.‘. Mrs. Frank Barnett has just re- turned from the Annual Interna- tional Convention of the ladies of the Oriental Shrine of North Am- erica which was held in Washing- ton. DC. Mrs. A. Eisenhower. wife of the President, received the ladies at a tea held in the White Home on Tuesday. May 19. Mrs. Eisenhower was assisted by Grand High Priestess Lady Lottie Cress- on; Bokhara Court Patrol of Tor- onto brought back honours to Can- ada in the Precision Drill from 53 American patrols. Mrs. Claire Reil- ‘was Captain and Mrs. Frank arnett was Lieutenant of the winning team. 1 President Archie Murray has anâ€" nounced that the official opening of'the Lawn Bowling season sched- uled for tonight has been postpon- ed due to wet weather until ThurS~ day, June 4. ii-luuummm1lmmmmlmlllll\11\11\\nln\munmuuumnunnnulmmmunlum“nuummummmmmumml1ulmumumumuuum '9‘- ,lllllll“ll\ll“llllllllll“l\l\l\l|ll\“\l\\\\l\1\l\lm“lli\lll1MI“\mllllll““RI“lllmull“l1\llllullulllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllilllllllllllll“!llllllllllllulllill‘ :RICHMOND HILL . . . Miss Bette Beresford R.N.. of the village and Miss Kathleen Lake RN. of Thornhlll were among the recent graduates at the Toronto Genera! Hospital. Both Miss Lake Ind Miss Beresford are graduates of Richmond Hill High School. Dr. W. J. Mason and Mr. T. P. Henry attended the Synod meet- ing of the Diocese of Toronto with the Rev. A. A. Chote this Week as Lay Delegates of St. Mary’s Ang- lican Church. Ned Hill of The Richmond The- atre announced this week that a full length color ï¬lm of the Cor- onation will be shown in Richmond Hill, June 25. 26 and 27. A new 40 foot flag pole and flag donated to Richmond Hill Lions Club will be dedicated with ï¬tting ceremony at the Lions Hall next Thursday, June 4, at 8.30 pm. On Friday evening "Shorty" Bone" left for Calgary where he will spend a month before getting his discharge from the army, when he will return to the village. f Harry D. L. Hill left on Sunday from Dorval. Que.. vla Air-France for Paris. He will go to London later in the week in time for the Coronation. Senator A. L. Woodrow and Mrs. Woodrow. along with Dr. G. E. Eakins and Mrs. Eaklns of Port Arthur were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hill. Mrs. R. D. Little and Mrs. G. H‘. IByg of Vaughan Road will be host- esses at a lawn tea on the after- noon of June 17. Mrs. A. A .Eden is in the Welles- ]ey Hospital and we are pleased to report that she is progressing fa- vorably. Her many friends wish (other a speedy recovery. Miss Mary Dawson spent the weekend in Parkhlll where she saw the devastation caused in that area by the tornado on Thursday night. Mr. Dougal Gray of Parkhill was a visitor this week with Mr. ï¬nd Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt. Mr. and Mrs. Rand Phipps left by plane Saturday for London and the Coronation. ï¬tmarp’s gnglitan «Church day plus good quality Scratch Grain.- You will ï¬nd that you will save Feed and get the best possible growth as well when you feed For Range Feeding the Feed to use is MASTER GROWING PELLETS Fed at the rate of 7 lbs. per 100 birds per day plus good aualitv Scratch Grain. Coronation Sunday Services MAY 31 11 A. M. and 7.00 PM. Organ Recital after Evening Service Mr. D. L. Penney (Electric Organ) ‘ um:in ‘ésgos MASTER GROWING PELLETS For complete Feed Service, phone The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. T‘1is newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations ,women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publi- cation. Coronation Day Service JUNE 2 10.00 A.M. â€" Holy Communion Richmond Hill 7 W. R. DEAN Thornhill, Ont. AVenue 5-1344 We Deliver COSTOFF â€" In loving memory of William T. Costofl’, who passed away May 29, 1952. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him dear. â€"Ever remembéred by a loving wife and family. c1w48 Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Kefl‘er an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Aileen Bernice to Ross Donald Whitelaw. Toronto. The marriage will take place in Zion Lutheran Church, Maple, Ont., on Saturday, June 20, at 3.30 pm. of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pritchett with Mr. R. B. Bickers, Mr. F. Smith and Miss C. Chavlgnaud as Godparents; Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Butler with Mr. and Mrs. W. Tre- harne and Miss Gwen Smith as Godparents. 