Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1953, p. 10

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YONGE STREET ELGIN MILLS TELEPHONE TU. 4-2191 PADGET’S AUTO SERVICE Here’s distinction on wheels. Here’s the thrill of top-down freedom. Here‘s the Mess of the most fashionable new idea in modern motoringâ€"the Coupe de Ville top. Here’s top-up snugness (with surprising all-round visibility) that keeps weather out and air-conditioned warmth in. Here, in a phrase, is a new dimension in modem motoringâ€"a complete, all- Andrews & Gray RICHMOND HILL Gormley, Ont. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 28, 1953 COMBINING THE ADVANTAGES OE HARD TOP AND CONVERTIBLE NEW WORK REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GORMLEY BLOCK CO. No nod to use 'cosfiy, time-consuming building materials when puaan gatzourhame armed quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS --Ioa, you'l find its lower maintenance "turns substantial sov- hgc awash the yeavs. STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! 206 Plumbing the smartest new weather car of I953 Heating . CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE MEETS ALL II. S.'|'. M. SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED Phone TUrner 4-1879 Phone Stouifville 381W1 (Half Mile North Of Richmond Hill On Highway N0. 11) (and the most economical) A-40 All-WEATHER CONVERTIBLE weather canvertible at dfirst cost and operating cost far below anything else on the market. But don’t let its low first cost and its low operating costs keep you from ex- pecting outstanding performance. This smart new convertible Will sur- prise you all waysâ€"particularly when you see that the low delivered price includes genuine leather upholsteryâ€" Formerly manager of the Ernest Ridout Real Estate office in the Hill, Mr. Oakley has many years of experience in this field and we wish him every success. Birthday Greetings WMahy' happy réturns of the day to Carol Threlfall who will be 11 years old on fl‘uqsday, Jung: l The Palm Room of the popular Summit View Restaurant was the “centre” chosen by a couple from Willowdale who were married last Saturday. The bride’s parents came 200 miles from the East, while the groom’s people travelled 200 miles from the West to meet at a charming reception in the Summit. v .The annual banquet of the Pub- lic School Teachers Federation of North York was held last Thurs- day at the Summit View, with 50 teachers present. waiiéiiifio‘nd Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce met at the Summit View on Tuesday of last week. 7 The Mothers‘ Auxiliary of the Richmond Hill Scouts gathered at the Summit last Thursday. Orange Home Parties Mrs. Hazel Revoy, Worthy Mis- tress Unity No. 80 L.O.B.A. Lodge, Toronto ,and a bus-load of lodge members were guests at a party The large picture windows are decorated very strikingly to com- memorate the forth-coming Cor- onation, while the interior is smartly decorated in blue and chrome. Mrs. Safruk will be looking after this “side” of the business While her husband carries on as usual with the garage work. Congratulations are also in or- der for T. D. (Tim) Oakley of Jef- ferson. who has just opened his own office, the Thomas Oakley Real Estate, in Richmond Hill. Billy Copeland also celebrates his 11th birthday on June 2 and we hope he has a pleasant time. Birthday wishes also to Wayne Miekle. Wayne's 11th birthday is next Wednesday. June 3. Summit View News New Ventures Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Safruk who have just opened a very modern and up-todate Snack Bar in conjunction with their pop- ular Elgin Mills garage. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS E X P E R T Weed Spraying Done PHONE BALDWIN 1-4614 for SPEEDY SERVICE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone TUrner 4-2334 No job too large â€" no job too small Reasonable Rates ON FIELDS 0N LAWNS moulded foam rubber cushioningâ€"high capacity air-conditioning heaterâ€" modern 12-VOlt electrical systemâ€"and constant speed-electric windshield wipers. A Complete Car No Extras to buy ‘Plus local and provincial taxes in some m Four boys were invested as Ten- derfoot Scouts at Monday night’s regular meeting of the lst Jeffer- son Scout Troop. They are John Passmore, Tommy Bartlett, Alex Love and Frank Pridham. The Cubs and Scouts will put on a demonstration at the school on Tuesday, June 2, Coronation Day, at 7.30 pm. Everyone is in- vited to attend. David Kerwin is the newly-ap- pointed Acting Troop Leader and John Passmore was elected as Patrol Leader for the Beaver Pat- rol. Due to the excellent showing the Cubs made at the recent Cub rally, the Scouts are hoping they also will meet in full uniform, soon. School News The pupils of Jefferson Public School had the pleasure of receiv- ing their Coronation medals last week. At the close of the afternoon the children had a picnic supper and later the older guests and the staff dined in the spacious dining- hall. lst Jefferson Cubs and Scouts ‘ The weather was just right. Goâ€" ing into Passmore's bush at 10 a. m. they split into two sections for manouevres and learned something of camp life. They cooked dinner over a camp fire and after tea re- turned home in the early evening, tired but happy. Passing through the lobby. which was beautifully decorated with large bouquets of multi-col- oured tulips and lilacs. the adult guests toured the Home from top to bottom. The lawns about the Home were the gathering place for the child- ren who played baseball or took advantage of the swings and out- door equipment which were just rected last week for summer sport. The lst Jefferson Cub Pack had its first allâ€"day hike last Saturday. for the children of the L.T.B. & Orange Home last Friday evening. Mr. David H. Church, a member of the Orange Home Board and a Past Master of the Orillia Lodge brought a bus load of Orillia lodge members and 14 children who are members of the Juvenile Lodge, Orillia, to the Home last Saturday afternoon. 