There will be Sunday School on August 16 after which the classes will be closed for two weeks. On September 6 they will be resumed. This is in order to give the child- ren an opportunity of enjoying the last two weeks of their holiday without missing Sunday School. Rally Sunday Rally Sunday will be held the early art of September. Even though e attendance has been good, it is the wish of all the officers that on September 6, all the children will be on hand. refreshed and 19pr after the holiday. We are happy to report that Mr. D. Cottel Is home after her recent operation. Sunday School Mrs. Byan of Toronto was a guest of her daughters, Mrs. Doug- las Lowery and Mrs. Harvey Mash- lnter thisrpast week. Mr. andâ€"Mrs. Alex Simpson are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. H .Beckett of Port Hope. 7 VMfs. Audrey Ball, Toronto. vis- ited her daughter Paula on Satur- day. Mr .and Mrs. Alvin Simpson snent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushnell of Camp Borden. 7 Mrland Mrs. Lorne Ash of Fox- horo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare this past week. A most enjoyable evening was spent by members of the commun- ity at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings where an ice cream social was held under the auspices of the WA. Children and adults both enjoyed the games planned for them. The hoop race, match box race, barnyard contest, balloon contest and a variety of bthers caused much hilarity among the contestants. The delicious pies topped with ice cream were served by the ladies while every- ,one enjoyed a pleasant social ev- ening. The proceeds received from this endeavour amounted to approximately $42. Appreciation is .extended to all who aided in mak- ing their contribution to the suc- cess of the evening. A special thanks to Mr .and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings for their kind hospital- ity. 1 Birthday l . On Saturday. August 8. Master Gregory Anderson entertained ten bf his friends when be celebrated his seventh birthday. The children had a delightful afternoon playing games. a treasure hunt and candy Scramble. Greg had an exciting time opening his many gifts and his guests were delighted with the party hats ,balloons and surprise packages and refreshments. Party ice cream and birthday cake com- pleted the party. Personal Weston’s Wrapped Sliced Bread 18 Roselawn Dairy Milk Jello Jelly Powders 3 m 25 LyonsTea FRESHLY ROASTED New Pack Peas 17 There win be bus transportation FRESH SHOULDER Freshly Ground ROASTIn Lean Boneless Round Steak or MARKET No.7 HIGHWAY and KENNEDY RD. F A FARMS No.7 HIGHWAY and R M S DON MILLS Rd. 60 2 cup has: '/2 lb. Toffee Free with pkg. lb. 45 CORREPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R. 3, KING PORK m LIBERAL} Richmond Hill, Thursday, Aug. 13, 1953 Market open Friday night until 9 o’clock THESE VALUES FOR AUGUST 13, 14, 15 Only Red Brand Beef Sold at Arnold Farms TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Ground for any type coffee maker Pot Roast In. 29 Minc’d Steak 31 Coffee In. 92 2vm35 Jumbo or Regular 2.49 PURE KETTLE RENDERED Kleenex Phone King 3R1]. LARD 20 1b. Pail Little Miss Beverley Gay has been spending her holidays with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mashinter. Mrs. Bradley of Sarnia mother of Mr. Roy Bradley has spent a couple of weeks with her son and family. Mr. and Mrstorinan Rumble spent Sunday in Delhi with their daughter Nora and family. Sorry to hear of Mr. Eddie Cot- tel's illness in St. Michael‘s Hos- pital, Toronto. Friends wish him a speedy recovery. , Little Miss Linda Lloyd has re- turned home to Delhi after spend- ing a couple of weeks with rela- tives in this community. 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex S spending a week with Detroit. Mr. Aubrey Lloyd, formerly of Temperanceville ,has been made active manager of the Imperial Bank in Delhi. Congratulations and every success is extended to Aubrey from friends in this vicin- ity. Miss Patsy Macklin spent a num- ber of days holidaying at the home of Susanne Levison. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warden, Tor- onto, spent Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levison. