Richmond Hill Immmuuuullmuummnnumuuuuumuulun\uluumlmnmummunmummpmunnmnulunuuummmmmmumum“\mmmmumnmu IGormley, Ont. Phone: Stouï¬ville 381-W-1 1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 21, 1953 W uuuuum1mmummmmmunu\unmumummmu“munmlln\muuummumnnmnmuummmmnuu\uuuum1muummuuuuuummuuumv Richmond Hill F RIGIDAIRE Paris Auto Supply Ltd. ORMLEY BLOCK CO. Model A.S. 61, Refrigerator $269.75 Model SR. 35, Range ; $299.75 At new low prices â€" as much as 20% lower than last year Big in capactiy APPLIANCES / I ï¬ne/er none as new a: M 57 5'3 NASH MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED MAIN ornc: 5. MANUFACTURING PLANT .0 Beautiful in appearance G/VES‘ V00 77/5 smaMAM/ED 5544/71/0/r p/M/v 54/2/A/A CS \ COWA/E/vmz. SrW/VG ./ Bradshaw Motors Limited I awwMM/ï¬ 0 Better value than ever “GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS’ "MAY IS SAFETY MONTH†TU. 4-1541 om: gnaw/993 The situation in brief is this: the income does not come up to expectations. Expenses for the past year have totalled $8000 while the income has amounted to less than $2000. The operators of the Aur- ora Shelter have said that they fanticipated a sizeable income from ‘such sources as local municipali- ties. subscriptions and donations, however. this source has proven insufficient. The society's funds have been almost entirely spent, they are in debt and the Aurora Shelter is mortgaged. In short, if some sure source of income is not found soon, the society will have to curtail operations by June 14. Unless there is some immediate assistance through the municipal- ities or on the part of private in- terests. the North York Humane Society may be forced to discon- tinue its activities because of the ï¬nancial position. Seeks Council Aid Nth.York Humane Society Faces A Financial Crisis TORONTO, ONT‘ The Greatest Show On Earth is the very popular attraction at The Richmond for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Meetings are being arranged with the Councils of Richmond Hil,1 Aurora and Newmarket in an at- tempt to arrange for a regular monthly grant to enable the Soc- iety to continue its important work. Aurora council felt that the three councils concerned. Rich- mond Hill. Aurora and Newmar- ket, should meet to consider the problem together. Indications are that unless the three councils agree to support the Humane Society, it will ,be necessary to discontinue its activities. as the support of just one municipality would not be suf: ï¬cient. Society representatives met with Aurora council last Tuesday night but no decision was reached. Styled by Pinin Farina Parts and Service available from (03!! (0 C035! ‘. 4-1771 A local 28â€"year old Richmond Hill bo'y, Mr. Mervin Charlton, has been appointed the new manager of Brathwaite‘s hardware store here in the village. Mr. Charl- ton comes well recommended to his new responsibility. having gain- ed 10 years practical experience in the retail hardware business in both Richmond Hill and Bolton. M. Charlton Mgr. Of Brathwaite Hardware The only policy of in kind in Canada! Confederation's Accidental Death &Dismembermeut Beneï¬t on a $5,000 Policy pays! '85.000 if you die from natural causes. He will replace the store’s for- mer manager, Mr. S. McNiece, who is planning to settle in the United States. PROTECT THE ONES YOB [OW ~pWMHW Co edemtion Mme Rev. Hirtle Called To Fingal-Port Stanley The parade will leave the sta- tion grounds at 2:30 pm. and will be led by Western Technical School Boys Trumpet Band. These boysdo a very fine precision drill and last year won the Ontario Championship for trumpet bands. Parade will proceed to Crosby Memorial Centre by way of Pavil- lion and Main Streets and route will be gally decorated. Markham Township's colossal celebration in honour of H.M. Queen Elizabeth 11, to be held on June 2nd. is now fully planned. Under the direction of Unionville Trustees the plans will include an impressive ceremony to be con- ducted by the clergyman of the various religious denominations. a parade. prizes. fun. games, fire- works and a big honâ€"fire. Parade Order Impressive Religious Ceremony To Mark Unionville Celebration Widow and Children Receive $1 0, 000 on $5,000 Policy In Western Canada, a young executive died recently in a level aossing accident. He was insured with a $5,000 Confederation Life Policy carrying an Accidental Death & Dismanme Beneï¬t. As a result, his widow and chil- dren received $10,000 for their care and protection. A call from Fingal and Port Stanley Presbyterian churches to Rev. S. W. Hirtle of Rich mond Hill was approved by the Presbytery of London last week. The call was supported by eight representatives from the two congregations. Rev. Hirtle will take up his new du- ties June 1, and will reside at Fingal for ten months of the year and at a cottage provided by Port Stanley Presbyterians through the busy tourist season of July and August. Miss Jaï¬et Abram, R.N.