YONGE STREET ELGIN MILLS TELEPHONE TU. 4-1191 PAGET’S AUTO SERVICE Andrews 8: Gray RICHMOND l-NLL m LIBERAIL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, June 4, 1953 Gormhy, om. NEW WORK REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GORMLEY BLOCK (0. No need to we basfly, ï¬meï¬ontuming b ‘ Eng materkfls when pecan get ourhome erefled quickly with NCRETE BLOCKS «too, yo find as lower maintenance mm subshnï¬u! sow. “millimhflneynrc. STANDARD SIZE UNITS The PerfOrmance is as Startling as the Savings! You’ll get the surprise of your life when you take a demonstration drive in the newest addition to the AUSTIN line of ï¬nely built carsâ€"the AUSTIN A-3O 4-door sedan. This car goes! This car is vibrantly alive. It will whip through trafï¬c or cruise at highway speeds with a driving ease that’s a never-ending joy. It feels as light as a feather to park, and yet is so smoothly sprung that it stays ï¬rmly on the roughest of roads. It carries four adults in armchair comfort. But the most amazing thing about it is its low price and its near-starvation appetite. Nothing else on Canadian highways comes even close to it in downright, almost unbelievable economv. Ask for a demonstration. Plumbing build your home quickly! Heating . CONCRETE BLOCKS . GIN-DER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE «ms ALL A.S.T.M. s’Pfclncmons MMITED Phone T'Umer 4-1879 Phone Stoutfvifle 3-81W1 (Half Mile North Of Richmond Hill 011 Highway No. 11) Unable to turn out to avoid a collision, because of heavy traffic on the highway behind their car, Bob Taggart put on the brakes and crashed into the rear of the truck. Congratulations to Miss Eliza- beth Flood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Flood, Jefferson. who graduated Monday, June 1. at Con- vocation Hall Toronto, after suc- cessfully completing the three year course in Physio and Occu- pational Therapy. Miss Flood will join the staff of the Rehabilitation Centre for Cripples in Montreal this August. Bob Taggart and his son, Alan, of Regent St, Elgin Mills escaped serious injury on Wednesday of last week, when the car Mr. Tag- gart was driving collided with the rear end of a truck owned by But- ler and Baird and driven by Edwin Wernham. The truck was pulling out of R. D. Little’s garage, Richmond Hill, just as the Taggart car, travelling south, came upon it. The impact almost tore the roof off the car and Alan suffered torn shoulder ligaments and muscles, ’ RC. Ronald Seyffert investigat- ed and had Alan taken to Dr. Cameron Cowan’s office for trest- ment. Bazaar Notes “Long Live Our Gracious Queen" Graduation Word has just been received that Joan another daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Flood's. passed her first year in medicine with 2nd class hon- ours. Congrathlations! Car And Truck Collision Mrs. R. Threlfall and Mrs. Stan Leno, Social conveners for the Jef- ferson School Community Club, were very pleased with the splend- id turnout at the regular monthly Miss Mary Flood, sister of Eliza- beth, who herself a Physio-thera- pist at the Queen Mary Hospital, Montreal. came home for her sis- ter’s graduation. dozen or hundred. Annuals, 10 vaaï¬eties Pansies - Rogglï¬ Giants PLANTS Tomato plants by the 165 Richmond St. Richmond Hill ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS ANDERSON CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H, G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road. Telephone TUmer 4-2334 A Complete Carâ€"No Extras to Buy A-30 4-DO0R SEDAN DELI VE RED '1’!» Row! and Provincial Ims ‘- some area: $1495“ See the NEW The next monthly meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Passmore, Jefferson. on Wednes- day, June 24. at 8 o’clock. In the meantime. think of something novel, costing in the neighbour- hood of ten or fifteen cents, for your contribution to the fish pond. and bring it along with you on the 24th. St. John’s Anglican Church A beautiful and inspiring pre- Coronation service was held at St. John’s Church last Sunday morn- ing, when the rector Rev. D. C. H. Michell, dwelt on the theme f Dedication. The service, as commanded by the Queen. was interspersed with many lovely proyers and hymns heralding the great and historic event of last Tuesday. The climax of the day came with the wonderful display of fire-works. which everyone in the neighbourhood enjoyed too. For the price of a few stamps â€" to say nothing of the work you save â€" you can advertise a forth- coming