The regular meeting of the Thornhill Women‘s Institute was held recently with 35 members present and two guests. Following the regular opening. Mrs. Harris read “Lowly Minds", which was based on‘ the Motto of -the Insti- tute. Everyone enjoyed a: period of singing under the leadership of Mrs. Little. Letters were read by Mrs. Holmes from sister links in England pnd» Scotland. thanking the memb‘ers:for their gift parcels and wishing all ‘the compliments of the season. The Thornhill Aoup received a beautiful calen- ar and book on the Life History of the Princess from these groups cross the seas. which were great- g' admired. A complete welfare report was lead by Mrs. Thompson Ind a vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Holmes Women’s Institute Mrs. Woodger will be the guest speaker at the 1st meeting in the New Year of the Thornhlll and District Scout Mothers Association Which_ Will be held in the United ghurch Hall on Thursday. January 2. Scout Mothers Wolovision »A winter camp will be held on February 7 am? 8 at the District Camp Site in Orangeville. This camp will be for the Senior Scouts and we certainly hope that they have an enjoyable week-end. Bobbie P'aée receiVed his 2nd Class badge at the regular Scout meeting last Wednesday. Scouts The Recreation Committee who are working hard‘with the Skating Rink would like volunteer parents to help flood rink at nights. Mr. Crutcher announced that the York-Simcoe Home and School As- sociation is holding its next meet- ing on Thursday, February 5 at Powell Road School. â€" 'Ml:§: Clara Lowrey of Locust Lawn has been visiting relatives in Cornwall and Montreal for the past ten days. The January meeting of the Thornhill Home and School Assoc- iation took place on Thursday. January 15. They were fortunate in having the Assistant Director of Radio Education. V. Dobson, as speaker. Mr. Dobson spoke to a crowded room of parents who went home determined to share one common experience with their children by listening to the radio at 9.45 every Friday morning. It was announced .that a new Cub Pack is to be started on Tues- day at 7 pm. with Mr. Chambers as “Akelaâ€. Ranges ‘3 The calendar tells us that this k one of the Winter .months. but {With the mild weather that we have ' ad recently we are inclined to oubt the official word. The small Creeks that are ,running through e village have always been a tem- 4tation to children especially when has formed. This ice however We wish to extend the commun- ity’s welcome to Mr. and Mrs. R. Connolly and their glaughter. Car- 01, who have recently moved into their home on Arnold Avenue. Mrs. Connolly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elvidge, also of Ar- nold Avenue Home and Schooi Association} is not always very thick, especially with the mild weather â€" therefore children should be warned to keep 011’ it. or one of the‘se days will ar- rive home quite wet. @ELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 14/4, M2,; Thornhi" And District News 8‘ Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yonge St. We have in stock the type of pellets that will suit the individual needs of your laying flock. (1) MASTER LAYING PELLETS To stimulate Egg Production (2) MASTER FLESHING PELLETS To maintain the flesh of your birds (3) MASTER GREEN PELLETS To provide extra green feed and vitamins WE KNOW YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH THE JOB THESE PELLETS D0. Washers Radios Following the Trustees‘ Meeting. the Recreation Committee mem- bers are holding their annual meeting also in the Victoria Hall on Wednesday, January 28. The members would appreciate it if as many as possible will make a spec- ial effort to be present. Instruction classes for those wishing to present themselves for Conï¬rmation began last Sunday evening with a large group of young people and adults present. These classes, while chiefly for conï¬rmation candidates oï¬er an opportunity for all to receive further instruction in the doctrine and organization of the Churclf and many adults take advantage of the opportunity for this purpose. All who seek information on Church Doctrine, or who would like a refresher course are cor- Thornhill Area Recreation 0 Trinity Church Notes