Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1953, p. 10

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MW SINGER electric sewing ma- ‘hine $95.50 and up; also guaran- '-‘t'eed reconditioned electric por- hble and treadle machines. For gel-vice and repair to all makes of machines call or write L; SINGER SEWING CENTRE, L’ 102 Main St., Newmarket, I, Phone 1075 c2w7 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked unamcl finish any colour of tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks a drape arms, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, Newmarket, -_ht. Nous averse phone charges CHESTERFIELD Suites recovered like new. We specialize in custom Mphostering. Free estimates. free “pickup and delivery. A“ DYER’S FURNITURE ‘_. Phone 1250 Newmarket fiiâ€"EW Washing Machine and E550- {lone gas stove. Also 4 poster bed Ridpath, complete. TU. 4-1284; u: clw8 {For letting people now about. your euchre in- bridge try the I‘Coming Events” column of The Liberal. Telephone Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1261. 31 KITCHEN SINK. with back. $3.: Lone coal and wood annex $5.00; 1 ._Perfectlon coal oil stove, 3 burner, {$5.00. TUrner 4-1407. c1w8 fl PIECE Sectional Chesterfield ,Bulte. 4 red,1 green. as new. Rea- ;lonable. Also 1 large size porcel- {min kitchen sink. TU. 4-1549. *1W8 FREE ESTIMATES on repairs and hbnversions to all makes of sewing machines. guaranteed. Free pickup and delivery. Reid's Cleaners. 78 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1881. tfc5 VA ; 8" PEASE Gravity furnace. used figcellent condition, reasonable, jcan instal; one space heater, will heat 3 or 4 rooms. good condition. IPUrner 4-2076. c2w7 73 SILOS, Ajax stave, creosoted spruce, complete, perfect condi- ~“on. cost today $1,425.00, for $550. Mending. Apply Silver Stream warms, 3rd concession. Markham Township. IUrner 4-2376. *3w6 ( CHROME Kitchen Chairs, red 3 " ther hassock, solid cherry chest ‘h drawers and brass bound oak when. Phone AVenue 5-1302. c1w7 ONE BOLENS Garden Tractor, with plow and cultivator. Apply or ~ hone Earl English at Buttonville, ' gincourt 58W3. *1w8 E URNACE, hot air, coal, adequate ' 1' six room house, complete with ripes and thermostat and hot ,water jacket heater. Phone AV. 5- 51311. clw8 EHOWARD HOT AIR Furnace, com- lete, perfect condition, $75. Map- 64r33. 117 Cart-ville Road, Richvale. clw6 GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigera- tor, used, 7 cu. ft., racks on door, led unit, good condition. Terms. ox Appliances. TU. 4-1610. c1w8 RANGETTE. white porcelain en- amel. stainless steel top, good size van and storage drawer, price $30. all Maple 40. c1w8 CARRIAGES, Cribs, Strollers. gaypens. R. J. Musselman, But- nville, Ont, phone 58R24, Agin- oourt. c4w5 bsnn REFRIGERATORS, recon- dltionod and guaranteed. $100.00 3nd up. Apply Chalk Refrigeration. King 2632. tfc44 fiERCHERON MARES. well mat- ed; also one 011 space heater and g e coal heater. Phone Maple 91’31. c2w7 HOFFAT 4-bumer electric stove, side oven, hot-plate, all new swit- ches. Phone Maple 28R13. tfc4 KROEHLER CHAIR, good; kit- clien cupboard, both for $13; 2 beds and springs. TU. 4â€"1524. c1w8 iICYCLE. boy's, good used Centre St. east, Richmond Phone TUrner 4-2088. f’iANO, refrigerator, moving sac- mice, 41 Grgpfiview Ave., Stop_14_, AVeliue 5-1038. invodrhiapeara'nce and nice tone. 100. AV. 5-1223. c1w8 ‘ ANTITY of Dawson Golden ‘-hnfi Seed wheat. Apply R. Baker, Maple. c2w8 fitNING ROOM SUITE. 6 piece. id walnut. $50.00. Phone Maple _ 15, Dr. Brock Walker. *1w7 i300 WELL GROWN cabbage phnts, in lot or small quantities. 