Richmond Hill, Ont. YOU SAVE $8.20â€"Full the, full 30-96 amp. capacity. Replace your old "grunt and groan" battery now w"): an action-packed Mar-Power. Flt: most popular can (Ford V8, tea bo- law). Fits Ford Produces â€" 45 plates, 85- 105 amp. capacity. Reg. II“ $20.50. SAVE 10.45. With yoprlo-os old battery You can 10:qu oboe! Mary fdlm Got your: and year: what you Install tho bquu capacity Mot-Pm "HI-Water" Armor-Glens Batteryâ€"fl l.- bulll Io oullml any bailory you have In: and! Thug dmu qua": reserve of elecuolyio keep: your battery In tip-top opomflng condition. add water only 3 In“ a you. San Safely] up | 1 longer add wafer a. ï¬mes to ~ ‘ 0 life only a year Iii-Month Guarantee 2-Year Guarantee 3-Year Guarantee MOB-POWER MOB-POWER MOB-POWER “HEAVY DUTY" SUPER-SERVICE III-WATER BATTERY BATTERY “ABMOR-GLASS" 39 PLATES 45 PLATES 51 PLATES REG. LIST $16.95 BEG. LIST $23.95 REG. LIST $30.25 HAROLD W. MORTSDN GEHI. TILT-UP BLOWER elevates to highest silo or mow . . . blows hay horizontally as much as 100 feet. You can own a Gehl Self- Unloading Wagon Box, build your own, using Gehl Parts Kit and Free Plans, or get Gchl Parts Kit and Free Plans for making your present box self-unloading. Wï¬Ã©Ã©eflw In a few minutes you can attach the Hay Pickup, the new Mower Bar for low or tall- growing grass silage crops. sown broadcast, or the Row-Crop Attachment for Corn, Cane. etc. 0 That’s what thousands of Gehl owners say . . . and this better chopping ability is inherited from Gehl Hay-Cutter Silo Fillers, famous for more than 50 years. The Gehl saves men, toil and sweat. With Hay Pickup Attachment, it; sweeps up dry hay, straw, or grass for silage from the windrow, chops and blows it into wagon at 1% to 3 acres per hour. Available with own motor or power take-off. THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN A GENI- Come in and talk it over. .. NOW QUICK CHANGE-OVER FOR 3-WAY HARVESTING .75 and Old Banery Your * NOTEâ€"add 50: to abavc prices for Inuaflaflon HARVESTER YOU SAVE $12.00â€"Full Ila-amp. capaclry. Loaded wlth elfra-morvo power for top performance In any weorher. Firs most popular can. (Ford VB, no below). Fits Ford products â€" SI iglofes, 120 amp. copoclty. Reg. Us! 5 .95. SAVE $11.50. With your old bouery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 1 TUrner 4-1722 or dolhory old battery YOU SAVE ‘IlJHum 90 Outlet! any buNory you have ever and. Three Nmu great" "servo of clu- IrolyM. 135 amp. :apuclfy for aha power. rm most popular can. (Ford V8, see below). MOI-POVEI "Armor-Gluss"â€" Fm Ford Productsâ€"51 plans, 120 amp. capa- ggi: §{§IIS.IIS:VIc:28i:3é14'3o -IA Ind..." June 11 â€"- Richmond Hill at Markham Thornhill at‘ Buttonvllle Peaches at Woodbridge Unionville at Stoufl’ville June 16 â€" Woodbridge at Peaches Stouffville at Unionville Buttonvllle at Thornhill Markham at Richmond HQ June 18 â€" The first inning was scoreless, but Elia started scoring in the sec- ‘ and. It was only a fair game with no spectacular plays. but a home run and a three-base hit by Jim Browning of Elia. highlighted the game. Cliff Lansfield pitched a fair game for Downsview but did- n‘t get much team support. Elia 9 Maple 2 This was a close game until Ken Scott of Elia started the ball roll- ing by a.,three-base hit followed almost immediately by a home run by Earl Law. It was_one of Earl Law's better pitched games by only giving up three hits in the game. i Markham Twp. Softball League Schedule The Home Run Trophy has no big hitter gunning for it yet as there are only 3 official homers so far; Ken Poole. Ron Keffer of Concord and Earl Law of