Conï¬rmation Classes The ï¬rst meeting of the new Board of Trustees for this year will take place in the Victoria Hall on Wednesday, January 28. A large attendance is requested. Trustees’ Meeting Another improvement ' is the building of new piers underneath the Church. All changes have been completed very recently. An insulating company was very active last Monday blowing insul- ation in above the Guild Hall. The duct-work. undertaken by the Ladies’ Guild, has been com- pleted into the Guild Hall, the Nursery and the Minister's Vestry. Many changes and improvements are taking place in the United Church and Hall. The well has now been completed, water being ob- tained at 103 feet. and it won‘t be 1033 before it will be brought in- 51 e. The members of the WA. are sponsoring a demonstration by Shirriï¬â€˜s “Fashion in Foodsâ€, to be held in the Chunch Hall on Tuesday evening, January 27, at 8 p.m. The demonstrator will be Mrs. Fugler of Shiriffs who is a resident of Thornhill and a mem- ber .of the local W.A. At the regular meeting of the kfternoon Auxiliary held last Tuesday in the Church Hall, the 'nstallation of the officers for 1953 took place. The president re- Ielect. Mrs. E. E. Kent thanked the members for their conï¬dence in the re-electlon. The speaker, Mrs. E. N. Meuser was in charge of the study book “Along African Trails", and a very interesting programme was held with the assistance of many members. United Church News \ftemoon Auxilialjr (W.M.S.) Mrs. Heaslop conducted a very instructive and what proved to be amusing quiz on “Thornhillâ€, stumping many of the contestants much to their own surprise. The winners were Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Findlay. A donation of $100.00 was forâ€" warded to the Women's College Hospital and two donations of $10 and $3 were received by'the In- stitute for their Welfare Work. Four members were given birth- day honors with the singing of the traditional “Happy Birthday" and with the dainty lunch which was served at the conclusion of the meeting. a beautiful birthday cake, made by Mrs. Crowhurst. was brought out for this occasion. All members went home having enâ€" ayed a wonderful meeting. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. :llacott of Yonge Street on the oirth of a grandson born to Mr. 1nd Mrs. J. Ellacott of Morgan kvenue on January 15. for their work over the Christmas season. It was announced that Achievement Day, put on by the Juniors, will be held on January 31 at Newmarket Town Hall at 1.30 and all Senior Institutes are in- vited. The “Blue Book†was read by Mrs. Holmes to enlighten the members on the, Rules and Regu- lations of their organization. Mrs. Brillinger in her capable way presented Mrs. S. Findlay with an attractive hammered aluminum tray in appreciation of her com- mendable services as president. Thornhill area contributed by its “cadets. Ou: representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thomhlll. The Liberal is always pleaseu to publish items of interest in the The members of the Catholic Women’s League were treated to a wonderful brakfast following the Reception of Holy Communion at the 9 o‘clock Mass last Sunday. This breakfast. well prepared and appetising. was the work of the members of the Holy Name Soc- iety. ~ Two of Thornhill’s well-known residents have been hospitalized â€" Mrs. W. Francis is recuperating from an operation in the Western Hospital. and Mrs. N. L. Morton is regaining her strength following a recent eye operation. We all hope that these two ladies will be up and around again very shortly. St. Luke’s Church News The Thornhili Skating Rink con- tinued in operation in spite of the weather with good skating every day the temperature was below freezing. A large crowd enjoyed skating to music on Saturday night until heavy rain dampened the sit- uation. However the rink was back in operation again by Monday af- ternoon. Trinity Church W. A. Three members of the W.A., Mrs. S. A. R. Wood. Mrs. Tobias and Mrs. Healey attended an even- ing put on by the Girls' Auxiliary of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church last Friday. The guest speaker was Dr. Constance Jackson who gave an interesting and illustrated talk an der