B THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 28, 1953 SINCE 1880 Stop 23 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Here’s the washing action that gets the ‘deep-down' dirt no ordinary washing action can touch] Yet it’s gentle on nylons, rayons, woolens. Clothes are in water a" the time u . . not half-in, half-out. And the new freï¬h-woter, Float-over Rinse gets out every trace of soap and soil, floating it up, away and outl See a demonstrationl PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. 94 Benson Ave. Only the Frigidaire New Filtra-matic Automatic Washer Clothes Dryer leaves has Live-Water no sticky lint, heat ‘ Action! or humidity! Now is the time to have your oil burner put in top condition for next winter -â€" also Warm air furnaces with oil burner $385.00 (Terms) Oil burner parts, tanks, etc. $419.75 329.75 Come In Now! Ask about the FRIGIDAIRE “LEISURE LAUNDRY†Plan yours on the lowest terms ever! OPEN A ‘ SAVINGS 3‘ ACCOUNT AT DON GIFFEN HEATING >FR6I Poles/WWI BOWDEN LUMBER COMPANY Plant the seeds for yourfuture and growing This new and diï¬erent automatic dryer takes the water out of the clothes â€" keeps it out of the air. And does it without costly plumb- ing ï¬xtures or venting! No more sticky lint on the walls. No more steamy moisture in the air or on windows.AndthelifetimePOrcelain ï¬nish on cabinet and drum will keep it beautiful for life] an Phone TU. 4-1542 TU. 4-1541 40-3 A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES Mrs. Martindale judged the De- corative Section and Mr. L. Riley the Specimen Section. There was a total of 133 entries including the Junior exhibits. After the show several members left their flowers to be distributed among the pat- ients of a few of the local Nursing Homes. Following are the results: 1. 3 Tulips, single, one color. Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. N. Findlay. 2. 3 Tulips, mixed. Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. G. Crutcher. Mrs. G. Campbell. 3. 6 Tulips, single, one color, Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. G. Crutcher. 4. 6 Tulips, single, mixed, Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs. James. Mrs. G. Crutcher. 5. 1 Specimen Tulip. double, Mrs. Heslop, Mr. Burke, Mrs. W. H. Thompson. 6. 3 Cot- tage Tulips, Mrs. Heslop. 7. 3 Lily Flowered Tulips, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Heslop, Mrs. Crutcher. 8. 1 Parrot Tulip. Mrs. W. H. Thomp- son. Mr. Burke, Mrs. M. Harris. 9. 3 Parrot Tulips, Mrs. Gribble, Mrs. Jamieson, Mr. Burke. 10. One spray of a Spring Flow- ering Shrub, Miss C. Shaw, Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs. Crutcher. Section 2 â€"â€" Decorative The Thornhill and District Hor- ticultural Society held its Annual Tulip Show Tuesday, May 19. Mr. Ernie Kohler explained the plant- ing and care of the Buddleia Bush which was given as the 1953 Op- tion, Mr. Kohler answered many questions on gardening _ u 1. Basket of Spring Flowers: Mrs .Crutcher, Mrs. Heslop, Mrs. W. H. Thompson. 2. Collection of Pansies: Mrs. P. Bone, Mrs. W. H. Thompson, Mrs. P. Horton. 3. Vase of Spring Flowers: Mrs. Crut- cher, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. G. Camp- bell. 4. Miniature Arrangement, Mrs. P. Horton, Mrs. P. Bone. Mrs. Johns. 5. Modernistic Arrange- ment of tulips, Mrs. Dolan, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Gribble. 