4 The two children of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Street were baptized namely, Ellen Doreen and Loretta Kathleen with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Andrews acting as the Godparents. Last Sunday afternoon six chil- dren were baptized in St. Mary‘s Anglican Church by the Rev. A. A. Chote. They were Robert Terry son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Moon of Willowdale' with Mr. E. Sambrook; Mr. W. Billings and Miss W. Jacks acting as Godparents: Donald Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Andrews of Richmond Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Street as Godparents; Neil Martin. son Sugar and Spice Club met at the home of Mrs. T. Saul. Elgin Mills, on Thursday evening. M. Fenwlck and M. Blackburn were the two absentees. Winners of the cards were lst: M. Murphy, 2nd: B. Lambert, 3rd: F. Schur- man. Final arrangements for the Buffalo trip were completed and the Pot Luck Picnic arranged. Hostesses of the evening were M. Styan and M. Murphy. Any or all residents of Rich- mond Hill Interested should call Eric Charity at TU. 4-1701 or Ed Butlln at TU. 4-1747. The seventy-third anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone was observed by Richmond Hill United Church last Sunday with large congregations attending serâ€" vices both morning and evening. The guest preacher was Rev. R. W. Langdon of Earlscourt Church. Eric Charity and Ed Butlin are interested in contacting couples who would like to join a town lea- gue to bowl at the new Richmond Hill Alleys next season. Members of Richmond Lodge A. F. & A.M. attended services at St. Mary’s Anglican Church last Sun- day evening. The service was con- ducted by Rev. A. A. Chote and Ruling Master Norman Boore and Master-elect Allan White assisted by reading the lessons. In memoriam «Engagement Electrical Contractor Line Work - Repairs All types of Electrical Work AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Scott. King City, will be at home to their friendsk-on Tuesday, June 2 (Cor- onation‘Day), when they will hold open house from 3 to 5 in the af- ternoon, and from 8 to 10 o'clock, during the evening, on the occas- ion of their 25th wedding anniv- ersary. c1w48 Mrs. H. S. Snider and family wish to express their gratitude to everyone for their many kindness- es. sympathy and flowers received during their sad bereavement. Mrs. J. Lunau of Richmond Hill, Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. R. E Sanderson and Miss Mabel Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Herb. Smith had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs Henry Macdonald of Is- lington. CARD 0!" THANKS Mrs. Farquhar McLeod and Mrs. Ed. Stewart of Latchford, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson and Mr. and Mrs. John Mortson of Richmond Hill had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mort- son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family had Saturday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mortson and family at Newton- brook. We are pleased to see that Mrs. Clarence Steckley is able to be out once again, following her recent illness; also that Mrs. Louis Nich- ols is able to be up following her recent illness. TURNER 4-1651 Birthday greetings to Mrs. Glenn Bolender on May 28 and Bryan Gee on May 31. Rev. A. C. Huston was the guest preacher at Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. Moddle of the Aurora High School took Rev. Huston’s place on this circuit. style, double gusset, White, up to 6 years ea- Girls Shorts & Halter Sets, fancy trim, pockets, elastic in 1 back, up to 6X ea. . SIMPSONmY GOODS Congratulations are extended to Miss June Collard in successfully passing her examinations in her second year in the Physical Health Course and to Mr. George Kelly in successfully passing his exam- inations in the second year Den- tistry. to size 4 White Training Panties, reg. style, double gusset, White, up to 6 years Girls Shorts & Halter Sets, fancy trim, pockets, elastic in back, up to 6X ea. The May meeting of the WA. was held on Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Earl Empringham with 30 ladies pres- ent. Mrs. Percy Bennett read the scripture lesson. Lesson Thoughts and prayer were given by Mrs. R. Meakes and Mrs. L. Beatty. Spec- ial music was given by Misses Helen. Marion and Joan Cayman. The guest speaker was Mrs. Coul- ter of Headford. who gave a very interesting talk on Pakistan. She also showed many souvenirs which she brought from that country. Following the meeting a delight- ful social half? hour was spent. There will'be a special Corona- tion service during the church service on Sunday, May 31, at 2.30 pm. The C.G.IIT. and Explorers had their regular supper meeting in the Sunday School room Monday evening. Personals Please see the "Comingâ€"Events" column re the Hydro singers con- cert at Victoria Square. 