i-tinction in the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. Telephone TUrner 4-1261. A great deal of finished work has already been turned in and further supplies of material. samp- les and patterns were taken home by the ladies at the close of last week’s gathering. The Oak Ridges Brownie Pack paraded into church with their leader, Mrs. Severs. Coronation Celebrations Primarily held in honor of the day, it was also a memorable time for they Scouts and Cubs for an- other reason too, asthey were thus able to show hteir parents, famil- ies and friends how well they have mastered the various achieve- ments of Scouting and Cubbing. meeting held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Gamble, last Wednesday even- ing. 7I‘wenlLyâ€"five ladies wgre wel- comed by their hostesses, Mrs. Gamble and Miss Ella Gamble. Articles were also gratefully re- ceived for the Fish Pond, which is to be an interesting feature for the children at this fall‘s bazaar. Among those attending for the first time were: Mrs. Reg. Burns. Mrs. D. Beebe, Mrs. Jim Fletcher, Mrs. E. C. Leno, Mrs. George Pat- ton. Mrs. J. O. Neill and Mrs. C. Gould. The lst Jefferson Cub Pack and Scout Troup held its first, demon- stration 'on June 2, in honour of the crowning of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II. It was a big da§ for the children at the Orange Home also. After taking part in the parade for Richmond Hills's Coronation Day celebrations, then viewing the Coronation proceedings on TV., the children and the staff were entertained in the evening by the McKinley Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins and Mr. and Mrs. C. Archibald and fam- ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blyth on Coronation Day. and ne- joyed the Coronation ï¬lms on tel- evision. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash over the week-end were Mrs. George Chester and daughter Beth of Scarboro, Mrs. Orville Mills and daughter Gwen of Port Hope and Mr .and Mrs, Lorne Ash and grand- daughter Christina of Belleville. Fellow members of the Queen’s York Rangers held a party on Sat- urday night to bid farewell to Rob- in Rowatt who is spending the summer at Petawawa. They escort- ed hlm to Toronto and saw him safely aboard his train. At 11 a.m. the president of the Oak Ridges Lions Club planted a red maple in the Lions Park at the corner of the King sideroad and No. 11 Highway. This tree donated by Captain and Mrs. Hawman and planted with ceremony by Lions Mrs .William Oliver is visiting with her daughter and sonâ€"in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fuller, Hamil- ton. for a week. United Church Maple United Church Sunday School will hold an anniversary on Sunday. June '7, at 11.30 am. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lund will be at home to their friends on June 12 from 8 to 10 pm. The oc- casion is the 25th anniversary of their wedding. . Maple Women's Institute Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rickward, Oak Ridges were Mr. Rickward’s mother, Mrs. Rob- ert Rickward, who spent some time at her son’s while recuperating from an operation performed at the Toronto General Hospital, and Mr. Robert Rickward Sr., Miss Grace Rickward, Mr. Harvey Rick- ward, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Gil- christ, all of Kearney, Ont. Mrs. Robert Woolley who has been ill for the past ten days is able to be out again. The Women’s Auxiliary of the Oak Ridges Scouts and Guides are holding their next meeting on June 9, instead of June 2 which is Coronation day. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. War- ren Gerrard, Elm Grove Avenue. After a short business meeting a social time will be enjoyed. A good turnout of the Auxiliary members is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCachen left on Friday to visit friends In Detroit and other points. They will return on Wednesday. ‘ Club members and many interested residents will be a lasting tribute to Queen Elizabeth on her coron- ation day. The Lions Club and business men with the coâ€"operation of Scouts and Guides and their lead- ers staged a parade and drumhead service in the public school grounds at 8 pm. The Reverend D. C. Michell was the speaker and this was followed by a beacon ï¬re at 9.30 p.m.. linking 031k Ridges with the beacons burning across Rev. Wesley Hunnisett of the Fred Victor Mission. Toronto, will be the guest speaker with some members of his choir to help in the