6. Coffee R. Hill School Children Stage Historical Pageant Colourful costumes added much to make the setting a truly histor- ic one as did the French spoken by small Freddy Couturier as Jacques Cartier. John Cabot... .John Ben- son: Henry Hudson. . . .Leonard McLean; Champlain. . . .Paul Du- bois; Madame Champlain. . . .Mary Resentera; Jeanne Mance. . . .Ann The historical pageant. “Early Builders of Canada" presented by the children of Richmond Hill Separate School was much enjoy- ed by parents and friends. This event to honor Her Majesty’s Cor- onation took place on the school lawn Friday afternoon May 22. The Flag Drill by the younger children made an appropriate number to follow the raising of the flag on the new pole which had been recently erected by the School Board. The Square dances, "First Tow Ladies Cross Over and Darling Nellie Grey" caused a few in the audience to wish they might “Grand right and left.†Thomhill Horticultural Society Holds Its Annual Tulip Show Fast, complete installation 6425 Yonge BA. 1-5218 AV. 5-1267 FEAT MOSS Completely decayed to ï¬ne mellow texture. Ideal for lawn dressing and flower beds. 75c per bushel â€" please bring containers. OTTO PICK No- 11 Highway South of Orange Home TU. 4-1602 , Over 100,000 Canadian Homes Use Conroy Toridheet Oil Burners Professional Engineer Survey Just north of Steeles INGINEERIHG COMDANY Table Arrangement of Lily of the valley, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Dolan, Mrs. G. Campbell. 7. Table Cen- tre of Lily of the Valley. Mrs. Heslop. 8. A lady’s corsage, Mrs. Skippon, Mrs. L. Pherrill, Mrs. Gribble. Section 3 (New Members) 1. Mrs. M. Harris, Miss Wakeley. 2. An arrangement of Spring Flowers, Mrs. James. Section Four (Juniors) Vase of Spring Flowers. Alvin Thompson, Allan Findlay. Gordon Crutcher. 2. 1 Tulip. Ernest Grib- ble, Pat Atkinson, Alvin Thomp- son. 3. 1 Narcissus, Allan Find- lay, Garry Skippon,’ Alvin Thomp- son. HERBERT S. SNIDER Mr. Herbert S. Snider of Hall St., Richmond Hill, passed away in hospital on Wednesday. May 20, after a seizure suffered at his home. Until the time of his passing, Mr. Snider enjoyed good health. Specimen Entry (other than Dec- orative), Mrs. Gribble. Outstand- ing Entry in the Show, Mrs. Hor- ton. A Verse Choir supplied back- ground for some of the speakers. The poem “Raise the Flag was re- cited by Margaret Lenhardt. Pat- riotic choral numbers were sung by the student body, 0 Canada, Land of Hope and Glory, They All Call Her Canada but I Call Her Home. The precision and co-operative spirit of the children showed that they were happy to be Her Maj- esty’s loyal subjects beneath the British Flag. . . . .Joan Leonard; Dollard. . . .Joâ€" seph Primok: Bishop Laval. . . .Al- fred Stong; Talon. . . .Gerald Roy; John Brebeuf. . . .Clare Van Wier- ingen: Frontenac....Brian Maur- ice; Madeleine Vercheres. . . .Ei- leen Sanko: Katherine Tekakwltha . . . .Constance Reardon; Wolfe and Montcalm. . . .Teddy Sheehan and Teddy Ward. Narrat6rs: Jessie Henderson, Patricia Bichard, Catherine Resen- tera. James Cowling. Mr. Snider was raised at Mea- ford and spent his life with the railway. He was the station agent at Markham for 40 years until his retirement several years ago. Af- ter retiring, he and Mrs. Snider resided in Markham and three years ago moved to Richmond Hill. Both Mr. and Mrs. Snider were members of Richmond Hill United Church and Mr. Snider was a Past Grand of the Oddfellows Lodge in Markham. 'On behalf of this community wé express sympathy to the bereaved family. “Where prlces meet purses" â€" in the classiï¬ed ad. section. Tele- phone yours to TUrner 4-1261. I @hituary Since coming to Richmond Hill, Mr. Snider has spent much of his time enjoying one of his main hob- bies, gardening._ _‘ _ Surviving in addition to his wife, the former Mary Davidson, is a daughter Jean, at home, and son Lynn of Ottawa. Fox; Masonneuve .... R o n a I d Houlihan; Marguerite__Bqurgeqys The funeral 'service was held on Friday afternoon at 2.30 at Wright and Taylor Funeral Chapel. The Reverend C. G. Higginson and Rev. J. O. Totton conducted the service and interment was in Richmond Hill Cemetery. There were many beautiful flor- al tributes which were in keeping with Mr. Snider’s great love of