Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1953, p. 10

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ftemoon Auxiliary (W.M.S.) The members of the Afternoon uxiliary met recently in the hurch Hall with president, Mrsl . E. Kent, officiating assisted by 5 Q. m U‘ '1 O m Q. Q o c Q.- C m a Q. n ._. O 1'" 3" .. :3 an or this bale should be brought to he Church any morning during e week and will be shipped on une 1. Miss Clubine reported ' is bale. .The minister then showed a very interesting sound colour movie en- titled “Eskimo Arts and Crafts". after which refreshments were ser- ved. Choir After a recent choir practice. the members of the Choirs pres- ented Mrs. W. Heath with gifts on the occasion of her birthday. Flow- ers were presented on behalf of the choir by Mrs. Barrow and a beautiful hand-painted salad bowl was presented by Mrs. N. L. Mor- ton. Women's Council This group met last Wednesday afternoon. and reports were re- ceived showing that the plan had been adopted by all the Women's groups in the Church. Mrs. T. Pherrill was. appointed convenor of the Welfare .whose responsibil- ity it will be to see that all shut- ins and Nursing Homes in the Dis- trict are visited regularly. Arrange- ments are being made for regular visits by members of each of the four women’s groups. Mrs. G. H. Craig and Mrs. P. Bone are con- venors "for the visiting of new fam- ilies and members. L.0.L. No. 91 The Lodge members met in the Lodge Room recently with the Master, Very Worshipful Brother E. E. Kent, in the chair. Visitors that were welcomed included of- ficers and members of Toronto L.O. L. No. 800. Two new members were received by afiiliation. W.B. J. Madill and W. B. Bentley. It was decided to send the Worship- ful Master to London to represent the Thornhill Lodge at the meet- ing of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West. W.M. Rev. E. E. Kent is spending the week of May 19 to 21 at this meeting. Two minutes of silence was observed for the late Worshipful Brother T. Jones, and the Warrant was draped. The members will be parading in either Meaford or St. Cathar- ines on the 12th. The County of East York is trying to urge the Lodges to parade as a County, therefore Thornhill will parade in either of these two places. The Thomhill Lodge will parti- cipate in the County Church Par- ade to be held in the Rhodes Ave. United Church on Sunday, May 31. At the close of the business meeting, the Worshipful Master showed an interesting film “To- day's Timber," and refreshments were served. Former Resident Passes The funeral service of the Late Andrew McCart took place Mon- day, May 18. Mr. McCart. a resi- dent of Lansing and ‘formerly of Thornhill, died at the Bethesda Hospital in Lansing on Friday, May 15. He was a Past Master of the Thornhill L. O. Lodge and worked up until quite recently for l local resident. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. E. E. Kent. The pail-bearers were Worshipful Bro. J. Webster, and Brothers W. George, W. Robinson, W. Ball, P. Simpkins and J. Kelly. Other L.O. L. members formed a Guard of Honour. The residents of Thorn- hill extend their deepest sympa- thy to the bereaved family. Trinity Church Nites Parish Guild The members of this organization held the final meeting last Tues- day in the Church Hall. The even- ing began at 7 pm. with a most de- licious dinner served by the Trin- ity Church Caterers. Following this a short business meeting was held at which the president, Mrs. R. Byford thanked the Caterers for Bedding Plants For Sale “0|d'a’t40.50,60?" hm: your uei Thailand: as peppy n 70. Try noospmz up" with Osirex. Contains tonic for wank. run own Keeling due solely to body's net or iron which many men and women all "oid." Try 08m: Tonic Tablets (or pop. younger feeling. this very day. New "get. Acquainted" me only 600. Far sale at. all am: more: everywhem ‘ 'ELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Television Ranges 4- Manl You’re Crazy 144 M2“ Maple Ave" Maple, Ont. After 5 pm. Thornhi" And District News W. Van WILLIGEN Geraniums, Asters, Petunias, etc, also Tomatoes. Cabbage an’d Peppers es Vacuums Small Appliances 6002 Yonge St. Washers Radios their par; in making the evening so enjoyable. It was decided that a Coronation Bale be made up of good used clothing. This