Horticultural Society The next general meeting of the Thornhill and District Horticult- ural Society will be held Tuesday, April 21, at 800 pm. in the United Church Sunday School Hall. The Junior Society will meet at 7 pm. wuuuu pu-.» . ‘Mr. E. Kohler will speak on General Gardening. There will be a hcuseplant show and a sale of Garden plants. It you have plmts to donate for this sale, please h’ring them > _along. an L- ln‘nnngï¬na Dlflnuuy - a. .4 Miss Elizabeth Ball of Helen Avenue became four years old on April 11. To celebrate the occa- sion. a birthday party for her small friends was held on Monday. The following children enjoyed an afternoon of games and party refreshments: Margaret Barr. Les- u- u-h~‘€n‘l‘ Valarie Smock, Mich- “'Onlcu a lllavnvu'v The members of the Thornhill Women's Institute are busy mak- ing final preparations for their Coronation Tea and Bake Sale to be held in the United Church Hall on Wednesday, April 29. from 2:30 until 5.00 pm. This will be an event that should not be missed. St. Luke's Church News Holy Name society" A__l_-n.‘n and c: rc‘lcolllllyA-!m, ..,, _V lie Fairfield. Valarie Smock, Mich- ael and Robbie Turnpenny. Gordon Deska. Paul and Eric Kajola. Rod- ger Ball. Jimmie Clapham, Donald and Robert Wilkinson and Mich- ael Ball. Women’s Ingtltute - .L, mL-_â€"kn The men of tms orgamzauuu received Holy Communion at the 9 o'clock Mass last Sunday morn- tng. Following this a meeting was held, and the members elected Geo. H111, vice-president of the Society to the position of presi- dent. This change was due to the fact that J. Morley Smith who was president has moved from the 1’ ï¬sh. and will therefore be un~ mle to keep the position. Births an. n... » Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs David McLean of Yonge Street or the birth of their daughter, Sara? Leslie on Tuesday April '7 at the Privata' Patients Pavilion of the Toronto Western HoHspltal. ¢ \u yum. . Friend; and neighbours of Mr and Mrs. Robt. Connolly of Arn- old Avgnue wish to send thelx congratulations to the couple on the birth of their second daughter who was born Thursday April 9 at the Wellesley Hospital. .Arnold Avenue residents also wish to send congratulations tc Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson on the birth of a son. born April 12 a4 the Western Hospital, a brother for Gail and Cam. Personals TELEPHONE: 'AVENUE 5-1513 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MacNeill of Mill Road have , just returned from a month’s holiday at Brack- enton Beach. Florida. Mrs. David Carruthers and her son Paul. have been guests of Sir Robt. and Lady Watson Watt of Westmount. Quebec. Lady Watt is the former Jean Drew Smith who prior to her marriage lived on John Street. Lord and Lady Watt left this week for Frankfort, Germâ€" any. The L'Aventure twins, Linda and John celebrated their 13th birthday last Thursday. A number of their friends enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. which includ- ed a baseball game and a real out- door supper. A number of ladies from Thom- Fhornhi“ And District News le‘n "J'Eï¬is organization Holy Communion at the Mass last Sunday morn- Now is the time to stock up on your supplies for spring gardening. We carry a complete line of GARDEN SUPPLIES including We carry only the best in these lines. PEAT MOSS, GARDEN SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, WEED SPRAYS nill attended the Bridge and Fashion Show at the Arcadian Court, sponsored by the Women’s College Hospital. Many lovely gifts were given out, Mrs. Helen Perry and Mrs. Mary Atkinson of Arnold Avenue. being two of the lucky winners. _ ' It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kingsmill, who prior to moving to Montreal. resided in the apartment above David Mc- Lean's office, will be leaving shortly for British Guiana. Mr. Kingsmill has been moved there for a period of 10 years. Scout News All Thornhill Scouts are asked to ‘note that the time of their Wednesday meetings has been changed to 7 until 8:30. That is one half hour earlier than usual. The Scouts are very sorry to learn of the resignation of their assistant Scout Master Dave Mc- Connoll, who has been forced to leave through lack of time. Guide News On Thursday evening April 23. the Thornhill Guide Company