BILL BALL MOTORS LTD. BILL DRINKWATER MOTORS 5642 Yonge St.,WiIlowdale-BA.I-3441 KING, ONTARIO Phone King 50 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 21, 1953 TU. 4-1131 TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SARNIA - KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH "CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS Richmond Hill Office 8 Yonge St. South FOR SAFE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING Your BRANCHES: SUBURBAN SPECIALIST PRINCESS 5767 After individual programs in their rooms where the love of country and the Commonwealth was stressed, the pupils, in their Empire Day Observances, gathered outside for a prayer and songs. A Scout and a Girl Guide. in uniform, held up the Union Jack during the ceremony. At the‘conclusion Mr. David Smith, co-ordinating Prin- cipal of School Area No. 1 of Markham and Vaughan, presented trophies to Gordon Coghill for the Senior Champion and best all- Brock's monument, at Queenston, proved to be a challenge to the chil- dren and they climbed the 245 steps of the conï¬ning spiral stair- way to the top. It was a gréat day for the child- ren and the teachers and chaper- ones all enoyed the trip. At Fort George they spent two hours. and were accompanied by a guide who explained the histori- cal importance of the interesting relics which have been preserved. Their ï¬rst stop was at the beau- tiful Hamilton Rock Garden. From there they went on to the site of the Battle of Stoney Creek, 1813. At the Welland Canal they paused to watch two big ocean-going ships go through the locks; one was from France, the other from Hamburg, Germany. At the Falls they watched the mighty torrents of water, and ad- mired the flowers. One special ar- rangement was the Hydro clock with the hours and minutes marked with real flowers. Some forty pupils in Grades 6. 7 and 8 from the Charles Howitt School went by chartered bus on a twelve hour sight-seeing tour to Niagara Falls on Wednesday. CORRESPONDENT: RICHVALE NEWS Telephone TU. 4-2269 Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Frank Hill and family, whose father, Mr. Marks, passed away on Thursday evening after a brief illness. The Lone Hand Euchre Club ï¬nished its 19th season with 3 din- ner at the home of Mrs. White- head. A presentation was made to Mrs.. M. F. Fenner, one of the ï¬rst members of the group, who is leav- ing the community shortly. The remainder of the evening was spent at the home of Mrs. George Allison ,and each of the members received a gift. Sharon Facer was six years old last week and Diane Elsey, Joanne Taylor. Harold Hartford, Linda and Sharon Jellicoe, Colleen Brad- shaw, Babby Robson, Viccie Facer and Eleanor Gottschalk attended the celebration. Aunt Mary Robson and Mrs. Gottschalk were on hand for the games too. Lyn Clarke celebrated her 8th birthday on May 8, with a few of her little friends, Loraine and San- dra Phillips. Jacqueline Sparrow, Patsy and Gail Hanson and Willa Dair and Bobby Clarke. The Charles Howitt versus Rich- vale ball game was decisive in more ways than one on Tuesday of last week. Two players on the Richvale team. third baseman John White and left ï¬elder Clayton Thompson collided while racing for a ball. and John fell on a bent left arm and broke it. Clayton got up and continued to play while John was rushed to Dr. Cowan‘s office. His arm will be in the cast for at least six weeks. round Athlete, and to Donny An- derson for the Intermediate Cham- pionship. MRS. J. J. TAYLOR 0-8533 Friends will be sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Ted Brown, who underwent a serious opera- tion in the Toronto General Hosâ€" pital last week and wish for her a speedy recovery. A spéedy recovery is also wish- ed for Mrs. Louis Nichols who is ill in bed. Mr. and Mrs. William McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawson, Mrs. Gayman, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Thornhill and Barbara of St. Ca- tharines, Mr. and Mrs. G. Simons of Willowdale spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harmon and family, the Occasion being Mr. and Mrs. G. Harmon's 3lst wedding an- niversary on May 19. Birthday greetings to Colleen Stephenson, 1 year old on May 18; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westbrook and family of Toronto spent Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. V. West- brook. Mrs. A. Frisby and Richard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson and family of Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wellman and family of Long Branch spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family. Mr .and Mrs. Sam Robb of Tor- onto called on friends in the com- munity on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows at- tended the Brinke-Van Bakel wed- dlng at Our Lady of Grace Church, Aurora, on Saturday morning. Mr. Lillian tawa. Mrs. Ben Terry and baby Mark Thane Terry returned home from the hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson spent the holiday week-end at Ot- Mr. an spent the tawa. of Detroit, Mich‘, and here with his sie Hagerman. Mt. Lawrence E Mrs. William Sant et, spent Sunday and aunt. Mr. at Clarke of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. C Lillian spent