31119 26115. *1w8 FJANO. Bell. metal frame, rvery QEEPMORE inner spring mat- tress, size 4‘ 6", like new, Call af- ter 5 p.m. TU. 4-2083. c1w8 EiLO. wood, good condition, $125. TU. 4-1174. *1w8 WWW The Weather is Unpredictable - But not Our Want Ads: p5 KP. MOTOR. so cycle, new. home TU. 4-1352. *1w8 'oasn BATES, first insertion 30 per word. min. charge . . . . 50c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 30 per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . . . 250 COMING EVENTS NOTICES: per type line 10c min. charge. .500 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAM, DEATHS. BNGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, per insertion . . 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Classlfied advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES t£c20 Hill. *1w8 c1w8 mmufin " "an: CAPONS, masters and fowl, high- est prices paid. Don’t sell untn contacting W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station OLD & NEW FLOORS sanded and finished. For the answer to your flooring problems, phone King 27R12. tfc51 LAUNDRY wanted to do at home. TU. 4-1524. c1w8 LADY requires full time work. anything. Box 37 Liberal. c1w8 DRIVER would like part time ev- ening driving. Box 37 Liberal. c1w8 APARTMENT wanted by couple, no children. M. Charlton, Brath- waite’s Hardware. TU. 4-1331. ADULT FAMILY, building a house would like furnished or unfurnish- ed temporary accommodation, com- plete house or shared accommoda- tion. 2 bedrooms, radius 15 miles of Thomhill. References. AV. 5- 1328. c1w8 Employment Wanted URGENT â€" wanted for one year beginning SepL 1. living accommo- dation for four. Will sign lease for good place. Reasonable. TU. 4- 1375. *1w8 BATHROOM FLAT. two rooms, kitchenette, partly furnished. Post Office Box 235, Richmond Hill. HOUSE TO RENT or rent with option of buying. Reasonable. Ap- ply Box 38 The Liberal. *1w8 ROOM, in Richmond Hill, for wo- man, use of kitchen for cooking, $10.00 a week. TUrner 4-1453 afte_r 6 pm. c1w8 APARTMENT or small house in Richmond Hill vicinity. TU.4-1590. ‘lw8 decorated. Suit business or'middl'e aged couple. Apply Box 235 Rich- mond Hill, Ont. *1w8 FURNISHED ROOM in new home, TV, board optional, close to Yonge St. AV. 5-2293. c1w8 ONE ROOM, suitable for lady or gentleman ,breakfast optional. Box 35 The Liberal. *1w8 3_ UNFUBNISHED ROOMS, newly OFFICE, Thornhllll, 400 square feet. Phone AVenue 5-1311. c1w8 TRACTOR, 2 h.p. garden tractor. Phone AVenue 5-2364. clw8 COMBINE, Case, with clover pickâ€" up, in good condition. Will sell cheap. Terms. TU. 4-1524. clw8 frwo 1300945, unfurnished, s'ink, hot and cold Water, in new 'home: TU. 4-2776. ch8 BALER, John Deere, 2 yrs. old, good condition, will sell cheap. Terms. TU. 4-1524. c1w8 tor and new front end $575. Terms arranged. Hall’s Service Station, Elgin Mills (opp. Orange Home). TU. 4-2061. tfc4 1953 FORD CONSUL, new in June, 9,000 miles, perfect condition. Phone TUrner 4-1293 after 6 pm. . *1w8 radio, climatizer heater, whitewall tires, good paint, $285.00 61' best offer. AVenue 5-2445. . c1w8 1948 AUSTIN ‘COACH, new m0- 1939 STUDEBAKER Sedan, custom 34 FORD SEDAN, good running condition, tires like new. Will sell cheap. TU. 4-1010. c1w8 31 MODEL A FORD. new roof. sealed beams, good body. tires and motor. Best offer. TU. 4-1802. c1w8 dump. In good condition, reason- able. TU. 4-1524. c1w8 ’38 DODGE 1/5 ton pickup $50 cash full price. AV. 5-2293. c1_w8 1940 TRUCK, Maple Leaf stake, BABY’S CRIB, pink, 18"x36" mat- tress included. AV. 52588. c1w8 FOR SALE (cont.) FLAGSTONE DELIVERY cordwood. TU. 4-1934. OIL BURNER, Norge, large size, 2 tanks, reasonable. TUrnei‘ 4-1481. *1w8 USED CARS AND TRUCKS IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED WANTED TO RENT TO RENT tfc52 *1w8 *2w7 Also *1w8 resentative for Colonial and Car- dinal Homes. Cottages and Gar- ages. Steckley‘s Contracting and Landscape Service, Stoufiville ,60816. tic 46 dale Ave., WiHowdale Ont, phone BA. 1-7484. *1w8 CUSTOM MOWING, ploughing, discing, cultivating, also back fill- ing and grading. Lance Willis. Richmond Hjll, lst house east side of Bayview, south of Markham Rd., TUrner 4-2342. tfc51 GENERAL Landscape, planning, designing; also ponds, cellars. fence rows; all types grading and levelling. E_stim§t¢s given. Rep- FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES or to buy existing lst or 2nd mort- gages. SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden plowing and discing, sod, flagstone and light gardening. Smith Cres. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid. TIRED & LISTLESS Try Perry’s Blood Tablets with iron and liver. Mail your name and address with $2.75 for 100 tablets to Perry's Pharmacy, Maple, Ont., for prepaid postage. tfc48 GORDON YOUNG LIMITEi) LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired by experienced workman also 1' air parts for Cyclone grass seeder and new machines. Phone Jos. Winger, R. R. 2 Maple 62r22. tfc41 DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Toronto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. NOTICE â€" Repairs made on all makes of garden tractors, power lawn mowers, air cooled engines and motorcycles. Charles Jen- 'nings, Keele Street, 2 miles north of Maple. Maple 51r14. tfcz EXPERT Sodding and grading, sod delivered, rockeries built or stone delivered. Roto plowing and fill. All work done under contract. For free estimate phone AV. 5- 1471. ' sottc ALL KINDS FURNITURE re. pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ‘ tfc SAND, GRAVEL, Crushed Stone, Loam and Fill and Custom Garden Plowing and discing. Smith Cres. Phone AV. 5-2211, L. W. Reid ALTERATIONS and repair work, sidewalks ,cement work. Tile beds, soft water cisterns, carpentry work. For prompt service call AV. 5-1100. c4w5 FOR fast ,efiicient service and re- pairs on your washing machine, el- ectric motors, ranges, vacuums, polishers, and all small appliances, please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. North, TU. 4-2722. c3w7 CEMENT FINISHING. serving your locality, machine troweled, dustless floors our specialty; also waterproofing. Cal] King 59r21 Oak Ridges. *1w8 t£c9 REFRIGERATION Sales and Ser- vice, Domestic and Commercial. Repairs to all makes. Don Chalk, I‘elephone King 26r5. tfc38 CUSTOM PLOUGHING; will han- dle sod and loam; also stationary baler. Norman Boyd, Oak Ridges. King 65r24. *3w8 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. Turner 4-2311. do” CEMENT for sale â€" bags, slightly hard on surface. suitable for foot- ings and poured floors, $1.00 per bag at our y,ard. Gormley Block Co. Ltd., Stouffville 381w1. clwa’l A. G. HALL â€" builder of quality, custom and N.H.A. homes; remod- elling a specialty. King 17r14. ALI KINDS Carpenter Work, trim or bulding of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, Turner 4-1177. tfc40 NORTH YORK SODDING Rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-5877. *29w42 LARGE SEPTIC tanks installed anywhere. Workmanship guaran- teed. Phone Newmarket 651. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity 'ichmond Hill, TUmer 4-1701. manure and fill. L. Wills, TUrner 4-2342. tfc51 M. EINBODEN & SON -Concrete contractors. septic tanks and drain repairs. BA [dwin 1-0633 or Turner 4-1090. tfc42 SAND & GRAVEL, stone, loam. EXPERT brick and block work. We do house repairs and altera- tions from the ground up. J. M. Cannon & Sons, TU. 4-1810. tfc8 SOD delivered and laid by compe- tent men. Also grading. King Sod Supply, 91R2 Aurora. *6w7 To advise people of ‘. special eV- ent at your church or school or club use a “Coming Events” notice WELL DIGGING repairs, septic tanks. TUrner 4-1700. c1w8 ANYTHING in painting, papering, decorating. Phone A. Rollinson. TU. 4-1791. tfcla MISCELLANEOUS W. Conroy, Broker. 56 Avon- c51w27 c30w49 tfc39 tfc39 tfc39 OTTO PICK Agricultural Service TU. 4-1602 SAT., AUG. 29 â€" Auction sale grand re-opening of the Stoufiville Livestock Exchange ‘ weekly sale held in Stoufiville Livestock Sales Pavilion, one of Ontario’s fore- most sales barns. Will be selling pigs, all sizes. Government restric- tions have been lifted on all 1i- censed sales barns. Also selling‘ cattle, horses ,sheep, poultry, im- plements furniture etc. Come early. Bring something to sell “You bring it â€" we‘ll sell it." Sale at 1 p.111. Sellers & Atkinson auc- tioneers. c2w8 6?3"l (collect). THURS, AUG. 27 â€" Auction Sale Guernsey Cattle, Farmall waith loader, ma e spreader ,milking machine i plements, etc., at lot 5, Con. 9 Whitchurch, 1 mile north of Townline. The property of J. Percy Brown. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale 1 p.m. Sellers 8.: Atkinson, auctioneers and sales managers. c1w8 DEAD & CRIPPLIQD farm ani- mals. for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or, Toronto LY. SMALL BROWN PURSE contain- ing money in Richmond Hill. Phone Don Brillinger, TUrner 4-1512. TERRIER, small black and tan, answers to name of “Gyp”, last seen on John St., Thornhill, Aug- ust 13. If found phone AV. 5-2269. c1w8 HEAVY DEMAND Acreage â€" building lots â€" indus- trial Thornhill-Richmond Hill, Aurora area. Contact Jack Seaton. Thos. Oakley Real Estate Broker. 45 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1951. , c1w8 WATCH Simmons lady’s wrist watch, on Markham Road, Rich- mond Hill. Reward. TUrner 4-1071. *1w8 TRANSPORTATION available, at 710 am. from Stop 15A, arriving Massey-Harris 8 a.m., leaving at 4.30 pm. AVenue 5-1713. c1w8 TRANSPORTATION available at 7.10 a.m. from Stop 15A to King and University, arrisving 7.40 ‘a.m., returning 4.30 pm. AVenue 5- 1713. clw8 children, require furnished bunga- low from September 1, Thornhill- Richmond Hill area, reasonable rent. phone AV. 5-2461 or after 6 OLiver 3920. c1w8 TRANSPORTATION MEN! Here's your opportunity to earn better than average income every week of the year selling natâ€" ionally advertised Watkins Prod- ucts in Rural Districts. Neither experience nor investment necess- ary. Training supplied. For details without obligation write Dept. L, J. R. Watkins Co.,' 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. c4w6 CAREFUL ENGLISH COUPLE, no MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted as housekeeper in Richmond Hill, for September 8, by teacher with two school age children. One capable of taking full charge, sleep out preferably. Write Box 29 The Liberal, or apply at 101 Baker Ave., after August 20. c4w6 SALE REGISTERS FULLER BRUSH Dealership open. Due to tremendous increase in business we need 7 full time men. averaging $100 per week, and 5 part time men averaging $55 per week. Write Mr. Jerry Black, Cookstown, Ont. c1w8 MALE, experienced service sta- tion attendant required. Apply