clothing is to be brought to the Church'on June 2, and will be packed and sent to the Anglican Mission House in Saskatchewan. At the close of this meeting. the members enjoy- ed a period of Court Whist, which proved to be very enlightening, due to the fact that all the odd- shaped prizes turned out to be light bulbs. This very pleasant portion of the evening was the un- dertaking of Mrs. S. Turnpenny and Mrs. D. Moore. The members are looking forward to meeting on July 9, when their annual family picnic will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Sissons. Swimming Pool Opens The swimming season officially began this week-end with the op- ening of the Thornhill Swimming Pool. This was open Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 1 until 6. with many of the local small fry as well as a few of the grown- ups taking their first dip of the season. It was reported that the sale of Season Tickets was very gratifying. and that a new type of Family Season Ticket is also on sale. The pool will be open each weekend from 1 until 6 and week- day afternoons from 3 until 6 weather permitting. For any in- formation regarding the Pool please phone their new number AV. 5-2282 during pool hours. Mr. and Mrs. Don Skuce, Juneau, Alaska, were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, of Thombank Road. Mrs. H. L. Wanless and Barbara of Fullerton. California, are vis- iting the farmer’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Thornbank Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Westacott, Tommy and Linda, with the McIvor family spent the holiday week-end at Napanee, at the home of Mrs. Westacott's parents. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watts on Glen Cameron Ave. over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton and children. Ann Watts is attending a Bible Conference at Guelph. Mary Jane Shepherd of Proctor Ave., took part in dancing party hey} _at Newtqnbrook last Friday. Friends of Mr. Woodward oi Clarke Ave., will be glad to know that he is home from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. McNutt and fam- ily are spending their holiday at Owen Sound and the Clubine fam- ily at the Bay of Quinte. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock last week were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bates from Edmonton. Staying at the Russell home is Mr. Russell’s sister, his nephew and niece from New York. Mrs. Gatehouse, Proctor Ave., has her mother, Mrs. Mawhinney visiting her for the week-end. Sandra Bradley was hostess at a birthday luncheon party on Mon- day, May 18. when she entertain- ed eight little friends. Sandra was five and lives on Glen Cameron Ave. Mrs. F. Loverock, formerly of Henderson Ave, is in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Heather Evens who is only three years old had an eye operation at the Sick Children’s Hospital last week. Barbara Dale spent the week- end with her grandparents in Tor- onto. Mr. Gatehouse is spending his hoiliiday fishing at Maple Lake. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. J. Steeles’ Morgan Ave. for the holi- day were Mr. and Mrs. McAllister, North York, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen from Beamsville and Miss F. Jack- son from Toronto. Father Ciriveflo of St. Luke’s Church, on Sunday, May 10, ofi’ic- iated at the christening of Diane and Dorothy, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gain, Hender- son Ave. All persons having claims against the estate of Homer R. Ford. late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Esquire, Deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of September, 1952, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the 30th day of May. 1953, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Repre- sentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. Miss Hunt from Toronto is spending a week with her cousin, MiissrL. D. Wakeley on Clarke Ave. Friends of Miss' Loréin’fifiiie'r' will be glad to know that she is well again and returns to school this week. A request from some of the neighbours, will dog owners please keep their pets ofi people’s gar- dens. now that the flowers are blooming. Mr. Gillies was the speaker on Sunday, May 17, at the Don- caster Mission. T0 CREDITORS & OTHERS In the Estate of HOMER R. FORD Dated at Toronto this 29th day of April, 1953. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION .253 Bay St, Toronto. Ontario,. Administrator, by Ross. Ross & Field. 1109 Star Building. Toronto. Ont. Their Solicitors herein. Thomhill area Eonfiibfited by iii-cadets. Ou; representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thomhlll. The Liberal is always pleaseu go publish items_ of interest the Phone: AVenue 5-1570 . MRS. H. MIZEN 27 Seecomoe Ave. NOTICE Doncaster Correspondent : married on Saturday, May 16. in Thornhill Presbyterian Church 'at 7 porn. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lavelle of Pine Falls, Manitoba. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert White of Grand Bank, Newfound- land. Rev. Calvin Chambers per- formed the ceremony in a setting of pink snapdragon. Mr. Chambers took a very keen interest as this was the first wedding that he had officiated at alone, since his or- dination on May 8. The reception was held at the home of the groom's sister. Mrs. Gordon Hook, of Arnold Ave.. Thornhill. The bride wore a gown of ivory satin and net. and a three-quarter length veil. The matron-d-honor, Mrs. Gordon Hook. wore a fullâ€" length gown of light-blue tafleta. The bride's flower-s were white sweet peas and red roses, and the matronâ€"of-honor carried a bouquet of pink carnations and wore a headdress to match. The bride was given in marriage by Mr. Gordon Hook. Mr. John White was best man. The couple will take up resi- dence on Sunnyside Avenue in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hook had Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Selleck and their daughter as week-end guests. Social Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. Healey of Yonge Street on the birth of a granddaughter. The nine pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Noel Wood of Bethany. Ont., on May 17, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Peterborough. Shower Miss Shirley Kent of Yonge St.. Thomhill, was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts, when a miscellaneous shower was held for her recently at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Kent. Boyle Drive. The traditional pink and white decorations formed a background for the bridal shower. at which a number of friends, Bank employees and Y.P.U. mem- bers enioyed a very delightful ev- ening. On Tuesday, May 12, Bank of Commerce manager, Mr. Harold Frye. presented Miss Kent with a beautiful table lamp on behalf of her fellow employees. Following this presentation, the group enjoi- ed a very delightful dinner at t e Town and Country Club in Toron- to. A small fire was reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ladell of Arnold Avenue last Friday. Al- though the fire-reels were summon- ed, the damage was kept to a min- imum due to the quick thinking of David Ladell. Miss Leslie Fair-field of River- side Boulevard entertained seven of her small playmates last Friday afternoon. The occasion was the celebrating of her fourth birthday, and from all accounts, the child- ren really enjoyed themselves. A hearty welcome to the Ball Subdivision is extended to Mr. and Mrs .Corlett and their two sons, and to Mr. and Mrs. Kerr. Both these families have recently moved into their new homes on Thornhill Ave. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis of Campbell Avenue entertained Mrs. Davis's sister, brother-in-law and their three children from Wing- ham over the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Moore were ex- tremely thankful to a group of Thornhill Lions who recently turn- ed up at the Moore residence and completed a trenching job. We understand that Mr. Moore is still confined to bed but hopes to be up and around again shortly. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moore of Campbell Avenue over the week-end were Mr .and Mrs. Watkins and their daughter from Weston. Everyone in the community was shocked to hear of the sudden illâ€" ness of Mr. Jack McFarlane. wellâ€" known storekeeper, who was rush- ed to the hospital last Saturday morning with a heart-attack. We all certainly hope that Mr. Mc- Farlane will have a quick and com- plete recovery. United Church News Next Sunday will mark the 215th anniversary of the conversion of John Wesliey. Wesley. the founder of Methodism, was born June 17, 1703. and was converted on May 24, 1738. The Thornhill United Church service next Sunday will be in keeping with this anniver- sary. Ladies’ Guild This group had the pleasure of welcoming as their guest recently, Miss Ruth Strangways, daughter of a former minister of the Thornhill United Church. Following her in- troduction by Mrs. E. Leusby. Miss Strangways spoke to the ladies on how pleased she was to return to the Church of her late father and recalled many pleasant experiences in Thornhill and in the parsonage. She then turned to her subject of the evening which was her hobby of floral arrangements. These ar- rangements are made chiefly of weeds and seed pods which have been dyed and then painted or sprayed to make lovely bouquets. Miss Strangways showed how the painting is done. and also brought a number of the finished products. Another phase of this hobby is the making of place card holders, made of clay with painted weed centres, Mrs. H. Frye thanked their guest for her most interesting and in- formative talk. During the business meeting, Mrs. T. Pherrill gave a report on the Women’s Council and the Guild members voted $25 towards the work of this organization. At the suggestion of the Council. the Guild will take on the visiting and care of the shut-ins during the month of May. Volunteers were obtained for visitations and cleri- cal work. The evening was brought 1:04 dose with refleshmems. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert White wage WHITE-LAVELLE Mrs. E. Gledhill. president in the chair. There was a fair crowd out for this time of year and many it- ems of interest were covered. It was suggested that talent money be distributed to the ladies to be increased in their own particular way during the summer; also to hold a rummage sale shortly. It was decided that next season, start- ing in September, monthly meet- ings would be held until April. Mrs. W. McMullen presented the president, Mrs. E. Gledhill, with a brooch and earring set on behalf of the ladies as a farewell gesture, as the Gledhill family is moving to Florida in June to take up per- manent residence there. In accept- ing the gift, Mrs. Gledhill express- ed her pleasure in working with the community. She tendered her resignation as president and aurn- ed the chair over to Mrs. F. Jen- nings, vice-president. Everyone wished them both the best in their new undertakings and the meeting was adjourned. Refreshments were served. Sorry to hear Mr. Reg. Todd of Crestwood Rd. is off work with blood poisoning in his foot. We hear that Mr. Joe Forrester of Steeles Ave., is also confined to bed. The community wishes these gentlemen a speedy recovery. Congratulations On Wednesday. May 13, the Highland Park W.A. held its meet- ing at Henderson Ave. School with Congratulations to Mrs. L. Armstrong, Crestwood Rd., who celebrated her birthday on May 9, and to Mr. and Mrs. who will cel- ebrate their 10th wedding anniver- sary on May 20. Surprise_ Party A delightful surprise party was given Miss Nancy Trenka on Sat- urday evening when the 4th form students of Richmond Hill High School met at the home of Mrs. R. H. Neil on John St. for dan- cing and a mid-night supper. Dur- ing the evening Miss Trenka was presented with a matched set of rhinestones by Ron Duncan on be- half of the class. Everyone wished her bon voyage and the best of luck when she leaves Thornlea on Tuesday, May 19, to attend the coronation. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Rutherford, 21 We all wish a speedy recovery to little Donny Jackson who is ill. The regular meeting of the Thornlea Home and School Assoc- iation was held on May 13, Mrs. Jackson was in the chair, owing to the absence of the president, Mrs. Gage, and vice president. Mrs. Curtis. Reports from convenors, Mrs. Caesar and Mrs. Frazer were given on the year‘s activity. Mr. Frazer discussed financial affairs for the year and it was decided to spend all funds for a picnic in June for Thornlea past and pres- ent students. Mrs. Harold Newens is conval- escing at the home of her mother. Mrs. G. Barlow, on Doncrest Road, after her recent operations. Correction Mr. Alex Morrison played in “The Torch Bearer" with Harold Gribble. We are sorry for this mis- take in names last week. Mrs. Wicksey and far‘hily visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gribble to celebrate several birth- days in the family. Congratulations Congratulations to Alvin Thomp- son in winning lst in the tractor driving. in the age group 12 to 14 at Richmond Hill. Home & School Mrs. McLelland, the principal speaker of the evening was intro- duced by Mrs. Elsie Taylor. Mrs. McLelland gave us a very clear picture on what Home and School programs should be in order to interest all parents, “For,” said she, “Every parent should be?