Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1953, p. 9

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,WW WWW VVV‘IVVVV VV VVVVV“ V" ‘4“ V‘IVVVVVV V1: ‘1, w w v vaV ‘4 V ‘nn. W 177 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill W. A. STEPHENSON 8: SONS Our Richmond Hill GUARANTEED APPLIANCE REPAIRS FAST SERVICE 0N Motors, Washihg Machines, Radios, Toasters, Electric Kettles, Mix-Masters and all other appliances General Contractors & Mill Work All Types of Construction mill is equipped to run Special Mouldings and detail H. LeCUYER . MILL & YA RD work. Phone TUrner 4-1381 TUrner 4-1509 BAldwin 1-5261 Motorola Motorola Television V Radios 0 PRICED AT ;; ' . $299.95 22 Mrs. William Morrison received news on Sunday that her brother, William Smith, had passed away, at his home near Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison attended the funeral of their uncle, on Tuesday afternoon. The A.Y.P.A. of All Saints' An- glican Church have had to post- pone their public speaking contest that they had hoped to hold before the Easter holidays. They discov- ered that many 015the teen-33ers who would have liked to enter the competition were too busy with school work to participate before On Thursday evening, Miss Pat~ sy Burgess arrived from Toronto. to spend the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison. She returned to the city Sunday night. of King City. Many bouquets conveyed the good wishes of friends, and these included Miller Brothers, Florists, Mitchell. Up- john and Co., Miss Audrey Patton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ian Cook, in whose pharmacy in Schomberg. Mr. Sutton had served his appren- ticeship. On Saturday evening a second draw was held, and Mrs. G. M. Hilts, King City, won the 2 lb. box of chocolates. Socials Mrs. Bob Hollinshead, Wood- bridge, won the spring bouquet when her name was drawn at the close of th efirst day in business in King City of Perry’s Pharmacy, on April 1. Mrs. Hollinshead is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Knight, Maple, in whose building the first Perry’s Pharmacy is lo- cated. At least 200 people called to congratulae John Perry, and Ken Sutton, the manager of his new pharmacy at the main corner A most enjoyable Easter Tea was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Walker on Monday afternoon, when the G.A. of All Saints' Anglican church were the sponsors. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Walker and her daughter, Miss Mary Jane Walker. who is presi- den of the G.A. The young girls wore their uniforms of white blouses, navy skirts and navy ties, and their badges which they have earned for their completed pro- grams. The pretty tea table was decorated with the first spring dafâ€" fodils and white candles. Tea was poured by Mrs. Alfred Gillham and Mrs. Donald Rawlings, president and secretary of the W.A. The sum of $18 was made at the tea. Perry’s Pharmacy Rt. Rev. G. A. Wells will be pres- ent at a special service at All Saints’ Anglican church on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. April 12. At this service the chimes and loud speaker system that were added to the organ in time for Christmas of last year, will be dedicated by the Bishop. The organ, chimes and amplifier have been given to the church by Stanley Watson as a memorial to his brother, the late Charles Harper Watson. At the close of the service, a social half hour will be enjoyed, when re- freshments will be served by the GA. who will wear their uniforms. An opportunity will be given for the members to meet Bishop Wells. Easter Tea _ 94. www.meW'mmmmmwxmmmwx VWVW Beautiful “Masterpiece” Walnut Finish Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1541 CONVERSION 60 CYCLE VICTOR DRAPER AGENCIES Yonge St. Oak Ridges TUrner 4-1061 or 859 Dundas St., West Toronto WAverley 9559 V CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON. SING. ONT. Cash Payment Monthly Payment $54.95 ‘ $23.73 Cash Payment Monthly Payment $49.95 $21.07 21 INCH CONSOLE MODEL Cash Payment Monthly Payment aris Auto Sumfiy Ltd. $29.95 . $13.16 CONSOLE MODEL 17K15 KING CITY NEWS PRICED AT $549.95 PRICED AT $489.95 ‘1 w.