the The funeral service was held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, from his late residence. Unionville. In- terment was in the Lutheran cem- etery. He is survived by his wife one daughter and one son, Barbara and Fred. Mr, A. L .Brown is renovating the buildings at his chick farm and making a number of housekeeping apartments. Bereaved Mrs. Clara Philip, Unionville. received word Tuesday, May 12, of the sudden passing of her husband, Elmer Frederick Philip, while at work. The late Mr. Philip who was in his 54th year had suffered for some time with a heart condition. A group of the Cubs headed by Cubmasters Bill Thomas and Chas. Maynard, B group headed by Cub- mistress Mrs. M. Mew and Cub- masters John Marshall and Ross Heimler spent Saturday afternoon at Thomhlll Park where 900 Cubs attended. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Young were visitors at Niagara Falls on Tues- day. Mrs. H. Brookï¬eld, Mrs. W. Snowball, Mrs. A. Toogood. Mrs. M. H. Thompson, Mrs. A. E. Mll- ner, Mrs. Russel-Brown, Mrs. Gresham and Mrs. D. Kennedy. at- tended the Women’s Institute Dis- trict Annual which was held at Richmond Hill on Thursday, May 14 Mr. and Mrs. E. Caseley visited her sister Miss Collwell at Barrie on Thursday. calling at Minnesing tr!) see her aunt, who is 88 years 0 d. Mr. Stanley Kelly has been on the sick list the' past week. Miss Velma Findlay visited Thursday at the home of her ther, Frgnk Findlay, Thornhill‘ Mrs. Henry Allen underwent two operations in Toronto East Gen- eral Hospital last week. We are pleased to hear she is much better. Mrs. Effie Scott, Agincourt and Mrs. Gertie Lunau of Toronto call- ed on friends in the village on Thursday. ‘ Congratulations to Mr. Hartwell Powers who had a birthday the past week. Joan Marie, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Champion, was baptized by Rev. Butt, at the church service on Sunday morn- ing. Mrs. C. Matthews was a guest for the week-end at the home of her: sisteyi Mrs. Harvey Coathup. Mrs. Hugh Crosby and family of Markham visited her mother, Mrs. J. Champion on Sunday. Mr. rand Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson of Brooklin visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. H. Stephenson on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. G. Walker and daugher Gail of Highland Park called on their aunt Mrs. Rainey on Sunday. Mrs. E. Sumner and Miss Velda Perkins of the United States visit- ed their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Perkins over the week-end. Mr .and Mrs. F. Conley of Or- illia were week-end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah Ogden. Mrs. E .Caseley called on Mrs J. Reesor and her sister. Mrs. A Frisby‘of Victoria Square on Wed- nesday. Mrs. H. Stephenson has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Wilhemina Thompson R.N.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Thompson left Thursday to take up duty in the Alaska District. The good wishes of‘the community go with her. Mrs. B. Harley of Mitchell spent the weekend with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Butt. Congratul'ations to Mr. and Mrs. The sympathy of the community Frank Derry who were married by is extended to the family. Rev. Butt at the parsonage on Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heimler day-evening. Mrs. Derry was the and son Ross of Unionville and former Miss Florence Anderson, Miss Joyce Terry. Toronto, enjoy- daughter of Mrs. M. Anderson. ed the week-end at Buï¬alo. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LEN. RAINEY. UNIONVILLE and Mrs CORRESPONDENT: Mn. W. Slndle, Victoria Square VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS ce Boynton. M Sandle and M iay with their ' and Mrs. C Harold ., spent 5 sister; ecil 1 week- UNIONVILLE NEWS Telephone Stouflville 67509 Nichols {â€"end at ll Johnson ‘end at Ot- Hagerman the week- Miss Bes- Phone Unionville 1121 Mr. and Margar- r uncle George and Ot- We are sorry to hear that Mr. Jacob Williams had the misfortune to fall on Saturday and crack a rib. A speedy recovery is wished for him. Dublin girl, leaving a perfumr ance of the movie Les Miserables to her companion: “It was nice but who was Les?" The May meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Will- iam Orr. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs.-I. McIllmurray. Solo by Mrs. Gordon Orr. The guest speaker was Miss Walker of Rich- mond Hill. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Married Couples Group The regular monthly meeting of the Married Couples Group will be held on Tuesday evening. May 26, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, Toronto. All the couples wishing to go are asked to meet at the church by 8 pm. sharp, and transportation will be provided. stration on the making of a dress form, with Mrs. S. DeFoe being the model. Refreshments were ser- ved at the close of the meeting. The York County Achievement Day for the Homemaking project “Dressing Up Home Grown Vege- tables", will be held on Saturday, May 30, in the Town Hall, New- market, from 9.30 am. to 4 pm. DST. A special invitation is ex- tended to all the members of the Institute to attend the afternoon program. W.M.S. Collard stration form, v