Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1953, p. 12

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nnyuu.‘ --.__- 2% h.p. Cooney's Service Stn.. Richvale. TU. 4-2081. c1w42 nus: van" . burner with degfiâ€"Wéii. In good condition. Phone Maple 59. c1w42 QUANTITY OF TURNIPS ” ‘ r n D 1 'rwo's'rEEL Fuel on tanks, 190 gal. Stands. fittings. pipev $45.00 8'16 Ellers‘ie Ave.. Willowdale. ".A“. #1 G'ARDEN TRACTQRL Waterloo, VI-_ GLâ€" SEED BARLEY. Mom 110m registered seed Acreman. TU. 4-2236. _____.__.â€"â€"i [AWN MOWERS sharpened. also for. Sale. Apply 18 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-1578. ‘1w42 ___.______ifi, HIGH GRADE Timothy Seed. $8.60 per bushel. Also white enamel combination laundry tub and sink. slightly u'se. Aglncourt 51-4. c1w42 SPACE HEATER, large size. al- most new, heat 5 rooms, cheap. 99 Garden Ave. AV. 5â€"2132. *1w42 KATAHDIN Seed and table pota- toes. Thos. Mashinter, Maple 541-31. *5w42 K. Vanderveen. R- phone Maple 57r13 .l uuuuu; y ,,,,,,,, coal stove. Go'od as newf also 1 Gurney heater. Phone Maple 112 “‘ *1w42 Fâ€"-â€"-â€"'â€"i* .WEDDING DRESS. brocaded sat- in. size 14: man's suit. brown .sharkskin. size 38. and top coat. TU. 4-1460. c1w42 _._____â€"â€"â€"7 , 3 PIECE MOHAIR Chesterfield suite $85. Apply Southâ€"East cor- ner Elmwood & Ruggles. TU. 4- 2050. c1w42 G. E. JUNIOR 3-burner stove. high speed elements. In good condiâ€" tion. 2 years old $110. AV. 5- 2588. c1w42 10 YARDS English Wilton Stair carpet, complete with 14 felt stair pads, fawn with dark border. in excellent condition, width 25 ins., $40.; also 75 lb. ice box. in good condition $15. Apply after 6 pm. to Dufl‘ield “Healeaze.” Aubrey Avenue. Oak Ridges, Ont. c1w42 â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"fi FINDLAY COOK STOVE, good condition. cheap. TUmer 4-1884. c1w42 1'4 r2081 ELECTRIC WAéHING MACHINE porcelain tub, $20.00. Phone TU. 4-2169. c1w42 FROST KING ICE BOX, 50 lbs., excellent condtiion, $12.00. TU. 4-1572. c1w42 1 .CAR HEATER. $7.00; new car battery. $9. Phone TUrner 4-1950. c1w442 La‘ HOTPOINT _' Electric Stove, 1-.. RED CLOVER SEED for sale .â€" good pure sample; power cleaned. Farmer’s prices. Stewart Rumble, lot 19. Concession 3. Markham Twp. TU. 4â€"1900. clw42 2 BICYCLES. man's and TUrner 4-1858. USED ICE 1 Maple 50r11 a ROLL-AWAY bed width 30"; spring I! 1 month. cost $60. AV. 5-2250. RANGETTE. Tudhope chromium top. in good condition. Lawn mow- er, Taylor-Forbes. 14 in.. cut rub- ber tires. 115 Church St. S. TU. 4-1318. *1w42 SIX 45 GAL. Oil Drums, AV: 5-1504. GOOD FROST KING Ice Box. 75 lbs.. size $10.00. Apply 214 Lawr- ence Ave.. South, Richmond Hill clw42 giâ€"‘bé-djvgfiriné and mattress, $35.: mahogany stained. plywood dinette table, 4 chairs, $20 AV. 5476?. TABLE MODEL RANGETTE. 2- burner hot plate. Both in excell- ent condition. Reasonable. Apply Mrs. Collins, 51 Morgan Ave.. Don- caster. c1w42 1 JOHN DEERE 10" Hammer Mill (new). 6 new Beatty Bros. galvan- ized steel hog pens, blueprints for installation included; also 5500 bdl it. dressed hemlock, 2x4" and 2x 8". L. Bishop, Nobleton, Bolton 2362. c1w42 BEDROOM SUITE, oak dresser, and wardrobe, walnut stained metâ€" WASHER, Gainaday, 60 centLv rebuilt and in condition. $27.50. J. K Thornhlll. AV. 5â€"1438. 2ND CLASS Alfalfa Hay. string tied. Apply Robt. Wardlaw. RR 3 Woodbridge. Phone 1101‘32. BABY CARRIAGE. Gendron De- Luxe convertible. blue with white trim. Excellent condition. Phone AVenue 5-1832. c1w42 Month- End Bills Coming? Raise Cash By Selling Has- Beens" GURNEY pofigbination gas and -1..- 1 CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word. min. charge . . . . 