will be privileged to have as their guest, Miss Bambar. Diplomaed Trainer from South Africa. For this occasion. the Thornhill Comp- any is inviting Guides from the Richmond Hill, Richvale and Oak- Ridges companies together with Blue and Brown Guiders from these districts. Card Night Thornhill Trinity Anglican Hall was scene of a very successful Card Night last Thursday evening. This event sponsored by the Local Association of the Thornhill Guides and Brownies cleared over $140.00 from the 35 tables of Guide and Brownie Parents and their friends. This amount will be used to defray the expenses of the Company and Pack. Thirty- seven of the players were lucky recipients of many attractive priz- es donated for the occasion. The Association members are very grateful for all the assistance they have had in making this event so memorable. and special credit is due to Mrs. C. Sowdon, convener, Mrs. Wilfred Dean, ticket conven- er, and Mrs. Wm. Hallowell, sec- retary for their part in the even- ing’s preparations. At the con- clusion of the card-playing period. delightful refreshments were serv- ed. which had been provided by the Guide and Brownie mothers. Showers Mrs. E. Leusby and Mrs. C. Smith were hostesses to a number of ladies last Tuesday, April 7, at Mrs. Smith’s home on Smith Cres- cent. The occasion was a very entertaining Pantry-Shelf Shower for Mrs. R. Hemingway the former Viiss Lottie Pitchforth. A wishing veli decorated in pink and white, ‘eld the many attractive and useâ€" 'ul gifts showered upon the bride 3y her many friends. Miss K. Hemingway, assisted Mrs. Hem- ‘ngway in thexopening of the gifts. 1‘0 bring this pleasant evening to x close, delightful refreshments .vere served by the hostess. Miss Miriam Kent of Yonge St ‘ield a miscellaneous shower las. Triday evening, in honour of Miss Betty Rouxel who will become the bride of Donald McCabe on May ‘33, in the Thornhill United Jhurch. The Bride-to-be opened nany attractive gifts brought by the guests, many of whom were members of the United Church Young People's Union and also from The T. Eaton Company. where Miss Rouxel is employed. Everyone enjoyed a very pleasant evening which was concluded with delicious refreshments serv. ed by the hostess. United Church News Dr. E. N. Meuser was the guest preacher at the Sunday morning service in the Thornhill United Church. His theme “Church and Mission" was well illustrated by his experiences as a Missionary in China. He emphasized the fact that missionary work is not necesâ€" sarily confined to foreign misâ€" 3ions, but that it can be done anywhere by all Christians in whatever way they can. The Liberal is always pleaseu to publish items of interest in thn Thornhil] ates contributed by its "cadets. Ou: renresentative I Thomhill i. Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thornhill. On Wednesday evening last, the ‘This play was presented in the United Church Hall to another large appreciative audience. At the curtain call. Miss Bonnie Rob- ertson presented Mrs. W. Heath. soloist for the two evenings and Mrs. D. Davidson. pianist. with tokens of appreciation on behalf of the group. Mrs. D. Kemp pre- sented Miss Bonnie Robertson youngest member of the cast who portrayed little Azora so well. with a small gift. Tom Pharrel‘ director was also presented with an expression of appreciation by Arthur Bone, president of the group. Upon receiving this token Mr. Pharrell commented on th fact that this particular grow was one of the best that he has had the pleasure of working with These presentations brought to z close two evenings which will long be remembered. Women's Advisory Board Drama Group of this organizatio: put on the final presentation 0. the religious drama “For He Hath Great Possessions." . On Wednesday afternoon of last week, two representatives from each of the four women’s groups met with the minister in the Church Hall. The result of thir meeting was the formation of ? Woman's Advisory Board who will meet once a month with the min- ister in his work, in the following ways: (a) to enlarge and make more effective the Church work, (b) to assist the minister with the office work and with the visita- tions of the sick and aged. (c) with the matter of sponsoring a displac- ed family, the discussion of which was