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings spent Sunday as dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Alex Bishop. Mrs. Lorna Mannah, Miss Kate McNein of Toronto and Mrs. An- nie McNein of Charlottetown, P.E.I., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hare last week. Mrs. Fred Bayes had the pleas- ure of having her two grandchild- ren Garry and Murray visit her this past week. Those in Temperanceville wish- ing to attend the pageant on Sat- urday, August 22. please contact either Mrs. Gordon Baldwin, Mrs. Everett Phillips or Mrs. Wilbert Jennings. It is hoped that all members of our W.I. who can poss- ibly do so will try to attend and enjoy this wonderful pageant. A number of our own ladies are tak- ing part in the pageant. Personals (Too late for last week) . It is requested very urgently that the Saturday A.C.W.W. Pag- eant performance be publicized as widely as possible. Requests for tickets are not being received at Maple Leaf Gardens in the quan- tities needed to make the Satur- day showing a success. This extra day was planned at the request of our Ontario women. Please help make it a success. School children should also see it. All seats are reserved. Mrs. for those attending the Canada Day pageant on Friday, August 21. Those wishing to attend on the 22nd please contact Mrs. Phillip, W. Jennings or Mrs. G. Bald; 4 on. Tin 15 2 cup Tea Bags FREE FIRST GRADE CREAMERY lb. 59 BUTTER fluoffy Simpson h friends are No need to senfl a lot of notices about that function your club is staging. Use a. “Coming Events" notice in The Liberal. Low in cost, it will command much attention. felephone TUrner 4 1261. Jimmie and Janice Ainley, who are spending their summer holi- days with their grandparents on Yongehurst Road, “were very glad on Sunday to have a visit with their mother and father, on the occasion of their dad's birthday. Mrs. W. Dawson and son Bill, of Yongehurst Rd, returned home Saturday, after spending a week at Niagara-on-the-Lake. visiting Mr. Dawson, who is stationed there with the Canadian Army. Margaret Wight of Mill Rd. was the winner of the treasure chest at the Lions Carnival last Saturday. Margaret was speechless when she opened the chest and found -it packed full of children’s toys in- cluding roller skates and a base- ball glove. The community is sorry to hear that Mr. P. A. Johns of Yongehurst Road, is ill and at the present time in Sunnybrook Hospital. Wins Prize Yonge Street, ELGIN MILLS The Fryer family is spending this week touring the northern part of Ontario. In Hospital Philip Adams of Yongehurst Rd., celebrated his 6th birthday with a party on Thursday, August 6. Play- mates who attended the party were: Jimmie Lawson, Joanne Stewart, Gary and Bob Skippon. Douglas Burcey and Bill and Geo. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. B. Oyler of Mill Road returned home Saturday af- ter a very enjoyable holiday at Lake Simcoe, Ont. Birthday NORTH RICHVALE Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. +2238 The quoted price includes such features (usually priced extra) as foam-rubber cushioning, wear- defying, soil-resisting genuine leather upholstery and an air- conditioning heater that will give to buy. The delivered price of the Austin A-4O Somerset is an honest price. That low ï¬gure buys you a com- plete new car. There are no extras Mrs. H. Acreman is holidaying at Alderslea Park, Alcona Beach, Lake Simcoe. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce of ’Toronto with their family visited with Murray and Lorraine Acre- man on Sunday. It seemed rather good to get back to church on Sunday after having had vacation the week be- fore. And what a treat we had in the speaker, Mr. Lott, who al- though totally blind, carried on superbly. The subject of his ad- dress was “The further life of St. Paul,†and the theme was beauti- fully carried out by Mrs. Lott who sang “Though I speak", which is based on 1 Cor. 13. Miss Freda Larï¬b of Toronto was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Willian Wellman. We “are glad to know that Mrs Hord is improving steadily. Mrs. Briggs, who for the past three weeks has been in Colorado returned home last Wednesday. She reports everything there is pretty much dried up with the hot weather; and felt a thrill to return to where the grass is really green. Hal and Mrs. Acreman renewed acquaintances in the Schomberg and Lloydtown area one day last week. They also called on friends in Bogartownz 7 Mrs. Duncan. who has been stay- ing with her sister, Mrs. Hugh De- verell, for the past two months, left last Sunday by train for her home