50¢ ' Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 3c per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 100 min. charge. .50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, BNGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, per insertion .. 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . 500 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. 'BTRLEY. Moqtcalm. grown CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE .-AWAY beds â€"â€" wood ends 'shring mattresses. used :ost $60. sell for $40. BOX. 100 lbs. capacity. 1. c1w42 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES URNIPS. Apply R. R. 1 Maple~ ‘13_ c1w42 Oil tanks. 190 cycle. re- excellent Sumner, Murray clw42 cheap. c1w42 lady's. *1w42 *1w42 clw42 c2w42 c1 W42 c2w42 CHESTERFIELD Suites recovered like new. We specialize in custom uphostering. Free estimates, free pickup and delivery. DYER’S FURNITURE GLADIOLUS BULBS, large size, first quality at reasonable prices â€" by the dozen or hundred lots. A. Dunn, 405 Mill St. TU. 4-1348. *4w39 RUGS: save up to 60%; new rug8 from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. tlc42 USED REFRIGERATORS, recon- ditioned and guaranteed, $100.00 am up. Apply Chalk Refrigera- tion King 26R5. . tfc44 FENCE with cedar rails â€" rustic, ornamental, substantial, choice quality rails 15c each F.O.B., 20c each delivered. F. A. Morton, Morton Acres, Keswlck, phone 197W. c8w41 FREE ESTIMATES on repairs and conversions to all makes of sewing machines, guaranteed. Free pickup and delivery. Reid's Cleaners, .78 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1881. tf036 LAUNDRY STOVE, used for heat- ing water or a small space, excell- ent condition $15.00. Maple 16J. c2w41 KATAHDIN Seed foundation potatoes. also some table stock, baled hay, Wm. G. Mitchell, Oak Ridges. King 96r32 c2w41 NEW AND USED Surge Milkers; also used long tube milkers from $10.00 to $35.00. Bob Woolley, Surge Sales and Service, Oak Rid- ges, phone King 651'25. c10w41 resistant Canso seed potatoes. You can save the price of the po- tatoes from the cost of dust saved. Big yielders. smooth, late variety. W. Wyatt, Stop 21 Yonge St. *3w4l GOOD USED Hydro or Telephone poles, six 30 ft. four 25 ft., reason- able. TU. 4-1266. tfc40 LIMITED QUANTITY of GARDEN TRACTOR, 1% h.p., with plough and cultivator; large wheel barrow, rubber tire; wheel type sprayer with pressure tank; 16’ cedar plank canoe, paddles & seats; Quebec Heater. TU. 4-1960. c1w42 THREE STOREY BUILDING, to be wrecked, containing valuable timbers, flooring, joists, studs. etc., to be sold by auction at Richmond Hill on Wednesday, April 22, just south of theatre. For full particu- lars see large adv. or apply at’The Liberal Office. FOR SALE (c0nt.) 2 yds. or more. Phone BA. 1-7232. *4w41 QUANTITY OF SEED PEAS for canning or gardens â€" prince of Wales (Green Giant) certified -â€" tested and treated, in 2 bus. bags. $5.00 per bushel, Maple 171R3. with 8" plough, cultivator and scuffler attachment, $200. 1 10” wood planer, complete with pull- eys. belts. less motor, practically new, $150.00. Phone Stoufiville 67701 A. D. Grove, Markham R. R. 2. c1w42 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum 0) steel baked enamel finish any colour of tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West. Newmarket, int. Please reverse phone charges tfc34 LOT FOR SALE. 52'x210'.TUrner 4-1858. ' *1w42 $3500 FIRST MORTAGE for sale. at discount. Phone TUrner 4-2169. c1w42 acre: also basement on same lot. $1,500 down. Apply AV. 5-1917. c4w42 ONE ACRE of land suitable for 2 building lots, containing a row of spruce trees and row of cedar trees. 300 ft. long, suitable for reâ€" moving, in New Gormley. Will sell reasonable. S. N .Doner,’Gormle_v, phone Stouffville 67115. *2w41 FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR ov- erhauled and in A1 shape. 