7 Misses Nylonized Acetate Tricot Briefs with lace and nylon trim 8 to 14 Infants White ‘Cherub’ Vests double on bottom for pinn- ing, up to 1“: years Better Quality ‘Cherub’ Training Panties, white, up SIMPSDN’S DRY GOODS ROY SIMPSON Phone AVenue 5-2101 Richmond Hill TU. 4-1414 Floor Sander To Rent CORRESPONDENT: Mn. W. Smdle, Victoria Sun-PC VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Telephone Stouflville 67509 c1w48 We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones and family to our commun- ity. They have purchased the house formerly belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon East. Mrs. Harold Acreman represent- ed Headford at the W.M.S. spring rally at Richmond H111 United Church Thursday of last week. Next Sunday is Missionary Sun- day ln the Sunday School. There will be ï¬lm strips and a special collection. We were all delighted to see Anne Curtis in the choir on Sun- day. Birthday greetings for Saturday next to Sharon Rumble and Mr. Norman Brodie. Mrs. Roy Simpson with Marlene, Ronnie and Ricky, visited. her mo- ther, Mrs. Western, in Lindsay, last week. ' Some time during the week-end our school was entered by vandals who forced a window to gain en- trance. They were apparently bent merely on destruction and causing confusion, as only the school ra- dio. a portable one, .is missing. Miss Pat Hardy, teacher. reports books thrown in disorder all over the school, desks moved and gen- eral dissarray. but a sum of mon- ey, belonging to a school fund was not touched. Between 4 and 5 o'- clock, a family with young child- ren was seen picnlcking in the school grounds on Sunday after- noon. The police have been not- iï¬ed. , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wellman, Mrs. Isaac Reaman, Bobby and Jean, visited friends in Dunnville and Caistorville on Friday. May 22. Miss Audrey Simpson with her brother Bob and his wife motored to Ennis more. near Peterboro, last week, to visit their family there. A delightful shower was held on Wednesday of last week for Miss Anne Onazuk, formerly of this neighborhood, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brodie. It was a complete surprise to Anne to meet her old neighbors. Along with many beautiful and useful gifts. the bride-to-be received the sincere good wishes of her friends. Her marriage takes place on Saturday, June 13. The shower was arrang- ed by Cora Brodie and Mrs. Cum- mer Lee. Mr. Chandler is Headmaster of an Anglican School in London, England. With his wife, he ex- pects to spend the summer visit- ing relatives and friends in Can- ada. uty Grand Master. Mrs. Wes. Wellman of Cameron. Ont., her cousin, Mrs. Glynn Chan- dler, and her husband of London. England were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wellman. Also visiting were Miss Vera Palmer of Fenelon Falls. Charles Wellman, Cobourg and Bruce Wellman of Omemee. They visited Niagara Falls on Saturday. The Liberal joins his many friends in congratulating the Rev. E. E. Kent, Minister. Thornhill United Church, on his recent election as Right Worshipful Grand Chaplain of the Provincial Orange Lodge of Ontario West. Rev. Kent was elected at the Lodge’s an- nual session held at London on May 20 and 21. The 400 odd delegates and visitors present elected Mr. G. Keyes as Grand Master for Ontario West while Mr. C. W. Smith of Kitchener was elected Dep- Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jones of Tor- onto visited in the Acreman home over the week-end. Murray Acreman, with Mr. Charlie Porter and Mr. Jimmie Ewart were away on a ï¬shing trip to Bobcaygeon one day last week. The ï¬sh weren’t biting. The Young People have formed a baseball team and played with members of Richmond Hill Young People's team on Wednesday even- ing of last week and were defeated. However, the Young.People’s team from Thornhill were visitors Mon- day evening and Victoria Square was the victor. Y.P.U. Baseball Rev. Kent Elected Chaplain of Orange Lodge 3““890 pr. ests “*590ea. rub’ " “p590 ea. HEADFORD NEWS RICHMOND HILL Mrs. H. Acromnn R. B. 2 Gomley. Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 CORRESPONDENT The Ministers of the United and Baptist Churches will take part and a general invitation is extended to the community. Special praier will be made for the Queen at this time of her ded- ication. There will be a special Service at All Saints Church, King. on the day of the Coronation. Tuesday, June 2, at 10 am. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Oak Ridges (Yonge St. at Jeflerson) At the morning service at 11.15 on Sunday, May 31, being the Sun- day preceding the Coronation, special prayers will be offered for the Queen at this time of her ded- ication: in accordance with the form of Divine Service especially issued for this day by Royal Com- mand. Anglican Meets every Sunday mornlnx in the Hewitt School “I. even I, am He that comtorteth V you.†SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1953 [0 am, -â€" Sunday School and Adult Devotional Service Why not plan to be with us on Sunday mornings? It will help us Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 min “I am the door: by me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and ï¬nd pas- ture." John 10:9 Young Peoples’ meetings will be discontinued after May 29. Minister â€" Rev. Calvin Chambers SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1953 11 mm. â€"- Morning Worship 11.15 am. â€" Sunday School THOBNHILLV UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1953 11 am. â€"â€" Divine Worship Sunday School Nursery Department All welcome. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lordjs Day ievening at 7 pm. SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1953 I am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am, â€" Coronation Service and 123rd Anniversary Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. and you will be blessed.- A LITTLE MISSION WITH A BIG WELCOME Sunday 7 pm. - Evening Worship (Junior Choir) Church Picnic â€" June 13 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH I". C. G. Higginson. B.A.. 3.1).. Minister SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1953 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 10 am. â€" Bible Class 11 am. â€" Service for Coronation W.M.S. at the the of Mxr-gfd.‘ Purvis, Buttonville. Thursday. June 4, at 2.30 pm. B.A.. B.D., of Carberry, Man. Friday, May 29 â€"- Coronation Supper and entertainment for the Congregation. Bring the children. "IN!" ANGLICAN CHUICI lev. S. A. 1!. Wood, B.A.. Item SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1953 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. - Divine Worship conducted by Rev. S. J. Sharkey‘ CORONATION DAY SERVICE 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion Whatever you do for God will last forever! 7 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer 8.15 pm. â€" Organ Recital Mr. D. L. Penney Tuesday, June 2 Rector SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1953 TRINITY SUNDAY "Blessed be the Lord God of Is- rael, which hath given one to sit on my throne this day†CORONATION SUNDAY SERVICES issued by Her Majesty The Queen 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer RICHMOND HILL Rev. A. A."Eji’6ééâ€"§.A., L. 111.. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. BARNABAS MISSION ALL SAINTS CHURCH King Cit! RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Alexander McLean. Interim Moderator ALL KINDS CARPENTER WORK & REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ST. MARY'S CHURCH MILTON .l. HEISE BUILDER & GENERAL CONTRACTOR (Anglican) life" Special music by our ladies 7 pm. â€" Evening Evangelistic Service Sermon: “The Greatest Coronation of all time" Music by our Ladies Quartette Sound Film “The Future Queen†will be shown. Be sure to enjoy these services with us. SUNDAY. MAY 3L 1953 “Services worth travelling miles to attend" 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School One of the largest schools in the area . 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Sermon "How to add years to your ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south 0! Mlple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1953 Sunday School . