HUSKI BOLEN Garden Tractor, 3 hp. with all equipment, plough, cultivator, harrows, unisickle mow- er, disc harrows, crosscut saw, all in perfect condition, $350.00. Real bargain. Man's bicycle, good con- dition $15.00; tree sprayer on wheels, good condition $15.00. Ap- ply Mr. Jack Weavers, Brook St., Thornhill, or Box 54 Thornhill. CHESTERFIELD Suites recovered like new. We specialize in custom uphostering. Free estimates, free pickup and delivery. DYER’S FURNITURE Phone 1250 Newmarket FURS at a great savings, coats, ackets, capes and stoles, direct am an exclusive manufacturer. Repairs and remodelling done at moderate cost. Phone TU. 4-1990 [or more information. clw40 ’BARN FOR SALE, 30x50, suitable binatlon baby's car bed and seat, as new $5.; 100 1‘5. ice box, $18. All in good condition. King 134r3. c1w40 BABY CARRIAGE $7; also com- ALFALFA and Red Clover Seed for sale â€" good pure sample; pow- er cleaned. Stewart Rumble, lot 19, Concession 3, Markham Township. TU. 4-1909. clw40 ICE BOX, Lake Simcoe. air condi- tioned. 75 lbs.. in good condition, white porcelain, $30.00. 89 Centre St. 19., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1486. *lw40 GLADIOLUS BULBS, large size, ï¬rst quality at reasonable prices â€"â€" by the dozen or hundred lots. A. Dunn, 405 Mill St. TU. 4-1348. nut; 2 Chesterï¬eld chairs. several kitchen chairs: electric ironer, rol- ler type. TUrner 4-2252 after 7.30 pm. c1w40 heat-circulating ï¬replace form, complete. Lists at $66. Will sell for $85. TU. 4-1343. c1w40 3 PIECE, BED 5mm, light chest- BUILDING A FIREPLACE? New- DRESSER, waterfall design, round mirror, walnut; ï¬replace basket; dinette buffet. TUrner +1440. N0. 1 FEED CORN on the cob or shelled; delivered by truck load to your barn. Harold Hill, Gormley. Stouï¬vllle 61520. *2w40 CAST IRON white enamel double dralnboaxd-sink, bargain $30. TU. 4-2358, 105 Avenue Rd., Richvale. c1w40 Rd., Richvale. child’s metal crib without sides; g1; fog go. [ru 4-2358, 105 Avenue ICE_BOX_, kitglgen cabinet, NEARLY NEW Propane Gas stove, 4-burner. Reasonable. Phone Jack McFarlane. AVenue 5-18!1. 02w39 FIRST MORTGAGE $3,500., for sale, at discount. TUrner 4-2169. c1w40 GOOD USED Hydro or Telephone poles, six 30 ft. four 25 ft, réason- able. TU. 4-1266. tfc40 Dodge or Plymouthf Best offer. TU. 4-1912 after 5.30 p.m. C1W40 SEED GRAIN, Galore Barley, Aj- ax Oats. N. Brodie, TUrner 4-2449. *2w39 BAPIO, cu§t_om bujlt, to ï¬t 40-48 M-H 13-Run Hoe Drill. Stouï¬ville 66112, I..ewis Heise, Victoria Square. *1w40 AIR COMPRESSOR, Worthington make. one horse motor, renewed condition. AVenue 5-1460. clw40 BRICKS, good used bricks, cleaned and uncleaned. Call TU. 4-1178. *1w40 1 FINDLAY Cook Stove, all white; or will trade for anything useful. TU. 4-1289. *1w40 cessorles, only 1% years old $40. AV. 5-2254. c1w40 TV 21" ADMIRAL, used only 1 week. Big Discount. Phone TU. 4-1862. c1w40 CCM 3-SPEED RACER, has all ac- GIRL'S spring coat and hat. size 10. Colour red and sand. AV. 5- 1548. c1w40 Front wheel bfakes. Giood condi- tlon. AV. 5-2244. C1W40 BOYS CCM Bicycle, 3 Vspeeï¬d gealjs with porcelain top; almost new. TU. 4-1085. c1w40 ONE WHITE Kitchen Cabinet COCKSHUTT GRAIN DRILL. 15- run, horse hitch, like new. AV. 5- 2411. clw40 CHESTERFIELD chair and rug. $15.00. AV. 5-2186. c1w40 ONE FUMED OAK square china cabinet. AV. 5-1219. c1w40 SUMP PUMP, 60 cycle. TU. 4- 1173. c1w40 THOR GLADIRON, $100. TU. 4- 2249. c1w40 SpringWeather Is Unpredictable But Not OurWant Ad Results CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion . . 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge‘ . . . . Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 30 per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . FOR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . . . COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 100 min. charge CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR, SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c2w39 tfc20 *4w39 clw40 c1w40 NO RISK. Details â€"NJITO 5130 St. Hubert St., Montreal. OWN BOSS! Become a Jito Dealer. Out 225 guaranteed and well known products such as: â€" Toilet- ries, Culinaries, Medicines, Dom- estic Necessities, Tea, Coï¬ee, etc. are easily sold from door to door. Good income to ambitious dealers. BE INDEPENDENT AND YOUR SELL T0 FARMERS A PROFITABLE BUSINESS, part or full time, no investment, can be yours now. Take orders for Amer- ica’s largest selling, nationally ad- vertised LIQUID FERTILIZER. Make $50 and up per week. White “Na-Churs" Plant Food Company, London, Canada. clw39 MAN to work on market garden farm, a truck and tractor man pre- ferred, must be good with machin- ery and truck, live on farm or live out; or single man to live at farm. Apply Harvey Mashinter, King 3R13 at Oak Ridges. tfc40 YOUNG MAN to handle orders for sporting goods. Matriculant pre- ferred. Good opportunity to learn interesting business. Grainger Ad- anac Ltd. Stop 9 Willowdale. BA. 1-5323. clwéo CABINET MAKERS. Bench Car- penters. Helpers and Labourers. Good working conditions, Highest Wages, Steady Work, Vacation with pay. Answell Limited. Thorn- hill. BA: 1-3475, AV. 5-1123. WANTED local lad 16 to 18 years of age to work in a woodworking mill. Apply W. A. Stephenson, Mill 177 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. Phone TUrner 4-1509 or BA. 1-5261. c1w40 PERMANENT or part time male help wanted. Apply by appoint- ment in person. King 59R32, Troy- er Natural Science Service, Yonge St.. Oak Ridges. *1w40 BAYVIEW-S'iI‘EELESV iAREA man required for rass cutting and odd jobs 3 or 5 d ys a week. Pow- er mower supplied. AV. 5-1994 af~ ter 6 pm. c1w40 HOUSEKEEPER, 5 day week, ap- prox. 10 am. - 6 pm. Man, 2 chi1~ ren 10 and 12. Write Box 41 The Liberal. *1w40 HOUSEKEEPER' Wanted, light duties. home and board provided, two gentlemen. AVenue 5-1460. c1w40 GENERAL HANDYMQN for part -_ L," . or full time work. Phone TUrner 4-1116 BRICK LAYERS’ laborer. Apply lot 28 Arnold Ave., Thornhill. Ask for Dan or Collin. clw40 GIRL for full time or part time work. Apply Uplands Golf, Thorn- hill. c1w40 TRUCK DRIVER, for feed and coal business. Phone Maple 5. YOUNG WOMAN to do generai housework. live in. Ample time oï¬. Mrs. Jones. TU. 4-1662. *1w40 BIG FLOCKS â€"â€" small flocks â€" get Bray. Hatchery has started pullets or dayolds, for prompt ship~ ment. Wide choice of breed or cross. You’ll want these for sum- mer-fall markets. Agent is Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. c1w40 TYPEY YORKSHIRE BOARS â€" registered, 4% months old, from an English Sire â€" also open gilts, all ages. J. A. Campbell, R. R. .3, Newmarket. Phone Aurora 86R3. c2w39 RABBITS FOR SALE, New Zeal- and White and White Angoras. Now at Easter Special $3.50 a pair. Phone TUrner 4-1914. clw40 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. “(:34 ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 and up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. tic“ FREE ESTIMATES on repairs and conversions to all makes of sewing machines, guaranteed. Free pickup and delivery. Reid’s Cleaners, 78 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1881. tfc36 RUGS: save up to 50%; new rugs from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc42 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon~ AFRICAN VIOLETS, 15 varieties. Phone TUrner 4-1155. c3w38 FOR SALE (c0nt.) HELP WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Good wa-ges. c1w40 c4w38 c1w40 *1w40 400 25c 50c 50c FORD AUTOTRAC, with two fur- row plough, $175.00 or best offer. 30% Crestwood Rd., Thornhill. DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pickâ€"up‘phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6237 (collect). tfc44 GOOD HOME for healthy two- year-old boy, from April 20 until October. Preferably in Thornhill, references exchanged. Apply Box 39 The Liberal. c2w39 WANTED chest of drawers. Rea- sonable condition.TU1-ner 4-1164. GRADER blade "aim drawn grader, any condition. Phone collect Agincourt 251W3. c1w40 $6.500 FULL PRICE, Thornhill, new cement block factory building of 2500 sq. ft. The one-half acre lot allows room for expansion. Very suitable for light manufac- turing or warehousing. Call J. K. Sully, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors, Thornhill. c1w40 50 FORD Custom Sedan, low mile- age, fully equipped. 