1946 model, built-in hydraulic, $695. R. D. Little 8: Son. TU. 4~1116. c1w42 MANURE, well rotted, delivered, RIDING GARDEN Tractor, 5 h.p $3500 SMALL COTTAGE on lzé Services. Also Sunbeam Electric Shavemaster, Box 49 The Liberal. *1w42 TRACTOR. Ford Ferguson. 1946 model, completer overhauled, ' arly new tires, $725. R. D. Little Son. TU. 4-1116. c1w42 BUILDING LOT in Aurora 5032150 Phone 1250 Newmarket RE- AL ESTATE FOR SALE IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE blight l"1w42 tfc20 SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom .Gatden Plowing and discing. Smith Cres. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Toronto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbrldge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED cultivating, also back filling and grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bay- view, south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc40 ROTAVATING with Ferguson tractor, perfect seed bed in one operation, over 4 it. of width at a time. We take orders early. Ap- ply Harvey Mashinter, King 3R13. c1w42 ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or balding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond (Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- wce, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, I‘elephone King 26r5. tfc38 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 3 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing Turner 4-2311. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone. loam and fill. E. Charity Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. BLOCK LAYING and wncrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman also repair parts for Cyclone grass seeders and new machines. Phone Jos. Winger, R. R. 2 Maple 62r22. ‘ tfc41 For prompt and efficient service. call Oliver Latam at TUrner 4- 1609. *4w42 A. G. HALL â€" builder of quality, custqm and NBA. homes; remod- elling a specialty. King 17r14._ _ CUSTOM cultivating and seed sowing. Maple 62r22. 02w41 M. EINBODEN & SON . -â€"Concrete contractors, septic tanks and drain repairs. BA !dwin 1-0633 or Turner 4-1090. tfc42 NORTH YORK SODDING Rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-5877. *29w42 GENERAL TRUCKING DONE. TUrner 4-1524. c1w42 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good condition. TUrner 4-1542. clw42 real good condition. Phone Maple 60R3. c1w42 top, new radio and heater. Maple 54:2. *1w42 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN, under new car warranty, air conditioned heater, radio, undercoated. liber- al discount. AVenue 5-2282. c1w42 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. AV. 5- 2462 after 6 pm. tfc41 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cultivating. Phone TUrner 4-1524. c1w42 1934 CHEV. COUPE, private own er $140.00. Phone TU. 4-2489. 1937 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. run- ning, heater and radio, new bat- tery, $175.00. AVenue 5-1800. Tudor, excellent condition. includ- ing extras, driven 15,000 miles. 31600. AV. 5-1994. c1w42 1951 HENRY J Coach. Excellent condition. Owner driven. $1,050. Phone AVENUE 5-2177 between 9 am. and 6 p.m., after 6 pm, phone AVenue 5-1210. c1w42 1952 GMC L"2 TON Pickup, radio, heater, sun visor. trailer hitch, racks and tarpaulin. 17,000 miles, in perfect condition. AVenue 5- 1504. c1w42 1930 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, solid body. 5 like new tires. good up- holstery. good battery. 1953 license, all for $50.00. Phone Stouffville. 