in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Bagg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher on Wednesday last. Tommy Dunleavy has arrived at Esquimalt after a good long leave. He will have a lot of happy mem- ories to carry him through his next stint in the Navy. Mrs. Roy Simpson was visiting her mother in Lindsay one day last week. HEADFORD NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. H. Acreman R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 FOR THE IDEAL ANSWER TO THEHIGH »C_O$1'70F MOTORING, SEE PAGET’S AUTO SERVICE Dorothy Jarrett has been given the privilege of representing her Homemaking Club and County at the Canadian National Exhibition for the days of September 1 to 3, to take part in judging. She also has the honor of being invited to represent York County at the A.C.W.W. Convention being At the close of the meeting games were played and refresh- ments were served. C.N.E. Judge When the business was ï¬nished, the meeting was taken over by St. Andrew's Girls Club. with Ann Lawrie presiding. Slides showing the homes and ways of living of the Ojibway Indians along Lake of the Woods, and more particul- arly pictures of the Cecilia Jeffery Indian School at Kenora, were shown by Rev. Bowman, with nar- ration by Mrs. Bowman. It was in- teresting to see and hear about the boys band ,the hockey team, the girls sewing room, the classrooms, farm and gardens of the school supported by the W.M.S. On Wednesday evening. August 5, St. Andrew’s W.M.S. met at the manse. Mrs. C. H. Bowman pre- sided. The scripture from St. John, Chapter 21, was read alter- nately. Miss Mary Carson offered proyer. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Campbell for a time are: Mrs. William Sinclair and Dennis of Royal Oak, Michigan, and Robin Bay, Toronto. St. Andrew’s W.M.S. Miss Aileeï¬ Boy of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell of Sherwood last week. Mrs. G. W. Bailey spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Cald- well in Brampton. Miss F10 Turner of Toronto vis- ited over the week-end-with Mrs. A. Lawrie. Personal Notes operating dpllar. The other half is the satisfying, able way your Austin performsâ€" at savings as high as 50¢ on each Will'flï¬'g-room warmth all winter. It also includes directional signals, non-stall electric wind- shield wipers, plus a powerful 12-Volt electrical system. (Half MjJe North of Richmond 3111 on Highway No. 11) But that’s only half the story. MAPLE NEWS OORREPONDENT -â€" MRS. D. ALL Telephone Maple 19.! Miss Lillian M‘cNeil of Woodâ€" bridge visited over the holiday week-end with Mrs. Ernie Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muir and Miss Margaret Muir of Brantford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Brock. Mrs. Brock and children returned with them to Brantford for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Muir are Mrs. Brock's parents. Mrs. Ireland was formerly Sarah Violet Hesp, born in Bolton and resident for the‘greater part of her life in Maple. She was a member of Maple United Church. She leaves to mourn her loss. one daughter, Mrs. Wilbert Cousins (Vera) and granddaughter, Mrs. George Armstrong (Helen). Dr. Archer Wallace conducted the service with Rev. C. H. Bow- man assisting. Interment was in Maple Cemetery. Mrs. Samuel Ireland The funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel Ireland was held from her late residence on Friday, July 31. Maple C.G.I.T. were awarded Chevron Status for the yearss work for 1952 under the leadership of Mrs. P. J. Lambert. Congratula- tions to the girls and their leader. held August 14 in Convocation Hall, Toronto. C.G.I.T. Floor Sander . To Rent Phone AVenue 5-2101 Try an Austin on the road. You can see through that wide,nothing- in-your-way windshield. You can match trafï¬c at its toughestâ€"and cruise smoothly at highway speeds in day-long comfort. And you can be sure of Austin service wherever you go. These are reasons why more than 80,000 Canadians now drive Austin. Richmond Hill Motors, Washing Machines, Radios, Toasters, Electric Kettles, Mix-Masters and all other appliances It is unlawful to ride bicycles on the sidewalks in the village. Any offenders will be prosecuted BICYCLISTS Richmond Hill Police Force fCIIy and Provincial an: mm In some anal. GUARANTEED APPLIANCE REPAIRS FAST SERVICE ON RICHMOND HILL ATTENTION Telephone ; TU. 4-2191 Phone TUrner 4-1381 fl-Sfl