Elia. Fred Bentley hit a triple that de- veloped into a round-trip due to an overthrow but only all-fhe-way rounds will be counted. Hit 'em a little harder. Freddie. Elia l Downsview 1 Elia had little trouble against Downsview in the game that was postponed the week before. Due to rain and a holiday last week. most teams were idle ex- cept Elia and Maple who played Friday night. The Concord-Hope game was played Sunday alter- noon before a good crowd of eager fans.. Only Three Home Runs So Far In Vaughan Dist. Softball League In last week’s sports story on the famous Teston Soccer Team of the 1912-1918 era the “Liberal†erroneously reported that one of the players, Mr. J. Hadwen has since passed on. However we are glad to report that Mr. Hadwen who was born and raised in the Teston district is still hale and hearty and presently residing in British Columbia. CORRECTION It was thought that the Interme- diate competition would not appeal lo the fans who had become fam- iliar with the thrilling hockey dis- played in the Sr. 8 category. Al- though no deï¬nite statement has come from Coach Bob Bangay. word has it that he will again han- dle the coaching duties of the club for another season. Arena officials have announced recently that the Stouï¬ville Arena Co. will operate the Sr. “B†01113- pers next season and it is hoped that an entry might be made in the Metropolitan Area League. a scheme that was planned last year but fell through when other clubs failed to co-operate. Local hockey authorities expect that two-thirds of the players who performed un- der the Clipper colors will be back again. The idea of withdrawing from the Metropolitan Area in fa. vor of an Intermediate “A†Club was discouraged. Stouffville Arena (0. To Sponsor The 1954 Senior "B" Clippers Buttonvillc at Peaches Woodbrldge at Unionville Markham at Thornhill Richmond Hill at Stouï¬villc July so â€" . ‘ Richmond Hill at Markham Thomhlll at Buttonvllle Peaches at Woodbridge Unionville at Stouffvllle AW! 4 '1â€" Woodbridge at Peaches Stouï¬ville at Unionville Buttoaville at Thornhfll Markham at Richmond Hill Ann“ 6 â€" Unionville at Markham Richmond Hill at Buttonville Thomhfll at Woodbridge Peaches at Stouflvflle August 11 â€"â€" Stouffville at Peaches Markham at Unlonvflle Woodbrldge at Thomhlll Buttonville at Richmond Hill August 13 â€" Thornhlll at Markham Peaches at Buttonvflle Stouï¬ville at Richmond Hill Unionville at Woodbridge Thomhill at Peaches Unionville at Richmond Hill Markham at Buttonville Woodbridge at Stouflville July 18 ~â€" Markham at Peaches Thornhlll at Stouï¬ville Buttonville at Unlonville Richmond Hill at Woodbridge July 16 ~â€" ’ Woodbridge at Markham ‘ Unlonville at Thomhill Stouï¬viue at Buttonville Peaches at Richmond Hill July :1 .â€" July 23 -â€" Peaches at Markham Unlonville at Buttonvflle Stouflville at Thornhiu Woodbridge at Richmond Hill July 14 â€" , Stoufl’ville at Mu-kham Peaches at Unionville Thornhill at Richmond Hill Buttonvlue at Woodbridge July 7 - Richmond Hill at Peaches Thomhill at Unionville Markham at Woodbtidga Buttonville at Stouï¬villo July 9 -- Unlonville at Peaches Richmond Hm at Thornth Markham at Stoun‘vflla Woodbrldge at Buttonvllle July 3 â€" Thornhill at Markham Peaches at Buttonville Stoufl‘ville at Richmond Hill Unionville at Woodbrldge June so â€" Stouffvllle at Peaches Markham at Unionville Woodbridge at Thomhm Buttonville at Richmond Hill June 25 â€"- June 23 â€"- Concord Elia Maple . . Hope . . Vellore Downsview In the abseï¬ce of Bruct Awk- land, Ed Nuttall pitched the whole game for Concord, doing a fine job. Hope held a difficult