the mod ved at t the l held at the hm Cague, Ri( Rumney s: elyn Sciss companied ter, Miss J Mrs. A. S Sheila Gee, 2 years old, May 21; Ronald Gee, May 22; Karen Chad- wick, May 26; Margaret Hazelwood, 2 years, May 26. Sr. Women’s Institute Each Wednesday evening to June 12, the Junior Farmers are having ball practice at Unionville Public School. Three of the club members and the president will be judging at the judging competition at Newmarket on May 30. Mr. Burgis thanked Mr. Hill and staff and the pupils for their very ï¬ne entertainment. Congratulations to Master Paul Sellers who celebrated his second birthday Saturday. Mr. C. Weir, Mr. Dean Findlay and his mother, Mrs. H. Findlay and Mrs. Rainey spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. A program of about 50 numbers was given by the pupils and every number was very well given. Mrs. Toogood was pianist for the even- ing, and also accompanied some of the numbers on her violin. The Unionville Public School held a Coronation Concert in St. Andrew’s United Church Hall, Markham on Friday night, May 15, with an attendance of approxim- ately 400. Mrs. Stanley Kelly; Pomanda Road, was a Toronto visitor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maynard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maynard Jr. and family spent the long week-end at their cottage on Lake Dalrymple. Congratulations to Mrs. Wey- man whq had a birthday on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne and family have moved to Ellesmere, Scarboro Township where Mr. 05- borne has been made manager of the Walford Farm. We wlsh them success in their new home and their new work. We are very sorry to have Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kent and daugh- ter leave our community. They have sold their residence and mov- ed to Golfview, Toronto. Miss Marguerite Wigmore, Ha- german, was crowned Queen of the May at the High School dance on Friday night. Her two attendants were Misses Marion Robb and Anne Murdock, Unionville. Welcome to Miss Porter, sister of Dr. Porter, who has come to Fe- side with him. Welcome to the Bird family, who have moved into the house of Mrs. Kathleen McKay. The anniversary services of Cen- tral United Church Sunday School have been set for Sunday, June 21. Rev. Dr. Horwood of Toronto will be the speaker. The Junior and Senior choirs held a combined musical concert in Central United Church on Wed- nesday evening, May 13. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jarvis who have mov- ed to Agincourt. Mrs. Gordon Atkinson spent Thursday at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ander- son. Mrs. George Court spent the weekend at the home of his daugh- ter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Morrison, Penetanguishene. Miss K. Rumble is staying with R. R. Rumble. Pomanda Road. and has started this week as operator at the Unionville Bell Telephone Exchange. Markham Township softball lea- gue stqrted the season's games on May 12. Scores for the ï¬rst games were Buttonville 6. Woodbridge 2; Unionville 9. Peaches 3; Markham 10, Stouffville 1; Thornhill 4, Rich- mond Hill 1. Mrs. W. Snowball spent Monday with her son and daughterâ€"in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwyn Snowball. of Toronto. World Vision Convention was held at the Gospel Centre Church from May 10 to 17. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heimler and son Ross of Unionville and Miss Joyce Terry. Toronto, enjoy- ed the week-end at Buï¬alo. '. Women’s 1 The regular e Senior W‘ Tuesday Tuesday evening 9 home of Mrs‘ :, Richmond Hi] ley sang two so] Scissler of For anied at the pian [iss Jean Scisslex Stephenson very ably g 5 Institute lar monthly Women's Ir )nd Hill. two solos of Port he piano Scissler 54 ly meeting Institute v ; of last we ;. Heber 111. Mrs. J5 los; Miss I 't Credit 4 10 by her 5 r sang a so and Mrs. and Mrs. H. ve a demon- 1g of a dress DeFoe being nts were ser- 2 meeting. Achievement ng of e was week Jack 5 Ev- t ac- r sis- solo. . vVvVVV‘bVWWWW ,MAMWWW~ .. . . . PURE WESTON’S P.E.I. Sliced Bread, loaf 15c Gran. Sugar, 10 lb. 890 Past. Milk, Qt. 19c Gerber’s Baby Foods 2 7 Pï¬ataes 10 lbs. 39c Coffee Water Melon Creamery Butter Pure White Honey 2°; Pitted Cherries Wizzard DeoderizerZ Fresh Roasting Chickens m- 63"; Kings’ Choice Tomatoes Soft Toilet Tissue 3 Minced Ham Loaf Fray Bentos (Corned Beef) m. 61 FRESH CHICKEN CUTS FOR BOILING Wings & Backs ms 23 Breasts & Legs n». 59 Choice Red FRESH Fresh Pork Shoulder In. 39 Shoulder R’st Boneless Veal Roast Sh’rt Rib R’st .., Blade R’st Bonele ss Thursday, Friday, Saturday VALUESâ€" May 21, 22, 23 MARKET OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK Swéet Pickled ‘otatoes 5 lbs. 356 Iomplete stock Flowers & Vegetables 3 BOXES FOR $1.00 Canna Lillies & Geraniums 39c plant Only Red Brand Beef Sold at ARNOLD FARMS KETTLE REND. GARDEN PLANTS MADE BY INTERLAKE 2 Tins 19c Freshly Ground for any type of Coffee Maker LARD "1- $2.49 Ripe Congo Melons Av. Wis. 24 lbs. Large Long Each Large 28 60 GAUGE 15 DENIER ALL SIZES ALL SHADES REG. VALUE â€" $1.95 SALE PRICE â€" $1.69 ONLY $1.25 PAIR WITH $5.00 PURCHASE First Grade Lincoln NYLONS 20 oz. ALL ONE PRICE DUN MILLS Rd' Bottles Rolls Pall $1.50 19