music and songs of praise. Every- one is welcome to attend this ser- vice. Busy Bees Mission Band er Miller, Janet McCowan, Mary Lou Lund, Nancy Gudat taking part. The collection was taken up by Elizabeth Walker. Thirteen, members answered the roll call with “Something to do with the Coronation." The last chapter of the Mpengo Story was read by Ann Lawrie. The meeting closed with games and the benediction. The Roll Call will be answered by naming a symbol used in the Coronation ceremony, topic His- torical Research by Mrs. Wills Maclachlan. Program and lunch committee. Mrs. J. Leece, Mrs. William Noble, Mrs. H. Stephen- son. Mrs. M. Palmer. Mrs. K. J. Woolnough was host- ess last Wednesday afternoon when mothers of the Rangers held a tea to raise funds for the organ- ization. Mr. Gerald Stephenson arrived home by TCA on Sunday from Vancouver where he has been for the last ï¬ve weeks. The regular meeting of the Map- le Women's Institute will be held on June 10, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. P. J. Lambert. On behalf of the Oak Ridges Scout Group committee. I wish to congratulate Scouts, Cubs. Guides and Brownies leaders of King and Oak Ridges groups for their ï¬ne co-operation and leadership. To the boys and girls, our sincere res- pect for a ï¬ne performance and The Busy Bees Mission Band met at the manse on Saturday, May 30. for the last meeting until September. Heather Miller was in the chair. A special Coronation program was followed. with Heath- A very enjoyable evening was had by members of Maple Com- munity and School bowling team, on Friday evening. May 29 when they motored to Toronto, having dinner at the Town and Country Dining Room. After viewing the Coronation decorations on Yonge St., which were very impressive, they attended the Imperial Theat- Canada as a Coronation tribute. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fortier of Port Arthur are spending three weeks holidays with Mr. Fortier's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fortier, Oak Ridges. V A Many from here plan to attend the very popular “Hans Christian Andersenâ€" coming June 10 to 13 to The Richmond Theatre. refThe members attending were Det Palmer, Betty Rumble, Joan OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS Phone AVenue 5-2101 Floor Sander To Rent CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE TUmer 4-1261 _ W0me â€"â€" HRS. D. ALL“ MAPLE NEWS Phone Mupla 19115 White. Eleanor Hamilton, Anna Bloedow. Dorothy Jarrett, Madel- ine Brown. M.R.A. At an executive meeting of Maple Recreation Association, plans were made re the bus which will leave Maple Park for the swimming lessons at Thornhill on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10.40 to 11.20 am. Bus leaves park at 10 am. Rev rAlex Nimms of Wingham Presbyterian Church was the guest preacher at Hope United Church Sunday School anniversary on Sun- day. May 31. There was a large congregation in attendance who appreciated the minister's gospel message. Rates are: two lessons weekly. and free swimming on the after- noon of classes. $5.00 for two months. $2.50 for one month. Remember the monster Carnival and Dance at the Pincrest Speed- way. Friday. June 19. at 8.30 pm. This is being held to meet expen- ses for bus which will carry the children to Thomhill swimming pool twice a week and the summer school which will be held after school closes for the summer. The junior choir in white robes led the service of praise and ren- dered an anthem. The guest solo- ist was Miss Mary Thomas, Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Orr directed the choir and officiated at the organ. Washing Machine Oil qt. can . . . . . 60c Paris Auto Supply Ltd. TU. 4-1541 Mrs. Roy Rumble and daughters, Cathy and Marylin .left Sunday, May 31, for Vancouver. B.C., to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lortie. Hope Sunday School Anniversary perfect conduct. To Dr Gunn, Stan Rule, E. C. Haivman. Norman Boyd and Geoffrey Beatty, we ex- tend our sincere appreciation for the use of their equipment and their time. We thank the Ladies’ Auxiliary, District Guide Leader, Mrs. Joan Gunn and chairman of York Central. Scouter Jackson Taylor and the Reverend Lothian and the Reverend Michell and all the citizens for their active parti- cipation in our Coronation service. Oak Ridges Scout Group Commit- tee â€" Jack Blyth 1 gal cans . . . .m $1.25 6 qt. cans $1.89 & $1.59 Quart cans . . 