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm Church Service . . . . . . . . 2.30 pm BRETBREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 31. 1953 Boise Hill (Gonniey) 10 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Oak Ridges Services in Oak Ridge: School House 10.45 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 p.1n. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues... 8 pm. -â€"_Pra_yer Meeting in Homes of the Community Vaughan (3rd con.) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Sex-vie. Concord 10 aim. 7 Sunday School SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1953 2.30 pm. -â€" Worship Service and Sunday School CABRVILLE UNITED CHUICI Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent. 11:. D. Maple Sunday School . . . . . . . Church Service . . . . . . ldgeley Church Service . . . . . . 9.30 am. Sunday School . . . . . . 10.30 am. Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am. Sunday School Anniversary Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. Guest Preacher Rev. Alex Ntmmo Guest Preacher Rev. Alex of Wingham, Ont. One Block Risk of You. On Madawaska Ave.. Stop 133 Putor F. Vaughn: B. TI. THE OPENING of Richvale Community Church SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Services at 9.45 am. -â€" Communion 11 am. â€" Family Worship 3 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Service MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P. J. Lambert. B.A., 3.9.. minister SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1953 Oak Avenue A happy welcome is extended to all to attend sionnry Meeting. F11, 8 pm. Young Peoples Meet’g Rev. J. 0. Totton in charge Are you tired Sunday morning? At Sunday School and Church you will ï¬nd a restful atmosphere. a restful service, and a complete change of thought which ls most restful. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. R. Jones Service. Sundny, 11 mm. - Bible School clause: for all an: 7p.m. â€" Gospel Service. Wed., 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting Thaw, 2 pm. - Women's Mil- 9.45 am. In Spruce St. Public School YouA'are cordially invited to attend THORNHILL BAPTIST CIVIC! Convenflon of Ontario 8 Quebec Rev. Percy C. Buck, B.A., B. n. “The Friendly Church" SUNDAY. MAY 31. 1953 Worship Service & Sunday School 1_l a.m. Rev. Andrew R. Park. Aurora. will conduct the morning service. A cordial welcome extended to all. NEWTONBROOK BAmn ..., 9533?". 1‘7, â€" IICHVALE UNITED CIVIC. SUNDAY SCHOOL in Concord School Home May Christ Be magniï¬ed TURNER 4-1681 Richvale Chapel OAK RIDGES PHON ES: ONTARIO Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24 Hour Service * INSPECTION * m: REPAIRS * NEW nnssé Formerly of Gerrlrd Heinumnn Work Guaranteed, Free Estimate- Phone Liberal Ofl'ico TUrner 4-1261 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Write 0r Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1872 REPRESENTING [THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, May 28, 1953 C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating Export Tire Service ‘ Means Thousands of Extra Miles Williams’ Sunoco Service Station WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-1016 STUART PAXTON Electrician - For Service at it's Best - ., Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Sheet Metal Work Sanitary Contractor Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Systems Yonge St" Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-2133 ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE PIANO TUNING and Repairing SAND and GRAVEl Crushed Stone Loam and Fill J- A- WI LLOUGHBY CHARITY S. Hoï¬man 4-1701 TELEPHONE TURï¬lER-4-1622 HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. King 111 Aurora 46-1 Richmond Hill M" @w EIHEREI N0. 1 WHITE TENDER TASTY New Potatoes Asparagus NO. 1 FANCY CUBAN Pineapples 29c Oxydol, Lux & Ivory Flakes ' :52: 35c SUPERSUDS, RINSO, Self Serve RICHMOND HILI. Whole Ker’l Corn AYLMER Tomato Catchup ya.“- 21c COUNTRY KIST Pineapple Juice MORLEY’S Pork & Beans LIBBY’S CLARK’S DEVON BRAND Tomatoes Shortening Salad Dressing :2,“ 47c 3" °" 79c JEWEL MIRACLE WHIP FOOD SPECIALS 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Pkg. Bunches Tins 14 M. 2001. 20 oz. Tlns 28 oz. Tins lbs. AND SONS 24c 27c 29c 29c 29c 29c 39c FRESH DAILY