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Abram, Bayview, graduated from the Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing on Thursday evening, May 21. Miss Abram topped her class of 80 in nursing theory. On Tuesday evening she at- tended the Graduation Ball at the Royal York Hotel and on Wednesday afternoon. ac- companied her mother at the “Mother and Daughter.†Graduates From Toronto Gen. Hosp. Miss Abram is a graduate 01 Richmond Hill High School. 810.000 dent. 815.000 if you die by acci. dent while in a public vehicle (except an airplane). or in a ï¬re in a public building. Liberal cash payments for dis- membermmt accidents. ASSOCIATION FaFufl Information, Cal: Representative P. G- SAVAGE Richmond Hill, Ont- U W Your “on†“a “WOW†Stump-0W if you die by leci- “Well if Richmond Hill is unable to assume the debentures and we feel we can’t what will happen?†continued Councillor Perry. “Let the Provincial Government solve it, it’s their legislation." suggested Deputy Albert Rutherford. Questioning the Provincial leg- islation on the matter, Councillor John Perry asked, “What would happen if we refuse to pass the debentures?" (The Act of Les- islation is to the effect that the debentures must be floated by the municipality in which the school is being built or by another mun- icipality in the school section.) “Our position hinges on whether or not we would be obliged to as- sume the responsibility,†observed Reeve McMurchy. “And as yet. there is no sound interpretation of the Act. Council decided to give the mat- ter further consideration before making any decision. Reeve Mc-‘ Murchy informed the School Bd. that Council appreciated their pos- ition in the situation and realizing the urgency of the matter Council will attempt an early decision as soon as a sound legal interpreta- tion of the Act and of the impli- cations is received. Chairman Pollard said that the Board was reluctant to dissolve the section. however, in view of the present difficulties it still might be necessary if the new school could not be built. He comment- ted that at present. the Board spends $7.600 annually for extra accommodation and transporta- tion and expressed the thought that this would go a long way to- wards debenture payments. Legal Aspect “All we have to do is say “No†and that will soon test the case," saig Deputy Rutherford. Reeve McMurchy pointed out that with impending obligations, the township of Vaughan would be called upon to issue nearly one- half million dollars in debentures. the total assessment Vaughan Council Any person or organization who can enter float should contact Mr. Alfred Hill concerning arrange- ment for parade. There will be silver dollar for the best decorat- ed trycycle. bicycle and doll car- riage. enteries to be judged by a representative of the press. A number of the participants in the parade are taking their floats to Markham where festivities take place in the morning. The Unionville Business and Professional Womens Club. the Ladies Auxiliary. the Woman‘s In- stitute and several other organiza- tions are to be in charge of the refreshment booth. The religious ceremony at the Crosby grounds will be followed by various activities; a track meet with money prizes, 8 free bingo, an amature show for small fry with some very special souveniers. baseball game, Richmond Hill vs. Unionville, on newly renovated diamond. folk dancing by Cherry Hill Farm group. demonstration by Toronto “gas-hoppers." all to be climaxed by brilliant fireworks display and an enormous bonfire in charge of Boy Scouts and a sing-song led by the Veterans. Other Activities Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon (Continued from page DOUBLE FEATURE May 26. 27, Tues.. Wed. THE BIG GUSHER Preston Foster Wayne Morris EAST SIDE KIDS East Side Kids May 21, 22. Thurs.. Fri. May 28, 29, Thurs.. Fri. TEA FOR TWO Fence Rows Moving Dirt Back Filling, etc. May 23. 25, Sat†Mon. MOONLIGHT BAY BULLDOZIN G BLOCK WORK All Kinds (Technicolor) Randolph Scott Adele Jergens (Téchnicolor) Doris Day Gordon McRae (Technicolor) Doris Day Gordon McRae SUGARFOOT SMITH 8 Mil-LAB!) GENERAL CONTRACTORS News NeWI News News i inmuuuuuumummmmmmumuummmmmmumnmmmuunmnnunnmuumumuumumuummulwmwmmmmuud W Phone King 137R2 , ,m guuuumumuunun\ll\nlmuuumumuxmnumm‘mmunu\umluummnun“!\\l\nunlmunummummmumuummumm“ I. D. RAMER 8: SON Your BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Richmond Hill he is G. H. Bawden. EXCAVATING Houses Small Jobs Basements Ponds, etc. BUILDING Thornhill Garage AV. 5-1535 BA. 1-1551 Buy where you can get service. We sell power lawn mowers, garden tractors and rototillers; also outboard motors. RICHMOND HILL EXPERT Weed Spraymg Done No job too large â€" no job too small Reasonable Rates PHONE BALDWIN 1-4614 for SPEEDY SERVICE We service everything we sell. ’ ON FIELDS ON LAWNS GRADING Roads Lanes, etc. H ouses Chimneys Fireplaces BRICKLAYING TURNER 4-1313