46 Mercury Pick-up, very good condition, sell or trade for stake dump. A Calvert, 1 mile north of Buttonville, Agin- court 21J3. *1w40 1949 KAISER. Traveller, complete with heater. directional signals, sleeping compartment, leather up- holstery, etc., many other extras, $995. T. McConnell, 12 Senlac St., Lansing. Phone BA. 1-4254. complete engine overhaul by 3 Hudson dealer, $400.00. For parti- culars phone Wharton, TUrner 4- 1888. clw40 1940 CADILLAC SEDAN, good in- side and out, 2 heaters, custom ra- dio. Best offer. TU. 4-1685. 74 Mill St., Richmond Hill. c1w40 1940 _H_UDSON VSEDAN, just had a 1949 FORD % Ton Pickup Truck. AV.5-0072. ' t£c39 ’34 FORD COACH, running condi- tion, good tires, $100. or nearest offer. 102 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1178. *1w40 ROTAVATING with Ferguson tractor, perfect seed bed in one operation, over 4 ft. of width at a time. We take orders early. Apply Harvey Mashinte‘r, King BR13. WEEKLY CARE for children where love and good care come ï¬rst. Please call anytime. Mrs. Bert Marshman, beside Cedar Beach Store, South Rd., Lake Wil- cox, Ont. c1w40 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, diSCing, cultivating, also back ï¬lling and grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bay- view, south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc40 To save time and money use the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. It tells people "What, when and where†cheaply and quickly. Telephone Richmond Hill‘ I'Umer 4-1261. DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Toronto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill. tfc Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Centre St. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, I‘elephone King 261-5. tfc38 A. G. HALL -â€" builder of quality, custom and N.H.A. homes; remod- elling a specialty. King 17r14. 7 BLOCK LAYING and ooncreto work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. tfc43 ALL KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond (Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 USED CARS AND TRUCKS stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. M. EINBODEN & SON, concrete contractors. septic tanks and drain repairs. Baldwin 1-0633 or Tur- ner 4-1090. cAp2/14 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed FOR THAT Eavestroughing job. Call TU. 4-1178. *1w40 ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phéne A.’ Rollinsoxi, TU. 4-1791. ifr213 IMPLEMEN TS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED c1w40 c1w40 c1w40 c51w27 c1w40 tf039 tfc39 tfcfl SAT., APRIL 25 â€" Extensive auc- tion sale of farm implements, con- sisting of tractors, power farm ma- chinery, and equipment, dairy equipment. This is a very large sale and will start sharp on time. Sale held on premises known as the North Lynd Farm. Property of W. A. Jackson, Lot 13. Concession 4, North York Township, west 0f Yonge St. on Keele Street, 1/2 mile North of Wilson Ave. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Auctioneers. c4w40 SAT., APRIL 18 â€" Auction sale of valuable house and lot, on north- west corner of Peter Street. and Springdale Ave., in the Village of Markham. A double lot consisting of 2/5 of an acre of land, 6 room- ed brick dwelling, new roof, frame Henhouse and garage, new roof. Property belonging to the Estate of the Late Allan Ham. Sale at 2.30 pm. Terms, 10 percent of purâ€" chase price on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Possession given when sale completed. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. c3w40 APRIL 18 â€" Saturday. Auction sale of Farm Stock, implements, Ford tractor, horses, Shorthorn cattle, about 100 head of sheep, Registered Hampshire ewes with lambs, Suï¬olks, Ryeland crossbred sheep, Hay and Grain. West half of lot 26 con. 2 Markham on Elgin Mills sideroad. Property of Dr. E. C. Noble. Sale at 1 plm. sharp. No reserve Terms cash. Alvin S. Far- mer auctioneer. Lloyd Turner clerk SAT., APRIL 11 â€" Auction sale of Household furniture, dishes, glass- ware, tools, etc. at Prentice's Auc- tion Rooms, Franklin House, Markham Village. Property belong- ing to Mrs. Art Brown. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. FRI., APRIL 10 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. â€"- property of C. A. Montgom- ery to be sold at lot 14, con. 3 Whitchurch Twp., ï¬rst farm south of Vandorf sideroad. Sale at 1 p. 111. Terms cash. Farm sold. Walter Lloyd, clerk; F. N. Smith, auction- eer, Newmarket tice, auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 4 â€" Important ex- tensive auction sale of dairy cat~ tle, Holstein heifers, registered Yorkshire swine, registered Suf- folk sheep, Ford tractor, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., on Lot 20, Concession 4, Markham Township, on Highway (1 mile south of Victoria Square). Proper- ty of H. F. Collard. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken and Clarke Pren- SAT., APRIL 4 â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, Grade Ayrshire cattle, horses and house- hold articles and furniture, lot 22 concession 5, Vaughan Township. Property of Forest Oliver. No re- serve, farm sold, terms‘ cash. Sale at 12 noon. A. S. Farmer, auc- tioneer. CAPONS, toasters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton‘ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R14. tfcl'l, PLEASE! HOME needed badly for ‘young couple With three children. If you have anything at all please call me; I'd be glad to rent it. TU. 4-1592. c1w40 4 OR 5 -ROOM HOUSE Richmond Hill-Thornhill area, unfurnished, reliable tenants. Urgent. Write Box 45 The Liberal. *1w40 HOUSE OR FARM HOUSE want- ed to rent or option to buy, will take excellent care of property. Write Box 28 The Liberal. tfc36 SALE REGISTERS URGENTLY NEEDED 4 or 5 room place by April 15, in or near Rich- vale. Phone Maple 64r11. *3w39 YOUNG WOMAN desires clerical position, with knowledge of typing, in Richmond Hill or Willowdale. No previous experience but very willing to learn. TU. 4-1704. clw40 CARPENTRY â€" fair prices, good job, kitchen cabinets, door and window trim, etc. Apply A. J. Negus, John St., Thornhill. AV. 5- 2167. c4w37 CHILDREN‘ MINDED daily Mon- day to Friday. Also teen age girl will baby sit Friday and Saturdays. Stop 22 Yonge St. Phone TUrner 4-2125. *1w40 RELIABLE WIDOW, middle aged, urgently needs baby sitting, after- noons or evenings, 35c hourly. AV. 5-1580. c1w40 FLOORS CLEANED, lawns cut, windows cleaned and any other jobs that need doing. AV. 5-0095. c1w40 _Sf1‘UDI:JNT._ 19, desires‘ work. any kind, for Easter vacation. TU. 42 2405. C1W4O DUTCH GIRL wants housework or sewing from 9 till 5. Apply T. Orsterheird, Maple, Ont. clw40 WANTED evening and week-end work for one ton' pick-up. TU. 4- 1912, C1W40 HOUSEWORK or office cleaning by the day. TU. 4-1768. c1w40 Employment Wanted POULTRY WANTED WANTED TO RENT 02w40 C. STREET & SON Centre St. E., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1811 QUANTITY OF WATER WASHED Stoï¬e 5/8†& 778†Crushed AT OUR YARD FOR PICKUP OR DELIVERY WE HAVE A LARGE ‘STONE’ If the owner of a 1937 Buick, serial No. 744113010, 1952 license No. 1728V, does not pay storage and repair bill withln 30 days car will be sold for amount owing ag- ainst same. COLONIAL SERVICE STATION Richvale, Ont. Mimico and return. AVéï¬ï¬e 5: 1085. c1w40 :rï¬ANSPORTATION wanted to TRANSPORTATION WE HAVE CLIENTS who require houses in the Richmond Hill, Thornhill areas. Harvey Keith, Re- altor, MAyfair 9324 or Mr. Macla- gan, TU. 4-1600. c2w40 A BOX with na‘me D. Winters: Owner may have same for paying for ad. Apply 172 Lennox Ave. LOST your pet? Phone North YE Humane Society, Newmarket 116 J12, or if no answer 1160.