32,195 DELIVEIIB Donny Anderson and Terry Hemming of Richvale “B” Pack received their Sixer Stripes Mon- day evening, and Ronald Tyte and Raymond Winterfield received their Second's Stripes. Badges which were presented were to Donny Anderson: First Aider and the House Orderly Badges, and to Terry Hemming theHouseOrderly Badge. As a reward for those boys who attended the Cub Rally in Thorn- hill a trip to Niagara Falls has been planned for Saturday, May 30. Mr .and Mrs. Norman McDer- mott entertained on Friday even- ing when members of their fam- ilies gathered for the regular get- together they hold each month. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith from the Queensway, Mr. and Mrs. Robert David of Highland Creek and Mr. and Mrs. P. David. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Forster all of Toronto. were those present, and the enjoyment of the evening was enhanced by the fact that it was Mr. McDer- mott’s birthday. Mrs. Allan B. Helene from Long Island, New York. is the guest of Mr. {and Mrs. Harold Ince, and is entering her Bulldog, Thel- wall Wendy, in various dog shows trying for the Canadian Champion- ship. Miss Mary Keating, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keating, Spruce Ave., was feted at the home of Miss Linda Facer, Edgar Avenue, on Wednesday evening of last week when 15 young people gath- ered to honour her, on her ap- proaching marriage. with a mis- cellaneous shower. A large basket, tastefully decorated in pink, blue and white, with flowers and bows, was filled with many lovely gifts. A most enjoyable evening ensued. Scout and Cub News g!muuumulm“unmlmmmlmummmulmmnmummnmmmmum ‘ V r At Monday’s meeting the Charles Howitt Home and School elected its new officers as follows: Presi- dent, H. Gottschalk; vice presidents J. Coghill, Norman Alexander Jr.; recording secretary, Mrs. B. Facer; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. Coghill; treasurer, Norman Win- terfield; executive members, Mrs. S. G. Lunau, Mrs. F. Radner, Mrs. C. Robson, V. Hotchkins, K. Bradshaw. Mrs. L. Morris vice- president of York-Simcoe Home and School Council installed the ofiicers. This was followed by a sing~§ong and social evening. David Smith, 5011 of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, Oak Ave., is convalescing at‘his home here fol- lowing an appendectomy last Tues- day week, and we wish him a spee- dy recovery. At the last meeting of the sea- son for the Local Association of Guides and Brownies, which was held at the home of Mrs. R. F. Paul on May 13, gifts were present- ed to the leaders in recognition of their work among the girls. The gifts were presented by Mrs. Lou Wainwright to District Commiss- ioner Mrs. R. F. Paul. Captain Mrs. H. Gottschalk, Lieutenant Mrs. Kenneth Bradshaw, Brown Owl Mrs. Fred Bigley, Acting Tawny Owl Mrs. John Sim, and Acting Tawny Owl Mrs. Ted Ein- boden. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harold Taylor and Mrs. John McCutcheon. Mr. and Mrs. E Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd King and several other friends enjoyed a fishing trip to Matachewan, some distance north of North Bay, last week-end. The members of the Lake Wilcox Bowling League are organizing a roller skating party at the Mutual Arena for Friday night. Oak Ridges School Tentative plans for the addition to Oak Ridges School have been submitted by a firm of Toronto Architects and have been sent on to the Municipal Board for their Donald Clyde. a pupil at Lake Wilcox School, broke his leg on the playground last Thursday. Taken to the doctor by the principal, Mr. E. Hall, the leg was set and he was returned to his home. Mrs. E. Creor of Oak Ridges is a patient in York County Hospital. She underwent an operation last week, but was feeling quite cheer- ful when we saw her during open house on Friday. A. B. E. N. Brian Macintosh is on ten days leave and is visiting his parents. Mr. and -Mrs. Ron Macintosh. He is attached to H. M.S. Wallaceburg and sails on her for Bermuda after his leave. He was a guest with his parents at the wedding on Saturday of Miss Dor- een Houting to Mr. Norman Lamb. Mrs. Ethel Templeton. Mrs. K. Weston and Mrs. L. Peters are planning a trip to Buffalo next week-end. Socials OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS: (STAN RULE - PROPRIETOR) FANCY MIRRORS - MIRRORS RE-SILVEREO TABLE TOPS . ANYTHING IN GLASS Oak Ridges Glass 3: Mirror Co. OAK RIDGES GLASS & MIRROR C0. For your added convenience we are opening a depart- ment to handle the finest