edge until the fifth inning when Doug Keffer made a double play to Don Bagg on third and John Ash on first. Then Concord rallied for four runs in both the top of the filth and sixth innings. The Ella vs. Vellore game slated for Thursday was postponed on account of rain. Batting Order Ella: Jim Browning, Lloyd Heide. Jack Sangwin. Earl Law. Ken Jackson, Fred Maldley, Jim Brll- linger. Ken Scott, Earl Marchand. Maple: Jim Jones, Bud Youngberg. chk Taylor. Stan Foster, D. Youngberg. A1 Racht, S. Ransom, B. Joyce. E. Foster. Home Runsâ€"Earl Law, Elia. Concord 11 Hope 9 This game, postponed ,from Thursday, was played on Sunday afternoon at Concord. Hope got of! on a ï¬ne start getting five runs in the first inning with Con- cord getting only two runs in the last half of the ï¬rst inning. Buttonvflle at Markham Richmond Hm at Unionvflle Stouflvflle at Woodbridge Peaches at Thorn-hill Unionvllle at Markham Richmond Hill at Buttonville Thornhill at Woodbridge Peaches at Stouï¬ville Teams‘ Standing ,,,~____ ‘VMJMUL- Rlchvale Junior Girls, not to be outdone by their male counter- parts also won the right to meet ‘Thornhlll. the winners from the South. Please keep in touch with the children regarding play-off dates and come out to cheer your team. Play-Offs The first game of the Junior Girls championship play-off was played at Thornhjll School with Richvale Junior Boys have won the right to represent the North by beating Charles Howltt in their own back-yard and are waiting for the South to declare a winner. _ ................... 5. Richvale Senior Girls with a tremendous reversal of form won two games in a row to become leader in the North. Langstaff still has a good chance but Rich- vale seems to be in the driver’s seat. On the strength of two close wins over Powell Rd, Thornhill Is leading the South but an interest- ing possibility has developed. Henderson Ave. seems to he get- ting stronger. Thornhlll fought a terrific battle before settling for a tie with Henderson. The winner of the North Sec- tion in the Senior Boys League is almOSt certain to be Charles How- itt. They took their third straight game by beating Richvale in a convincing manner. This game was marred by an unfortunate ac- cident to John White when he broke his wrist as he fell, collid- ing with an out-fielder. Langstaff can still upset the apple cart. with a win, when they meet each other. In the South the situation is in- deed tense as Powell Rd. tied Thornhill in the standing when they beat them. A tie is almost a certainty in the final standing. ï¬x-l._,_‘_ n (has. Howitt Sr. Boys Show Promise Of Winning Series Commerce and Lions. the village is represented in Bantam and Juv- enile series. Oak Ridges team is supported by the Oak Ridges Lions Club whil Lake Wilcox Atheltic Association backs the Lake Wilcox team. This year the League features a ï¬ve team Bantam series with teams from Newmarket. Mt. Al- bert. Aurora. Oak Ridges. Rich. mond Hill; a six team Juvenile ser- ies with Stouï¬ville, Newmarket, Aurora, Wilcox Lake. Richmond Hill and Bolton entered. The Mid- The Richmond Hill games in the North York League Schedule be- gan this week in the Richmond Hill Park. Sponsored through the ef- f_orts of the Rotary. Chamber of Bantam & Juvenile Entries Home GameslnNorthYork Baseball League Started TWO SHOWROOMS TO SERVE YOU NO. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN ST. I‘HORN HILL PHONE AV. 5-1123 PHONE AV. 5-1893 ‘ BA. 1-3475 Keep Your Food Fresh This Summer Everybovdy’s going to Answell’s nverynoray’s going to Answell’s Thorn hill store on May 29 to share in the big prizes that are going to be given away. Just look at this list! SEE IT TODAY...I|Ie NEW FRIDAY, MAY 29th, IS PRIZE NIGHT AT “The Department Store of the Building Trades†Our Thornhill Showroom is open Thursday and Friday till 9 pm. REFRIGERATOR See the new 1953 Gen- eral Electric Refrig- erators at Answell §__ENERAL ELECTRIC FOR SEWER CONNECTION Richmond HUI and District High School Board‘wfll receive tenders for connecting the sewers of the High School at Richmond Hill. For particulars apply Mr. Harry Stanford, caretaker at the school c2w47 Richvale taking the initial win. The game moves over to Richvale for the second game and back to Thornhill if necessary. Senior Boys Won Lost Charles Howitt 3 Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . 3_ Powell Rd. . . . . . . . . .. 2 Langstaff . . . 2 ‘Henderson 0 Richvale 0 Senior Girls Acctâ€"HMO E :1 l" a Thornhill 2 0 Richvale 2v 1 Langstatf l 1 ‘Charles Howitt 1 2 Powell Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . l 2 Henderson Ave. . . . . . . . . 0 1 Junior Boys Won Lost Richvale . . . 2 0 Powell Rd. 1 0 Thornhill 0 1 Charles Howitt . . . . . . . . 0 2 Junior Girls Won Lost (Final Standing) Richvale ............ 2 0 Thornhill 2 0 Charles Howitt 0 2 1 Powell Rd. . 0 2 ‘ play-om Junilb'r' 'dfr'li" Richvale 1 o Thornhill ..... . o I The North York League was or- ‘iginally organized by Grant Nighs- swander, of Markham, and sports director at Richmond Hill Public School and he has continued to give much support to the league activities. Of the charter members of the league, Richmond Hill. New- market and Aurora are still assoc- iated while Markham has switched over to Softball. Watch for the schedule and ac- counts of games in further issues The Richmond Hill games will be played as follows: Bantams, ev- ery Wednesday evening and Juv- eniles, every Friday. get group is made up of teams from Aurora. Newmarket and Sut- ton. Cold Refrigerator is here! It’s the lust word in refrigerator: . . . the new word in refrigeration. Here's I marvellous new way to guard the taste- ternpting untural flavour ofallyour foods . . . here's a refrigerator with an matic defrostinx.’ Yes, the wonderful Roto- TENDERS WANTED ............ 2 .......... 2 witt........ o . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 unlor Girls ............ 0 witt volt-Idol... orâ€"uâ€"nâ€"‘NNQ oonwwu 2 ........... 1 ........... 0 Gm ,0 How do you win one of these beautiful prizes? It’s easy â€" here’s all you do â€" go to either Answell Show- room and make a purchase of any value of any of the ï¬ne products there, and you will receive, absolutely free, a ticket in the Answell Prize Draw, making you eligible for the wonderful prizes listed above. Make lots of purchases â€"- the more entries you have the ' more chance you have to win. and TEN (10) beautiful 17†strings of graduated simulated Pearls. Bonus Prize â€"â€" an attractive G. E. Toas- ter First Prize â€"- a beautiful 9.5 cu. ft. G.E. Refrigerator. A $479.00 value!! Second Prize â€" the new G.E. Electric 1 Kettle, a real treasure. W M W Wmmmmmm‘vkm'mvmvmevm‘m Thornhill. Ont. See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Remember Friday, May 29, is Prize Night at Answell Lim- ited. Prizes drawn at 8.30 Our tumb when 4 Aknzckwiizuiï¬â€˜ss Grahful Yonge Street A: Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele's Corner!) What’ll you do now that your plumbing has decided to revolt? Are you going to stand there†and do nothing, or are you going to let Jimmy ï¬ght your 'battles for you? Just call us and ev- erything will be peaceful once more. ' Hurry! Hurry! AVenue 5-1143