†c1w40 ROOMS â€" single room suitable for gentleman, also room suitable for two girls. Board if required. Close to bus at Thornhill. AV. 5- 1198, den LOST AND FOUND STORE TO RENT, heated, No. 11 Highway, large parking area. Ap- ply Craig’s Barber Shop, Oak Ridges. c1w40 4 ROOM Basement apartménT, newly decorated throughout, self- entrance. Call AV. 5-0088 after 6 newly decorated, qui'et homeiflAV: 5-1460. c1w40 HOUSE, 5 rooms, new cottage, cor; veniences, in Richmond Hill. Av- ailable now. AV. 5-1905. c2w40 3 RQOMS TQ RENT, unfurnished, iences, gentlemaï¬ préferred 4-1078. ‘ 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, child- ren welcome. 164 Church St. 8.. Richmond Hill. c1w40 ROOM, neariYonge St., all conven- Victor Draper AGENCIES Yonge St. Oak Ridges TUrner 4-1061 or 859 Dundas St., West Toronto WAverley 9559 ROOM AND BOARD, reï¬ned pri- vate home. AVenue 5-1386. c1w40 bus stop. Every convenience. AV. 5-1633. c1w40 ROOM WITH for gentle- FURNISHED ROOM, Thornhill at mam TUrner 4-16606 NOW 2 LOCATIONS TELEVISION Radio - Washer Repairs No Mileage Charge TUrner 4 - 1968 REAL ESTATE WANTED NOTICE TO RENT c1w40 c1w40 clw40 *1w40 c1w40 Limited Richmond Hill w 4-1772 Nash Sales & Service We have a 1952 VANGUARD SEDAN in excellent shape; one owner; ideal for low cost transportation. Bradshaw Motors USED CAR You’ll be proud to awry BAKER SALES &SERVICE look at this week’s Specials Get extra yen! 'round comfort in a used Nash with the Weather Eyc System. Get extra beauty, with Nail: Permalux enamel ï¬nish. See our Extra-Wide choice of [OW-COST used cars NOW! Get extra riding smoothness in I used Nash with the coil spring ride, extra room for pusengerr, and luggage! ‘ For convenience in your Easter Gift Shopping THE VILLAGE GIFT SHOPPE will be open Thursday & Saturday until 9 pm. 80 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill, Ont. Get extra miles to every gallon with a used Nash! git/a; a 3m 1952 STUDEBAKER. SEDAN with Climatlzer 8.: overdrive This Weeks Special CHOICE OF 3 HILLMANS $360 Down EXTRA! Completely decayed to ï¬ne mellow texture. Ideal for laWn dressing and flower beds. 90c per bushel â€" please bring containers. OTTO PICK No. 11 Highway South of Orange Home TU. 4-1602 FEAT MOSS Richvale PHONE TU. 4-1114 1938 FORD SEDAN $250.00 30 Day Guarantee 1953 DODGE 1/ï¬ TON EXPRESS Stop 22A Yonge St. excellent condition complete with radio, air conditioner 1947 FORD SEDAN $250 Down $1,350.00 $400 Down 1949 PLYMOUTH $1,475.00 $700 Down 6,000 miles Your Local Massey-Harris Dealer 29 YONGE ST. 8., Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1722 ODEPENDABLE! v V Ball-bearing mounted reel . . . all steel construction. OSIMPLE AND SAFE! Fingertip controls . . . women and chi] en can handle it easxly! 1 hp. 4-cycle gasoline engine ORUGGEDQBuilt to championship golf course standards. A only $139.50 O POWERFUL! Books Written upâ€"Accounting REGINALD A. TWISELTON Public Accountant 229 Rosemount Ave., Weston Phone collect CHERRY 1-1205 Over 20 Years Experience LN CLCIM E ,TAX INSTALLED . SOLD - SERVICED BLACKBURN’S Thomhill AVenue 5-1333 Kirk Douglas Jan Stirling 2 Reeler Cartoon RICHMOND HILL 2 Reeler Cartoon Paul Henreid Jeff Donnell 2 Reeler Cartoon Betty Hutton Fred Astaire Tues. 8.: Wed., April 7 & 8 "THIEF OF DAMASCUS†Sat. & Mon., April 4 & 6 “THE BIG Thurs., Fri., April 2 & 3 BUILDER & GENERAL CONTRACTOR ALL KINDS CARPENTER WORK & REPAIRS See us today for a FREE HOME TRIAL "Try this “LET’S DANCE" . W. MORTSON MILTON J. HEISE CARNIVAL" News News News on your laWn As Toronto’s largest north suburban realtors with nine active Southern Ont. offices â€" we are able to olTer an paralleled serv1ce. David McLean Ltd. Last year we sold hundreds of homes. This year we have sold more than one property per day since January 1st. Buyers waiting for houses in all price classes and dis- tricts. the all-purpose Han-ow designeo for, tractor speeds. We have them in stock for Spring delivery. CHAIN ' HARROWS BRITISH-MADE FREE†Head Offices, Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 TURNER 4-1681 TUrner 4-1602