67701. A. D. Grove, Markham R. 2. CAPONS, toasters and fowl, highâ€" est prices paid. 90n’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton‘ Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station Phone King 91R“. fiel? 1951 CZ MOTORCYCLE, 125 c.c., 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN DeLuxe A1 condition. Extras. Original owner. Phone TUrner 4-1197 be- tween 2 and 7 p.m. daily. c1w42 decorating. Phéne A: Roilinsofi, TU 4-1791. tfc13 ANYTHING in painting, papering, 7 ft, combination dump, 900x20 rear tires, low mileage on present motor. owner-driven since new. 1953 license. working every day. AVenue 5-2211. L. W. Reid, Smith Crescent, Thomhill. tfc41 1946 GMC 3 ton special, 11 ft.x 33 FORD CONVERTIBLE, new MISCELLANEOUS 950 CHEVROLET Deluxe Blue USED CARS AND TRUCKS POULTRY WANTED ROTOVATING c51w27 c1w42 c1w42 tfc39 tfc39 tfc42 ttc43 tic“ ing Elgin Mills, approx. 7.30 a.m. to Aurora, returning approx. 5.45 pm. Phone TU. 4-1997. *1w42 TRANSPORTATION wanted for 2, from the corner of Markham Rd. and Yonge, arriving Queen and Yonge at 8 a.m., returning at 5 p. m. TUrner 4-1638. c1w42 TRANSPORTATION wanted leav- BRAY PULLETS. In production for your summer-fall markets. Hatchery has them in dayolds, star- ted, in the breed you prefer. Don’t put off. Ask us for particulars. Also May broilers. Agent â€" Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. REAL ESTATE Salesman. We have an opening for one energetic man with initiative and neat appear- ance. Excellent working condi- tions, late model car necessary. This is your opportunity to 'join our firm. For appointment call Sales Manager, S. J. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176, evenings TU. 4-1574. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. clw42 PASSENGERS wanted, leaving Richmond Hill 7 a.m., arriving fKing-Bathurst at 7.45‘a.m., leaving ht night 5.15 pm. TU. 4-1606. 75 COCKERELS, 6 weeks old, heavy breed, 40c each. Phone TU. 4-1950. c1w42 MAN WANTED to work on oc- casional Saturday or Sunday on dairy farm. Stewart Rumble, Lot 19, Con. 3 Markham. TU. 4-1909. clw42 WOMAN to look after children and home by day. cleaning woman kept. AVenue 5-1211. c1w42 TRANSPORTATION MAN TO ASSIST in gardening work Saturday mornings. TUrner 4-2273. ' c1w42 GENERAL HANDY MAN for work at private home 1 day. a week. Maple 45. c1w42 LADIES GOLF 8: Tennis Club 0’ Thornhill requires a kitchen woâ€" man and housemaid. Phone BA‘ 1-4022. c1w42 RELIABLE WOMAN to care for iwo children.'7.30-6, Monday to Friday, Midday meal provided. El- gin Mills Area. Box 51 The Liber- al, stating salary required. c1w42 APRIL 18 â€" Saturday. Auction sale of Farm Stock, implements, Ford tractor, horses, Shorthorn cattle, about 100 head of sheep, Registered Hampshire ewes with lambs, Suffolks, Ryeland crossbred sheep, Hay and Grain. West half of lot 26 con. 2 Markham on Elgin Mills sideroad. Property of Dr. E. C. Noble. Sale at 1 plm. sharp. No reserve Terms cash. Alvin S. Far- mer auctioneer. Lloyd Turner clerk MAN TO OPERATE Ford tractor. AVenue 5-2171. c1w42 SALESMAN for real estate office, must have car. E. T. Stephens Ltd. TUrner 4-1241 c2w41 MEN for general work for Up- lands Golf Course. Apply Golf Course. c1w42 SAT., APRIL 18 â€"â€" Auction sale of valuable house and lot, on north- west corner of Peter Street and Springdale Ave., in the Village of Markham. A double lot consisting of 2/5 of an acre of land, 6 room- ed brick dwelling, new roof, frame Henhouse and garage, new roof. Property belonging to the Estate of the Late Allan Ham. Sale at 2.30 pm. Terms, 10 percent of purâ€" chase price on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Possession given when sale completed. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. c3w40 YOUNG MAN to Phone Maple 621‘22 GIRL for general office work, ty- ping essential. 