flowers. The pallbearers were A. J. Woods and Mr. Meyers, Markham, L. H. Clement,'Elmo'Snlder, S. W. Piph- er and Mr. Davidson, Mount Al- bert. FOR SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION Tenders will be received by the Markham and Vaughan School Board for construction of additions to two school buildings in Thorn- hill and Langstaï¬, Ont. Drawings and speciï¬cations by Barnett & Rieder, Architects, will be available at the Architect’s Of- ï¬ce, Toronto, and the Toronto Builders‘ Exchange, on and after Friday, May 29, 1953, for Thorn- hill School addition and June 5. for Langstaï¬ School addition. Closing date for all tenders shall be postmarked by registered mail not later than 5:00 pm. June 22, 1953 and addressed to: T.S.A. No. 1 Markham & Vaughan c/o Barnett & Reider, Architects, 644 Bayview Avenue, Toronto. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. $25.00 Deposit Cheque required for drawings and speciï¬cations. T.S.A. No. 1 MARKHAM & VAUGHAN TENDERS The York County Hospital at Newmarket held an open house on Friday May 22. Some 200 resi- dents of Newmarket and the sur- rounding districts served by the hospital enjoyed a conducted tour through the building. Miss Thomas superintendant and Mrs. W. O. Noble president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Hospital received the guests in the reception hall and members of the Auxiliary and nursing staff conducted small groups through the wards, operat- ing and Xâ€"Ray rooms and all othe" departments. The nursery proved an interesting spot, where mm the glass partitions one could see a beautiful pair of twins born the day before and weighing over seven pounds each. At the far end of the nursery. sound asleep in an incubator was a wee four- pounder, clothed only in a diaper, because the incubator is kept at a temperature of 80 degrees. He has just as good a chance to grow into a healthy citizen as his strong- er neighbours. 825 babies were cared for in 1952. Eleven pairs of twins were born. Statistics To OfficiallyOpenVandorf Park On Coronation Day All Whitchurch Township roads lead to Vandorf on Coronation Day June 2. The Community Cent- re Board, The Women’s Institutes and the Township School Boards are co-operating to put on a pro- gram worthy of the two events being celebrated on that day. The Coronation of our beloved Queen and the opening of the little park at Vandorf. a project which has been brought to completion by the Community Centre Board. The creek bed has been straightened and a pond and cement dam built. A program of tree planting in which the school children will par- ticipate has been planned for ten o'clock to be followed by races etc. A field day has been held at each school in the township and winners of the various events will compete against each other for the trophies donated by Mr. A. Fat- chell, chairman of the Lake Wil- cox School Board. The township schools have taken part in an essay contest the subject “What Canada Means to Me.†The win- ManyAttend Open House At York County Hospital fllï¬ummmm“mm“mmmun“ummmmumnlnl\mum““11mmnuuummmmuu11qu111u11unmml1mm1m\uI“1mm111ququuuummmlmmuunuumuu“mu xl1\u\\lmulu“ulummlnnmnmuuumnmu“lummnu\\1mumnnunuuu\lmu1m\mummuumunmmmummang a ï¬mummmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmImmmmmmmmlm11mmnmnmmmmnmmmunmmimunuunummmmumnn“mmnuummnmmmmummnmmmmmmmmmmlmlumnmuummuumumunmauumnmnumumï¬ k 1951 Ford Sedan, heater, good tires, mar- oon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1495.00 1951 Chevrolet Coach, light green ï¬nish, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . $1495.00 BUY ONE OF THESE BILL BALL MOTORS LIMITED? 