work in the missionary ï¬elds in Kangra. India. lceflSkating the Club for this year, which is to be a “Hard Times Partyâ€. ., The date of this event will be Tuesday, January 27, from 8.80 until mid- night. Everyone is asked to bring a box lunch and except for money to buy soft-drinks you are to come "BROKE". Now is your chance â€" no need to worry about getting your good trousers or skirt press- ed â€" come in those old clothes everyone has hanging in the back of his closet for the next paint job. Bring- your friends and introduce them to an evening of square dan- cing and fun. sisian Convenors -â€"Mrs. HOWe, Mrs. Kirkland and Mrs. Davies; treasurer. Mrs. Littlejohn: secret- ary â€" Mrs. McTaggart-Cowan; Caters â€" Mrs. W. Lennox. Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Lean and Mrs. A. Zinkan; Equipment â€" Mrs. Heal- ey, Mrs. L. Wood, Mrs. L'Aventure and Mrs. Elgie; Telephone â€" Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Foote and Mrs. Gal- braith; table setting, Mrs. S. A. R. Wood, Mrs. Stowe, Miss G. Mc- Laren .and Mrs. Stride. Trigity Hoe-Down Club Ther specia! events committee are busy making ï¬nal arrangeâ€" ments_ f'or_the ï¬rst special event of Any members of ï¬fe congrega- tion interested in assisting, con- tact any of the above names. This group who cater for the Church as well as any other func- tions in the village held its Annual meeting on Tuesday. January 13, at 1.30 in the Church Hall. During the last year, the Caters have ser- ved to nine business functions and six non-paying functions. They have given donations to the Church and also bought kitchen equipâ€" ment. Mrs. Frater moved that the executive continue as they stand. but unfortunately three had to re- sign. They are pleased to announce the new executive is as follows: Convenor, Mrs. McLaren; As- sisian Convenors -â€"Mrs. HOWe, Trinity Church Caters It was a great pleasure to wel- come back on Sunday morning one of the oldest members, in years as well as membership, of the con- gregation. After many weeks of illness ,E. Nicholson was in his us- ual place at the 11 o‘clock service, and was given a warm welcome. The vefy beautiful flowers on the Altar were given, by Mr. Nicholson in memory of hls wife. The Rector and Mrs. Wood had the honour of representing Trinity Church at the induction by the Lord Bishop of Toronto of the Rev. J. Thompson as Rector of the neighbouring parish of St. George in Willowdale. The event took place last Wednesday evenihd in the presence of a very large con- gregation and some 20 Clergy and Dignitaries of the Church. An Old Member of Trinity The part of “Charlie†in this play is to be taken by Harry Iddon, who has taken the part before. Several members of the cast have been members of the Dickens’ Fell- owship Club and have performed with them. A New Neighbour With the Church Hall now com- pleted, except for painting the set- ting is an attractive one for all who work there. The Parish Council will have a report to make on this matter. as well as certain recommendations for the Vestry. It is expected that the meeting will be an important one. The platform for this hilarious 3-act comedy has been built, and the sets are almost complete. Even the curtain track is ready to .go up. Rehearsals for "Charlie's Aunt" are now in their ï¬nal stage after many weeks of hard work. The Vestry meeting this year will consider the knotty problem of the Rectory on Yonge Street. and the question of whether it should be repaired or disppsed of and a new Rectory built. Charlie‘s Aunt In preparation for this event, the Parish Council met last Mon- day evening to examine the ex- penditures of 1952 and the ï¬nan- cial standing of the Church and tq consider the Budget for 1953. Thé Annuali Vestry meeting of Trinity Church is to be held Mon- day evening, January 26. at 8.15 dially invited to attend at 8 pm each Sunday evening at the church Vestry Meeting Good Business At Temporary Market Most of the old customers found the new location without difficul- ty and a brisk business was car- ried on. Many of the products such as cream, poultry and home- made bread were cleared out early in the day and cheese. 