5 day week, E. T. Stephens Ltd. TUrner_4-1241 RELIABLE WOMAN for cleaning modern home every Thursday. AV. 5â€"1684. c1w42 WED., APRIL 22 â€" Auction sale of valuable solid brick building. known as the Grand Central Hotel, Richmond Hill. Property belong- ing to the Richmond Amusement Co. Ltd. The building is a solid brick building approximately 50x 40, 3 storeys high, good timbers & material. flooring, joists, studs, etc., consisting of a number of rooms, together with one practi- cally new oil burner and hot air furnace with heat runs. Terms, cash, no reserve. Sale at 3.30 pm. on the premises, purchaser to have a reasonable time to remove building. This building is situated on the east side of Yonge Street. immediately south of the Rich- mond Theatre in the village of Richmond Hill Ken 8; Clark Pren- tice, auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 25 â€" Extensive auc- tion sale of farm implements, con- sisting of tractors, power farm ma- chinery, and equipment, dairy equipment. This is a very large sale and will start sharp on time. Sale held on premises known as the North Lynd Farm. Property of W. A. Jackson, Lot 13. Concession 4, North York Township, west of Yonge St. on Keele Street, lé mile North of Wilson Ave. Sale at 1 p.115 Terms cash. No reserve. Farm solu. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. c4w40 SALE REGISTERS HELP WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE drive tractor. c1w42 c1w42 c2w4] LET ME DO YOUR painting in my spare time. Reasonable rates. Con- tact Kemp. TU. 4-2402. *1w42 WOMAN would like work two days weekly in Thornhill. AV. 5- 2345. c1w42 TWO basement rooms. self con- tained â€"- may be seen Saturday and Sunday. Apply 128 Hall St. Richmond Hill. *1w42 FURNISHED double room, suitable for business couple or two gentle- men; board optional. AV. 5-1198. , c1w42 sun rooms, one with recreation room, completely modern garden, nicely landscaped, heat supplied, oil, on Highway 1 mile south of Maple. Immediate possession. $125 monthly each. Apply on Premises. Goodwill Farm, R. R. 1 Maple. several years Office experience seeks clerical situation in Rich- mond Hill or near. Box No. 50. DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phcne Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. (W37 (collect). fife“ SMALL FLAT in private home, located in Richmond Hill. Business couple preferred. Phone TUrner 4-1453. c1w42 YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN with FEATHERS and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write Queen City Feather Co.. 23 Baldwin St.. Toronto. *4w42 YOUNG COUPLE building house urgently require small mortgage. Adequate security and good ref- erences. TU. 4-1038. c1w42 NEWLY DECORATED house- keeping room. 15’x16’, furnishings optional. use bathroom, heat, elec- tric, claset and storage space, gar- age, abstainer. Phone 3111 King. c1w42 5 ROOMS, frame, hydro, garden, outside conveniences, $12 weekly. immediate possession. Apply on premises, Goodwill Farm, R. R. 1 Maple. c1w42 2 FOUR ROOM SUITES, heated RELIABLE WOMAN wants day work, 9-4. Phone King 11r4, c2w41 $1,595.00 1951 METEOR DELUXE COACH chrome wheels & air conditioning a one owner car 30 day warranty FURNISHED BED SITTING room, one minute from Yonge St., suit business girl or gentleman. TU. 4-1342 after 7 pm. c1w42 BABY’S Play Pen and commode chair. AV. 5-1634. c1w42 SELF-CONTAINED Cabin, on owner’s property, suitable for mar- ried couple. Phone TUrner 4-1623. c1w42 1950 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN Employment Wanted FOR 25 YEARS YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER 168 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1116-7 EM. 6-3166 R.D.LITTLE & SON Ltd. M-E ROTARY TlllERS . . . Move for Your Money Dhan Any Olhcr Tiller! * Till-@9191» m " winner" * Controlled soil aggregation! * 12". 