30c The church was beautifully dec- orated with spring blooms, tulips and white lilacs. Mr .and Mrs. Orval Bayes and their daughter and son of Alder» woo ‘. visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Pollock. Friends of Miss Margaret Wat- son will be pleased to know that she is recuperating favorably, in St. John's Convalescent Hospital. New- tonbrook, after breaking her hip some time ago. Many from here plan to attend the very popular “Hans Christian Andersen"†coming June 10 to 13 to The Richmond Theatre. Pure 100% Penn. Oil _ gal cans . . . .m $1.25 TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE (Technicolor) Sylvia Sydney Henry Fonda WHEN Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon MOTOR OIL June 9. 10 Tues. & Wed. BASKETBALL FIX EAST SIDE KIDS Vanessa Brown John Ireland East Side Kids June 4, 5 Thurs. & Fri. (Technicolor) Barbara R'ush Richard Den- June 6. 8 Sat. & Mon. WORLDS COLLIDE News News News NWNIINNWWRIIWN (STAN RULE â€" PROPRIETOR) FANOY MIRRORS - MIRRORS RE-SILVEREO TABLE TOPS ANYTHING IN GLASS Willlllllllmtlï¬m 2. Special notices will be sent out by each principal spec- ifying times and details. V 3. As all pupils enrolling for Grade I - 1953-54 must reach the age of SIX ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 31. 1953, an acceptable proof of age must be presented at the Round-up. 5 2 s E E E 1 5 Township School Area No. 1 Markham & Vaughan PRE-SCHOOL ROUND-UP 1953 “unuluululuummmmmmnummummmml“maulmlmum“ummumlmummmmmmumlmumnuuumnuummnnmmï¬ Ã© ï¬nnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmï¬ OAK RIDGES GLASS & MIRROR C0. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 1428 A by-law to amend by-law 1386 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM: PASSED at the Township of Markham this eleventh day of May, 1953. 94 Benson Ave. “A dwelling erected prior to the date of the passing of this by-law may be used as a two family residential dwelling provided that each family dwelling unit has a 2. This by-law shall come into effect on the day it is passed by council subject to the approval of the On- tario Municipal Board. Ontario Municipal Board ‘ TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Municipal Board will hear the application of the Township of Markham for the approval of by-iaw number 1428 of the Town- ship of Markham as heroinafter set forth at the Voter- ans’ Holl at Unionville in the Township of Markham on Thursday, the eleventh day of June, 1953, at the hour of 9 :30 o'clock in the forenoon. Daylight Saving Time. 1. That by-law number 1386, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in paragraph 3 thereof after the words “residential: a one family residential dwell- ing†the following sentence: floor space of at least 700 square feet and the lot upon which the dwelling is situated has a minimum area of 20,000 square feet.†DATED at the Township of Markham this ï¬rst day of June, 1953. GUARANTEED APPLIANCE REPAIRS 9 FAST SERVICE 0N Motors, Washing Machines, Radios, Toasters, Electric Kettles, Mix-Masters and all other appliances Richmond Hill Richvale School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . Monday, June 8 Thornhill School Monday, June 8 Powell Road School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . Tuesday, June 9 Henderson Avenue School . . . . . . Wednesday, June 10 Thornlea School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, June 10 (at Henderson Ave. School) Langstaï¬â€™ School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday. June 10 Charles Howitt School . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday, June 11 1. There will be a nurse and dentist present at each school. in addition to the Grade I teacher, during the hours: Oak Ridges Glass & Mirror Co. For your added convenience we are opening a depart- ment to handle the ï¬nest grades of Wallpaper, including the famous Sunworthy line. Come in and browse around and make your selection in comfort from our wide range. Now is the time to have your oil burner put in top condition for next winter also Warm air furnaces with oil burner $385.00 (Terms) Oil burner parts, tanks, etc. (For Children enrolling in Grade I in September) 0N N0. 11 HIGHWAY NEAR OAK RIDGES DON GIIFIN HEATING H. LCCUYER 10.00 - 12.00 & 1.30 - 3.30 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Telephone King 58R13 WIN. TIMBERS, Reeve CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk NOTICE Public School CHAS. HOOVER. Clerk Phone TUrner 4-1381 Phone TU. 4-1542