- in- terested in being a good parent and the whole effort of the Home and School should be directed to parents for this end and to weld a bond between H & S â€" school and trustees" Mrs. McLelland told us about a meeting in Mich- igan where delegates came from 29 different countries to talk over conditions and child care and a program to aid all children, the world over. Every child has a right to a free life and good par- ents. Mr. McLelland spoke for a few minutes to add his appeal to his wife‘s for the continuance of a H. & S. group in Thornlea. He told us about some new Canadians. how to be a good trustee and something of their problems. "Ed- ucation should be the first con- sideration in community services," said Mr. McLelland. Both speakers were thanked by Mr. Martindale in a few well- chosen words. From the Houses-for-Sale ads in Yorkton, Sask.. Enterprise: “Four- room house, running water, full basement." VICTOR DRAPER - AGENCIES Yonge St. Oak Ridges TUrner 4-1061 or 859 Dundas St., West Toronto WAverley 9559 THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 CONVERSION 60 CYCLE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 Drury Ave.. who observed their 3rd Wedding Anniversary on Wed- nesday. May 13. Happy Birthday The month of May is certainly a popular month for birthdays in this section, John Bradley on May 23. Candy Biggs on May 25, Bev- erly Sibbick, Florence Sanders, May 27, and Sandra Smith. Steeles Ave; will be three on the 27th also. Mr. R. Fisher al 0 celebrated at the home of Mrs. isher’s mother on Saturday, May 16. Highland Park Assn. On Monday. May 18, the com- munity again enjoyed a big night of fireworks at the Gamble farm property when everyone was thrill- ed, young and old alike. to see the spectacular display put on under the auspices of Highland Park As- sociation. Although all in the com- munity contribute financially, a great deal more is needed than money to make it a success, and many thanks go to all who spent their time and efforts collecting the money, setting up the display and attending to all the details to make it so successful. People evâ€" erywhere in the neighborhood ga- thered to enjoy this annual event. The youngsters received sparklers and balloons as a start and every- thing else went off accordingly with a “Bang.” It was enjoyed by all who gathered _t the spot or who watched from t eir porches. Home & School On Monday, May 25, we hope all in the community will come out and end the Powell Rd. Home and School season with a night of fun at Henderson school auditorium when square and modern dancing will be enjoyed. It won‘t start till 9 pm. so you can work in the gar- den and then come along to the hoe-down. Refreshments will be served and everyone is welcome, old and young alike. Silver collec- tion will be taken to defray ex- penses. Two sets of experienced callers and directors will be on hand to show beginners the ropes of old time dancing so don’t figure you don’t know how to join in, we’ll show you. Baseball We are pleased to see Powell Road baseball teams are in there trying andrkgeprug the gpqd work. Highland Park boys club opens its baseball season officially Wed- nesday, May 20, and games will be each succeeding Wednesday. The schedule was printed on the Sports Page two weeks ago. Try to support the boys. They played an exhibit- ion game on Wednesday. May 13, at Langstaff and the game ended with a tied score. SOFT WATER. You ’Want All the Time for less than the cost of your newspaper Get the facts on a P.O. Box Station H. Toronto Representatives and Dealers Please remember to have your children present for the 2nd or 3rd treatment on the scheduled day and at the right time. 5008 treatments and booster doses were given on Round 1, 1949 on Round II, ? on Round III. CARL E. HILL, M‘D., M.O.H. May 25 - May :29 The week represented by the above dates is the week of the 3rd round of immunization treatments at the various schools. Phone OX. 9133 WATER SUFTENING EQUIPMENT LTD. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Doncaster Taxi AVenue 5-1609 MADELEINE Millinery &_Ac_qg§$0ries soft water unit “EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE” 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) H 2 CAR STOPS BELOW CITY LIMITS Taylor NOW in all areas - All The See MADELEINE for Your TRY US FOR SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE EANDQAGS, GLOVES, FLQWERS, STRAW ngmaéff WE ALSO CARRY Gfiws HATS HATS $3.95 UP LOVELY NEW SPRING Mrs. B. Oyler home and doing recent operation Western Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams Jr. and family along with Jim Adams spent Sunday visiting Niagara Falls. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Don. Fettes who cel- ebrated their 7th wedding anniv- ersary on Monday. May 18. While playing baseball for the Richvale School. John White of Yonge St. had the misfortune of breaking his arm in two places. John will certainly be missed on the team. . Mr. Stewart of Yongehurst Rd. is in the Toronto Western Hospi- tal undergoing treatment for glan- dular trouble. Mrs. Stewart and Ann are staying in Toronto for the time being. Perkins Farm & Home. 0 Equipment 0 See them Not one not two but men outsranding models to choose from . . . with more exclusive chore-sav- ing, money-saving features (Inn any other refrigerator. They're feminecred . . . «3d years cheat" NORTH RICHVALE 23 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL Phone TUrner 4-1229 Telephone TU. 4-2238 Mrs. M. Blackburn Correspondent: Brice them of Mill Rd. is nicely after her in the Toronto HU. 5406 compare thl “ uunu\um\uu“mmnu\nmunmmumuuumuuuuuuuummmuummunuunImmummmmmuuunlm11l\umuu\mmummmuu“w You Can SAVE MONEY: mum. muuumm '1 Richmond Hill V TU. 4-1552 ammmmmmmmmmmmmmnmunmnnunmmnnmmuumumnImuuu|ummmmmuIummnuunmqunmumummuhi CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED - MQNTBEAJ Waitress & Cook’s Assistant permanent position. Apply THORNVIEW RESTAURANT AV. 5-2544 YEREX ELECTRIC W H Y _. FOR THESE REASONS: (1) Three months free service. _ (Most stores ‘charge for this service) (2) Antenna installation at our cost. (Most stores profit on antenna) (3) Immediate service: provided call comes in before 4.30 pm. (4) Special rates on service to our cus- tomers after warranty period. The following down and monthly pay- ments include the complete 30’ antenna installation which carries the 12 month warranty. Down Monthly 17” Admiral (249.95) 30.00 13.50 17" Hallicrafter (319.95) 37.00 16.75 17” Gen. Elect. (339.95) 39.00 17.50 21” Hallicrafter (409.95) 46.00 20.50 21” Gen. Elect. (569.95) . 62.00 26.50 20” RCA Victor (469.50) 52.00 22.75 17” Electrohome' (399.50) 45.00 20.00 21” Philco, table, (489.95) 54.00 23.75 TREAT FOR FEET! A new process puts s-t-r-e-t-c-h into nylon yams just as though they were elasticized . . . makes possible these socks for men that always fit perfectly. There's less chance of buying wrong sizes now that nylon “stretch” socks are available. Just two on three basic sizes fit all sized feet from very small to extra large. Did you know? wit 1 (. CROW CONIROL during the spring provides hunting thrills for this lad, as well as being a good protective measure for the more useful forms of wildlife. During the ofifiason, more and more‘experienced .3“ hunters, too, find that shooting gophers, groundhogs, magpies and other pests as well as the Wily crow helps to keep their eye "sharp" for the fall hunting season. C-I-L makes dependable ammunition 1“ for this popular sport. ‘ Those handy Polythene bags that so many fruits and vegetables are pack- aged in are wonderful for the lunch box. Sandwiches wrapped in Polythene stay fresh and the transparent film has no odor or taste. Complete Wiring Service and Repairs YEREX ELECTRIC Picture News from C-I-L and .be much happier afterwards by buying your TV set at HELP WANTED R. J. HAYES Telephone AVenue 5-167 9 Electrical Contractor 30.00 37.00 39.00 46.00 62.00 52.00 45.00 54.00 13.50 16.75 17.50 20.50 26.50 22.75 20.00 23.75

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