grades of Wallpaper, including the famous Sunworthy line. Come in and browse around and make your selection in comfort from our Wide range. Telephone TU. 4-2269 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. J. J. TAYLOR 0N NO. 11 HIGHWAY NEAR OAK RIDGES CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE TUmer 4-1261 RICHVALE Telephone King 58R13 Public School ,,___, _. The lowest 51- any ténave‘rlnot necessarily accepted. be §Jbrpitteaj iayil‘lâ€"ng: Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the installation of a Hot Water Heating System for the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Further in- formation may be obtained at the 'Village Clerk’§ Office. Tenders to The next meeting will be Ladies night. A banquet and dance at the Forest Hill Golf Club has been ar- ranged. Tom Hulme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hulme of Oak Ridges, left last week on a trip to the West coast. There will be a tree planting ceremony at the Lions Park on the King sideroad at Yonge Street, on Coronation Day at 10 a.m., and a parade and drumhead service in the evening at the school with a bonfire at 9.30 pm. The Scouts and Guides. Cubs and Brownies and their leaders are the sponsors of the evening program. The Lions Club and the baseball teams are grateful to Mr. Delbert Baker of Gormley for the sand he donated for the ball field. The Oak Ridges Lions Club has arranged through the co-operation of the National Sanitarium Assoc- iation. an X-ray Clinic to be held in Oak Ridges July 20, 1953. A chest x-ray may be obtained for every member of all the families, free of charge right in y ur own district. Remember the te and plan to take advantage of this op- portunity July 20. More details ab- out time and place later. Collection Oak Ridges Scout Troop and Cub Pack sent a large representa- tion to the rally held at Unionville Sunday. May 24. On Coronation Day, June 2. a drumhead service will be held in the schoolgrounds at 8 pm. with the Rev. Michell of St. John’s Anglican Church as the speaker. At 9.30 pm. a large bon- fire will be lit, linking Oak Ridges with the rest of Canada. in the beacon fires in honor of the Coron- ation of our beloved Queen Eliza- beth. Guides and Scouts are tak- ing part in the Coronation cere- monies throughout the Empire in recognition of the fact that the Queen and Princess Margaret are members of the organization. Oak Ridges Lions Club To date the Lions Club has col- lected $138.00 for the Salvation Army. Give your donation to any Lion if you have not already con- tributed. Captain Hawman at the Oak Ridges Post Ofiice is the pres- ident. Ceremony approval. The board hopes that plans may be finalized in the near future so that work can be pro- ceeded with at once. Scouts and Cubs Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon May 30 - June 1, Sat, Mon. PAULA Loretta Young Kent Smith JUNE 2, 8, Tuea.. Wed. CAPTAIN nomuo HORN- BLOWER (Technicolor) Virginia Mayo Gregory Peck R. Lynett, Clerk Village of Richmond Hill May 28, 29, Thurs., Fri. TEA FOR TWO (Technicolor) TENDERS Doris Day Gordon McRae News News News in““ummuummmmmuumum1mmn111mmImumlmmmum“nummmnullIummummummumumunnmm1mmm\\\umulllumufi ‘l m \â€" uummmmummunummmulummnuuuI1\u1mmmmumumunmmun“lmun1muulnmum“ummllmummmnmumnmmmmmumm! Choice of 3 Models, 2-21/2-‘3 H.P. Attachments Fit All Models Dollar for Dollar here is the outstanding Garden Tractor value of them all. Here is a Tractor that is built to basic fundamentals, from wheels to handles, it’s packed with the features that cause users to say, “My Springfield is a real working Tractor.” It is rugged, versa- tile and easy to operate. H. » W. MORTSON Richmond Hill You are invited to niake a point by point comparison. See for yourself Why 3. Springfield is the best buy of an. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1552 Open Tuesday, Friday & Saturday evenings (Most stores charge for this service) (2) Antenna installation at our cost. (Most stores profit on antenna) (3) Immediate service: provided call comes in before 4.30 p.1’n. (4) Special rates on service to our cus- tomers after warranty period. The following down and monthly pay- ments include the complete 30’ antenna installation which carries the 12 month warranty. Down Monthly 17” Admiral (249.95) 30.00 13.50 17” Hallicrafter (319.95) 37.00 16.75 17” Gen. Elect. (339.95) 39.00 17.50 21” Hallicrafter (409.95) 46.00 20.50 21” Gen. Elect. (569.95) . 62.00 26.50 20” RCA Victor (469.50) 52.00 22.75 17” Electrohome (399.50) 45.00 20.00 21” Philco, table, (489.95) 54.00 23.75 There is still time to buy a TV Set before coronation You Can SAVE MONEY YEREX ELECTRIC WHY â€"â€" FOR THESE REASONS: (1) Three months free service. JUNE 5 from 9 am. To 3.30 p.m. Parents having children to start in September are re- quested to bring them to the school on that date. Children starting must be six years old by December 31, 1953. Please bring proof of age. SPRINGFIELD GARDEN TRACTURS YEREX ELECTRIC REGISTRATION DAY AT OAK RIDGES PUBLIC SCHOOL and be much happier afterwards by buying your TV set at REGISTRATION OAK RIDGES will be 30.00 37.00 39.00 46.00 62.00 52.00 45.00 54.00 13.50 16.75 17.50 20.50 26.50 22.75 20.00 23.75 TU. 4-1722

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