‘-V.\4VV\.VVI\'V\\;V\V\4VV‘.\‘ Phone King 55R” um. He was born 79 years ago on the old Malloy homestead, which is now owned by Stanley Kerr. When he was a young child his fa- ther purchased the farm at Noble- ton which had been his home to the present time. He leaves to mourn his passing, his widow. the former Annetta Chamberlain. four sons and four daughters. Lorne. Wash- ington; James, Detroit; Mrs. Rob- ert McVeigh (Marlon), Detrolt; Mrs. Harold Taylor (Laura), Noble- (on; Jennie, George and Neil at home. A sister, Mrs. John Wilkle. Richmond Hill, also survives. Danlel Malloy After a lingering illness, Daniel Malloy passed away at his farm home, Nobleton, on April 2. The funeral was held from Bolton Fund eral Parlours on Saturday after- noon, to King City Cemetery for burial, and the service was con- ducted by Rev. David 'Wother- spoon. The deceased was w and favourably known in this d trlct. He was the son of James Malloy and the farmer’Catharlne McCall- Mr. and Mrs. W. F. R. Hood mo- tored to Baltimore on Thursday, to spend the long holiday week- end with Dr. And Mrs. David Lewis. Mrs. Phyllis Emmett. Montreal, spent the Easter holidays with her little granddaughters. Virginia and Adrian Hood at their home in King City. Mr. and Mrs. eter Findlay and Peter, went to eterborough for their Easter holiday. The members of the King City Library Board came to the con- clusion that the proposed site for a community centre with library included on Patton St, is too far from the main thoroughfare of the village to be of value for a library. As members of the group which composes the King Community As- sociation that was formed last year to encourage the building of a community centre, the Library board will advise the RCA of the decision. At the quarterly busin- ess meeting held on April 2, at the home of the chairman. Mrs. James Rock, it was also decided that a drive for membership must be held during this year. It was also decided that children would not be fined when they return over- due books. Personals Mrs. T. C. Noble went to Pres- ton for Easter, to visit her sister, Mrs. L. Fisher. I @hg’tuary I Rev. D. C. H. Michell received news of the serious illneSS of his eldest sister last Thursday after- noon. On Sunday afternoon he left by plane for her home in Hay‘ ward. California. Mr. Michell will be absent for a month, or longer, if necessary. On Sunday evening the service at All Saints’ Church was taken by Mr. Gordon Tetley, with the sermon preached by Cad- et Terence Frith. At St. Stephen’s Church. Maple. Capt. Ray Taylor of the Church Army, took the ser- Vice. Library Board the spring exams. It has now been decided to choose a date, so that the public speaking contest may be one of the first of the autumn activities. The latest plans of the A.Y.P.A. under their president, Bruce McInnes. is to arrange for a Maypole Twirl. on May 1. This will be followed by the building of a badminton lawn and organiz- ing a soft-ball team to take care of the summer sport. The money made at the Maypole Twirl will be added to a fund that is being set aside for the purchase of table tennis tables. Sister Ill April's wild winds are often the cause of Cinders and foreign bod- ies blowing into the eyes. When this happens it is not advisable to rub the eye. Wipe the lower lid carefully, then, pulling out the up- per lid by the ashes. bring it down over the lower lashes which may act as a brush to sweep away the cinder. If this does not work or if tears do not wash the object out. it is best to consult the nearest doc- tor. It is never safe to allow an untrained person to tamper with the eye since probing or rubbing may cause the object to become embedded in the eye or scratch the eyeball, with ensuing pain and in- fection. The two new Vaughan Township Fire Trucks for Maple and Robin- son's, Woodbridge, have arrived and the firemen are busy acquaint- ing themselves with the new ma- chines. A tower has been erected near the Superior Propane plant, on which to attach the five h.p. siren to summon firemen. An up-to-date pulmotor has also arrived as part ofjhe equipment at Maple. The story of Mpengo was con- tinued and an Alt-lean game was played. Patricia Lund thanked Mrs. McCowan for the lunch. Maple United Church c __,,_ The Firemen Varniswered' a call to a grass fire Monday, April 6. W.M.S. AND W.A. The combined meeting of the W.M.S and WA. of Maple United Church will be held at the home of Mrs D. Jarrett on Wednesday, April 15, commencing at 2 pm. Mrs. Fox from Wanstead United Church, Toronto, will be guest The Sunday School of Maple United Church will hold a variety program in Maple Concert Hall. Friday evening. April 17. See the Coming Event column for further information. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Rumble of St .Thomas have been visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Diceman. Firemen The Busy Bees Mission Band held its Easter meeting on Saturâ€" day, April 4, at the home of Janet McCowan, with Patricia Lund presiding. Janet read the scrip- ture and Barbara Ann Seed led in prayer. Nine member! answered the Roll Call by naming something that had to do with Easter. Following a ciuu conducted by Isabella, the air 5 enjoyed watflea and delicious freshle served by Mrs. J. Leece. Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Lambert. Donald and Carol, will spend Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong In Spencervllle and with Dr. and Mrs. T. N. Brew- is. Ottawa. Bony Bees Mlulon Band The African pageant being pre- pared by the girls. was directed by Mrs. J. Yorke, while Isobel Bishop and Dorothy Robson were busy in the kitchen preparing the waffle batter. The CGIT met at the home of Isabella Leece on Monday even- ing. Isabella, Donna Robson and Nancy Gudat took charge at the worship service which was centred on “Missionaries as Healers", and "Easter Joy." The choir under the direction of Mrs. Gordon Orr, rendered a beautiful and fitting anthem. Rev. P. J. Lambert preached the Easter message. There was a large attend- ance of members and a number of visitors from Toronto. Maple United Church Easter lilies and a basket of spring flowers were placed on the communion table. Rev. P. J. Lam- bert preached the sermon. CGl'l‘ Mrs. Roy Clegg directed the choir of Maple United Church for the Easter music. Two anthems were rendered and were greatly appreciated. A large congrega- tion was in attendance. Easter lilies and a profusion of potted blooms, adorned the chan- cel of Hope United Church for Eager Sunday. Fitting Lenten services were held on Thursday evening, in Map- le United Church. and on Good Friday morning. in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. The services were well attended. Anglican Church Services were held in St. Ste. phen's An lican Church, on Good Friday an Easter Sunday. Sunday evening service was conducted by Captain R. A. Taylor in the ab- sence of the Rector, Rev. D. C. H. Michell who was called to the bed- side of his sister in San Francisco. The choir of St. John’s. Oak Ridges, helped with the special music. The attendance and coil- ections were good at these services. Called Away Rev. D. C. H. Michell will have a leave of absence for one month, so he may be with his sister in San Francisco. Hope United Church Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hemphill visited on Saturday in Calling- wood with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Walker. Mrs. Walker was the former Jean Morby. Lenten Services Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sheppard Michael. Lynn and Christine are spending Easter week with Mrs. Sheppard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knight. Members of Hope Community and School Club are asked to re- member the next meetlng to be held in Hope School on April 16 at 8 pm. At Convention Mr and Mrs. Wilfred (Sonny) Symons and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sedore at Keswick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sedore are Mrs. Symons' parents. Miss Janet Walkington is con- fined to her bed. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. Hope Miss Anna Bloedow is spending the week in Toronto, visiting with Miss Ruth Hewlett and attending the Ontario Educational Associa- tion ninety-third convention. Socials APRIL WINDS CORRESPONDENT â€" MRS. D. ALLEN Phone Maple 19R5 MAPLE NEWS Mrs. Procter is survived by a son William, Irondale, and a dau- ghter, Mary. Niagara Falls, also one sister, Miss Mary Rumble. of Lansing. and three brothers. David and James Rumble Richmond Hill and Frank S. Rumnle, St. Thomas. A committee of five ladies, Mrs. James Spencer, Mrs. Bruce Ket- fer, Mrs. B. Cook and Mrs. E. Flerheller with Mrs. Paul Snider as convener. was appointed to help entertain the delegates to the A.C.W.W. conference to be held in Toronto next August. Mrs. M. H. Procter Funeral services for Mrs. Mar- garet Hudson Procter, whose death occurred at Irondale. Ont., on March 31, were held in the An- glican Church, Irondale, on Friday, April 3. and at Wright and Tay- lor’s funeral parlours. Richmond Hill on Saturday. April 4, with in- terrnent in Maple cemetery. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Rumble, she was born on the 2nd concession of Vaughan Township and attended Patterson school and Richmond Hill High School. Following her marriage to the late Percy Procter, they farmed on Yonge St. north of Richmond Hill, later moving to Irondale in Halibutton County. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend as this should prove to be a most enjoy- able and informative meeting. ceiving of the many interesting reports. Mrs. W. Maginn acted as secretary. Mrs. Paul Snider, alternating for Mrs. A. Aicheson. wlll, with Mrs. 'Bert Cook, attend the con- veners conference at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph on May 7 and 8. On May 7, the first méeting of the new year will be held at the home of Mrs. C; S. Stong. the best shade under flu un The District Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, May 25 in Creelman Hall, Cross St.. Weston with the Richvlew W.I. as ‘the host- ess Branch. speaker. Further details of the Church Year Plan, a programme adopted by our W.A. will be ex- plained by Mrs. Fox. The Devot- ional Period will be taken by Miss May Evans, Mrs. Ernie Evans and Mrs. Angus Murchison. The musi- cal numbers on the programme will include a sing-song conducted by Mrs. P. J. Lambert and a duet by Mary-Lou Lund and Donna Read. “A few minutes with Shakespeare” will be given by Rev. P. J. Lam~ bert. Budget Terms Barrie Tent 8. Awng Co. CANVAS AWNINGS , 34 Bayfield Telephone 4314 Be your own weathermanâ€" keep cool and comfortable all summer. Our selections of colors and fabrics com- plete . . . our workmanship the best . . . our prices moderate. Telephone us to- day-free estimate. BARRIE, ONTARIO @hituatp Even the PRICE will APPEAL to you! 3 l‘a5llâ€"nululcl ACLIIIIIHB OCdtJ' twin beds, Airflex Coil Springs, Weather Eye Condi~ tioned Air Systemâ€"as well as a surprisingly low price. And the extra-high tradeâ€"in allowance you re- ccive will cut your monthly payments to a minimum! DROP IN FOR A nzunucrunnu VMJW THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, April 9, 1953 WWW 00mm. : RICHMOND HILL TUrnet 4-1221 :00»me Richmond Hill You can have your present Furnace or boiler converted to an automatic hard coal burner by installing a HERCO Con- version UNIT. The conversion unit can be fitted to most/conventional boilers or fur- naces of equalrating. Coal feed and ash removal is completely automatic. 'converts your present Furnace to an AUTOMATIC BURNER at Low Cost EAVESTROUGHING by 'telephone. Add up the dollars your telephone saves in buying I you can even "go places" without leaving the house. Your telephone She can‘t get out today, but she Is taking advantage of the "sale" â€"' serves you so many ways; no price can measure it: usefulnen. you pick up. Think of the hours and effort it saves, too . . . how MAMM . ° www.moaoiAgssw JONES COAL CO. NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces T , he ” HERCO ’5 Conversion Unit TIN SMITH 1953- PAUL DUBOIS 'l’I-IE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA There's so much to enjoy with s '53 N ashâ€"Airliner Reclining Seats, thn be Springs, ‘ tioned well a: trade-in DROP IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION DRIVE . . . TODAY! TUrner 4-1851 Styled h len Puma ROOFING

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