18”. and 24” widths! * Three famous "B" models . . New low’Pn‘ced Economy Modcl Ad: for Fm Demonstration $1,195.00 1949 MERCURY COACH sun visor & air conditioning an outstanding buy! $950.00 1948 MERCURY 114" COACH A1 condition $995.00 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN good condition throughout $495.00 1941 CHEVROLET COACH MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. PM. STAN LENO whitewalls & overdrive spotless condition $395.00 1940 FORD COACH far above average WANTED TO RENT radio & heater $1,295.00 TU. 4-1174 *1W42 c1w42 Have your lawn mower sharpened and repaired NOW before the Spring rush. Courtesy & Service RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge Street South We Deliver TU. 4-2101 wanted in Richmond Hill or dis- trict for client with reasonable down payment. Call Mr. Giles at AV. 5-1176, David McLean Ltd.. SMALL HOUSE in Richmond Hill. adults only. Apply Box 52 Liberal. *1w42 HOUSE or apartment in Richmond Hill vicinity, preferably unfurnish- ed. Apply Dr. McCrimmon, Dept. of Lands & Forests, Maple 141. Realtors WANTED TO RENT by a gentle- man, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms or a small cottage. Phone TU. 4-1954; c1w41 GOOD 5 OR 6 ROOM home 1952 VANGUARD SEDAN In excellent shape; one owner; ideal for low cost transportation. Limited Richmond Hill TU 4-1772 BAKER SALES &SERVICE git/09a 3675b 1951 FORD STATION WAGON Bradshaw Motors This Weeks Special 1950 PONTIAC COACH One owner. excellent condition Nash Sales & Service You’ll be proud to own A used Nash is quieter â€"â€" can’t develop squeaks or rattles â€" because it’s built with Unitized all-welded Airfler Construction. 1952 STUDEBAKER SEDAN with Climatizer & overdrive QUIET PLEASE! It looks beitér years longer because body and fenders are fully Bonderized under Perma- lux enamel finish. We have a used Nash you’ll be proud to driveâ€"at a price you’ll like! NEW 0R USED â€" CHOICE OF 3 HILLMANS $360 Down 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $395.00 radio, heater, one owner, Al Condition Look at This Week ’8 Specials REAL ESTATE WANTED Richvale PHONE TU. 4-1114 1949 PLYMOUTH excellent condition complete with radio. air conditioner Stop 22A Yonge St 1947 FORD SEDAN $250 Down 30 Day Guarantee WANTED TO RENT $400 Down IS THE BUY! $700 Down USED CAR $2,095.00 $1,475.00 We have a $1,525.00 ‘1w42 c1w42 Blue Ridge Sky Line The New The Village GIFT SHOPPE 80 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. 20 piece Starter Set $11.75 FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS SEE LOUGHLIN HOME SUPPLY 00., Ltd. STOP 21A YONGE STREET RICHVALE, ONT. ARBORITE â€"â€" MASONITE ASPHALT SHEATHING â€" SHELVING BUILDERS’ HARDWARE â€"â€" PAINTS FENCE POSTS â€" 42” FENCING OSMOSE Rent our floor sanders when doing your floors Hours : 8 am. to 7.30 pm. Saturday 8 a.m. to 4.30 pm. ‘ BA. 1-7500 AV. 5-2101 DOORS -â€" SASH â€" TRIM â€"â€" PLYWOOD INSTALLED . SOLD . SERVICED BLACKBURN'S Thomhill AVenue 5-1333 Monday, May 18 Stewart Rumble has arrived at Richmond Hill Fair President *TELEVISION * Horse Show China and many other attractions C orohation Featuring the annual Deal with confidence with Toronto's largest north sub- "rban realtors. We have sold more than one property per day since Janu- ary ]. Provincial-wide cover- age provides prospects enab- ling us to oiTer an unparallel- ed service. - A stafi of sixteen capable men are available to assist you in our large offices that have been a centre of real estate activity since the turn of the century. HOUSES * WANTED flavid V“clean Ltd. Head Offices. Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121 Margaret Burton Secretary ear AV. 5-2101

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