5642 Yonge Street, at Step 10 SPRING SALE OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS ALL CARS OVER $500 CARRY OUR 50-50 30 DAY GUARANTEE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 PM Your Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Trucks Sales and Service O.K. USED CAR SPECIALS BILL BAH. MOTORS LIMITED ning essay in each school is being judged and the township winner will be announced during the school program at the park on June 2nd. A trophy in memory of the late Public School Inspector Mr. O. McKillop will be awarded to the winner. There will be a refreshment booth in charge of the Women's Institutes. A fish pond and other attractions. At three o'clock the park will be officially opened. Col. Lash- ley will represent the Department of Agriculture; former reeve L. P. Evans will be master of ceremon- ies. Reeve Ivan McLaughlin and members of Whitchurch Council will be present. Mr. Earl Toole former Warden of York County and former reeve of Whitchurch will raise the flag and formally open the park. A concert and dance in the evening will conclude a fitting celebration of a memorable day in the life of Whitchurch Town- ship Total admissions to York Coun- ty Hospital last year were 3,555. 1,574 operations were performed, 334 accident cases were admitted, 145 blood transfusions were given. The hospital now has its own blood bank, 366 casts were applied in the fracture room. 4,598 X-Rays were taken. Each month last year 7,715 meals were served. A very active Women's Auxil- iary with members from all parts of York County and supported by Women's Institutes, Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Red Cross Organizations and many others who realize the great need for services the hospital rend- ers are constantly at work supply- ing equipment and comforts to make the work of the hospital even more effective. Mrs. Howard Cane and Mrs. Dr. Edwards received in the nurses residence where tea was served with Mrs. A. Mackay of Newmark- et and Mrs. Dr. Carruthers of Mount Albert pouring. Mrs. Frank Courtney and her commit. tee were in charge and assisted in the tea room. 1951 Chev. half ton panel . . . . . . $1195.00 1949 English Ford, half ton panel $495.00 1948 Chevrolet, half ton pick-up $795.00 1947 International half ton pickup $750.00 1947 Hudson, % ton pick-up . . .. $550.00 1940 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery $425.00 1950 Plymouth Sedan, custom radio, love- ly blue ï¬nish, fully reconditioned . .- $1395.00 1949 Dodge Sedan, jet black ï¬nish 1395.00 1949 Studebaker Champion DeLuxe Se- dan, small mileage,"perfect condition throughout, lovely green ï¬nish $1295.00 1948 Chev. Sedan, clean car, lovely mar- oon ï¬nish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1095.00 1947 Chev. Coach . . . . . . . . . . . $950.00 1946 Chev. Sedan ......... . $875.00 1946 Ford Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750.00 1939 Plymouth Sedan . . . . . . . . $325.00 1938 Chev. Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350.00 1938 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . $175.00 00n ï¬nish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1947 Chev. Coach . . . . . . . . . . . 1946 Chev. Sedan ......... . 1946 Ford Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1939 Plymouth Sedan . . . . . . . . 1938 Chev. Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1938 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . GUARANTEED APPLIANCE REPAIRS FAST SERVICE ON Motors, Washing Machines, Radios, Toasters, Electric Kettles, Mix-Masters and all other appliances Richmond Hill AV. 5-1333 Apply SUMMIT VIEW DRIVE-IN TU. 4-1370 Help Wanted TELEVISION BLACKBURN'S Waitress â€" permanent position. H. LeCUYEB (Over 20 years Sales & Service) THORNHILL COMPLETE INSTALLATION TRUCKS Terms if Desired 21 Tube Circuit ‘ Year guarantee picture tube Walnut Cabinet Transformer Chassis Cascade Tuner TUrner 4-1121†BA. 1-3441 Full TV Chassis Phone TUrner 4-1381 $345.00 SINCE 18 8 O BA. 1-5971