3 newcomâ€" er to the scene. sold well, A‘ the flower counter. there were such reminders of spring as fresh pussy willows. daffodils and forsythia to tempt the buyers. The temporary North York Market at Finch’s Ava, was a hive of activity last Saturday morning and many remarked that it was just like “old times." The executive of Thornlea H. & S. will meet on Wednesday night, March 11, at the home of Mrs. A. Caesar. A social half hour was spent ov- er the refreshments served by Mrs. Rodgers and her committee. The monthly prize was awarded to Mr. Martindale’s classroom for the most parents in attendance. A special reminder for all in the Thornlea area to attend the Home and School "Founder's Day" meeting which will be held on February 23 at Henderson Ave. School was given. Constable Geo. Clayton of Markham township gave an infor- mative talk on the Highway Act, and also answered the many ques- tions asked him about traffic driv- ing conditions. Mr. Martindale thanked the speakâ€" er. The ï¬lm “Safe driving is every- ‘aody’s buslness" was shown by Mr. Martindale. It showed a teen- ager getting his driver’s license, by skillful and careful driving dur- ing his beginners’ lessons. I The Thornlea Home and School Association had a very instructive evening at the regular meeting held last Wednesday.’Mrs. Gage the many teen-agers who had come '0 learn a few things on safe driv- Eng. A very successful euchre was held at Thornlea School. Friday evening when .10 tables of euchre were played. Winners'of the prizes were Mrs. Seely, Mrs. Cole, Mas- ter Johnny Cole, Geo. Morrison. The carrying prizes were won by Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Inglis. Thanks from the Home and School Association go to Mrs. Geo. Barlow who donated the ï¬rst two prizes. The euchre was convened by Mr. Guy Frazer and his com- mittee. The next euchre will be held at Thomlea School, Friday, February 20. Home and School A happy birthday dinner party was given to Douglas Jackson. Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Jackson en- tertained 18 school chums on the occasion. After dinner, Douglas and his friends enjoyed a pleasant evening of skating at the Union- ville Rink. H 8: S Euchre Welcome to Mr .and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie. Stephanie and Hugh; to Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell, Jane and Terry and,to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison, who, have-recently mov- ed into our dxstrict. Belated birthday greetings to Baby Kathryn Richan who had a ï¬rst birthday on January 5. Birthday wishes to Miss Audrey Thompson who celebrated her birthday last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkes moved last week from Johnso__n St. to take up residence in Ottawa where Mr. Wilkes is employed. Their neigh- bours all wish them the best of luck. v Last Friday evening. Mrs. L. Wood. Johnson St., entertained at a family birthday party in honor of her aunt, Mrs. Kent of Toronto On Sunday Mr. and Mfs. Gage and family drove to Bowmanville to visit with Mr. Gage’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. Gage recently at- tended Mr. and Mrs. T. Westlake‘s 19th wedding anniversary celebra- tions in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. E. McKean moved to. Orillia last Thursday. They wish to thank all their friends for the lovely gifts they received as a token of remembrance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Povey from Bev- erley Hills, California. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woodruï¬_ Bayview Ave. Again this year Thornhill Dis- trict Lions will be helding a car- nival. the dates set as June 26 and 27. Further information will be available at a later date. Lions B. Priestman and T. To- bias arranged for the String Trio which entertained the members at their regular meeting on Monday night. On January 10 the Lions took a group of children from the district over to Unionville for an afternoon of skating. The local club realized over 5400 net proï¬t from the recent peanut sale for the furtherance of its wel- fare work. ‘ District Governor Bud" Renner made his annual visit to Thornhil] District Lions recently and spoke on the history of Liom’sm. At this meeting the associa- tion will turn over all its as- sets to the