Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jun 1953, p. 12

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Every Day Is [Egovery Day For TMWS‘ ______.__i, ELECTRIC STOVE, Mofiat, full size $75. HUdson 8-6763. c1w49 ZC-jfi{1;r;1}ent for sale. Ave.. Richmond Hill TABLE 8: Seed pomtoes din. John Harman. RR. 2 ___._.â€"â€"r STOVE, Frigidaire "Thrifty 30". new condition $185. EA. 1-5650 col- lect. V c1w49 $50 COMBINATION coal and gas stove, Gurney, white and black. Maple 93. c1w49 ________i TIMBER 12 to 36 ft. long, size 12 x18" pine. Maple 311-23. *2w48 FROST ice box, AV. 5-1595. ________f JONES SHOWCASE. 5’ 10” Yong, by 2' 2" wide, 3' 6" high. TU. 4- -1...An BABY CARRIAGE. Gendron con- vertible. in good condition. Sell reasonable. AV. 5-2277. c1w49 STRAWBERRIES, pick daily fresh. Mrs. Krer Ave., Langstafi‘, off Bay‘ VIKING 5 h.p Church St. S.. SMALL GRAND PIANO good condition $550. BA collect. Esso'rANE gas Cofiield. almost buys. Phone TU. 1342 SNACK sEfiVIQE. truck Inn? fiATAHDIN seed and table pota- toes. Thomas Mashinter, Maple 54R31. c3w48 MAN’S C.C.M. Bicycle, cheap. Mrs. Bagley, lot 58, May Ave.. Richvale. *1w49 REFRIGERATOR. used. 10 cu. ft., good condition. bargain, terms ar- ranged. Fox Apfiliances. TU. 4- 1610. c1w49 nnlnuuA A“ .V... ~-., grey tropical suit, size 38. alligood condition. No reasonable offer re- fused. AV. 5-1492. 02w48 RANGETTES. used. two to choose from. good condition. new ele- ments. Fox Appliances, TU. 4-1610. clw49 EASY" Washing Machine, new. 5 year guarantee on mechanism $13.95 down. Fox Appliances. TU. 4â€"1610. c1w49 -â€"-Q 7 RANGETTEiicePox: 75 lbs.. genl's an 4" 4.0.4 iSMALL greenhouses to be wrecked and sold with‘ contents. Mrs. Urben, May Ave., Richvale. iiiâ€"g'éraior valued at $459 won on Answells Ltd. draw Best offer by next Monday AV. 5-1029 after 5.30. gpmcia Dinette Suite. like new. easonably priced at $70. Apply 123 Harding Blvd. during even- ings. c1w49 NEW G.E. IJVeque‘Qj cu ft. Re- ERUCKING; BUSINESS, one of th_e .uu- -_.._. _. , anest' in King foxx'nshipth.C.V Wifiarry McBride, phone King 81W. 02w49 DURO Shallow Well pressure sysâ€" tem, now drawing 32 ft. well. ex- cellent working order $150. Evenâ€" ings only. TU. 4-1709. c1w49 MODERNikitchen stove. Findlay. with warming closet, burns coal or ivood. Apply C.N.R. V. D. Gam- brill. c2w49 ANNUALST tomato and cabbage plants. Hughes Greenhouse. Rug gles Ave. Langstaff. Phone AV. 5-1027. 03w48 A FEW BAGS of Katah_din Sotétlé‘szpply 190 Norfolk at Elmwood Ave” Richmond CHESTERFIELD suite, Chintz slip covers. foam rubber cushions. $125, also lawn mower $8. HU. 8-6763. c1w49 {EUGS 9x12, nearly new. oak dinâ€" ing room suite. rocking chair and kitchen sink. TU. 4-1248 evenings. clw49 FREEZERS: 12 cubic foot new with five year warrantee. Buy dir- ect from manufacturer. General Refrigeration, Woodbridge, Ont. c4w48 SPRAYER for sale, 100 gallon tank used three years. first class condi- tion. $300.00 Call evenings only. Vic Rogers, 44 Rumble Ave., Rich~ mond Hill. l'2w48 2 50 LB. ICE BOXES, $9 each; 1 rangette $15.00. perfect condition. We deliver. Phone King 17R21. A. Saunders, 8 Elm Grove Ave. Oak Ridges. I'1w49 ACME Washing Machine. electro- lux, kitchen table, metal bed. springs 8: mattress. dresser. china cabinet or bookcase. lamps. drapes. 2 TENNIS RACQUETS. good con- dition, $4; Man’s Tuxedo. like new. size 34, $25; wardrobe trunk. sup- erior quality 22"X22" closed $50: rug 6'x9’, pattern tabris. excellent condition, $50. BA. 1-5650 collect. c1w49 walnut table. occasional chair. oak desk( painted) BA. 1-1384. c1w49 CASE BATES. first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. . . Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 30 per word min. charge . . . . . . . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . . . COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 100 min. charge CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS, BNGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion . . BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classified advertisements} should be in as early in the we CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS ARTICLES FOR SALE ed advertiseméhts’ should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. MES, pick your'own, Mrs. Kremin. Briggs \ff. off Bayview. *3w49 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Boat Motor. 164 Richmond Hill. 73 lbs. Reasonable. c1w49 stove; washer. new. Two gOOd 4-1284. c1w49 Maple k and Benson c1w49 Katah- (Bell). 1-5650 clw49 c1w49 *iw49 clw49 c1w49 l Hill. *1w49 seed Ave. RUGS: save up to 50%; new rug! from old rugs, woollens, discarded clothing. Phone TU. 4-1804. flc42 FOR SALE (cont) PANSIES, annuals and tomato plants. Anderson. 165 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. *2w47 SEED POTATOES, 75c 50 1b. bag. Harvey Mashinter, 1a mile west. Oak Ridges, King 3R13. tfc46 THERE’S NO CROP like corn. and there's no corn like Pioneer. Order the maturity of your choice for grain or fodder from J. M. Far- quharson, Gormley. Stoufi. 66103. 03w47 LIFETIME all mete! Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish any colour of tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks & drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St, West, Newmarket, )nt. Please reverse phone charges £1084 also used long tube milkers from $10.00 to $35.00. Bob Woolley, Surge Sales and Service, Oak Rid- ges, phone King 651-25. c10w41 FREE ESTIMATES on repairs and conversions to all makes of sewing machines. guaranteed. Free/pickup and delivery. Reid’s Cleaners. 78 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4- .; an CHESTERFIELD Suites recovered like new. We specialize in custom uphostering. Free estimates, free pickup and delivery. USED 1949 McCLARY Refrigera- tor. perfect condition. 7 cubic ft. capacity. $225.00; Sparton Refrigâ€" erator. small size $85.00; Frigld- aire, small size. $75.00; 1 Electro- holme washing machine $50; wash- ing machine oil, per qt. 60c. Paris Auto Supply, Richmond Hill. SALE OF reconditioned drop head treadle and electric sewing ma- chines, a buttonholer included with each purchase for limited time only. Singer Sewing Center, 102 Main St., Newmarket, Phone 1075. c2w48 USED ROTOTILLER in excellent condition. can be seen Sat. June 6, at C. Baujard, corner Bayview and Proctor Avenues. just south of Thornhill. Phone AV. 5-2187. AT THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM, box plants at wholesale prices. pe- tunias. asters, carnations. many other varieties, $15 per hundred boxes plus tax. Also peppers, To- mato plants, all varieties early and late cabbage, cauliflower. brussel sprouts. $15 per hundred boxes; Spanish onions. large flats, ’yfi flats and 1,4 flats. Not taxable. Save money and come to McCallums, prices can't be beat. W. C. McCall- um, Holland Landing. Ont. c4w46 NEW AND USED Surg_e_ Millfers 1881 LATE 1949 FARGO 3); ton panel. perfect condition. low mileage. Apply 75 Yonge St. S. *1w48 LAND ROVER. used only for de- monstration purposes. $1,650.00. Terms. BA. 1-7022. tfc49 ’37 CHEV. COACH, roadio. heater, excellent condition. TU. 4-1285. *1w49 radio and heater, clean throughOut. May be seen at Nick’s Auto Shop. Stop 24A Yonge St. clw49 1949 AUSTIN for sale. good con- dition. $690.00. Apply 75 Yonge St. S. *1w48 34 FORD V8 COACH. good condi tion, good tires. Phone TU. 4-1010 afier 6 pm. c1w49 1951 FORD, automatic transmis- sion, radio. whitewalls, low mile- age. Like new. TU. 4.2140. 