left over until a later date. Ladies Guild The members of this organiza- tion met in the Church Hall last Thursday evening. At the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. T. Pharrell presented a report of the first meeting of the Women’s Advisory Council. This plan was endorsed by the Guild and a number of the members voluntered to help with the typing and visiting. The Ladies Guild entertained the choirs following the presentation of the Cantat on Palm Sunday evening, and it was decided to continue with this practice in future years. It was announced that Miss Strangways. daughter of a former minister of this charge is to be the guest speaker, at the next meeting. Miss Strangways will give an illustrated talk on flower arrangements and art work. Following this business period the members enjoyed a very pleasant social hour. Home made bread, tarts, pies and large cakes will be featured at the Home Baking Sale and Daf- fodil tea sponsored by the CGIT in the Church Hall on Saturday April 18th at 3:00.p.m. There will also be a white elephant table and a fish pond for the kiddies. Evening Auxiliary (W.M.S.) C.G.I.'I‘. A number of the members ar- rived in the Church Hall last Tues- day morning to set up two quilts. ‘hese were the projects of the luxiliary instead of their regular neeting in the evening. Miss Lottie Pitchforth, daughter 3f Mr. Wm. Pitchforth of John Street, became the bride of Mi‘. 3ruce Hemingway, son of Mrs. ’4. Hemingway and the late Mr. R. Hemingway of Steele’s Corners, in 1 quiet ceremony last Saturday 1fternoon. Against a background of spring flowers, Rev. Austen Lunau, of Toronto, a former min- ister of the Richmond Hill United Church, performed the doubleâ€" :ing ceremony, which took place in Mr. and Mrs. Hemingway's new home on Drury Avenue, High- iand Park. ’ :s. and small collar at the neck. EIer ensemble was completed .vith a matching hat and a corsage of baby pink roses. Miss Kathleen Hemingway sister of the groom was maid of honour wearing a gown of pale blue moire with pink hat and matching accessories and a corsage of pink carnations and Iorget-meâ€"nots. Mr. Lloyd Hem- ingway, was groomsman for his brother. For the family reception, held in the couple‘s new home, the bride's sister, Miss Evelyn Pitch- forth, received the guests in a dress of navy blue sheer, with white accessories and a corsage of carnations. She was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a dress of pale blue crepe and lace with navy accessories and a white carnation corsage. For the occasion, the bride :hose a ballerinaâ€"Length gown of .vhite nylon over taffeta, fashion- 3d with a bouffant skirt, cap sleev- Television Ranges Baskets of daffodils and white mpdragon formed the setting Sat~ 1M, Mm Hemingway â€" Pitchforth matings es Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yonge St. TUTT-HOVEY Washers Radios The best man was Wesley Car- ,er of Toronto. and Frank Hovey, rousin of the bride, and Cyril (Bud) Johnson,~ brotherâ€"in- of the groom, were the ushers. sor Rose lace with navy accessor- ies and a corsage of talisman roses and pink sweet peas. Mrs. Tutt, mother of the groom assisted, wearing mauve crepe with match‘ ing hat, black accessories, and a corsage of pink carnations and mauve sweet peas. W'Iâ€"‘(l fééeive the guests at the re- ception held in the Church Hall, Mrs. Hovey chose a dress of Wind- 'day. April 11. for the marriage 3 Mary Barbara, daughter of Mr. .id Mrs. C. E. Hovey. Toronto, ~1d Thomas Harold Tutt. son of Ir. and Mrs. R. J. Tutt. Thornhill, n St. Luke's Anglican Church, [‘oronto. Rev. Harrison. grandfa- .her of the bride, officiated at the teremony, assisted by Rev. Snell, minister of St. Luke's. Miss Grace .Vinters sang the Lord's Prayer and Because. For a motor trip to Montreai. the bride chose a mauve suit. navy ac- cessories, and a mauve orchid. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Tutt will reside in Toronto. Given in marriage by her father, .he bride wore a gown of white ‘ace and satin. the full skirt of mm falling into a train. A Juliet :ap of lace over satin held her inger-tip veil of tulle illusion. She carried a white prayer book 1nd a mauve orchid. Mr. Thomas Coveyduck of Mat- tawa. was the guest of his sister and brotherâ€"in-law Mr. and Mrs‘ R. J. Tutt of Yonge Street over the past weekend. Mr. Coveyduck was down attending the wedding of his nephew Mr. Harold Tutt. Trinity Church Notes Choir Party Miss Rena Hovey, sister of the )ride, was maid-of-honour. and vore a gown of green taffeta and hampagne net with matching stole. \ heart-shaped hat of champagne met, and a bouquet of pink roses, ~ansies and pink sweet-peas com- ‘leted her ensemble. The brides- naids were Miss Bernice Tutt, :ister of the groom. and Miss Meg- ‘.1'l Davies. They were similar towns of yellow taffeta under ‘hampagne net. and carried bou- ‘uets of talisman roses, pansies 'nd mauve sweet peas. Miss Lil- ian Mark, niece of the groom. was lowerâ€"girl. gowned similarly to the naid-of-honour in green taffeta ind carrying an identical bouquet. On Friday April 10th, the Choir of Trinity Church held their first Annual party in the Church Hall since the removal of the Church from Yonge Street. In the old Church this event was always a great occasion, and the revival of the custom this year promises the carrying on of the old tradition. “ At 7:00 pm. the choir with hus- bands, wives, parents and friends, sat down to a delicious meal pre- pared and served by the Trinity Church Caterers after singing grace and the Toast to the Queen. in an atmosphere of friendliness ‘and hilarity all present made the most of the good things provided. seventy-nine mouths doing ample justice. The Rector spoke on the work of the choir and of the success of their efforts in the last year and presented prizes to those with rec- ord attendance. After dinner, the Organist and Choir Master, Mr. Cyril Devey briefly thanked the choir for their loyal work and welcomed the par- ents and friends of the choir to the party. In the ladies section Mrs. E. Lean and Miss Jane McLaren tied for first place, while among the men Mr. Harold Smith was the winner. In the Junior Choir prizes were presented to Sandra Sowdon, Catherine Wood, Philip Howe and Jimmie Grainger. Games under the direction of Miss Jane McLaren were enjoyed thoroughly by all present and brought to an end a very happy evening. W. A. Travelogue One of the great benefits of the age in which we live is that by mechanical means so many of us can live in a very real'way the experiences of other people. This is what will happen on Tuesday April 28th when many of us who have never been for from Ontario will travel to India that great teeming land whose future will influence the whole of our civilization. By means of movies in Technicolour, Warren and Douglas Wilkins who have travelled all around the world in their jeep will take us “Beyond the Khyber†and show us the country and its people in the cit- ies and villages, with its life and its problems. Confirmation On Friday. April 17th at 8:00 pm. twenty one candidates will be presented in Trinity Church to the Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of To- ronto for Confirmation. This will be the Bishop's first visitation in the Parish of Thornhill. A cord- ial invitation is extended to all to be present on this important oc- casion. Refreshments will be serv- ed. Parish Guild Thet regular meeting of the Trinity Church Parish Guild was held last Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall. Following the busi- ness period, Mrs. Biggs introduced her guest of the evening Mrs. Riches, art supervisor for the school area. Mrs. Riches gave an interesting and illustrated talk on Crafts, dwelling mainly on shell work and clay modelling. Besides demonstrating how this work is done in the home as a hobby, Mrs. Riches brought with her many finished products, illustrating how with a little time and a small amount of money, many attractive gifts can be made right in your own home. Mrs. Byford thanked the speaker for her time and in- formative talk, and during the re- freshments served many of the members approached Mrs. Riches for further information regarding ï¬ler hobbies. Sorry to hear the Jackson fam- ily. 37 Grandview Ave.. has ex- perienced a stretch of illness this past week. We hope they will soon be well again. Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mrs. J. Spence, Yonge St., on the recent loss of her mother. Edgeley United Church, Sunday, April 19, 1953. Sunday School 1.30 p.m., Sunday Service 2130 pm. Special WJ. Meeting Mrs. C. Boake, convenor of Ag- riculture and Canadian Industries. completed the plans for her meet- ing, which was a big help to the Executive. Community Hall. On the commit- tee are Mrs. R. Stuart, convenor; Mrs. Bruce Keffer, Mrs. C. Boake, Mrs. James Spencer and Mrs. Bert Cook. The Executive of the Women's. Institute met at the home of the president. Mrs. Chas. Agnew and Thursday evening, April 9, to plan what promises to be an interesting series of programmes for the com- ing year. Plans were _made to hold a Cor- onation Ball on June 5 in Edgeley A picnic will be held in July and the September meeting will be a surprise one with the executive in charge. There will be no meeting in August. Other plans will be a‘h- nounced from time to time. The regular meeting of the Thornlea Ratepayers Association was held on April 7. A representa- tive was appointed to go to the Thornlea Recreation Club to ask about the boys’ activities. Mr. Clifford was asked to act as pol- itical representative for the as- sociation. On Monday, April 13, at the last meeting of the boys club this year parents were invit- ed to see movies on aircraft. It was decided to hold a joint euchre, bridge and dance, on May 22, in Henderson Avenue School. Mr. A. Lennie, Markham township coun- cillor, spoke on roads. Bayview is to be gravelled and oiled from No. 7 Highway to John Street and Mr. Lennie advised everyone to stay off the roads for two days un- til the oil penetrates. The council, in conjunction with the planning board, are trying to make Mark- ham a place of beauty. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Stong on May 7 at 2 o‘clock. Ratepayers Remember that at the May meeting, there will be nominations and Mr. Allback, the government representative, will speak on Boys’ Clubs. Home and School The Home and School will hold a theatre night on the 28th and 29th at Richmond Hill. Tickets may be purchased from any mem- ber of the executive. Wedding Mr. and Mrs. William Frazer of Leitchcroft attended the wedding of Mr. Frazer’s sister, at Eaton Memorial Church on Thursday, when Mrs. H. R. Rowan was mar- ried to Sir John Imrie. We extend our congratulations to Ken Fox of John Street and wish him the very best of luck in his taxi business. The residents of Thornlea wish to express their very deep sym- pathy to Mrs. Clifford Lloyd and her four sons in their sorrow. Miss Ann Sherman entertained her friends on Saturday afternoon at her 8th birthday party, given by her mother. She received many lovely gifts. We hope that Howard Curtis, who is in the Sick Children’s Hos- pital will soon be well and home again. The Thornlea Home and School Bulletin, “The Golden Chain,†will not be published until the last of May. Mr. and Mrs. John Gribble en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Hickman, Mr. and Mrs. Everist. Mr. and Mrs. Broadfoot. and Miss Norma Lene, on Sunday at their home on John Street. Several representatives from the Thornlea Home and School are taking the course on parent edu- cation in Markham. The lectures are on “disciplineâ€. Mrs. Gribble wishes to thank all those who have helped to support the Thorplea column in the past. SWWNMWWWM? THORNLEA NEWS Flagstone â€" Wall Work and General Sodding and Grading Maintenance Thornhill CORRESPOI.DENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, B. R, 1, Maple Telephone Maple 110R3 Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 Thornhill Landscape Gardeners HIGHLAND PARK NEWS And Tree Experts ‘ A. GOODCHILD MRS. WA LTER SANDERS EDGELEY NEWS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 Mrs. W. McMullan and daughter Joan, 72 Woodward Ave, spent a pleasant week-end at Buffalo and enjoyed the trip. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Ives. 18 Grandview Ave.. on the birth of a daughter at Welles- ley hospital on Saturday. April 11. Baby sister for Michael and Janet. Mr. Peelar appeared to be in sound health and good spirits as he and Mrs. Peelar celebrated their Golden Wedding Day'with over 100 friends and relatives on Wednesday, March 25. The death of Mr. Charles Ed- ward Peelar last week came as a severe shock to his family, his friends and the community. A short time later. however, he contracted the “flu†and as his condition worsened and complica- tions seLin, he was removed to the Toronto General Hospital where he passed away on Thursday morn- ing, April. 