new Thornhill Pub- lic Library. Thornhill Library Associa- tion will hold its annual pub- lic meeting on Monday. Jan- uary 26 at 8 pm. in the Lib- rary. Library Meeting THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent : Mrs. J. Gribble Telephone AV. 5â€"1468 Lions News hope you will soon be wéll enough to return to your normal duties Mr. Cossey. Mr. D .Cossey is convalescing at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Jack Anderson, Concord, after a severe attack of pleurisy. We all Miss' Bertie Hoover has vacated her home on the 5th concession and is now residing with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitchell of Edgeley are the new occupants. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thomp- son of Markham were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Thompson on Sunday evening. January 11. ‘ The children of Elia school and their teacher Miss Thompson, held a skating party at the Weston Ar- ena on Wednesday mornihg, Jan- uary 14, and all reported a ï¬ne time. Miss Thompson very kind- ly invited the children to her home in Weston for lunch and then they returned to school for their after- noon studies. The next meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. C. C. Thomp- son on January 21. Personals In the absence of the president, Mrs. Howard Lund. Mrs. Lloyd Thompson. secretary, presided at the meeting of the Jolly 7 Club held at the home of Mrs_ Harold Snider on Wednesday evening, January 7. The roll call “The New Year resolution we are going to try to keep†was well responded to, Mrs. Fred Thompson read the Jolly Times paper and also conâ€" ducted a “Letter†game which was won by Mrs. Harold Snider. This week we send along happy birthday wishes to Glen Robert Thompson who will be one year old on January 25 and to Nancy Watts who celebrates her birth- day. January 27. Elia Jolly 7 Club Bruce and Doug Jennings, Mar- garet Sherman and Joy Ruttan motored to Orillia over the week- end to visit Joy‘s parents. A euchre and dance was held at Elia school, proceeds to go to the lockey team. There was a good at- :endance and 12 tables of euchre .vere played. Prize-winners were: The annual meeting of Fisherâ€" ville United Church was held on Tuesday evening, January 13. The Board of Session is James Sher- man, Chas. Stockford. Tom Watt and George Conway. The Stewards are Bruce Jennings, Peter Byberg, Tom Watt, Chas. Stockford and Geo. Conway. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the W0- man's Auxiliary. There was a very good attend- ance for the Sunday afternoon service' in Fisherville United Church on January 11. We were honored at this service by the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Atkinson of Edgeley. The male» quartette from Newtonbrook Un- ited Church led the praise and rendered two selections during the service. -v-..° - uvylv a UWIVU.’ , On Monday evening the Fisher- ville Young People‘s held its regu- lar meeting at the church. Inter- esting games were played followed by a devotional period led by Bruce Jennings. Meetings ai‘e held at 8 o’clock each Monday evening. Everyone is welcome_ Service'will be 'held as usual each Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o’- clock. ' YoyngiPeorple’s Society , We are also sorry to hear that Mrs, Jennings fell on the ice near her home and is conï¬ned to bed with a swollen hip and shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. James Hallawell ieft two weeks ago for their winter .iome in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman had Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hartwick as their guests on Wednesday evening. We are sorry to hear that Paul Conway is in bed with tonsilitis. We hope he will be up and around again soon. