 Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am. Church Service ... . . . .. . . 11 am. Edgeley ' Sunday School .. . . . . . . 1.30 pm. Church Service ...... 2.30 pm. Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10.30 am. Church Service . . . . . . . . . . 7 p.111. You are cordially invited to these services. Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jone- Serflcel Svmdny, 11 3.111. â€" Bible School classes for I“ at“ 7pm. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 p.111. â€" Women'l Mil- LA NGSTA FF BAPTIST CHURCH ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST (under erection) Richvale Chapel OAK RIDGES PHONES: King 111 ONTARIO Tl'mcr 4-1701 TUmer 4-1261 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Formeriy of Gerard Heintxmnr Work Guaranteed. Free EstimateA Phone Literal Office STUART PAXTON WIRING WWOW“ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Jan. 15, 1953 7 icivy) PBâ€"lo , 'newspapermm‘stnewspf pope/3: the MONITOR" covers the world with a network ofNews Bureaus ? andrcorrgspmdenmw i ' ,3; 7x1; ~, ! _ Orderg special Infio f ductory subscription 2 tqdoyr-3m9nthslfoml I} wâ€"fi 3 ’a‘ ommmmfii James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating Please send me an introde Mom. tor subscriptionâ€"76 mun I onelosqfi. Sheet Metal Work inte 0: Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hi”, TUmer 4-187? REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS PIANO TUNING Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems Phone .TUrner 4-!016 SAND and [HM/El. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill - Fur Servace at it’s Best - . Try Your FrienJIy Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DA! RY ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE J- .A- \X/I LLOUGHBY E. CH A R ITY and Repairing S. Hofiman Electrician Dealer for HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. TELEPHONE TURJER-4-1622 (zone) LINE WORK Richmond Hill 'Aurora 46-J ,1 state) McINTOSH 0R SPY Apples 21:2: TEXAS N0. 1 FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Grapefruit Tomatoes Shortening Pure Soap Flakes it: 33c MAPLE LEAF New Cabbage 5- 8c TREAT CHOICE Peaches JEWEL "New Improved' SUN BRITE Margarine :Jz' 32c YORK CHOICE Coflee INTERLAKE Toilet Tissue CHASE & SANBORN Tomato Juice AYLMER FANCY SPECIALS Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 25c 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Bskt. 20 oz. Tin Rolls 79c for AND SONS Drip or Regulal Zlc 21c 24c 95c 29c 98’-

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