9. He was in his Blst year and was the beloved husband of Emma Stobbart and dear fath- er of Albert and Nelson. He is also survived by a sister. Mrs. Haycock and a brother, Fred Peelar of Emery. | @hituary Dr. Archer Wallace of Maple conducted the funeral service at the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home in Richmond Hill on Sunday,_ April 12, and interment was in Maple cemetery. The pallbearers were his six nephews. Clifford and Leslie Clarkson, Frank Banks and Arthur, Roy and Russel Peelar. To his widow and members of his family, we extend most sincere sympathy. Mr. Peelar was a highly respect- ed resident of the community which was signiï¬ed by the many floral tributes and the large num- ber of people who called and at- tended the service. The Doncaster Ladies Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Mackey on Tuesday last. Plans were made to clean up the club’s property, for a future park. Mrs. A. Morrison took over for the social part of the evening, and Mrs. Winters won the prize in the con- test. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Cole. The next meeting will be in the Henderson Road school. The Ratepayers are holding a euchre this month. Watch for the Coming Event notice. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock of Proc- tor Ave., celebrated their 6th wed- ding aanniversary on Tuesday. Ap- ril 7. Mrs. Wells from Toronto is spending a week with her daugh- ter. Steve and Cliï¬ord Gatehouse were both sic last week and spent mgstpf their olidays in the house. Helen Grubb spe'nt the hands; week with her grandmother in Toronto. Miss Nora Berta, Henderson Ave., had her tonsils removed last week, and is. convalescing at her home. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gain, Henderson Ave., on the birth of twin girls, on Wednes- day. April 8. at Mayfair Hospital. Mother and babies are doing well. Mrs. M. Manson of Morgan Arie; had her daughter and grandson and granddaughter from Sarnia as visitors last week. Every week is bargain week in the classiï¬ed ad. section. Use it for buying or selling by telephon. ing Turner 4-1261. CONVERSION 60 CYCLE VICTOR DRAPER AGENCIES Yonge St. Oak Ridges TUrner 4-1061 or 859 Dundas St., West Toronto WAverley 9559 Late Charles E. Peelar 27 Seccomoe Ave. Phonp: AVenue 54570 MRS. H. MIZEN Doncaster Correspondent: AV. 5-1380 We offer you again the ï¬nest Nursery Stock at reason- able prices â€" Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Roses, Shade and Fruit Trees, Privett and Chinese Elm hedg- ing; Peat Moss for your lawns and gardens. Landscape work done by experts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Visit us anytime. Mon. Tues. Thués'f'†' MAPLE, ONT. PHONE 164 Fri. Sat. . . . Sun. Holidays . . . . . . . Our Specialty Celery Stalks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 15c Lettuce ....... . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . 15c Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 lbs. 35c Butter . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . .. . .. . . , . . . . 61c lb. Domestic Shortening . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c lb. Snowflake Shortening . . . . . . . . . . 19c lb. Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Maple Leaf Weiners Lean Minced Beef Loin Roast Centre Grade A Milkfed Veal Yonge St. FREE DELIVERY Culverhouse Choice Corn, 20 oz. 2 for 19c Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon, 1/2 lb. tin 35c Wagstafle Raspberry Jam, 24 oz. . . 35c McFARLANE’S MEAT MARKET DONCASTER NURSERY . Fresh Pork Shoulders Perry’s Pharmacy For Your Garden A New Cabbage With every large order FREE ulverhouse Choice'Tomato Juice, 20 oz. , A _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 19c Shank oï¬.’ The Hours of Business of LEAN Corned Brisket of Beef Thornhill, Ontario Stop 14A Yonge St. Phone Avenu’e 5-1688 . . . . . . . . . . 9 am. to 9 p.m. Blackburn Block Thornhill Phone - AVenue 5-1811 . . . . . . . 9 am. to 6.30 pm. CHOICE BABY BEEF Our will be .. . . 1 pm. to 6.30 pm. TWO STORES e Rolls 49¢ 35¢ 39¢ Centre Loin Chops ure Pork Lean Butts . . . . . . Closed KING, ONT. PHONE 164 49¢