57 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill. c1w49 mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUmer 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 623’! (collect). tie“ 1950 DODGE COACH. custom ra- dio and heater, new tires. Immac- ulate condition. Private. Urgent sale $1,450.00. Terms arranged. Phone TUrner 4-1609. *3w48 PLAY PEN, in TU. 4-1103. FEATHERS and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. *2w46tfcs48 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani‘ 1946 GMC 3 ton special, 11 ft.x 7 ft., combination dump, 900x20 rear tires, low mileage on present motor. owner-driven since new. 1953 license, working every day. AVenue 54211. L. W. Reid‘ Smith Crescent, Thornhill. tfc4l 41 CHRYSLER SEDAN USED CARS AND TRUCKS Phone 1250 Newmarket DYER’S FURNITURE WANTED good condition. clw49 50c 25c 50c 50¢ custom c1w49 c1w49 tfc36 tfc20 ani- CAPONS. toasters and fowl, high- )hone est prices paid. Don't sell until Hill contacting W. S. Appleton_ Oak LY. Ridges Poultry Grading Station do“ Phone King 91314.. d617, RiTCHEN help waitresses wanted part or full time. Apply or phone Mr. Frazer, AV. 5â€"0006. c1w49 WOMAN for housework. once or twice weekly. PO. Box 234 Thorn- hill or AV. 5-1517. lcw49 GIRL or young woman for store work. Must be able to work full time. Helen's Groceteria. 21 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. c1w49 MEN WANTED for brick plant at Thornhill. Good starting wages. Western Brick Co. Ltd., No. '7 Highway and Bathurst St. c1w48 MAN for work in lumber yard, ex- perience not necessary but pre- ferred. J. C. Love Lumber Co. Ltd. BA. 1-5336. AV. 5-1143. c2w48 WANTED AT ONCE. Cashier, chain-store experience preferred. Full time employment. Salary no object. No objection to middle- aged woman. but must be active, steady and dependable. Box 70,. Liberal. clw49 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We are once again expanding and have an opening for one energetic man with initiative and neat ap- pearance. Excellent working con- ditions, late model car necessary. For appointment call Sales Man- ager S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. ev- enings TU. 4-1574. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w49 Real Estate Salesman We have an excellent opportunity for one experienced salesman in our Willowdale branch ofiice. If you desire high earnings and will- ing to work hard for them, come in and talk it over with A. E. F. Wright, Jos. Ellen Realtor, 54511/2 Yonge St. at Finch or phone BA. 1-4343. c4w49 EXPERIENCED COOK for child- ren‘s camp (July and August), good wages. Stouffville 60415 or write Diamond J Ranch, R. R. 1 Gorm- ley‘ SERVICE STATION attendant. Excellent wages. Would consider high school boy for summer em ployment. R. D. Little & Son Ltd.. TUrner 4-1116. clw49 FULL TIME SALESMAN with car wanted to supply farm and house- hold necessities. Nationally adver- tised products. No investment or experience necessary. We train you. If you want better than aver- age income. write today for par- ticulars to Dept. O-R-5, The J. R. Watkins C0,. 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. our 225 guaranteed and wellâ€"known products, such as: Toiletries, Cul- inaries, Medicines, Domestic Nec- essities. Tea, Coffee. etc. Year round business. Good discount. $18 will buy travelling kit and assort- 'ment. Splendid vacant territories; SPECIALS each month with FREE PRODUCTS. Particulars: JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. c4w49 COUPLE in Thornhill area. Good salary. Wanted for 5 hours work a day at new motel. Steady employ- ment. Apply Box 71 The Liberal. c1w49 GOOD DEALERS WANTED to sell BRAY PULLETS. Still available. Dayold and started. Wide choice, prompt shipment, right prices. There’s “no doubt you’ll need these. July-August broilers should be ordered now too. Ask us â€" Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. BARGAIN SALE of day old and started pullets. (Egg breeds and Dual purpose) at rock bottom pric- es, made possible by big demand for cockerels. Standard Quality, heavy breeds a! popular breeds, $14.95 per hundred, Assorted Heaâ€" vy Breeds $13.95 per hundred. Money Maker Quality add $1.00, Extra Profit $2.00. Special Mating $3.00 per hundred. Started pullets two weeks old add $11.00. three weeks old $17.00 per hundred. Bronze Turkey Toms special price 59 cents. C.O.D anywhere. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Ltd, Fergus. Ont. clw49 DAY CARE for several children. AV. 5-1693. c1w49 STUDENT. 18 years, desires farm work from June 8 to August 1. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1835. *1w49 YOUNG MAN desires temporary employment from June 8 to 19. Full or part time. Phone AV. 5 1085. c1w49 ENGLISHMAN aged 21 requires work on farm in Richmond Hill district, fully experienced in mod- ern farming methods. Phone Maple 130r23. c1w49 Employment Wanted IRISH SETTER. male. 3 yrs. old. registered, champion stock. Maple 49R23. c1w49 WIRE HAIRED terrier puppies. pure bred papers. 7 weeks old. trained. Phone King 17R21, or ap- ply A. Saunders, Elmgrove Ave” Oak Ridges. *1w49 HELP WANTED POULTRY WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE clw49 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. AV. 5- 2462 after 6 pm. tfc41 WELL DIGGING, repairs. septic tanks installed. TU. 4-1700. *3w47 WEL’L DIGGING. repairs ,septic tanks. TU. 4-1700. *1W49 CUSTOM Rotovating and lands- caping. Robert Hunter. TU. 4-2139. c2w49 lKL} KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4:1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and concrete Work, footing-a, basement floors, etc, Fred Flood, :Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. t1c43 SAND, gravel. crushed stone, loam and fill. L. Brillinger, phone TU. 4-1829. x tfc45 ROTOVATING For prompt and efficient service, call Oliver Latam at TUrner 4- 1609. *5w46 NORTH YORK SODDING Rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1â€"5877. *29w42 GENERAL maintenance and re- pair work; cement work. carpen- try and block work. Phone BA. 1â€" 6148. c4w48 Vlce, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk. [‘elephone King 26r5. tfc38 ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phone A. Rollinson, TU. 4-1791. tfc13 M. EINBODEN & SON â€"Concrete contractors. septic tanks and drain repairs. BA ldwin 1â€"0633 or Turner 4-1090. tfc42 LARGE SEPTIC tanks installed anywhere. Workmanship guaran- teed. Phone Newmarket 651. REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- Phone Av. 5-2211, 1?. w. Reid L. HOUSE, eavestroughing, fur- naces, oil burners installed, fully licensed plumbers. Maple 19W, residence Maple 31r2. c4w47 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity "ichmond Hill, TUrner 4-1701. SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Smijh_Cres. ROTAVATING with Ferguson trac- tor, perfect seed bed in one oper- ation, over 4 ft. of width at a time. We take orders early. Apply Har- vey Mashinter, King 3R13. tfc44 DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Toronto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED A. G. HALL â€" builder of quality, custom and N.H.A. homes; remod- elling a specialty. King 17114.” ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tic CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cultivating, also back filling and grading. Lance Willis. Richmond Hill, 151: house east side of Bay: view. south of Markham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc40 TIRED & LISTLESS Try Perry’s Blood Tablets with iron and liver. Mail your name and address with $2.75 for 100 tablets to Perry’s Phérmacy, Maple, Ont., for prepaid postage. tfc48 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman also repair parts for Cyclone grass seeders and new machines. Phone .105. Winger, R. R. 2 Maple 62r22. SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden plowing and discing, sod. flagstone and light gardening. Smith Cres. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid. MISCELLANEOUS or to buy existing lst or 2nd mortâ€" gages. W. W. Conroy, Broker, 56 ,Avon- dale Ave.. Willowdale, Ont., phone BA. 1-7484. *2w48 TIRED 8: LISTLESS. Try Perry’s Blood Tablets with iron and liver. Mail your name and address with $2.75 for 100 tablets to Perry’s Pharmacy. Maple, Out, for pre- paid postage. FAIRVIEW FARCI‘JUK, premium A purebred Belgian Stallion. Reg- istration No. (10338) will stand for service at his own stable west half of lot 6, con. 9 Vaughan TWp. $15 to insure a foal, $2 down at time of service. balance to become due and payable the lst day of Feb- ruary 1954. when mare is proven in foal. All accidents at owner’s risk. Leslie H. Livingston, Wood- bridge R. R. 1. Phone Woodbridge 75R4. c7w48 GENERAL Landscape, planning, designing: also ponds. cellars. fence rows; all types grading and levelling. Estimates given. Rep- resentative for Colonial and Car- dinal Homes, Cottages and Gar- ages. Steckley's Contracting and Landscape Service, Stoufiville 60816. tfc 46 FAIRVIEW FARCEUR Mills, TU. 4-2134 RICYCLE, maroon C.C.M. from entre St. E. reward‘ Phone Mr. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES LOST c30w49 051w27 *1w49 1:ch tfc39 tfc39 tfc41 tfc39 tfc48 SMALL FARM without buildings. state price. Box 64 Liberal. c2w48 COUPLE wishes to buy a small home in Thornhill. can pay $1000 down and monthly payments of $60.00. Box 68 The Liberal. c1w49 WANTED for cash buyer 7 or 8 room modern home in Richmond Hill. Call Mr. Campbell at Robt. P. Rice, Realtor. PL. 5-2238. THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? You will want a realtor who specializes in selling property in your community. One who knows the best price you can get and is’ able to get it for you. Then call A. E. F. Wright at BA. 14343. Jos. Ellen. Realtor, 54511/é Yonge St. at Finch. c4w49 VACANT LAND AND HOUSES wanted. We have buyers waiting for the following. Houses in the Thornhill and Richmond Hill areas. Ranging from $3000 to $20,000. Vacant land 50’ and 100' lots, 1 acre, 2 acre, and 5 to 10 acre parâ€" cels of land. Please call Thomas Oakley, Real Estate Broker, 45 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1951 or TUrner 4-2359. 02w48 VACANT LAND and houses wan- ted. We have buyers waiting for the following houses in the Thorn- hill and Richmond Hill areas. Rang- ‘ng from $3000 to $20000. Vacant land 50‘x100’ lots, 1 acre, 2 acre and 5 to 10 acre parcels of land. Please call Thomas Oakley Real Estate Broker, 45 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1951 or TUrner 4-2359. c2w48 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Elgin Mills to Yonge-Bloor Sts. ar- riving 8 a.m., return 5 pm. TU. 4- 2132. clw49 TRANSPORTATION wanted leav- ing Richmond Hill about 8 a.m. returning 5 p.m., vicinity of Uni- versity of Toronto. TU. 4-1600. TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill to arrive vicinity Richmond and Yonge Sts. about 8.45 am. Leave city about 4.45 pm. Phone EM. 4-7283. c1w49 SELFâ€"CONTAINED apartment or house: furnished or unfurnished, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Aurora, area. Adults. references. TU. 4- 1417 or LY.0355 evenings. »c1w49 FIVE OR SIX room house in Rich- mond Hill, 2 children. Phone New- market 744M. *1w49 SMALL HOUSE or apartment, res- popsible people. Call Mrs. Thom- as, TU. 4-1787. clw49 APARTMENT or part 9f house wanted by responsible party, two children. zeferences. Apply phone Thornhill AV. 5-1703. *1w49 GARAGE for rent. 136 Richmond St. TUrner 4-1480. *1w49 COTTAGE, newly decorated. pleas- ant surroundings, sult middle aged or retired couple. Would consider part rent for help in garden. Box 69 Liberal. *1w49 FURNISHED FLAT, two or more rooms, bathroom, June first; PO. Box 235 Richmond Hill. *1w49 TRAILER to rent, 4 berths, 22 ft. aluminum. Bookings through sea- son. References. Apply 264 Church St. 5.. Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-1111. *1w48 SAT., JUNE 6 â€" Auction sale of entire household furniture, electric washing machine, radio. dishes, cooking utensils, glassware, an- tique articles and garden equip- ment, at lot 18, con. 2 King Twp., 114 miles west of Aurora and 1/2 mile south. Property of Walter Robinson. No reserve, property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p. m. sharp D.S.T. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer. 02w48 l‘RANSPORTATION SALE REGISTERS REAL ESTATE WANTED SIMPSU'N’S DRY GOODS Wool Blankets 60” x 80”, red with single black stripe Heavy White Cotton Sheets, size 81”x99”, price per pair - SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS Penman’s ‘T’ Shirts for men, in navy, beige & grey (work shades) Infants Fancy 100% Nylon Dress with slip, easy to wash Girls’ Fancy ‘Glazed Cotton’ Dresses, 8 & 10 yrs., special TURNER 4-1651 WANTED TO RENT TO RENT c2w48 *1w49 52 FORD CUSTOM COACH 10,000 original miles New car condition throughout 48 FORD DeLUXE COACH A low mileage one owner car YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER IN RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1116-7 EM. 6-3166 R.D. LITTLE & SON Ltd. 0 Open Front-â€" Saves Tons of Lifting Weekly 0 Sturdy Desiqn â€" ‘ Exclusive Designâ€" Grows With Your Needs 0 Glacial Waterfall -- O 4-, 6-, 8-, 10- and IL‘Lufi Dari- Kools combine to any size. Come in for a demonstration today. Perkins Farm &'Home Equipment 23 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL Phone ’TUrner 4-1229 Many More To Choose From 48 CHEVROLET FLEET- LINE COACH Fully equipped Two to choose from St!"e Overdrive & other extras Spotless condition 51 MERCURY 5 PASS. .. COUPE 51 PREFECT SEDAN 16,000 miles. one owner IUrner 4 - 1124 52 FORD CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE 46 DODGE COACH RICHMOND HILL Very clean 2 $1.19 "\w Operating Costs. Cools Safer, Faster. $2.98 $2.49 $7.95 Monev EACH EACH EACH EACH Climatizer. overdrive. hillholder, window washers, chrome rims, seat covers 1949 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN BAKER SALES & SERVICE All cars carry 30 day guarantee. 1952 STUDEBAKER DeLUXE SEDAN 1951 STUDEBAKER DeLUXE SEDAN 1950 HUDSON PACEMAKER SEDAN lNSTALLED . SOLD . SERVICED BLACKBURN'S Thomhill AVenue 5-1333 l Massey-Harris No. 44 Standard Tractor 1 Massey-Harris No. 101 Super Tractor, new tires 1 Massey-Harris Pacemaker Tractor 1 AR John Deere Tractor 1 IHC Model M Tractor l IHC Model MD Tractor THRESHERS 1 Mt. Forest Favorite Thresher, roller bearings " 1 Waterloo Thresher, with blower extension COMBINES . 1 Massey-Harris 12 ft. Self Propelled Combine BALERS l IHC Power Take-Off Baler HAYING MACHINES 1 Massey-Harris Mower on steel, 6 ft., tractor or horses 1 Massey-Harris Mower on rubber, 6 ft" tractor or horses 1 Massey-Harris Hay Tedder 3 Dump Rakes, 10 ft. SlLO FILLERS TRACTORS Your Local Massey-Harris Dealgr 29 YONGE ST. 8., Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1722 SPREADERS 1 Coby Spreader, 150 bus. with high sides 1 Cockshutt Spreader, 4 wheels on rubber . . 1 Massey-Harris Spreader on steel FLOWS 2 IHC 3-Eurrow Plow, Ace Bottoms 1 Massey-Harris, 2 furrow plow 10” bottoms 1 Fleury Plow, 21furrow, 10” bottoms. . . . . . 1 Case 3-Furrow Plow, 12’ bottoms DRILLS 1 Cockshutt Fertilizer Drill, 13-hoe Complete with Grass Box and tractor hitch CULTIVATORS 1 N0. 19 Cultivator, 21 tooth, tractor hitch FOR SALE 1 Papec Cutting Box, like new, complete with pipes Climatizer and overdrive Richvale PHONE TU. 4-1114 ALL RECONDITIONED AND READY FOR THE FIELD Used Machines 1950 FORD SEDAN Stop 22A Yonge St. *TELEVISION * H. W. MORTSON Spring markets are prOduc- ing an ever increasing volume of inquiries and prospective purchasers for your property. WANTED Our many years of exper- ience as qualified realtors pro- viding an unparalleled com- munity service have establish- ed the reputation that has built our extensive business. ness. Salesmen from eighteen communities are at your call in our Thornhill offices. David McLean Ltd. Head Ofiices, Thornhill AVenue 5-1176 or BAldwin 1-1121

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