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Dewsbury have left our community and although we are sorry to see them leave we wish to extend a warm welcome to the new folks, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McKay and their three chlld- ren. On Mon. Jan. 12th. at 51 Drury Ave. on the occasion of John Mc- Callum’s 6th. birthday. ' anyone would have thought kindergarten was in progress when Johnny’s playmates arrived for his birth- day celebrations. Those joining in the activities were Donald Crowe. Blake McMaster, Michael Cooil. Isla Gordon, Rickey Weav- ing‘ Gail Walker, Auren Stimson, Charles Forest, Dougie Ingram. Billy Harris, Tony Crutcher, And- Powell Road Home and School Ass'n. held its regular monthly executive meeting at‘ the school on Tuesday Jan 13th. with Mr. R. Fisher in the chair. Plans were completed for the meeting of Jan. 26th. when the guest speaker will be Mrs. G. Jackson, Parent Eu- ucation convener for York‘ Simcoe Council. This will take an en- tirely new form of program and should prove very interesting. Announcement of the joint Foun- der’s Day meeting at the‘ new Henderson Ave school ‘for Feb. 23rd. with many schools joining to present a play Scattered Show- ers will be the main item of the program. It is hoped by next meeting to have purchased a roll- away bed for the nurses’ room and black curtains to aid visual aids lessons for the class rooms to use with the projector. Make a date to attend . this coming meeting on Mon. Jan. 26th. Home and School CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CONCORD NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 Telephone Maple 110R3 Don’t Inï¬el- night and dayâ€"with dull, wearisome achesâ€"or sharp, stabbing pains. Lead an active life again. Take Templeton's T~R-C’a, Canada’s largest- selllng proprieer medicine specially made to bdnglonged-forreliefbo suï¬â€˜erere‘ from arthritic or rheumatic pain. 1.8“ $3; TEMPLETON’S T-R-C’s Mildred Peaker, who is living with Mrs. Grubbe on Clarke Aver, entertained a number of her school friends to a very enjoyable birth- day party on Friday, January 16. Mildred was 11 years old. Bob Watterson, Clarke Ave.. is conï¬ned to his home this week with an attack of pleurisy. Mrs. J. Steele is not seo well. Visitors with Mn and Mrs. Wil- cock, Clark Ave., last week were their son and his wife, with Mrs. Woodgate from Toronto_ Mr. Wil- cock‘s brother from Montreal and Mr. and Mrs, Elliss from Aurora. Mrs. A. J: Richardson, M6?th Ave., is still conï¬ned in the H05- pitgl for eye treatment. Bobby Atkinson, 23 Clarke Ave., celebrated his 5th birthday on Wednesday. January 21, wikh 14 little friends to enjoy the birthday cake and all the fun. Mrs. G. Morrison, Clarke Ave., was hostess at a baby shower on Friday last for Mrs_ E. Vautier, of Seccomoe Ave. Prize winners at the euchre held at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bres- nehan last Friday, are: Mr, Sin- clair ï¬rst, Mrs. Findlay, Mr. Ball and Mr. Petrie, the consolation prize. The wives of the members of the Orange Lodge provided re- freshments. The next meetin‘g'iéi'u be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Keller and it will also be a quilting bee. The regular monthly meeting of the Women of the Church was held at the home of Mrs. Roland Keffer on Tuesday, January 13. Mrs. Geo_ Reid, vice-president. presided. The roll call was responded to by the members paying their dues. Mrs. Fischer led in prayer and the 24th Psalm was read responsively. After the books had been audited and the business disposed of. the ladies worked! on a quilt, complet- ing it by evening. But all was not work, for 20 ladies combined their work with a social get-together during noon hour when they en- joyed a pot luck, luncheon served by Mrs. Keffer. Twenty-four lad- ies remained for supper. Correspondent: MRS. H. MIZEN l7 Seccomoe Ave. Phony: AVenue 5-1570 Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family, Willowdale Ave. have left the dis- trict to live in Toronto. The Hud- ‘:on family from Morgan Ave., is moving to the north of Richmond Hill. Ladies 1st. Yvonne Law. consola- tion Isabelle Cooper; men’s ï¬rst Harold Jackson, consolation Roy Luker. Lucky draw for turkey, Roy Luker. John Sangwin was chairman for the evening. Sherwood Cub and Scout mothers who are. interested in starting a Women’s or Mother‘s Auxiliary are asked to contact any of the directors and offer their assistance. Mr. Buck- ingham. Mr. Thomson or Mr. Coyne will be glad to hear from you. Hope all ladies received their notice in reference to the cloth- ing drive for Korea by the Thorn‘ hill United church W.A. These articles will be collected on Jan. Blst. or may be left at Mrs. Mc- Cullum's, 51 Drury Ave., Mrs. Condon, 60 Grandview Ave.. Mrs. H. Harris. 