N. McDermott, Baker Sales and Ser- vice. Richvale. c1w8 MECHANIC or young man to work in service station and garage. Townsend Motors, Langstaff, No. 7 highway, Langstafi‘. c1w8 BUILD UP YOUR LAWN WOMAN to baby sit and do light housework, 2 hours Monday to Thursday afternoons, 2.30 to 4.30. Apply Box 36 The Liberal. c1w8 Lawn Seed White Clover Chemical Fertilizer of every kind Agricultural Lime Bone Meal For Mulching: Peat Moss or Baled Straw HELP WANTED Late Summér & Fall . REAL ESTATE . WANTED WANTED LOST Head Ofiices, Thomhill Members Toronto Real Estate Board ' Due to our tremendous vol- ume, we require immediately homes in Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Richvale, Elgin Mills, Langstafl“, Highland Park, Concord and Maple. For prompt, efficient, confidential service call AV. 5-1176 or BA. 1-1121. David McLean Ltd. Very Valuable Yonge St. Frontage North of Richmond Hill Frontage 85 ft.' ' depth arranged Only $48.00 a foot Terms if desired Robert and Gretta Middleton are holidaying at Newmarket with their cousins. We are pleased to report Mrs. John A. Baker is progressing fa- vourably in Western Hospital and expects to get home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams, George and Margaret and Mrs. Hayter are spending a week at a cottage at Port Hope. Mr. A. Harrison of Toronto visit- ed on Sunday at the Bert Middle- tons. ‘ Mrs. Howard Nicholls of Mill Road is also progressing favour- ably and able to sit up a little each day. 45 YUNEE 5T. NURTH RIIHMDNB Mr .and Mrs. Lewis Morris and Lynn and Beverley spent a few days up in the Haliburton High- lands and Algonquin Park, Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wynn spent Sunday with Mrs. Vic Holmstead at Bonsecpur Beach, Lake Simcoe, â€"Hl|.lâ€" HOUSES WANTED The Bazaar committee of the Jefferson School Community Club extends a cordial invitation to all the ladies in this community to attend their next~meeting, Wed- nesday, August 26, at 8 p.m. Mrs. G. Freethy, matron at the Orange Home is to be our hostess on this occasion and looks forward to seeing a good many of her “neighbours” at next week’s get- together.’ Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taggart, Regent St., Elgin, Mills, who will celebrate their 33rd wed- ding anniversary next Tuesday, August 25. Bjrthday Greetings “Many happy returns" to David Ratchford who will be five years old next Wednesday, August 26. J.S.C.C. News Mr .and Mrs. Stan Troyer and their little daughters Deirdre and Marnie spent a very pleasant week at Port Carling. Mr .and Mrs. George Haviland and family are home again after a week’s holiday at Chatham. Wedding Anniversary Mrs. E. Ensor’s mother, Mrs. A. Allison, is showing a wonderful improvement in health after the stroke she suffered July 31. The greatest need now is to be able to get her out into the sunshine and the Ensor’s need an invalid chair as Mrs. Allison is still unable to help herself'in any way. ' Home From Holidays Members will answer the roll call with a verse of scripture con- taining the word Faith. The ladies will fill the hospital bags they have made and which will later be sent to one of the Canadian MissiOn Hospitals. Convalescing St. John’s W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. G. B. Beatty next Wednesday. August 26. at 2.30 p.m. W. A. Meeting We are Toronto’s Largest North Suburban Realtors ’FOR‘ SALE Com: Mrs. 30ft. Middleton Telephone Maple 1301-3 ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS Tll‘4-l55l (ARRVILLE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B, G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone TUmer 4-2334 YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER 1N RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1116-7 EM. 6-3166 R.D.L|TTI.E & SON Ltd. $595.00 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN $950.00 1943 CHEVROLET COACH $1795.00 1952 CHEVROLET DeLUXE COACH Excellent condition through- out W0 1952 FORD CUSTOM COACH Many more to choose from. DODGE DeSOTO DEALER 61 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 1946 DODGE 2 TON TRUCK 1948 FORD TRACTOR 1940 CHRYSLER SEDAN Good running car $1295.00 1952 AUSTIN A40 SEDAN 1950 DODGE SUBURBAN 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1940 CHEVROLET 5 PASS. COUPE Bruce Pridham is now manager at his brother Harry Pridham's I. G.A. Store. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pridham have just recently bought a home in Richmond Hill. coming to this district from Toronto. 3/4 mile north of Richmond Hill On No. 11 Highway The committee is still atcepting inexpensive articles for the child- ren‘s fish-pond, as well as “white elephant" contributions. St. John’s Anglican Church The regulaf monthly service of Holy Communion will be held this Sunday, August 23, at 11.15 am. New Neighbours THIS WEEK‘S SPECIAL $2295.00 1951 MON ARCH CONVERTIBLE Automatic Transmission Whitewall Tires Custom Radio, etc. Excellent condition Wm. Neal $1250.00 1950 METEOR CUSTOM COACH 21,000 original miles Used Cars , FRESH VEGETABLES Radio & air conditioning $695.00 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN Hugh Topper Low mileage, New car condition TOMATOES SQUASH CORN POTATOES APPLES (eating - cooking) Reasonable Prices Custom radio & heater Motor fully recondition- ed with platform 30,000 ‘original miles Excellent condition in- side and out as is fimmmmumlmmmuummmumImu“\u\mmnmnummmmmnmumuun|ImunmmnnnnmmmummmmuuuIul1uuuuuummmmfl PLOUGHS : 1 Massey-Harris, No. 28 2-furrow Plough, 10” bottoms 1 No. 26 2-furrow Plough, 10” bottom 1 Massey-Harris No. 26 3-furrow Plough, 10” bottoms 1 IHC 3-furrow Plough, ace bottoms 1 Fleury 2-fu1'1'ow Plough, 10” bottoms DRILLS : " ' 1 Cockshutt Fertilizer Drill, 13 disc, tractor hitch SPREADERS : Your Low] Masseyâ€"Harris Dealer 29 YUNGE ST. 8., Richmond Hih, Tu. 4-1722 BINDERS : 2 Massey-Harris 7 ft. Binders, with trucks and carrier 1 IHC 8 ft. Power Take-off Binder 1 IHC 7 Ft. Trucks and carrier THRESHERS : TRACTORS : COMBINES : I 1 Clipper Combine, engme drive FOR SALE Used Machinéry Frames King Sideroad TURNER 4-1651 A. J. BARRACLOUGH SIMPSON’S DRY GONE Wool Plaid, 54” wide authen- tic tartans, assortment of patterns Miniature Rayon Plaids, 36” wide, authentic tartans for children’s dresses, etc., as- sortment of patterns Plain Gabardine, 54” wide, wine & blue, for jumpesr, skirts, suits, etc. Fine Pinwale Corduroy, fast color, guaranteed washable, wine, brown, grey, turquoise Ladies 100% English Botany Wool Cardigan Sweaters, blue, red, pink, green, wine, turquoise, black 1 Massey-Harris Manure Spreader, on stéel wheels 1 IHC Manure Spreader on steel heels 1 Cobey Spreader, 150 bus. with figh sides 8mm 1 Mount Forest Favourite Thresher 1 Waterloo Thresher 1 Case Thresher 1 44 Massey-Harris Standard Tractor, like new 1 44 Massey-Harris Standard Tractor 1 IHC Tractor, Model M ~ H. W. MORTSON Store Fixtures All reconditioned and ready for the field. Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES Sash General Woodworking .S King GSRZZ RICHMOND H ILL ' $2.49 KING 65R22 $2.98 $1.49 $1.98 $1.98 YARD YARD YARD YARD EACH

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