39 Woodward Ave. or Mrs. L. Hicks, 37 Highland Park Boulevard. Highland Park Ass’n held its regular meeting on Monday, Jan- uary 12 and requests anyone inter- ested in being block monitors to contact Frank Jennings, 85 Grand- View_ AV. 5-1527. ‘ Congratulationsr tb Bobby Mc- Kee_ 42 Grandview Ave. who was 6 years old on Wed. Jan. 13th. Mrs. T. D. Rutherford was one of the lucky winners at the Will- owdale WA. group Cooking school held last week in North York Memorial Hall. ARTHRITIG PAIN rea Schoffield, Frankie Warnica, Bobby McKee, Carol Munroe, wayne Hannah. A grand time was had by all. Doncaster l BA. 1-5345 AV. 5-1600 My ,2; Mrs. M. Holmes of Yongehurst Rd. entertained eight members of the “Stop and Go Club". on Thurs- day evening. Cards were played and refreshments served. Sugar and Spice Club Miss Beulah Baskerville of Ben- son Ave. openedt her home to the Sugar and Spice Club last Thurs- day evening. All members were present and the girls were busy banking ready cash for their trip to Buï¬â€˜alo in the spring. Winners at cards were R. Wilson. H. Mab- ley and L. Patton. Hostesses of the evening were R. Wilson and B. Lambert. Four ladies from Toronto, Mes- dames A. Ryder, G. Frankland. W. MacArth'ur and T. Kelly lunched with Mrs. M, Holmes Knd Mr. F. Sinclair on Tuesday last. Chester Pierson of Toronto spent Sunday with his mother and step- father. Mr and Mrs Ainley of Yongehurst Rd. Jim Burns journeyed fr( elock. where he is now en to visit with his mother, 1 vid Burns on Tuesday last A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fisher (nee Doreen Culver) at the Toronto General Hospital, Tuesday. January 13. Mrs. Fisher ‘vas formerly a Richvale girl. Last Week at Richvale School The senior room had the ï¬rst Junior Red Cross Meeting last week. The boys put on a hilari- ous costume parade. The lovely la- dies" Were applauded for a per- formance well done, which also in- cluded a sing-song led by he girls. "Vi a _____ Flash! Ricï¬vale‘school" has enter- ed the publishing business. The Radios - Appliances - Television-Records At 6186 Yonge St.-Stop 128 In the Newtonbrook Shopping Centre Friday Jan. 30th - 7 to 9p.m. anything but ourselves. Our staff is working overtime to make this new store a better place for your shopping convenience and to handle our ever-increasing service business. Business as usual at 6002 Yonge St. This special preview will feature: 0 Free lucky draws for valuable prizes 0 Entertainment by the Northernaires Local Barber Shop Quartette O On-the-spot radio interviews by John Bradshaw, popular CFRB radio per- sonality. We would like you and your family to drop in and look around and enjoy your- selves. Remember, we won’t be selling TI‘E PREVIEW OPENING OF OUR NEW STORE . THORNHILL AREA RECREATION COMMITTEE JWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28 Following the Trustees’ Meeting in the VICTORIA HALL, Yonge St., Thornhill Everyone urged to attend You are cordially invited to attend MRRESPONDENT â€" I38. I. BLACKBURN, Yelldluut II. Telephone TU. 4-2238 ANNUAL MEETING NORTH RICHVALE NEWS journeyed from Hav- he is now employed, his mother, Mrs Da- of the ll“llullllll|llI“||lllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllulllllllllllll|lllllllllll lll\“mlMN“l\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\ï¬\\\lï¬l\\\m senior grades have organized an editorial staff headed by Helen Stanway. Watch for the ï¬rst issue of the “Richvale Scoop.†The en- termediate class. although not old enough to have its own paper, has a section of its own in the Scoop. The “Richvale Yak-Yak" describes their behaviour. doesn't it, is head- ed by editor-in-chief.'Robin Wood. Proï¬t from the Chfirsrtiï¬iésfldéra sales amounted to $55. This will help buy some ï¬lm strips for the school projector. CU'l FLOWERS, FUNERALS. WEDDINGS RICE'S FLUWER SHth Murielle Theriault of grade 5 is in the Hospital for Sick Children. recuperating from an operation. We are happy to know that she is doing well and hope she will be back at school soon. All Hours TUrner 4-1812 44 Yonge Street South Richmond H11] FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION